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Maternal separation of rat pups for 15 min each day over the first one to two postnatal weeks (MS15) has been shown to increase the active maternal care received by pups and to decrease their later neuroendocrine and behavioral stress reactivity compared to non-separated (NS) controls. Stress responses prominently feature altered gastric secretion and motility, and we previously reported that the developmental assembly of forebrain circuits underlying gastric autonomic control, including gastric responses to stress, is delayed by MS15 in neonatal rats [Card JP, Levitt P, Gluhovsky M, Rinaman L (2005) J Neurosci 25(40):9102–9111]. To determine how this early delay affects the later organization of central gastric autonomic circuits, the present study examined the effects of neonatal MS15 on central pre-gastric circuits assessed in post-weaning, juvenile rats. For this purpose, the retrograde transynaptic viral tracer, pseudorabies virus (PRV), was microinjected into the stomach wall of 28–30 day old male rats with an earlier developmental history of either MS15 or NS. Rats were perfused 72 h later and tissue was processed to reveal PRV-positive cells. Transynaptic PRV immunolabeling was quantified in selected preautonomic brainstem and forebrain regions, including the area postrema, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, central nucleus of the amygdala, paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVN), and visceral cortices. Compared to NS controls, MS15 rats displayed a significantly greater amount of PRV labeling within the PVN, including both the dorsal cap and ventral subnuclei. There were no postnatal group differences in the amount of PRV labeling within any other brain region examined in this study. This effect of MS15 to enhance hypothalamic preautonomic circuit structure indicates a strengthening of this pathway and may provide insight into how early life experience produces differential effects on later stress reactivity, including gastric secretory and motor responses to stress.  相似文献   

The present study examined whether manipulation of the early life experience of rat pups might alter the later ability of an interoceptive challenge to recruit central neural circuits that receive visceral sensory signals and generate stress responses. For this purpose, litters were exposed to daily maternal separation for either 15 min (MS-15) or 180 min (MS-180) from postnatal days (P)1 to P10. Pups in control litters were raised under standard conditions (i.e., no separations). Similar to previous reports in adult rats, adolescent rats (P35-45) with a developmental history of MS-15 displayed less anxiety-like behavior on the elevated plus maze compared to control and MS-180 rats. As young adults (P50-60), rats were anesthetized and perfused with fixative 90 min after viscerosensory stimulation via lithium chloride (LiCl, 0.15 M, 1% BW, i.p.) or saline control. In all three rearing groups, Fos activation within brainstem and forebrain regions of interest was significantly enhanced after LiCl vs. saline. MS-15 rats tended to display fewer LiCl-activated neurons in most brain regions compared with rats in the other two rearing groups. This trend reached significance within the dorsal bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. The ability of MS-15 to alter limbic forebrain activation in rats after an interoceptive challenge may contribute to the effect of early life experience to modulate physiological and behavioral stress responses more generally.  相似文献   

In contrast to the large body of work on young infants' capacity to perceive temporarilly based intersensory relations, little research has been done on the role of spatial contiguity in the development of audio-visual integration. This study examined the effects of early postnatal sensory experience on an avian neonate's responsiveness to the spatial contiguity between maternal auditory and visual cues. Specifically, we assessed whether a bobwhite quail chick's ability to respond to the correspondence between the location of auditory and visual events is affected by its sensory-stimulation history. Results revealed that chicks denied species-typical auditory or visual experience in the period immediately following hatching showed altered patterns of responsiveness to maternal auditory and visual cues. In particular, chicks that received modified postnatal sensory experience demonstrated a higher tolerance for audio-visual spatial discrepancy than did control chicks. These results provide evidence of the important role of sensory experience in the emergence of intersensory integration during the perinatal period and highlight the role of spatial information in early perceptual responsiveness to maternal cues. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The fact that the sensory systems do not become functional at the same time during early development raises the question of how sensory systems and their respective stimulative histories might influence one another. Previous studies have shown that unusually early visual experience can alter subsequent responsiveness of both the visual system and the earlier developing olfactory and auditory systems. The question remains as to the extent which modified stimulation to an earlier developing system can also result in changes in responsiveness in later developing sensory systems. This study examined the effects of augmented prenatal tactile and vestibular stimulation on bobwhite quail chicks' postnatal visual and auditory responsiveness to maternal cues. Results indicate that augmented prenatal tactile and vestibular stimulation can alter postnatal perceptual responsivensss in the later developing auditory and visual sensory systems. Chicks exposed to augmented prenatal proximal stimulation continued to respond to maternal auditory cues into later stages of postnatal development and failed to demonstrate responsiveness to maternal visual cues in the days following hatching. However, augmented tactile and vestibular stimulation did not appear to affect prenatal auditory learning of an individual maternal call. These findings indicate a strong but selective pattern of influence between the sensory modalities during the prenatal period and support the view that substantially increased amounts of prenatal sensory stimulation can interfere with the emergence of species-typical perceptual functioning.  相似文献   

Chronic social stress: effects on limbic brain structures   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Different types of stressors are known to activate distinct neuronal circuits in the brain. Acute physiological stimuli that are life threatening and require immediate reactions lead to a rapid stimulation of brainstem and hypothalamus to activate efferent visceral pathways. In contrast, psychological stressors activate higher-order brain structures for further interpretations of the perceived endangerment. Common to the later multimodal stressors is that they need cortical processing and, depending on previous experience or ongoing activation, the information is assembled within limbic circuits connecting, e.g., the hippocampus, amygdala and prefrontal cortex to induce neuroendocrine and behavioral responses. In view of the fact that stressful life events often contribute to the etiology of psychopathologies such as depressive episodes, several animal models have been developed to study central nervous mechanisms that are induced by stress. The present review summarizes observations made in the tree shrew chronic psychosocial stress paradigm with particular focus on neurotransmitter systems and structural changes in limbic brain regions.  相似文献   

Early life experience can have prolonged effects on neuroendocrine, autonomic, and behavioral responses to stress. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of early life experience on behavior during social defeat, as well as on associated functional cellular responses in serotonergic and non-serotonergic neurons within the dorsal raphe nucleus, a structure which plays an important role in modulation of stress-related physiology and behavior. Male Long Evans rat pups were exposed to either normal animal facility rearing or 15 min or 180 min of maternal separation from postnatal days 2-14. As adults, these rats were exposed to a social defeat protocol. Differences in behavior were seen among the early life treatment groups during social defeat; rats exposed to 180 min of maternal separation from postnatal days 2-14 displayed more passive-submissive behaviors and less proactive coping behaviors. Analysis of the distribution of tryptophan hydroxylase and c-Fos-like immunoreactivity in control rats exposed to a novel cage and rats exposed to social defeat revealed that, independent of the early life experience, rats exposed to social defeat showed an increase in the number of c-Fos-like immunoreactive nuclei in serotonergic neurons in the middle and caudal parts of the dorsal dorsal raphe nucleus and caudal part of the ventral dorsal raphe nucleus, regions known to contain serotonergic neurons projecting to central autonomic and emotional motor control systems. This is the first study to show that the dorsomedial part of the mid-rostrocaudal dorsal raphe nucleus is engaged by a naturalistic stressor and supports the hypothesis that early life experience alters behavioral coping strategies during social conflict; furthermore, this study is consistent with the hypothesis that topographically organized subpopulations of serotonergic neurons principally within the mid-rostrocaudal and caudal part of the dorsal dorsal raphe nucleus modulate stress-related physiological and behavioral responses.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence supports the view that the interaction of perinatal exposure to adversity with individual genetic liabilities may increase an individual's vulnerability to the expression of psycho- and physiopathology throughout life. The early environment appears to program some aspects of neurobiological development and, in turn, behavioral, emotional, cognitive, and physiological development. Several rodent and primate models of early adverse experience have been analyzed in this review, including those that "model" maternal separation or loss, abuse or neglect, and social deprivation. Accumulating evidence shows that these early traumatic experiences are associated with long-term alterations in coping style, emotional and behavioral regulation. neuroendocrine responsiveness to stress, social "fitness,' cognitive function, brain morphology, neurochemistry, and expression levels of central nervous system genes that have been related to anxiety and mood disorders. Studies are underway to identify important aspects of adverse early experience, such as (a) the existence of "sensitive periods" during development associated with alterations in particular output systems. (b) the presence of "windows of opportunity" during which targeted interventions (e.g., nurturant parenting or supportive-enriching environment) may prevent or reverse dysfunction, (c) the identity of gene polymorphisms contributing to the individual's variability in vulnerability, and (d) a means to translate the timing of these developmental "sensitive periods" across species.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to clarify how neural mechanisms at the molecular level, specifically the serotonergic (5-HT) system and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis system (HPA) in conjunction with early life stress may contribute to the emergence of aggression, self-directed and otherwise, in borderline personality disorder (BPD). Chronic dysregulation of these biological systems, which function to regulate stress and emotion, may potentiate the development of impulsive aggression in borderline personality conditions. Our central premise in this paper is that brain development, stress regulation, and early pathonomic experience are interactive and cumulative in their mutual influence on the development of impulsive aggression in BPD. We review the parameters of impulsive aggression in BPD, followed by a discussion of the neurobiological and neuroendocrine correlates of impulsive aggression with and without BPD. We then focus on the developmental continuities in BPD with attention to brain maturation of 5-HT and HPA axis function during the life span and the influence of early adverse experiences on these systems. Finally, we comment on the data of the relative stability of aggression in BPD, adolescence as a developmental stage of potential vulnerability, and the course of aggressive behavior during the life span.  相似文献   

The effects that a manipulation of sensory experience may have on perceptual development are likely to depend on a number of factors, including the amount and the type of stimulation provided. To examine the relative influence of these stimulation factors on early perceptual organization, this study exposed bobwhite quail hatchlings to augmented amounts of bobwhite chick distress calls, bobwhite chick contentment calls, domestic chicken distress calls, or no additional auditory stimulation during the first 72 hr following hatching. Results showed that bobwhite hatchlings exposed to bobwhite chick distress calls do not exhibit species-typical visual responsiveness to maternal cues. In contrast, bobwhite hatchlings exposed to bobwhite chick contentment calls, domestic chicken hatchling distress calls, or no agumented auditory stimulation exhibited species-typical auditory and visual responsiveness to maternal cues. These results demonstrate intermodal effects of postnatal sensory stimulation and suggest that specific types of postnatal auditory stimulation, rather than simply increased amount of stimulation, are necessary to interfere with species-typical intersensory functioning.© 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Recent evidence from both altricial and precocial neonates suggests that premature stimulation of a later developing sensory system may alter the functioning of earlier developing sensory systems. The present study examined the influence of prenatal visual stimulation on postnatal auditory functioning in precocial bobwhite quail chicks. Hatchlings that experienced patterned light during the 24-36 hr prior to hatching did not exhibit a naive auditory preference for their species-specific maternal call at 24 hr or 48 hr following hatching, a reliable phenomenon in chicks not receiving embryonic visual stimulation. To examine whether this lack of responsiveness resulted from enhanced intersensory functioning, hatchlings were tested for preference for both auditory and visual features of the bobwhite hen. Results indicate that prematurely stimulated chicks require species-typical auditory and visual stimulation earlier in postnatal development than do normally reared chicks to direct their filial behavior. These findings point to the importance of normally occurring developmental limitation of sensory input to early species-typical sensory/perceptual organization.  相似文献   

The mechanisms through which early life stress leads to psychopathology are thought to involve allostatic load, the "wear and tear" an organism is subjected to as a consequence of sustained elevated levels of glucocorticoids caused by repeated/prolonged stress activations. The allostatic load model described this phenomenon, but has been criticized as inadequate to explain alterations associated with early adverse experience in some systems, including behavior, which cannot be entirely explained from an energy balance perspective. The reactive scope model has been more recently proposed and focuses less on energy balance and more on dynamic ranges of physiological and behavioral mediators. In this review we examine the mechanisms underlying the behavioral consequences of early life stress in the context of both these models. We focus on adverse experiences that involve mother-infant relationship disruption, and dissect those mechanisms involving maternal care as a regulator of development of neural circuits that control emotional and social behaviors in the offspring. We also discuss the evolutionary purpose of the plasticity in behavioral development, which has a clear adaptive value in a changing environment.  相似文献   

Adverse early life experiences can induce neurochemical changes that may underlie modifications in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis responsiveness, emotionality and cognition. Here, we investigated the expression of the calcium binding proteins (CBPs) calretinin, calbindin and parvalbumin, which identify subpopulations of GABAergic neurons and serve important functional roles by buffering intracellular calcium levels, following brief (early handling) and long (maternal deprivation) periods of maternal separation, as compared with non-handled controls. CBP-expressing neurons were analyzed in brain regions related to stress and anxiety. Emotionality was assessed in parallel using the social interaction test. Analyses were carried out at periadolescence, an important phase for the development of brain areas involved in stress responses. Our results indicate that density of CBP-immunoreactive neurons decreases in the paraventricular region of deprived rats but increases in the hippocampus and lateral amygdala of both early-handled and deprived rats when compared with controls. Emotionality is reduced in both early-handled and deprived animals. In conclusion, early handling and deprivation led to neurochemical and behavioral changes linked to stress-sensitive brain regions. These data suggest that the effects of early experiences on CBP containing neurons might contribute to the functional changes of neuronal circuits involved in emotional response.  相似文献   

Neuronal circuits are shaped by experience during 'critical periods' of early postnatal life. The ability to control the timing, duration, and closure of these heightened levels of brain plasticity has recently become experimentally possible. Two seemingly opposed views of critical period mechanism have emerged: (1) plasticity may be functionally accessed throughout life by appropriately modified stimulation protocols, or (2) plasticity is rigidly limited to early postnatal life by structural modifications. This overview synthesizes both perspectives across a variety of brain regions and species. A deeper understanding of critical periods will form the basis for novel international efforts to "nurture the brain".  相似文献   

Sensation seeking and early life stress are both risk factors for developing substance use disorders. Neural adaptations resulting from early life stress may mediate individual differences in novelty responsiveness, and, in turn, contribute to drug abuse vulnerability. Animal models also demonstrate associations between novelty responsiveness or early life stress and increased sensitivity to psychostimulants. We investigated whether repeated maternal separation affects responses to novelty during adolescence and to amphetamine during adulthood, and whether maternal separation alters the relationship between these behavioral variables. Rat pups underwent separation (180 min/day) or control procedures (15 min/day) on postnatal days (PND) 2-8. Novel object exploration and amphetamine response were tested at PND 38 and 60, respectively. Adolescent males were less active in a novel environment and approached novel objects more frequently than females, but adult females showed greater amphetamine-induced locomotion. Maternal separation did not affect novelty responsiveness or amphetamine sensitivity. Locomotor activity in an inescapable, novel environment during adolescence predicted amphetamine-induced locomotor activity during adulthood in maternally separated rats, but not in controls. The results of this study suggest that adolescent responses to novelty may be particularly predictive of future substance abuse among survivors of early life trauma. Furthermore, sex differences in novelty and amphetamine responsiveness may complicate the relationship between these behavioral variables.  相似文献   

Prenatal stress and neonatal rat brain development   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Chronic or repeated stress during human fetal brain development has been associated with various learning, behavioral, and/or mood disorders, including depression in later life. The mechanisms accounting for these effects of prenatal stress are not fully understood. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of prenatal stress on early postnatal brain development, a disturbance of which may contribute to this increased vulnerability to psychopathology. We studied the effects of prenatal stress on fetal growth, stress-induced corticosterone secretion, brain cell proliferation, caspase-3-like activity and brain-derived neurotrophic factor protein content in newborn Fischer 344 rats. In addition to a slight reduction in birth weight, prenatal stress was associated with elevated corticosterone levels (33.8%) after 1 h of maternal deprivation on postnatal day 1, whereas by postnatal day 8 this pattern was reversed (-46.5%). Further, prenatal stress resulted in an approximately 50% decrease in brain cell proliferation just after birth in both genders with a concomitant increase in caspase-3-like activity within the hippocampus at postnatal day 1 (36.1%) and at postnatal day 5 (females only; 20.1%). Finally, brain-derived neurotrophic factor protein content was reduced in both the olfactory bulbs (-24.6%) and hippocampus (-28.2%) of prenatally stressed male offspring at postnatal days 1 and 5, respectively. These detrimental central changes observed may partly explain the increased susceptibility of prenatally stressed subjects to mood disorders including depression in later life.  相似文献   

Many precocial birds show a robust preference for the maternal call of their own species before and after hatching. This differential responsiveness to species-specific auditory stimuli by embryos and neonates has been the subject of study for more than four decades, but much remains unknown about the dynamics of this ability. Gottlieb [Gottlieb [1971]. Development of species identification in birds: An enquiry into the prenatal determinants of perception. Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press.] demonstrated that prenatal exposure to embryonic vocalizations serves to canalize the formation of species-specific preferences in ducklings. Apart from this, little is known about the features of the developmental system that serve to canalize such species-typical preferences, on the one hand, and generate novel behavioral phenotypes, on the other. In the current study, we show that briefly exposing bobwhite quail embryos to a heterospecific Japanese quail (JQ) maternal call significantly enhanced their acquisition of a preference for that call when chicks were provided with subsequent postnatal exposure to the same call. This was true whether postnatal exposure involved playback of the maternal call contingent upon chick contact vocalizations or yoked, non-contingent exposure to the call. Chicks that received both passive prenatal and contingent postnatal exposure to the JQ maternal call redirected their species-typical auditory preference, showing a significant preference for JQ call over the call of their own species. In contrast, chicks receiving only prenatal or only postnatal exposure to the JQ call did not show this redirection of their auditory preference. Our results indicate that prenatal sensory stimulation can significantly bias postnatal responsiveness to social stimuli, thereby altering the course of early learning and memory.  相似文献   

From a transactional developmental perspective, the authors review findings from studies of animals and humans regarding a proposed relation between stress system abnormalities and major depression. The stress system has evolved to promote successful adaptation across the life span, but disruptions in its functioning may increase the risk of pathological outcomes. Emphasis is placed on the role of prenatal and early postnatal experience in contributing to individual differences in postnatal stress reactivity, which may interact with cognitive and psychosocial vulnerabilities to increase susceptibility to later onset of depression. Findings regarding cognitive, psychosocial, and medical sequelae of depression are also reviewed, with a focus on the possible mediating role of the stress system. The authors highlight the importance of multidisciplinary, longitudinal studies in attempting to gain a deeper understanding of the complex developmental processes involved in the onset and course of depression.  相似文献   

Chronic variable prenatal stress or maternal high-fat diet results in offspring that are significantly heavier by the end of the first postnatal week with increased adiposity by weaning. It is unclear, however, what role maternal care and diet play in the ontogenesis of this phenotype and what contributions come from differences already established in the rat pups. In the present studies, we examined maternal behavior and milk composition as well as offspring ingestive behavior. Our aim was to better understand the development of the obese phenotype in offspring from dams subjected to prenatal stress and/or fed a high-fat (HF) diet during gestation and lactation. We found that dams maintained on a HF diet through gestation and lactation spent significantly more time nursing their pups during the first postnatal week. In addition, offspring of prenatal stress dams consumed more milk at postnatal day (PND) 3 and offspring of HF dams consume more milk on PND 7 in an independent ingestion test. Milk from HF dams showed a significant increase in fat content from PND 10-21. Together these results suggest that gestational dietary or stress manipulations can alter the rat offspring's developmental environment, evidence of which is apparent by PND 3. Alterations in maternal care, milk composition, and pup consumption during the early postnatal period may contribute to long-term changes in body weight and adiposity induced by maternal prenatal stress or high-fat diet.  相似文献   

Dysbiosis of the gut microbiome in preterm infants predisposes the neonate to various major morbidities including neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis and sepsis in the neonatal intensive care unit, and adverse neurological outcomes later in life. There are parallel early developmental windows for the gut microbiota and the nervous system during prenatal to postnatal of life. Therefore, preterm infants represent a unique population in which optimization of initial colonization and microbiota development can affect brain development and enhance neurological outcomes. In this review, we will first discuss the factors affecting the assembly of neonatal gut microbiota and the contribution of dysbiosis in preterm infants to neuroinflammation and neurodevelopmental disorders. We then will discuss the emerging pathways connecting the gut microbiome and brain development. Further we will discuss the significance of current models for alteration of the gut microbiome (including humanized gnotobiotic models and exposure to antibiotics) to brain development and functions. Understanding the role of early optimization of the microbiome in brain development is of paramount importance for developing microbiome-targeted therapies and protecting infants from prematurity-related neurodevelopmental diseases.  相似文献   

The time around birth is accompanied by behavioural and physiological adaptations of the maternal brain, which ensure reproductive functions, maternal care and the survival of the offspring. In addition, profound neuroendocrine and neurobiological adaptations have been described with respect to behavioural and neuroendocrine stress responsiveness in rodents and human mothers. Thus, the hormonal response of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the response of the sympathetic nervous system to emotional and physical stressors are severely attenuated. Moreover, anxiety-related behaviour and emotional responsiveness to stressful stimuli are reduced with the result of general calmness. These complex adaptations of the maternal brain are likely to be a consequence of an increased activity of brain systems with inhibitory effects on the HPA axis (such as the oxytocin and prolactin systems) and of a reduced activity of excitatory pathways (noradrenaline (norepinephrine), corticotrophin-releasing factor and opioids). Experimental manipulation of these systems using complementary approaches indeed demonstrates their importance in these maternal brain adaptations. Maternal stress adaptations are not only important for the healthy prenatal development of the offspring by preventing excessive glucocorticoid responses and in the promotion of postnatal maternal behaviour, but are also vital for the well-being of the mother and her mental health.  相似文献   

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