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B-1 cells constitute a distinct B cell population with unique phenotypic and functional characteristics. Although the origin of B-1 cells remains controversial, B-1 cells in different locations are generally considered to be part of the same pool. To determine the validity of this assumption, we examined peritoneal and splenic B-1 cells isolated by flow cytometric cell sorting from normal mice for several features. We found that splenic B-1 cells differ from peritoneal B-1 cells in terms of surface antigen expression, viability ex vivo, immunoglobulin secretion in vitro, stimulated cell cycle progression, and expression of Notch family, Notch-dependent, and Notch-associated genes. These results indicate that splenic and peritoneal B-1 cells are not the same and thus dispute the notion that B-1 cells are uniform, and may suggest that different subpopulations of B-1 cells arise separately, home individually, and/or are heavily influenced by local environmental factors.  相似文献   

B-1 and B-2 cells are lymphocyte populations that differ in development, surface marker expression, tissue localization, and function. Though mainly found in the spleen, lymph nodes, and circulation of mice, small numbers of B-2 cells are found in the peritoneal cavity, a site predominantly populated by B-1 cells. Here, we characterized peritoneal B-2 cells, and determined their relationship to B-1 cells. We found that peritoneal B-2 cells appear to be intermediate between splenic B-2 and peritoneal B-1 cells in terms of surface marker expression of B220, CD80, and CD43, expression of several marker genes, and in vitro viability and IgM secretion. Adoptive transfer of peritoneal B-2 cells into severe combined immunodeficiency mice resulted in the acquisition of a phenotype reminiscent of B-1b cells, as shown by up-regulation of Mac-1 and CD43, and down-regulation of CD23. Moreover, adoptively transferred peritoneal B-2 cells recapitulated B-1 cell function by producing natural IgM in recipient mice. These data suggest that peritoneal B-2 cells express some characteristics of B-1b cells and that this similarity increases with additional time in the peritoneal cavity.  相似文献   

Natural IgM antibodies secreted in the absence of antigenic challenge are important contributors to antimicrobial immunity and tissue homeostasis. Early studies identified BM and, to a lesser extent the spleen, as main tissue sources of this spontaneously secreted IgM. However, the responsible B-cell subset has never been identified. Using multicolor flow cytometry, cell sorting and chimeric mice in which B-1 and B-2 cells and their secreted antibodies are distinguished by their Ig-allotype, we unequivocally identify the natural IgM-secreting cells in spleen and, for the first time, in the BM as IgM(+) IgD(lo/-) CD19(hi) CD43(+) CD5(+/-) B-1 cells. The newly identified population of BM B-1 cells shows many of the phenotypic characteristics of splenic B-1 cells but is distinct from B-1 cells in the peritoneal cavity, which generate at best very small amounts of IgM. Antibody-secreting spleen and BM B-1 cells are distinct also from terminally differentiated plasma cells generated from antigen-induced conventional B cells, as they express high levels of surface IgM and CD19 and lack expression of CD138. Overall, these data identify populations of non-terminally differentiated B-1 cells in spleen and BM as the most significant producers of natural IgM.  相似文献   

B6-Sp6 transgenic mice carry fully rearranged (BALB/c-derived,Igh-Ca allotype) µ. heavy chain and light chain transgenes,specific for trinitrophenyl, on a C57BL background (Igh-Cb allotype).FACS analyses show that the majority of B cells in peripherallymphoid organs and bone marrow(BM) express transgenic IgM exclusively.A small proportion of the B cells, however, express endogenousIgM, usually concomitant with transgenic IgM. Three criteriaestablish that the endogenous IgM expressing B cells belongto the B-1 cell lineage. (I) Endogenous IgM expressing B cellsin B6-Sp6 mice have the same localization pattern as B-1 cellsfrom normal animals: they are enriched in the peritoneal cavity.(II) The endogenous IgM+ B cells have the phenotype of B-1 cells:the endogenous IgM+ peritoneal B cells express Mac-1 (CD11b)and low levels of IgD, and most also express CD5 (L-1). (III)B6-Sp6 BM poorly reconstitutes endogenous IgM+ B cells, justas adult BM from normal mice poorly reconstitutes B-1 cells.In contrast, B cells which only express the transgene are readilyreconstituted by B6-Sp6 BM. The few endogenous IgM+ cells inthe B6-Sp6 BM recipients are located in the peritoneal cavityand have the phenotype of B-1b cells (previously the Ly-1 Bsister population), which are known to be reconstituted by adultBM.Two-color immunofluorescence staining of tissue sectionsfrom the gut and from isolated gut lamina propria cells showsthe presence of many IgA containing cells, about one-third ofwhich simultaneously express cytoplasmic (transgenic) IgM. TheC-region of this IgA is produced by endogenous C a genes, becausethe transgene encodes only for Cµ. Furthermore, the majorityof gut IgA containing cells do not express the Idiotype of thetransgene, indicating that most of the gut IgA cells are encodedby endogenous VH genes and thus the result of an isotype switchfrom endogenous IgM expressing B cells. Since the endogenousIgM+ cells are B-1 cells (both B-1a and B-1b), the data stronglyindicate that the intestinal IgA plasma cells also belong tothe B-1 cell lineage.  相似文献   

Two weeks of daily peritoneopheresis of adult mice result in the selective depletion of B-1 cells, followed by the appearance of a population of B220+IgM?lymphocytes in the peritoneal cavity. These cells share with bone marrow (BM) pre-B cells expression of λ5, VpreB, and RAG-1 genes and a higher fraction of unrearranged V to DJ heavy (H) chain immunoglobulin (Ig) gene segments, when compared with mature B lymphocytes. Upon transfer to SCID recipients, sorted peritoneal B220+IgM? cells fail to colonize the BM, repopulate very few B cells in the spleen, but entirely reconstitute the B-1 cell compartment in the peritoneal and pleuropericardial cavities. In contrast, parallel transfers of sorted BM B220+IgM? cells result in reconstitution of the BM and spleen B lineage cell compartments, but in no coelomic B cell repopulation. Both types of pre-B cells reconstitute splenic plasma cells of donor origin, but with markedly distinct efficiencies: the ratio of IgM-plasma cell/B cell numbers in the spleens of peritoneal pre-B cell recipients is more than 500-fold higher than that of recipients reconstituted by BM pre-B cells. We take these data to indicate that (1) differentiative commitment to the B-1 cell population occurs before selection events on mature cells; (2) B-1 precursors exist or may be locally produced in the adult mouse; (3) there is a lineage-related differential ability of mature B cells to undergo terminal differentiation to high-rate Ig secretion.  相似文献   

B lymphocyte chemokine receptors signal to downstream effectors by activating heterotrimeric G proteins. However, many of these effectors remain unknown and the known ones often have ill-defined roles in B cell trafficking. Here we report that pharmacological inhibitors of phosphoinositide 3-kinases (wortmannin, WMN), Bruton's tyrosine kinase (LFM-A13), and Jun kinases (SP600125) all significantly impair CXCL12-induced mouse B cell chemotaxis and that of a human B lymphoma cell line. Examination of two CXCR4-induced signaling pathways revealed that LFM-A13 and WMN blocked Akt activation, while SP600125 and WMN blocked JNK activation. Each of the inhibitors impaired the homing of transferred B cells to peripheral lymph nodes. Intravital imaging of control and inhibitor-treated mouse B cells in the inguinal lymph node high endothelial venules (HEV) demonstrated a 17%, 35%, and 60% reduction in the number of firmly adherent B cells with LFM-A13, SP600125, and WMN, respectively. These results implicate chemokine receptor mediated activation of phosphoinositide 3-kinases in the firm adhesion of mouse B cells within peripheral lymph node HEV, while Bruton's tyrosine kinase and JNK activation are less important and more likely needed during B cell transmigration through the endothelium and/or trafficking into the lymph node parenchyma.  相似文献   

B-1a cells constitutively express phosphorylated, activated ERK, but the origin of pERK in B-1 cells has not been determined. To address this issue, we examined specific mediators of intracellular signaling in unmanipulated B-1a cells. We found that constitutive pERK was rapidly lost from B-1a cells following addition of metabolic inhibitors that block src kinase, Syk, PI-3K, and PLC function. We examined Syk and PLC in more detail and found rapid accumulation of phosphorylated forms of these molecules in B-1a cells, but not B-2 cells, when phosphatase activity was inhibited, and this change occurred in the majority of B-1a cells. Further, we showed that inhibition of src kinase activity eliminated “downstream” pSyk and pPLC accumulation in phosphatase-inhibited B-1a cells, indicating a pathway connection. CD86 expression is greater on B-1 than B-2 cells and plays a role in antigen presentation by B-1 cells to T cells. We found that when Syk or PI-3K was inhibited, CD86 expression was diminished in a reversible fashion. All together, these results indicate that continual activation of intracellular signaling leads to constitutive activation of ERK in B-1 cells, with attendant consequences for co-stimulatory molecule expression.  相似文献   

Popi AF  Lopes JD  Mariano M 《Immunology》2004,113(3):348-354
As demonstrated previously in our laboratory, B-1 cells migrate from the peritoneal cavity of mice and home to a distant site of inflammation to become macrophage-like cells. However, the influence that these cells might have on the kinetics and fate of the inflammatory process is not known. Considering that macrophages are pivotal in the inflammatory reaction, we decided to investigate the possible influence B-1 cells could have on macrophage activities in vitro. Our results show that peritoneal macrophages from Xid mice, a mouse strain deprived of B-1 cells, have higher phagocytic indexes for zymozan particles when compared with macrophages from wild-type mice. Moreover, macrophages from wild-type mice have a lower ability to release nitric oxide and hydrogen peroxide when compared with macrophages from Xid mice. Experiments using cocultures of B-1 cells and macrophages from Xid mice in transwell plates demonstrated that B-1 cells down-regulate macrophage activities. These observations also indicate that this phenomenon is not due to a physical interaction between these two cell populations. As B-1 cells are one of the main sources of interleukin (IL)-10, we demonstrate in this study that adherent peritoneal cells from Xid mice produce significantly less amounts of this cytokine in culture when compared with IL-10 production by cells from wild-type mice. When B-1 cells from IL-10 knock-out mice and macrophages from wild-type mice were cocultured in transwell plates, the phagocytic index of macrophages was not altered demonstrating that B-1 cells can influence the effector functions of macrophages in vitro via IL-10 secretion.  相似文献   

The mechanisms that govern giant cell (GC) formation in inflammatory, neoplastic and physiologic conditions are far from being understood. Here, we demonstrate that B-1 cells are essential for foreign-body GC formation in the mouse. GCs were analysed on the surface of glass cover slips implanted into the subcutaneous tissue of the animals. It was demonstrated that GCs are almost absent on cover slips implanted into the subcutaneous tissue of BALB/c or CBA/N X-linked immunodeficient mice. As these animals do not have B-1 cells in the peritoneal cavity, they were reconstituted with B-1 cells obtained from cultures of adherent mouse peritoneal cells. Results showed that in B-1-reconstituted animals, the number of GCs on the implant surface surpassed the values obtained with preparations from wild animals. In animals selectively irradiated (pleural and peritoneal cavities) to deplete these cavities of B-1 cells, GCs were also not formed. Enriched suspensions of B-1 cells grown in culture were labelled with [(3)H]-tymidine and injected into the peritoneal cavity of naive mice before implantation of glass cover slips. After 4 days, about 17% of mononuclear cells had their nuclei labelled, and almost 70% of GCs had one or more of their nuclei labelled when analysed by histoautoradiographic technique. A few GCs expressed an immunoglobulin M when analysed by immunostaining and confocal microscopy. Overall, these data demonstrate that B-1 cells are pivotal in the mechanisms of foreign-body GC formation in the mouse.  相似文献   

B cell-activating factor belonging to the TNF family (BAFF) and its receptor BAFF-R play critical roles in the maturation and survival of conventional peripheral B cells. However, they appeared to be dispensable for the generation and maintenance of CD5(+) B-1 cells as BAFF(-/-) and BAFF-R(-/-) mice have normal B-1 cell populations. Hence, it is presently unclear if B-1 cells are responsive to BAFF and if BAFF regulates some aspects of B-1 cell function. We show here that BAFF-R and transmembrane activator and CAML interactor (TACI) are the major receptors expressed by B-1 cells. Specifically, we show that BAFF treatment of B-1 cells leads to increased NF-kappaB p100 processing and CD21/CD35 expression. Interestingly, toll-like receptor (TLR) engagement of B-1 cells augmented the surface expression of BAFF receptors and rendered them responsive to BAFF costimulation, as evidenced by their increased proliferation, expression of cell surface activation markers and secretion of the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-6 and the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10. This costimulatory effect is achieved primarily through BAFF-R as BAFF failed to costimulate B-1 cells obtained from A/WySnJ mice which have defective BAFF-R signaling. Thus, as TLR are innate immune receptors and B-1 cells are "innate-like" lymphocytes, our data provide evidence that BAFF plays a role in innate immunity.  相似文献   

Immunoglobulin-secreting cells (ISC) in the peripheral blood are active effectors of the human immune defence system on their way to their site of action. We combined immunomagnetic cell separation and ELISPOT to study the expression of maturation markers and homing receptors (HR) on these cells in healthy volunteers. The results revealed that although highly differentiated, peripheral blood ISC are remarkably heterogeneous both with respect to their expression of maturation markers and HR. Moreover, significant differences were demonstrated between the various isotypes. Fewer IgA-secreting cells expressed both markers of early maturation (HLA-DR, HLA-DQ, CD20, and CD21) and of more mature B cells or plasma cells (CD28, CD38, and α-syndecan) compared with IgG- and IgM-secreting cells. IgA-secreting cells also showed the lowest proportion of cells positive for the peripheral lymph node HR, L-selectin, or the skin HR, cutaneous lymphocyte antigen (CLA). By contrast, the expression of mucosal HR on IgA-secreting cells did not reveal a more pronounced homing attitude to mucosal tissues than IgG- or IgM-secreting cells. We conclude that peripheral blood ISC are a heterogeneous cell population and that IgA-secreting cells seem to differ from the other isotypes both in respect of expression of HR and the various maturational markers studied.  相似文献   

Peritoneal B1 cells are typified by spontaneous, constitutive secretion of IgM natural antibody, detected by ELISPOT assay, among other means. Recently, this key characteristic has been called into question, a reason for which we evaluated the integrity of IgM(+) ELISPOT spots. We found that fixed B1 cells fail to produce ELISPOT spots, that interference with Golgi function inhibits ELISPOT spot formation, and that B1 cell-derived immunoglobulin in supernatant samples is EndoH-resistant. These findings indicate that spots produced by B1 cells on ELISPOT assay reflect secretory IgM actively exported by viable B1 cells. Current paradigms propose that interferon response factor 4 (IRF4) is required for plasma cell differentiation and immunoglobulin secretion. However, we found that IgM secretion by peritoneal B1 cells is not altered in IRF4-null mice. In contrast, spontaneous IgM secretion by splenic B1 cells, which amounts to much more IgM secreted per cell, is dramatically reduced in the absence of IRF4. These results indicate that peritoneal B1 cells spontaneously secrete low levels of IgM via an IRF4-independent non-classical pathway, and, considering the low level of serum IgM in IRF-null mice, further suggest that accumulation of serum immunoglobulin depends on IRF4-dependent secretion by splenic B1 cells.  相似文献   

The paradigm that B cells mainly play a central role in adaptive immunity may have to be reevaluated because B-1 lineage cells have been found to exhibit innate-like functions, such as phagocytic and bactericidal activities. Therefore, the evolutionary connection of B-1 lineage cells between innate and adaptive immunities have received much attention. In this review, we summarized various innate-like characteristics of B-1 lineage cells, such as natural antibody production, antigen-presenting function in primary adaptive immunity, and T cell-independent immune responses. These characteristics seem highly conserved between fish B cells and mammalian B-1 cells during vertebrate evolution. We proposed an evolutionary outline of B cells by comparing biological features, including morphology, phenotype, ontogeny, and functional activity between B-1 lineage cells and macrophages or B-2 cells. The B-1 lineage may be a transitional cell type between phagocytic cells (e.g., macrophages) and B-2 cells that functionally connects innate and adaptive immunities. Our discussion would contribute to the understanding on the origination of B cells specialized in adaptive immunity from innate immunity. The results might provide further insight into the evolution of the immune system as a whole.  相似文献   

We investigated the characteristic features of cervical lymph node B cells to determine whether their behavior differs from that of B cells located elsewhere, because cervical lymph nodes may be exposed to continual antigenic stimulation from the naso- and/or oropharynx. B cells were isolated from cervical lymph nodes, spleen and peritoneal fluid of mice, cultured in medium, and exposed to various stimuli. The expression of various surface molecules characteristic of lymphoid B cells was assayed by flow cytometry, and immunoglobulin secreted into the culture supernatants was evaluated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. B220+ cells were cultured in medium alone or with lipopolysaccharide, and their entrance into S phase in response to stimuli was measured by proliferative assays. Phenotypic characteristics of cervical lymph node B cells included CD5 low, CD23high, CD43low, B7.1low, B7.2low, and Syndecan-1low. Unstimulated lymphoid B cells did not secrete immunoglobulin, but, upon stimulation, secretion of IgM was increased more than secretion of IgA and IgG. B cells actively entered S phase after 48 hr stimulation. These results show that B cells in cervical lymph nodes are conventional B2 cells, like splenic B cells.  相似文献   

The possible role of Cl currents in regulatory volume decrease processes has been explored in HeLa cells using the whole-cell recording mode of the patch-clamp technique. Cells showed very small currents in voltage-clamp experiments performed with Cl-rich, permeant-cation-free (N-methyl-d-glucamine replacement) intracellular and bathing solutions. Exposure of the cells to hypotonic solutions visibly swelled the cells and activated, reversibly, an outward rectifying Cl current, which decayed at the most depolarised voltages used. Replacement of extracellular Cl by a series of halide anions, SCN and gluconate was consistent with an anion selectivity sequence: SCN>I>Br>Cl >F>gluconate. The volume-regulated Cl current was effectively inhibited by 100 M 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino)-benzoic acid and by 100 M 4,4-diisothiocyanotostilbene-2,2-disulphonic acid, substances known to block Cl channels in a variety of cells. Chloride current activation by hypotonicity was dependent on the presence of ATP in the intracellular solution and this requirement could be replaced by the non-hydrolysable analogue ATP[S] and Mg2+-free ATP. The data suggest that the channels responsible for the current described are involved in the regulatory volume decrease in HeLa cells. The characteristics of this Cl current are similar to those of the current associated with expression of multidrug resistance P-glycoprotein. Furthermore, the currents in HeLa cells were inhibited rapidly and reversibly by verapamil and 1,9-dideoxyforskolin, which are known to inhibit P-glycoprotein function.  相似文献   

B cells that make polyreactive antibodies (PAB+ cells) express polyreactive Ig receptors on their surface and can bind a variety of different antigens. The present study shows that PAB+ cells are widely distributed, are present in varying numbers in different lymphoid organs and that their phenotype varies depending on the organs from which they are isolated. Up to 10 times more cells in PAB+ enriched populations bind antigens as compared to PAB- populations. Comparison of PAB+ with B-1+ cells showed that a high percentage of PAB+ cells are B-1+, but that many PAB+ cells do not express B-1 cell surface markers and, in fact, are B-1-. It is concluded that the B cell population consists of PAB+/B-1+, PAB+/B-1-, PAB-/B-1+, and PAB-/B-1- cells. The presence of PAB+ cells in the thymus points to the possibility that PAB+ cells may carry endogenous host antigens from peripheral tissues to the thymus where they may contribute to immunological tolerance.  相似文献   

Lymphocyte activation gene 3 (LAG-3/CD223) is a CD4 homolog known to be selectively expressed in activated T and NK cells. It is thought to have a negative regulatory function in T cells. With the help of new monoclonal antibodies against mouse LAG-3, we show that LAG-3 surface expression is not limited to activated T and NK cells but is also found on activated B cells. Induction of B cell surface expression is T cell dependent and mediated by a soluble factor. The majority of LAG-3 on B cell surface is endogenously produced, even though soluble LAG-3 is present in the culture supernatants and can be passively absorbed. As B cells express LAG-3 in a T cell dependent manner and not when activated by Toll-like-receptor agonists alone, we propose LAG-3 as a new marker of T cell induced B cell activation.  相似文献   

B-1 cells differ phenotypically, biochemically and functionally from conventional B-2 cells. The origin of these differences remains uncertain. We hypothesized that unbiased analysis of differences in protein expression between B-1 and B-2 cells might provide information not otherwise available, and thus undertook 1-dimensional (1D) gel analysis combined with mass spectrometry. We identified annexin II and S100A6 in peritoneal B-1 cells (B-1P) but not in splenic B-2 cells (B-2S); these results were confirmed by western blot analysis and reflected in mRNA expression. Further analysis of mRNA indicated that elevated expression levels of annexin II and S100A6 were unique to B-1P among several naive lymphoid populations. However, expression of annexin II and S100A6 protein was up-regulated in mitogenically stimulated B-2S. In both naive B-1 cells and stimulated B-2 cells, annexin II and S100A6 formed Ca++-sensitive complexes. These results confirm that the emerging field of proteomics detects differentially expressed molecules independently of RNA screening methods. These results identify two proteins (annexin II and S100A6) that are unexpectedly differentially expressed in B-1 cells and, although members of larger families, may fulfill unique, subset-specific functions. These results also validate 1D GE/LC-MS/MS as a reliable screening tool in identifying final protein product expression differences between B-1P and B-2S.  相似文献   

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