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The existing job satisfaction literature has tended towards an overemphasis on job satisfaction instruments. In the study reported here the views of 27 nurses and assistants-in-nursing, collected through focus group interviews, were examined to determine the factors that contribute to workplace satisfaction and dissatisfaction in long-term care of older people. Content analysis of focus group interview data revealed that job satisfaction was related to workplace flexibility, residents, working within a team environment and dedication to the service of optimal resident care. Dissatisfaction was linked to working with unskilled or inappropriately trained staff, laborious tasks such as documentation, staffing levels, tensions within role expectations and the increasing need to be available for overtime. In spite of different role expectations, long-term nursing home care is reported to be a very satisfying area in which to work. However, care managers need to put in place strategies for building improved job satisfaction and workplace incentives to encourage graduates to consider long-term care opportunities. Limitations of the study include the small number of participants, bias towards one organization and lack of generalizability of the results. However, the findings confirm many earlier job satisfaction studies and further support the need to consider these issues in relation to recruitment and retention in long-term care.  相似文献   

Since 2000, Medicare-certified home healthcare agencies have undergone significant regulatory changes that directly affect registered nurses. The satisfaction of 201 nurses from 19 home healthcare agencies was examined. Home healthcare nurses reported slightly lower satisfaction than hospital nurses and were approximately 50% less satisfied than they were in 2000. Satisfaction had a negative relationship with years worked as a home healthcare nurse (r= -.25, p< .01). Controlling for years of home healthcare experience, control over practice decisions and practice setting decisions were significant predictors of satisfaction. With the demand for home healthcare nurses expected to increase 109% by 2020, development of a National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators for home healthcare that includes satisfaction as a nurse-sensitive outcome might be helpful.  相似文献   

目的:研究护士心理授权与工作满意度的相关性。方法:分层随机抽取3家医院200名临床护士进行心理授权与工作满意度的问卷调查,探讨护士心理授权水平与工作满意度之间的关系。结果:发放问卷200份,收回有效问卷184份,有效回收率92.0%。护士心理授权感知及工作满意度均处于中等水平,心理授权及各维度与护士工作满意度及其各维度均相关,其中工作影响对工作满意度影响最大。结论:建议重视对护士有效授权的感知,创造有助于形成护士心理授权的环境,提高护士的工作满意度和促进护理的专业发展。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To understand the relationship between job involvement, job satisfaction, and personality traits among health volunteers in one Taiwan community. It is not easy to retain voluntary workers as part of health programs even though they have been trained. Previous research has shown that in order to increase job involvement, volunteers must effectively fulfill their needs to achieve and obtain job satisfaction. DESIGN AND SAMPLE: Cross-sectional design. Surveys were mailed to 317 health volunteers at community health centers in I-lan County, northern Taiwan; 213 complete responses (67%) were received. METHODS: The survey instrument included sociodemographic items and scales measuring locus of control, achievement orientation, job involvement, and job satisfaction. RESULTS: Most respondents (94.8%) were female and their average age was 49.6 years. In terms of personality traits, most volunteers showed internal control orientation. Explainable variance for the prediction of job involvement from a combination of participation frequency, on-job training, achievement orientation, and job satisfaction was 33.6%. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that there is a need to strengthen cooperative relationships among volunteers by initiating well-planned volunteer training programs and growth groups. These should involve the empowerment concept with the aim of enhancing the volunteers' interpersonal relationships and job satisfaction.  相似文献   

提高护士工作满意度 新型模式的实践性验证与探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:验证陆虹等人于2007年建立的提高护士工作满意度新型模式,尤其是验证护士工作满意度的预测因子。方法:采用问卷调查法,将问卷发放给266名临床护士,回收有效问卷258份,有效回收率96.99%。问卷除调查对象一般资料外,包括以下量表:工作满意度量表、组织承诺量表、专业认同量表、工作压力量表、角色冲突和角色模糊量表。结果:护士的组织承诺、专业认同、工作压力、角色冲突以及角色模糊共同作用可以解释50.7%的工作满意度变化,其中组织承诺是作用最强的预测因子.其次为工作压力和角色模糊。结论:提高护士工作满意度新型模式部分内容得到实践性验证,并且可以推广到更为广泛的护士群体中。  相似文献   

Ten statements were created for the purpose of measuring job satisfaction in the practise of physiotherapy. The subjects consisted of 96 of the 106 (90%) of the physical therapists licensed with the Texas State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners, and listed as residing in El Paso, Texas, USA. To indicate their job satisfaction, subjects indicated on a seven-point scale their level of agreement or disagreement with each statement. They then indicated on a different seven-point scale how important they thought each statement was to their job satisfaction. The results indicated that subjects thought that their jobs were challenging in a positive sense; enabled them to use their abilities; and were interesting. They also thought that they had sufficient independence in decision-making; were learning and improving in their work; and were given significant autonomy. The most dissatisfying aspect of their work was the amount of paperwork. In addition, the results suggest that some subjects may feel overworked, and think their jobs may be too physically demanding and mentally stressful. The subjects felt that all the statements had validity and measured important aspects of job satisfaction in physical therapy. Copyright © 1996 Whurr Publishers Ltd.  相似文献   

护士长在提高护士工作满意度中的作用   总被引:17,自引:6,他引:17  
护士工作满意度低水平状况将对护理工作产生消极影响 ,不容忽视 ,护士长作为最基层的护理管理者 ,应积极探索提高护士工作满意度的方法和策略 ,护士长良好的工作方法和工作态度能有效地提高护士工作满意度  相似文献   

han g. (helen) & jekel m. (2011) Journal of Nursing Management 19, 41–49
The mediating role of job satisfaction between leader-member exchange and turnover intentions Aim The aim of the present study was to investigate whether job satisfaction mediates between leader-member exchange and nurse turnover intentions. Background Limited knowledge is available on the mediating role of job satisfaction between leader-member exchange and turnover intentions in the nursing field. Method This is a cross-sectional survey study. Data were collected in a US hospital. Results Higher leader-member exchange was associated with lower turnover intentions (β = −0.41, P < 0.001). Leader-member exchange was positively related to one’s job satisfaction (β = 0.50, P < 0.001). Job satisfaction was negatively related to turnover intentions (β = −0.64, P < 0.001). When leader-member exchange and job satisfaction were both controlled for, the link between leader-member exchange and turnover intentions was no longer significant (β = −0.12, P > 0.05). Conclusion Job satisfaction mediates the link between leader-member exchange and turnover intentions. Implications for nursing management The present study reinforces the significant role of managers. Nurse managers can try to cultivate a good relationship with the nurses. This can enhance nurses’ job satisfaction and in turn lower their turnover intentions.  相似文献   

This exploratory study investigated the relationship among staff nurses' assessment of organizational culture, job satisfaction, inpatient satisfaction with information about home care and follow-up, and general inpatient satisfaction with nursing care. A conceptual path model was tested using a secondary data analysis research design. Staff nurses and inpatients were sampled from inpatient units. The unit of analysis was patient care units. Pearson correlation and regression analyses were used. We found that strength of organizational culture predicted job satisfaction well and positively; job satisfaction predicted inpatient satisfaction significantly and positively; and inpatient satisfaction predicted general inpatient satisfaction well and positively. Methodological challenges of this study are discussed.  相似文献   

We examined the relationship between registered nurse (RN) workgroup job satisfaction and hospital‐acquired pressure ulcers (HAPUs) among older adults on six types of acute care units. Random‐intercept logistic regression analyses were performed using 2009 unit‐level data from the National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators® (NDNQI®) and the NDNQI RN Survey. Overall, RN workgroup job satisfaction was negatively associated with HAPU rates, although the relationship varied by unit type. RN workgroup satisfaction was significantly associated with HAPU rates on critical care, medical, and rehabilitation units. No significant association was found on step‐down, surgical, and medical‐surgical units. Findings provide evidence that higher RN workgroup job satisfaction is related to lower HAPU rates among older adult patients in acute care hospitals. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Res Nurs Health 36:181–190, 2013  相似文献   

目的:探讨护士工作满意度与患者满意度现状及两者之间的关系。方法:采用问卷调查法,分别对护士和患者进行调查。结果:护士工作满意度总分为(3.09±0.40)分,患者满意度总分为(3.99±0.48)分;除与同事关系这个因子外,二者各因子均相关(P<0.05,P<0.01);多元线性回归分析结果显示,管理对服务态度与主动性和工作能力这两个方面有其预测力(均P<0.01),工资及福利对关爱与沟通的预测力最大(β值为0.209),个人成长及发展对病区管理和健康教育这两个方面有其预测力(P<0.01,P<0.05)。结论:护士工作满意度与患者满意度呈正相关,医院管理者应努力提高护士工作满意度,从而提升患者满意度,取得医院内部员工与外部患者都满意的双赢效果。  相似文献   

目的:探讨急诊护理人员工作投入对其工作满意度的影响,为护理管理者提升护理人员的工作满意度提供参考。方法:采用分层、等比、随机、整群抽样法,抽取成都市46所二级甲等综合医院的281名急诊护理人员,采用工作投入量表和工作满意度量表对其进行调查,采用单因素方差分析法和分层回归分析法对数据进行分析。结果:人口统计学变量对工作满意度的影响差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),控制人口统计学变量后,奉献对领导能力满意度变异的影响增加8.3%,对工作成就满意度变异的影响增加20.3%,活力和奉献对社会性满意度变异的共同影响增加28.4%。结论:工作投入的活力维度对工作满意度的社会性满意度维度有正向影响作用,工作投入的奉献维度对工作满意度各维度均有正向影响作用。  相似文献   

目的了解医院医疗保健工作人员工作满意度及其与职业紧张之间的关系。方法以从事医疗保健工作的147名人员为调查对象,采用明尼苏达满意度问卷(MSQ)测量工作满意度,工作内容问卷(JCQ)和付出-回报失衡问卷(ERI)测量职业紧张,多元回归分析探讨工作满意度与职业紧张之间的关系。结果医疗保健工作人员工作满意度的平均得分为(60.97±11.84)分,不同特征的医疗保健工作人员的工作满意度得分比较,其中不同婚姻状况、职称、职务、有无夜班、每周工作时间、待遇、医患关系(矛盾)、有、无慢性病之间差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论医疗保健工作人员工作满意度较低,应降低医疗保健工作人员的职业紧张,提高工作满意度,改善医疗保健服务质量。  相似文献   

Stamps and Piedmonte's Index of Work Satisfaction and Harris's Nurse Stress Index were completed by 287 registered nurses employed in state prison health care facilities in order to assess job satisfaction and job stress among correctional nurses. Correctional nurses' expectations about job satisfaction were influenced by pay and autonomy. This finding was consistent with studies of hospital nurses. Important sources of job satisfaction were professional status and interaction with employees. Analysis of differences between expectations and sources of job satisfaction may provide understanding of career benefits and sources of dissatisfaction. Time pressures and organizational support and involvement were sources of stress. Multivariate analyses showed an inverse relationship between stress and job satisfaction. Information about job satisfaction and work stress and their correlates may be used to develop strategies to improve the recruitment and retention of correctional nurses.  相似文献   

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