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Gupta R  Plantinga LC  Fink NE  Melamed ML  Coresh J  Fox CS  Levin NW  Powe NR 《JAMA》2007,297(13):1455-1464
Context  Patients with chronic kidney disease are at high risk for sepsis and sepsis-related mortality. Objective  To assess whether statin use is associated with a reduction in hospitalizations for sepsis in dialysis patients. Design, Setting, and Patients  National prospective cohort study that enrolled 1041 incident dialysis patients at 81 US not-for-profit outpatient dialysis clinics from October 1995 to June 1998, with follow-up to January 2005. Statin use was determined by medical record review. Rates of hospitalization for sepsis between statin users and control patients were compared using multivariate regression models, with adjustment for potential confounders in the overall cohort and in a subcohort in which control patients were matched to statin users according to their likelihood (propensity) to have been prescribed a statin. Main Outcome Measure  Hospitalizations for sepsis were determined through hospital records from the United States Renal Data System (mean follow-up, 3.4 years). Results  There were 303 hospitalizations for sepsis. Rates of sepsis-related hospitalizations were significantly lower in patients receiving statins (crude incidence rate, 41/1000 patient-years) than in those not receiving statins (crude incidence rate, 110/1000 patient-years) (P<.001). With adjustment for demographics and dialysis modality, statin users were substantially less likely to be subsequently hospitalized for sepsis (incidence rate ratio, 0.41; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.25-0.68). Further adjustment for comorbidities and laboratory values continued to show this protective association (incidence rate ratio, 0.38; 95% CI, 0.21-0.67). In the propensity-matched subcohort, statin use was even more protective (incidence rate ratio, 0.24; 95% CI, 0.11-0.49). Conclusions  Use of statins was strongly and independently associated with a reduction in the risk of hospitalization for sepsis in patients who had chronic kidney disease and were receiving dialysis. Randomized trials of statins in patients with chronic kidney disease should examine the prevention of sepsis as a potentially important benefit.   相似文献   

A prospective study was done to find out the incidence of different external hernias, identify the predisposing factors and type of repair performed. Over a period of 8 years, 1020 patients were admitted with different varieties of external hernias in Chittagong Medical College Hospital. Among them 743 patients had inguinal hernia, 130 had incisional hernia, 58% had indirect inguinal hernia, 29% had direct inguinal hernia, Bilateral inguinal hernia was present in 13% cases. 272 (32.08%) presented with complications like, irreducibility, obstruction, strangulation, 576 (67.92%) was admitted from out-patient department for elective operation. 97.04% of patients with inguinal hernia were male, 2.96% of patients were female. But among incisional hernia 77.70% are female and 22.30% are male patients. The highest incidence of both inguinal hernia and incisional hernia were found in 4th decade of life. Predisposing factors could be identified in 42.06% cases. 90.76% patients approached doctors for advice after 6 months of noticing hernia only 36.37% could mention the cause of delay. Out of 1020 patients (812) 72.18% patients underwent different operations. 2.5% patients were inoperable due to associated disease like Ca-liver, IHD, renal transplant, CLD, uncontrolled DM. Others refused or absconded, being afraid of operation. Effort for post operative follow up was not very satisfactory as only a small number could be followed for a limited period.  相似文献   

A 27-year old woman presented with fever, weight loss, arthralgia, macular skin rash and bilateral axillary lymphadenopathy. The histology of an excised lymph node showed evidence suggestive of Kikuchi disease. Subsequent laboratory tests showed evidence of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, underscoring the importance of considering other diagnoses in a nodal histological diagnosis of Kikuchi disease, a benign condition of unknown aetiology.  相似文献   

目的:探讨Kikuchi淋巴结炎(KD)的临床和病理特征,做好与相似病变的鉴别诊断。方法:回顾性分析15例Kikuchi淋巴结炎临床表现、淋巴结活检病理形态特点及免疫组织化学表达情况。结果:该病11例发生于女性,14例表现在颈部多发性淋巴结肿大,伴有持续性低热、高热或不规则热稽留热,有外周血白细胞降低,普通抗炎治疗效果不明显;淋巴结内不同程度的组织细胞增生、凝固性碎屑性坏死、有正常淋巴结结构保存,免疫组化染色示组织细胞CD68大片状阳性S100部分阳性,CK、CD20、CD45RO、CD30均阴性。结论:Kikuchi淋巴结炎是一自限性非肿瘤性病变,在临床表现、病理特点及免疫组化染色均有特异性,结合各方面表现能极大提高一次性正确诊断率。  相似文献   

目的: 探讨浅表淋巴结Kikuchi病(Kikuchi disease,KD)与结核病(tuberculous lymphadenopathy,TLPN)超声表现特点,提高超声对二者的鉴别诊断能力?方法:对75例KD及215例TLPN受累浅表淋巴结二维及彩色多普勒超声表现进行回顾性分析?结果:KD和TLPN均以年轻女性多发,为颈部多区域淋巴结病变,KD多累及颈后三角区淋巴结,主要侵犯颈浅淋巴结群;TLPN主要累及颈内静脉链中组及下组淋巴结,主要侵犯颈深淋巴结群?超声表现:KD受累淋巴结多表现一致,包膜完整?锐利,淋巴门结构多较清晰,淋巴结皮质多为均质低回声,血流呈淋巴门型分布,血流密度以Ⅱ~Ⅲ级为主;TLPN受累淋巴结多无淋巴门结构,常融合成团,包膜增厚?模糊,甚至无包膜,周围组织水肿较明显;常合并有液化和(或)钙化?高回声等;血流以边缘型或无血流型多见,血流密度以0~Ⅰ级为主;频谱多普勒提示TLPN阻力指数较KD高(P < 0.001)?结论:KD与TLPN病变浅表淋巴结在超声表现上具有较明显的差别,超声对其鉴别具有重要用价值,可为进一步穿刺活检提供依据?  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Experimental work indicates that the vestibular system participates in autonomic reflexes during body movement and postural changes. However, there are no studies of cardiovascular reflexes during vertigo due to human acute vestibular lesions. METHODS: We assessed the response to active change of posture and hand immersion in cold water in seven patients with unilateral peripheral vestibular failure (vestibular neuritis) and seven age/sex-matched healthy subjects in acute phase (72 h from vertigo onset) and at 2 weeks of follow-up. RESULTS: During acute phase, patients showed decreased blood pressure response during cold hand test (p < 0.05). Upright stance induced deficient decrease of the respiratory component of heart rate variability (p < 0.05) with lack of increase in low frequency/high frequency (LF/HF) ratio. At 2 weeks of follow-up, these abnormalities improved. CONCLUSIONS: Results suggest that acute vestibular lesions can interfere with cardiovascular autonomic responses in humans. This may reflect disruption of normal vestibulo-autonomic reflexes.  相似文献   

Among the various mechanisms proposed, the process of non-enzymatic glycation of proteins is believed to play an important role in the pathogenesis of chronic complications associated with renal failure. The two traditional factors found to modulate the early glycation of proteins are the prevailing concentration of glucose and half life of the protein. Among the various proteins that are known to undergo nonenzymatic glycation in vivo, hemoglobin has been the most thoroughly investigated. Determination of glycated hemoglobin in diabetic patients is currently acknowledged as the most reliable indicator for assessment of retrospective glycemic control and the planning of clinical management. The clinical utility of glycated hemoglobin measurements, however, in renal failure is controversial, given the numerous earlier studies showing no correlation between glycated hemoglobin and other indicators of blood glucose control in uremic subjects. With few exceptions, previous studies have suggested that the concentration of glycated hemoglobin was increased in uremic patients. There is documented evidence that increased glycated hemoglobin levels are found in certain non-diabetic states. So it stands to reason that hyperglycemia, although clearly being the culprit in diabetes, does not provide the complete answer to the etiology of increased early glycated products in non-diabetic conditions including chronic renal failure. This article reviews available evidence supporting increased glycation of hemoglobin in patients with chronic renal failure. Potential mechanisms for this increase are examined with special emphasis on the potential role of oxidative stress.  相似文献   

患儿,男,12岁.因反复发热1个月余入院,1个月前游泳后出现发热,呈弛张热型,体温波动于37.5~40℃之间,无寒战,以午后及夜间为主,无皮疹及关节肿痛,病后精神尚可,食欲下降,大小便正常.曾于外院诊断"败血症",先后予先锋Ⅳ、先锋Ⅵ、红霉素、阿莫西林等抗生素未见好转,发热服退热药后退而复现.既往健康,无类似发作史,其爷爷有结核病史,余家族史无异常.体查:体温39.5℃,呼吸30次/min,脉搏118次/min,血压15.2/8.4kPa,体重28kg,神志清,精神状态尚好,发育正常,营养中等.  相似文献   

Taddio A  Lee C  Yip A  Parvez B  McNamara PJ  Shah V 《JAMA》2006,295(7):793-800
Context  There is limited evidence of the analgesic effectiveness of opioid analgesia or topical anesthesia during central line placement in neonates, and there are no previous studies of their relative effectiveness. Objective  To determine the effectiveness and safety of topical tetracaine, intravenous morphine, or tetracaine plus morphine for alleviating pain in ventilated neonates during central line placement. Design, Setting, and Participants  Randomized, double-blind, controlled trial enrolling 132 ventilated neonates (mean gestational age, 30.6 [SD, 4.6] weeks at study entry) and conducted between October 2000 and July 2005 in 2 neonatal intensive care units in Toronto, Ontario. Interventions  Prior to central line insertion, neonates were randomly assigned to receive tetracaine (n = 42), morphine (n = 38), or both (n = 31); a separate nonrandomized group of 21 neonates receiving neither tetracaine nor morphine was used as a control group. Main Outcome Measures  The primary outcome measure was a pain score for the proportion of time neonates displayed facial grimacing (brow bulge) during different phases of the procedure (skin preparation, needle puncture, and recovery). In randomized neonates, safety assessments included blood pressure, ventilatory support, and local skin reactions. Results  Compared with no treatment, pain scores were lower in the morphine and tetracaine-morphine groups during skin preparation (mean difference, –0.22; 95% confidence interval [CI], –0.4 to –0.04; P = .02 and –0.29; 95% CI, –0.49 to –0.09; P = .01, respectively), and needle puncture (mean difference, –0.35; 95% CI, –0.57 to –0.13; P = .003 and –0.47; 95% CI, –0.71 to –0.24; P<.001, respectively), but pain scores did not differ statistically for tetracaine alone vs no treatment. Pain scores were lower for morphine and tetracaine-morphine vs tetracaine during the skin preparation phase and for tetracaine-morphine vs tetracaine during needle puncture. Compared with neonates without morphine, morphine-treated neonates required larger increases in ventilation rate in the first 12 hours (mean difference, 3.9/min; 95% CI, 1.3-6.5/min; P = .003). Local skin reactions occurred in 30% of neonates given tetracaine vs 0% for morphine (risk difference, 0.30; 95% CI, 0.19-0.41; P<.001). Conclusion  In this study of ventilated neonates undergoing central line placement, morphine and tetracaine plus morphine provided superior analgesia to tetracaine; however, morphine caused respiratory depression and tetracaine caused erythema. Clinical Trials Registration  ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT00213200   相似文献   

Relatives may increasingly demand that an incompetent patient's treatment be continued indefinitely, despite clinical advice that it is technically "futile" (offering no reasonable prospect of return to a meaningful quality of life). Third-party interventions may become a more frequent part of attempts to resolve such disputes where there is no formal advance directive. In the Messiha case, the Supreme Court of New South Wales upheld clinical judgement regarding the patient's best interests as most important. In the Schiavo case in the United States, clinicians' decisions on futility of treatment had received unwavering judicial support in more than 20 proceedings. Political differences between the US and Australia make it unlikely clinicians in this country will face Schiavo-type legislative challenges to individual clinical decisions and the judicial rulings upholding them. Consulting a clinical ethics committee in such scenarios is both legally recommended and clinically warranted as an important device for diffusing tensions between relatives and clinicians, as well as clarifying their respective ethical and legal responsibilities. In protracted or apparently irresolvable disputes with relatives, applying for a judicial declaration on futility of treatment has become a practical option for intensivists in Australia and should be a recognised part of their training.  相似文献   

Thin-section spiral computed tomography was used to acquire the volume data sets of the thorax. The tracheobronchial system and pathological changes of the chest were visualized using a color-coded surface rendering method. The structures of interest were then superimposed on a volume rendering of the other thoracic structures, thus producing a hybrid rendering. The hybrid rendering technique exploit the advantages of both rendering methods and enable virtual bronchoscopic examinations using different representation models. Virtual bronchoscopic examinations with a transparent color-coded shaded-surface model enables the simultaneous visualization of both the airways and the adjacent structures behind of the tracheobronchial wall and therefore, offers a practical alternative to fiberoptic bronchoscopy. Hybrid rendering and virtual endoscopy obviate the need for time consuming detailed analysis and presentation of axial source images.  相似文献   

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