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Antibody capture radioimmunoassays were developed for detecting virus specific IgM (MAC-RIA) and IgG (GACRIA) to measles, mumps, and rubella and used to investigate saliva as an alternative specimen to serum for diagnosis. Saliva was collected from 63 patients with measles, 19 with mumps, and 150 with rubella, which were all clinically diagnosed and serologically confirmed. Virus specific IgM was detected in 92% of measles, 75% of mumps, and 100% of rubella saliva samples collected during the first week of illness. Between 1 and 5 weeks after onset virus specific IgM was detected in 100% of saliva specimens. After the 5th week the proportion of reactive specimens declined. The specificity of the MACRIA tests was established by testing saliva samples collected from blood donors for measles (88), mumps (88), and rubella IgM (91). All of the saliva specimens tested for measles and rubella specific IgM were unreactive, 1/88 specimens tested for mumps specific IgM contained significant reactivity. Saliva specimens collected from acute cases of MMR were tested in all 3 MACRIAs. A small proportion of saliva samples contained detectable IgM of more than one virus infection. Rubella and measles specific IgG was detected in the saliva of all cases from the 4th or 5th day of illness, respectively. Detection of mumps specific IgG was less successful. We have demonstrated that virus specific IgM can be reliably detected in saliva samples collected from acute cases of measles, mumps, and rubella and identified 1–5 weeks after onset of illness as the optimum time for collection of samples. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Four commercial EIA methods for measuring rubella-specific IgM (three indirect tests and one anti-mu capture test) were evaluated, using sucrose gradient centrifugation and hemagglutination inhibition as the reference method. Evaluation was conducted with the aid of four serum panels, including 53 primary rubella cases, 30 healthy pregnant women, 21 sera positive for rheumatoid factor(s) (RF) and 35 sera from 29 cases of heterophil-positive infectious mononucleosis with EBV-specific IgM detected by immunofluorescence. All EIA methods were more sensitive than the reference method when applied to very early samples (1-5 days post-exanthema) and no differences in sensitivity were found between them. On the other hand, we observed a significant incidence of false-positive results if an indirect EIA method is applied to RF-positive samples. False positivity is significantly reduced, but not totally eliminated, when samples are preabsorbed with anti-human IgG serum and, in all cases, the absorbance values obtained were low. In contrast, there were no false-positive results using an anti-mu capture method, even in sera from cases of infectious mononucleosis. The basis for choosing between an indirect method and an anti-mu capture method for the diagnosis of congenital and post-natal rubella virus infection is discussed.  相似文献   

Competitive-inhibition enzyme immunoassays for the measurement of human IgG, IgA and IgM are described. These assays can be readily performed with commercial antisera and a recently developed method for purifying human IgA and IgM with high yield. The assays described are specific, with undetectable (<0.5%) cross-reactivity between the immunoglobulin classes in all systems, except with purified IgM, which cross-reacted to 1.9% with the IgG enzyme immunoassay.Minimal detectable concentrations of 2.5±0.8 ng/ml for IgG 4.2±0.9 ng/ml for IgA and 7.2±1.4 ng/ml for IgM were recorded, indicating that these assays are particularly sensitive. There is little within-assay variation (mean coefficient of variation = 3.9%), although the between-assay variation was substantially greater (mean coefficient of variation = 23.5%). These assay systems appear to be particularly suited to the measurement of immunoglobulin production by lymphocytes in culture. In such studies the assay must be specific, sensitive and be capable of discriminating between levels of immunoglobulin produced in response to various experimental treatments.  相似文献   

A new solid phase enzyme immunoassay (EIA) for detection of rubella-specific immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody was developed. The test uses polystyrene microtiter strips coated with rabbit anti-human IgG immunoglobulins as the solid phase and an enzyme-labelled semipurified rubella antigen as indicator. The direct EIA was compared with hemagglutination inhibition (HI), single radial hemolysis (SRH), radioimmunoassay (RIA) and time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay (TR-FIA) using 52 serum specimens from patients with remote rubella infection. The overall agreement of direct EIA with HI was 96.1%, with SRH and RIA 98.1% and with TR-FIA 100%. The linear regression coefficient varied from 0.77 to 0.91, the best being obtained with direct EIA and SRH. The direct EIA was also suitable for diagnosis of acute infections, as a significant increase in antibody levels was detected in all paired specimens tested from patients with acute rubella infection. The sensitivity and were comparable to those of the assays employed. An advantage of the present assay is that the same method and same labelled antigen can be used to test for different classes of antibody using simply a solid phase with capture antibodies of different chain specificity.  相似文献   

Serum specimens from 14 infants with congenital rubella were examined for specific IgM antibody by six different methods. IgM-containing fractions were separated either by sucrose density-gradient centrifugation or by gel filtration through Sephadex G-200, and were then tested by the indirect immunofluorescence technique and by the haemagglutination-inhibition (HI) test (long-and short-incubation methods). Immunofluorescence staining of density-gradient fractions detected specific IgM in all 14 infants. The HI test (long method), applied to density-gradient fractions, was almost as sensitive, detecting antibody in 13 infants; the short method was less sensitive. The gel-filtration technique proved to be generally less satisfactory than sucrose density-gradient centrifugation. Evidence was obtained for the occurrence of as yet unclassified non-specific inhibitors in the serum of some infants. These inhibitors were deposited with the IgM on sucrose-density gradients and they could have been mistaken for rubella-specific IgM antibody, particularly in the HI test (long method).  相似文献   

Between two and seven sera from cases of persistent detection of rubella-specific IgM for periods in excess of 2.5 months, but in the absence of recent primary rubella or rubella reinfection, were examined for rheumatoid factor, heterophile antibody, and IgM reactivity against toxoplasma and a number of viruses. The relative avidity of the rubella-specific IgG1 has been assessed in all the sera by two methods. None of the sera contained rheumatoid factor or heterophile antibody, nor did any contain detectable concentrations of IgM specific for any of the panel of antigens apart from five sera which contained low concentrations of IgM specific for some coxsackieviruses B. No sera were positive for low avidity specific IgG1 although three did give equivocal results with one avidity test and one gave equivocal results with the second avidity test.  相似文献   

The specificity and sensitivity of the IgM-capture immunoassay (IgM-CI) were evaluated for detection of rubella specific IgM and hepatitis B core (HBc) specific IgM. For rubella specific IgM, antibodies bound to the solid phase were detected by haemadsorption and for HBc specific IgM, by using HBc antigen (HBcAg) and radiolabelled IgG anti-HBc. Rheumatoid factor (RF) was found to interfere in the test for HBc specific IgM because IgM-RF bound to the solid phase reacted with aggregated radiolabelled HBc specific IgG. This false positive reaction did not occur when radiolabelled F(ab')2 was used instead of the whole IgG molecule. HBcAg purified from biological fluids might be coated with host IgG and under these conditions, HBcAg could react with RF. It was also demonstrated that high levels of IgG antibodies could interfere with IgG anti-mu coated-surface by means of non-immunological protein-protein interactions. In fact, IgG did not interfere in the rubella assay, whereas it did in the very sensitive anti-HBc test. To prevent this false-positive reaction, different dilution media were tested. Only the addition of non-specific IgG and fetal calf serum (FCS), to the dilution medium, seems to improve the specificity of the test. Furthermore, in order to decrease this non-specific IgG-IgG interaction and an occasional prozoning phenomenon, the dilution of serum to be tested was taken into account. Parameters considered to decrease sensitivity were also studied. RF, anti-F(ab')2 antibodies and non-specific IgM did not decrease significantly the sensitivity of the assay.  相似文献   

A total of 468 sera were selected for the evaluation of the Public Health Laboratory Service's IgM antibody capture enzyme linked immunosorbent assay kit (MACELISA) for detecting rubella specific IgM. The results obtained were compared with those obtained by IgM antibody capture radioimmunoassay (MACRIA). Sera from patients with primary postnatal rubella, congenital rubella, remote rubella, infectious mononucleosis, and recent infection with other agents were included, in addition to sera taken after rubella immunisation and sera containing rheumatoid factor and rubella specific IgG antibody. The assay exhibited a similar ability and comparable specificity to MACRIA for detecting rubella specific IgM antibody. The Public Health Laboratory Service MACELISA can be recommended if, as for all assays that detect rubella specific IgM, all the available clinical and serological data are taken into account when the results are interpreted.  相似文献   

A commercial antibody capture enzyme immunoassay (Rubenz M) was compared to two commercial indirect enzyme immunoassays (Enzygnost IgM, Rubazyme-M) for the detection of rubella-specific IgM. Five hundred and fifty-two sera collected between the day of onset and 272 days after the onset of the exanthem of primary rubella were tested. Rubenz M was more sensitive early and late after the onset of the exanthem than the two indirect ELISAs. Rubenz M also appeared more sensitive when 240 sera were examined from patients with possible rubella in pregnancy, reinfection in pregnancy, suspected intrauterine infection, and recent vaccination. However, 5.5% of 968 pregnant women with no history of rubellalike symptoms or recent vaccination, the majority with elevated HAI titers, gave a low-positive or borderline result with Rubenz M. None of these women delivered a congenitally infected child. Therefore, borderline and low-positive results must be interpreted with caution, as for any assay for rubella-specific IgM.  相似文献   

Competitive inhibition and antigen capture enzyme immunoassays were compared for the measurement of mouse monoclonal IgG1 antibody produced by a hybridoma culture. Both methods yielded standard curves that were linear over several orders of magnitude, and both were comparable in sensitivity (10 ng/ml). However, the slope of the antigen capture curve was flatter than the slope for competitive inhibition. This difference in slope, coupled with a larger average standard deviation for each point on the standard curve for antigen capture, resulted in a significantly larger range of variability in IgG1 levels. It is concluded that the competitive inhibition enzyme immunoassay method is better suited to the precise quantification of mouse monoclonal antibodies in hybridoma culture supernatants.  相似文献   

The question of the exact disappearance time or possible persistence of measles-specific IgM antibodies after naturally acquired measles virus infections was studied with a sensitive solid-phase radioimmunoassay (RIA) method. A total of 30 patients were analyzed with follow-up times varying from 4.5 to 8 months; all were measles IgM positive in the first serum specimen obtained after the onset of rash. In 29 of 30 patients, the measles IgM declined to undetectable levels by approximately 90 days. The remaining patient developed postmeasles encephalitis, however, and was found to have a prolonged measles IgM antibody response. For comparison, the measles-specific IgG response was also studied and was found to develop only slightly later than the IgM response, with levels then remaining high and stable up to 8 months later. Although apparent measles IgM antibodies were found in 1 of 64 nonmatched adult controls, they were due to the presence of high levels of IgM-class rheumatoid factor. The data presented indicate that measles IgM antibodies begin to decline soon after the onset of rash and reach negative levels 1 to 3 months later; in complicated infections, however, measles IgM antibody synthesis may not terminate normally.  相似文献   

Sanz JC, Mosquera M, Ramos B, Ramírez R, de Ory F, Echevarria JE. Assessment of RNA amplification by multiplex RT‐PCR and IgM detection by indirect and capture ELISAs for the diagnosis of measles and rubella. APMIS 2010; 118: 203–9. The aim of the study was to compare RNA amplification using multiplex RT‐PCR and IgM detection by means of indirect and capture ELISAs for the diagnosis of measles and rubella. A total of 229 cases of maculopapular rash with serum and throat swab samples were included. Specific serological IgM to measles and rubella was determined by Enzygnost® (Siemens) and PlateliaTM (Bio‐Rad). Both viruses were researched using multiplex RT‐PCR performed on throat samples. Criteria for inclusion of measles or rubella cases were a positive RT‐PCR result for one virus and negative for the other; and/or a positive IgM result for one virus by both ELISAs and negative RT‐PCR for the other virus. A total of 74 cases were classified as measles and 54 as rubella. In measles, sensitivity and specificity were 93.2% and 100% for RT‐PCR, 97.3% and 98.1% for Enzygnost®, and 90.5% and 95.5% for PlateliaTM. For rubella, these values were 42.6% and 100% for RT‐PCR, 100% and 97.1% for Enzygnost®, and 94.4% and 98.3% for PlateliaTM. Enzygnost® and PlateliaTM are useful techniques for detecting IgM against measles and rubella. RNA amplification by RT‐PCR was both sensitive and specific for the diagnosis of measles; however, for rubella, the sensitivity of this technique must be improved.  相似文献   

The sensitivity and specificity of direct antibody radioimmunoassay (RIA), M-antibody capture RIA (MACRIA), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and the immunofluorescent antibody (IFA) test for the detection of CMV-specific IgM was compared using 40 sera selected from different groups of patients. RIA, MACRIA, and ELISA gave concordant results with thirty-two sera but discordant results with eight sera, of which three were cord sera from congenitally infected babies, three were from immunocompromised patients with recurrent CMV infections, and two were from patients with lymphadenopathy and Paul-Bunnell-positive mononucleosis, respectively. RIA, MACRIA, and ELISA were of similar sensitivity with sera from adult patients, but ELISA was apparently less sensitive than RIA and MACRIA for the detection of CMV IgM in cord serum. By comparison IFA was significantly less sensitive than the other three tests. Rheumatoid factor is reactive in RIA, ELISA, and IFA but can efficiently be removed by absorption with latex-IgG beads or cross-linked human IgG.  相似文献   

A solid-phase enzyme immunoassay for the measurement of anti-acetylcholine receptor antibodies in the sera of patients with myasthenia gravis is reported. Sufficient amounts of acetylcholine receptor for the sensitive detection of anti-acetylcholine receptor antibody were directly fixed to Costar serocluster 96-well EIA plates coated with poly-L-lysine hydrobromide. The solid-phase enzyme immunoassay detected anti-acetylcholine receptor antibodies in 91% of the myasthenia gravis patients including 4 out of 4 ocular type myasthenia patients, anti-acetylcholine receptor antibodies of which were not detectable by the immunoprecipitation assay. Correlation between antibody titers measured by enzyme immunoassay and the immunoprecipitation assay was significant.  相似文献   

目的分析广州市海珠区2007-2010年麻疹及风疹的流行特征。方法采用IgM抗体捕捉ELISA对广州市海珠区2007-2010年麻疹、风疹疑似病例血清标本进行IgM抗体检测。数据用SPSS13.0进行统计分析。结果麻疹IgM抗体总阳性率为44.30%,风疹IgM抗体总阳性率为13.09%,各年度麻疹、风疹的阳性率差异有统计学意义(χ2=171.708,P〈0.05;χ2=34.191,P〈0.05)。男女麻疹、风疹病例性别分布差异均无统计学意义。麻疹阳性病例年龄主要分布在8月龄~7岁及15~29岁,风疹阳性病例年龄主要分布在15~29岁。4年间麻疹、风疹阳性病例分别集中在3~7月、3~6月。结论海珠区2010年麻疹阳性率较前几年明显降低,说明防控措施有力,但2010年风疹的阳性率升高应引起足够的重视。麻疹的发病人群主要为学龄前儿童和青年,风疹的发病人群以青年为主。春季为麻疹、风疹的高发季节,应适时进行防控,避免暴发流行。  相似文献   

Rubella infection during the first trimester of pregnancy can cause the congenital rubella syndrome (CRS). Patients with CRS were shown to have a decreased humoral and cellular immunity. It is not known whether asymptomatic newborns who had experienced intrauterine infection with rubella virus (RV) differ in their antibody response from newborns with CRS. In this study we compared both groups for a difference which might be a useful diagnostic criterion for CRS during the prenatal and newborn periods. We used the nonreducing Rubella-Immunoblot and the Rubella-IgG-Peptide-Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA) to determine the antibodies directed to rubella proteins E1, E2 and C. The results showed that only newborns with CRS who had experienced RV infection during the first 12 weeks of gestation showed significantly reduced levels of antibodies directed to both the linear RV E1 epitope (SP 15) and the topographic RV E2 epitope. Asymptomatic newborns infected mostly later than week 10 of gestation showed normal levels of antibodies. These data suggest that the lack of antibody response in CRS is linked to the immaturity of the fetal immune system during the first trimester of gestation. Rubella-IgG-Peptide-EIA and Rubella-Immunoblot should be used additionally for CRS diagnosis in the prenatal/newborn periods. These results may have an impact on the early treatment of late-onset symptoms of CRS patients. J. Med. Virol. 51:280–283, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Between 2005 and 2006, clinical specimens were collected from 31 infants with suspected congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) who presented at six hospitals in Khartoum, Sudan. Eleven (35.5%) were laboratory confirmed as CRS cases by testing for anti-rubella IgM, IgG and viral genome. For the first time in Sudan, the rubella virus genome was directly detected in clinical specimens of six CRS cases and two viruses were isolated in cell culture. Phylogenetic analysis suggested that three genotypes of rubella virus (RV; 1E, 2B and 1G) were co-circulating in Sudan. The study introduced the methodology for CRS confirmation and surveillance in Sudan and provides preliminary data.  相似文献   

A mu-capture enzyme linked immunosorbent assay was developed for detection of IgM antibody to cytomegalovirus (CMV). Virus-specific IgM was detected using horseradish peroxidase labelled nuclear CMV antigen (CMV-ELA). False-positive reactions caused by Paul-Bunnell-Davidsohn (PBD) positive sera and antinuclear antibody (ANA) positive sera were identified in a combination assay employing enzyme labelled nuclear control antigen (CO-ELA) in parallel to the CMV-ELA. Four of five PBD positive and 30 of 31 ANA positive sera reactive with the CMV-ELA were identified as false positive reactions in the combined ELA-assay. The reactivity in PBD-positive sera could not be explained by antigenic cross reactivity between CMV and Epstein-Barr virus, and the results further suggested that different cell specified components of the CMV-ELA were responsible for the reactivity of PBD-positive as compared to ANA-positive sera. One of 314 healthy blood donors, 12 of 12 patients with primary CMV infection, and 11 of 15 patients with secondary CMV infection had detectable CMV IgM antibodies. Comparison of different CMV-ELAs revealed that pronounced differences in specificity as well as sensitivity may exist.  相似文献   

An IgM antibody capture assay for detection of cytomegalovirus (CMV) IgM antibody (MACRIA) was developed. It was shown to be of similar sensitivity to the indirect immunofluorescence test but has the advantage that rheumatoid factor does not react in it and pretest fractionation of serum is not required. It does, however, give false results with some Paul Bunnell-positive sera. The assay was used to measure the IgM response in 28 renal transplant patients followed prospectively. Seven patients (100%) with primary infections and six of 13 (46%) patients with secondary infections developed IgM by MACRIA. Nine of 13 (69%) patients with CMV IgM-positive sera had symptoms other than pyrexia associated with CMV infections, while only one of seven (14%) IgM-negative infections were symptomatic. Four of seven irreversible rejection episodes were associated with CMV IgM. The possible significance of CMV IgM production is discussed.  相似文献   

The sensitivity and performance characteristics of enzyme immunoassays (EIA) depend to a great extent on the kinetics of the enzyme-substrate system used as indicator. We labeled a variety of polyclonal and monoclonal immunoglobulins with purified beta-lactamase and used them in sensitive EIA systems for the detection of a number of microbial antigens. Polyclonal antibodies to rotavirus, adenovirus, and Haemophilus influenzae type b polyribitol phosphate and monoclonal antibodies to dengue virus were labeled with beta-lactamase and used to provide sensitive direct EIA systems for the detection of the corresponding antigens. In addition, antibodies directed at animal immunoglobulins were labeled with beta-lactamase and used in indirect EIA for the detection of viral antigens with unlabeled anti-viral monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies. Similarly, avidin from Streptomyces was labeled with beta-lactamase and used to detect viral antigens tested for in an avidin-biotin format. Enzyme immunoassay systems with beta-lactamase-labeled antibodies were also used to detect rotaviral and adenoviral antigens in rectal swab specimens from children with acute gastroenteritis. The sensitivity of the beta-lactamase EIA compared favorably with that of analogous EIA systems using alkaline phosphatase or horseradish peroxidase. The results of a beta-lactamase EIA were easily determined by naked eye and a permanent record of the qualitative results obtained by the use of a standard office photocopier, obviating the need for an expensive colorimeter. Enzyme immunoassays using beta-lactamase have potential as practical assay systems for the detection of a wide range of microbial antigens using monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies.  相似文献   

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