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Automated ion channel screening: patch clamping made easy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Efficient high resolution techniques are required for screening efforts and research targeting ion channels. The conventional patch clamp technique, a high resolution but low efficiency technique, has been established for 25 years. Recent advances have opened up new possibilities for automated patch clamping. This new technology meets the need of drug developers for higher throughput and facilitates new experimental approaches in ion channel research. Specifically, Nanion's electrophysiology workstations, the Port-a-Patch and the Patchliner, have been successfully introduced as high-quality automated patch clamp platforms for industry as well as academic users. Both platforms give high quality patch clamp recordings, capable of true giga-seals and stable recordings, accessible to the user without the need for years of practical training. They also offer sophisticated experimental possibilities, such as accurate and fast ligand application, temperature control and internal solution exchange. This article describes the chip-based patch clamp technology and its usefulness in ion channel drug screening and academic research.  相似文献   

Efficient high resolution techniques are required for screening efforts and research targeting ion channels. The conventional patch clamp technique, a high resolution but low efficiency technique, has been established for 25 years. Recent advances have opened up new possibilities for automated patch clamping. This new technology meets the need of drug developers for higher throughput and facilitates new experimental approaches in ion channel research. Specifically, Nanion’s electrophysiology workstations, the Port-a-Patch and the Patchliner, have been successfully introduced as high-quality automated patch clamp platforms for industry as well as academic users. Both platforms give high quality patch clamp recordings, capable of true giga-seals and stable recordings, accessible to the user without the need for years of practical training. They also offer sophisticated experimental possibilities, such as accurate and fast ligand application, temperature control and internal solution exchange. This article describes the chip-based patch clamp technology and its usefulness in ion channel drug screening and academic research.  相似文献   

Ribosomal protein L3 (RPL3) is known to be an indispensable and essential component for the peptidyltransferase center. In the present study, we found a novel function of RPL3 using a Xenopus laevis oocyte expression system. When expressed in X. oocytes, RPL3 mediated the high affinity transport of [(3)H]digoxin (K(m) = 213.3 ± 46.8 nM) in a time-, concentration-, and sodium-dependent manners. The maximum velocity of the transport of [(3)H]digoxin via RPL3 produced at physiological pH. However, we did not observe RPL3-mediated transport of several organic solutes such as [(14)C]androstenedione, [(3)H]dexamethasone, [(3)H]dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, [(3)H]L-tryptophan, [(14)C]L-ascorbic acid, [(14)C]α-ketoglutarate, [(14)C]glutarate, [(3)H]methotrexate, [(3)H]bumetanide, [(3)H]probenecid, [(14)C]salicylic acid, [(14)C]theophylline and [(3)H]valproate. Our results suggest that RPL3 functions as a drug carrier protein and may be involved in the digoxin toxicity in the human body.  相似文献   

The effect of the intravenous anaesthetic, propofol (2,6-diisopropylphenol), was investigated on frog myelinated axons under voltage-clamp conditions. The effect, in the concentration range 60 microM to 10 mM, was a combination of (i) a negative shift of the steady state activation and inactivation curves for both Na+ and K+ currents (INa,IK), (ii) a voltage-independent block of INa, but not of IK, and (iii) a slowed time course of IK activation. The shift was dose-dependent and, at 1 mM, about -10 mV for the activation and -16 mV for the inactivation curves. The voltage-independent INa block showed 1:1 stoichiometry and 50% reduction at 2.7 mM. The slowed IK activation showed saturation at 1 mM with a doubled time to half steady state value. All the effects were only partially reversible and showed a complex time course at application and washing. The shift of potential dependence may be explained by a general effect on the membrane electric field. The findings suggest effects directly on channel proteins as well as on membrane lipids.  相似文献   

Over the last 30 years, there have been mass declines in diverse geographic locations among amphibian populations. Multiple causes have been suggested to explain this decline. Among these, environmental pollution is gaining attention. Indeed, some chemicals of environmental concern are known to alter the immune system. Given that amphibians are frequently exposed to agricultural pesticides, it is possible that these pollutants alter their immune system and render them more susceptible to different pathogens. In this study, we exposed two frog species, Xenopus laevis and Rana pipiens, for a short period of time to a mixture of pesticides (atrazine, metribuzine, endosulfan, lindane, aldicarb and dieldrin) representative in terms of composition and concentrations to what it is found in the environment of the southwest region of the province of Quebec. The pesticides were known to be present in surface water of many tributaries of the St. Lawrence River (Quebec, Canada). Our results demonstrate that the mixture of pesticides could alter the cellularity and phagocytic activity of X. laevis and the lymphocyte proliferation of R. pipiens. Taken together, these results indicate that agricultural pesticides can alter some aspects of the immune response in frogs and could contribute to their global decline by rendering them more susceptible to certain infections.  相似文献   

DDT and allethrin induced repetitive activity in the lateral-line organ of the clawed toad, Xenopus laevis. As measured by the number of spikes per train, both insecticides showed a definite negative temperature coefficient of activity in this sense organ. In isolated peripheral nerves of Xenopus allethrin produced effects similar to those of DDT, i.e., a large negative afterpotential and repetitive activity. As in the case of DDT, the allethrin-induced repetitive firing in these nerves occured only in sensory fibres. However, the origin of the repetitive activity recorded from the allethrin- or DDT-treated lateral-line organ was not located in the afferent nerve fibres as such and this repetitive activity required an intact sense organ. It is concluded that the action of DDT and allethrin in the lateral-line organ is not primarily on the hair cells, but on the impulse-generating process in the afferent nerve terminal, probably by an effect on the sodium conductance of the membrane. The results demonstrate a striking similarity in action between DDT and allethrin, despite the marked difference in their molecular structure. It is suggested that the dimethylcyclopropane group of allethrin is responsible for the DDT-like action of this insecticide.  相似文献   

Thyroid hormones (TH), thyroxine (T(4)) and 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine (T(3)), play crucial roles in regulation of growth, development and metabolism in vertebrates and their actions are targets for endocrine disruptive agents. Perturbations in TH action can contribute to the development of disease states and the US Environmental Protection Agency is developing a high throughput screen using TH-dependent amphibian metamorphosis as an assay platform. Currently this methodology relies on external morphological endpoints and changes in central thyroid axis parameters. However, exposure-related changes in gene expression in TH-sensitive tissue types that occur over shorter time frames have the potential to augment this screen. This study aims to characterize and identify molecular markers in the tadpole brain. Using a combination of cDNA array analysis and real time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (QPCR), we examine the brain of tadpoles following 96 h of continuous exposure to T(3), T(4), methimazole, propylthiouracil, or perchlorate. This tissue was more sensitive to T(4) rather than T(3), even when differences in biological activity were taken into account. This implies that a simple conversion of T(4) to T(3) cannot fully account for T(4) effects on the brain and suggests distinctive mechanisms of action for the two THs. While the brain shows gene expression alterations for methimazole and propylthiouracil, the environmental contaminant, perchlorate, had the greatest effect on the levels of mRNAs encoding proteins important in neural development and function. Our data identify gene expression profiles that can serve as exposure indicators of these chemicals.  相似文献   

The primary goal of this work was to better define, in molecular terms, the impact of metformin on hexose carriers. The methodology consisted of determining the zero-trans kinetics of 2-deoxy-D-glucose uptake for the mammalian insulin-sensitive glucose transporter (GLUT4) expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes. These cells possessed the specialized protein and, when treated with insulin (2 microM) plus metformin (20 microM), showed a markedly enhanced hexose transport activity (2.4-fold increase over basal) as compared to that of cells incubated in the presence of insulin alone (1.8-fold increase over basal). Kinetic analysis of this process revealed that insulin induced a similar response to that observed for the native carrier, i.e., a higher Vmax. When metformin was added together with insulin, we mainly recorded a significant decrease in apparent Km for the sugar transported, Vmax being only marginally modified. Parathyroid hormone (PTH), which is known to impair the intrinsic activity of GLUT4, prevented the stimulatory effect of metformin in both kinds of oocytes whereas cytochalasin D, which interferes with the translocation of carriers, was without effect. These results suggest that metformin combined with insulin can maintain glucose homeostasis by increasing the catalytic activity of some hexose carriers or by improving the affinity of GLUT4 for glucose.  相似文献   

Ligand-gated ion channels (LGICs) play important roles in the regulation of cellular function and signaling and serve as excellent drug targets. However, fast desensitization of most LGICs limits the choice of reliable methods to identify agonists, antagonists, and/or modulators in a high throughput manner. In this study, automated Parallel Oocyte Electrophysiology Test station (POETs) was used to screen a directed compound library against a rapidly desensitizing LGIC and to characterize further the pharmacological properties of the hits. POETs allows up to six two-electrode voltage-clamp experiments to be performed in parallel by automatically loading of the oocytes into flowcells, assessing individual oocyte behavior prior to initiating experiments. Oocytes injected with cRNA were transferred from a chilled 96-well plate into flowcells by the instrument, where they were impaled under software control by two independent electrodes. Expression was tested by measuring current responses to rapid application of agonists. Compounds, prepared in a 96-well format, were tested for effects by coapplication with agonist at a single concentration of 30 microM over 2 s. After compound application, oocytes were washed for a minimum of 30 s, and used repeatedly if the test compounds had no significant effect on the control response. Typical throughput could reach approximately 14 plates/day depending on the protocol. Pilot library screening revealed a hit rate of 0.06%, with active compounds having IC(50) values of 4-40 microM. Hits were also confirmed in native neurons using patch-clamp techniques. We conclude that automated POETs serves as a suitable platform for screening and expedient identification of LGIC modulators.  相似文献   

Objective: Temozolomide (TMZ) improves Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) patient survival. The invasive behavior of the glioma cells is the cause of GBM relapse. The glioma BK ion channel (gBK) may provide glioma cells with a mechanism to invade surrounding tissue. gBK contains epitopes that cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTLs) can recognize and kill glioma cells. Fascin-1 is an actin crosslinking molecule that supports microvilli; these membrane protrusions provide a physical defense against CTLs. TMZ was investigated to determine its effect on gBK and fascin-1 expression.

Research design and methods: Human glioma cells cultured in TMZ were analyzed for their altered mRNA and gBK protein levels by using quantitative real time PCR, immunostaining and cellular functional assays.

Results: TMZ slowed glioma cell growth and inhibited their transmigratory properties due to loss of fascin-1. TMZ induced increased gBK and HLA expression and allowed these TMZ-treated cells to become better targets for gBK-specific CTLs.

Conclusions: Besides its traditional chemotherapeutic effect, TMZ can have four other targeted pathways: 1) slowed glioma cell growth; 2) inhibited glioma cell transmigration; 3) increased HLA-A2 and gBK tumor antigen production; 4) increased CTL-mediated cytolysis of the TMZ treated glioma cells due to the loss of their defensive membrane protrusions supported by fascin-1.  相似文献   

The normal electrophysiologic behavior of the heart is determined by the integrated activity of specific cardiac ionic currents. Mutations in genes encoding the molecular components of individual cardiac ion currents have been shown to result in multiple cardiac arrhythmia syndromes. Presently, 12 genes associated with inherited long QT syndrome (LQTS) have been identified, and the most common mutations are in the hKCNQ1 (LQT1, Jervell and Lange-Nielson syndrome), hKCNH2 (LQT2), and hSCN5A (LQT3, Brugada syndrome) genes. Several drugs have been withdrawn from the market or received black box labeling due to clinical cases of QT interval prolongation, ventricular arrhythmias, and sudden death. Other drugs have been denied regulatory approval owing to their potential for QT interval prolongation. Further, off-target activity of drugs on cardiac ion channels has been shown to be associated with increased mortality in patients with underlying cardiovascular diseases. Since clinical arrhythmia risk is a major cause for compound termination, preclinical profiling for off-target cardiac ion channel interactions early in the drug discovery process has become common practice in the pharmaceutical industry. In the present study, we report assay development for three cardiac ion channels (hKCNQ1/minK, hCa(v)1.2, and hNa(v)1.5) on the IonWorks Quattro? system. We demonstrate that these assays can be used as reliable pharmacological profiling tools for cardiac ion channel inhibition to assess compounds for cardiac liability during drug discovery.  相似文献   

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