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深圳市一致医药连锁有限公司是深圳市医药生产供应总公司下属的国有医药连锁企业,亦是目前全国唯—一家医药零售连锁公司。“一致药店”自lop年3月推出第一批连锁店至今已迅速扩展到lin家。在不到一年的时间里,销售额达到1.2亿元,并实现店店有盈利,营业额月月有增长,“到一致药店买放心药”已成为深圳市民购药的心理取向。一致药店在深圳医药市场表现出强劲的气势,尤其在国有医药零售业普遍不景气纷纷寻找出路和生存之道的今天,一致医药连锁业的成功,引起了各方面的兴趣。因此,研讨“一致现象”,分析其成功的原因和背景;商讨“…  相似文献   

医药专卖店顾客满意影响因素定量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据菲利普.科特勒的顾客价值属性模型和我国医药零售业的特点,确定了6个顾客满意的影响因素,然后利用联合分析法对这6个因素的相对重要性进行了量化分析。笔者在此基础上,结合我国医药零售业的经营现状,为我国医药专卖店如何提高顾客满意度提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

近年来,零售药店连锁经营成为我国医药零售市场中的新趋势。各医药公司、医药主管部门纷纷对下属国有药店进行改造,个体药店在竞争中向连锁药店靠拢。一股连锁风正在零售药店中兴起。它们首先面临的是选择何种连锁管理形式的问题。直营连锁、加盟连锁还是自由连锁,这一选择对连锁经营能否成功起着至关重要的作用。所以,正确认识连锁经营的优势,选择适合企业发展需要的连锁经营方式,总结成功企业的经验,是医药零售业是迫切需要解决的问题。连锁药店最显著的优势在于能够有效地解决规模经营与医药商品消费分散之间的矛盾。一方面,区域…  相似文献   

2013年8月12日作者通过对某咖啡经营连锁企业真光路店未按照规定对供顾客使用的搅拌棒保洁的行为进行了立案查处,给予该店警告、罚款人民币1000元的行政处罚案件的分析,发现存在问题,总结公共场所违法案件的查处,探讨公共场所的卫生监督工作。  相似文献   

广州中山医医药有限公司(原中山医科大学家庭医生医药有限公司)是中山大学中大产业集团的直属企业,成立于1998年1月8日,现已发展为国内知名的大型药品流通企业,主营医药产品批发业务。下属子公司有:广州中山医博济康之选药店连锁有限公司、广州中大创新药物研究与开发中心有限公司及中山市中山医医药有限公司,分别从事零售药店连锁、新药研究开发以及地区药品开发等业务。  相似文献   

在我国不断加大医疗体制改革力度的情况下,连锁医药的产生是社会发展的必然趋势,并且,其发展速度非常快,能够为消费者提供更便利的服务。随着各行业的快速发展,连锁医药的市场竞争越来越激烈,需要扩大市场占有率,才能在自身市场竞争力进一步提高的基础上,促进经济效益和社会效益的快速提高。我国连锁医药的发展速度越来越快速,并逐步向着一体化、信息化和现代化方向发展。同时,我国连锁医药发展规模的不断扩大,需要注重上述几个方面的发展趋势,不断提高自身市场竞争力和工作人员的专业水平等,才能有效促进连锁医药企业可持续发展。本文就我国连锁医药的发展前景和趋势进行合理分析,以便为连锁医药更长远发展提供可参考依据。  相似文献   

六西格玛管理方法的核心是将所有的工作视作一种流程,采用量化的方法分析流程中影响质量的因素,找出关键的因素加以改进,从而达到更高的顾客满意度。该管理方法已广泛应用于各大企业、外资企业,小部门的应用报道不多。文章将六西格玛管理方法运用于医院科教管理,对如何提高实习生对带教老师授课的满意率作了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

2008药品零售市场进一步集中,由于大型连锁药店通过兼并重组、异地开店,从区域性连锁不断走向全国性连锁,并不断吞食和挤压当地的个体药店,我国医药连锁零售市场的集中度不断提高。但目前盲目连锁圈地、地方保护严重、内部管理不规范等因素日益成为制约药品连锁经营健康发展的不良因素。本文就我国连锁药店发展现状及今后改进措施作简要论述。  相似文献   

[目的]探索当前高等医药院校英语专业与医药企业间的校企合作现状,分析其影响因素,寻求合理的应用型药学英语专业人才培养模式.[方法]通过调查问卷、走访和个案分析,对部分高等医药院校英语专业和医药企业的校企合作满意度、合作主要信息途径获取、合作的形式与对校企合作的看法等方面进行调研.[结果]目前高等医药院校英语专业与医药企业的校企合作中,医药院校的满意度明显高于企业,合作形式局限于浅层次合作,企业方参与合作的动力不足.[结论]高等医药院校市场意识薄弱,未能将自身医药学背景与医药企业实际用人需求相结合,合作的渠道与形式也相对单一.未来的校企合作里高校和企业双方均可从课程设置、师资合作形式等方面进行改善,并应增加访问参观、建立实习基地以及开拓项目合作.  相似文献   

随着医药事业的不断发展,连锁药店的数量也越来越多,连锁药店并购也随之出现。连锁药店并购是连锁药店发展的重要举措,也是整合市场医药资源的重要方式,能够促进医药事业的转型发展,能够满足人们的实际需求。但是在连锁药店并购中存在着多种风险,这就影响了药店后期的管理和运营,给药店经营者带来了许多难题。本文主要研究的是连锁药店并购风险及整合策略,希望能给连锁药店并购提供一些借鉴,从而减少并购的风险。  相似文献   

目的:通过对我国OTC药说明书研究进展进行综述,明确OTC药说明书研究方向,促进安全用药。方法:通过文献资料,统计并分析了我国OTC药说明书研究内容、存在的问题以及相关的建议。结果:国内OTC药说明书的研究内容侧重在各项内容是否标注以及标注项目的内容,发现的问题主要有OTC药说明书标注率低和标注不规范等,建议内容集中体现在加强监督、完善说明书范本等方面。结论:对比国外,我国OTC药说明书研究力度不够,应加强国际间学习,加大OTC药品说明书的研究。  相似文献   

Use of over-the-counter (OTC) medications by elderly patients is often not identified. This survey was performed to study the use of OTCs by medical in-patients aged 65 and over. Data on the use of OTC medications before and during hospital admission were collected by questioning patients and case notes were examined for documentation of their use of OTC medications. OTC medications were used by 44 of 138 (32%) patients interviewed. Patients used a total of 70 OTC medications before admission and six OTC medications were being used during hospital admission. There was no documentation of pre-admission and in-hospital OTC medicine use in the clinical notes and patients had little knowledge of the potential harm some products can cause. As more products become available over the counter, doctors should record their use in patients'' notes and patients should be encouraged to seek professional advice before purchasing OTC medicines and to read the product information leaflets.  相似文献   

大连市OTC消费者购买行为实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章通过对大连市OTC消费者购买行为的实证研究,定量分析大连市OTC消费者购买行为的关键影响因素,为OTC药店的经营者科学地制定OTC营销决策提供参考。  相似文献   

An overview of over the counter drugs in pregnancy and lactation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over the counter (OTC) drugs are commonly used by pregnant women. Most OTC drugs are safe in pregnancy but some have unproven safety and may adversely affect the growing foetus. The safety profile of some of the medication may change according to the gestational age of the foetus. Because an estimated 10% or more of the birth defects results from maternal drug exposure, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has assigned a risk category to each drugs. Among the commonly used OTC drugs Acetaminophen, Chlorpheniramine, Kaolin and Pectin preparations and most antacids have a good safety record. The drugs like H2 blockers; Pseudoephedrine and Atropine/ Diphenoxylate should be used with caution. The risk and benefit while using OTC drugs in pregnancy has to be assessed. Key words: OTC drugs, Pregnancy, Lactation.  相似文献   

We report a 3-year-old Saudi boy with recurrent episodes of vomiting, poor feeding, and altered mental status accompanied by an intermittent mild hyperammonemia, and a large elevation of urinary orotic acid. Sanger sequencing of the ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) gene revealed a novel hemizygous deletion at the fourth nucleotide of intron 4 (c.386+4delT) in the proband and his asymptomatic mother. This novel mutation in the OTC gene is responsible for the late-onset phenotype of OTC deficiency.Hyperammonemia is a life-threatening condition caused by inherited and acquired diseases. Urea cycle disorders (UCD) are the leading inborn errors that present with hyperammonemia.1 All the 6 urea cycle enzyme defects are inherited as autosomal recessive except ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) deficiency (OTCD; MIM#311250), which is an X-linked disease.2 Ornithine transcarbamylase is a mitochondrial enzyme that catalyzes the second step of the urea cycle leading to the synthesis of citrulline from ornithine and carbamoyl phosphate.1 The prevalence of OTC deficiency is estimated to range from 1 in 40,000 to 1 in 80,000.3,4 The phenotype of OTC deficiency is extremely heterogeneous. Patients with OTC deficiency usually present with poor feeding, vomiting, and respiratory alkalosis, and may progress to seizures, encephalopathy, and death.1 Late-onset disease presents beyond the neonatal period with life-threatening hyperammonemia and occasionally with intermittent episodes of metabolic decompensation.5 These patients with late-onset disease usually have more residual enzyme activity compared to classic OTC phenotype. Aside from the clinical phenotype, the diagnosis of OTC deficiency is based on the presence of hyperammonemia, high glutamine, and low arginine in serum amino acid and demonstration of orotic aciduria.2 Previously, enzyme study using liver biopsy tissues was the gold standard for the diagnosis of this condition.1 Currently, the diagnosis is confirmed by detection of the pathogenic mutation(s) in the OTC gene. The human OTC gene was mapped to the short arm of chromosome Xp21.1 and encodes a 354 amino acids protein.2 There exists mutational heterogeneity in the OTC gene. More than 341 mutations have been identified in the OTC gene that are distributed throughout the gene and most of which are private mutations.5 A large number of reported variants are missense mutations (68%), followed by nonsense, insertions, and deletions in the coding region (18%). The remaining variants include splice site variants affecting splicing of OTC mRNA.5,6 In this study, we report a novel mutation in the OTC gene in a Saudi boy who presented with mild intermittent hyperammonemia.  相似文献   

H2-receptor antagonists have been widely prescribed in the last 20 years and are considered to rank among the safest drugs known. In several countries they have been switched to over-the-counter (OTC) status, and a similar move is under consideration in Canada. Some concerns have been raised as to the effectiveness of these drugs in the treatment of dyspepsia and heartburn, their safety when taken for self-diagnosed symptoms, and the potential for their use to delay diagnosis or mask serious disease. The author presents evidence to support the use of OTC H2-receptor antagonists in the treatment of dyspepsia. He argues that the safety record of these drugs is reassuring and that they are unlikely to mask gastric cancer. Finally, he describes the appropriate place of OTC H2-receptor antagonists in the overall management of acid-related disorders.  相似文献   

Successfulprogressoflabordependsonthreecriticalfactors-powers,passageandfetus,amongwhichthepowersplayaveryimportantrole.Espec...  相似文献   

A 15-year-old male was admitted to the hospital because of a disturbance of consciousness. He was in good mental and physical condition until the previous day, when he vomited and experienced a reduction of consciousness. He was brought to the hospital the day following the onset of symptoms. On admission the patient was stuporous. Neurological focal signs were not demonstrated. Computed tomographic (CT) scanning on admission showed no definite abnormality. Cerebrosprinal fluid had no pleocytosis. At this time, Reye's syndrome was suspected because of the acute change of consciousness and the presence of hyperammonemia. The disturbance of consciousness progressed and he became comatose on the day following admission. CT scanning showed that the suprasellar, ambient and quadrigeminal cisterns could almost not be detected and the bilateral ventricles were narrowed. The plasma aminogram demonstrated an elevation of alanine, lysine, glutamine, glutamic acid, aspartate and proline. Ketonuria was negative, but the urinary excretion of orotic acid was markedly increased. This data was indicative of the existence of an ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) deficiency. The patient was died on the third day after hospitalization. The OTC activity in the liver was 10% of normal. Activities of other enzymes in the urea cycle were within normal limits. It is unusual that the symptoms of the enzyme deficiency occurred, both acutely and late at an adult age, as in this case. This case demonstrates that OTC deficiency should be considered in the differential diagnosis of hyperammonemia of adult onset.  相似文献   

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