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目的 通过比较Cornell指数与Sokolow指数在儿童心电图中诊断左心室肥厚(LVH)的性能来评估两者的诊断价值.方法 分析我院自2008至2010年的儿童患者共1082例,根据年龄分为1月~3岁组(男232人,女184人),3 ~13岁组(男198人,女143人)及13 ~17岁组(男186人,女139人),每组根据超声心动图测定的左心室内径(LVD)分为正常组和LVH组,计算Cornell指数和Sokolow指数的诊断特异性、灵敏性和准确率.结果 在1月~3岁年龄组中,Cornell指数的男女的特异性、灵敏性及准确率均高于Sokolow指数;在3~ 13岁年龄组及13 ~17岁年龄组中,特异性差别不大,均>95%,但Cornell指数的灵敏性及准确率高于Sokolow指数.结论 Cornell指数在儿童心电图中诊断LVH的性能要高于Sokolow指数. 相似文献
目的 比较Sokolow指数(Rv1 Rv5)与Cornell指数(RaVL Rv3)诊断左心室肥大的敏感性。方法 对1999-2003年体检者153例以超声心动描记术测定的左心室重量指数作为左心室肥大标准,分别测量Sv1 Rv5及RaVL Sv3值,比较二者诊断左心室肥大的敏感性。结果 Sokolow指数的敏感性男性为47.9%,女性为66.7%;Cornell指数的敏感性男性为13.95%,女性为24.4%。结论 Sokolow指数诊断左心室肥大的敏感性高于Cornell指数,两种指数的敏感性女性均高于男性。 相似文献
高血压病患者血压变异性及其与左室肥厚的关系 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的探讨血压变异性(L-BPV)与高血压性左室肥厚(LVH)的关系.方法选择原发性高血压(EH)患者93例(男47例,女46例,年龄24~59岁,平均47.37±8.03岁),分为LVH组与无LVH组,并与年龄相近的正常血压者46例作对照.采用无袖带式BP50仪作24小时动态血压监测.以各时间段血压的标准差(SD)作为血压变异的指标24小时收缩压变异(24 hSSD)和舒张压变异(24 hDSD)、白昼收缩压变异(dSSD)和舒张压变异(dDSD)、夜间收缩压变异(nSSD)和舒张压变异(nDSD).组间使用t分布的不相等方差检验.超声心动图测定左室重量指数(LVMI).结果 (1)三组均显示收缩压变异度(SSD)明显大于舒张压变异度(DSD).(2)与正常对照组比较,LVH组与无LVH组患者的24hSSD、dSSD、nSSD均显著增大(P<0.05),尤其24hSSD与dSSD.(3)LVH组较无LVH组的 24hSSD、dSSD、dDSD、nSSD、nDSD显著增大.结论 EH患者心血管交感、迷走神经功能失衡,伴LVH时这种改变更明显.故用动态血压监测EH患者的BPV,可能与靶器官损害程度有关. 相似文献
目的评价心电图Peguero-Lo Presti指数在诊断左室肥厚(LVH)中的价值。方法选取住院的高血压患者311例,同时行超声心动图和心电图检查,以超声心动图左室质量指数(LVMI)作为诊断LVH的参考标准,计算Sokolow指数、Cornell指数及Peguero-Lo Presti指数诊断LVH的灵敏度、特异度。用受试者工作特征曲线(ROC)曲线下面积(AUC)评价三种指数的准确性。结果男、女Peguero-Lo Presti指数的灵敏度均高于Sokolow指数和Cornell指数,但特异度却低于Sokolow指数和Cornell指数;AUC显示,无论男女,Peguero-Lo Presti指数的准确性均最高(AUC:男P<0.001;女P=0.003)。结论 Peguero-Lo Presti指数提高了心电图对LVH诊断的灵敏度,并且准确性最高。 相似文献
李金莲宁新惠王文君周喆刘宇 《实用老年医学》2016,(8):660-661
目的探讨动态血压水平和老年原发性高血压患者左室心肌做功指数(MPI)的关系。方法选取我院于2014年3月至2015年3月就诊的老年原发性高血压患者86例。对患者进行心脏彩超检查,测量并计算患者的MPI。根据左心室MPI值分为A组(MPI>0.49)45例和B组(MPI≤0.49)41例,测量并记录2组的平均诊室血压以及24 h、日间和夜间的平均血压,采用多因素线性回归分析探讨MPI的独立影响因素。结果 A组患者24 h和日间平均收缩压,24 h、日间和夜间收缩压负荷,24 h、日间和夜间平均舒张压均高于B组,多因素回归分析显示,24 h平均收缩压(β=0.237,P=0.006)、日间平均舒张压(β=0.347,P<0.001)与MPI独立相关。结论左心室的MPI的高低与患者动态血压水平和血压负荷有关。 相似文献
目的探讨原发性高血压(EH)左室心肌重量指数(LVMI)与心律失常的关系。方法对100例EH和100例正常人24h动态心电图(DCG)和心脏超声资料进行对比分析。结果 ①轻、重度心肌增重组(A1、A2组)心律失常的发生有明显差异(P〈0.05),且A2组室性心律失常发生率高于A1组(P〈0.05),其余两类型相比,两组无差异(P〉0.05);②EH伴左心室肥厚(LVH)组的心律失常的发生率明显高于非LVH组(B组)(P〈0.01),且A2组较A1组心律失常发生率高(P〈0.01)。结论EH者LVMI愈高心律失常愈易发生,LVMI与心律失常的发生呈正相关。 相似文献
目的探讨心电图Cornell电压变化率对左心室肥厚(LVH)逆转的预测价值。方法根据心电图基线及一年后结果,将研究对象分为3组,Cornell电压增长组(A组,增长≥25%);无变化组(B组,变化<25%);减少组(C组,减少≥25%)。观察3组间左室质量(LVM)变化、血压变化及新发心脑血管事件并进一步比较电压变化率与LVM变化率之间的关系。采用受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线分析Cornell电压变化率对LVH逆转的预测价值。结果在电压减少组,LVM绝对值、变化率降低最为明显(-45.9g±42.0gvs.-13.4g±37.0gvs.48.6g±37.4g,p<0.01;-19.0%±17.5%vs.-4.4%±16.3%vs.23.8%±19.0%,p<0.01),收缩压、舒张压较基线明显下降,新发心脑血管事件亦最少。相关分析显示,电压变化率与LVM变化率显著相关(r=0.780,p<0.01),ROC曲线分析显示曲线下面积0.867,最佳诊断分界点为-25.5%,此时敏感性75.0%,特异性85.5%。结论心电图Cornell电压变化率能较好预测LVH逆转,可作为经济简便的手段应用于LVH患者的随访。 相似文献
目的 探讨氢氯噻嗪(HCTZ)与螺内酯或卡托普利长期联用对高血压病患者左室质量参数的影响.方法 采用多中心随机双盲研究设计.选择9所开滦矿区医院,筛选出轻、中度高血压病患者.人选患者经安慰剂洗脱2周后随机分为螺内酯组(HCTZ 12.5 mg,1次/d 螺内酯20 mg,1次/d,,n=112)和卡托普利组(HCTZ 12.5mg,1次/d 卡托普利25 mg,2次/d,n=109).共服药36月.治疗期间每月随访1次,监测血压.洗脱期末和治疗12、24、36月末行超声心动图检查并计算左室质量指数(LVMI或LVMIh),采静脉血进行生化检查.结果 1)治疗12个月末,两组患者的LVMI均较治疗前显著下降(螺内酯组一8.9%,P(O.05;卡托普利组一12.6%,P<0.01);随治疗时间延长,两组患者的LVMI进一步下降(36月末与12月末比较,螺内酯组:-8.9% VS-17.5%,P<0.05;卡托普利组:-12.6% VS-19.2%,P>0.05),下降幅度组间比较无统计学意义(P>0.05);2)治疗12、24、36月末两组患者血压均显著下降(P0.05).结论 HCTZ与螺内酯或卡托普利联用均能有效降低血压和LVMI或LVMIh,且随治疗时间延长疗效更为显著. 相似文献
The purpose of this study was to assess clinical variables which might be predictive of echocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy in mildly hypertensive patients. Eighteen patients (mean age 51) were studied following four weeks of hydrochlorothiazide monotherapy. Variables assessed included age, duration of hypertension, body surface area, serum cholesterol, alcohol consumption, smoking, maximum systolic and mean blood pressures, and variability of blood pressure determined from hourly measurements taken 12 hours after hydrochlorothiazide dosing. Using stepwise multiple linear regression (with left ventricular mass index analyzed as a continuous variable), the variability of blood pressure was predictive of an elevated left ventricular mass index (p less than 0.0003, r2 = 0.61). The duration of hypertension added significantly to the variability in predicting an elevated left ventricular mass index (p less than 0.004, multiple r = 0.74). In conclusion, echocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy was significantly related to the variability of blood pressure recorded hourly for 12 h after subjects received 50 mg of hydrochlorothiazide. 相似文献
高血压左室肥厚的QT离散度及左室Tei指数的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的探讨原发性高血压左室肥厚与QT离散度及左室Tei指数的关系。方法高血压病组109例(非左室肥厚组83例,左室肥厚组26例),正常组30例,测定QT离散度及左室Tei指数。结果高血压病组无论有无左室肥厚,其QT离散度及左室Tei指数均显著大于正常组(QTd:43.9±15.1ms,69.2±16.9msvs36.2±11.3ms,p<0.05;Tei指数:0.54±0.06,0.60±0.14vs0.38±0.07,p<0.05)。高血压病左室肥厚组的左室Tei指数及QT离散度较非左室肥厚组有增大的趋势(QTd:69.2±16.4msvs43.9±15.1ms,p<0.05;Tei指数:0.60±0.14vs0.54±0.06,p>0.05)。结论高血压左室肥厚时,QT离散度及左室Tei指数增大,表明高血压左室肥厚可导致QT离散度增大及左室舒张功能不全。 相似文献
Pan XD Zeng ZH Liang LY Luo JD Xiao AY Lai Q Wen YH Lu DF Wang W He ZC He WK 《Clinical and experimental hypertension (New York, N.Y. : 1993)》2011,33(8):558-564
This study is to evaluate the effects of Simvastatin on left ventricular hypertrophy and left ventricular function in patients with essential hypertension. Untreated or noncompliance with drug treatment patients with simple essential hypertension were treated with a therapy on the basis of using Telmisartan to decrease blood pressure (BP). There were 237 patients who had essential hypertension combined with left ventricular hypertrophy as diagnosed by echocardiography, taken after their BPs were decreased to meet the values of the standard normal. Among them, there were only 41 out of the original 237 patients, 17.3%, who had simple essential hypertension combined with left ventricular hypertrophy without any other co-existing disease. They were the patients selected for this study. All patients were randomly, indiscriminately divided into two groups: one was the control group (Group T), treated with the Telmisartan-based monotherapy; the other was the target group (Group TS), treated with the Telmisartan-based plus simvastatin therapy. The changes of left ventricular hypertrophy and left ventricular function were rediagnosed by echocardiography after 1 year. The results we obtained from this study were as follows: (i) The average BPs at the beginning of the study, of simple essential hypertension combined with left ventricular hypertrophy, were high levels (systolic blood pressure (SBP) 189.21 ± 19.91 mm Hg, diastolic blood pressure 101.40 ± 16.92 mm Hg). (ii) The Telmisartan-based plus simvastatin therapy was significantly effective in lowering the SBP (128.26 ± 9.33 mm Hg vs. 139.22 ± 16.34 mm Hg). (iii) After the 1-year treatment, the parameters of left ventricular hypertrophy in both groups were improved. Compared to group T, there were no differences in the characteristics of the subjects, including interventricular septum, left ventricular mass, left ventricular mass index, ejection fraction, left atrium inner diameter at baseline. The patients' interventricular septum (Group TS 10.30 ± 1.80 mm vs. Group T 10.99 ± 1.68 mm, P < .05), LVM (Group TS 177.43 ± 65.40 g vs. Group T 181.28 ± 65.09 g, P < .05), and LVMI (Group TS 100.97 ± 37.33 g/m(2) vs. Group T 106.54 ± 27.95 g/m(2), P < .05), all dropped more prominently (P < .05) in group TS; the ejection fraction rose more remarkably in group TS (Group TS: 57.50 ± 16.41% to 65.43 ± 11.60%, P < .01 while showing no change in Group T); the left ventricular hypertrophy reversed more significantly and the left ventricular systolic function improved more. (iv) The left atrium inner diameter of Group TS decreased (P < .01), the ratio of E/A, which indicates the left ventricular diastolic function, continued to drop further, showing no change to the trend of left ventricular diastolic function declination. Patients who have hypertension with left ventricular hypertrophy usually suffer other accompanying diseases at the same time. Telmisartan-based plus Simvastatin treatment can significantly reduce SBP, reverse left ventricular hypertrophy, improve the left ventricular systolic function, but it has no effect on reversing the left ventricular diastolic function. This experiment indicated that Simvastatin can reverse left ventricular hypertrophy and improve left systolic function. 相似文献
目的探讨β及α受体阻滞剂卡维地洛对原发性高血压(EH)患者左心室肥厚(LVH)及室性心律失常(VA)的干预作用。方法入选经超声心动图、心电图、动态心电图检查证实为EH伴LVH及VA患者72例,随机分配到卡维地洛组(口服25~50mg/d)或卡托普利组(口服25~75mg/d),治疗8个月,治疗前后各检查超声心动图、心电图、动态心电图,对比分析组内治疗前后左心室重量指数及VA变化和两组间的差异。结果①与治疗前比较,EH患者在卡维地洛或卡托普利治疗8个月后,两组收缩压与舒张压明显下降(166/104mmHg至135/86mmHg;162/103mmHg至138/87mmHg)(P均<0.01)。②卡维地洛组治疗后,左心室后壁与室间隔厚度较治疗前显著下降(P<0.05),左心室重量及左心室重量指数下降更显著(P均<0.01);卡托普利组治疗后左心室后壁与室间隔厚度及左心室重量及左心室重量指数下降显著(P均<0.05)。③卡维地洛组治疗后VA及复杂性室性VA的控制率为91.67%(33/36);卡托普利组治疗后VA及复杂性VA的控制率为36.1%(13/36),两组间差异有显著性(P<0.01)。结论EH伴LVH及VA患者在卡维地洛治疗8个月后LVH显著逆转,卡维地洛对VA的干预明显优于卡托普利。 相似文献
NOS3 gene polymorphism and left ventricular hypertrophy in patients with essential hypertension 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Minushkina LO Zateĭshchikov DA Zateĭshchikova AA Zotova IV Kudriashova OY Nosikov VV Sidorenko BA 《Kardiologiia》2002,42(3):30-34
One hundred nine patients with essential hypertension were studied (50 male and 59 female, mean age - 62,6-/+1,08 years). Seventy six patients had left ventricular hypertrophy measured by echocardiography. NOS3 polymorphisms (Glu298Asp and ecNOS4a/4b) were studied by PCR. In patients without left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) genotypes frequencies of NOS3 (Glu298Asp) were: Glu/Glu - 34.4%; Glu/Asp - 62,5%; Asp/Asp - 3,1%. In patients with LVH - Glu/Glu - 55.3%; Glu/Asp - 40.8%; Asp/Asp - 3.9%; p=0,117. Percent of Glu/Glu genotype was significantly higher in LVH group (p=0,047). Genotypes frequencies of ecNOS4a/4b were: in patients without LVH - 4b/4b - 37,5%; 4a/4b - 62,5%; 4a/4a - 0; in patients with LVH - 4b/4b - 21.1%; 4a/4b - 76.3%; 4a/4a - 2,6%;. p=0,151. Patients with 4a allele had higher Amax than 4b/4b patients (76,3+2,11 m/s and 67,9+4,72 m/s; p=0,040). Therefore, we show associations between Glu allele of NOS3 (Glu298Asp) and left ventricular hypertrophy and between 4a allele (ecNOS4a/4b) and diastolic dysfunction in patients with essential hypertension. 相似文献
Pathophysiologic assessment of left ventricular hypertrophy and strain in asymptomatic patients with essential hypertension 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
S D Pringle P W Macfarlane J H McKillop A R Lorimer F G Dunn 《Journal of the American College of Cardiology》1989,13(6):1377-1381
To investigate the significance of the electrocardiographic (ECG) pattern of left ventricular hypertrophy and strain, two groups of asymptomatic patients with essential hypertension were compared. The patients were similar in terms of age, smoking habit, serum cholesterol and blood pressure levels, but differed in the presence (Group I, n = 23) or absence (Group II, n = 23) of the ECG pattern of left ventricular hypertrophy and strain. Group I patients had significantly more episodes of exercise-induced ST segment depression (14 versus 4, p less than 0.05) and reversible thallium perfusion abnormalities (11 of 23 versus 3 of 23, p less than 0.05) despite similar exercise capacity and absence of chest pain. Nonsustained ventricular tachycardia was detected on 24 h ambulatory ECG monitoring in two patients in Group I, but no patient in Group II. Coronary arteriography performed in 20 Group I patients demonstrated significant coronary artery disease in 8 patients. This study has shown that there is a subgroup of hypertensive patients with ECG left ventricular hypertrophy and strain who have covert coronary artery disease. This can be detected by thallium perfusion scintigraphy, and may contribute to the increased risk known to be associated with this ECG abnormality. 相似文献
目的:观察伊贝沙坦对轻中度原发性高血压左室肥厚的逆转作用。方法:采用自身对照试验,对83例轻中度原发性高血压左室肥厚的患者,服用伊贝沙坦150mg/d治疗,如4周无效加至300mg/d,共12周,随访患者血压、超声心动图变化以及服药耐受性。结果:12周后,所有患者血压均较入院时明显下降(P<0.05),室间隔厚度(IVST)、心室后壁厚度(PWT)、左室重指数(LVMI)均明显减少,E/A比例明显增加,(P均<0.01),说明左室肥厚减轻,左室舒张功能得到改善,且无明显不良反应。结论:伊贝沙坦是一个安全、有效的降压药物,同时能逆转左室肥厚。 相似文献