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Methods are described for extraction of DNA from the yeast form of Candida spp., followed by digestion and electrophoresis of DNA fragments. The resulting gel patterns (greater than 100 bands) were used to type Candida isolates. Four intense bands identified, three of which are present in each isolate (6 to 7, 3.7 or 4.2, and 2.5 to 3 kilobases), appear to be DNA encoding the rRNA. The methods proved to be both simple and reproducible. The patterns were shown to be stable through several hundred doublings from multiple single colonies. A survey of isolates showed that, on the basis of similarity of gel patterns, several Candida species could be sorted into mutually exclusive groups, and subgroups could be created. Analyses of this survey suggested the possible epidemiologic and taxonomic applications of these methods. DNA typing methods appear to offer important potential advantages over phenotyping methods. The methods provide a base for further epidemiologic studies and for further development of techniques, such as the use of cloned probes for studies of DNA homology.  相似文献   

Salmonella enterica, Campylobacter and Yersinia species, Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC), Listeria monocytogenes and Clostridium perfringens are the bacterial pathogens constituting the greatest burden of food-borne disease in Finland. Several molecular genetic methods have been applied to diagnose, discriminate and survey these bacteria. PCR, PCR-RFLP and PFGE are the most widely and successfully used. However, these methods are unable to replace conventional and internationally standardised phenotyping. Electronic database libraries of the different genomic profiles will enable continuous surveillance of infections and detection of possible infection clusters at an early stage. Furthermore, whole-genome sequence data have opened up new insights into epidemiological surveillance. Laboratory-based surveillance performed in a timely manner and exploiting adequate methods, and co-operation at local, national and international levels are among the key elements in preventing food-borne diseases. This paper reviews different applications of molecular genetic methods for investigating enteric bacterial pathogens and gives examples of the methods successfully used in diagnostics and epidemiological studies in Finland.  相似文献   

We have previously described differences in phenotype and virulence among clinical and nonclinical isolates of Saccharomyces. To further characterize these isolates, a comparison of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) patterns and genetic analysis were done. The cellular DNA of each of 49 clinical and 11 nonclinical isolates of Saccharomyces was digested with the endonuclease EcoRI, and the resultant fragments were separated by electrophoresis. Sixty isolates were grouped on the basis of the presence (group B) or absence (group A) of a 3-kb band. Group A contained 43 isolates (35 clinical and 8 nonclinical isolates) in 31 discernible subgroups, and group B had 17 isolates (14 clinical and 3 nonclinical isolates) in 10 subgroups. Interestingly, six of eight known vaginal isolates were group B, with four of those six being identical. Virulence of isolates was associated with membership in group A (P = 0.03). Comparison of known members of sibling species within the genus Saccharomyces, which cannot be distinguished by standard biochemical tests, showed that S. paradoxus, S. bayanus, and S. cerevisiae could be differentiated by RFLP analysis. Genetic analysis of the isolates forming viable spores showed that most group A isolates were diploid and members of the species S. cerevisiae. Those group A and B isolates unable to form viable spores may be diploid hybrids between Saccharomyces species. The group B isolates that formed viable spores were tetraploid and may also be interspecific hybrids. Overall, clinical isolates of Saccharomyces were very heterogeneous and exhibited little clonality. RFLP pattern analysis could be a useful method of demonstrating transmission in patients with infection or between environmental sources and patients.  相似文献   

To study the epidemiology - especially the impact of contaminated stopcocks - on central venous catheter (CVC) infection and catheter-related sepsis (CRS), semi-quantitative (SQ) and quantitative (Q) culture methods and typing of coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) were employed in 49 neonates with clinical signs of sepsis while receiving parenteral nutrition in the paediatric intensive care unit. The patients were divided into two groups according to stopcock contamination: group A consisted of 18 patients (36%) with contaminated stopcocks and group B consisted of 31 patients (64%) with sterile stopcocks. Five specimens were obtained from each patient, in addition to that from the stopcock: a swab taken from the skin surrounding the catheter puncture site; the CVC tip; the intradermal segment (IDC); and samples of parenteral fluid and blood. A total of 294 specimens (392 sites) was cultured and micro-organisms were identified. All CNS isolated were typed by biotyping, antibiogram, plasmid analysis and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), and the discriminatory power of the typing methods was compared. The CVC tips were infected in 25 patients (51%); 15 (83%) in group A and 10 (32%) in group B. Sepsis was detected in 24 neonates (49%), 13 in group A and 11 in group B. This was catheter-related in 15 patients (63%), 12 in group A and 3 in group B. CNS were recovered from 13 (52%) of 25 infected CVCs, nine in group A and four in group B. Sixty-five CNS isolates were recovered from these patients and belonged to 14 biotypes, 22 antibiograms, 22 plasmid profiles and 26 PFGE types. Typing showed that in six of nine patients in group A, CNS of the same type were recovered from the catheter tip and the stopcock, in one patient the catheter tip and skin isolates were the same and in two others the catheter tip isolates were different from stopcock and skin isolates. In all four patients in group B, different CNS types were recovered from CVC tips and skin. Bacteraemia was caused by CNS in 14 patients (58%), six in group A and eight in group B. Typing confirmed that nine cases (six in group A and three in group B) were catheter-related but five were not. SQ and Q culture methods and typing, especially by PFGE, allowed the study to determine that bacteria from contaminated stopcocks were frequently the source of CVC infection and CRS.  相似文献   

Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) was applied to 75 Candida albicans isolates, including 2 that were expected to be identical, 48 that came from diverse geographical and clinical sources, and 15 that were sequential isolates from two patients. DNA fragments ( approximately 500 bp) of eight genes encoding housekeeping functions were sequenced, including four that have been described before for C. albicans MLST, and four new gene fragments, AAT1a, AAT1b, MPI, and ZWF1. In total, 87 polymorphic sites were found among 50 notionally different isolates, giving 46 unique sequence types, underlining the power of MLST to differentiate isolates for epidemiological studies. Additional typing information was obtained by detecting variations in size at the transcribed spacer region of the 25S rRNA gene and tests for homozygosity at the mating type-like (MTL) locus. The stability of MLST was confirmed in two sets of consecutive isolates from two patients. In each set the isolates were identical or varied by a single nucleotide. Reference strain SC5314 and a derived mutant, CAF2, gave identical MLST types. Heterozygous polymorphisms were found in at least one isolate for all but 16 (18.4%) of the variable nucleotides, and 35 (41%) of the 87 individual sequence changes generated nonsynonymous amino acids. Cloning and restriction digestion of a gene fragment containing heterozygous polymorphisms indicated that the heterozygosity was genuine and not the result of sequencing errors. Our data validate and extend previous MLST results for C. albicans, and we propose an optimized system based on sequencing eight gene fragments for routine MLST with this species.  相似文献   

The development of PCR-based genotyping modalities (spoligotyping and mycobacterial interspersed repetitive unit-variable-number tandem repeat [MIRU-VNTR] typing) offers promise for real-time molecular epidemiological studies of tuberculosis (TB). However, the utility of these methods depends on their capacity to appropriately classify isolates. To determine the operating parameters of spoligotyping and MIRU-VNTR typing, we have compared results generated by these newer tests to the standard typing method, IS6110 restriction fragment length polymorphism, in analyses restricted to high-copy-number IS6110 isolates. Sensitivities of the newer tests were estimated as the percentages of isolates with identical IS6110 fingerprints that had identical spoligotypes and MIRU-VNTR types. The specificities of these tests were estimated as the percentages of isolates with unique IS6110 fingerprints that had unique spoligotypes and MIRU-VNTR types. The sensitivity of MIRU-VNTR typing was 52% (95% confidence interval [CI], 31 to 72%), and the sensitivity of spoligotyping was 83% (95% CI, 63 to 95%). The specificity of MIRU-VNTR typing was 56% (95% CI, 51 to 62%), and the specificity of spoligotyping was 40% (95% CI, 35 to 46%). The proportion of isolates estimated to be due to recent transmission was 4% by identical IS6110 patterns, 19% by near-identical IS6110 patterns, 33% by MIRU-VNTR typing, and 53% by spoligotyping. The low calculated specificities of spoligotyping and MIRU-VNTR typing led to misclassification of cases, inflated estimates of TB transmission, and low positive predictive values, suggesting that these techniques have unsuitable operating parameters for population-based molecular epidemiology studies.  相似文献   

Neisseria meningitidis is an important pathogen because it causes life-threatening infections. The rapid course of meningococcal disease and the capacity of some serogroups to cause large-scale epidemics necessitates the use of sensitive, reliable and rapid typing methods to characterise strains. Molecular typing techniques for N. meningitidis are used for epidemiological purposes to investigate outbreaks and the spread of organisms and to examine the population genetic structure of the organism to understand better its variation and evolution. Many investigators have employed molecular typing methods and shown that meningococcal disease is associated with a variety of different epidemiological patterns. The choice of a typing method is dependent upon the epidemiological questions to be answered and on the population genetics of the organism under investigation. With highly clonal populations comprising independent non-recombining lineages such as serogroup A meningococci, ribotyping, multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE), pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), multilocus sequence typing (MLST), PCR with arbitrary primers (RAPD) or with other gene-based primers each provides a constant measure of the relationship between strains. A more restricted portfolio of molecular methods - PFGE, MLEE and MLST - is appropriate for the investigation of less clonal serogroup B and C meningococci from localised outbreaks. If a thorough evaluation of the overall population is sought to determine the relationship between new isolates and members of hyper-endemic clonal complexes then quantitative methods such as MLEE and MLST are necessary. Several PCR-based methods are used for the detection and typing of meningococcal strains, many requiring rigorous standardisation before they can be considered suitable for rapid and reliable differentiation between clones. This review examines strain characterisation by molecular techniques and non-culture-based subtyping of meningococci in clinical specimens. It assesses the importance of these techniques and examines the epidemiological questions that they answer and also their limitations.  相似文献   

Due to some limitations of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis in HLA-DR-DQ typing, we present a combined use of RFLP and polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-allele-specific oligonucleotide (ASO) typing. This scheme consists in selectively amplifying the few RFLP ill-defined genes (DR1/DR'Br' and DR4-Dw subsets) using PCR with allele specific primers to avoid cross-hybridization.  相似文献   

3种分型方法在HLA-B分型中的应用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在人类白细胞抗原(Human leucocyte antigen,HLA)的多种分型技术中,以血清学方法、序列特异性引物.聚合酶链反应(Polymerase chain reaction sequence—specific primer,PCR-SSP)方法和多聚酶链反应-序列特异寡核苷酸探针(PCR—sequence—specific oligonucleotide probes,PCR—SSOP)杂交配型技术实用性较强。我们采用此3种方法同时对30份标本进行HLA—B位点进行分型和比较,报道如下:  相似文献   

Strains of Listeria monocytogenes from 475 cases of human listeriosis collected during 1967-1984, belonged to one of three serogroups (1/2, 3 or 4). They were phage typed with a set of 28 phages to investigate three aspects of the epidemiology of listeriosis. Three patients each had two episodes of listeriosis, 3 months to 2 years apart, with strains of the same serogroup and indistinguishable by phage typing. Ten episodes of possible cross-infection between pairs of neonates in the same hospital occurred; the first baby was ill at or within 1 day of birth, and the second baby became ill 8-12 days after contact with the first. In each pair the L. monocytogenes strains were of the same serogroup and indistinguishable by phage typing. In three clusters of cases there may have been a common source of infection. L. monocytogenes strains from 10 of 11 cases of listeriosis in the Carlisle area in Jul.-Dec. 1981 were of the same serogroup; nine strains were non-phage-typable. The second cluster involved four adults treated at one hospital and the third a pair of neonates who were ill shortly after birth. In each cluster, strains were of the same serogroup, and were indistinguishable by phage typing. These last two clusters occurred during a short period when an unusually high proportion of strains from all cases of human listeriosis in Britain were indistinguishable by phage typing from the cluster strains, suggesting the possibility of common source infection.  相似文献   

Noroviruses are implicated in many worldwide institutional, food and waterborne outbreaks each year. Genetic typing of isolates is valuable for monitoring outbreak spread as well as variation in circulating strains. Microarrays have the potential to provide rapid genotype information for norovirus samples. The NoroChip v3.0 provides an oligonucleotide hybridization platform to screen for over 600 potential interactions in each experiment. The NoroChip v3.0 was developed at Health Canada and validated in seven international partner laboratories. Each laboratory validated the NoroChip v3.0 using norovirus amplicons routinely characterized in their testing protocols. Fragments from the capsid region (region C) and a 2.4 kb amplicon spanning polymerase and capsid sequences (region AD) were validated in six of the partner laboratories and provided correct genogroup typing information (GI or GII) when hybridized to the NoroChip v3.0. Results indicate that the current limiting factor for implementing the NoroChip v3.0 as a strain typing tool is the difficulty obtaining a long, specific amplicon from all circulating norovirus strains. Data obtained with the longer region AD amplicon provided the best discrimination between norovirus strains.  相似文献   

One hundred and forty-two coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) isolated from dialysate effluent or skin of patients receiving continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) were typed by extended antibiogram (16 antibiotics) and biotype (26 reactions). These isolates were then typed by supplementary methods to determine the most suitable typing method for an epidemiological study of antibiotic resistance. These included phage typing, reverse phage typing, plasmid typing, whole-cell protein typing by SDS-PAGE with analysis by densitometry, and immunoblotting. The percentage of isolates typed successfully by the supplementary methods were: phage typing 20%, reverse phage typing 0%, plasmid typing 66%, SDS-PAGE 100%, immunoblotting 100%. The discrimination of each method was: phage typing 20%, plasmid typing 37%, SDS-PAGE 69%, immunoblotting 57%. Reproducibility was 88% for phage typing and 97% for plasmid typing. The reproducibility of the whole-cell protein typing was 83% if the same extracts were used but only 43% when separate protein extracts were analysed on separate occasions. However, strain relatedness was highly reproducible. The determination of an antibiogram-biotype profile was not a sufficiently accurate typing method for an epidemiological study of antibiotic resistance. Whole-cell protein typing by SDS-PAGE or immunoblotting was technically demanding but was the most effective of the supplementary methods for detecting erroneous discrimination and false matching produced by antibiogram-biotype combinations.  相似文献   

Gonorrhea, which may become untreatable due to multiple resistance to available antibiotics, remains a public health problem worldwide. Precise methods for typing Neisseria gonorrhoeae, together with epidemiological information, are crucial for an enhanced understanding regarding issues involving epidemiology, test of cure and contact tracing, identifying core groups and risk behaviors, and recommending effective antimicrobial treatment, control, and preventive measures. This review evaluates methods for typing N. gonorrhoeae isolates and recommends various methods for different situations. Phenotypic typing methods, as well as some now-outdated DNA-based methods, have limited usefulness in differentiating between strains of N. gonorrhoeae. Genotypic methods based on DNA sequencing are preferred, and the selection of the appropriate genotypic method should be guided by its performance characteristics and whether short-term epidemiology (microepidemiology) or long-term and/or global epidemiology (macroepidemiology) matters are being investigated. Currently, for microepidemiological questions, the best methods for fast, objective, portable, highly discriminatory, reproducible, typeable, and high-throughput characterization are N. gonorrhoeae multiantigen sequence typing (NG-MAST) or full- or extended-length porB gene sequencing. However, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and Opa typing can be valuable in specific situations, i.e., extreme microepidemiology, despite their limitations. For macroepidemiological studies and phylogenetic studies, DNA sequencing of chromosomal housekeeping genes, such as multilocus sequence typing (MLST), provides a more nuanced understanding.  相似文献   

Comparison of PCR-based methods for typing Escherichia coli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Objective  To establish a library typing system appropriate for studying cross-transmission of Escherichia coli.
Methods  Eighteen epidemiologically unrelated isolates were genotyped by means of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), repetitive (rep) PCR, and fluorescent amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). Fingerprints were analyzed either by Pearson correlation or, in the case of AFLP, by Dice coefficients employing the novel 'uncertain band' software tool from GelCompar II. During a nine-month period, 112 isolates taken from 93 patients hospitalized in five intensive care units were analyzed by use of the two most discriminative PCR typing methods.
Results  Genotyping by RAPD and rep-PCR revealed insufficient discrimination. Among 18 epidemiologically unrelated strains with 17 different PFGE patterns, IS3 rep-PCR and AFLP distinguished 10 and 18 types, respectively. Comparison of the different methods for analysis of AFLP fingerprints showed that the Dice coefficients, which ignore 'uncertain bands', offered the best concordance with visual interpretation. Consecutive isolates originating from the same patient differed in less than three fragments.
Conclusions  AFLP analysis showed the highest discriminative capacity for PCR typing of E. coli isolates. Analysis of fingerprints employing the Dice coefficients proved the most efficient method for an automated software-based retrieval of visually indistinguishable genotypes in an AFLP fingerprint database.  相似文献   

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