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Ludwik Fleck was a polish physician and bacteriologist with major interest in epistemology. In 1935, he published, in German, a monograph entitled ‘Genesis and development of a scientific fact’. His concepts of ‘thought collective’, ‘thought style’ and ‘active and passive associations’ have been materialized in Banff classification of renal allograft pathology. The dynamics and evolution of the classification of renal allograft pathology, generated within Banff community, reflect perfectly Fleck's conceptions. In this essay, the Banff community of thought is characterized as a thought collective, according to Fleck's epistemology. Since its inception, the classification has been evolving in a continuum of active and passive connections, preserving its initial thought style, based on morphology. Whether the emergence of nonmorphological, molecular techniques will result in the end of morphological thought style is a question the community is presently facing.  相似文献   

The Banff scoring schema provides a common ground to analyze kidney transplant biopsies. Interstitial inflammation (i) and tubulitis (t) in areas of viable tissue are features in scoring acute rejection, but are excluded in areas of tubular atrophy (TA). We studied inflammation and tubulitis in a cohort of kidney transplant recipients undergoing allograft biopsy for new‐onset late graft dysfunction (N = 337). We found inflammation (‘iatr’) and tubulitis (‘tatr’) in regions of fibrosis and atrophy to be strongly correlated with each other (p < 0.0001). Moreover, iatr was strongly associated with death‐censored graft failure when compared to recipients whose biopsies had no inflammation, even after adjusting for the presence of interstitial fibrosis (Hazard Ratio = 2.31, [1.10–4.83]; p = 0.0262) or TA (hazard ratio = 2.42, [1.16–5.08]; p = 0.191), serum creatinine at the time of biopsy, time to biopsy and i score. Further, these results did not qualitatively change after additional adjustments for C4d staining or donor specific antibody. Stepwise regression identified the most significant markers of graft failure which include iatr score. We propose that a more global assessment of inflammation in kidney allograft biopsies to include inflammation in atrophic areas may provide better prognostic information. Phenotypic characterization of these inflammatory cells and appropriate treatment may ameliorate late allograft failure.  相似文献   

Emerging molecular analysis can be used as an objective and independent assessment of histopathological scoring systems. We compared the existing Banff i-score to the total inflammation (total i-) score for assessing the molecular phenotype in 129 renal allograft biopsies for cause. The total i-score showed stronger correlations with microarray-based gene sets representing major biological processes during allograft rejection. Receiver operating characteristic curves showed that total-i was superior (areas under the curves 0.85 vs. 0.73 for Banff i-score, p = 0.012) at assessing an abnormal cytotoxic T-cell burden, because it identified molecular disturbances in biopsies with advanced scarring. The total-i score was also a better predictor of graft survival than the Banff i-score and essentially all current diagnostic Banff categories. The exception was antibody-mediated rejection which is able to predict graft loss with greater specificity (96%) but at low sensitivity (38%) due to the fact that it only applies to cases with this diagnosis. The total i-score is able to achieve moderate sensitivities (60–80%) with losses in specificity (60–80%) across the whole population. Thus, the total i-score is superior to the current Banff i-score and most diagnostic Banff categories in predicting outcome and assessing the molecular phenotype of renal allografts.  相似文献   

An unbalanced microbiome may lead to disease by creating aberrant immune responses. A recent association of cellular rejection with the development of interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy (IFTA) suggests the role of immune‐mediated tissue injury. We hypothesized that developing IFTA correlates with altered urinary tract microbiomes (UMBs). UMBs at two serial time points, 1 and 6–8 months posttransplant, were assessed by 16S microbial ribosomal gene sequencing in 25 patients developing biopsy‐proven IFTA compared to 23 transplant patients with normal biopsies and excellent function (TX) and 20 healthy nontransplant controls (HC). Streptococcus, the dominant genera in HC males, was lower in IFTA and TX males at 1 month compared to HCs. At 6–8 months, Streptococcus was further decreased in IFTA males, but normalized in TX. IFTA males and females had increases in number of genera per sample at 6–8 months. UMB composition varied substantially between individuals in all groups. Despite the wide variation in UMBs between individuals, IFTA was associated with a loss in dominant resident urinary microbes in males, and a parallel increase in nonresident, pathogenic bacteria in males and females. UMB changes may contribute to IFTA development by alteration of the host immune response.  相似文献   

Progressive fibrosis of the interstitium is the dominant final pathway in renal destruction in native and transplanted kidneys. Over time, the continuum of molecular events following immunological and nonimmunological insults lead to interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy and culminate in kidney failure. We hypothesize that these insults trigger changes in DNA methylation (DNAm) patterns, which in turn could exacerbate injury and slow down the regeneration processes, leading to fibrosis development and graft dysfunction. Herein, we analyzed biopsy samples from kidney allografts collected 24 months posttransplantation and used an integrative multi‐omics approach to understand the underlying molecular mechanisms. The role of DNAm and microRNAs on the graft gene expression was evaluated. Enrichment analyses of differentially methylated CpG sites were performed using GenomeRunner. CpGs were strongly enriched in regions that were variably methylated among tissues, implying high tissue specificity in their regulatory impact. Corresponding to this methylation pattern, gene expression data were related to immune response (activated state) and nephrogenesis (inhibited state). Preimplantation biopsies showed similar DNAm patterns to normal allograft biopsies at 2 years posttransplantation. Our findings demonstrate for the first time a relationship among epigenetic modifications and development of interstitial fibrosis, graft function, and inter‐individual variation on long‐term outcomes.  相似文献   

Identification of pathological events in the renal allograft using protocol biopsies at predetermined time intervals may yield useful information and improve outcomes. We examined the influence of decisions taken on the basis of 1- and 3-month protocol biopsies findings on 1-year renal allograft function in a prospective randomized study. Out of 102 living-donor allograft recipients, 52 were randomized to undergo protocol biopsies and 50 controls had only indicated biopsies. All acute rejection (AR) episodes (clinical and subclinical) were treated. Calcineurin inhibitor (CNI) dose adjustments were made on clinical judgment. Baseline recipient and donor characteristics, immunosuppressive drug usage, HLA matches and 2-h cyclosporine levels were similar in both groups. At 1 and 3 months, protocol biopsies revealed borderline (BL) changes in 11.5% and 14% patients, AR in 17.3% and 12% and chronic allograft nephropathy (CAN) in 3.8% and 10%. The incidence of clinically evident AR episodes was similar in the two groups, but biopsy group had lower serum creatinine at 6 months (p = 0.0003) and 1 year (p < 0.0001). The renal functions were similar in those with normal histology and BL changes. Protocol biopsies are helpful in detecting subclinical histological changes in the graft and improving short-term renal allograft function.  相似文献   

郭晖  陈刚 《器官移植》2021,12(1):15-22
Banff移植病理学会议(Banff会议)的召开及Banff移植病理学诊断标准(Banff标准)的建立是国际移植病理学发展的里程碑。目前世界各器官移植中心均常规依据Banff标准进行移植肾的活组织检查(活检)病理学诊断。随后移植肾Banff标准的研讨和更新模式很快扩展至移植心脏、移植肺、移植肝、移植胰腺和移植小肠等各类移植器官。Banff会议不仅成为包含各类移植器官病理学研讨的专题会议,而且也为各类移植器官的活检逐步制定了统一的诊断标准,更好地促进了器官移植术后并发症的明确诊断和治疗。本文总结了国际移植病理学研究的历史、Banff会议及Banff标准对器官移植的推动作用,旨在为临床器官移植的顺利开展提供参考。  相似文献   

Our aim was to study the impact of subclinical inflammation on the development of interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy (IF/TA) on a 1‐year protocol biopsy in patients on rapid steroid withdrawal (RSW). A total of 256 patients were classified based on protocol biopsy findings at months 1 or 4. Group 1 is 172 patients with no inflammation, group 2 is 50 patients with subclinical inflammation (SCI), group 3 is 19 patients with subclinical acute rejection (SAR) and group 4 is 15 patients with clinical acute rejection (CAR). On the 1‐year biopsy, more patients in group 2 (SCI) (34%, p = 0.004) and group 3 (SAR) (53%, p = 0.0002), had an IF/TA score > 2 compared to group 1 (control) (15%). IF/TA was not increased in group 4 (CAR) (20%). The percent with IF/TA score > 2 and interstitial inflammation (Banff i score > 0) was higher in group 2 (16%, p = 0.004) and group 3 (37%, p < 0.0001) compared to group 1 (3%). In a multivariate analysis, patients in groups 2 or 3 had a higher risk of IF/TA score > 2 on the 1‐year biopsy (OR 6.62, 95% CI 2.68–16.3). We conclude that SCI and SAR increase the risk of developing IF/TA in patient on RSW.  相似文献   

Banff classification empirically established scoring of histologic lesions, but the relationships of lesions to each other and to underlying biologic processes remain unclear. We hypothesized that class discovery tools would reveal new relationships between individual lesions, and relate lesions to C4d staining, anti‐HLA donor‐specific antibody (DSA) and time posttransplant. We studied 234 nonselected renal allograft biopsies for clinical indications from 173 patients. Silhouette plotting and principal component analysis revealed three groups of lesions: microcirculation changes, including inflammation (glomerulitis, capillaritis) and deterioration (double contours, mesangial expansion); scarring/hyalinosis; and tubulointerstitial inflammation. DSA and C4d grouped with microcirculation inflammation, whereas time posttransplant grouped with scarring/hyalinosis lesions. Intimal arteritis clustered with DSA, C4d and microcirculation inflammation, but also showed correlations with tubulitis. Fibrous intimal thickening in arteries clustered with scarring/hyalinosis. Capillary basement membrane multilayering showed intermediary relationships between microcirculation deterioration and time‐dependent scarring. Correlation analysis and hierarchical clustering confirmed the lesion relationships. Thus, we propose that the pathologic lesions in biopsies are not independent but are members of groups that represent distinct pathogenic forces: microcirculation changes, reflecting the stress of DSA; scarring, hyalinosis and arterial fibrosis, reflecting the cumulative burden of injury over time; and tubulointerstitial inflammation. Interpretation of lesions should reflect these associations.  相似文献   

Adaptive responses to hypoxia, including hypoxia‐inducible factor signaling, allow the cell to satisfy its basal metabolic demand and avoid death, but these responses can also be deleterious by promoting inflammation, cell dedifferentiation and fibrogenesis. Therefore, targeting hypoxia constitutes a promising therapeutic avenue. Recombinant human erythropoietin (rhEPO) appeared as a good candidate therapy because its hematopoietic properties could reverse anemia, and its tissue‐protective properties could reduce cell death and limit maladaptive cellular responses to hypoxia. Despite experimental evidence on the nephroprotecive properties of rhEPO, recent clinical trials provided evidence that rhEPO was ineffective in preventing delayed graft function after ischemic acute injury but that the normalization of hemoglobin values preserved kidney function deterioration and reduced graft loss. Our aim here is to provide a survey of the rationale for evaluating the administration of rhEPO in the setting of kidney transplantation. We will discuss the intriguing findings that emerged from the clinical trials and the discrepancies between promising experimental results and negative clinical studies, as well as the differences in terms of the benefits and safety profiles of the normalization of hemoglobin values in chronic kidney disease patients and kidney transplant patients.  相似文献   

Interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy (IFTA) is found in approximately 25% of 1‐year biopsies posttransplant. It is known that IFTA correlates with decreased graft survival when histological evidence of inflammation is present. Identifying the mechanistic etiology of IFTA is important to understanding why long‐term graft survival has not changed as expected despite improved immunosuppression and dramatically reduced rates of clinical acute rejection (AR) (Services UDoHaH. http://www.ustransplant.org/annual_reports/current/509a_ki.htm ). Gene expression profiles of 234 graft biopsy samples were obtained with matching clinical and outcome data. Eighty‐one IFTA biopsies were divided into subphenotypes by degree of histological inflammation: IFTA with AR, IFTA with inflammation, and IFTA without inflammation. Samples with AR (n = 54) and normally functioning transplants (TX; n = 99) were used in comparisons. A novel analysis using gene coexpression networks revealed that all IFTA phenotypes were strongly enriched for dysregulated gene pathways and these were shared with the biopsy profiles of AR, including IFTA samples without histological evidence of inflammation. Thus, by molecular profiling we demonstrate that most IFTA samples have ongoing immune‐mediated injury or chronic rejection that is more sensitively detected by gene expression profiling. These molecular biopsy profiles correlated with future graft loss in IFTA samples without inflammation.  相似文献   

BackgroundAKI is characterized by abrupt and reversible kidney dysfunction, and incomplete recovery leads to chronic kidney injury. Previous studies by us and others have indicated that macrophage infiltration and polarization play key roles in recovery from AKI. The role in AKI recovery played by IFN regulatory factor 4 (IRF4), a mediator of polarization of macrophages to the M2 phenotype, is unclear.MethodsWe used mice with myeloid or macrophage cell–specific deletion of Irf4 (MΦ Irf4 −/−) to evaluate Irf4’s role in renal macrophage polarization and development of fibrosis after severe AKI.ResultsSurprisingly, although macrophage Irf4 deletion had a minimal effect on early renal functional recovery from AKI, it resulted in decreased renal fibrosis 4 weeks after severe AKI, in association with less-activated macrophages. Macrophage Irf4 deletion also protected against renal fibrosis in unilateral ureteral obstruction. Bone marrow–derived monocytes (BMDMs) from MΦ Irf4 −/− mice had diminished chemotactic responses to macrophage chemoattractants, with decreased activation of AKT and PI3 kinase and increased PTEN expression. PI3K and AKT inhibitors markedly decreased chemotaxis in wild-type BMDMs, and in a cultured macrophage cell line. There was significant inhibition of homing of labeled Irf4 −/− BMDMs to postischemic kidneys. Renal macrophage infiltration in response to AKI was markedly decreased in MΦ Irf4 −/− mice or in wild-type mice with inhibition of AKT activity.ConclusionsDeletion of Irf4 from myeloid cells protected against development of tubulointerstitial fibrosis after severe ischemic renal injury in mice, due primarily to inhibition of AKT-mediated monocyte recruitment to the injured kidney and reduced activation and subsequent polarization into a profibrotic M2 phenotype.  相似文献   

With increasing donor organ shortages, en-bloc kidney (EBK) transplantation is an alternative to utilize very young or very old donor age cadaver kidneys for transplantation. Several single-center series have reported excellent graft survival (GS). We sought to determine national level registry-based patterns for GS and determine adjusted hazard ratios (AHR) for graft loss after EBK versus single kidney (SK) cadaver transplants.
Data reported to UNOS from 1987 to 2003 were analyzed using PHREG (SAS version 8.1) statistical procedures. Proportional hazards models were constructed that included multiple donor, recipient and surgical variables.
Of the 2160 EBK transplants reported, 77% were from donors < 5 years of age. EBK transplants had superior GS to SK transplants, when donor age was restricted to < 5 years (AHR 0.708, p < 0.001). GS at 1, 3 and 5 years post-transplant was superior with EBK (85%, 76% and 71%) versus SK (81%, 68%, 63% and p < 0.001 at all time points). EBK transplants from very young donors were associated with a significantly lower rate of delayed graft function than SK transplants (17.9% versus 23.4%, p < 0.001).
National registry data suggest that EBK transplants present a viable option for transplantation of very young donor kidneys.  相似文献   

Alexandre Loupy  Mark Haas  Candice Roufosse  Maarten Naesens  Benjamin Adam  Marjan Afrouzian  Enver Akalin  Nada Alachkar  Serena Bagnasco  Jan U. Becker  Lynn D. Cornell  Marian C. Clahsen‐van Groningen  Anthony J. Demetris  Duska Dragun  Jean‐Paul Duong van Huyen  Alton B. Farris  Agnes B. Fogo  Ian W. Gibson  Denis Glotz  Juliette Gueguen  Zeljko Kikic  Nicolas Kozakowski  Edward Kraus  Carmen Lefaucheur  Helen Liapis  Roslyn B. Mannon  Robert A. Montgomery  Brian J. Nankivell  Volker Nickeleit  Peter Nickerson  Marion Rabant  Lorraine Racusen  Parmjeet Randhawa  Blaise Robin  Ivy A. Rosales  Ruth Sapir‐Pichhadze  Carrie A. Schinstock  Daniel Seron  Harsharan K. Singh  Rex N. Smith  Mark D. Stegall  Adriana Zeevi  Kim Solez  Robert B. Colvin  Michael Mengel 《American journal of transplantation》2020,20(9):2318-2331
The XV. Banff conference for allograft pathology was held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics in Pittsburgh, PA (USA) and focused on refining recent updates to the classification, advances from the Banff working groups, and standardization of molecular diagnostics. This report on kidney transplant pathology details clarifications and refinements to the criteria for chronic active (CA) T cell–mediated rejection (TCMR), borderline, and antibody‐mediated rejection (ABMR). The main focus of kidney sessions was on how to address biopsies meeting criteria for CA TCMR plus borderline or acute TCMR. Recent studies on the clinical impact of borderline infiltrates were also presented to clarify whether the threshold for interstitial inflammation in diagnosis of borderline should be i0 or i1. Sessions on ABMR focused on biopsies showing microvascular inflammation in the absence of C4d staining or detectable donor‐specific antibodies; the potential value of molecular diagnostics in such cases and recommendations for use of the latter in the setting of solid organ transplantation are presented in the accompanying meeting report. Finally, several speakers discussed the capabilities of artificial intelligence and the potential for use of machine learning algorithms in diagnosis and personalized therapeutics in solid organ transplantation.  相似文献   

BackgroundPatients may accrue wait time for kidney transplantation when their eGFR is ≤20 ml/min. However, Black patients have faster progression of their kidney disease compared with White patients, which may lead to disparities in accruable time on the kidney transplant waitlist before dialysis initiation.MethodsWe compared differences in accruable wait time and transplant preparation by CKD-EPI estimating equations in Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort participants, on the basis of estimates of kidney function by creatinine (eGFRcr), cystatin C (eGFRcys), or both (eGFRcr-cys). We used Weibull accelerated failure time models to determine the association between race (non-Hispanic Black or non-Hispanic White) and time to ESKD from an eGFR of ≤20 ml/min per 1.73 m2. We then estimated how much higher the eGFR threshold for waitlisting would be required to achieve equity in accruable preemptive wait time for the two groups.ResultsBy eGFRcr, 444 CRIC participants were eligible for waitlist registration, but the potential time between eGFR ≤20 ml/min per 1.73 m2 and ESKD was 32% shorter for Blacks versus Whites. By eGFRcys, 435 participants were eligible, and Blacks had 35% shorter potential wait time compared with Whites. By the eGFRcr-cys equation, 461 participants were eligible, and Blacks had a 31% shorter potential wait time than Whites. We estimated that registering Blacks on the waitlist as early as an eGFR of 24–25 ml/min per 1.73 m2 might improve racial equity in accruable wait time before ESKD onset.ConclusionsPolicies allowing for waitlist registration at higher GFR levels for Black patients compared with White patients could theoretically attenuate disparities in accruable wait time and improve racial equity in transplant access.  相似文献   

The impact of laparoscopic (vs. open) donor nephrectomy on early graft function and survival in pediatric kidney recipients (< or =18 years) is unknown. We studied 995 pediatric live donor txs reported to UNOS from January 2000 to June 2002, in two recipient age groups: 0-5 years (n = 212, 44% laparoscopic donors [LapD]) and 6-18 years (n = 783, 50% LapD). Delayed graft function (DGF) rates were higher for LapD versus open donor (OpD) txs (0-5 years, 12.8% vs. 2.5% [p = 0.004]; 6-18 years, 5.9% vs. 2.8% [p = 0.03]). Acute rejection incidence for LapD versus OpD txs was higher at 6 months for recipients 0-5 years (18.6% vs. 5.9%, p = 0.01) and 6-18 years (22.5% vs. 15.6%, p = 0.03), and 1 year for recipients 0-5 years (24.3% vs. 7.9%, p = 0.004). In multivariate analyses, significant independent risk factors for rejection at 6 months and 1 year were recipient age 6-18 years, pretx dialysis, LapD nephrectomy and DGF. Graft survival was similar for LapD versus OpD txs. In this retrospective UNOS database analysis, LapD procurement was associated with increased DGF and an independent risk factor for rejection during the first year, particularly for recipients 0-5-years old. Future investigations must confirm these findings and identify strategies to optimize procurement and pediatric recipient outcome.  相似文献   

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