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发扬白求恩精神与建立社会主义市场经济不是对立的,是为建设有中国特色社会主义总目标服务的,在新形势下,如何以发扬白求恩精神为导向,加强医德医风建设,这是一个新课题,白求恩参加创建的白求恩医科大学其第三临床学院在实践中做了一些有益的探索。  相似文献   

正当全国人民认真学习贯彻中央十五届五中全会精神,制定我国“十五”计划宏伟蓝图,喜迎新世纪和新的建设高潮即将来临之际,全国第五届白求恩精神研讨会今天在苏州市隆重召开。会议要认真学习贯彻中央全会精神,总结成绩,交流经验,研究在新形势下如何在全社会进一步继承发扬白求恩精神的做法,树立典型,宣传典型,巩固成果,提高水平,推动工作。中国白求恩精神研究会成立5年以来,在我国坚持改革开放和以经济建设为中心,逐步建立和完善社会主义市场经济体制,同时加强社会主义精神文明建设和民主法制建设的转制时期,坚持以我党三代领导核心一系列继承和发扬白求恩精神的指示为指针,研究探索新  相似文献   

医学职业精神既是医学实践的产物,也是医学发展的条件。在新医改推进中,医学职业精神建设不仅不能被忽视,而且必须切实加以强化。试就在新一轮医改中重铸医学职业精神中需要树立正确的哲学思维——求实思维、辩证思维、实践思维、过程思维、价值观念思维、公民社会理念思维以及人本思维作一探讨。  相似文献   

白求恩辞世已经整整70年了。70年来,白求恩精神在我国人民和广大医务人员中已形成一种传统、准则和楷模,成为医疗卫生战线上进行医德医风教育的典范。在我们的身边涌现了一大批白求恩式的医务工作者。从他们身上,我们看到了白求恩精神的再现与弘扬。在全国卫生系统第二届白求恩精神论坛上,多位代表发言,表达了他们对白求恩精神的理解和诠释,展现了医学人文内涵的精髓。这里撷取其中三位的发言。  相似文献   

为满足新医科背景对临床医学生培养需求,解决教学过程中注重知识传授而忽视职业精神培养问题、现有教学体系职业精神容纳性与实践性不足的问题、卓越医生职业精神培育方式单一的问题,提出以卓越医生职业精神培养为核心的临床教学培养新体系,促进其职业精神与医德医风的提升。通过对国内外医学人才职业精神培养现状进行梳理、整合,发现现有医学教学模式与培养过程中的三大问题,并基于此构建以卓越医生职业精神为核心的临床教学培养新体系,即“一核心、两结合、三实施”。“一核心”是指以卓越医生职业精神为核心;“两结合”是指将专业知识教育与思政教育相结合、传统教学与临床实践相结合;“三实施”是指实施“三学一德”的培育新模式、实施“床旁教学”的临床教学新方法、实施“三融入”的白求恩精神融入临床教学环节的新特色。以期为我国医学人才职业精神培养提供借鉴和参考,促进医学人才培养质量的提升。  相似文献   

3月2日,白求恩精神论坛在南京军区南京总医院举行。参加论坛的代表认真交流了"发展繁荣医院文化、推进医院科学发展"的创新做法和先进经验,实地观摩了南京总医院文化建设成果和白求恩生平展。论坛通过了《关于践行社会主义核心价值观,推动学习白求恩活动常态化的倡议》  相似文献   

医学生人文素养培养是培养优秀医学人才的必修课,是医学教育中不容忽视的内容。阐释了新时代白求恩精神的铸魂育人价值,以吉林大学医学生人文素养培养为例,从优化医学人文课程设置、营造医学人文氛围、强化实践育人功能和发挥医院文化的引领作用方面探讨了医学生人文素养培养的实践模式,分析白求恩精神在医学生人文素养培养中的影响和重要作用,探究符合社会发展需求的医学生人文素养培养模式。  相似文献   

医学职业精神与医疗服务质量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文结合我院实际情况,从分析医学职业精神现状入手,从多个方面探讨了医学职业精神与医疗服务质量的关系,提出了加强医学职业精神建设的重要途径和方法,为提升医疗服务质量提供有益的借鉴.  相似文献   

向社会群体树立培育与宣传推广医学职业精神,是当今时代调解医患关系的重要命题。广东于2012年正式确立了该地区"广东医生"精神的医学职业精神,即"珍爱生命、崇尚科学、乐于奉献、团结进取"。笔者将从医学职业精神品牌化的社会需求、构建路径等方面分析如何构建广东地区医学职业精神品牌"广东医生"精神,以期对各地区培树推广医学职业精神提供一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

当前,正值医药卫生体制改革的关键时期,学习白求恩,纪念白求恩,传承白求恩精神,对于进一步加强卫生行业精神文明建设和职业道德建设,推动医药卫生体制改革顺利实施,具有重要的现实意义。今年,是毛泽东主席发表《纪念白求恩》70周年、白求恩逝世70周年。  相似文献   

Context  The teaching of professionalism has recently become an important issue in medical education. Medical professionalism remains controversial, but several recently published institutional documents on professionalism seem to express an implicit, yet broad consensus on three points: that professionalism mainly consists of adherence to a specific set of professional attributes constitutive of medical role morality and readily identifiable as virtues of medical professionalism (VMP); that medical education needs to focus on the endowment of these attributes, and that medical ethicists should play a central role in assuming this educational responsibility.
Methods  This paper examines the assumption that the task of supporting the development of the VMP should primarily fall to medical ethicists. Considerations in favour of this position are weighted against a set of countervailing considerations. The latter include the charge that the VMP are too vague as educational guidelines, that they may not be teachable, and that the responsibility for their development must be shared across the medical faculty.
Conclusions  Medical ethics educators are right to embrace the professionalism agenda on four conditions: that the limitations of addressing the formation of professional attributes in university-based teaching are recognised; that there is clinical as well as university-based evaluation of professional attributes; that the development of the VMP as a process of professional socialisation is seen as an interdisciplinary educational project, and that the examination and explanation of the cognitive grounds of the VMP are the focus of medical educators' activities.  相似文献   

Faunce TA  Gatenby P 《Medical education》2005,39(10):1066-1074
BACKGROUND: Abraham Flexner's famous reports of 1910 and 1912, Medical Education in the United States and Canada and Medical Education in Europe, were written to assist the development of a positive response in university curricula to a revolution in understanding about the scientific foundations of clinical medicine. Flexner pointed out many deficiencies in medical education that retain contemporary resonance. Generally underemphasised in Flexner's reports, however, were recommendations promoting a firm understanding of and commitment to medical ethics as a basis of medical professionalism. Indeed, Flexner's praise for the scholastic basic of German medical education appeared somewhat ironic when the ethical inadequacies of prominent Nazi doctors were revealed at the Nuremberg Trials. CORPORATE GLOBALISATION AND ITS IMPACT ON MEDICAL PROFESSIONALISM: This article suggests that contemporary medical educators, like Flexner, may be at risk of inadequately addressing a major challenge to evolving medical professionalism. Medical ethics, health law and even the international right to health are now increasingly emphasised in medical curricula. The same cannot be said, however, of lobbying principles arising from the structures of corporate globalisation, although these are rapidly becoming an even more dominant force in shaping medical practice around the globe. Conclusion Today it is the normative tension between medical ethics, health law and international human rights on the one hand and the lobbying principles and strategies of corporate globalisation that must urgently become the focus of major recommendations for reshaping the teaching of medical professionalism. Suggestions are made as to how this might practically be achieved.  相似文献   

"医德碗"活动作为美国部分高校开展临床前阶段医学生医德教育的新形式,以建构主义学习理论、合作学习理论、需求层次理论为依托,契合了低年级医学生心理需求,有效调动了学生学习医德的主动性,培养了医学生团队精神,更重要的是培养学生更实用的医德能力,为进一步的医德教育提供了可靠的评价依据。通过对"医德碗"活动的分析,文章认为应从构建"医德碗"活动体系、优化医德教育理念、大力提倡形成性评价三个方面加以学习借鉴,进一步完善我国医学生医德教育工作。  相似文献   

对医学行为的再认识--兼谈医学生人文素质的培养   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
医学人文在医学行为,医疗活动中占有重要地位,它能够提升医学行为的价值并使医学科学沿着正确的方向发展。医学人文教育是医学教育的重要内容。医学人文精神与医学科学精神融合是社会化医学行为的内在要求。医学职业道德教育是医学人文精神在医疗活动中的具体体现。医学生早期进行系统化的人文课程教育至关重要。  相似文献   

规范医护人员的职业行为,培育职业精神,已成为当今医疗工作中不可或缺的重要环节。针对当前医护人员职业精神缺失现象,本文从医护人员树立仁爱精神、实干精神与奉献精神、科学精神与人文精神角度,阐述在医改大背景下应重视培养和提高医务人员的职业精神。  相似文献   

Manson H 《Family medicine》2008,40(9):658-664
Professional and accreditation organizations have endorsed medical ethics as a fundamental component of education for family medicine trainees. Yet various obstacles combine to work against the continuation of formal medical ethics education beyond medical school and into residency training. This article reviews the current consensus on the scope and objectives of medical ethics education in the context of family medicine training. The need for, and outcomes of, medical ethics teaching are analyzed on the basis of the available evidence. Recent trends in medical education that potentially influence graduate medical ethics training are also discussed (specifically ethics training in medical schools and the priority given to training in professionalism). This review shows a strong evidence-based need to provide medical ethics education for family physicians in training, a need that is apparent on many levels. The current reliance on medical school ethics education and emphasis on professionalism does not answer this need. A well-constructed course in medical ethics for family medicine trainees can teach an array of competencies stipulated by professional and accreditation agencies as important in the practice of family medicine. Educators must strive to overcome barriers and provide formal medical ethics programs to better prepare family physicians for modern professional roles.  相似文献   

We argue that a turn toward virtue ethics as a way of understanding medical professionalism represents both a valuable corrective and a missed opportunity. We look at three ways in which a closer appeal to virtue ethics could help address current problems or issues in professionalism education??first, balancing professionalism training with demands for professional virtues as a prerequisite; second, preventing demands for the demonstrable achievement of competencies from working against ideal professionalism education as lifelong learning; and third, avoiding temptations to dismiss moral distress as a mere ??hidden curriculum?? problem. As a further demonstration of how best to approach a lifelong practice of medical virtue, we will examine altruism as a mean between the extremes of self-sacrifice and selfishness.  相似文献   

医学科学的人文价值   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在医学的人文视野中,医学关注的对象是生命、人性、精神、心理、环境,提倡对人的理解和关心。提倡以人为中心的医学道德观和价值观,注重人与自然、人与人、人与社会多种关系的协调,尊重人的生命的完整性。医学在发展中始终渗透着人文精神,始终关注着人的生活质量、生存意义,并且围绕人文价值去实现医学价值。  相似文献   

As research on and applications of human genetics expanded remarkably during the 1990s, claims were increasingly raised that genetics and its applications should also be considered from an ethical viewpoint. Here medical ethics is the subject of sociological analysis. The paper examines how medical ethics gradually became part of the argumentation and practices of genetic counselling and screening during three decades (1970-2000) by analysing screening and counselling projects and physicians' argumentation in Finland. Medical ethics is analysed as part of a network of experts, regulations and mores, and is regarded as an ongoing process embedded in the processes of medicine, the healthcare system and legislation. It appears that there were two main forms of medical ethics. First, there was the medical ethics that refers to the age-old ways of proper practising of medicine and helping the suffering patient, i.e. the spirit inspiring the profession. Second, during recent decades, medical ethics gradually became expressed in more operationalized and formalized forms, examples of which are codes of ethics, the ethics committees governing medical research and the psychosocial questionnaire studies examining clients' satisfaction and approval. The present paper analyses the medically and morally complicated circumstances in which new formulations of ethics as well as the revival of old foundational medical ethics gained ground.  相似文献   

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