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Bone compaction enhances implant fixation in a canine gap model.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new bone preparation technique, compaction, has increased fixation of implants inserted with exact-fit or press-fit to bone. Furthermore, a demonstrated spring-back effect of compacted bone might be of potential value in reducing the initial gaps that often exist between clinical inserted implants and bone. However, it is unknown whether the compression and breakage of trabeculae during the compaction procedure results in impaired gap-healing of compacted bone. Therefore, we compared compaction with conventional drilling in a canine gap model. Grit-blasted titanium implants (diameter 6 mm) were bilaterally inserted into cavities initially expanded to 8 mm diameters in the proximal humeri. Each dog served as its own control; thus, one humerus had the implant cavity prepared with compaction, the other with drilling. Eight dogs were euthanized after 2 weeks, and 7 dogs after 4 weeks. Humeri from additional 7 dogs represented time 0. At time 0 a spring-back effect of compacted bone was demonstrated as cavities, initially expanded to 8 mm by compaction, were reduced to a median cavity diameter of 6.6 mm. In contrast, cavities initially expanded to 8 mm by drilling, had a median cavity diameter of 8.0 mm at time 0. Compaction significantly increased all push-out parameters at 2 weeks. Compaction significantly increased peri-implant bone density at 0 and 2 weeks, and bone implant contact at 2 and 4 weeks. The faster mechanical and histological fixation with compaction indicates that the beneficial effect of reduced gap size, as compacted bone springs back, is not eliminated by an impaired gap-healing of compacted bone.  相似文献   

Our study was designed to evaluate osseointegration among implants with three surface treatments: plasma-sprayed titanium (P), plasma-sprayed titanium with hydroxyapatite (PHA), and chemical-textured titanium with hydroxyapatite (CHA). Average surface roughness (Ra) was 27 microns for the P group, 17 microns for the PHA group, and 26 microns for the CHA group. Bilateral distal intramedullary implants were placed in the femora of thirty rabbits. Histomorphometry of scanning electron microscopy images was used to analyze the amount of bone around the implants at 6 and 12 weeks after implantation. Greater amounts of osseointegration were observed in the hydroxyapatite-coated groups than in the noncoated group. For all implant surfaces, osseointegration was greater at the diaphyseal level compared to the metaphyseal level. No significant differences were seen in osseointegration between the 6 and 12 week time points. Although the average surface roughness of the P and the CHA groups was similar, osseointegration of the CHA implants was significantly greater. The results of this in vivo lapine study suggest that the presence of an hydroxyapatite coating enhances osseointegration despite similarities in average surface roughness.  相似文献   

The Madreporic hip arthroplasty has provided encouraging clinical results. The surface of the prosthesis is unlike other uncemented prostheses since the rough surface is formed by multiple 1-mm diameter beads that are cast as an integral part of the prosthesis and increase its surface area four times. Seven Madreporic hip arthroplasties were implanted in adult male mongrel dogs. Specimens were harvested 5, 6, 9, 12, 20 and 52 weeks after insertion. One specimen became septic and loosened. The prosthesis was stabilized initially by friction fit between the prosthesis and the endosteal cortex of the proximal femur. Dense, uniformly organized, fibrous tissue surrounded the prosthesis at 5 weeks. The fibrous tissue appeared similar to Sharpey's fibres. Circumferential bone contact increased from 26% at 5 weeks to 60% at 52 weeks. Fluorescent labelling revealed active new bone formation within the interstices of the prosthesis without evidence of an intervening soft-tissue membrane. Firm mechanical anchorage of the Madreporic femoral prosthesis was demonstrated in this study.  相似文献   

A canine hip replacement model was used to compare fixation stability in cemented and cementless femoral components. Parameters of comparison were the load-induced positional changes of each prosthesis relative to its proximal femoral cortex, hereafter called relative displacements. Identical femoral components, with the proximal third of their stem porous-coated, were implanted in the right femurs of 10 large, mixed-breed dogs. Five were tightly fit to allow porous ingrowth, and five were cemented into the medullary canal. Four months after implantation, all femurs were harvested. A prosthesis was implanted in the left (normal) femur of each dog ex vivo with fixation identical to the contralateral limb to simulate acute postoperative fixation. Eddy current transducers measured relative displacements under application of static loads, serially applied in the axial, mediolateral, and craniocaudal directions. Thereafter, the femurs were transversely sectioned and morphologically analyzed to correlate bony apposition at the implant surface with relative displacements. We observed no difference in relative displacements between acute and 4-month-cemented groups (e.g., 0.0059 +/- 0.0021 vs. 0.0060 +/- 0.0048 mm, respectively, for 100-N axial loading measured at midstem). With cementless implantation, relative displacements of the acute group were significantly larger (p = 0.007) than those of the 4-month group (e.g., 0.236 +/- 0.257 vs. 0.097 +/- 0.129 mm, respectively, for 100-N axial loading measured at midstem). Cementless components implanted for 4 months were not significantly different than cemented components, but a trend suggested that they were still not as stable as cemented components, particularly for craniocaudal loads. Relative displacements of the 4-month, porous ingrowth group were approximately proportional to the percentage of bony apposition raised to the -1.44 power (r = 0.94).  相似文献   

Total hip replacement induces injury to remote veins in a canine model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of total hip replacement on the condition of the luminal surface of the jugular and femoral veins and the carotid and femoral arteries were studied in healthy dogs. Four hours after the completion of surgery, most of the blood was removed by whole-body perfusion and the vessels were partially fixed in situ by glutaraldehyde perfusion, harvested, and prepared for scanning electron microscopy. In control dogs (held under anesthesia) the luminal surfaces of the veins (including valves and confluences) and arteries were covered by intact endothelium and were free of adhering blood cells. The arteries from dogs that were operated on were also free of damage. In contrast, the veins from dogs that were operated on showed a series of roughly parallel microtears around 70 to 80 per cent of the confluences of the side branches with the jugular or femoral vein. The basement membrane as well as the endothelial sheet was torn, thereby exposing underlying connective-tissue fibers and smooth muscle cells. The endothelium separated along intercellular junctions. The tears were infiltrated with many leukocytes and platelets and some erythrocytes. Subtle endothelial changes and patchy leukocyte adhesion occurred away from the side branches. The mechanism or mechanisms remain to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Many studies have shown enhanced bone apposition to implants coated with hydroxyapatite, but the optimum implant texture, especially in abnormal trabecular bone, is unclean The purpose of this project was to evaluate the histological and mechanical properties of cylindrical implants with three different surface textures that were placed in the cancellous bone of the distal femur of the rabbit after the production of an inflammatory knee arthritis. The three implant surfaces included a beaded surface (Group A), a beaded surface coated with hydroxyapatite (Group B), and a smooth surface coated with hydroxyapatite (Group C). The right knees of 36 rabbits were injected with carrageenan twice a week for 2 weeks. Then bilateral implantations were performed, with 12 rabbits in each group receiving identical implants in the right and left knees. The rabbits were killed 6 weeks after surgery. Mechanical (push-out test) and histomorphometric analyses were performed to determine the quality and quantity of bone ingrowth. In Group A, there was virtually no direct contact (a 20–60-μm clearance) between the bone and the beaded surfaces. Direct contact between the bone and the implant surfaces was seen in Groups B and C. The thickness and number of trabeculae were smaller on the arthritic side than on the control side for all groups but were not different between groups for either the control or the arthritic side. Mechanical testing showed that the shear strength of the interface was weaker on the arthritic side in all groups. The results suggest that inflammatory arthritis induced by carrageenan may influence the quality of local bone (osteopenic changes) and hence compromise the bone apposition and mechanical stability of the interface between the implant and bone.  相似文献   

A drug delivery system using copoly (lactic/glycol acid) was tested to determine its efficacy and safety in preventing cerebral vasospasm following subarachnoid hemorrhage in dogs. Rod shaped implants (1 mm diameter, 10 mm length, and approximately 10% of nicardipine) was prepared by a heat compression method. Ten dogs were assigned to two groups: double hemorrhage group and double hemorrhage group treated with implants. Vertebral angiography and arterial blood injection into the cisterna magna were performed, followed by midline suboccipital craniectomy and laminectomy of the atlas and placement of nicardipine implants in the cisterna magna. On day 2, arterial blood injection into the cisterna magna was repeated (double hemorrhage model). On day 7, vertebral angiography was repeated. The animals were then sacrificed and the brain and blood clot were taken out. All the animals involved in both groups had been clinically well. Though 5 animals of the control group showed severe vasospasm, no vasospasm was observed in 3 animals and only very mild vasospasm in 2 of the nicardipine-treated group. There was a statistically significant difference in diameter between the two groups (0.5 mm vs 1.1 mm, p = 0.009). Histological examination showed no specific changes related to implants. Furthermore, left frontotemporal craniotomy and placement of nicardipine implants in the carotid-optico cistern were preformed in 3 dogs. Neither clinical symptoms related to implants nor specific histological changes were observed (e.g. hypotension, seizure). These results suggested that nicardipine-prolonged release preparation is safe as well as effective for cerebral vasospasm.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Dorsal plating of distal radius fractures with titanium plates has resulted in clinically observed tenosynovitis and tendon rupture. The goal of this study was to investigate whether titanium-based implants result in more extensor tendon inflammation than matched stainless-steel implants in a canine fracture model. METHODS: An osteotomy was created in the distal radius of 18 beagles and fixed with 2.7-mm 4-hole plates composed of commercially pure titanium, titanium alloy (Ti-Al6-V4), or 316L stainless steel. Animals were killed at an average of 4 months. Tendon gliding was assessed by applying a force at the extensor musculotendinous junction and noting gliding. Histologic grading (mild, moderate, severe) was based on cellular hypertrophy, hyperplasia, and leukocytic infiltration. RESULTS: Tendons glided freely in 100% stainless-steel specimens, 75% of titanium alloy, and 43% of commercially pure titanium groups. A severe inflammatory reaction was identified in 60% of the titanium alloy (Ti-A16-V4) group, 57% of the pure titanium group, and 0% of the stainless-steel group. CONCLUSIONS: Dorsal plating of the canine radius with commercially pure titanium or titanium alloy implants produced a greater inflammatory peritendinous response than matched stainless-steel implants.  相似文献   

Tissue response to porous tantalum acetabular cups: a canine model   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This study evaluated the osseous tissue response to a noncemented metal-backed acetabular component made of a new porous tantalum biomaterial. Eleven dogs with bilateral total hip arthroplasties (22 acetabular implants) were studied for a period of 6 months. Thin section histology, high-resolution radiography, and backscattered scanning electron microscopy revealed that all 22 implants had stable bone-implant interfaces. Regions of bone ingrowth were present in all histologic sections. The depth of bone ingrowth varied from 0.2 mm to the maximal limit of 2 mm. Analyzing contiguous regions of interest across the full bone-implant interface, the mean bone ingrowth for all sections was 16.8% +/- 5.7%. In the peripheral regions of the cup where bone-implant contact was most consistent, bone ingrowth averaged 25.1% +/- 10.1%. The data indicate that the porous tantalum material is effective for biologic fixation in the dog and may provide a suitable alternative to other porous materials used in acetabular cup design.  相似文献   

To investigate the pathophysiology of chronic cyanosis, we subjected 14 adult mongrel dogs to diversion of the inferior vena cava to the right inferior pulmonary vein. This produced a mean oxygen tension of 42 +/- 2 mm Hg and a calculated right-to-left shunt of 52.0% +/- 3.9%. These animals (Group C) and 15 normal dogs (Group N) were subjected to cardiopulmonary bypass with 20 minutes of normothermic global ischemia. Functional indices studied were rate of rise of left ventricular pressure and the end-systolic pressure/volume ratio. Metabolic status was assessed by obtaining transmural myocardial biopsy specimens for measurement of adenosine triphosphate content. Myocardial blood flow was measured with radiolabeled microspheres. There were no significant differences between Group C and Group N in either functional index or blood flow measurement prior to global ischemia. At 45 minutes after ischemia, Group N animals had a significantly greater rate of rise of left ventricular pressure (at a left ventricular end-diastolic pressure of 0, 5, 10, and 15 mm Hg, p less than 0.025 to 0.05) and subendocarial perfusion (endocardial/epicardial flow ratio 0.961 +/- 0.037 versus 0.815 +/- 0.021, p less than 0.01). At 90 minutes after ischemia, Group N animals exhibited a significantly higher end-systolic pressure/volume ratio (4.9 +/- 0.7 versus 3.0 +/- 0.4 mm Hg/ml, p less than 0.05), rate of rise of left ventricular pressure (at an end-diastolic pressure of 0 to 20 mm Hg, p less than 0.005 to 0.05), and endocardial/epicardial flow ratio (1.065 +/- 0.046 versus 0.829 +/- 0.059, p less than 0.01). No differences in adenosine triphosphate content were found at any sampling period. The Group C left ventricles exhibited no hypertrophy but were significantly dilated compared to Group N (38.8 +/- 0.3 versus 30.1 +/- 0.2 mm, p less than 0.05). Inferior vena cava to pulmonary vein diversion produces cyanosis with left ventricular dilatation but without hypertrophy. It is proposed that abnormal loading characteristics of the left ventricle are responsible for the functional derangements that result from global ischemia.  相似文献   

Soft tissue attachment to a metallic prosthesis is required for the improvement of the functional outcome of endoprosthetic reconstructions. Direct tendon attachment to the metallic surface can be achieved through fibrous ingrowth, but such an attachment has a mechanical strength less than one fifth of that of a normal tendon insertion. Regeneration of a transitional structure between the tendon and the metallic surface similar to the normal morphology of a direct tendon insertion may improve the mechanical strength of the new tendon insertion. The objective of the study was to investigate the effect of placement of an interpositional autogenous cancellous bone plate augmented with bone marrow on the mechanical strength of the soft tissue attachment to the metallic surface. The insertion of the supraspinatus tendon was reattached to a porous titanium prosthesis in a canine shoulder model. An autogenous cancellous bone plate supplemented with bone marrow was positioned between the metallic surface and the tendon. Assessment of load-bearing, as a measure of functional recovery, and radiological analysis were performed at 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 weeks. The animals were euthanized 16 weeks after surgery, and the specimens were subjected to tensile mechanical testing (six animals) and microradiographic-histologic evaluation (three animals). Functional analysis showed a 90.3% recovery of preoperative weight-bearing by 16 weeks (p < 0.05). The mineralized area around the prostheses increased by 63% over time (p < 0.05). Tensile stiffness and strength of the reconstruction were 43.6% and 42.8% of the intact tendon insertion values, respectively. These results were higher than in previous experiments using the direct tendon attachment (p < 0.01, p < 0.05, respectively) or the interpositional bone plate without marrow supplementation (p < 0.05, p < 0.05, respectively). Morphologically, the tendon reattachment site contained the basic tissue transition zones in normal tendon insertion to bone. Inductive bone grafting, supplemented with bone marrow, in the biologic augmentation of tendon anchoring onto a porous metallic prosthesis was an effective technique to increase the mechanical strength of the tendon attachment to the metallic prosthesis.  相似文献   

In the situation of an irreparable meniscus tear, an implant comparable to a normal meniscus is an attractive option. Using a canine model, we assessed the early and late histologic response to a tissue engineered meniscal collagen scaffold (CS). All animals received bilateral arthrotomies, and all joints receiving the CS had an 80% resection of the meniscus. Animals were sacrificed at 3 and 6 weeks, and 12, 13, and 17 months. The CS/tissue complex and host meniscal rim were sectioned for histologic examination with specific focus on the extracellular matrix, angiogenesis, cellular resorption of the scaffold, scaffold appearance, and CS/Host integration. Early histologic samples (3–6 weeks) revealed active angiogenesis and fibrin clots evolving into cellular granulation type tissue. At 12 months, a mature fibrochondrocytic matrix was depositing with gradations of dissolution and integration of the CS implant. Maturing CS/host integration was observed at 18 months. Active cellular resorption of the implant decreased over time. Four cases showed a mild non‐specific chronic inflammation and one additional case showed inflammatory engulfment of the scaffold with giant cells at 3 weeks. No evidence of infection either clinically or histologically was observed at any time point. Overall, this histologic analysis demonstrated the active integration of a meniscal like cartilage into a tissue engineered biological scaffold in a canine model. © 2013 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Orthop Res 31:1914–1919, 2013  相似文献   

Early tissue reaction to textured breast implant surfaces.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Capsular contracture around breast implants with smooth surfaces continues to be an unpredictable complication. Some surgeons believe that silicone implants covered with porous polyurethane foam have a lowered potential to contract. These textured implants are not as biocompatible as silicone. Recently, silicone implants with textured surfaces have been introduced with the hope that the incidence of unacceptable implant contracture will be reduced. Using a rat implant model, the tissue reaction to textured implant surfaces was assessed. The implant surfaces evaluated were Silastic II, Siltex, MISTI, Biocell, Silastic MSI, and Même. Disks of each implant material were implanted under the dorsal skin of rats for a period of 28 days. Each implant with its surrounding tissue was excised, processed for histological analysis, and assessed for the tissue's response to the implant with particular emphasis on the formation of a continuous collagen capsule. The results indicated that the magnitude of surface texturing influenced the development of a complete capsule. Implant surfaces with a texture of less than 150 microns in height or depth (Silastic II, Siltex, and MISTI) resulted in the formation of complete capsules. An implant (Biocell) with irregular texturing (200-350 microns) produced an organized capsule over most of its surface with localized interruptions of the capsule at the sites of its deepest cavities. Implant surfaces with texturing that exceeded 350 microns in height or depth (Silastic MSI and Même) resulted in inhibition of the formation of a continuous capsule during this 28-day study.  相似文献   



Neglected renal stones remain a major cause of morbidity in developing countries. They not only result in functional impairment of affected kidney, but also act as an important predisposing factor for development of urothelial neoplasms. It is not uncommon to miss an associated urothelial tumor in a patient of nephrolithiasis preoperatively.

Case presentation-

In last 3 years, we came across two patients with giant staghorn calculus and poorly functioning kidneys who underwent laparoscopic nephrectomy. In view of significant perirenal adhesions & loss of normal tissue planes both these patients were electively converted to open surgery. The pathological examination of specimen revealed an unsuspected urothelial carcinoma in both these patients. The summary of our cases and review of literature is presented.


It is important to keep a differential diagnosis of associated urothelial malignancy in mind in patient presenting with long standing renal calculi. The exact role of a computerized tomography and cytology in preoperative workup for detection of possible associated malignancy in such condition is yet to be defined. Similarly if laparoscopic dissection appears difficult during nephrectomy for a renal calculus with non-functional kidney, keeping a possibility of associated urothelial malignancy in mind it is advisable to dissect in a plane outside gerotas fascia as for radical nephrectomy.  相似文献   

Hip resurfacing offers advantages for young, active patients afflicted with hip osteoarthritis and may also be a beneficial treatment for adult canines. Conventional hip resurfacing uses metal‐on‐metal bearings to preserve bone stock, but it may be feasible to use metal‐on‐polyethylene bearings to reduce metal wear debris while still preserving bone. This study characterized the short‐term wear behavior of a novel hip resurfacing implant for canines that uses a 1.5 mm thick liner of highly cross‐linked polyethylene in the acetabular component. This implant was tested in an orbital bearing machine that simulated canine gait for 1.1 million cycles. Wear of the liner was evaluated using gravimetric analysis and by measuring wear depth with an optical scanner. The liners had a steady‐state mass wear rate of 0.99 ± 0.17 mg per million cycles and an average wear depth in the central liner region of 0.028 mm. No liners, shells, or femoral heads had any catastrophic failure due to yielding or fracture. These results suggest that the thin liners will not prematurely crack after implantation in canines. This is the first hip resurfacing device developed for canines, and this study is the first to characterize the in vitro wear of highly cross‐linked polyethylene liners in a hip resurfacing implant. The canine implant developed in this study may be an attractive treatment option for canines afflicted with hip osteoarthritis, and since canines are the preferred animal model for human hip replacement, this implant can support the development of metal‐on‐polyethylene hip resurfacing technology for human patients. © 2017 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Orthop Res 36:1196–1205, 2018.

The purpose of this study was to determine if acetabular articular cartilage damage occurs in the presence or absence of changes in subchondral plate thickness or porosity and trabecular bone architecture after hip hemiarthroplasty. Eight canines were sacrificed 6 months after receiving unilateral hemiarthroplasties in which a cobalt chrome alloy femoral head was used. The acetabular cartilage, subchondral plate, and trabecular bone were quantitatively evaluated. Although the articular cartilage in the treated hip showed gross and histologic degenerative changes, there were no differences in the treated and contralateral hips in any of the trabecular bone parameters or subchondral plate thickness. However, the subchondral plate porosity was increased 2.6-fold in the treated hip. Therefore, degradation of cartilage can occur in the absence of thickening of the subchondral plate or alterations in the supporting trabecular bone architecture. These observations provide a better understanding of the role that periarticular bone has in the degenerative process after hemiarthoplasty.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of aseptic loosening of total joint prostheses is not clearly understood. Two features are associated with loosened prostheses, namely, particulate debris and movement of the implant. While numerous studies have evaluated the cellular response to particulate biomaterials, few have investigated the influence of movement of the implant on the biological response to particles. Our aim was therefore to test the hypothesis that excessive mechanical stimulation of the periprosthetic tissues induces an inflammatory response and that the addition of particulate biomaterials intensifies this. We allocated 66 adult Beagle dogs to four groups as follows: stable implants with (I) and without (II) particulate polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) and moving implants with (III) and without (IV) particulate PMMA. They were then evaluated at 2, 4, 6, 12 and 24 weeks. The stable implants were well tolerated and a thin, fibrous membrane of connective tissue was observed. There was evidence of positive staining in some cells for interleukin-6 (IL-6). Addition of particulate PMMA around the stable implants resulted in an increase in the fibroblastic response and positive staining for IL-6 and tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha). By contrast, movement of the implant resulted in an immediate inflammatory response characterised by large numbers of histiocytes and cytokine staining for IL-1beta, TNF-alpha and IL-6. Introduction of particulate PMMA aggravated this response. Animals with particulate PMMA and movement of the implant have an intense inflammatory response associated with accelerated bone loss. Our results indicate that the initiation of the inflammatory response to biomaterial particles was much slower than that to gross mechanical instability. Furthermore, when there was both particulate debris and movement, there was an amplification of the adverse tissue response as evidenced by the presence of osteolysis and increases in the presence of inflammatory cells and their associated cytokines.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To develop an animal model to assess the stress response to open and laparoscopic surgery. Such a model would allow objective physiologic assessment of the putative benefits of laparoscopy and provide a framework in which to compare modifications in operative and anesthetic technique that might decrease the stress of surgery. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Mongrel dogs underwent laparoscopic (N = 12) or open surgical (N = 12) left nephrectomy. In 11 control animals, after induction of anesthesia and line placement, the animal underwent either no intervention (open surgery sham; N = 6) or pneumoperitoneum only (laparoscopic sham; N = 5). Serum glucose and cortisol were measured preoperatively, at skin closure, and at 4, 8, and 24 hours postoperatively. Values at each time point were compared in the laparoscopic and open surgical nephrectomy groups and in each of the two nephrectomy groups and their respective shams. RESULTS: Compared with baseline, there was a sharp rise in serum cortisol at the time of skin closure, with a gradual decline to baseline values by 24 hours, in all experimental animals. Significantly lower serum cortisol concentrations were seen at 4 and 8 hours postoperatively in the laparoscopic group than in the open surgery group. Cortisol was significantly higher in the open group than in the sham-open group at all time points, whereas cortisol was greater in the laparoscopic group than in the pneumoperitoneum-only group only at the 4-hour time point. No differences were seen in serum glucose between groups. CONCLUSIONS: The serum cortisol concentration appears to be a good measure of surgical stress in the canine model. The rapid decline in serum cortisol after laparoscopy compared with open surgery may indicate a lesser degree, or quicker resolution, of surgical stress in the former. Furthermore, the similarity in cortisol curves between laparoscopy and pneumoperitoneum only suggests that surgical stress in laparoscopic surgery may be attributable mainly to the effects of pneumoperitoneum.  相似文献   

Intraoperative blood loss requiring allogenic blood transfusion (ABT) is a common problem in major orthopedic surgery. Since transfusion related side effects up to fatal consequences due to blood type incompatibility cannot be excluded completely, it is desirable to reduce the amount of blood loss and transfusions to a minimum. Encouraging results in the application of aprotinin, a natural protease-inhibitor with antifibrinolytic, bleeding-reducing properties, in thoracic-, heart- and abdominal surgery led to the use of aprotinin also in orthopedic surgery. One important safety issue in the use of aprotinin in orthopedic surgery is a possible negative effect on the osseous integration of an implant due to the multiple interactions of aprotinin with several enzymatic systems. In this study, we therefore investigated the influence of aprotinin on the osseous ingrowth of a titanium-implant in a rat model. Forty female Sprague–Dawley rats underwent unilateral retrograde nailing of the femur. Animals were divided in two groups, one receiving i.v. aprotinin intraoperatively, the other group receiving the same amount as saline solution. After 56 days animals were killed and from each group half of the femora were prepared for biomechanical testing, the other half for histological examination. The push-out experiment revealed no significant difference between the aprotinin-group and the control-group, both showing comparable shear stresses. In addition, the histomorphometrical analysis showed comparable implant integration between both groups. The results demonstrate that perioperative aprotinin application has no negative effect on osseous implant integration in a rat model. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Interest in minimally invasive procedures for vascular disease has grown tremendously over the past few years. Herein, we report our initial experience with a thoracoscopically-assisted thoraco-femoral bypass in a larger animal model. Included are various approaches to a final recommendation for the technique.  相似文献   

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