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喉错构瘤二例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
错构瘤多发生于肺和肾脏,发生于喉部者极为罕见,国内外报告不多。现将我们所遇到的2例喉错构瘤及其治疗经验报告如下。  相似文献   

1 资料与方法 1.1 一般资料 患者女,62岁,2008年10月6日因"声嘶进行性加重1年"入院.询诊获悉,其1年前不明原因出现声音嘶哑,呈间歇性,禁声休息后无明显缓解.之后声音嘶哑持续进行性加重,无疼痛及呼吸困难,无咳嗽、咯血等不适.查体生命体征平稳,间接喉镜检查:见会厌抬举可,梨状窝存在,双侧声带轻度充血,表面光滑,左侧声门下可见一肿物,大小约1.2cm×1.0cm,表面光滑,轻度充血,似囊性,声门闭合可,室带无充血.喉部CT检查后诊断为:喉腔肿物.  相似文献   

错构瘤多发生于肺和肾脏,发生于喉部者极为罕见,国内外报告不多。现将我们所遇到的2例喉错构瘤及其治疗经验报告如下。 例1男,32岁,因咽部异物感20月,呼吸困难伴声嘶12个月以“喉部占位病变”于1995年9月5日入院。间接喉镜检查,喉口上偏右侧有3 cm×3 cm新生物,双侧杓状软  相似文献   

错构瘤发生在头颈部十分少见,发生在喉部环状软骨的错构瘤尚未曾见于报道。临床容易误诊,当其出现在重要器官部位时,须正确必恰当的手术治疗以力求保证患者的重要功能。本文介绍2例喉错构的临床过程,并对有关文献进行了回顾。  相似文献   

患儿,男,6岁,因吸气困难5年于2012年10月入我院治疗。问诊其母知此患儿1岁时发现呼吸费力,夜间明显,5岁时当地诊断“双侧扁桃体肥大”行双侧扁桃体切除术,术后吸气困难无改善。遂行喉部 CT 检查发现杓区一类圆形低密度肿物影,边缘光滑,内部密度不均匀(图1)。进一步查纤维喉镜提示,喉入口处可见一基底位于杓区,向喉入口处突出的新生物,表面光滑,堵塞喉入口处约4/5,双侧声带、室带均未窥及。初步诊断为:先天性喉囊肿。行常规化验检查无手术禁忌,在全麻下行支撑喉镜下喉肿物切除术。术中见杓区新生物,被覆正常黏膜,表面光滑,以喉钳触动肿物呈实性、质硬,稍有一定活动度。双侧声带、室带未受累。镜下以二氧化碳激光沿肿物正中切开被覆黏膜,用喉显微器械和二氧化碳激光将肿瘤完整剥离、摘除、止血,切开伤口以丝线缝合,术中出血少。检查离体肿瘤质地较韧,外观不规则,类球形,直径约2.5 cm,剖检瘤体为实性肿瘤。术后病理诊断为:喉部间叶错构瘤,可见脂肪、平滑肌、纤维组织及血管等(图2~4)。患儿术后恢复好,无并发症。术后1个月复诊,无呼吸困难及声音嘶哑,杓区切口处稍肿胀,双侧声带、室带均正常。目前病例随访3年无复发。  相似文献   

喉错构瘤(附2例报告)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
错构瘤发生在头颈部十分少见,发生在喉部环状软骨的错构瘤尚未曾见于报道。临床容易误诊,当其出现在重要器官部位时,须正确诊断和恰当的手术治疗以力求保证患者的重要功能。本文介绍2例喉错构瘤的临床过程,并对有关文献进行了回顾。  相似文献   

喉后裂是少见的先天性缺陷,常伴有严重的流质误吸,有时发生致命性喉梗阻或反复发作性肺炎和支气管炎。它不象喉气管食管缺陷需要早期手术治疗,只要合理的喂养就能正常生长。本文介绍2例喉后裂并发错构瘤患者。例一为4岁男孩,出生时即有吸入性呼吸困难、青紫、三凹症状及喂食时出现窒息。反复住院,经抗生素及鼻饲而得救,曾被诊断为肺炎、痉挛性喘鸣、复发性哮喘、喉肿瘤等。经过五星期时间才作直接喉镜检查,在声带后联合及杓间区见一大块息肉样肿块阻塞2/3声门,肿块起源于杓间区,柔软活动,随呼吸而出入于声门,在显微镜下摘除。  相似文献   

错构瘤可发生于身体各处。原发于喉部的错构瘤,从1976~1987年国内及国外近几年的文献资料中均未见报道,现报告1例。 男,22岁,因发音含糊不清4年,于1986年12月17日入院。诉4年前逐渐发音含糊,咽干食时易呛咳;近1年来发音含糊加重,重体力劳动时气喘,在  相似文献   

后鼻孔错构瘤一例纪平患者,女,60岁。因右鼻阻塞2年于1993年11月16日入院。自述2年前开始右鼻孔堵塞,以后逐渐加重,及至完全堵塞,同时左侧通气亦受阻,咽部异物感。发音含糊不清。体检:一般情况正常。专科检查:口咽部正中可见一椭圆形肿物,黄白色,表...  相似文献   

患者,女,29岁.以咽痛2 d来诊,经检查以鼻咽部肿物于2009年5月6日收入院.发病以来无鼻塞,无血涕,无耳闷及听力下降,无咽部异物感及呼吸困难.查体:双耳鼓膜标志清楚,Weber试验居中;鼻外观无畸形,双下鼻甲不大,鼻中隔居中,中鼻道未见新生物;双腭弓无充血,扁桃体Ⅱ度大无充血,咽后壁可见淋巴滤泡,无充血;鼻咽镜检查左侧鼻咽部可见一灰白色光滑肿物约2.0 cm ×2.0 cm;鼻内镜检查鼻咽左侧可见灰白色肿物,表面附有白色膜样物,易吸出,似有蒂,可随吞咽活动,触之不易出血.  相似文献   

目的 探讨咽鼓管错构瘤的临床表现、诊断与治疗及预后.方法 回顾性分析萍乡市人民医院收治的1例经病理确诊的咽鼓管错构瘤患者,经耳显微镜在全麻下行咽鼓管肿瘤切除及鼓室成型和听骨链重建术,术中完整切除肿瘤.结果 术后病理学提示符合错构瘤.经过半年随访,肿瘤无复发,鼓膜完整,听力得到提高.结论 错构瘤是一种可发生于全身的良性肿...  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: In presenting a case of laryngeal schwannoma, the authors emphasize the difficulties in diagnosing this rare pathology and review treatment options. The recent literature concerning this benign tumour is reviewed. MATERIALS AND METHOD: The authors present a case of laryngeal schwannoma in a 29 year old man, revealed by exertional inspiratory dyspnea. RESULTS: The patient was treated by a conservative surgery with no recurrence after two years follow-up. CONCLUSION: CT scan and magnetic resonance imaging provide essentiel data on the spread of this benign tumour. The possibility of malignant change and recurrence warrant long-term follow-up.  相似文献   

Laryngeal leiomyosarcoma (LLM) is a rare malignancy originating from the smooth muscles of blood vessels or from aberrant undifferentiated mesenchymal tissue. Histological diagnosis may be particularly difficult and correct diagnosis is based on immunohistochemical investigations and electron microscopy. A case report of a LLM in a 74-year-old man is presented. Direct laryngoscopy revealed a large glottic lesion causing airway compromise and an emergency tracheotomy was performed. Subsequent total laryngectomy confirmed the diagnosis of leiomyosarcoma. Lung metastases developed 8 months following treatment, despite the absence of local or regional recurrence, and the patient died 3 months later. A review of the English and French literature revealed 30 previous cases of LLM. Clinical presentation, histological diagnosis, and management of this rare malignancy are analyzed aiming to improve our knowledge regarding the best treatment modality.  相似文献   

We present a case with laryngeal melanosis and discuss the clinical significance of this condition. A 58-year-old male patient was referred to the otolaryngology department with a 2-month history of hoarseness. He had a history of smoking 20 cigarettes a day for 40 years. Videolaryngosgopic examination showed chronic laryngitis findings with multifocal pigmented pachydermic areas. Multiple biopsies were performed by laryngomicrosurgery. Pathological examination revealed laryngeal melanosis. As the number is not much enough, the association of laryngeal melanosis and carcinogenesis seems to be controversial. In the point of management, we have to be aware of the risks of laryngeal melanosis, such as developing neoplasm, and monitor the patients closely by periodical examinations and biopsies and advise the patients to stop smoking.  相似文献   

目的提高临床诊治喉副神经节病的水平。方法总结喉副神经节病1例诊治的全过程,并对文 献进行复习。结果经右颈侧进路,从右梨状窝外侧壁切开暴露下咽腔,见右侧杓会厌皱裂隆起,黏膜下切除 肿瘤约3.0cm×3.0cm,术后6年肿瘤复发。结论喉副神经节瘤的治愈依赖于对本病的认识,早期诊断和对 肿瘤完整地切除。  相似文献   

Posterior cleft larynx associated with a local hamartoma is a rare malformation complex. Clinical diagnosis may be elusive. We report such a combination in a newborn infant dying soon after birth with upper airways obstruction.  相似文献   

Neurofibroma is a rare pathology on the larynx. We distinguish two types of neurofibromas: plexiform and not plexiform in which the difference is at the cytoarchitectural level. The plexiform type is usually associated to the Von Recklinhausen disease, also know as neurofibromatosis type 1. They usually affect the supraglottic structure, and more frequently they are described in aritenoids, ariepiglottic folds, and posterior commissure. We present a case located at the glottic level of plexiform type, with a postsurgical follow-up of five years. We make a revision of the aethiopathogenesis, evolution and prognostic of these pathology in the bibliography.  相似文献   

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