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目的对健康促进学校建设能力进行评价。方法依据健康促进学校指标体系对某申报学校进行评分,应用模糊综合评价法对专家评分进行数据处理,建立数学矩阵,完成综合评价。结果评价对象在健康政策、健康环境、健康行动、健康服务4个方面的得分分别为83.62、94.35、87. 54和92.07分,综合得分为89.42分。该校健康促进学校建设能力综合评价为"良好"。结论该学校健康促进建设综合能力较高,但是健康政策和健康行动方面尚有不足,建议加强制度建设,以保障健康促进学校建设工作的可持续性,强化需求评估和效果评价措施,培育学校健康促进建设的特色。  相似文献   

为了适应新形势下学校卫生工作发展的需要,学习健康教育和健康促进的理论及研究学校健康教育的工作方法,推动学校健康教育和健康促进工作,提高开展学校健康教育和健康促进工作的理论水平和实践技能,推动《学校卫生工作条例》的贯彻落实,中国疾病预防控制中心健康教育所拟在乌鲁木齐市举办全国学校健康教育与健康促进培训班。此外,为了适应各级医疗卫生部门开展健康教育工作、提高现有健康教育工作人员专业水平的需要,中国疾病预防控制中心健康教育所还将在乌鲁木齐市举办全国健康教育岗位培训班。以上培训班将邀请资深专家担任授课教师,开展…  相似文献   

近年来,在市、区健康教育所和上级教育行政部门的指导帮助下,我们认真贯彻《学校卫生工作条例》和《学校健康教育评价方案》,扎扎实实地开展学校健康教育工作,使学校健康教育工作逐步走上正常化、制度化、规范化的轨道。1强化管理健康是人生的第一财富。开展学校健康教育是全面贯彻党和国家教育方针的需要,是培养新世纪人才的需要,也是实施素质教育的重要内容之一。我们一直把健康教育当作全面提高学生素质的重要工作来抓,常抓不懈。为强化健康教育的管理,我区建立了局、校、班学校健康教育工作三级组织网络,还建立了健康教育中心…  相似文献   

目的了解连云港市城、郊区学校健康教育开展情况及的存在问题,为有针对性地开展学校健康教育提供科学依据。方法对学校健康教育的工作部署、人员安排、授课情况及方法、形式等进行回顾与总结。结果通过创建国家卫生城市活动的推动和促进,连云港市学校健康教育工作有了长足的发展。毕业班健康教育开课率和控烟是学校健康教育的薄弱环节,大中专院校的健康教育、学校教职员工的健康教育和资料收集与归档工作没有得到应有的重视。结论应通过提高认识、建立目标责任制、加强制度化管理、充分发挥职能部门和校医的主导作用等途径,进一步促进学校健康教育工作的开展。  相似文献   

实践表明学校是进行健康教育效果最好、时机最佳和健康促进最理想的场所。余杭区从2010年开始积极开展健康促进学校的创建工作,在学校健康教育工作进行了积极探索。本文就40所健康促进学校创建做法及遇到的问题进行总结,为今后的创建提供更好帮助。  相似文献   

学校控烟健康教育方法初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]探讨学校开展健康教育与促进工作的方式方法。[方法]介绍宁德市开展的以控烟为切入点做好学校健康教育与促进的经验与体会。[结果]宁德市在开展健康教育与促进工作中,结合学校特色和不同阶段学生的心理特点,以控烟为切入点,积极采取有效措施,把控烟活动融合到学习生活中,取得实效。[结论]以控烟这突破口在学校采取多途径、多形式、有特色的健康教育与促进工作是做好学校健康教育的重要组织部分,对提高学生自我保健意识,养成良好健康生活方式起到积极推动作用。  相似文献   

王曦 《工企医刊》2012,25(4):86-87
目的 通过健康促进学校的创建,不断推动学校卫生和健康教育活动稳步、健康、有序发展.方法 现场察看、查阅资料、师生访谈和问卷调查等.结果 3所学校获得江苏省健康促进学校银奖,8所学校获得铜奖.结论 创建健康促进学校活动是进一步提升学校卫生防病和健康教育工作水平一个有效载体,是对学生传播健康知识,确立健康理念、提高健康素质的重要措施.  相似文献   

通过对1990年1月至2017年7月间国家相关部委发布的学校健康政策文件的梳理,分析其中关于学校健康教育工作要求和健康教育内容的变化发展情况.相关政策的出台对于明确学校健康教育的定位、任务和要求,从课程、课时、师资的设立和配备,建立评估考核机制,拓展教育内容和形式等各方面推动学校健康教育规范化发展发挥了积极的指导作用,但存在落实不到位的问题.需加强顶层设计,完善政府牵头、多部门协调的综合性学校健康促进政策,进一步明确学校健康教育的内容、管理与评价要求,切实做好学校健康教育健康促进工作.  相似文献   

党的十八大以来,我国学校卫生与健康教育工作取得了制度体系日益完善、健康教育稳步推进、疾病防控不断强化等显著成绩,为后续工作的开展提供了宝贵经验.要严格把握党对加强和改进新时代学校卫生与健康教育工作的重点任务和具体要求,认真分析实际工作中出现的主要矛盾和问题,全面推进教育强国和健康中国建设.  相似文献   

在西太区,健康促进学校的概念越来越引起人们的关注。 我们都知道人在生活中最初获得的行为和生活方式对人的一生都有强烈的影响,因此,学校成为WHO健康促进活动的焦点之一。健康促进学校的概念是通过在学校建立统一和相互强化的行为而保护和促进学生的身体健康。这一实践活动不仅仅包括课堂教育,同时还可创造一种安全和卫生的学校环境;提供适当的学校健康服务;并且参与家庭和社区的广泛的健康促进活动。 最近,老挝人民民主共和国与世界卫生组织有关部门人员共同检查了世界卫生组织支持的在万家选择的健康促进学校,欲意将健康促进学校项目扩展到其他学校。在检查所到的学校,普遍发现缺乏正式的健康教育课本和指导性材料,例  相似文献   

根据国务院1987年同意建立的全国学生体质与健康调研制度, 2019年, 教育部等部署开展了第八次全国学生体质与健康调研工作。发现中国学生体质与健康状况总体有所改善, 并提出了促进学生体质与健康水平提高的主要因素, 针对本次调研发现的问题提出以下相关安排: 全面加强和改进学校体育工作、落实学校卫生与健康教育政策要求、持续综合防控儿童青少年近视、实施全国健康学校建设计划。  相似文献   

In Latin America, comprehensive health promotion programmes and activities are being implemented in the school setting, which take into account the conceptual framework of the Health-Promoting Schools Regional Initiative of the Pan American Health Organization, Regional office of the World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO). These programmes help to strengthen the working relationships between the health and education sectors. The Health-Promoting Schools Regional Initiative, officially launched by PAHO/WHO in 1995, aims to form future generations to have the knowledge, abilities, and skills necessary for promoting and caring for their health and that of their family and community, as well as to create and maintain healthy environments and communities. The Initiative focuses on three main components: comprehensive health education, the creation and maintenance of healthy physical and psychosocial environments, and the access to health and nutrition services, mental health, and active life. In 2001, PAHO conducted a survey in 19 Latin American countries to assess the status and trends of Health-Promoting Schools in the Region, for the appropriate regional, subregional, and national planning of pertinent health promotion and health education programmes and activities. The results of this survey provided information about policies and national plans, multisectoral coordination mechanisms for the support of health promotion in the school settings, the formation and participation in national and international networks of Health-Promoting Schools and about the level of dissemination of the strategy. For the successful development of Health-Promoting Schools is essential to involve the society as a whole, in order to mobilise human resources and materials necessary for implementing health promotion in the school settings. Thus, the constitution and consolidation of networks has been a facilitating mechanism for the exchange of ideas, resources and experiences to strengthen the work and commitment of all involved with the strategy. The Latin American and Caribbean Networks of Health-Promoting Schools were created to promote these exchanges and to support the integration of the national networks, to constitute multidirectional channels of communication that are linked and that converge for the improvement of education and health in the school setting. Networks meetings have been held between 1996 and 2004, where the work and topics of priority and interest have been addressed, methodologies have been disseminated, good practices have been shared, and National Commissions and participants have been strengthened. This article synthesises successful examples of countries that reflect health promotion activities in the school settings, as well as the development of Networks. It also notes the future prospects for strengthening the Health-Promoting Schools Regional Initiative.  相似文献   

A multidisciplinary school health advisory committee was developed to enhance acceptance and support for a total elementary school cardiovascular health promotion program (Heart Smart). Composed of teachers, school lunch personnel, physical educators and parents, this coalition served as a liaison between the school and project investigators, providing feedback on program acceptability. As an environmental support mechanism to the Heart Smart intervention, the group was additionally charged with designing and implementing adjunct health promotion activities within the school. The interactive nature of this committee, coupled with self-directed goal setting, provides a school model for institutionalizing health promotion, providing school personnel and parents with program ownership, and reinforcing school commitment to heart health. The theoretical and organizational framework used in implementing a health advisory committee is described.  相似文献   

This article provides a perspective on the three elements that traditionally constitute school health programs in the U.S. and describes a new model called ACCESS. Consisting of five major keystones, ACCESS provides an organizational structure for planning, implementing, and evaluating school health promotion programs. In addition, the model provides a reference point for international comparisons of school health.  相似文献   

It is the position of the American Dietetic Association (ADA), School Nutrition Association (SNA), and Society for Nutrition Education (SNE) that comprehensive, integrated nutrition services in schools, kindergarten through grade 12, are an essential component of coordinated school health programs and will improve the nutritional status, health, and academic performance of our nation's children. Local school wellness policies may strengthen comprehensive nutrition services by encouraging multidisciplinary wellness teams, composed of school and community members, to work together in identifying local school needs, developing feasible strategies to address priority areas, and integrating comprehensive nutrition services with a coordinated school health program. This joint position paper affirms schools as an important partner in health promotion. To maximize the impact of school wellness policies on strengthening comprehensive, integrated nutrition services in schools nationwide, ADA, SNA, and SNE recommend specific strategies in the following key areas: nutrition education and promotion, food and nutrition programs available on the school campus, school-home-community partnerships, and nutrition-related health services.  相似文献   

In relation to health promotion and education, the use of post-positivist and constructivist approaches has been gathering strength in recent years. Despite this emerging tradition, little has been done to explore what this sort of approach actually represents, particularly in terms of health promotion in schools, professional organizations and wider society. Acknowledging this, it is suggested that more researchers in this area should be adopting qualitative approaches-including semi-structured interviews, focus groups, story/dialogue workshops and developmental schemes of health education-in order to uncover the hidden meaning of 'health promotion', particularly in the school context. This paper therefore attempts to challenge the idea that traditionalist paradigms of positivist research are capable of appropriately representing the nature and complexity of the health promotion issues. In this paper, methodological and theoretical frameworks that can enable researchers to understand health promotion from the perspective of students, teachers and school 'stakeholders' are suggested. Particular attention is given to a discussion of the potential value of designing and implementing programmes of health education or promotion using a critical pedagogical approach within schools in the UK. It is argued that programmes using a critical pedagogical and reflective approach, and which are aimed at social transformation, would be of enormous benefit to both researchers and educational/health professionals who are seeking to understand the complexity of health promotion issues from the perspective of children and adolescents.  相似文献   

It is the position of the American Dietetic Association (ADA), School Nutrition Association (SNA), and Society for Nutrition Education (SNE) that comprehensive, integrated nutrition services in schools, kindergarten through grade 12, are an essential component of coordinated school health programs and will improve the nutritional status, health, and academic performance of our nation's children. Local school wellness policies may strengthen comprehensive nutrition services by encouraging multidisciplinary wellness teams, composed of school and community members, to work together in identifying local school needs, developing feasible strategies to address priority areas, and integrating comprehensive nutrition services with a coordinated school health program. This joint position paper affirms schools as an important partner in health promotion. To maximize the impact of school wellness policies on strengthening comprehensive, integrated nutrition services in schools nationwide, ADA, SNA, and SNE recommend specific strategies in the following key areas: nutrition education and promotion, food and nutrition programs available on the school campus, school-home-community partnerships, and nutrition-related health services.  相似文献   

Comprehensive school health (CSH) is embraced internationally as the most effective way of promoting the health of students and the school community. It is a framework for supporting improvements in students' educational outcomes while addressing their well-being in a planned, holistic way. While many successful CSH initiatives are brought about by passionate individuals at the grassroots level, these initiatives benefit greatly from effective cross-sector collaborations within and among governments to coordinate policy and funding from the health and education sectors. Governments represent just one group of professionals within the myriad of players involved in implementing CSH in Canada. To be effective contributors to the model, all levels of government need to work together to reduce duplication while at the same time minimizing gaps in the policies and practices that support school health promotion. Collaboration between the health and education sectors within and across governmental boundaries is proving to be an effective mechanism for achieving this. In its first five-year mandate, the Pan Canadian Joint Consortium for School Health has broken new ground in horizontal integration and, as a result, has identified a set of key factors necessary for successful cross-sector collaboration.  相似文献   

目的 了解高中学生结核病防治核心知识知晓情况,评价结核病健康促进项目对提升高中学生结核病知识水平的效果。方法 采取整群抽样方法,对湖南省某县普通中学高中学生进行结核病健康促进活动,以自制的结核病知识问卷为调查工具,比较结核病健康促进项目实施前后学生结核病核心知识知晓率。结果 共纳入9个高中班级502名学生为研究对象,其中高一172名(34.26%)、高二184名(36.65%)和高三146名(29.08%);男生260名(51.79%),女生242名(45.21%)。结核病健康促进项目实施前,答题者结核病核心知识总体知晓率为55.00%,8条知识的知晓率为42.23%~75.10%,其中知晓率最低的是“肺结核的治疗规范及疗效”(42.23%),最高的是“肺结核的传播途径”(75.10%)。不同性别知识知晓率的差异有统计学意义(χ2=6.795,P=0.009),女生(57.08%)显著高于男生(52.98%)。不同年级知晓率的差异有统计学意义(χ2=14.561,P=0.001),高三(58.73%)最高,高一(51.24%)最低。结核病健康...  相似文献   

目的探讨通过健康教育和健康促进预防性传播疾病。方法本着防治结合原则,强化政府职能作用,疾控部门积极运作,发挥社区卫生服务优势,加强心理与道德的教育等几个方面做好健康教育和健康促进工作。结果健康教育和健康促进对性传播疾病非常重要。结论通过健康教育和健康促进性传播疾病是可以得到控制的。  相似文献   

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