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金瑾 《药学实践杂志》2012,30(5):384-386
目的了解我院门诊不合理处方现状,促进临床合理用药。方法依据《处方管理办法》、《医院处方点评管理规范》中有关不合理处方的评判标准,对我院2011年1月至12月门诊不合理处方进行回顾性统计分析。结果 965张不合理处方中,不规范处方521张,占53.98%;不适宜处方376张,占38.94%;超常处方68张,占7.05%。结论强化处方点评,加强合理用药知识的学习,有助于提高临床用药水平。  相似文献   

徐玲 《中国医药指南》2013,(23):118-119
目的通过对门诊处方的点评,对其用药的合理性进行调查和分析,发现问题,提出整改对策,促进临床合理用药。方法随机抽取2011年1月至12月处方13560张,按照《医院处方点评管理规范(试行)》第15条、16条规定,统计分析处方中不合理情形和出现的频率。结果存在不规范问题的处方2936张,占总数的21.65%;存在用药不适宜问题的处方2685张,占总数的19.8%;超常处方207张,占总数的1.53%。不合理处方4356张,占总数的32.12%。结论需要加强对门诊处方书写的监督管理,加强对临床医师的培训,充分发挥临床药师的作用。  相似文献   

杨煊  王金峰  陈玉芳 《安徽医药》2013,34(4):459-461
目的分析我院门诊处方存在的问题,评价其合理性,促进处方质量的提高。方法依据《医院处方点评规范(试行)》要求,采用回顾性统计分析方法,抽取我院门诊西药房2011年1月至12月份的处方共计12 000张,分析处方书写的规范性及临床用药合理性。结果不合理处方1 160张,占抽查处方总数的9.67%,其中不规范处方797张,用药不适宜处方354张,超常处方9张,分别占不合理处方总数的68.70%、30.52%与0.78%。结论我院门诊不合理处方主要表现在书写不规范和用药不适宜两方面,两者占到不合理处方总数的99.22%;进行广泛的、经常性的相关法律法规及专业知识培训,认真落实处方点评制度,以及行之有效的行政干预是改善处方质量、提高合理用药水平的必要措施。  相似文献   

目的:通过对门诊不合理处方的点评与分析,促进临床药物的合理应用。方法:采用随机方法抽取9 000张门诊处方,根据《处方管理办法》、《医院处方点评管理规范(试行)》、药品说明书及其他相关资料,进行点评与分析。结果:9 000张门诊处方合格率为90.30%,单张处方平均开具药品1.98种,处方平均金额65.36元,抗菌药物使用率为34.39%,注射剂使用率为28.66%,基本药物使用率为60.71%,药品通用名使用率为99.12%。其中,不合理处方876例(占9.73%),包括处方书写不规范和处方用药不规范;抗菌药物使用不合理的处方有108张,占不合理处方总数的12.33%。结论:通过对不合理处方的点评与分析,可针对发现的问题及时采取相应的措施,以更好地保障临床用药的合理、安全、有效。  相似文献   

目的 分析我院门诊处方中中成药临床应用的不合理现象,并提出相应的防范对策.方法 回顾性分析2015年1月至2015年12月期间我院门诊中成药处方资料,依据《处方管理办法》、《医院处方点评管理规范(试行)》、药品说明书及《中成药临床应用指导原则》对抽取的1200张中成药门诊处方进行评价.结果 抽查的1200张中成药处方中,中药注射剂处方数为128张,占处方总数的10.67%,中药注射剂的应用情况基本合理;共计106张处方不合理,占被抽查处方总数的8.83%;不合理处方的类型包括:不规范处方和用药不适宜处方,其中,适应症不合理处方总数61张,占不合理处方总数的57.55%,居于最高水平.结论 加强门诊中成药处方临床合理应用的监测和管理工作,定期做好处方点评,提高医务人员的整体用药水平,最大程度保证中成药处方临床应用的合理性,保证患者的用药安全有效.  相似文献   

目的:分析我院门诊第二类精神药品处方,促进第二类精神药品的临床合理使用。方法:根据《麻醉药品和精神药品管理条例》、《处方管理办法》、《医院处方点评管理规范(试行)》以及《精神药品临床应用指导原则》,对我院2017年10月-12月的门诊第二类精神药品处方进行处方点评。结果:共收集门诊精二类处方7754张,其中不合理处方783张,占第二类精神药品处方总数的10.10%。主要不合理处方类型为未写临床诊断(19.41%)、适应症不适宜(2.94%)、用法及用量不适宜(42.66%)及联合用药不适宜(34.86%)等。结论:我院门诊第二类精神药品处方合理性有待提高,应确保精神药品临床安全、合理使用。  相似文献   

目的了解我院门诊处方书写质量及合理用药基本情况,提高临床合理用药水平。方法以《处方管理办法》《、医院处方点评管理规范》等为依据,随机抽取我院2011年7~12月门诊处方共4320张,采用Excel软件进行数据处理,对处方点评指标、不合格处方进行归类、分析。结果我院平均用药品种数1.97种,抗菌药物使用率26.76%;处方不合格率占调查总数的1.6%,其中书写不规范占调查总数的0.72%,不合理用药处方占调查总数的0.88%,表现为适应证不适宜、用法用量不适宜、联合用药不适宜等。结论虽然我院门诊处方书写质量及合理用药水平基本合理,但还需进一步提高。建议通过完善院内规章制度、充分发挥医院信息系统优势及药学技术人员的专业技能来提高门诊处方质量。  相似文献   

万隽  陈瑶 《中国药房》2011,(5):473-475
目的:了解门急诊处方不合理用药情况,促进医院合理用药。方法:抽取我院2009年门急诊处方,以《处方管理办法》、《新编药物学》及《中华人民共和国药典·临床用药须知》为依据,按2010年新颁发的《医院处方点评管理规范(试行)》标准,从处方书写规范性及用药合理性角度,判断不合理处方并进行归类分析。结果:不合理处方1568张,占总处方数的0.42%,其中书写不规范、用药不合理处方各占不合理处方总数的24.55%、75.45%,前者主要表现为医师随意延长用药疗程、处方前记与患者信息不符等,后者主要表现为用法用量不适宜、适应证不适宜、遴选的药品不适宜等。结论:我院门急诊处方书写及用药情况基本合理,但仍存在一定问题,需进一步改善和提高。  相似文献   

目的调查我院血栓通注射剂的临床应用情况。方法利用医院信息系统调取我院2011年1-6月血栓通注射剂的所有处方,运用EPI DATA软件对不合理处方进行汇总,并结合《医院处方点评管理规范(试行)》和《处方管理办法》进行点评。结果共调查使用血栓通注射剂的门诊处方7 932张,处方用药总体较为合理,处方合格率95.31%。不合理处方共372张,占处方总数的4.69%,其中不规范处方占46.51%,用药不适宜处方占50.27%,超常处方占3.22%。结论应进一步加强处方点评制度的实施,促进血栓通注射剂的安全、合理使用。  相似文献   

目的:通过门急诊处方点评工作,探讨处方规范化管理方式,为临床合理用药提供参考。方法:抽取北京水利医院2017年11月至2018年10月门诊处方2400张和急诊处方1200张进行合理用药处方点评。结果:不合理处方954张,不合格率26.5%,其中不规范处方30张,占不合理处方的3.14%,不适宜处方924张,占不合理处方的96.86%。结论:北京水利医院医院门急诊处方基本合理,但仍然存在一定比例的不合理处方。  相似文献   

[6,7-3H] Estrone (E) and [6,7-3H]estradiol-17 (E2) have been synthesized by reduction of 6-dehydroestrone and 6-dehydroestradiol with tritium gas. Tritiated E and E2 were administered by oral gavage to female rats and to male and female hamsters on a dose level of about 300 g/kg (54 mCi/kg). After 8 h, the liver was excised from the rats; liver and kidneys were taken from the hamsters. DNA was purified either directly from an organ homogenate or via chromatin. The radioactivity in the DNA was expressed in the units of the Covalent Binding Index, CBI = (mol chemical bound per mol DNA-P)/(mmol chemical administered per kg b.w.). Rat liver DNA isolated via chromatin exhibited the very low values of 0.08 and 0.09 for E and E2, respectively. The respective figures in hamster liver were 0.08 and 0.11 in females and 0.21 and 0.18 in the males. DNA isolated from the kidney revealed a detectable radioactivity only in the female, with values of 0.03 and 0.05 for E and E2, respectively. The values for male hamster kidney were < 0.01 for both hormones. The minute radioactivity detectable in the DNA samples does not represent covalent binding to DNA, however, as indicated by two sets of control experiments. (A) Analysis by HPLC of the nucleosides prepared by enzyme digest of liver DNA isolated directly or via chromatin did not reveal any consistent peak which could have been attributed to a nucleoside-steroid adduct. (B) All DNA radioactivity could be due to protein contaminations, because the specific activity of chromatin protein was determined to be more than 3,000 times higher than of DNA. The high affinity of the hormone to protein was also demonstrated by in vitro incubations, where it could be shown that the specific activity of DNA and protein was essentially proportional to the concentration of radiolabelled hormone in the organ homogenate, regardless of whether the animal was treated or whether the hormone was added in vitro to the homogenate.Carcinogens acting by covalent DNA binding can be classified according to potency on the basis of the Covalent Binding Index. Values of 103–104 have been found for potent, 102 for moderate, and 1–10 for weak carcinogens. Since estrone is moderately carcinogenic for the kidney of the male hamster, a CBI of about 100 would be expected. The actually measured limit of detection of 0.01 places covalent DNA binding among the highly unlikely mechanisms of action. Similar considerations can be made for the liver where any true covalent DNA binding must be below a level of 0.01. It is concluded that an observable tumor induction by estrone or estradiol is unlikely to be due to DNA binding.Paper presented at the Satellite Symposium of the European Society of Toxicology, Rome, March 29, 1983  相似文献   

The penetration of 5-ethyl-2'-deoxyuridine (edoxudine, Aedurid) from gel base with and without the addition of urea and other adjuvant has been studied in an in vitro model using guinea pig skin. The formulation of 3% edoxudine gel with 5% urea showed the best results. In vivo experiments on hairless mice infected intracutaneously with herpes simplex virus type 1 also showed this formulation's good efficacy as compared to other formulations.  相似文献   

W Horsch  I Finke  B Wolf 《Die Pharmazie》1987,42(4):261-265
For the purpose of measuring the contents of prednisolone in low concentrated ointments and creams an instruction was elaborated that includes several steps of extraction, in the resulting solution of which the assay of the steroid by Blue Tetrazolium reaction will be done. The procedure permits the determination of prednisolone in presence of most of usual ingredients of ointment bases except wool alcohols. Also no influence is given by some remedies combined with prednisolone for topical application except coal tar solution. The results confirm a correct reflection of the steroid contents declared respectively the recovery of the steroid added to various ointment bases. Introducing discussion to content uniformity concerning low concentrated ointments is made, and some deviations are shown.  相似文献   

Dopamine regulates various physiological functions in the central nervous system and the periphery. Dysfunction of the dopamine system is implicated in a wide variety of disorders and behaviors including schizophrenia, addiction, and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Medications that modulate dopamine signaling have therapeutic efficacy on the treatment of these disorders. However, the causes of these disorders and the role of dopamine are still unclear. Studying the dopamine system in a model organism, such as Caenorhabditis elegans, allows the genetic analysis in a simple and well-described nervous system, which may provide new insight into the molecular mechanisms of dopamine signaling. In this review, we summarize recent findings on pharmacological and biochemical properties of the C. elegans dopamine receptors and their physiological role in the control of behavior.  相似文献   

This investigation was designed to determine the cause of the changes in drug protein binding that occur in rat plasma, particularly in plasma from pregnant animals, during in vitro drug-protein binding measurements. In vivo estimates of phenytoin binding in plasma were obtained from steady-state CSF-plasma concentration ratios in pregnant and nonpregnant rats. Immediate ultrafiltration of heparin- or EDTA-anticoagulated plasma yielded phenytoin free fraction values that were in good agreement with in vivo estimates for nonpregnant rats but that were about one-third higher than in vivo estimates for pregnant animals. In vitro free fraction values tended to increase during incubation of plasma and/or during equilibrium dialysis. The concentrations of the four major endogenous free fatty acids were similar in plasma of pregnant and nonpregnant rats if determined immediately after blood collection. Six hours of incubation at 37 degrees C caused fatty acid concentrations to increase about fivefold and twofold in heparin-anticoagulated plasma from pregnant and nonpregnant animals, respectively. The corresponding increases in EDTA-anticoagulated plasma were only about twofold and 1.14-fold, respectively. These changes were associated with decreased plasma protein binding of phenytoin. The in vivo differences between pregnant and nonpregnant rats with respect to phenytoin binding in plasma are not due to differences in fatty acid concentrations, but the in vitro differences are due primarily to corresponding differences in free fatty acid concentrations if extensive in vitro lipolysis occurs.  相似文献   

The rat whole embryo culture was compared to an in vivo experiment with regard to embryotoxicity as well as exposure characteristics, using phenytoin as a model compound. Intra-embryonic concentrations and their embryotoxic effects were determined on gestation day 11 after in vitro administration of 50-150 microg/ml or in vivo gavage of 500-1500 mg/kg body-weight on gestation day 10. In addition, exposure kinetics were studied in vivo after a single oral dose on gestation day 10, and developmental defects on gestation day 21 were scored. The embryotoxic effects observed on gestation day 11 were more pronounced after in vitro exposure in comparison to in vivo exposure at similar intra-embryonic concentrations. Exposure of phenytoin on gestation day 10 in vitro via the culture medium resulted in general embryotoxicity on gestation day 11, whereas in vivo effects as determined on gestation day 11 were minimal. Plasma concentrations of phenytoin increased and plateaued around 35 microg/ml during the 48 hr monitoring period. Plasma concentration curves and pharmacokinetic parameters did not show remarkable differences between the dose groups, indicating that absorption is the limiting factor at the dose range used. Although the developmental effects were minimal as observed in vivo on gestation day 11, specific malformations (defects encompassing the urogenital. craniofacial and skeletal systems) were observed on gestation day 21. These findings show that with similar intra-embryonic concentrations of phenytoin the embryotoxicity in rat whole embryo culture was not comparable with the in vivo embryotoxicity as determined on gestation day 11. This discrepancy may at least partly be explained by differences in exposure characteristics.  相似文献   

The efflux process due to p-glycoprotein-like mechanisms of ciprofloxacin (CIP) and grepafloxacin (GRX) has been studied "in situ" in rats and "in vitro" in Caco-2 cells. The results were modelled by a curve fitting procedure which allowed the characterization of the passive (Pd) and carrier mediated parameters (Vm and Km) from the raw data without initial velocities estimation. CIP absorption in rat was characterized as a passive diffusion at the assayed concentrations. Although the involvement of an efflux transporter cannot be ruled out, its relevance in the transport of the fluoroquinolone is negligible. In GRX absorption, an efflux process is implicated and it is detected in both absorption models. GRX permeability depends on the intestinal segment, reflecting the previously reported different expression level of the efflux transporters along the gut in rat. A first attempt to correlate the "in vitro" and the "in situ" data has been done. The mathematical model has been constructed using very simplistic assumptions and it will require further refinement but, nevertheless, the results are promising and demonstrate that a good modelling approach helps to identify the system critical parameters and how the system behaviour change when the parameters are modified as it happens when we move from the "in vitro" to the "in situ" level. Predicted versus experimental permeability values show a good correlation, demonstrating that the relevance of the secretion process "in situ" in rat can be predicted from the "in vitro" cell results.  相似文献   

1. Pulmonary and hepatic UDP-glucuronyltransferase and sulphotransferase activities in subcellular fractions from rats and rabbits were determined, comparing ethanol with known substrates for these enzymes.

2. No ethyl glucuronide formation was detected with either hepatic or pulmonary microsomal incubations.

3. Chromatographic, autoradiographic and scintillation counting analysis indicated that ethanol is sulphated by rat and rabbit pulmonary cytosol, although this activity was approx. 2–6% of that in liver.

4. Rat hepatic and pulmonary sulphotransferase activities with β-naphthol were approx. 13 and 60 times higher than with ethanol, respectively.

5. Rabbit hepatic and pulmonary sulphotransferase activities with both substrates were higher than those in rat.  相似文献   

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