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活体肾移植血管重建69例临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 介绍活体肾移植血管重建的临床经验.方法 自2005年12月至2008年11月共行活体肾移植69例,供者手术均采用十一肋间小切口开放手术.58例单支肾动脉除2例外均采用肾动脉与髂外动脉端侧吻合重建血管,用4 mm打孔器作髂外动脉开口;6例副肾动脉分别采用原位(肾下极副肾动脉)或离体腹壁下动脉(肾上极副肾动脉)重建血管;3例双支肾动脉根据两支动脉口径不同采用不同方法重建血管;2例3支肾动脉采用受者离体髂内动脉重建血管.结扎多支肾静脉中较小的肾静脉只吻合其较大的主干,当两支肾静脉口径相近时,则将其整形为一个开口后吻合.结果 所有血管吻合均一次完成,开放血流时吻合口均通畅;所有供者和受者术后均恢复顺利,受者未发生血管重建相关并发症;随访1个月~3年,供受者均存活, 受者除1例血肌酐250~300 μmol/L外,68例血肌酐维持在70~150 μmol/L.结论 该活体肾移植血管重建方式安全、实用、操作方便,多支供肾动脉及多支供肾静脉均能较好重建,移植肾功能良好.  相似文献   

Despite the enormous progress that has been madein the fields of vascular surgery and intensive care, reconstructive surgery of renal arteries in the presence of arteriosclerosis of the abdominal aorta remains a serious therapeutic problem and is associated with a high rate of complications. The purpose of this study was to analyze the results of treatment of patients with renovascular hypertension and so-called difficult aorta. Surgery was carried out in 68 patients with a critically stenosed renal artery and severe arteriosclerosis of the abdominal aorta. In 53 patients an aortobifemoral prosthetic graft was implanted together with endarterectomy of the renal artery in 23 patients, an aortorenal venous graft in 23 patients and a prosthetic graft in 7 patients. In the remaining 15 patients extra-anatomic anastomoses were performed between the splenic artery and the renal artery (7 patients), hepatic artery and renal artery (6) and between the superior mesenteric and renal artery (2). Postoperatively, the hypertension was cured in 55% of patients, improved in 38% and remained unchanged in 7%. After 1 year the results were respectively 47, 36, and 17%. The patients with an aortorenal prosthetic graft demonstrated a greater tendency for hypertension to recur.  相似文献   



The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the repair of vascular variations/pathologies in living donor kidney transplantations in a single centre over a 15-year period.


Between 01/1997 and 05/2012, 338 living donor renal transplantations were performed in the Department for Endovascular and Vascular Surgery, University of Düsseldorf, Germany. Twenty-four of them showed disorders, like multiple renal arteries (MRA), atherosclerotic stenosis or fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD) needing vascular repair before transplantation.


Mean age of donors was 51?±?11.2, in recipient’s 44?±?13.9 years. In seven transplantations, renal artery (RA) repair was performed because of MRA. Atherosclerotic stenosis of the RA was apparent in 12 cases needing a repair with disobliteration. FMD was the reason in five transplantations for vascular repair. Complications like renal vessel thrombosis, lymphocele, heamorrhage, distal urinary leakage and ureteral obstruction was not significantly associated with RA reconstruction. Comparison of renal function in kidneys with reconstructed RA compared with kidneys without vascular repair showed no significant difference in primary function and serum creatinine up to the first year after transplantation. Mean follow-up was 75.6?±?48.1 months. The 5-year graft survival rate for kidneys with RA repair was 88.5 vs. 93.4 % without reconstruction.


We could show that RA pathologies, suitable repaired, are not a contraindication for transplantation with acceptable 5-year-graft-survival rates.  相似文献   

Development of renal cell carcinoma in living donor kidney grafts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
BACKGROUND: Although development of malignancies after transplantation is well recognized, de novo development of cancer in renal transplants is a rare phenomenon. We describe two cases of de novo development of renal cell carcinoma in two living donor grafts. MATERIALS AND RESULTS: The recipients were 45 and 4 years, respectively, at transplantation and their fathers were donors. Because of failure to grow, they were both treated with human growth hormone. Over the years a number of cysts developed in the grafts and after 8 and 7 years the echogenecity of some of the cysts changed. Biopsy confirmed the diagnosis renal cell carcinoma 9 and 11 years after transplantation. The grafts were removed and the immunosuppressive therapy discontinued. The two fathers are well with normal function of the native kidney and no signs of cyst formation or cancer. CONCLUSION: Two cases of de novo development of cancer in living donor kidney transplants are described. Because a stimulatory effect of growth hormone on tumor genesis has been described, this treatment may have been of importance in the tumor development. The findings emphasize the importance of annual ultrasonographic surveillance of renal grafts, especially in the pediatric population.  相似文献   

Aortorenal interposition grafts were performed in dogs using a new external velour knitted Dacron graft. Encapsulation and endothelialization of these grafts occurs as early as two weeks postoperatively. Complete healing is seen by six weeks, and the cellular lining of these grafts appears to be continuous with, and histologically similar to, the endothelium of contiguous arteries. The healed nonthrombogenic characteristics of this graft material represents a considerable improvement over graft materials of conventional design.  相似文献   

Renovascular hypertension following renal transplantation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The authors address the multifactored origins of renovascular hypertension following renal transplantation and present the experience with digital subtraction angiography and percutaneous transluminal angioplasty as well as standard angiography and surgical repair in the diagnosis and treatment of transplant renal artery stenosis. The roles of the renin-angiotensin system of the native kidney and of the allograft in sustaining hypertension after transplantation are reviewed in detail.  相似文献   

目的 解决大鼠原位肾移植过程中供体出现副肾动脉时供肾循环难以建立的问题.方法 9例供肾存在副肾动脉,其中2例结扎副肾动脉后行肾动脉端端吻合;7例利用受体正常肾动脉在接近肾门处2到3支分支,修剪出2个吻合端,端端吻合供肾的2条肾动脉.结果 结扎副肾动脉吻合肾动脉后出现肾脏血液灌注不良以及缺血坏死,应用新设计的方法可建立良好的供肾血液循环.结论 利用新方法,解决了供肾存在副肾动脉的情况下建立的大鼠原位肾移植问题,节约了试验动物.  相似文献   

The development of hypertension after kidney transplantation was examined in a consecutive series of 83 transplantations (79 patients) with a graft survival of more than 30 days. After transplantation, 50% of the normotensive recipients developed mild or severe hypertension, while 74% of the hypertensive recipients remained hypertensive. Stenosis of the graft artery with a narrowing of the diameter of more than 50% was found in 13 patients and in 3 patients a minor or peripheral stenosis was found. Significantly more stenoses were seen in the presence of two donor arteries, whereas no other etiological factors could be shown. In arterial stenosis, severe hypertension was established within a few months after transplantation, but in spite of satisfactory controlled blood pressure and good graft function, hypertensive crises could arise. It is therefore concluded that arteriography and renin analysis should be considered in all cases of severe hypertension, and surgical correction should be considered when arterial stenosis is present.  相似文献   

目的 探讨16层螺旋CT血管造影在活体供肾动脉解剖学评估中的应用价值。方法 36名亲属活体供肾者在肾切取前进行肾动脉16层螺旋CT血管造影及血管三维成像,血管三维成像方法包括容积再现技术(VR)、最大密度投影(MIP)、表面遮盖成像(SSD)、血管内镜技术(CTVE)、多平面重建(MPR)及曲面重建(CPR)。结果 横断面CT及MPR显示所有供者的双肾大小、形态及位置均正常,肾实质密度正常,呈均匀强化。VR、MIP、CPR显示双肾动脉粗细、形态均正常;29例双肾均为单一肾动脉,2例双肾有2支肾动脉,2例左肾为2支肾动脉,3例右肾为2支肾动脉,上述结果均在术中得到证实。11例VR及MIP同时较好地显示双侧肾小盏、肾盂及输尿管上段。SSD均能很好显示肾动脉主干的起源、大小、形态及与周围的解剖关系。CTVE能较好显示腹主动脉、双肾动脉开口及肾动脉血管内腔。结论 16层螺旋CT血管造影可作为活体肾移植术前了解供肾血管及形态的有效方法。  相似文献   

Four cases of simultaneous reconstruction of the external iliac artery with PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) during kidney transplantation are described. The procedure facilitated renal artery anastomosis in these cases where direct anastomosis to the external artery was deemed precarious because of marked atherosclerosis. All the kidneys functioned immediately, and there were no infectious or other complications encountered relative to PTFE placement. It is suggested that simultaneous iliac artery reconstruction with PTFE be considered when the renal artery anastomosis is complicated by severe iliac atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

目的  探讨活体肾移植中有单发结石的供肾的处理方法及疗效。方法  总结3例术前发现单侧肾结石的活体肾移植供肾的处理经验。切取该侧肾脏作为供肾,并在体外行输尿管镜完整取石,之后按常规术式行肾移植术。结果  3例受体术后均未出现移植物功能延迟恢复、急性排斥反应等早期并发症。3对供、受体分别随访34、45、62个月,行移植肾泌尿系统的彩色多普勒超声检查,供体保存肾及受体移植肾均未见新发结石及尿路梗阻表现。所有供、受体肾功能良好。3例供体随访至今,未发现尿常规异常。其中1例受体术后发生IgA肾病,考虑为肾病复发,与结石无关。结论  对于活体肾移植术中的单发结石,采用供肾切取后体外输尿管镜取石是处理供肾结石的有效方法。  相似文献   

Stenoses of the renal artery occurred in 4.6% of 415 transplanted kidneys between 1969 and 1983. Most of them were caused by traumatic intima-lesions and were localised postanastomotically. The best therapeutic procedure seems to be the transperitoneal approach with widening venous patch plasty or venous bypass. The percutaneous transluminal catheter dilatation may be successful in suitable cases.  相似文献   

Very frequently, technical difficulties make renal transplantation difficult and, on occasion, impossible. Problems with short renal veins are a classic example. We have successfully repaired two exceedingly short donor renal veins of equal size using two short polytetrafluoroethylene vascular grafts interposed between the renal veins and the recipient's iliac vein. So far, the kidney has functioned normally except for one minor episode of rejection.  相似文献   

Alper M  Gundogan H  Tokat C  Ozek C 《Microsurgery》2005,25(5):378-83; discussion 383-4
Living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) has become a well-recognized treatment modality for patients with end-stage liver disease. Arterial reconstruction during LDLT is perhaps the most important aspect of the grafting procedure. Although microsurgical hepatic artery reconstruction has become the essential technique in LDLT, it poses significant challenges even to experienced microsurgeons. In this report, the experiences of 155 microsurgical reconstructions of the hepatic artery in 150 LDLTs were reviewed, and the problems that were encountered and the solutions are discussed. From June 1999-March 2004 150 LDLTs were performed on 148 recipients at Ege University Organ Transplantation and Research Center. Hepatic arterial thrombosis was encountered in 3 patients. Microsurgical technique has overcome the difficulties in LDLT. This has increased liver transplantations in the presence of limited cadaver grafts and has decreased the patient mortality in the waiting list.  相似文献   

We developed a hepatic arterialization technique in living donor liver transplantation. The technique was indicated in patients with a left graft from donors with a right hepatic artery originated from superior mesenteric artery or a right graft from donors with a left hepatic artery from left gastric artery. The donor common hepatic and gastroduodenal arteries were split. On the recipient side, left and right hepatic arteries or branches of the right hepatic artery were split, received patch plasty, and anastomosed with the graft arteries under loupe observation. Livers from 25 donors were procured (16 right livers and 9 left livers) using this technique. There were no vascular complications in the donors. Three recipients died due to infectious disease with arterial patency. The remaining 22 recipients survived without hepatic arterial thrombosis. In limited situations, this technique can be adapted for living donor liver transplantation without increasing donor complications.  相似文献   

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