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巩固扩大登陆场是登岛作战进攻战斗与防御战斗转折的重要阶段,关系到整个渡海登岛作战战斗胜利。因此,做好巩固扩大登陆场的卫勤保障十分重要,笔者基于多次参加渡海登岛作战军事演习实践,就如何做好此阶段的卫勤保障作如下探讨:  相似文献   

方华 《东南国防医药》2004,6(1):64-64,66
近岸岛屿封锁作战是炮兵部队火力支援战斗的主要战法。因受战场环境等诸多因素影响,其卫勤保障难度大、要求高,部队卫勤保障将面临严峻的挑战。笔者结合参加炮兵部队战备演练体会,就近岸岛屿封锁作战有关卫勤保障问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

登岛战役是多军 (兵 )种联合实施的进攻型战役。按作战进程将登岛战役划分为战前准备、远程机动、隐蔽集结、装载上船、航渡、突击上陆、岛上作战等几个阶段。由于各阶段任务不同 ,卫生防疫保障的重点也各有侧重 ,加上防疫保障准备时间短 ,内容复杂。因此 ,探索登岛战役各阶段的防疫防护保障措施 ,有针对性地做好保障工作 ,对于顺利完成登岛战役任务 ,具有重要意义。本文就登岛战役各阶段的防疫防护保障措施要点探讨如下。1 战前准备阶段这一阶段的基本任务是完成作战各项准备工作。由于准备时间紧 ,防疫准备工作头绪多 ,任务重 ,加上在组…  相似文献   

笔者作为应急保障旅卫生营医疗队的领队,参加了某登岛进攻战役军事演习的卫勤保障工作。现结合实地卫勤保障的实践,围绕加强登岛进攻战役演习中卫勤保障工作的基本特点、难点及如何搞好未来作战卫勤保障,浅谈几点粗浅的体会。  相似文献   

登岛战役岛上大批伤病员海上后送是对登岛战役岛上作战时节伤病员进行海上后送和救护的保障活动,足整个登岛战役卫勤保障的重要组成部分。现代登岛战役岛上作战时节我军跨海后送卫勤保障的任务相当重,由于我军空运力量有限,短期内不可能成为登岛战役岛上伤病员后送的主要力量。海运后送仍是我军未米髓岛战役岛上大批伤病员医疗后送的主体。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国沿海岛屿由于优惠的经济政策和便捷的交通条件,已逐步成为经济建设发展特区,发挥着越来越大的作用。同时,由于沿海岛屿优良深水码头是未来渡海登岛作战中潜在的军事基地、海军码头,其特殊的政治、经济、地理环境,长期以来一直是敌炮击、空袭、破坏的首选目标。为此,积极研究岛屿城市防卫作战卫勤保障,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

一梯队加强步兵团渡海登陆作战是我军未来渡海登岛作战的一个主要环节,对整个作战进程和发展起着决定性作用,是战役战术兵团取得胜利的一个重要支撑点。因此,研究其特点,把握其规律,寻求其对策,具有十分现实而重要的意义。下面笔者就其登岛作战如何进行卫勤保障谈一点粗浅想法。  相似文献   

未来对近岸岛屿的封夺作战中,地面炮兵在相当长的一段时间内仍是火力拳头。近年笔者有幸多次参加了炮兵群对近岸岛屿封夺作战演习,负责参演炮兵群卫勤保障,现将相关问题初探如下:  相似文献   

抢滩是登岛作战最重要的阶段。敌我双方争夺激烈,伤员发生多,战斗减员率高。分析既往登岛作战的战例,预计我军未来登岛作战战斗减员率,第一梯队师可达25%~30%,团可达30%~35%,营可达40%左右。其中40%~50%的伤员多集中在抢滩上陆阶段。此时,卫勤分队还没有上陆或正在上陆过程中,对伤员的救治、后送艰难而复杂。因此,各级卫勤部门,尤其是师以下卫勤分队必须克服困难,打破常规,采取“靠前配置,逐级延伸,合理编组,伴随保障”的方法,积极主动地救护和后送伤员。  相似文献   

信息化条件下渡海登岛作战情况复杂,与一般条件下的地面战争比较,在空间、时间和物质形态方面都发生了重大变化。深入研究信息化条件下渡海登岛作战卫勤保障的特点,对于赢得渡海登岛作战的卫勤保障主动权,具有十分重要的意义。本文对信息化条件下的渡海登岛作战必须把握的几问题进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

The prevention of histamine-induced gastric and duodenal ulceration in the guinea-pig has been examined using a series of undegraded and degraded carrageenans. Undegraded carrageenans were active at lower doses than degraded carrageenans. The high viscosity of the undegraded carrageenans in solution prevented their use in larger doses. Degradation of carrageenan without serious loss of sulphate, gives a product which allows the dose to be increased to an extent that its effect more than offsets the slight loss in activity caused by the degradation. No single feature of carrageenan structure can be related to anti-ulcer activity although degradation, and hence reduction of molecular size, generally reduces activity. Sulphate contents over 30% have little apparent effect on activity; κ-carrageenans were not consistently different in anti-ulcer activity from Λ-carrageenans. This contrasts with the antipeptic activity of carrageenans where κ-carrageenans are less active than their Λ-counter-parts. As with antipeptic activity, the degree of anti-ulcer activity is probably determined by a combination of structural features which includes molecular size and polyanionic properties.  相似文献   

Larks and owls and health, wealth, and wisdom   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Depression and anxiety frequently coexist in patients with substance use disorders. This clinically-oriented article examiens the relationship between these conditions and emphasizes data showing that substances of abuse can cause signs and symptoms of both depression and anxiety. These substance-related syndromes appear to have a different course and prognosis than uncomplicated, independent anxiety and major depressive disorders, and clinicians should consider the role of alcohol and other drugs in all patients presenting with these complaints. The authors will also outline an approach for diagnosing and managing patients with the combination of a substance use and depressive or anxiety disorder.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

The American Chemical Society Symposium "Glucosidase and fucosidase inhibitors" took place on 1 April 1998 and was organized by Professors Zbigniew J Witczak (UConn, School of Pharmacy, CT, USA), Kuniaki Tatsuta (Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan) and Waldemar Priebe, MD (Anderson Cancer Center, University of Texas, USA). Professor Witczak provided introductory remarks including the status of existing glucosidase inhibitors, and chaired the morning session, which consisted of six lectures. The symposium was well received, and was particularly attractive for those interested in networking, as attendance was about sixty. In addition, some participants and attendees presented posters on the subject during the regular poster session organized by the Division of Carbohydrate Chemistry.  相似文献   

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