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注射毒品致感染性股动脉假性动脉瘤的外科治疗   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 探讨注射毒品致股动脉假性动脉瘤的诊断和治疗方法.方法 回顾性分析因注射毒品引起的股动脉假性动脉瘤患者14例的临床资料,行瘤体切除、瘤腔清创及股动脉结扎或动脉重建术.结果 1例出现肢体坏死而行膝上截肢术,1例轻度下肢缺血改变,12例患者术后肢体血供良好.结论 根据吸毒史、搏动性肿物及辅助检查可确诊.彻底清创、血管移植、控制感染是治疗吸毒所致假性动脉瘤的有效方法.  相似文献   

目的总结注射毒品致股动脉假性动脉瘤破溃感染的外科治疗方法。方法1994年3月~2004年10月,共收治因毒品注射致股动脉假性动脉瘤形成并破溃感染患者17例。男15例,女2例;年龄18~45岁。吸毒史2个月~10年,静脉注射史吸毒2~15个月,皮肤坏死1~6个月。皮肤坏死直径2~5cm,B超示包块大小15cm×10cm×8cm~18cm×13cm×10cm。急诊手术4例,择期手术13例。3例行人造血管移植,5例行远近端血管结扎,5例行静脉移植,2例动脉裂口直接缝合,2例行股深动脉移植。结果术后可触及足背动脉搏动恢复2例,增强3例。切口期愈合6例,期愈合8例,3例出现伤口感染。15例获随访3~18个月,2例同侧大隐静脉远端移植及2例人造血管移植者经B超检查示移植血管栓塞,5例血管腔(1例人造血管、2例自体静脉移植、2例动脉裂口直接缝合)变狭窄。随访者均基本恢复正常生活。结论注射毒品致股动脉假性动脉瘤形成并破溃感染患者,需手术治疗,争取择期手术,针对假性动脉瘤破溃时间超过1个月者,可考虑行远近端血管结扎术。  相似文献   

毒品注射致股动脉假性动脉瘤的诊治体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的总结毒品注射致股动脉假性动脉瘤(femoral pseudoaneurysm,FP)的急诊救治体会。方法回顾性分析46例毒品注射所致FP患者急诊手术临床资料,其中39例(84.8%)行近端髂外动脉+远端股浅股深动脉缝扎,4例(8.7%)首次手术采用隧道旁路人工血管重建,3例(6.5%)经瘤腔行人工血管重建。结果行动脉缝扎的39例中,4例(10.3%)术后出现患肢缺血,1例非手术处理恢复,2例再次手术经隧道旁路行人工血管重建,1例于当地医院截肢。首次手术行隧道旁路人工血管重建的4例,术后均恢复正常;经瘤腔行人工血管重建的3例中,1例发生人工血管感染和深静脉血栓,去除人工血管后恢复。23例(50.0%)完成1年以上随访,其中18例动脉缝扎者中1例(5.6%,1/18)长期间歇性跛行,另5例人工血管重建者通畅。结论规范毒品注射所致FP的手术抉择和操作流程,注意术中细节,可提高抢救成功率和减少并发症。  相似文献   

目的探讨注射毒品致股动脉感染性假性动脉瘤的血循环重建方法。方法 2003年11月-2009年5月,收治84例因注射毒品致股动脉感染性假性动脉瘤患者。其中男67例,女17例;年龄19~51岁,平均34.6岁。注射毒品时间1~11年,平均2.7年。13例股动脉缺损3~10 cm,其余患者股动脉破口范围1.0 cm×0.3 cm~3.0 cm×0.7 cm。5例行ePTFE人工血管旁路转流,29例行自体大隐静脉移植,24例行股动脉破口修补,26例行股动脉结扎。结果 2例患者术中下肢深静脉血栓脱落致肺栓塞死亡。8例术后出现切口感染,拆除部分或全部缝线,经换药后切口愈合,其余患者切口均Ⅰ期愈合。56例行血管重建或修补的患者,术后足背动脉搏动恢复或增强,无远端肢体骨筋膜室综合征发生;26例行股动脉结扎的患者,术后1周行CT下肢动脉血管重建或下肢动脉造影显示肢体远端均有丰富来自同侧髂内动脉、臀上动脉以及对侧髂内动脉的侧支循环。82例术后获12~36个月随访,平均17.3个月。3例出现间歇性跛行,经扩血管,活血化瘀等药物治疗后好转,肢体功能良好;其余行走正常。结论注射吸毒致股动脉感染性假性动脉瘤应尽早外科手术治疗,彻底清创引流、髂外动脉-股浅动脉旁路带支撑环人工血管或大隐静脉重建以及破口修补,是有效的治疗方法。在感染严重、局部条件无法重建血管的情况下,结扎股动脉也是一种可行选择。  相似文献   

毒品注射致假性股动脉瘤破裂的血管修复   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨毒品注射致假性股动脉瘤破裂血管修复的手术方法。方法 2003年9月~2004年7月,收治4例因毒品注射致假性股动脉瘤破裂患者,均为男性,年龄26~40岁。吸毒史2~6年,腹股沟注射毒品史3~6个月。自发性破裂3例,误切开1例。包块大小6cm×8cm~15cm×20cm。表面皮肤均溃烂感染,自发性破裂者其上有2~4个0.2cm×0.2cm~2cm×0.8cm溃烂窦孔。均行感染瘤体切除、大隐静脉移植或端端吻合、健康筋膜瓣修复创面。结果 术中出血300~1000ml,平均650ml。术后伤口Ⅰ期愈合3例,足背动脉搏动恢复。感染控制,下肢感觉良好,踱行,伸髋略受限。足背动脉搏动未恢复1例。毛细血管充盈试验阳性,麻木,运动障碍。结论 手术彻底清创、血管修复、健康筋膜瓣覆盖是救治毒品注射致假性股动脉瘤破裂的必要条件。  相似文献   

目的探讨注射毒品引起股动脉假性动脉瘤形成并破裂出血的诊断与治疗方法。方法回顾性分析2003年3月—2009年12月收治的22例因反复注射毒品致股动脉假性动脉瘤形成并破裂出血患者的临床资料。结果 22例患者均接受手术治疗,术中行瘤体切除、清创后,8例行股动脉破口修补术;4例行破口两侧股动脉结扎术;10例行髂外动脉-股动脉人工血管移植术。22例均手术成功,手术后早期出现人工血管与股动脉吻合口破裂出血1例,急诊手术重新吻合,随后出现切口感染,经换药后切口愈合。术后患侧下肢功能均好。随访6个月至7年,平均3年。1例患者术后2年出现人工血管感染,1例出院后14d发生吻合口出血,均经再次血管吻合治愈;2例股动脉结扎患者遗留轻间歇性跛行。结论治疗股动脉假性动脉瘤形成并破裂出血的手术方式,以股动脉假性动脉瘤切除+清创+股动脉修补术最为简单、安全有效;人工血管移植术疗效确定,能最大限度保证患肢血供;股动脉修补或结扎术在选择病例中也是有效的治疗方法。  相似文献   

下肢动脉主干结扎治疗毒品注射所致股动脉假性动脉瘤   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的探讨注射毒品所致股动脉假性动脉瘤的合理外科治疗方式。方法对中山大学附属第一医院2001年6月至2004年5月收治的18例注射毒品所致股动脉假性动脉瘤进行分析,均行下肢动脉主干血管结扎及瘤体清创术,其中2例术后行动脉造影。术中见破裂口长约0.5~3.5cm,5例位于股浅动脉,13例位于股总动脉或股动脉分叉。结果术后无一例出现严重下肢动脉缺血,2例经动脉造影证实瘤体周围有良好的侧支循环。结论血管结扎并瘤体切除是治疗吸毒性股动脉假性动脉瘤的合理手术方式。  相似文献   

血管重建治疗注射毒品所致股动脉假性动脉瘤   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的探讨注射毒品所致股动脉假性动脉瘤的外科治疗方法。方法对14例注射毒品所致股动脉假性动脉瘤患者的临床资料进行回顾分析。9例直接采用ePTFE人工血管行原位移植间置术;4例采用自体大隐静脉原位间置移植术;1例行单纯股深动脉结扎术。结果全部病例术后患肢供血良好,无肢体缺血表现,其中11例患者成功随访1~45个月,1例患者出院后出现伤口感染,余患者伤口均在1个月内愈合,现患肢均无缺血症状,活动自如。结论吸毒所致股动脉假性动脉瘤切除后血管重建有利于保证下肢血供,在患者不能提供合适的自体大隐静脉移植时,人工血管原位移植仍是治疗假性股动脉瘤的有效方法。术中彻底清创及术后伤口引流、加强抗炎是预防术后人工血管并发感染的最主要措施。  相似文献   

目的探讨注射毒品所致假性股动脉瘤外科治疗的手术方式和疗效。方法对12例注射毒品所致假性股动脉瘤病人的临床资料进行回顾性分析。12例病人均接受手术治疗,瘤体切除并清创后,其中8例行股动脉结扎术,均为急性出血病人,4例采用ePTFE人造血管行髂外动脉和股浅动脉端端吻合术。结果术后10d及3个月复查彩色多普勒超声显示人造血管血流通畅,以及评估患肢有无缺血、坏死。结论:彻底清创、股动脉结扎及必要时的血管重建是对注射毒品所致假性股动脉瘤外科治疗的有效方法。  相似文献   

毒品注射所致股动脉假性动脉瘤的治疗   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
摘要:目的 探讨毒品注射所致股动脉假性动脉瘤的治疗方法。方法 共治疗11例股动脉假性动脉瘤。4例患者因动脉瘤破裂急诊经股部切口直接行瘤体动脉结扎术,7例择期手术,先经下腹部切口(腹膜外)暴露骼动脉控制出血再经股部切口行瘤体动脉结扎术。结果 所有手术均获得成功,无1例发生肢体坏死。结论 动脉结扎术治疗毒品注射所致股动脉假性动脉瘤是简单而有效的方法。术中观察远端动脉血回流情况、动脉测压、术中造影能提高其安全性。  相似文献   

股动脉结扎术治疗吸毒者股动脉假性动脉瘤32例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨股动脉结扎术治疗吸毒者股动脉假性动脉瘤的疗效.方法 回顾性分析2003年1月至2010年3月采用股动脉结扎术+局部清创术治疗32例吸毒者股动脉假性动脉瘤的临床资料,术后3、6、9、12个月进行随访,采用肢体末梢氧饱和度及其运动功能评价患肢血供.结果 32例患者手术均获得成功.术后患肢末梢氧饱和度较术前无明显改变(95.1%±2.8%比96.9%±1.9%;t =1.26,P=0.25),出院血白细胞计数及中性粒细胞百分比较入院明显下降.随访期为1年,随访率为100%;1例术后6h出现缺血表现而行自体大隐静脉髂股旁路转流术,术后恢复良好;术后3个月内5例轻度间歇性跛行;术后6个月仅2例轻度间歇性跛行;术后9个月所有病例间歇性跛行症状基本消失;所有患者均能维持正常生活. 结论 股动脉结扎术为治疗吸毒者股动脉假性动脉瘤为一种安全、有效和简单的方法.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the effect on ultrasound-guided locsl comprression and surgical to treat iatrogenic fem- oral artery pseudoanerurysms. Methods 197 patients were diagnosed as iatrogenic femoral artery pseudoaneurysms from Apri 1199 to April 2008.There were 122 male and 75 female, aged 59.7 years (rimed 40- 81 years). One. Hundrel and severty-one stahle cases were managed by ultrasound-guided local compression initially and 26 patients were directly treated with surgical repair because d the rupture of femoral artery pesudoaneurysms or the pseudoaneurysms≥40mm in diameter. Results 171 patients received llocal com- pression therapy, 137 cases were cured directly (the effective rate was 80%), but the last failed 34 cases were required conversion to surgical reparr. The nymber of the surgical repaired patients was 60 (incluing 26 cases with direct operation and 34 cases with required conversion to surgical repair). Forty-seven patients received direct excision of femoral artery pseudoaneurysm, six patients underwent angioplasty with autogenously saphenous vein patch, and seven patients got bypass operation with artificial vascular graft. During the perioperative period, no serious complications including bleeding, neuralgia, and lymphatic fistula even arterio venous fis- tula and so on, no death occurred. All patients were followed up for 1 month to5 years after the procedures, no local FAP recurred, no limb ischemia developed and no deaths occurred. Conclusion Uitrasound-guided compression, surgical repair, and ultrasound- guided percutaneous thrombin injection are the three main modalities of treating iatrogenic FAP, while ultrasound-guided compresson and magical therapy get popularized domestically. Ultrasound-guided comperession seems a safe, inexpensive, and effective method for the managerment of iatrogenic femoral artery pseudoaneurysms. It may be used as a lust-line therapetic modality for mint of the un-complicated patients. However, surgical repair can be reserved for those who failed comperssion therapy or unsuitable as mentioned above.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the effect on ultrasound-guided locsl comprression and surgical to treat iatrogenic fem- oral artery pseudoanerurysms. Methods 197 patients were diagnosed as iatrogenic femoral artery pseudoaneurysms from Apri 1199 to April 2008.There were 122 male and 75 female, aged 59.7 years (rimed 40- 81 years). One. Hundrel and severty-one stahle cases were managed by ultrasound-guided local compression initially and 26 patients were directly treated with surgical repair because d the rupture of femoral artery pesudoaneurysms or the pseudoaneurysms≥40mm in diameter. Results 171 patients received llocal com- pression therapy, 137 cases were cured directly (the effective rate was 80%), but the last failed 34 cases were required conversion to surgical reparr. The nymber of the surgical repaired patients was 60 (incluing 26 cases with direct operation and 34 cases with required conversion to surgical repair). Forty-seven patients received direct excision of femoral artery pseudoaneurysm, six patients underwent angioplasty with autogenously saphenous vein patch, and seven patients got bypass operation with artificial vascular graft. During the perioperative period, no serious complications including bleeding, neuralgia, and lymphatic fistula even arterio venous fis- tula and so on, no death occurred. All patients were followed up for 1 month to5 years after the procedures, no local FAP recurred, no limb ischemia developed and no deaths occurred. Conclusion Uitrasound-guided compression, surgical repair, and ultrasound- guided percutaneous thrombin injection are the three main modalities of treating iatrogenic FAP, while ultrasound-guided compresson and magical therapy get popularized domestically. Ultrasound-guided comperession seems a safe, inexpensive, and effective method for the managerment of iatrogenic femoral artery pseudoaneurysms. It may be used as a lust-line therapetic modality for mint of the un-complicated patients. However, surgical repair can be reserved for those who failed comperssion therapy or unsuitable as mentioned above.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the effect on ultrasound-guided locsl comprression and surgical to treat iatrogenic fem- oral artery pseudoanerurysms. Methods 197 patients were diagnosed as iatrogenic femoral artery pseudoaneurysms from Apri 1199 to April 2008.There were 122 male and 75 female, aged 59.7 years (rimed 40- 81 years). One. Hundrel and severty-one stahle cases were managed by ultrasound-guided local compression initially and 26 patients were directly treated with surgical repair because d the rupture of femoral artery pesudoaneurysms or the pseudoaneurysms≥40mm in diameter. Results 171 patients received llocal com- pression therapy, 137 cases were cured directly (the effective rate was 80%), but the last failed 34 cases were required conversion to surgical reparr. The nymber of the surgical repaired patients was 60 (incluing 26 cases with direct operation and 34 cases with required conversion to surgical repair). Forty-seven patients received direct excision of femoral artery pseudoaneurysm, six patients underwent angioplasty with autogenously saphenous vein patch, and seven patients got bypass operation with artificial vascular graft. During the perioperative period, no serious complications including bleeding, neuralgia, and lymphatic fistula even arterio venous fis- tula and so on, no death occurred. All patients were followed up for 1 month to5 years after the procedures, no local FAP recurred, no limb ischemia developed and no deaths occurred. Conclusion Uitrasound-guided compression, surgical repair, and ultrasound- guided percutaneous thrombin injection are the three main modalities of treating iatrogenic FAP, while ultrasound-guided compresson and magical therapy get popularized domestically. Ultrasound-guided comperession seems a safe, inexpensive, and effective method for the managerment of iatrogenic femoral artery pseudoaneurysms. It may be used as a lust-line therapetic modality for mint of the un-complicated patients. However, surgical repair can be reserved for those who failed comperssion therapy or unsuitable as mentioned above.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the effect on ultrasound-guided locsl comprression and surgical to treat iatrogenic fem- oral artery pseudoanerurysms. Methods 197 patients were diagnosed as iatrogenic femoral artery pseudoaneurysms from Apri 1199 to April 2008.There were 122 male and 75 female, aged 59.7 years (rimed 40- 81 years). One. Hundrel and severty-one stahle cases were managed by ultrasound-guided local compression initially and 26 patients were directly treated with surgical repair because d the rupture of femoral artery pesudoaneurysms or the pseudoaneurysms≥40mm in diameter. Results 171 patients received llocal com- pression therapy, 137 cases were cured directly (the effective rate was 80%), but the last failed 34 cases were required conversion to surgical reparr. The nymber of the surgical repaired patients was 60 (incluing 26 cases with direct operation and 34 cases with required conversion to surgical repair). Forty-seven patients received direct excision of femoral artery pseudoaneurysm, six patients underwent angioplasty with autogenously saphenous vein patch, and seven patients got bypass operation with artificial vascular graft. During the perioperative period, no serious complications including bleeding, neuralgia, and lymphatic fistula even arterio venous fis- tula and so on, no death occurred. All patients were followed up for 1 month to5 years after the procedures, no local FAP recurred, no limb ischemia developed and no deaths occurred. Conclusion Uitrasound-guided compression, surgical repair, and ultrasound- guided percutaneous thrombin injection are the three main modalities of treating iatrogenic FAP, while ultrasound-guided compresson and magical therapy get popularized domestically. Ultrasound-guided comperession seems a safe, inexpensive, and effective method for the managerment of iatrogenic femoral artery pseudoaneurysms. It may be used as a lust-line therapetic modality for mint of the un-complicated patients. However, surgical repair can be reserved for those who failed comperssion therapy or unsuitable as mentioned above.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the effect on ultrasound-guided locsl comprression and surgical to treat iatrogenic fem- oral artery pseudoanerurysms. Methods 197 patients were diagnosed as iatrogenic femoral artery pseudoaneurysms from Apri 1199 to April 2008.There were 122 male and 75 female, aged 59.7 years (rimed 40- 81 years). One. Hundrel and severty-one stahle cases were managed by ultrasound-guided local compression initially and 26 patients were directly treated with surgical repair because d the rupture of femoral artery pesudoaneurysms or the pseudoaneurysms≥40mm in diameter. Results 171 patients received llocal com- pression therapy, 137 cases were cured directly (the effective rate was 80%), but the last failed 34 cases were required conversion to surgical reparr. The nymber of the surgical repaired patients was 60 (incluing 26 cases with direct operation and 34 cases with required conversion to surgical repair). Forty-seven patients received direct excision of femoral artery pseudoaneurysm, six patients underwent angioplasty with autogenously saphenous vein patch, and seven patients got bypass operation with artificial vascular graft. During the perioperative period, no serious complications including bleeding, neuralgia, and lymphatic fistula even arterio venous fis- tula and so on, no death occurred. All patients were followed up for 1 month to5 years after the procedures, no local FAP recurred, no limb ischemia developed and no deaths occurred. Conclusion Uitrasound-guided compression, surgical repair, and ultrasound- guided percutaneous thrombin injection are the three main modalities of treating iatrogenic FAP, while ultrasound-guided compresson and magical therapy get popularized domestically. Ultrasound-guided comperession seems a safe, inexpensive, and effective method for the managerment of iatrogenic femoral artery pseudoaneurysms. It may be used as a lust-line therapetic modality for mint of the un-complicated patients. However, surgical repair can be reserved for those who failed comperssion therapy or unsuitable as mentioned above.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the effect on ultrasound-guided locsl comprression and surgical to treat iatrogenic fem- oral artery pseudoanerurysms. Methods 197 patients were diagnosed as iatrogenic femoral artery pseudoaneurysms from Apri 1199 to April 2008.There were 122 male and 75 female, aged 59.7 years (rimed 40- 81 years). One. Hundrel and severty-one stahle cases were managed by ultrasound-guided local compression initially and 26 patients were directly treated with surgical repair because d the rupture of femoral artery pesudoaneurysms or the pseudoaneurysms≥40mm in diameter. Results 171 patients received llocal com- pression therapy, 137 cases were cured directly (the effective rate was 80%), but the last failed 34 cases were required conversion to surgical reparr. The nymber of the surgical repaired patients was 60 (incluing 26 cases with direct operation and 34 cases with required conversion to surgical repair). Forty-seven patients received direct excision of femoral artery pseudoaneurysm, six patients underwent angioplasty with autogenously saphenous vein patch, and seven patients got bypass operation with artificial vascular graft. During the perioperative period, no serious complications including bleeding, neuralgia, and lymphatic fistula even arterio venous fis- tula and so on, no death occurred. All patients were followed up for 1 month to5 years after the procedures, no local FAP recurred, no limb ischemia developed and no deaths occurred. Conclusion Uitrasound-guided compression, surgical repair, and ultrasound- guided percutaneous thrombin injection are the three main modalities of treating iatrogenic FAP, while ultrasound-guided compresson and magical therapy get popularized domestically. Ultrasound-guided comperession seems a safe, inexpensive, and effective method for the managerment of iatrogenic femoral artery pseudoaneurysms. It may be used as a lust-line therapetic modality for mint of the un-complicated patients. However, surgical repair can be reserved for those who failed comperssion therapy or unsuitable as mentioned above.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the effect on ultrasound-guided locsl comprression and surgical to treat iatrogenic fem- oral artery pseudoanerurysms. Methods 197 patients were diagnosed as iatrogenic femoral artery pseudoaneurysms from Apri 1199 to April 2008.There were 122 male and 75 female, aged 59.7 years (rimed 40- 81 years). One. Hundrel and severty-one stahle cases were managed by ultrasound-guided local compression initially and 26 patients were directly treated with surgical repair because d the rupture of femoral artery pesudoaneurysms or the pseudoaneurysms≥40mm in diameter. Results 171 patients received llocal com- pression therapy, 137 cases were cured directly (the effective rate was 80%), but the last failed 34 cases were required conversion to surgical reparr. The nymber of the surgical repaired patients was 60 (incluing 26 cases with direct operation and 34 cases with required conversion to surgical repair). Forty-seven patients received direct excision of femoral artery pseudoaneurysm, six patients underwent angioplasty with autogenously saphenous vein patch, and seven patients got bypass operation with artificial vascular graft. During the perioperative period, no serious complications including bleeding, neuralgia, and lymphatic fistula even arterio venous fis- tula and so on, no death occurred. All patients were followed up for 1 month to5 years after the procedures, no local FAP recurred, no limb ischemia developed and no deaths occurred. Conclusion Uitrasound-guided compression, surgical repair, and ultrasound- guided percutaneous thrombin injection are the three main modalities of treating iatrogenic FAP, while ultrasound-guided compresson and magical therapy get popularized domestically. Ultrasound-guided comperession seems a safe, inexpensive, and effective method for the managerment of iatrogenic femoral artery pseudoaneurysms. It may be used as a lust-line therapetic modality for mint of the un-complicated patients. However, surgical repair can be reserved for those who failed comperssion therapy or unsuitable as mentioned above.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the effect on ultrasound-guided locsl comprression and surgical to treat iatrogenic fem- oral artery pseudoanerurysms. Methods 197 patients were diagnosed as iatrogenic femoral artery pseudoaneurysms from Apri 1199 to April 2008.There were 122 male and 75 female, aged 59.7 years (rimed 40- 81 years). One. Hundrel and severty-one stahle cases were managed by ultrasound-guided local compression initially and 26 patients were directly treated with surgical repair because d the rupture of femoral artery pesudoaneurysms or the pseudoaneurysms≥40mm in diameter. Results 171 patients received llocal com- pression therapy, 137 cases were cured directly (the effective rate was 80%), but the last failed 34 cases were required conversion to surgical reparr. The nymber of the surgical repaired patients was 60 (incluing 26 cases with direct operation and 34 cases with required conversion to surgical repair). Forty-seven patients received direct excision of femoral artery pseudoaneurysm, six patients underwent angioplasty with autogenously saphenous vein patch, and seven patients got bypass operation with artificial vascular graft. During the perioperative period, no serious complications including bleeding, neuralgia, and lymphatic fistula even arterio venous fis- tula and so on, no death occurred. All patients were followed up for 1 month to5 years after the procedures, no local FAP recurred, no limb ischemia developed and no deaths occurred. Conclusion Uitrasound-guided compression, surgical repair, and ultrasound- guided percutaneous thrombin injection are the three main modalities of treating iatrogenic FAP, while ultrasound-guided compresson and magical therapy get popularized domestically. Ultrasound-guided comperession seems a safe, inexpensive, and effective method for the managerment of iatrogenic femoral artery pseudoaneurysms. It may be used as a lust-line therapetic modality for mint of the un-complicated patients. However, surgical repair can be reserved for those who failed comperssion therapy or unsuitable as mentioned above.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the effect on ultrasound-guided locsl comprression and surgical to treat iatrogenic fem- oral artery pseudoanerurysms. Methods 197 patients were diagnosed as iatrogenic femoral artery pseudoaneurysms from Apri 1199 to April 2008.There were 122 male and 75 female, aged 59.7 years (rimed 40- 81 years). One. Hundrel and severty-one stahle cases were managed by ultrasound-guided local compression initially and 26 patients were directly treated with surgical repair because d the rupture of femoral artery pesudoaneurysms or the pseudoaneurysms≥40mm in diameter. Results 171 patients received llocal com- pression therapy, 137 cases were cured directly (the effective rate was 80%), but the last failed 34 cases were required conversion to surgical reparr. The nymber of the surgical repaired patients was 60 (incluing 26 cases with direct operation and 34 cases with required conversion to surgical repair). Forty-seven patients received direct excision of femoral artery pseudoaneurysm, six patients underwent angioplasty with autogenously saphenous vein patch, and seven patients got bypass operation with artificial vascular graft. During the perioperative period, no serious complications including bleeding, neuralgia, and lymphatic fistula even arterio venous fis- tula and so on, no death occurred. All patients were followed up for 1 month to5 years after the procedures, no local FAP recurred, no limb ischemia developed and no deaths occurred. Conclusion Uitrasound-guided compression, surgical repair, and ultrasound- guided percutaneous thrombin injection are the three main modalities of treating iatrogenic FAP, while ultrasound-guided compresson and magical therapy get popularized domestically. Ultrasound-guided comperession seems a safe, inexpensive, and effective method for the managerment of iatrogenic femoral artery pseudoaneurysms. It may be used as a lust-line therapetic modality for mint of the un-complicated patients. However, surgical repair can be reserved for those who failed comperssion therapy or unsuitable as mentioned above.  相似文献   

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