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Haffty BG  Glazer PM 《Oncogene》2003,22(37):5915-5925
Radiation therapy plays a critical role in the management of a majority of patients diagnosed with cancer. Identification of factors that help predict which patients are at risk for relapse within the irradiated field remains an active area of investigation. Although conventional clinical and pathologic factors have been helpful in identifying risk and guiding clinical decision-making for both local and systemic management, there is clearly a need to identify additional prognostic markers, which can aid in refining our treatment strategies and improving outcomes. A substantial amount of research efforts have been devoted to identifying molecular markers for prognostic and therapeutic strategies. The recent emergence of a powerful armamentarium of molecular tools has resulted in rapid expansion of our fund of knowledge and understanding of the molecular biology underlying tumor behavior and response. While a majority of these efforts have been focused on risk factors for metastatic disease and survival, there is a rapidly growing body of literature focused on molecular factors associated with radiation resistance and locoregional failure. In this review, we summarize recent advances and the available literature evaluating molecular markers as they relate to radiation sensitivity of solid tumors. Literature regarding the potential application of expression of genes related to apoptosis, angiogenesis, cell cycle, DNA repair and growth factors will be reviewed. Some of the basic biology and laboratory evidence demonstrating how the marker relates to radiation response and available correlative clinical studies employing these markers as prognostic tools are presented. The majority of molecular markers that have potential clinical significance with respect to radiation sensitivity and local control will be highlighted.  相似文献   

Radiation therapy is one of the most effective tools for cancer treatment. In recent years, intensity-modulated radiation therapy has become increasingly popular in that target dose-escalation can be done while sparing adjacent normal tissues. For this reason, the development of measures to pave the way for accurate target delineation is of great interest. With the integration of functional information obtained by biological imaging with radiotherapy, strategies using advanced biological imaging to visualize metabolic pathways and to improve therapeutic index and predict treatment response are discussed in this article.  相似文献   

The purposes of this article are to: (1) underscore both the importance and the difficulty of assessing clinical skills at the graduate level, (2) review both old and new assessment methods of clinical skills in an attempt to familiarize educators with current views on evaluation modalities, and (3) assess the state of clinical-skills assessment specifically in radiation oncology. A series of articles published in The Lancet in 1995, entitled "Examining the Examiner," was used as a starting point. We then conducted an extensive literature search (using MEDLINE) to find publications that examined different examination methods, old and new, that apply to the education of radiation oncology residents. Concepts critical to understanding any discussion of clinical skills evaluation methods are also reviewed. Results: Part I of the article provides an introduction critical to understanding the objectives of clinical-skills evaluation. Also, three older, well-established methods of clinical skills evaluation (ward evaluation, oral examination, and multiple-choice questions) are assessed. In Part II, the objective structured clinical examination (OSCE), the standardized patient (SP), and the patient management problem (PMP), all born of recent innovations in the field, are discussed. Part II concludes with a review of how the issues presented in both parts are relevant to the assessment of the radiation oncology resident. All evaluation methods that can be applied to the education of radiation oncology residents have perceived advantages and shortcomings. With the proper administration of many of these (save, perhaps, the PMP), any perceived difficulties in evaluating the clinical skills of radiation oncology residents may be addressed and diminished. Suggestions offered that are worthy of further discussion, debate, and study include establishment of a standardized "ward" examination, a formative oral examination to accompany the ACR In-Training examination, and the possible revision of the American Board of Radiology oral examination. An in-depth appraisal on the feasibility of using newer evaluation methods (OSCE, SP, etc.) is also needed. Int. J. Cancer (Radiat. Oncol. Invest.) 90, 1-12 (2000).  相似文献   

Oesophageal cancer remains to be a therapeutic and diagnostic challenge in multidisciplinary oncology. Radiotherapy is a crucial component of most curative and palliative approaches for oesophageal cancer. Aim of this educational review is to summarize the available evidence and to define the role of radiation-based treatment options for oesophageal cancer.  相似文献   

There have been inexorable improvements in gynecologic radiation oncology through technologically advances, 3-dimensional imaging, and clinical research. Investment in these 3 critical areas has improved, and will continue to improve, the lives of patients with gynecologic cancer. Advanced technology delivery in gynecologic radiation oncology is challenging owing to the following: (1) setup difficulties, (2) managing considerable internal organ motion, and (3) responding to tumor volume reduction during treatment. Image guidance is a potential route to solve these problems and improve delivery to tumor and sparing organs at risk. Imaging with positron emission tomography-computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are contributing significantly to improved accuracy in diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up in cancer of the cervix. Functional imaging by exploiting tumor biology may improve prognosis and treatment. Clinical trials have been the greatest mechanism to improve and establish standards of care in women with vulvar, endometrial, and cervical cancer. There have been multiple technological advances and practice changing trials within the past several decades. Many important questions remain in optimizing care for women with gynecologic malignancies. The performance of clinical trials will be advanced with the use of consistent language (ie, similar staging system and criteria), eligibility criteria that fit the research question, end points that matter, adequate statistical power, complete follow-up, and prompt publication of mature results.  相似文献   

Radiotherapy plays an important role in the treatment of various malignancies, and intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) is an attractive option because it can deliver precise conformal radiation doses to the target while minimizing the dose to adjacent normal tissues. IMRT provides a highly conformal dose distribution by modulating the intensity of the radiation beam. A number of malignancies have been targeted by IMRT; this work reviews published data on the major disease sites treated with IMRT. The dosimetric advantage of IMRT has resulted in the significant reduction of adverse effects in some tumors. However, there are few clinical trials comparing IMRT and three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3D-CRT), and no definite increase in survival or the loco-regional control rate by IMRT has been demonstrated in many malignancies. IMRT also requires greater time and resources to complete compared to 3D-CRT. In addition, the cost–effectiveness of IMRT versus 3D-CRT has not yet been established.  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine and compare Radiation Therapists' (RTs') and Radiation Oncology Medical Physicists' (ROMPs') perspectives about their profession and workplace, satisfaction with career progression opportunities, and leaving the current workplace. RTs and ROMPs who were currently or had previously worked in Australia were invited to complete an online survey. Univariate and multivariate methods were used for analysis. Participants were 342 RTs and 112 ROMPs with estimated response rates of 14% and 26% respectively. Both professions rated workload poorly and identified the need for improvement in: communication between professions' members, support for junior staff/new graduates, staff morale, on‐site training and multidisciplinary communication. RTs, more than ROMPs, perceived their profession was recognised and respected, but RTs were less likely to be satisfied with career progression/advancement, job promotion prospects and opportunities to specialise. At least 20% of RTs and ROMPs were thinking about leaving their workplace and 13% of RTs and 8% of ROMPs were thinking about leaving their profession. Different factors contributed to workforce satisfaction and retention within each profession. Staff satisfaction and career progression are critical to retain RTs and ROMPs. Further research is required to explore strategies to address workplace dissatisfaction, recruitment and retention.  相似文献   

According to the WHO report published in 2010, about 13% of all deaths are due to cancer. Of these, lung, liver, stomach, colon and breast cancer are the most prevalent. It was also reported that about 30% of the deaths due to cancer can be avoided, if diagnosed and treated early. Hence, there is an urgent need to diagnose these cancers efficiently. Various imaging and therapeutic methods have been proposed and used to accurately detect cancer. In this special two issues, there are eight papers covering different aspects of oncology using various imaging or therapeutic methods.  相似文献   

The culture of surgical tumor specimens has long been considered as a potential approach to the tailoring of chemotherapy and radiotherapy to the individual patient, and to the development of improved therapy. Recent work highlighting the importance of cell-cell interactions in the growth and survival of cancer tissue, as well the demonstrated importance of drug- or radiation-induced loss of tumor cells (for instance by apoptosis), points to a need to reexamine the question of what information might be derived from such cultures. In this commentary, we consider whether the short-term culture of human tumor tissue as small cellular aggregates, preserving to some extent the three-dimensional organization of tumors in vivo, can be used to obtain information on the behavior of cancer cells before and after therapy. Using [3H]thymidine incorporation as an end-point, we show how the shapes of dose-response curves might be used to estimate two key cytokinetic properties of the cultured cells, proliferation rate, and susceptibility to drug- or radiation-induced cell death. We have illustrated this discussion with our studies of melanoma, ovarian cancer, and lung cancer samples. We consider how application of culture methods may lead not only to the discovery of new antitumor drugs, but also to improved choice of patients' treatment.  相似文献   

Answer questions and earn CME/CNE The concept of frailty has become increasingly recognized as one of the most important issues in health care and health outcomes and is of particular importance in patients with cancer who are receiving treatment with surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. Because both cancer itself, as well as the therapies offered, can be significant additional stressors that challenge a patient's physiologic reserve, the incidence of frailty in older patients with cancer is especially high—it is estimated that over one‐half of older patients with cancer have frailty or prefrailty. Defining frailty can be challenging, however. Put simply, frailty is a state of extreme vulnerability to stressors that leads to adverse health outcomes. In reality, frailty is a complex, multidimensional, and cyclical state of diminished physiologic reserve that results in decreased resiliency and adaptive capacity and increased vulnerability to stressors. In addition, over 70 different measures of frailty have been proposed. Still, it has been demonstrated that frail patients are at increased risk of postoperative complications, chemotherapy intolerance, disease progression, and death. Although international standardization of frailty cutoff points are needed, continued efforts by oncology physicians and surgeons to identify frailty and promote multidisciplinary decision making will help to develop more individualized management strategies and optimize care for patients with cancer. CA Cancer J Clin 2017;67:362–377. © 2017 American Cancer Society.  相似文献   

腹膜种植转移是恶性肿瘤三大转移途径之一,也是临床肿瘤学长期认识不足、诊治技术水平落后的"老、大、难"问题。近30年,腹膜种植转移外科整合诊治技术体系的建立、完善和推广,引领了肿瘤腹膜转移基础、转化和临床研究热潮,推动形成了腹膜肿瘤学学科雏形,填补了临床肿瘤学的空白。基于对腹膜转移肿瘤生物学规律、特点和机制的深入认识,腹膜肿瘤临床诊断学、治疗学核心技术体系初步建成并逐渐完善,诞生了高级别循证医学证据导向的"十大里程碑"事件。2012年,《中国肿瘤临床》首推"腹膜转移癌专栏",引领国内肿瘤学界着力研究腹膜癌诊治策略。8年来,在中国抗癌协会的大力支持下,我国腹膜肿瘤学专家协同努力,逐步完善了中国特色的腹膜癌综合诊疗技术体系,出版了国内首部腹膜癌专著,制定2项腹膜癌诊治专家共识,在学科理论形成、研究平台建设、临床实践指南等方面,全面引领了国内腹膜肿瘤学学科发展。今年再度推出"腹膜转移癌研究"专栏,系统介绍我国腹膜癌领域的最新成果,促进临床肿瘤学的发展,推动腹膜肿瘤学学科建设。  相似文献   

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