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目的:研究聚焦超声辐照香猪皮肤后的病理学转归,探讨超声治疗带状疱疹后遗神经痛的可行性。方法:香猪10只采用自身对照法,功率2w,频率11Mnz,用超声波治疗仪(重庆海扶公司自行研制)对香猪皮肤进行连续直线辐照,于辐照后即刻、第3、7和14天取材送光镜和电镜检查。结果:超声辐照后即刻香猪皮肤充血水肿,表皮完整,稍硬.皮温升高;第3天皮肤充血水肿减轻,仍然突出皮面,稍硬,结痂;第7天后仍然有少许水肿,与正常皮肤平;第14天皮肤外观完全恢复正常。组织学变化:超声辐照后即劾取材,可见真皮层充血水肿明显;第3天可见毛细血管扩张以及慢性炎症浸润;第7天可见新生毛细血管增生以及炎症浸润;第14天完全恢复正常。超微结构变化:即刻、第3、7天可见血管内皮细胞线粒体肿胀,微吞饮小泡数量多,成纤维细胞线粒体肿胀,粗面内质网扩张,神经纤维线粒体肿胀,第14天完全恢复正常。结论:超声有利于改善皮肤真皮层的微循环、促进神经末梢的增生和修复。  相似文献   

对1例同时发生的Sweet综合征与结节性红斑病例进行报道。患者女,43岁,咽痛、发热20余天,伴四肢皮疹半月。查体:眼睑结膜、面色苍白。双手背及前臂伸侧可见边缘突起的淡红色斑疹,有触痛,有假水泡形成,表面有痂皮,大小<2cm×3cm,呈圆形或椭圆形。双侧胫前皮肤广泛发红、水肿,其间可见数枚大小不等的红色结节。直径1~3cm,质较硬,触痛,无溃破及渗出。皮损病理:上肢皮肤乳头层及真皮层水肿,可见灶状淋巴细胞及大量炎细胞浸润,可见核碎。下肢真皮浅层、深层血管周围及脂肪间隔淋巴样细胞浸润。诊断:Sweet综合征合并结节性红斑。  相似文献   

用高脂高胆固醇饮食喂养猕猴建立高脂血症动物模型,动物分为成年组(10~16岁)和老年组(20~23岁),造型期历时16~28个月。动物灌注固定后取双侧大脑中动脉及其中央支。扫描电镜观察血管内皮改变,结果发现成年猴大脑中动脉内皮细胞水肿,表面可见血细胞和纤维成份粘附。中央支病变稍轻,老年猴大脑中动脉内皮细胞水肿严重,细胞排列紊乱,并有局部破溃,内皮下结构裸露。中央支内皮破溃,甚至成片脱落,有血液成分粘附。实验结果表明高血脂可诱发脑动脉损害,并随年龄的增加而加重。  相似文献   

下肢静脉曲张三个家系刘润堂,徐禾介,徐盛茂家系1先证者,男,17岁,学生。因内踝部曲张静脉破裂失血来诊。头、颈及胸腹皮肤正常。下肢可见大小隐静脉扩张,迂回成团状,右重左轻。内踝处有色素沉着,局部溃疡,静脉破裂流血,切除大小隐静脉而获治愈。象系调查追踪...  相似文献   

患者男性,46岁,4年来反复性右脐旁隐痛不适,常在剧烈运动及饱餐后加重,并伴有右腰部隐痛,偶有腹胀、尿频等,经保守治疗好转。本次以反复性右下腹痛2天,以慢性阑尾炎急性发作初诊而收住院。经抗炎、对症等保守治疗1天未见好转而行手术治疗。术中探查回盲部未发现阑尾,组织颜色正常,切开回盲部外侧腹膜亦未发现腹膜外位阑尾,予向上延长切口,用手探查回盲部周围升结肠,在距回盲部约4cm的升结肠前壁上可触及一硬性索状物,充分暴露术野后发现条索状物处肠壁浆膜充血水肿,切开浆膜,可见浆膜下有一完整的索状物约4cm,表面充血、肿胀,仔细分离后  相似文献   

目的 :探讨肺撞击伤的特点 ,比较左、右肺组织中细胞凋亡的变化 ,提示细胞凋亡在肺撞击伤和继发性肺损伤中的作用。方法 :撞击大鼠右侧胸部建立重度肺撞击伤模型 ,应用流式细胞仪配合PI和FITC双染法检测伤前及伤后 6、2 4、48、72h和 1周时大鼠左、右肺组织的细胞凋亡率。结果 :大体观察可见 ,右肺受撞击区域出血、充血、水肿 ,左肺除稍饱满外 ,未见出血或充血等损伤。光镜观察 ,右肺受撞击区域组织结构严重破坏 ,出血及水肿明显 ,可见较多浸润的中性粒细胞 ,左肺组织结构清晰 ,仅见小血管袖套状操作及中性粒细胞浸润 ,伤后 2 4h肺…  相似文献   

产时宫颈水肿封闭治疗回顾性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
赵明艳 《医学信息》2008,21(1):146-147
1 资料与方法 1.1 一般资料 本文对我院2004年~2006年分娩的280例产妇产程中有宫颈水肿进行封闭治疗的病历,进行回顾性分析,适应症为:凡产道无其它异常具备阴道分娩条件,在产程中发现宫颈进展缓慢,有宫颈水肿充血变厚,用利多卡因加阿托品局部封闭.  相似文献   

低分子肝素钠凝胶治疗兔耳冻伤作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文观察了低分子肝素钠凝胶对大耳白兔耳部冻伤治疗作用.结果表明低分子肝素钠凝胶2.50g、1.25g/耳对兔耳部冻伤有明显的治疗作用.兔耳部冻伤病理结果表明,模型组兔耳表皮溃破、缺损,部分表皮组织增厚,皮下可见充血、水肿、急慢性炎症、坏死等改变.用药组的病理所见明显轻于模型组.  相似文献   

低分子肝素钠凝胶治疗兔耳冻伤作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本观察了低分子肝素的凝胶对大耳白兔耳部冻伤治疗作用。结果表明:低分子肝素钠凝胶2.50g,1.25g/耳对兔耳部冻伤有明显的治疗作用。兔耳部冻伤病理结果表明,模型组兔耳表皮溃破、缺损,部分表皮组织增厚,皮下可见充血、水肿、急慢性炎症、坏死等改变。用药组的病理所见明显轻于模型组。  相似文献   

烧伤和许多疾病一样,不论从局部还是远部组织和器官,均存在有明显的微循环改变。学者们近年来通过对烧伤后微循环的深入研究,为烧伤的临床治疗提供了一定的理论基础。本文将从三方面综述如下: 一、烧伤局部微循环的变化 烧伤深度不同,局部微循环变化不同已被大家所公认。Branemark及国内微循环工作者对动物(地鼠、兔)及人体烧伤后局部微循环进行了观察,总结出局部不同深度创面的微循环特点如下:Ⅰ度烧伤以充血为特征,细动脉和细静脉扩张,有时细动脉先有节段性收缩。毛细血管扩张。Ⅱ度烧伤,细动脉可见短暂收缩之后扩张充血,血流速度减慢。细静脉扩张,红细胞聚集,可见白细胞附壁,血流缓慢或血流停滞。Ⅲ度烧伤,细动脉、细静脉、毛细血管中均有广泛的血栓形成,血流停滞,微循环闭塞。赵克森等用兔耳开窗活体观察与光学显微镜及电子显微镜观察相结合。证实皮肤烫伤(65℃1分钟)后,局部微循环常出现血管收缩、血流缓慢,继而形成微血栓。在广泛血栓形成的部位,微循环中血流迅速停止,一周后病理切片常见全层皮肤坏死,证实为Ⅲ度烧伤。微循环未广泛栓塞的动物皮肤,一周后证实为部分皮肤层破坏,残留一部分皮脂腺、毛囊及深层组织,属于深Ⅱ度烧伤。从而提出了血栓成因是烧伤微循环中由于血流淤滞继续发展至完全  相似文献   

Rates of contamination of blood cultures obtained when skin was prepared with iodine tincture versus chlorhexidine were compared. For iodine tincture, the contamination rate was 2.7%; for chlorhexidine, it was 3.1%. The 0.41% difference is not statistically significant. Chlorhexidine has comparable effectiveness and is safer, cheaper, and preferred by staff, so it is an alternative to iodine tincture.  相似文献   

A suspension of Staphylococcus aureus deposited on the skin was much more effectively removed by soap-and-water washing when it had been spread and allowed to dry (mean survival 2%) than when it had been rubbed on to the skin (mean survival 29.9%); when antiseptics (70% ethyl alcohol, Hibiscrub without added water) were used, there was no difference between their action against bacteria dried on and bacteria rubbed on to the skin; both of these methods, and especially alcohol, were more effective than soap and water. When a detergent-disinfectant method (washing with Hibiscrub and water) was used, there was a significantly greater effect against rubbed-on than against dried-on bacteria; soap and water was slightly more effective than Hibiscrub and water against the latter. The need to reappraise methods of reducing transient skin flora in 'hygienic' hand cleansing and the tests used for this purpose are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of complex extract from Aconitum baikalense on reparative regeneration of a plane dorsal skin wound were studied. Treatment with Aconitum baikalense tincture stimulated reparation and skin regeneration. The effects of the Aconitum baikalense alkaloids on functional activity of fibroblast precursors were studied in vitro by cultural methods. Mesaconitine, hypaconitine, songorine, napelline, and 12-epinapelline N-oxide significantly stimulated the growth of colonies from fibroblast precursors. This indicated direct stimulation of fibroblasts by aconite alkaloids, which could be a mechanism of reparative activity of the complex extract.  相似文献   

Amylin amide, a 37-amino acid peptide that is a major component of amyloid deposits in the diabetic pancreas, possesses vasodilator activity. Human synthetic amylin amide (30 to 300 pmol/site) stimulated a dose-dependent increase in blood flow after intradermal injection in rabbit skin. Amylin amide was 100 times less active than the structurally related potent vasodilator neuropeptide calcitonin gene-related peptide. Amylin amide did not induce edema formation; however, as a consequence of its vasodilator activity, amylin amide potentiated edema formation induced in rabbit skin by bradykinin. The intravenous injection of amylin amide (10 nmol) caused a systemic drop in blood pressure. This study demonstrates that amylin amide elicits vasodilator responses in vivo. It is possible that the release of amylin amide from the pancreas in type II diabetes could lead to changes in vascular tone.  相似文献   

An array of porous microneedles was developed for minimally-invasive transdermal electrolytic connection through the human skin barrier, the stratum corneum. The length of microneedle was designed to be 100 μm so that it penetrates into the epidermis layer without pain. Each microneedle was supported by a thicker cylindrical post protruding from a planar substrate to realize its effective penetration even into elastic human skin. Since this support (post and substrate) was equally porous as the needles, the needle chip was entirely permeable for electrolyte. This ion-conductive porous microneedle array was applied to the transdermal conductometry with small direct current for local monitoring of intercellular swelling, edema. The porous needle-based electrode system could be a platform for various transdermal electrical diagnosis and treatments.  相似文献   

When electrical stimulation is used on wounds, the electrical current has difficulty penetrating areas where there is necrotic tissue. Further, for an irregularly shaped wound, current distribution is poor in some areas of the wound since conventional two-electrode delivery systems provide the greatest current in a line directly between the electrodes. A new stimulator and electrode system is described which uses three electrodes spaced around a wound to disperse current more evenly. The stimulator senses tissue impedance and then redirects current by altering its Thevenin's output impedance for each electrode; each of the three electrodes becomes the active one in sequence while the remaining are the sink electrodes. Eight subjects were examined to test the stimulator. Electrical stimulation was applied to the skin above the quadriceps muscle at currents of 15 mA in six subjects without wounds and in two subjects with wounds. The relationship between electrode position and current dispersion on the skin was examined with a two-electrode vs. a three-electrode system to set stimulation parameters for the computer. The results showed that the three-electrode system could (1) detect areas of the skin with high impedance; (2) compensate by altering the Thevenin's output impedance at each of the three electrodes to shift current to high impedance areas; (3) provide uniform current across the skin as assessed by skin current and blood flow measurements with a laser Doppler flow imager.  相似文献   

When electrical stimulation is used on wounds, the electrical current has difficulty penetrating areas where there is necrotic tissue. Further, for an irregularly shaped wound, current distribution is poor in some areas of the wound since conventional two-electrode delivery systems provide the greatest current in a line directly between the electrodes. A new stimulator and electrode system is described which uses three electrodes spaced around a wound to disperse current more evenly. The stimulator senses tissue impedance and then redirects current by altering its Thevenin's output impedance for each electrode; each of the three electrodes becomes the active one in sequence while the remaining are the sink electrodes. Eight subjects were examined to test the stimulator. Electrical stimulation was applied to the skin above the quadriceps muscle at currents of 15 mA in six subjects without wounds and in two subjects with wounds. The relationship between electrode position and current dispersion on the skin was examined with a two-electrode vs. a three-electrode system to set stimulation parameters for the computer. The results showed that the three-electrode system could (1) detect areas of the skin with high impedance; (2) compensate by altering the Thevenin's output impedance at each of the three electrodes to shift current to high impedance areas; (3) provide uniform current across the skin as assessed by skin current and blood flow measurements with a laser Doppler flow imager.  相似文献   

In this article, a series of fluorinated polyimides rubbed at different pressures was prepared, and the plasma protein adsorption on the rubbed polyimide films was evaluated using a micro-bicinchoninic acid protein assay. Interestingly, the amount of plasma protein adsorbed on the polyimide surface strongly depended on the rubbing pressure. The amounts of BSA and Fbg adsorbed on the rubbed polyimide film significantly decreased with an increase in the rubbing pressure. In contrast, the amounts of IgG adsorbed on the rubbed film dramatically increased with an increase in the rubbing pressure. In particular, it is interesting to note that a specific adsorption surface for IgG is formed by the rubbing process. We proposed that the nano-ordered hydrophilic and hydrophobic patternings formed on the top and bottom surfaces on the rubbed fluorinated polyimide film might have a significant influence on the plasma protein adsorption.  相似文献   

We have made correlated physiological and morphological studies of salamander skin to look for a possible relationship between Merkel cells and the mechanoreceptors of the skin. Using electrophysiological techniques, a systematic survey was made of the apparent thresholds to mechanical stimulation over areas of approximately 1 mm2 of skin surface; the same skin was then serially sectioned for electromicroscopic examination. From an analysis of the physiological findings we could define highly mechanosensitive discrete areas on the skin which indicated the locations of the rapidly adapting mechanoreceptors. The same skin was then examined morphologically to construct a map showing the locations of the Merkel cells. The morphological map was corrected for distortion due to shrinkage, by using as ‘internal markers’ the gland openings which can be identified both in the morphological study and during the physiological survey. The final superimposition of the physiological map with the corrected morphological map revealed a highly significant correlation between the touch-sensitive areas and the Merkel cells. We conclude that each rapidly adapting touch receptor, which we know is only rarely supplied by more than one axon, is comprised of mechanosensory endings in intimate association with a single Merkel cell.  相似文献   

为探讨兴奋剂性氨基酸(EAA)NMDA受体拮抗剂MK-801在脑创伤后脑水肿中的保护作用及其与内洙性强啡肽之间的关系,本研究利用放射免疫分析与脑水肿密度测定法,发现腹腔给予MK-801(1mg/kg)可以明显降低脑创伤后24h伤侧皮层与海马水肿,脑创伤后侧皮层与海马ir-DynA1-13含量明显降低(P〈0.01),而给予MK-801后ir-DynA1-13,含量明显升高(P〈0.01)。结果表明  相似文献   

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