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Afferents to the ventral tegmental nucleus of Gudden (VT) were investigated in mice, rats, and cats. Unilateral and bilateral injections or iontophoretical applications of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) were made into the region of the VT. The entire cerebrum was then screened for labeled neurons. Following injections situated principally within the VT, in all three species many retrogradely labeled neurons were observed in the mamillary bodies and the lateral habenular nuclei. Fewer labeled cells were observed in the prefrontal cortex, the basal forebrain, various hypothalamic nuclei, the interpeduncular nucleus, nucleus of the posterior commissure, nucleus of Darkschewitsch and interstitial nucleus of Cajal, vestibular nucleus, and nucleus praepositus hypoglossi. Scant but consistent labeling occurred in the cingular, retrosplenial, and insular cortices, within the medial forebrain bundle, fields of Forel, zona incerta, ventral tegmental area of Tsai, substantia nigra, pretectal area, periaqueductal gray, dorsal tegmental nucleus, locus ceruleus, and raphe complex. Our results show a high similarity in the distribution of afferent connections converging on the VT of mice, rats, and cats. They indicate furthermore that the VT is reached by a variety of cortical and subcortical afferents, which belong either to the limbic system or to brain stem regions related to motor, sensory, and autonomic functions. It is suggested that the VT subserves as a midbrain core structure of the limbic system, which is responsible for the transfer of motor, sensory, and autonomic informations arising within the brain stem to limbic forebrain structures.  相似文献   

Cortical and subcortical afferents to the cat's thalamic mediodorsal nucleus (MD) were investigated using the method of retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP). HRP was applied using vertical or oblique approaches and either a microsyringe or implanted pipettes filled with HRP-powder. A wide variety of cortical afferents to MD was detected: Aside from afferents from the cat's classical prefrontal cortex (gyri proreus, rectus, frontalis), from adjacent areas of the premotor and cingulate cortex and from portions of the insular cortex, afferents were found from cortical areas related to the processing of somatosensory, gustatory, auditory and visual information and from portions of the parietal and temporal association cortex. A considerable number of afferents arose from the diagonal band of Broca and a small number from the precommissural septum, periamygdaloid , prepiriform , entorhinal, subicular and amygdalar regions. The preoptic region and hypothalamic areas contained some labeled cells. All brains, with the exception of one with a very small dorsomedial injection, contained labeled cells in the mamillary bodies. The reticular nuclear complex and the ventral lateral geniculate nucleus were the main sources of afferents on the thalamic level. In the brain stem the substantia nigra, the ventral tegmental area, the deep layers of the superior colliculus, pretectal and tegmental regions contained labeled cells. These results show that MD receives afferents from a large variety of structures. Among them are several cortical as well as subcortical regions related to the processing of sensory and motor information. Taken together, these connections and the numerous afferents to MD from regions related to emotional and motivational behavior confirm the view that MD has to be termed association nucleus.  相似文献   

Following minor concussive brain injury when there is an otherwise general suppression of CNS activity, the ventral tegmental nucleus of Gudden (VTN) demonstrates increased functional activity (32). Electrical or pharmacological activation of a cholinoceptive region in this same general area of the medial pontine tegmentum contributes to certain components of reversible traumatic unconsciousness, including postural atonia (31, 32, 45). Therefore, in an effort to examine the neuroanatomical basis of the behavioral suppression associated with a reversible traumatic unconsciousness, the afferent and efferent connections of the VTN and putative cholinoceptive medial pontine reticular formation (cmPRF) were studied in the cat using the retrograde horseradish peroxidase (HRP), HRP/choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) double-labeling immunohistochemistry, and anterograde HRP and autoradiographic techniques. Based upon retrograde HRP labeling, the principal afferents to the VTN region of the cmPRF originated from the medial and lateral mammillary nuclei, and lateral habenular nucleus, and to a lesser extent from the interpeduncular nucleus, lateral hypothalamus, dorsal tegmental nucleus, superior central nucleus, and contralateral nucleus reticularis pontis caudalis. Other afferents, which were thought to have been labeled through spread of HRP into the medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF), adjacent paramedian pontine reticular formation, or uptake by transected fibers descending to the inferior olive, included the nucleus of Darkschewitsch, interstitial nucleus of Cajal, zona incerta, prerubral fields of Forel, deep superior colliculus, nucleus of the posterior commissure, nucleus cuneiformis, ventral periaqueductal gray, vestibular complex, perihypoglossal complex, and deep cerebellar nuclei. In HRP/ChAT double labeling studies, only a very small number of cholinergic VTN afferent neurons were found in the medial parabrachial region of the dorsolateral pontine tegmentum, although the pedunculopontine and laterodorsal tegmental nuclei contained numerous single-labeled ChAT-positive cells. Anterograde HRP and autoradiographic findings demonstrated that the VTN gave rise almost exclusively to ascending projections, which largely followed the course of the mammillary peduncle (16,21) and medial forebrain bundle, or the tegmentopeduncular tract (4). The majority of fibers ascended to terminate in the medial and lateral mammillary nuclei, interpeduncular complex (especially paramedian subnucleus), ventral tegmental area, lateral hypothalamus, and the medial septum in the basal forebrain. Labeling that joined the mammillothalamic tract to terminate in the anterior nuclear complex of the thalamus was thought to occur transneuronally. Some projections were also observed to nucleus reticularis pontis oralis and caudalis, superior central nucleus, and dorsal tegmental nucleus adjacent to the VTN...  相似文献   

Small microelectrophoretic deposits of horseradish-peroxidase (HRP) were placed at various loci within the gray matter of the rat's anterior medial cortex. A comparison of the patterns of retrograde cell-labeling charted in 26 such cases confirmed earlier findings in fiber-degeneration studies according to which the respective thalamocortical projections of the mediodorsal (MD) and anteromedial nucleus (AM) overlap each other over a wide region of the anterior medial cortex. This region of thalamocortical convergence, extending from pregenual levels caudalward as far as the anterior border of the retrosplenial cortex, corresponds almost exactly to the cortical region from which locally deposited HRP was found to be transported so as to label cells in one or both of two mesencephalic cell groups: the ventral tegmental area (AVT) dorsal and lateral to the interpeduncular nucleus, and the medial one-quarter of the pars compacta of the substantia nigra (SNC).  相似文献   

Brain stem projections to the neurons in the caudal neurosecretory complex (CNC) of Poecilia sphenops (molly) have been studied with HRP retrograde tracing. Using light microscopic procedures, HRP-labelled neurons were located in the reticular nucleus of the medulla (RMN) and in the vicinity of the nucleus of the medial longitudinal fascicle (NMLF). The present study was undertaken to examine the cytology of the brain stem neurons that project to the caudal neurosecretory complex using combined HRP-electron microscopic methods. Cells in the midbrain NMLF containing HRP-filled profiles were located bilaterally close to the midline and just beneath the ependyma. HRP reaction product was found additionally in the neurosecretory cells of the midbrain dorsal tegmental magnocellular nucleus (DTMN) located dorsal to the NMLF. Cells containing HRP-labelled profiles were also seen in the RMN and in neurons dorsal-lateral to the RMN. This latter group of neurons contained small dense core vesicles in addition to HRP labelled dense bodies.  相似文献   

The septal area of the rat is known to receive a rich innervation by axons of catecholamine (CA) neurons. In the present study this innervatic was studied using biochemical assay of CA content and fluorescence histochemical analysis of the distribution of CA-producing axons to determine the nuclei origin of the septal CA innervation and the effects of lesions on these parameters. The autoradiographic tracing technique and the horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-retrograde transport technique also were used for this purpose. The norepinephrine (NE) content of the normal septal area is 1,162 ± 127 ng/g and the dopamine (DA) content is 522 ± 106 ng/g. Hemisection of the brainstem caudal to the locus coeruleus results in a 47% decrease in septal NE content and a unilateral locus coeruleus lesion produces a 48% decrease in septal NE content. These observations suggest that the NE innervation of the septal area arises approximately equally from the locus coeruleus and nuclei in the caudal brain stem. This is confirmed, at least in part, by the anterograde and retrograde transport studies. The DA innervation of the septal area is shown by all of the techniques employed to arise almost exclusively from cells of the ventral tegmental area. NE axons arising from the locus coeruleus distribute in the septal area to the hippocampal rudiment, the nucleus of the diagonal band, the interstitial nucleus of the stria terminalis, the medial septal nucleus, the lateral septal nucleus and the nucleus septofimbrialis. In each area the innervation is sparse to moderate in density and has the plexiform organization typical of locus coeruleus innervation. The brainstem NE innervation is very dense in the interstitial nucleus of the stria terminalis, moderately dense in the lateral septal nucleus and sparse in the nucleus of the diagonal band. The DA axons innervating the septum terminate in two distinct patterns. The first is identical to that seen in the neostriatum. Preterminal axons are very fine and non-varicose. As they reach a terminal area they branch markedly and give rise to extremely numerous, closely-packed, fine varicosities. This type of DA innervation is found in the medial part of the lateral septal nucleus in a dense band and about some scattered lateral septal nucleus neurons, in the nucleus accumbens and in the interstitial nucleus of the stria terminalis. The second pattern is for non-varicose preterminal axons to branch and terminate in pericellular baskets about lateral septal nucleus neurons or simply terminate in the lateral septal nucleus neuropil. In each case the terminal branches give off distinct varicosities which are larger than those formed in the first pattern of DA innervation. Thus, the septal area has a complex organization of CA innervation with NE axons arising from caudal brainstem nuclei and the locus coeruleus and DA axons arising from the ventral tegmental area.  相似文献   

Interpeduncular nucleus afferents in the rat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Afferents to the interpeduncular nucleus (IPN) of the rat were studied with the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) retrograde transport method. HRP was deposited microelectrophoretically in the IPN of adult rats. Major projections to the IPN originate in the medial habenular nucleus, the region surrounding the dorsal tegmental nucleus (accessory dorsal tegmental nucleus and the so-called dorsal tegmental nucleus pars lateralis), and the midbrain raphe (nucleus centralis superior and nucleus raphe dorsalis). Also, minor projections originate in the central gray and nucleus locus coeruleus. Our results indicate that the habenulointerpeduncular projection originates solely from the medial habenular nuclei and is topographically organized; medial regions of the medial habenular nuclei project to ventral portions of IPN and lateral regions project to the dorsal IPN.  相似文献   

Afferents to the interpeduncular nucleus (IPN) of the rat were studied with the horseradish peroxide (HRP) retrograde transport method. HRP was deposited microelectrophoretically in the IPN of adult rats. Major projections to the IPN originate in the medial habenular nucleus, the region surrounding the dorsal tegmental nucleus (accessory dorsal tegmental nucleus and the so-called dorsal tegmental nucleus pars lateralis), and the midbrain raphe (nucleus centralis superior and nucleus raphe dorsalis). Also, minor projections originate in the central gray and nucleus locus coeruleus. Our results indicate that the habenulointerpeduncular projection originates solely from the medial habenular nuclei and is topographically organized; medial regions of the medial habenular nuclei project to ventral portions of IPN and lateral regions project to the dorsal IPN.  相似文献   

The distribution of cholinergic neurons in the midbrain and pons which project directly to the thalamus was investigated in the rat using a procedure which allows the simultaneous detection of retrogradely transported horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and immunohistochemical demonstration of choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) in the same neurons. HRP injections were placed in the dorsal half of the anterior third of the thalamus on one side which included the anteroventral nucleus as well as portions of the rostral intralaminar and reticular nuclei. These thalamic nuclei showed the highest density of immunohistochemically detectable cholinergic fibers. Neurons containing both HRP and ChAT, which represented cholinergic neurons projecting directly to the thalamus, were found in the midbrain and pons in the lateral tegmental reticular formation, parabrachial region and lateral dorsal tegmental nucleus. Ipsilateral to the injection site over 91% of the HRP labeled neurons in all of these regions were cholinergic, while an average of 60% of the cholinergic neurons had transported HRP. Contralateral to the injection site 5-6% of the cholinergic neurons in these regions were also retrogradely labeled. These findings demonstrate direct cholinergic projections to the thalamus from neurons in several regions in the tegmentum and suggest that tegmental projections to the thalamus are predominantly cholinergic.  相似文献   

The entorhinal cortex (EC) of the rat has been divided into medial (MEA) and lateral (LEA) subdivisions. In order to analyze its afferent connections, small deposits of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) were placed at various loci within EC. The patterns of retrograde cell-labeling charted in 18 such cases suggested that EC is projected upon by several allocortical and subcortical structures and that there are differences in the afferent connections of the two subdivisions. Thus, although HRP injection of either division of EC led to cell-labeling in the hippocampal formation, most in ammonic field CA1 and the subiculum, several cells of the presubiculum were preferentially labeled by injection of MEA. Injections of LEA, but not those in MEA, resulted in substantial cell-labeling in the anterior piriform cortex of both hemispheres. Regardless of the location of its injection site within EC, the enzyme labeled cells in the diagonal band nucleus of Broca, amygdala and claustrum. The pattern of cell-labeling in the diagonal band nucleus extended into the ventrolaterally contiguous nucleus basalis after injection of LEA and into the dorsally contiguous medial septal nucleus after injection of MEA Whereas HRP deposits in either division of EC resulted in cell-labeling in the cortical and medial nuclei of the amygdala, only those deposits which involved LEA led to cell-labeling in the posterior part of the lateral nucleus. In the thalamus, labeled cells were found in the rostral part of the paratenial, periventricular and reuniens nuclei. Finally, at midbrain levels, numerous labeled cells appeared in the dorsal raphe nucleus, a few in the median raphe and locus coeruleus, and, only after rostral EC injection, in the ventral tegmental area.  相似文献   

The efferent connections of the substantia innominata in the cat were studied with radioautographic methods. Injections of [3H]leucine were placed throughout the substantia innominata in 20 cats. The results indicate a complex organization to the efferent distribution of fibers from this region. The projections associated with more caudomedial regions of the substantia innominata resemble those of the adjacent preoptic-hypothalamic area and innervate the septal area, lateral habenular nucleus, and ventral tegmental area. Fibers arising from more caudolateral parts of the substantia innominata (ventral pallidum) appear to project in a crude topographic manner to the amygdala via two routes—the stria terminalis and a second group of caudolaterally directed axons. The fiber distribution from the region of the nucleus basalis is widespread to a variety of cortical sites, such as the olfactory bulb, prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate gyrus, pyriform, and posterior sylvian cortices. Fibers arising from the rostral aspect of the substantia innominata adjacent to the nucleus accumbens are distributed exclusively to the ventral tegmental area and adjoining substantia nigra. All parts of the substantia innominata supply the ventral tegmental area.  相似文献   

The descending projections to the spinal cord arising from the dorsolateral pontine tegmentum and brain stem raphe nuclei have been investigated by means of the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) technique. Particular attention was taken to clarify the cells of origin and the funicular trajectory of these spinal projections.After injections of HRP into the spinal cord, a significant number of HRP labeled neurons were observed in the following dorsolateral pontine tegmental structures: (1) an area ventral to the nucleous cuneiformis; (2) principal locus coeruleus; (3) locus coeruleus α; (4) locus subcoeruleus; (5) Kölliker-Fuse nucleus; and (6) nucleus parabrachialis lateralis. As a rule, the projections are ipsilateral and the descending fibers course in the ventral part of the lateral funiculus.As concerns the raphe-spinal projections, we have demonstrated that the nucleus raphe dorsalis also sends axons to the cervical segment of the spinal cord. Furthermore, in accord with previous reports, HRP labeled cells were also identified in the nucleus raphe magnus, pallidus and obscurus, but not in the nucleus raphe centralis superior and pontis.On the whole the present study further clarified the organization of spinal projections from the dorsolateral pons and raphe nuclei and provided some additional anatomical data for the physiology of the tegmentospinal and raphe-spinal projections.  相似文献   

The ventral tegmental area contains a high density of dopaminergic perikarya having ascending projections to a number of limbic forebrain regions. In this study, we use combined retrograde labeling with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and immunohistochemical staining for tyrosine hydroxylase to examine the catecholaminergic projection from the ventral tegmental area to the diagonal band of Broca. When injection of HRP was restricted to the diagonal band, only neurons in the nucleus linearis, nucleus interfascicularis and ventromedial portion of the nucleus paranigralis were labeled. In contrast, HRP injection into the adjacent nucleus accumbens labeled neurons throughout these nuclei, plus the nucleus parabrachialis pigmentosus, nucleus retroruber and substantia nigra, pars compacta. Approximately 60% of neurons in the ventral tegmental area labeled from the diagonal band contained tyrosine hydroxylase, compared with 79% of the neurons labeled from the nucleus accumbens. Neurotensin is a tridecapeptide found in the ventral tegmental area which has been shown to activate dopamine neurons projecting to the nucleus accumbens. In this study, microinjection of neurotensin into ventral tegmental nuclei which contained neurons retrogradely labeled from the diagonal band significantly elevated the levels of dopamine metabolites, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid and homovanillic acid, in the diagonal band. The results of this study demonstrate that a catecholaminergic projection exists from the ventral tegmental area to the diagonal band of Broca, and that this pathway can be stimulated by intra-ventral tegmental injection with neurotensin.  相似文献   

The HRP tracing method was employed to investigate the organization and afferent connections of the interpeduncular nucleus (IPN) in the rat. To study the topographical features of the different projections, a method was devised for obtaining HRP placements of limited size in different areas of the IPN. The main afferent connection of the IPN is a topographically organized projection from the medial habenula (Hb). This projection follows a reversed caudorostral pattern, terminating throughout all but the caudalmost part of the IPN. The dorsal part of the IPN receives a sparse innervation arising mainly from a narrow lateral and ventrolateral area of the medial Hb. The ventral two thirds of the IPN receives a much heavier projection, as follows: A large ventrolateral area of the medial Hb projects to the lateral part of the IPN in a completely bilateral way. An additional projection, which is predominantly ipsilateral, arises from the rostral half of the dorsolateral part of the medial Hb and terminates in the caudal IPN. The medial part of the medial Hb projects preferentially to central areas of the IPN. The projection from the lateral Hb is quantitatively much smaller but appears to be distributed to the entire length of the IPN, following a nonreversed caudorostral arrangement, with the ipsilateral projection predominating. The projections from the medial and lateral Hb to the IPN were confirmed by tracing anterogradely transported HRP as well. No reciprocal connection from the IPN to the Hb could be demonstrated. A sparse projection to the IPN with a strong ipsilateral predominance arises from the horizontal limbs of the nucleus of the diagonal band of Broca. This was the only projection observed from the septal region. Sparse projections from the premammillary and supramammillary nuclei were also demonstrated. Confirmatory data and some details of organization were also obtained for projections to the IPN from other areas, including the medial and dorsal raphe nuclei, the dorsal tegmental nucleus of Gudden, and the adjacent dorsolateral tegmental nucleus. Very small projections from the ventral tegmental nucleus and the locus coeruleus were also found.  相似文献   

Amygdaloid and pontine projections to the feline ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (HVM) were studied with retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and anterograde transport of tritiated amino acids. Following injections of HRP into HVM, amygdaloid neurons were labeled in the ipsilateral cortical and medial nuclei and the ventral portion of the parvocellular part of the basal nucleus. In experiments in which HRP was injected into the tuberal hypothalamus following stria terminalis lesions, it was determined that amygdaloid neurons projecting to HVM by way of the stria terminalis were located in the cortical and medial nuclei while those projecting through another route, presumably the ventral amygdalofugal pathway, were found in the rostral part of the medial nucleus and the parvocellular basal nucleus. Following HRP injection into lateral hypothalamus at the level of HVM, labeled neurons were seen in the magnocellular basal nucleus. After preoptic injections, neurons containing the HRP reaction product were in cortical and medial nuclei and magnocellular and parvocellular parts of the basal nucleus. In addition to cells in the amygdala, rostral pontine neurons were labeled after HRP injections into HVM. The cells were located ipsilateral to the injection, mostly in the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus, lateral and dorsolateral to the brachium conjunctivum. The pontine cells labeled following HVM injections of HRP were different from those labeled following lateral hypothalamic and preoptic region injections. The pontine projection to HVM was confirmed using axoplasmic transport autoradiography. A mixture of tritiated leucine and tritiated proline was injected into the lateral pontine region labeled after HRP injections into HVM. Labeled axons ascending in the medial forebrain bundle terminated throughout the rostro-caudal extent of HVM.  相似文献   

Afferent connections to the medial hypothalamic region in the rat were studied using horseradish peroxidase (HRP). HRP was injected iontophoretically by a parapharyngeal approach. After HRP injections into the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus, labeled cells were found mainly in the medial and basolateral amygdaloid nuclei, subiculum, peripeduncular nucleus and the parabrachial area. Labeled cells following HRP injections into the dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus were found mainly in the lateral septal nucleus, nucleus accumbens, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, pontine central gray and the parabrachial area. HRP-labeled cells following the medial preoptic area injections were found mainly in the infralimbic cortex, lateral and medial septal nuclei, nucleus accumbens, diagonal band, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, medial amygdaloid nucleus, subiculum, peripedunclar nucleus and the parabrachial area. The intrahypothalamic connections were also discussed.  相似文献   

Afferent connections to the substantia innominata/nucleus basalis complex of monkeys and cats were traced by using the method of retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Altogether ten injections of HRP were performed in four monkeys (Saimiri sciureus, Callithrix jacchus, Galago senegalensis) and in four cats, with either vertical or oblique needle approaches. The entire brains excluding the olfactory bulbs and the cerebellum were then screened for labeled neurons. In both monkey and cat brains, many retrogradely labeled neurons could be detected in the amygdala, hypothalamus, midline thalamus, zona incerta, and the fields of Forel. Further but weaker labeling occurred in the medial septal nucleus, diagonal band of Broca, olfactory tubercle, paraventricular, anterior, mediodorsal, and central lateral thalamic nuclei, lateral habenula, ventral tegmental area of Tsai, interpeduncular nucleus, parabrachial, raphe, dorsal tegmental nucleus and the locus caeruleus. Cortically, prefrontal, insular, entorhinal, prepiriform, and periamygdaloid areas of both species showed considerable labeling as well as the whole temporal lobe of the monkeys used. The perirhinal and basal temporal cortex of all cats showed moderate labeling. In both monkeys and cats, extremely scarce labeling occurred within the cingulate, retrosplenial, and subicular cortex. From an anatomical point of view, the manifold connections of the substantia innominata/basal nucleus of Meynert found in this study underscore the participation of these nuclear groups in motivational, emotional, and cognitive (e.g. mnemonic) functions. Considering the widespread cortical efferents of this complex, it is suggested that the substantia innominata/nucleus basalis of Meynert serves the transmission of information arising within the limbic system to the whole neocortex.  相似文献   

The distribution of choline acetyltransferase-immunoreactive (ChAT-IR) neurons was studied in the brain of the common marmoset by using immunohistochemistry. ChAT-IR neurons were found in the medial septal nucleus, vertical and horizontal limb nuclei of the diagonal band, the nucleus basalis of Meynert, pedunculopontine nucleus and laterodorsal tegmental nucleus, and also in the striatum, habenula, and brainstem cranial nerve motor nuclei. The organization of ChAT-IR neurons in the basal forebrain, midbrain, and pons is consistent with the Ch1-Ch6 nomenclature introduced by Mesulam et al. ('83). The combination of the retrograde transport of HRP-WGA with ChAT immunohistochemistry revealed the distribution of neurons in the Ch4 cell group projecting to the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. The activity of ChAT was highest in limbic cortical structures, such as the hippocampus, and lowest in association areas of the neocortex. Lesions at various loci in the basal forebrain resulted in differential patterns of ChAT loss in the cortex, which suggests some degree of topographical organization of Ch4 projections to the cortical mantle.  相似文献   

Cerebral cortical regions which send projection fibers to the reticular regions around the trigeminal motor nucleus were identified in the cat by the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) method. The reticular region around the trigeminal motor nucleus are known to contain many interneurons for masticatory motoneurons. After injections of HRP into the reticular regions around the trigeminal motor nucleus, HRP-labeled neuronal cell bodies in the cerebral cortex were found in layer V. They were distributed bilaterally in the orbitofrontal cortical regions, mainly in the rostral extension of the orbital gyrus close to the presylvian sulcus; more were located in the floor and lateral bank of the presylvian sulcus than in the crown of the orbital gyrus. After injections of HRP conjugated with wheat germ agglutinin (WGA-HRP) into these cortical regions, many labeled presumed axon terminals were distributed bilaterally in the reticular regions around the trigeminal motor nucleus; mainly in the region ventral to the trigeminal motor nucleus and in the intertrigeminal region between the main sensory trigeminal nucleus and the trigeminal motor nucleus. Terminal labeling in these regions was more prominent after WGA-HRP injection into the lateral bank of the presylvian sulcus than after WGA-HRP injection into the crown of the orbital gyrus. Thus, the present results indicate that the main part of the cortical region projecting directly to the reticular regions around the trigeminal motor nucleus in the cat is folded into the presylvian sulcus.  相似文献   

Afferent connections to the lateral hypothalamic region in the rat were studied using horseradish peroxidase (HRP). HRP was injected iontophoretically by a parapharyngeal approach. After HRP injections into the lateral hypothalamic area, labeled cells were found mainly in the medial prefrontal and infralimbic cortices, lateral and dorsal septal nuclei, nucleus accumbens, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, medial and lateral amygdaloid nuclei, lateral habenular nucleus, peripeduncular nucleus, ventral tegmental area, mesencephalic and pontine central gray, ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus, lateral parabrachial area, raphe nuclei and the nucleus locus coeruleus. Labeled cells following HRP injections into the lateral preoptic area were found mainly in the lateral and dorsal septal nuclei, nucleus accumbens, diagonal band, ventral part of the globus pallidus, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, central amygdaloid nucleus, mesencephalic and pontine central gray, dorsal raphe nucleus, parabrachial area and the nucleus locus coeruleus. The intrahypothalamic connections were also discussed.  相似文献   

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