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聚乳酸/壳聚糖多孔支架材料的生物学性能评价   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过过敏试验、热原试验和细胞培养与毒性试验,对聚乳酸(PLA)/壳聚糖多孔支架材料进行了生物学评价。结果显示,聚乳酸/壳聚糖复合三维多孔材料均呈阴性,符合ISO 10993-1标准,细胞能在材料表面更好的贴附和生长。所以,本材料具有良好的生物相容性,可以用作细胞支架材料植入体内。  相似文献   

壳聚糖支架与神经干细胞生物相容性的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为探讨壳聚糖多孔支架与神经干细胞(NSCs)的生物相容性,应用冷冻干燥技术制备壳聚糖多孔支架,将神经干细胞克隆球接种于壳聚糖支架载体上,分为NSCs+支架组和NSCs+支架+NGF组。培养2周后冰冻切片,行Nissl染色及微管相关蛋白-2(MAP-2)、胶质纤维酸性蛋白(GFAP)和2,3-环核苷酸磷酸二酯酶(CNP)免疫组化染色来检测NSCs的分化,并进行MAP-2阳性细胞计数、胞体面积、细胞周长的图像处理和统计分析。结果显示:壳聚糖支架孔隙率为90%,支架孔径为50~350μm。NSCs可以在壳聚糖支架上存活、迁移并分化成神经元、星形胶质细胞和少突胶质细胞。NSCs+支架+NGF组的MAP-2阳性细胞数明显多于NSCs+支架组,且胞体较大,突起较多且长。上述结果提示,壳聚糖支架与NSCs具有良好的生物相容性,外源性的NGF能够促进壳聚糖支架中的NSCs向神经元分化。  相似文献   

脐带间质干细胞与壳聚糖支架的生物相容性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
探讨脐带间质干细胞与壳聚糖支架的生物相容性。分离培养脐带间质干细胞,将其种植到壳聚糖支架上,观察细胞在支架上的形态特征,并检测细胞黏附性和细胞增殖活性。脐带间质干细胞能够在壳聚糖支架上黏附生长,并保持良好的细胞形态,与对照组相比,其黏附率和细胞增殖活性均无显著性差异。脐带间质干细胞与壳聚糖支架之间具有良好的生物相容性,可应用于复合材料的制备。  相似文献   

进行了三维多孔立体结构的纳米羟基磷灰石/聚氨酯(HA/PU)复合支架材料体外细胞培养和体内肌肉埋植实验研究,评估材料的生物相容性。实验选用SD大鼠的骨髓基质干细胞(BMSCs)和健康的SD雌性大鼠,进行细胞相容性、形态学观察和组织学切片分析。HA/PU支架材料的多孔性为细胞的生长提供了良好的微环境,细胞在内部贴壁爬行、增殖并分化,细胞毒性为零级,材料与周围组织有良好的结合,降解的空间有结缔组织纤维长入。实验表明,HA/PU复合支架材料具有良好的细胞亲和性和组织学相容性,可作为一类新型组织工程支架材料。  相似文献   

聚乳酸/壳聚糖复合支架材料的生物相容性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为改善聚乳酸作为骨组织工程支架材料降解速率过快、亲水性差和降解产物呈酸性等缺点,本研究制备了一系列高孔隙率的聚乳酸/壳聚糖三维多孔复合支架材料,通过软骨细胞培养、动物皮下和肌肉植入试验对其进行了生物相容性研究。软骨细胞培养试验表明软骨细胞能在复合支架材料贴附增殖,材料无明显毒性;植入试验结果显示纯聚乳酸在体内2个月左右已经降解吸收,失去力学强度,复合材料三个月后仍能保持一定的力学强度和形状,而且组织切片也同时表明复合材料的炎症反应远远低于纯聚乳酸材料。  相似文献   

壳聚糖液晶膜生物相容性的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
壳聚糖因具有良好的生物相容性、生物可降解性、无口服毒性等而广泛应用于组织工程领域。近年来一些研究表明,液晶态普遍存在于生命体中。本研究从仿生角度出发,制备出壳聚糖液晶薄膜。采用偏光显微镜和动态接触角测定仪分别研究其织构和亲水性能,并通过体外细胞培养法研究了生物相容性。实验结果表明,壳聚糖液晶薄膜呈现典型的胆甾相液晶织构,与非液晶薄膜相比,它不仅具有更好的亲水性能,而且能更好地促进L929细胞黏附、生长、增殖及分化,表现出良好的生物相容性。本研究为开发新型生物材料和更好地模拟体内微环境提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

壳聚糖/纳米羟基磷灰石分层复合支架的生物相容性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
制备壳聚糖/纳米羟基磷灰石(CS/nHA)分层复合支架,对其进行细胞毒性评价.分离培养大鼠软骨细胞接种于支架,相差显微镜和扫描电镜观察细胞的黏附及生长情况.动物皮下埋植试验观察其组织相容性.实验结果证实壳聚糖/纳米羟基磷灰石分层复合支架具有良好的生物相容性,有望成为较好的骨软骨组织工程支架.  相似文献   

壳聚糖膜的降解与生物相容性研究   总被引:28,自引:1,他引:28  
用小鼠作实验动物,研究了壳聚膜的生物降解与生物相容性,结果表明,壳聚糖膜易于生物降解,在植入初期有轻度炎症反应,至16周后炎症反应基本消失。作为一种新型天然可吸收性生物材料,壳聚糖具有很好的发展应用前景。  相似文献   

探讨新型聚己内酯(PCL)/磷酸钙(CPC)复合材料支架的制备方法及对骨髓基质细胞(BMSCs)的生物相容性。采用溶液共混法,利用可溶盐晶体做造孔剂,制备PCL/CPC复合材料支架,以单纯PCL和CPC支架为对照组,Q800型动态力学分析仪进行动态力学性能试验(DMA),采用排水法测量孔隙率;灭菌后通过与犬BMSCs体外共同培养后细胞形态、生长曲线、碱性磷酸酶(ALP)染色和半定量及骨钙素(OC)半定量等方法检测细胞在支架材料上的黏附、增殖及成骨分化情况,动物体内异位成骨检测其成骨情况。结果显示,复合材料的储能模量在PCL/CPC比例为7:3时达到最大,制得的材料孔径为250~350μm,多孔支架的孔隙率为70%~80%;BMSCs在新型PCL/CPC组、CPC组支架表面分布均匀,生长增殖明显较PCL组活跃(P<0.05);PCL/CPC组、CPC组BMSCs成骨行为与PCL组之间有显著差异(P<0.05)。动物体内异位成骨检测提示,4周时PCL/CPC组为13.78%±1.60%、CPC组BMSCs为15.29%±1.20%,成骨显著强于PCL组BMSCs的7.56%±2.20%(P<0.05),表明PCL和CPC的复合明显改善了两种材料的缺陷,获得的PCL/CPC支架具有良好的生物相容性,可与BMSCs共同构建具有成骨能力的三维立体组织工程化骨。  相似文献   

背景:壳聚糖和介孔生物玻璃都具有良好的生物相容性和止血性能,但壳聚糖止血作用有限,介孔生物玻璃粉体方式止血,给应用带来不便。 目的:制备壳聚糖/介孔生物玻璃复合多孔膜并检测材料的性能。 方法:采用冷冻干燥法制备壳聚糖/介孔生物玻璃复合多孔膜。 结果与结论:通过冷冻干燥法可以实现壳聚糖和介孔生物玻璃的均匀复合。制备的复合多孔膜的孔隙分布较均匀;多孔膜具有很好的吸水性,吸水率的大小与壳聚糖和介孔生物玻璃质量比相关;多孔膜的孔隙率高。  相似文献   

背景:生物活性玻璃/胶原复合材料具有优良的成骨活性和的生物学性能,然而其在人体环境中易降解而导致支架溃散、力学性能下降。 目的:构建具有良好力学性能、抗降解性能和骨修复特性的胶原/生物活性玻璃/壳聚糖增强型复合支架。 方法:以壳聚糖作为分散剂,将生物活性玻璃粉体预先在壳聚糖溶液中均匀分散,然后与胶原溶液混合,结合冷冻干燥法制备多孔胶原/生物活性玻璃/壳聚糖增强型复合骨修复支架。采用傅里叶变换红外光谱仪、场发射扫描电子显微镜、X射线衍射仪、动态生物力学试验机等对复合支架的结构和性能进行表征。 结果与结论:由于壳聚糖和生物活性玻璃粉体在微酸性环境下的电荷吸引,使在壳聚糖中预分散的生物活性玻璃颗粒在复合支架中分散更均匀;壳聚糖的引入大量增加了机体中的羟基和氨基,使分子间的相互作用增强,显著提高了材料的抗压模量和强度;壳聚糖和胶原在分子尺度的混合,使胶原分子被壳聚糖包裹,降低了胶原酶对胶原分子的酶切能力,显著提高了复合支架的抗胶原酶解性;壳聚糖分子使生物活性玻璃颗粒更均匀的包裹在大分子基相中,减少了生物活性玻璃颗粒的团聚和暴露,导致复合支架在模拟体液中的矿化活性略微降低。中国组织工程研究杂志出版内容重点:生物材料;骨生物材料; 口腔生物材料; 纳米材料; 缓释材料; 材料相容性;组织工程全文链接:  相似文献   

Fu Q  Saiz E  Tomsia AP 《Acta biomaterialia》2011,7(10):3547-3554
The quest for synthetic materials to repair load-bearing bone lost because of trauma, cancer, or congenital bone defects requires the development of porous, high-performance scaffolds with exceptional mechanical strength. However, the low mechanical strength of porous bioactive ceramic and glass scaffolds, compared with that of human cortical bone, has limited their use for these applications. In the present work bioactive 6P53B glass scaffolds with superior mechanical strength were fabricated using a direct ink writing technique. The rheological properties of Pluronic® F-127 (referred to hereafter simply as F-127) hydrogel-based inks were optimized for the printing of features as fine as 30 μm and of three-dimensional scaffolds. The mechanical strength and in vitro degradation of the scaffolds were assessed in a simulated body fluid (SBF). The sintered glass scaffolds showed a compressive strength (136 ± 22 MPa) comparable with that of human cortical bone (100–150 MPa), while the porosity (60%) was in the range of that of trabecular bone (50–90%). The strength is ∼100-times that of polymer scaffolds and 4–5-times that of ceramic and glass scaffolds with comparable porosities. Despite the strength decrease resulting from weight loss during immersion in SBF, the value (77 MPa) is still far above that of trabecular bone after 3 weeks. The ability to create both porous and strong structures opens a new avenue for fabricating scaffolds for load-bearing bone defect repair and regeneration.  相似文献   

The biological properties of porous poly (vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) scaffolds fabricated by selective laser sintering were tailored through nano-sized 58s bioactive glass. The results showed that 58s bioactive glass distributed evenly in the PVDF matrix. There were some exposed particles on the surface which provided attachment sites for biological response. It was confirmed that the scaffolds had highly bioactivity by the formation of bone-like apatite in simulated body fluid. And the bone-like apatite became dense with the increase in 58s bioactive glass and culture time. Moreover, the scaffolds were suitable for cell adhesion and proliferation compared with the PVDF scaffolds without 58s bioactive glass. The research showed that the PVDF/58s bioactive glass scaffolds had latent application in bone tissue engineering.  相似文献   

目的考察本实验室制备的类人体小梁骨结构的硼酸盐D-Alk-2B生物玻璃支架的体外生物降解性和生物活性、机械性能、生物相容性以及植入体内时的骨修复性能。方法①将D-Alk-2B支架浸泡于0.02M K2HPO4溶液中,考察生物玻璃支架的失重、抗压强度,浸泡液的pH随浸泡时间的变化。②将MLO-A5细胞种植于D-Alk-2B支架,经不同时间的培养,对支架的细胞成活率、碱性磷酸酶活性以及粘附细胞性能进行测试。③将D-Alk-2B支架植入大鼠皮下肌肉内,评估其骨修复性能。结果随着浸泡过程的延长,D-Alk-2B支架会逐渐降解并转化为羟基磷灰石而失重,支架的抗压强度也逐渐下降,而浸泡液的pH逐渐升高。细胞实验显示,支架能支持MLO-A5细胞分化和增殖,对碱性磷酸酶有很好的活性,能将MLO-A5细胞粘附其上。支架植入大鼠皮下肌肉,能支持软组织长入其中。结论制备的硼酸盐D-Alk-2B生物玻璃支架具有优异的生物相容性、生物活性和生物降解性,并具有骨传导和骨诱导性能,是一种前景广泛的临床应用的新型骨修复材料。  相似文献   

Wu H  Wan Y  Cao X  Wu Q 《Acta biomaterialia》2008,4(1):76-87
Porous poly(DL-lactide)(PDLLA)/chitosan scaffolds with well-controlled pore structures and desirable mechanical characteristics were fabricated via a combination of solvent extraction, phase separation and freeze-drying. These scaffolds were further evaluated for the proliferation of isolated rabbit chondrocytes in vitro for various incubation periods up to 4 weeks in order to finally use them for the cartilage tissue engineering. MTT assay data revealed that the number of cells grown on PDLLA/chitosan scaffolds measurably increased with the weight ratio of the chitosan component and was significantly higher than those collected from pure PDLLA scaffolds for the entire incubation period. Scanning electron microscopy examinations, histological observations and proteoglycan measurements indicated that the resulting PDLLA/chitosan scaffolds exhibited increasing ability to promote the attachment and proliferation of chondrocytes, and also helped seeded chondrocytes spread through the scaffolds and distribute homogeneously inside compared to pure PDLLA scaffolds. Immunohistochemical staining verified that these PDLLA/chitosan scaffolds could preserve the phenotype of chondrocyte and effectively support the production of type II collagen.  相似文献   

Hyperthermia and local drug delivery have been proposed as potential therapeutic approaches for bone defects resulting from malignant bone tumors. The development of bioactive materials with magnetic and drug delivery properties may potentially meet this target. The aim of this study was to develop a multifunctional mesoporous bioactive glass (MBG) scaffold system for both hyperthermic and local drug delivery applications. To this end iron (Fe)-containing MBG (Fe-MBG) scaffolds with a hierarchical large pores structure (300–500 μm) and fingerprint-like mesopores (4.5 nm) have been prepared. The effects of Fe on the mesopore structure and physiochemical, magnetic, drug delivery and biological properties of MBG scaffolds have been systematically investigated. The results show that the morphology of the mesopores varied from straight channels to curved fingerprint-like channels after incorporation of Fe into MBG scaffolds. The magnetism of MBG scaffolds can be tailored by controlling the Fe content. Furthermore, the incorporation of Fe into mesoporous MBG glass scaffolds enhanced the mitochondrial activity and the expression of bone-related genes (ALP and OCN) in human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSC) attached to the scaffolds. The Fe-MBG scaffolds obtained also possessed high specific surface areas and demonstrated sustained drug delivery. Thus Fe-MBG scaffolds are magnetic, degradable and bioactive. The multifunctionality of Fe-MBG scaffolds suggests that there is great potential for their use in the treatment and regeneration of large-bone defects caused by malignant bone tumors through a combination of hyperthermia, local drug delivery and osteoconductivity.  相似文献   

《Acta biomaterialia》2014,10(5):2269-2281
In this study, we fabricated strontium-containing mesoporous bioactive glass (Sr-MBG) scaffolds with controlled architecture and enhanced mechanical strength using a three-dimensional (3-D) printing technique. The study showed that Sr-MBG scaffolds had uniform interconnected macropores and high porosity, and their compressive strength was ∼170 times that of polyurethane foam templated MBG scaffolds. The physicochemical and biological properties of Sr-MBG scaffolds were evaluated by ion dissolution, apatite-forming ability and proliferation, alkaline phosphatase activity, osteogenic expression and extracelluar matrix mineralization of osteoblast-like cells MC3T3-E1. The results showed that Sr-MBG scaffolds exhibited a slower ion dissolution rate and more significant potential to stabilize the pH environment with increasing Sr substitution. Importantly, Sr-MBG scaffolds possessed good apatite-forming ability, and stimulated osteoblast cells’ proliferation and differentiation. Using dexamethasone as a model drug, Sr-MBG scaffolds also showed a sustained drug delivery property for use in local drug delivery therapy, due to their mesoporous structure. Therefore, the 3-D printed Sr-MBG scaffolds combined the advantages of Sr-MBG such as good bone-forming bioactivity, controlled ion release and drug delivery and enhanced mechanical strength, and had potential application in bone regeneration.  相似文献   

目的 以琼脂糖/壳聚糖共混凝胶为模型,研究壳聚糖材料生物相容性的可能机理.方法 通过共混法,制备出一系列不同壳聚糖含量的琼脂糖/壳聚糖共混凝胶.利用傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)分析共混凝胶的化学基团,利用荧光素-4-异硫氰酸酯(FITC)标记法观察琼脂糖和壳聚糖之间的可共混性.通过Zeta电势测量共混凝胶的电荷,利用二喹啉甲酸(BCA)法分别测定胎牛血清(FBS)总蛋白和牛血清白蛋白(RSA)在共混凝胶上的吸附,利用酶联免疫吸附(ELISA)法测定纤黏连蛋白(FN)在共混凝胶上的吸附.细胞实验以人微血管内皮细胞系(HMEC-1)为模型,通过观测细胞的黏附、增殖和形态来评价共混凝胶的细胞相容性.结果 琼脂糖/壳聚糖共混凝胶含有壳聚糖特征性的化学基团.琼脂糖和壳聚糖之间存在着良好的可共混性,壳聚糖的氨基基团在共混凝胶中呈均匀分布.在pH酸性条件下(pH 3.0)共混凝胶带有较强的正电荷,然而在pH中性条件下(pH 7.4)所有共混凝胶的Zeta电势均降低至0 mV附近.各组共混凝胶之间对FBS总蛋白以及BSA的吸附差异无统计学意义,但是共混凝胶对FN的吸附却随着壳聚糖含量的升高而显著升高.细胞实验结果显示:随着壳聚糖含量的提高,共混凝胶的细胞相容性有明显改善,HMECs在壳聚糖含量较高的凝胶上表现出良好的黏附、铺展和增殖.结论 相对于血清中的其他蛋白,壳聚糖组分对FN存在优先吸附,从而能够促进细胞在共混凝胶表面的黏附铺展.与传统观点不同,本研究发现壳聚糖的生物相容性与其所携带的正电荷无关.  相似文献   

Bone regeneration can be accelerated by localized delivery of appropriate growth factors/biomolecules. Localized delivery can be achieved by a 2-level system: (i) incorporation of biomolecules within biodegradable particulate carriers (nanoparticles), and (ii) inclusion of such particulate carriers (nanoparticles) into suitable porous scaffolds. In this study, freeze-dried porous chitosan–gelatin scaffolds (CH–G: 1:2 ratio by weight) were embedded with various amounts of poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) nanoparticles, precisely 16.6%, 33.3% and 66.6% (respect to CH–G weight). Scaffolds loaded with PLGA nanoparticles were subjected to physico-mechanical and biological characterizations including morphological analysis, swelling and dissolution tests, mechanical compression tests and cell viability tests. Results showed that incorporation of PLGA nanoparticles into porous crosslinked CH–G scaffolds: (i) changed the micro-architecture of the scaffolds in terms of mean pore diameter and pore size distribution, (ii) reduced the dissolution degree of the scaffolds, and (iii) increased the compressive modulus. On the other hand, the water uptake behavior of CH–G scaffolds containing PLGA nanoparticles significantly decreased. The incorporation of PLGA nanoparticles did not affect the biocompatibility of CH–G scaffolds.  相似文献   

Bioactive glass, an osteoproductive material, has received considerable attention as a bone graft substitute in the treatment of bony defects. Bioactive CaO-SiO2-P2O5 glass was prepared using the sol-gel method, and mineralization behaviour in?vitro was investigated by soaking it in simulated body fluid (SBF). Cellular cultivation in?vitro, MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)- 2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) and Von Kossa assays were conducted to evaluate the osteoblast response to the bioactive glass. A calcium phosphate carbonate hydroxide (HCA) layer was formed on the bioactive glass after soaking for 3 days in SBF, which indicated that the mineralization on the surface of bioactive glass could progress spontaneously. The osteoblast response results demonstrated that bioactive glass had no cytotoxicity, and it might not be harmful to the morphology of the osteoblast. The growth and proliferation of the osteoblastic cell could not be inhibited. Nodule formation was also observed in conditioned medium containing dissolution bioactive glass and these nodules were shown to be mineralized by Von Kossa staining, which indicates that bioactive glass shows good biocompatibility.  相似文献   

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