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We describe the unusual case of a 71-year-old male with a history of deep vein thrombosis and recurrent multiple pulmonary embolism (PE) despite adequate anticoagulation. Computed tomography (CT) and brachiocephalic venography revealed a left-sided superior vena cava. We describe successful placement of an inferior vena cava filter via a left-sided superior vena cava.  相似文献   

Aneurysm of the superior vena cava   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The author describes the results of therapy in three groups of patients (128 patients altogether) with the superior vena cava syndrome caused by a tumorous disease. All the patients were treated by radiotherapy as a main method of therapy. (200 kV, filtration 2 mm Cu) in a daily fractionation 300 r on the surface by one field, in the second period (1974-1978) 55 patients were irradiated by 60Co cobalt from two opposite fields by daily fractionation of 170-180 rad into the focus and in the third period (1984-1986) 25 patients were irradiated by 60Co cobalt from two opposite fields in 3-4 introductory daily fractions 3.0 Gy into the focus and then in normal fractionation up to the total dose planned. Immediate results of the treatment--complete disappearance of the syndrome symptoms--were the best in the 3rd group, where a complete disappearance of the symptoms was observed in 84% of patients and a partial relief in 8%. In the first period a complete disappearance of symptoms was in 54% and a partial relief in 10% of patients. The corresponding values in the second period were 74% and 11% respectively. In evaluating the survival of patients, no significant differences were found. In the first period, 50% of patients survived 12 weeks, in the second period 16 weeks and in the third one 20 weeks. One-year survival was reached by two per cent of patients in the first period, four per cent in the second period and eight per cent in the third period. The paper discusses other therapeutic possibilities and approaches in the treatment of the superior vena cava syndrome.  相似文献   

目的 探讨先天性心脏病合并右上腔静脉缺如及永存左上腔静脉畸形的治疗方法。方法 手术治疗2例,在全麻体外循环下行矫治术。1例采用左上腔静脉直接插管法,1例采用心内冠状静脉窦插管法。结果 2例均治愈,远期无心律失常发生。结论 先天性心脏病中,左上腔静脉合并右上腔静脉缺如非常少见,认识不足,是造成漏诊的主要原因。术中应根据情况酌情处理,但无论采取哪种方法,一定要注意对冠状静脉窦口的保护及左上腔静脉引流的通畅。  相似文献   

目的:评价国产腔静脉Z型支架治疗肺癌所致上腔静脉阻塞综合征的临床价值。方法:本组19例肺癌患者中,右肺上叶病变直接导致上腔静脉阻塞12例,纵隔淋巴结转移导致上腔静脉阻塞7例。右股静脉入路,将导管送入狭窄段远端并行DSA检查,测量狭窄段的长度和正常上腔静脉的直径。理想的支架直径应大于正常上腔静脉直径10%,支架长度应越过狭窄段两端1~2cm。术后应用透视或胸片观察支架位置,Doppler随访支架开通情况。结果:放置支架成功后,造影显示对比剂顺利通过开通的支架内,侧枝循环消失,平均上腔静脉压力由术前的27.3±8.4cmH2O降为14.2±3.7cmH2O,支架放置前后对比差异有显著性意义。结论:应用国产腔静脉Z型支架治疗肺癌伴上腔静脉阻塞综合征是微创、有效的治疗方法。  相似文献   

The first computed tomography-documented case of a persistent left superior vena cava that drains directly into the right superior vena cava is presented. The venous embryology is reviewed and the differential diagnosis of other pertinent venous anomalies is discussed. The patient also had an incidental finding of a congenitally absent left lobe of the thyroid gland.  相似文献   

Percutaneous management of superior vena cava occlusions   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Purpose To assess the use of percutaneous endovascular stent insertion in the management of superior vena cava (SVC) occlusion.Methods Percutaneous endovascular stent insertion was attempted in 13 patients, age range 20–72 (mean 55.5) years, with symptomatic total occlusion of the SVC. Twelve patients had known malignant disease of the thorax. The other patient (age 20) had chronic SVC obstruction, the cause of which was unknown at the time of the procedure. There was initial angiographic assessment and removal of thrombus by thrombolysis (10 patients) and/or clot aspiration (3 patients). Following successful lysis or aspiration, single or multiple endovascular stents were inserted.Results The inability to cross the lesion with a guidewire prevented stent insertion in 2 patients (15.4%). There was primary success in the remaining 11 patients (84.6%), with associated symptomatic relief. Some recurrence of symptoms occurred in 5 of the 11 patients (45.5%) after a time interval ranging from 14 to 183 days. In all cases of symptomatic recurrence, patency was reestablished with further thrombolysis and/or further stent insertion. All successfully treated patients have since died. All 11 patients remained symptomatically free of SVC occlusion until death, with postprocedure survival ranging from 5 to 243 days.Conclusion The percutaneous management of complete SVC occlusion with thrombolysis and/or clot aspiration followed by stent insertion is safe and effective, giving sustained symptomatic relief.  相似文献   

We wish to report a patient with the rare anomaly of congenital left superior vena cava and absent right superior vena cava. This became apparent on chest radiographs by the development of a left mediastinal "mass" over a one-year period. The role of contrast-enhanced computed tomographic scanning in the detection of venous anomalies is stressed.  相似文献   

Positioning is critical during the placement of superior vena cava (SVC) stents in patients with malignant SVC syndrome. Although SVC stents effectively relieve various symptoms of SVC syndrome, improper stent positioning may cause life-threatening complications such as migration that result in fatal cardiac failure. Here we describe a patient with an allergy to iodinated contrast material (ICM) who presented with SVC syndrome owing to mediastinal lymph node metastases from hepatocellular carcinoma, which was successfully treated with an SVC stent. Secure stent placement was achieved by bridging the stent through the SVC to the inferior vena cava with venography using carbon dioxide instead of ICM.  相似文献   

The vena cava superior syndrome in sarcoidosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We report the first observation of clinical manifestations of vena cava superior syndrome (VCSS) associated with sarcoidosis. Twenty-four years after the first signs of the disease had been noted, mediastinal lymphomas penetrating the wall of the vena cava superior caused complete obstruction. It is most unusual for the vessel wall to be destroyed in this way, which explains why VCSS is often missed in sarcoidosis. The obstructed vessel was resected and successfully replaced by a Gore-Tex prosthesis. The importance of VCSS for the differential diagnosis is pointed out. Two further peculiarities are the simultaneous occurrence of elevated intraocular pressure and VCSS, and the familial incidence.  相似文献   

We report the use of a Dacron-covered Gianturco-RöschZ (GRZ)-stent to treat malignant obstruction of the superior vena cava (SVC). Initial treatment with an uncovered GRZ-stent was suboptimal due to protrusion of tumor-thrombus through the stent struts into the SVC lumen. Placement of a coaxial Dacron-covered stent graft relieved the residual obstruction due to tumor within the SVC.  相似文献   

上腔静脉综合征支架植入术后并发症分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨上腔静脉综合征(SVCS)支架植入术的并发症及其影响因素,以便制定合理的预防和处理措施.方法 对39例不同原因所致的SVCS患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析.39例患者均行静脉造影,明确上腔静脉狭窄位置、程度、范围,然后行上腔静脉支架植入术.支架植入后以狭窄程度<50%或狭窄程度减少20%以上,同时患者症状在治疗后短期缓解作为支架植入有效的标准,观察术后并发症情况.结果 39例共植入支架40枚.术后35例患者症状明显好转,有效率89.7%(35/39).6例发生并发症,发生率15.4%,其中1例因术后化疗有效、病变缩小致支架移位,症状未加重而未予处理;1例因未抗凝等后续治疗导致血栓形成,后行溶栓及放射治疗致支架移位,患者自动出院;1例因植入大网眼Gianturco Z形支架,肿瘤向网眼内生长导致再狭窄,患者自动出院;急性肺梗死及急性右心功能不全各1例,内科保守治疗后症状缓解;急性心包积液1例,急诊行心包抽液后症状缓解.结论 SVCS支架植入术并发症种类较多,部分后果严重.需根据病因选择合适的治疗方法和合适的支架型号,术中操作轻柔仔细,重视术后处理等方能有效减少并发症.  相似文献   

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