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BACKGROUND: In 2000, the UK Departments of Health recommended influenza immunization to employees directly involved in patient care. Uptake of this immunization had tended to be variable and usually low. AIMS: To assess personal and organizational factors associated with influenza immunization uptake among Health Care Workers (HCWs). METHODS: A cross-sectional survey of all HCWs within the Health and Social Care Trusts in Northern Ireland and a parallel-group study of nursing staff within Elderly Care using self-administered questionnaires. RESULTS: Of 203 nurses working in elderly care units 76(37%) were immunized and 127(63%) declined. Almost 70% of those not immunized perceived themselves to be 'healthy' and gave this reason for declining immunization. Nurses were more likely to be immunized by a factor of four if they believed there was benefit for healthy HCWs, three if they felt at-risk of contracting influenza and nine on a recommendation from the occupational health (OH) unit. Fifteen OH units participated in a survey of HCWs at the time of immunization. Five thousand two hundred and thirty (9.7%) HCWs were immunized. Increased uptake was correlated with immunization in area of work (r=0.74, P=0.02) and when provided out of hours (r=0.83; P<0.001) and by a factor of two with individual targeting of availability (P<0.001) and when individuals had been previously immunized (P<0.001). CONCLUSION: Uptake of influenza immunization is low. Attitudes to one's health and to the value of influenza immunization affect the uptake as does the delivery of the immunization programme.  相似文献   

During the 1990s, policies for immunizing fit health care workers against influenza varied between National Health Service (NHS) employers and the uptake of influenza vaccine by NHS staff was poor. In light of recent Department of Health recommendations to immunize key health care staff against influenza, we explored the possible reasons for poor uptake and assessed the impact of an intensive promotion campaign on vaccine acceptance. Among 290 doctors and nurses, the main perceived barriers to influenza immunization were difficulty with practical access to vaccine and lack of time to attend. Following intensive promotion and improved local access to influenza vaccine, the uptake among health care workers was approximately doubled. However, the overall proportion of staff immunized was low (5%) and the immunization rate among medical staff was particularly poor (2%). The practical implications for influenza immunization campaigns aimed at health care workers are discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Influenza remains a major cause of disease and death. In addition to its recognized health effects, influenza has socio-economic consequences, in particular sickness absence. Managing influenza in working populations remains a relevant topic. METHODS: This paper reports a case study dealing with the problem of sickness absence due to influenza-like illness epidemics in health care workers (HCWs) in a health care setting. The case was investigated and the solution was provided according to the evidence-based medicine (EBM) paradigm using the PICO model. RESULTS: The investigation was carried out by using firstly the Cochrane Library and secondly Medline. Nine papers were considered to find appropriate solutions. Two main types of interventions were suggested: (i) influenza vaccination or (ii) antiviral M2 protein inhibitors and neuraminidase inhibitors. As the latter intervention is not yet completely validated, the immunization intervention was considered. The evidence obtained was reported to the general manager and it was proposed to undertake an annual programme of vaccination for all the health care professionals. CONCLUSION: The case study shows that, as for other clinicians, the occupational physician can use the EBM paradigm according to the PICO model as a tool for providing appropriate solutions for the group of workers.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Vaccination of health care workers against influenza has been shown to lower mortality among elderly patients, but uptake of voluntary vaccination among health care workers remains low. AIMS: Factors influencing uptake of vaccination were examined among a cross-section of health care workers based in an NHS Trust. METHODS: A structured, self-administered questionnaire was mailed to a random sample of health care workers based in the acute services sector of a UK National Health Service Trust, 6 months following a voluntary immunization programme implemented as part of the Scottish Executive Health Department winter planning arrangements for 2000-2001. The programme was promoted using posters in clinical areas and a single leaflet given to all staff through a paycheck advice note. RESULTS: Five hundred and fifty-one health care workers (53%) responded to the questionnaire and influenza vaccination was accepted by 150 (28%). The occupational health poster strongly influenced the decision to accept vaccination [odds ratio (OR) = 11.01; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 2.13-56.80; P < 0.0001]. Other significant influences included female sex (OR = 9.11; 95% CI = 1.26-65.72) and perceived risk of contracting flu without the vaccine (OR = 7.70; 95% CI = 1.44-41.05). Misconceptions regarding the purpose of the vaccination campaign were common and concern regarding possible side-effects was a deterring factor for vaccination uptake. CONCLUSION: Our study showed that visual material displayed throughout the workplace strongly influenced the acceptance of influenza vaccination. Future campaigns should also emphasize the positive benefits to patients of health care worker immunization, with readily accessible information regarding side-effects available from all sources.  相似文献   

Sickness absence due to depressive symptoms   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
OBJECTIVE: There is no information on the duration of absence of depressed Dutch workers. The aim of this study was to determine the duration of sickness absence due to depressive symptoms in the working population. METHODS: In this observational study of 15% of the Dutch working population, all absence episodes (n = 9,910) starting between April 2002 and November 2005 diagnosed as depression were selected. For these episodes, Kaplan-Meier survival curves were computed. RESULTS: The mean (and median) duration of sickness absence due to depressive symptoms was 200 (179) days in men and 213 (201) days in women. In both sexes, older employees had longer absence durations. Depressive symptoms had an estimated rate of chronicity (1 year of absence) of 24%. Employees in educational and public services (232 days in men and 242 days in women), commercial services (213 days in men and 219 days in women) and health care (212 days in men and 214 days in women) had the longest mean duration of absence with depressive symptoms. Men in the industrial sector (189 days) had the shortest absence periods. Employees in large sized companies (188 days in men and 208 days in women) had shorter absence episodes as compared to companies with less than 75 employees (214 days in men and 226 days in women). CONCLUSIONS: Workers with depressive symptoms were absent for a long time. Explanations for the long duration are discussed. It is recommended to develop and apply tools for recognizing employees at risk for chronic depression.  相似文献   

This study aims to identify risk factors and their prevalence in long-term sickness absence. The study is designed as a case-referent study which comprises 481 participants who have experienced a sickness absence lasting >10 weeks and a reference group of 1326 individuals in active employment. Multivariate analysis identified the following significant risk factors for men: (i) age >50 years [odds ratio (OR) = 2.4]; (ii) short period of education (OR = 2.3); (iii) unemployment within the last 3 years (OR = 1.7); (iv) heavy-duty work (OR = 2.1); (v) monotonous, repetitive work (OR = 1.7); (vi) lack of job satisfaction (OR = 2.1); and (vii) much back pain during the last 3 years (OR = 2.1). The following risk factors were identified for women: (i) leaving school without graduation (OR = 2.6); (ii) unemployment within the last 3 years (OR = 1.5); (iii) heavy-duty work (OR = 2.8); (iv) lack of influence on own job situation (OR = 2.1); and (v) much back pain within the last 3 years (OR = 1.8). It is concluded that the identification of working environment risk factors constitutes a case for improvement of the working environment which may be instrumental in reducing long-term sickness absence.  相似文献   

The epidemiology of influenza   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Influenza remains a globally important cause of febrile respiratory illness. Influenza virus activity in the community results in significant mortality, morbidity and economic disruption, particularly in those at high risk of developing complications, such as the elderly and those with underlying chronic medical conditions, including pulmonary disease and diabetes mellitus. The occurrence in Hong Kong in 1997 of avian influenza H5N1 in man, which resulted in six deaths, served to remind us of the importance of continuing surveillance and preparation for the next pandemic.  相似文献   

Nosocomial transmission of influenza   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Influenza is a common nosocomial infection. Serious outbreaks occur typically in elderly long-term patients, but have also been reported in renal, transplant and oncology units, neonatal intensive care and paediatrics. It is likely that staff-patient cross-infection is common. Prompt diagnosis of an outbreak lies at the heart of an effective influenza control programme. This requires effective virological surveillance. There are a variety of strategies that can help to prevent spread of influenza in health care settings. Basic infection control should include isolating infected residents, restricting circulation of nursing staff between patients, and restriction of visitors. Annual influenza immunization should be offered to elderly patients, subjects with chronic disease, and those in long-term residential or nursing home care. Vaccination of health care workers has been shown to be effective in protecting elderly patients in long-term care. Use of oral amantadine or rimantadine is an additional possible strategy for prophylaxis or treatment during an outbreak.  相似文献   

Long-term sickness absence in an NHS teaching hospital   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study was carried out to investigate the incidence andcauses of long-term sickness absence in an NHS teaching hospitaland to explore the role of the Occupational Health Service (OHS)in the management of long-term absence. Examination of attendancerecords of non-medical staff revealed an annual loss of 20,772days due to spells of absence lasting 30 calendar days or more,(incidence 0.0528/WTE employees/year, prevalence 5.53 days long-termabsence/WTE employee/year). A self-administered questionnairewas sent to 190 staff who had taken long-term absence duringthe previous 12 months. The response rate was 75%. Musculoskeletalproblems and back pain in particular were the main reasons forabsence, accounting for 30% of total days lost. Work-relatedillness made an important contribution with a third of thosewith musculoskeletal and a quarter of those with mental illnessattributing the reason for their absence to work. Many staffreported non-medical factors such as delays in waiting for treatmentand anxiety about return to work which prevented them from returningto work sooner. Only a minority of staff had attended OHS andreferral was often delayed. OHS may have an important role toplay in both prevention and management of long-term absenceby early assessment and intervention such as expediting treatmentor arranging rehabilitation programmes. However in order tobe effective, a clear policy to encourage early and consistentreferral is required.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Occupational health guidelines recommend a biopsychosocial approach to manage sickness absence due to musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), with a primary focus on early intervention through provision of a supportive network. AIMS: To investigate the implementation of a guidelines-based intervention (early contact of absentees; addressing psychosocial obstacles; offering temporary modified work; communicating among the players), and to determine whether this is effective for reducing return-to-work times and duration of future absence. METHODS: A non-randomized controlled trial was conducted within a UK company. Occupational health nurses at two experimental sites (1,435 workers) were trained to deliver the intervention to workers taking absence due to MSDs (low back and upper limb disorders), while usual care was delivered at three control sites (1,483 workers). Company-recorded absence data were collected over a 12-month follow-up period. RESULTS: The implementation of the experimental intervention was impeded by unforeseen organizational obstacles at one site (policies, procedures and individual approaches) which had a detrimental effect on uptake and delivery. At the site where the intervention was delivered per protocol, absence was significantly less compared with controls; 6.5 and 10.8 days, respectively. However, the duration of future absence was not significantly different (13.0 and 25.1 days, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: An early intervention addressing psychosocial obstacles to recovery can be effective for reducing absence due to MSDs. Successful implementation, where the key players are onside and organizational obstacles are overcome, is difficult to achieve.  相似文献   

Vaccination of health care workers against influenza is considered to be important as a means of protecting patients from nosocomial infection. Vaccine uptake rates have been reported to be no more than 40% and often between 20 and 30%. An evaluation of the performance of UK National Health Service trusts, following a governmental directive to implement vaccination during the winter of 2000-2001, has shown a poor uptake of vaccine. Reasons for accepting or declining vaccine are discussed. There is a need for global leadership on this issue to promote the value of vaccination and to change the behaviour of health care workers.  相似文献   

Immunosome preparations consisting of surface glycoproteins, extracted from five influenza virus strains and anchored onto preformed liposomes, were tested in mice. Serum antibody responses were essentially similar to those elicited by whole virus vaccines and higher than responses induced by subunit preparations. Antibody titres were assessed by haemagglutination-inhibition technique. Survival of mice immunized with 6 μg haemagglutinin of attenuated, inactivated, subunit or immunosome A/Aichi/2/68 vaccines and later challenged with variants of the same subtype was also assessed. All vaccine preparations induced similar percentage survival when mice were challenged with variants prevalent from 1968 to 1977. However, the attenuated vaccine induced a significant higher protection level against the 1979 variant.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: One increasingly attractive hypothesis to account for prolonged sickness absence from work is the presence of 'information asymmetry' among stakeholders. Information asymmetry refers to a situation in which critical information is not (appropriately) exchanged, in this case among those involved in disability management. AIM: The purpose of this study was to intervene positively in the information asymmetry that currently exists between social insurance physicians and occupational physicians in Belgium. METHODS: We developed a novel model aimed at improving information exchange, and a pilot study protocol based on the model. Our first objective was to investigate feasibility of implementing the study protocol. Our second and main objective was to obtain preliminary results on whether improving information exchange between physicians would facilitate work resumption of employees out on sickness absence. RESULTS: Of 126 patients recruited, 91 were eligible and assigned to one of two groups: a control group, whose physicians used the standard Belgian evaluation protocol, and an intervention group, whose physicians used our new protocol. Outcome parameters from the 15 patients assigned to the intervention group revealed that enhanced inter-physician information exchange produced favourable work resumption rates (73%), suggesting that both the model and study protocol show promise. CONCLUSIONS: The issue of sharing information among all stakeholders involved in disability management is an important one. Moreover, professional reintegration of employees after a sickness absence is universally important to occupational health practitioners. Our preliminary results suggest that reducing information asymmetry among physicians should be investigated further in larger intervention trials.  相似文献   

The efficiency of influenza vaccine was evaluated in the working population by comparing the percentage of people presenting with an influenza-like illness (ILI) according to their influenza immunization status, drug expenses and workdays lost. A self-completed questionnaire about the vaccination was sent to 5785 people randomly chosen among 18 249 workers. When any sick leave was incurred amongst the respondents (63.3%), of whom 301 were vaccinated and 3362 unvaccinated, a clinical form was completed by the private physician and the medical adviser of the firm (Electricité de France and Gaz de France). A final self-completed questionnaire was sent to people whose sick leave was not documented by a physician's reported diagnosis. In total, we obtained complete data for 90.9% of the sampling. The vaccine coverage rate of 8.2% [95% confidence interval (95% CI) = 7.4-9.0%] was higher in men than in women, increasing with age and professional category. Among the 775 subjects with a medical diagnosis, the vaccine effectiveness was not significant: 27.3% (95% CI = -13.8 to 53.5%). In the unvaccinated group, 9.6% had days absent from work, versus 7.0% in the vaccinated group; the two populations were comparable in terms of clinical symptoms, smoking habits, exposure to respiratory risk factors and chronic pathology. The average duration of sick leave for ILI was not significantly different between vaccinated (0.5 days) and unvaccinated workers (0.6 days). Despite the large size of the population and the occurrence of an epidemic due to a virus closely related to the vaccine strain (A/Wuhan/359/95), the vaccine did not effectively protect the small vaccine group nor result in an economic benefit, whatever the professional group.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: There is considerable evidence documenting the association between psychosocial risk factors and work disability due to musculoskeletal disorders, and this has prompted suggestions that psychosocial screening should be administered in the workplace in order to identify individuals at risk of prolonged absence. However, the predictive value of psychosocial risk factors on return-to-work is largely unknown. The present study aimed to explore the predictive relationship between psychosocial risk factors and absence due to musculoskeletal disorders of the lower back and upper limbs. METHODS: A prospective study of 4637 workers from a large, multi-site company in the UK was conducted in which a wide range of established questionnaires were used to collect baseline psychosocial data. Respondents were then followed over the ensuing 15 months, and absence due to musculoskeletal disorders was recorded. RESULTS: 219 workers took absence due to musculoskeletal disorders. Detrimental cut-off scores (risks) on the psychosocial instruments were established, and it was found that work-related psychosocial risk factors predicted the likelihood of a future spell of absence (odds ratios ranging between 1.6 and 3.2), but not the duration of that absence. CONCLUSIONS: Although work-related psychosocial factors were associated with the occurrence of absence due to musculoskeletal disorders, these findings do not lend support to the use of routine occupational psychosocial screening in order to predict prolonged absence.  相似文献   

A school-based campaign in Knox County, TN immunized 41% and 48% of school children with live attenuated influenza vaccine in 2005 and 2006, respectively. We computed the relative risk (RR) of a positive rapid influenza test in Knox compared to Knox-surrounding county children (controls) during five baseline and two campaign seasons. Among children aged <5 years, the RR for a positive test remained relatively constant throughout the study seasons. Among children aged 5–17 years (target population), the RR was 1 during baseline and declined by 21% (RR, 0.79; 95% CI, 0.59–1.05) and 27% (RR, 0.73; 95% CI, 0.60–0.87) during the first and second campaign season, respectively. These findings suggest a direct beneficial effect of the immunization campaign.  相似文献   

Using a matched insurant–general practitioner panel data set, we estimate the effect of a general health‐screening program on individuals' health status and health‐care cost. To account for selection into treatment, we use regional variation in the intensity of exposure to supply‐determined screening recommendations as an instrumental variable. We find that screening participation increases inpatient and outpatient health‐care costs up to 2 years after treatment substantially. In the medium run, we find cost savings in the outpatient sector, whereas in the long run, no statistically significant effects of screening on either health‐care cost component can be discerned. In sum, screening participation increases health‐care cost. Given that we do not find any statistically significant effect of screening participation on insurants' health status (at any point in time), we do not recommend a general health‐screening program. However, given that we find some evidence for cost‐saving potential for the sub‐sample of younger insurants, we suggest more targeted screening programs. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Healthy workplaces help to prevent occupational disease and injury as well as promoting positive healthy lifestyle behaviours. The concept of creating healthy workplaces through workplace health promotion has been identified as a legitimate area of activity for public health policy in Northern Ireland, supporting as it does, the settings approach as a means of improving the health and well-being of the population at large. Benefits accrue to businesses, organizations and individuals from the enhancement of positive healthy lifestyle messages in addition to reinforcing the principles of good occupational health practices. Developing a framework for the creation of healthy workplaces is part of a joint initiative between the Northern Ireland Health Promotion and Health and Safety Agencies. Commitment to delivering the concept is required from all the key players who include: employers, employees, trade union groups and health and safety professionals. A healthy workplace model needs to be created which is flexible and adaptable to suit all types of business and in particular the needs of small businesses which predominate in Northern Ireland. The principles underpinning the Business Excellence Model may be a useful vehicle for delivering workplace health promotion onto an organization's agenda.  相似文献   

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