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Retinal ganglion cell topography in elasmobranchs 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Retinal wholemounts are used to examine the topographic distribution of retinal cells within the ganglion cell layer in a range of elasmobranchs from different depths. The retina is examined for regional specializations for acute vision in six species of selachians, Galeocerdo cuvieri, Hemiscyllium ocellatum, Scyliorhinus canicula, Galeus melastomus, Etmopterus spinax, Isistius brasiliensis, one species of batoid, Raja bigelowi and one species of chimaera, Hydrolagus mirabilis. These species represent a range of lifestyles including pelagic, mesopelagic and benthic habitats, living from shallow water to the sea bottom at a depth of more than 3000 m. The topography of cells within the ganglion cell layer is non-uniform and changes markedly across the retina. Most species possess an increased density of cells across the horizontal (dorsal) meridian or visual streak, with a density range of 500 to 2,500 cells per mm(2) with one or more regional increases in density lying within this specialized horizontal area. It is proposed that the higher spatial resolving power provided by the horizontal streak in these species mediates panoramic vision in the lower frontal visual field. Only I. brasiliensis possesses a concentric arrangement of retinal iso-density contours in temporal retina or an area centralis, thereby increasing spatial resolving power in a more specialized part of the visual field, an adaptation for its unusual feeding behavior. In Nissl-stained material, amacrine and ganglion cell populations could be distinguished on the criteria of soma size, soma shape and nuclear staining. Quantitative analyses show that the proportion of amacrine cells lying within the ganglion cell layer is non-uniform and ranges between 0.4 and 12.3% in specialized retinal areas and between 8.2 and 48.1% in the peripheral non-specialized regions. Analyses of soma area of the total population of cells in the ganglion cell layer also show that the pelagic species possess significantly smaller soma (9-186 micrometer(2)) than benthic and/or deep-sea species (16-338 micrometer(2)), and that a number of different morphological classes of cells are present including a small population of giant ganglion cells. 相似文献
Retinal topography of the harp seal Pagophilus groenlandicus 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
The total number, size, topographic distribution, and cell density of ganglion cells were studied in retinal wholemounts of the harp seal Pagophilus groenlandicus. Ganglion cell size varied from 10 to 60 mum. A distinct group were large ganglion cells more than 30-35 mum in diameter which were similar to alpha-cells known in terrestrial mammals. The number of alpha-cells constituted 5.3-5.9% of the total ganglion cell population. The cell size distribution was bimodal, with the second mode composed of alpha-cells. The topographic distribution of ganglion cells showed a definite area of high cell density similar to area centralis of terrestrial carnivores. This area was located in the temporal retinal quadrant, 7-8 mm (16-18 degrees ) from the optic disk. In this area, the peak cell densities in two wholemounts were 2,500 and 1,650 (mean 2,075) cells/mm(2). With a posterior nodal distance of 25.5 mm (underwater), this density corresponded to 495 and 327 (mean 411) cells/deg(2). These values predict a retinal resolution of 2.7-3.3' (11.1-9.0 cycles/deg) in water and 3.6-4.4' (8.3-6.8 cycles/deg) in air. Topographic distributions of alpha-cells was qualitatively similar to that of the total ganglion cell population, but the density of alpha-cells constituted only a few percent (mostly 3-7.5%) of the total ganglion cell density. 相似文献
Retinal ganglion cell topography and spatial resolving power in the river hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) 下载免费PDF全文
João Paulo Coimbra Mads F. Bertelsen Paul R. Manger 《The Journal of comparative neurology》2017,525(11):2499-2513
The river hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius), one of the closest extant relatives to cetaceans, is a large African even‐toed ungulate (Artiodactyla) that grazes and has a semiaquatic lifestyle. Given its unusual phenotype, ecology, and evolutionary history, we sought to measure the topographic distribution of retinal ganglion cell density using stereology and retinal wholemounts. We estimated a total of 243,000 ganglion cells of which 3.4% (8,300) comprise alpha cells. The topographic distribution of both total and alpha cells reveal a dual topographic organization of a temporal and nasal area embedded within a well‐defined horizontal streak. Using maximum density of total ganglion cells and eye size (35 mm, axial length), we estimated upper limits of spatial resolving power of 8 cycles/deg (temporal area, 1,800 cells/mm2), 7.7 cycles/deg (nasal area, 1,700 cells/mm2), and 4.2 cycles/deg (horizontal streak, 250 cells/mm2). Enhanced resolution of the temporal area toward the frontal visual field may facilitate grazing, while resolution of the horizontal streak and nasal area may help the discrimination of objects (predators, conspecifics) in the lateral and posterior visual fields, respectively. Given the presumed role of alpha cells to detect brisk transient stimuli, their similar distribution to the total ganglion cell population may facilitate the detection of approaching objects in equivalent portions of the visual field. Our finding of a nasal area in the river hippopotamus retina supports the notion that this specialization may enhance visual sampling in the posterior visual field to compensate for limited neck mobility as suggested for rhinoceroses and cetaceans. 相似文献
Retinal ganglion cell topography and spatial resolving power in the white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) 下载免费PDF全文
This study sought to determine whether the retinal organization of the white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum), a large African herbivore with lips specialized for grazing in open savannahs, relates to its foraging ecology and habitat. Using stereology and retinal wholemounts, we estimated a total of 353,000 retinal ganglion cells. Their density distribution reveals an unusual topographic organization of a temporal (2,000 cells/mm2) and a nasal (1,800 cells/mm2) area embedded within a well‐defined horizontal visual streak (800 cells/mm2), which is remarkably similar to the retinal organization in the black rhinoceros. Alpha ganglion cells comprise 3.5% (12,300) of the total population of ganglion cells and show a similar distribution pattern with maximum densities also occurring in the temporal (44 cells/mm2) and nasal (40 cells/mm2) areas. We found higher proportions of alpha cells in the dorsal and ventral retinas. Given their role in the detection of brisk transient stimuli, these higher proportions may facilitate the detection of approaching objects from the front and behind while grazing with the head at 45 °. Using ganglion cell peak density and eye size (29 mm, axial length), we estimated upper limits of spatial resolving power of 7 cycles/deg (temporal area), 6.6 cycles/deg (nasal area), and 4.4 cycles/deg (horizontal streak). The resolution of the temporal area potentially assists with grazing, while the resolution of the streak may be used for panoramic surveillance of the horizon. The nasal area may assist with detection of approaching objects from behind, potentially representing an adaptation compensating for limited neck and head mobility. J. Comp. Neurol., 525:2484–2498, 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 相似文献
João Paulo Coimbra John D. Pettigrew Consolate Kaswera‐Kyamakya Emmanuel Gilissen Shaun P. Collin Paul R. Manger 《The Journal of comparative neurology》2017,525(1):186-203
Megachiropteran bats (megabats) show remarkable diversity in microhabitat occupation and trophic specializations, but information on how vision relates to their behavioral ecology is scarce. Using stereology and retinal wholemounts, we measured the topographic distribution of retinal ganglion cells and determined the spatial resolution of eight African megachiropterans with distinct roosting and feeding ecologies. We found that species roosting in open microhabitats have a pronounced streak of high retinal ganglion cell density, whereas those favoring more enclosed microhabitats have a less pronounced streak (or its absence in Hypsignathus monstrosus). An exception is the cave‐dwelling Rousettus aegyptiacus, which has a pronounced horizontal streak that potentially correlates with its occurrence in more open environments during foraging. In all species, we found a temporal area with maximum retinal ganglion cell density (~5,000–7,000 cells/mm2) that affords enhanced resolution in the frontal visual field. Our estimates of spatial resolution based on peak retinal ganglion cell density and eye size (~6–12 mm in axial length) range between ~2 and 4 cycles/degree. Species that occur in more enclosed microhabitats and feed on plant material have lower spatial resolution (~2 cycles/degree) compared with those that roost in open and semiopen areas (~3–3.8 cycles/degree). We suggest that the larger eye and concomitant higher spatial resolution (~4 cycles/degree) in H. monstrosus may have facilitated the carnivorous aspect of its diet. In conclusion, variations in the topographic organization and magnitude of retinal ganglion density reflect the specific ecological needs to detect food/predators and the structural complexity of the environments. J. Comp. Neurol. 525:186–203, 2017. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 相似文献
João Paulo Coimbra Nathan S. Hart Shaun P. Collin Paul R. Manger 《The Journal of comparative neurology》2013,521(9):2042-2057
The giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) is a browser that uses its extensible tongue to selectively collect leaves during foraging. As the tallest extant terrestrial mammal, its elevated head height provides panoramic surveillance of the environment. These aspects of the giraffe's ecology and phenotype suggest that vision is of prime importance. Using Nissl‐stained retinal wholemounts and stereological methods, we quantitatively assessed the retinal specializations in the ganglion cell layer of the giraffe. The mean total number of retinal ganglion cells was 1,393,779 and their topographic distribution revealed the presence of a horizontal visual streak and a temporal area. With a mean peak of 14,271 cells/mm2, upper limits of spatial resolving power in the temporal area ranged from 25 to 27 cycles/degree. We also observed a dorsotemporal extension (anakatabatic area) that tapers toward the nasal retina giving rise to a complete dorsal arch. Using neurofilament‐200 immunohistochemistry, we also detected a dorsal arch formed by alpha ganglion cells with density peaks in the temporal (14–15 cells/mm2) and dorsonasal (10 cells/mm2) regions. As with other artiodactyls, the giraffe shares the presence of a horizontal streak and a temporal area which, respectively, improve resolution along the horizon and in the frontal visual field. The dorsal arch is related to the giraffe's head height and affords enhanced resolution in the inferior visual field. The alpha ganglion cell distribution pattern is unique to the giraffe and enhances acquisition of motion information for the control of tongue movement during foraging and the detection of predators. J. Comp. Neurol. 521:2042–2057, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 相似文献
The retinal topography of cells within the ganglion cell layer of three teleost species is examined in Nissl-stained material in which all neuronal elements containing Nissl substance in the cytoplasm are counted. A topographic comparison is made with retrogradely labelled ganglion cells to differentiate the proportion of nonganglion cells not possessing an axon joining the optic nerve. In the three species studied 92%, 80%, and 66% were found to be the maximum proportion of true ganglion cells in the area centralis, horizontal streak, and periphery, respectively. The proportion of nonganglion cells in the total population of cells counted was 24%. The major contribution to this discrepancy is from peripheral nonspecialized regions of the retina. There is little difference in both topography and peak densities of retinal ganglion cells between the two techniques. The soma areas of both populations are analysed, with the homogeneous nonganglion cell population possessing cells between 5 and 15 micron2 and the heterogeneous ganglion cell soma between 5 and 68 micron2, increasing in size with eccentricity. 相似文献
To understand the transmission of sensory signals in visual pathways we studied the morphology and central projection of ganglion cell populations in marmoset monkeys. Retinal ganglion cells were labeled by photofilling following injections of retrograde tracer in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), or by intracellular injection with neurobiotin. Ganglion cell morphology was analyzed using hierarchical cluster analysis. In addition to midget and parasol ganglion cells, this method distinguished three main clusters of wide-field cells that correspond to small bistratified, sparse, and broad thorny cells identified previously. The small bistratified and sparse cells occupy neighboring positions on the hierarchical (linkage distance) tree. These cell types are presumed to carry signals originating in short-wavelength sensitive (S or "blue") cones in the retina. The linkage distance from these putative S-cone pathway ganglion cells to other wide-field cells is similar to the linkage distance from midget cells to parasol cells, suggesting that S-cone cells form a distinct functional subgroup of ganglion cells. Small bistratified cells and large sparse cells were the most commonly labeled wide-field cells following LGN injections in koniocellular layer K3. This is consistent with physiological evidence that the role of this layer includes transmission of S-cone signals to the visual cortex. Other wide-field cell types were also labeled following injections including K3, and other koniocellular LGN layers; these cell types may correspond to "non-blue koniocellular" receptive fields recorded in physiological studies. 相似文献
Development of ganglion cell topography in the postnatal cochlea 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
In mammals, the size and number of spiral ganglion cells can vary significantly along the length of the cochlea. At present, it is unclear how these topologic differences in spiral ganglion cell morphology and density emerge during development. We addressed this issue by quantifying developmental changes in the number, density, and size of auditory ganglion cells within the cochlea of Mongolian gerbils throughout the first 3 weeks of postnatal life. In each cochlea, cells were measured at five standardized locations along the length of the spiral ganglion, as determined from serial reconstruction of Rosenthal's canal. During the first postnatal week, the total number of gerbil spiral ganglion cells decreased significantly by 27%, without further change thereafter. This brief period of neuronal cell death coincides with a major remodeling in the afferent neural projections to gerbil auditory hair cells (Echteler [1992] Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89:6324-6327). The resulting reduction in neuronal density varied with location, being most prominent within the upper basal and lower middle turns of the cochlea. These same regions contained the smallest auditory ganglion cells found within the gerbil ear and exhibited the least amount of developmental expansion in the circumference of Rosenthal's canal. These results suggest the possibility that regional differences in auditory neuron size and number might be influenced by local extrinsic factors, such as the availability of canal space. 相似文献
The adult ferret has approximately 90,000 retinal ganglion cells, arranged in a prominent area centralis and visual streak. The role of differential cell generation, cell death, and retinal growth in the control of adult retinal ganglion cell number and distribution was evaluated by examining basic aspects of retinogenesis, including growth in retinal area, developmental changes in the number, size, and distribution of retinal ganglion cells (identification aided by retrograde transport of HRP), and the incidence of degenerating cells in the ganglion cell layer. Retinal development in the ferret was also compared to retinal development in the cat (which has an even more differentiated area centralis) to determine what alterations of developmental parameters are most closely associated with this species difference in adult morphology. The area of the retina increases linearly from birth (12 mm2) to postnatal day 24 (54 mm2), reaching an eventual adult value of 64 mm2. Ganglion cell numbers peak at 155,000 (approximately twice the adult number) on postnatal day 3, and fall to adult numbers by postnatal day 6. The remaining cells of the ganglion cell layer, principally displaced amacrine cells, reach their peak number on postnatal day 10 (approximately 280,000), falling to 200,000 by adulthood. Degenerating cells are abundant in the ganglion cell layer in the immediate postnatal period. A difference in the incidence of degenerating cells in the presumptive area centralis versus that in the retinal periphery was not observed postnatally, though there were other striking spatial nonuniformities, suggesting that differential cell loss might contribute to other features of retinal topographic organization. Ganglion cell density is virtually uniform across the retina at birth. Cell density is first reduced in the dorsal retina, resulting in a dorsal-to-ventral gradient in cell density that persists until day 10, when ganglion cell number has stabilized. By postnatal day 24, an area centralis and visual streak has emerged, but not of adult magnitude. Because ganglion cell number has stabilized long before the area centralis and visual streak emerge, we conclude that differential retinal growth is the principal mechanism producing this feature of retinal topography. Comparison with the cat suggests that the proportionately greater nonuniform growth of the cat's eye accounts for the greater differentiation of its area centralis. 相似文献
The topography of ganglion cell production in the cat's retina 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The ganglion cells of the cat's retina form several classes distinguishable in terms of soma size, axon diameter, dendritic morphology, physiological properties, and central connections. Labeling with [3H]thymidine shows that the ganglion cells which survive in the adult are produced as several temporally shifted, overlapping waves: medium-sized cells are produced before large cells, whereas the smallest ganglion cells are produced throughout the period of ganglion cell generation (Walsh, C., E. H. Polley, T. L. Hickey, and R. W. Guillery (1983) Nature 302: 611-614). Large cells and medium-sized cells show the same distinctive pattern of production, forming rough spirals around the area centralis. The oldest cells tend to lie superior and nasal to the area centralis, whereas cells in the inferior nasal retina and inferior temporal retina are, in general, progressively younger. Within each retinal quadrant, cells nearer the area centralis tend to be older than cells in the periphery, but there is substantial overlap. The retinal raphe divides the superior temporal quadrant into two zones with different patterns of cell addition. Superior temporal retina near the vertical meridian adds cells only slightly later than superior nasal retina, whereas superior temporal retina near the horizontal meridian adds cells very late, contemporaneously with inferior temporal retina. The broader wave of production of smaller ganglion cells seems to follow this same spiral pattern at its beginning and end. The presence of the area centralis as a nodal point about which ganglion cell production in the retinal quadrants pivots suggests that the area centralis is already an important retinal landmark even at the earliest stages of retinal development. This sequence of ganglion cell production differs markedly from that seen in the retinae of nonmammalian vertebrates, where new ganglion cells are added as concentric rings to the retinal periphery, and also bears no simple relationship to the cat's retinal decussation line. However, it can be related in a straightforward manner to the organization of axons in the cat's optic tract, suggesting that the fiber order in the tract represents a grouping of fibers by age. 相似文献
The morphology of retinal ganglion cells in the frog, Rana pipiens, has been examined in retinal flatmounts following backfilling of axons with horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Size and shape of the cell body and of the dendritic arbor, the dendritic branching pattern, and the depth of dendritic arborization within the inner plexiform layer (IPL) were all used to classify these cells. All of the ganglion cells so visualized can be grouped into one of 7 distinct cell classes. Class 1 contains the largest ganglion cells, with a soma size of 323 +/- 5.3 microns2 and dendritic fields of 86,819 +/- 11,817 microns2; the dendrites branch within strata 1 and 2 of the IPL. The second largest cells are class 2, with somas of 245 +/- 19.7 microns2 and dendritic fields of 55,983 +/- 7,392 microns2; the dendrites also branch within strata 1 and 2 of the IPL. Class 3 cells are the next largest class with somas of 211 +/- 11.8 microns2 and dendritic fields of 18,186 +/- 1,394 microns2; there are three varieties of class 3 cells based on the depth of branching of the dendrites: some cells are bistratified, others are tristratified, while still other cells arborize diffusely within the IPL. Class 4 cells are intermediate in size, with somas of 113 +/- 7.4 microns2 and dendrites of 4800 +/- 759 microns2; the dendrites arborize within strata 4 and 5 of the IPL. Class 5 cells have not been quantitatively analyzed because they are heterogeneous in soma and dendritic size. However, class 5 cells all have cell bodies displaced in location into the inner nuclear layer and all have a unique dendritic specialization: they send from 1 to 3 processes into the outer plexiform layer. Class 6 cells are the second smallest cell class with somas of 68.1 +/- 5.13 microns2 and dendritic fields of 888 +/- 182 microns2; the dendrites arborize within strata 3, 4, and 5 of the IP. Class 7 contains the smallest ganglion cells with somas of 62.1 +/- 2.86 microns2 and dendritic fields of 831 +/- 74.2 microns2; the dendrites arborize within strata 3, 4, and 5 of the IPL. The frequency of each cell class is inversely proportional to the size of the dendritic field. Thus, class 7 cells are the most frequent; class 1 cells are the least frequent. Furthermore, each of these 7 classes of ganglion cells has representative cells located in the inner nuclear layer.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS) 相似文献
A Hughes 《The Journal of comparative neurology》1975,163(1):107-128
A retinal ganglion cell distribution map has been prepared for the cresyl violet stained cat retina. It differs from previously published maps in revealing the visual streak to be more substantial and in showing a higher peak density of 9-10,000 ganglion cells/mm2 at the presumed visual pole. The map was used to obtain a minimum estimate of the retinal ganglion cell population as 217,000 cells, more than double the total previously reported. The problem of classifying the cells of the ganglion cell layer is discussed in detail and examples of criterion cells illustrated. The paper also includes an account of retinal mensuration (dimensions, area, etc.) and a discussion of the visual streak orientation. 相似文献
Farah MH 《Brain Research Reviews》2006,52(2):264-274
The correct formation of all central nervous system tissues depends on the proper balance of neurogenesis and developmental cell death. A model system for studying these programs is the ganglion cell layer (GCL) of the vertebrate retina because of its simple and well-described structure and amenability to experimental manipulations. The GCL contains approximately equal numbers of ganglion cells and displaced amacrine cells. Ganglion cells are the first or among the first cells born in the retina in all the studied vertebrates. Neurogenesis and cell death have been studied extensively in the GCL of various amniotes (rodents, chicks, and monkeys) and anamniotes (fish and frogs), and the two processes highlight developmental differences between the groups. In amniotes, neurogenesis occurs during a defined period prior to birth/hatch or the opening of the eyes, whereas in anamniotes, neurogenesis extends past hatching into adulthood-sometimes for years. Roughly half of GCL neurons die during development in amniotes, whereas developmental cell death does not occur in the GCL neurons of anamniotes. This review discusses the spatial and temporal patterns of neurogenesis, cell death, and possible explanation of cell death in the GCL. It also examines markers widely used to distinguish between ganglion cells and displaced amacrine cells, and methods employed to birth date neurons. 相似文献
The total number, distribution and peak density of presumed retinal ganglion cells was assessed in 10 species of elasmobranch (nine species of shark and one species of batoid) using counts of Nissl-stained cells in retinal wholemounts. The species sampled include a number of active, predatory benthopelagic and pelagic sharks that are found in a variety of coastal and oceanic habitats and represent elasmobranch groups for which information of this nature is currently lacking. The topographic distribution of cells was heterogeneous in all species. Two benthic species, the shark Chiloscyllium punctatum and the batoid Taeniura lymma, have a dorsal or dorso-central horizontal streak of increased cell density, whereas the majority of the benthopelagic and pelagic sharks examined exhibit a more concentric pattern of increasing cell density, culminating in a central area centralis of higher cell density located close to the optic nerve head. The exception is the shark Alopias superciliosus, which possesses a ventral horizontal streak. Variation in retinal ganglion cell topography appears to be related to the visual demands of different habitats and lifestyles, as well as the positioning of the eyes in the head. The upper limits of spatial resolving power were calculated for all 10 species, using peak ganglion cell densities and estimates of focal length taken from cryo-sectioned eyes in combination with information from the literature. Spatial resolving power ranged from 2.02 to 10.56 cycles deg(-1), which is in accordance with previous studies. Species with a lower spatial resolving power tend to be benthic and/or coastal species that feed on benthic invertebrates and fishes. Active, benthopelagic and pelagic species from more oceanic habitats which feed on larger, more active prey, possess a higher resolving power. Additionally, ganglion cells in a juvenile of C. punctatum, were retrogradely-labeled from the optic nerve with biotinylated dextran amine (BDA). A comparison of the BDA- labeled material and tissue stained for Nissl substance indicates that 76% of the cells in the retinal ganglion cell and inner plexiform layers of the central retina in this species are non-ganglion cells. 相似文献
The morphology of ganglion cell dendritic trees varies across the cat retina. Evidence is presented that the variation in two attributes of ganglion cell dendritic structure can be accounted for by specific aspects of the topography of the adult and developing retina. The first attribute considered was the displacement of the center of the dendritic field from the cell body in the plane of the retina. The results of this study provide evidence that most ganglion cell dendritic fields are displaced away from neighboring cells, i.e., down the retinal ganglion cell density gradient. Because of the systematic dendritic displacement locally, the centers of the dendritic fields are arranged in a more precise mosaic than are their cell bodies. The second attribute considered was the elongation and orientation of the dendritic fields. From approximately embryonic day 50 to postnatal day 10 the cat retina undergoes a process of maturation (reviewed by Rapaport and Stone: Neuroscience 11:289-301, '84) that begins at the area centralis and spreads over the retina in a horizontally elongated wave. We found that the elongation and orientation of retinal ganglion cell dendritic fields is significantly correlated with the shape of the wave of maturation. The orientation of a dendritic field is not predicted by the direction of its displacement nor is it directly related to the distribution of neighboring retinal ganglion cells. These results indicate that the displacement of a ganglion cell's dendritic field from its cell body results from mechanisms different from those responsible for the orientation of the dendritic field. Factors that may be responsible for these two attributes of ganglion cell dendritic morphology are discussed. 相似文献
Development of the human retina: patterns of cell distribution and redistribution in the ganglion cell layer 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
J M Provis D van Driel F A Billson P Russell 《The Journal of comparative neurology》1985,233(4):429-451
Neurogenesis in the ventricular layer and the development of cell topography in the ganglion cell layer have been studied in whole-mounts of human fetal retinae. At the end of the embryonic period mitotic figures were seen over the entire outer surface of the retina. By about 14 weeks gestation mitosis had ceased in central retina and differentiation of photoreceptor nuclei was evident within a well-defined area which constituted about 2% of total retina area. This area was approximately centered on the site of the putative fovea, identified by the exclusive development of cone nuclei at that location. The area of retina in which mitosis had ceased increased as gestation progressed. By mid-gestation mitosis in the ventricular layer occupied about 77% of the outer surface of the retina and by about 30 weeks gestation mitosis in the ventricular layer had ceased. Cell density distributions in the ganglion cell layer were nonuniform at all stages studied (14-40 weeks). Densities were highest at about 17 weeks gestation, and by mid-gestation the adult pattern of cell topography was present with maps showing elevated cell densities in posterior retina and along the horizontal meridian. Cell densities generally declined throughout the remainder of the gestation period, except in the posterior retina, where densities in the perifoveal ganglion cell layer remained high during the second half of gestation. There is a rapid decline in cell density in the foveal ganglion cell layer toward the end of gestation, and it is suggested that the persistence of high densities in the perifoveal region may be related to migration of cells away from the developing fovea. The total population of cells in the ganglion cell layer was highest (2.2-2.5 million cells) between about weeks 18 and 30 of gestation. After this the cell population declined rapidly to 1.5-1.7 million cells. It is suggested that naturally occurring neuronal death is largely responsible for this decline. 相似文献
The distribution, cross-sectional area, and presynaptic and postsynaptic characteristics of retinal ganglion cell axon terminals in the superior colliculus of normal adult female Syrian hamsters were investigated by quantitative ultrastructural techniques. After an intravitreal injection of horseradish peroxidase, most labelled axon terminals were found in the stratum griseum superficiale and stratum opticum of the contralateral superior colliculus. However, a small proportion (approximately 2%) of retinal ganglion cell axon terminals were located in deeper layers of the superior colliculus between the stratum opticum and the periaqueductal grey matter. Terminals were smaller in the upper two-thirds of the stratum griseum superficiale than in the lower one-third of this layer, the stratum opticum, and the stratum griseum intermedium. Presynaptic characteristics such as the length and number of contacts and the postsynaptic neuronal domains (somata, dendritic spines, or shafts) contacted by retinal ganglion cell axons in the superior colliculus were similar in all layers. 相似文献