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Biotinylated dextran amine (BDA) was used to retrogradely label afferents innervating the utricular macula in adult pigeons. The pigeon utriclar macula consists of a large rectangular-shaped neuroepithelium with a dorsally curved anterior edge and an extended medioposterior tail. The macula could be demarcated into several regions based on cytoarchitectural differences. The striola occupied 30% of the macula and contained a large density of type I hair cells with fewer type II hair cells. Medial and lateral extrastriola zones were located outside the striola and contained only type II hair cells. A six- to eight-cell-wide band of type II hair cells existed near the center of the striola. The reversal line marked by the morphological polarization of hair cells coursed throughout the epithelium, near the peripheral margin, and through the center of the type II band. Calyx afferents innervated type I hair cells with calyceal terminals that contained between 2 and 15 receptor cells. Calyx afferents were located only in the striola region, exclusive of the type II band, had small total fiber innervation areas and low innervation densities. Dimorph afferents innervated both type I and type II hair cells with calyceal and bouton terminals and were primarily located in the striola region. Dimorph afferents had smaller calyceal terminals with few type I hair cells, extended fiber branches with bouton terminals and larger innervation areas. Bouton afferents innervated only type II hair cells in the extrastriola and type II band regions. Bouton afferents innervating the type II band had smaller terminal fields with fewer bouton terminals and smaller innervation areas than fibers located in the extrastriolar zones. Bouton afferents had the most bouton terminals on the longest fibers, the largest innervation areas with the highest innervation densities of all afferents. Among all afferents, smaller terminal innervation fields were observed in the striola and large fields were located in the extrastriola. The cellular organization and innervation patterns of the utricular maculae in birds appear to represent an organ in adaptive evolution, different from that observed for amphibians or mammals.  相似文献   

1. Nerve fibers supplying the utricular macula of the chinchilla were labeled by extracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase into the vestibular nerve. The peripheral terminations of individual fibers were reconstructed and related to the regions of the end organ they innervated and to the sizes of their parent axons. 2. The macula is divided into medial and lateral parts by the striola, a narrow zone that runs for almost the entire length of the sensory epithelium. The striola can be distinguished from the extrastriolar regions to either side of it by the wider spacing of its hair cells. Calyx endings in the striola have especially thick walls, and, unlike similar endings in the extrastriola, many of them innervate more than one hair cell. The striola occupies 10% of the sensory epithelium; the lateral extrastriola, 50%; and the medial extrastriola, 40%. 3. The utricular nerve penetrates the bony labyrinth anterior to the end organ. Axons reaching the anterior part of the sensory epithelium run directly through the connective tissue stroma. Those supplying more posterior regions first enter a fiber layer located at the bottom of the stroma. Approximately one-third of the axons bifurcate below the epithelium, usually within 5-20 microns of the basement membrane. Bifurcations are more common in fibers destined for the extrastriola than for the striola. 4. Both calyx and bouton endings were labeled. Calyces can be simple or complex. Simple calyces innervate individual hair cells, whereas complex calyces supply 2-4 adjacent hair cells. Complex endings are more heavily concentrated in the striola than in the extrastriola. Simple calyces and boutons are found in all parts of the epithelium. Calyces emerge from the parent axon or one of its thick branches. Boutons, whether en passant or terminal, are located on thin collaterals. 5. Fibers can be classified into calyx, bouton, or dimorphic categories. The first type only has calyx endings; the second, only bouton endings; and the third, both kinds of endings. Calyx units make up 6% of the labeled fibers, bouton units less than 2%, and dimorphic units greater than 92%. The three fiber types differ in the macular zones they supply and in the diameters of their parent axons. Calyx units were restricted to the striola. The few bouton units were found in the extrastriola.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Hair bundles are critical to mechanotransduction by vestibular hair cells, but quantitative data are lacking on vestibular bundles in mice or other mammals. Here we quantify bundle heights and their variation with macular locus and hair cell type in adult mouse utricular macula. We also determined that macular organization differs from previous reports. The utricle has approximately 3,600 hair cells, half on each side of the line of polarity reversal (LPR). A band of low hair cell density corresponds to a band of calretinin-positive calyces, i.e., the striola. The relation between the LPR and the striola differs from previous reports in two ways. First, the LPR lies lateral to the striola instead of bisecting it. Second, the LPR follows the striolar trajectory anteriorly, but posteriorly it veers from the edge of the striola to reach the posterior margin of the macula. Consequently, more utricular bundles are oriented mediolaterally than previously supposed. Three hair cell classes are distinguished in calretinin-stained material: type II hair cells, type ID hair cells contacting calretinin-negative (dimorphic) afferents, and type IC hair cells contacting calretinin-positive (calyceal) afferents. They differ significantly on most bundle measures. Type II bundles have short stereocilia. Type IC bundles have kinocilia and stereocilia of similar heights, i.e., KS ratios (ratio of kinocilium to stereocilia heights) approximately 1, unlike other receptor classes. In contrast to these class-specific differences, bundles show little regional variation except that KS ratios are lowest in the striola. These low KS ratios suggest that bundle stiffness is greater in the striola than in the extrastriola.  相似文献   

The vestibular semicircular canals are responsible for detection of rotational head motion although the precise mechanisms underlying the transduction and encoding of movement information are still under study. In the present investigation, we utilized neural tracers and immunohistochemistry to quantitatively examine the topology and afferent innervation patterns of the horizontal semicircular canal crista (HCC) in pigeons (Columba livia). Two hundred and eighty-six afferents from five horizontal canal organs were identified of which 92 units were sufficiently labeled and isolated to perform anatomical reconstructions. In addition, a three-dimensional contour map of the crista was constructed. Bouton afferents were located only in the peripheral regions of the receptor epithelium. Bouton afferents had the most complex innervation patterns with significantly longer and more numerous branches as well as a higher branch order than any other fiber type. Bouton fibers also contained significantly more bouton terminals than did dimorph afferents. Calyx afferents were located only in the apex and central planar regions. Calyx fibers had the largest axonal diameters yet the smallest fiber lengths and innervation areas, the fewest number of branches, the lowest branch order, and the fewest total number of terminals of all fiber types. Dimorph afferents were located throughout the central crista with afferent terminations that were larger and more complex than calyx fibers but less so than bouton fibers. Overall, the pigeon HCC morphology and innervation shares many common features with those of other animal classes.  相似文献   

1. The relation between the discharge properties of utricular afferents and their peripheral innervation patterns was studied in the chinchilla by the use of intra-axonal labeling techniques. Fifty-three physiologically characterized units were injected with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) or lucifer yellow CH (LY) and their labeled processes were traced to the utricular macula. For most labeled neurons, the discharge regularity, background discharge, and sensitivity to externally applied galvanic currents were determined, as were the gain (g2 Hz) and phase (phi 2 Hz) of the response to 2-Hz sinusoidal linear forces. Terminal fields were reconstructed and fibers were classified as calyx (n = 13) or dimorphic units (n = 40). No bouton units were recovered. Calyx units were confined to the striola. Dimorphic units were located in the striola (n = 8), the juxtastriola (n = 7), or the peripheral extrastriola (n = 25). 2. To determine whether the intra-axonal sample was representative, the physiological properties of labeled utricular units were compared with those of a larger sample of extracellularly recorded units. A comparison was also made between the morphology of intra-axonally labeled units and those labeled by the extracellular injection of HRP into the vestibular nerve. Most of the discrepancies between the intra-axonal and either extracellular sample can be explained by assuming that small-diameter fibers are underrepresented in the former sample. Dimorphic fibers labeled intra-axonally had more bouton endings and larger terminal trees than did those labeled extracellularly. The latter differences may reflect a sampling bias in the extracellular material. 3. Calyx units were irregularly discharging. The discharge regularity of dimorphic units was related to their macular locations. Only 1/8 dimorphic units in the striola was regularly discharging. The ratio increases to 3/7 in the juxtastriola and to 23/25 in the peripheral extrastriola. Among dimorphic units, there is a tendency for irregularly discharging afferents to have fewer bouton endings. The trend is far from perfect because it is possible to pick a subsample of dimorphic units that have similar numbers of boutons and, yet, have discharge patterns that range from regular to irregular. 4. Published morphological polarization maps can be used to predict the excitatory tilt directions of a unit from its macular location. Predictions were confirmed in 39/41 labeled afferents. 5. The galvanic sensitivity (beta *) of an afferent, irrespective of its peripheral innervation pattern or its epithelial location, was strongly correlated with a normalized coefficient of variation (CV*).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal properties of head movement are encoded by vestibular hair cells in the inner ear. One of the most striking features of these receptors is the orderly structural variation in their mechanoreceptive hair bundles, but the functional significance of this diversity is poorly understood. We tested the hypothesis that hair bundle structure is a significant contributor to hair bundle mechanics by comparing structure and steady-state stiffness of 73 hair bundles at varying locations on the utricular macula. Our first major finding is that stiffness of utricular hair bundles varies systematically with macular locus. Stiffness values are highest in the striola, near the line of hair bundle polarity reversal, and decline exponentially toward the medial extrastriola. Striolar bundles are significantly more stiff than those in medial (median: 8.9 μN/m) and lateral (2.0 μN/m) extrastriolae. Within the striola, bundle stiffness is greatest in zone 2 (106.4 μN/m), a band of type II hair cells, and significantly less in zone 3 (30.6 μN/m), which contains the only type I hair cells in the macula. Bathing bundles in media that break interciliary links produced changes in bundle stiffness with predictable time course and magnitude, suggesting that links were intact in our standard media and contributed normally to bundle stiffness during measurements. Our second major finding is that bundle structure is a significant predictor of steady-state stiffness: the heights of kinocilia and the tallest stereocilia are the most important determinants of bundle stiffness. Our results suggest 1) a functional interpretation of bundle height variability in vertebrate vestibular organs, 2) a role for the striola in detecting onset of head movement, and 3) the hypothesis that differences in bundle stiffness contribute to diversity in afferent response dynamics.  相似文献   

Summary Immunohistochemical investigations with calretinin, a neuronal calcium binding protein, were made in the vestibular end organs of five guinea pigs and one chinchilla. A specific pattern of immunoreactivity of afferent nerve fibers was found. Immunostaining was restricted to thick fibers innervating the apex of the cristae or the striola of the utricular macula. A study of serial sections revealed that the stained afferents gave rise to calyx endings, but not to collaterals containing bouton endings. The results are consistent with the conclusion that, of the three classes of fibers defined by Fernendez et al. (1988, 1990), only calyx units are calretinin immunoreactive. A count of the number of labelled fibers in the chinchilla crista suggests that the entire population of calyx units is immunoreactive. The conclusion is surprising since the physiology of calyx units does not differ qualitatively from that of other afferents (Baird et al. 1988; Goldberg et al. 1990). The presence of this protein in the calyx neurons may be related to specific postsynaptic functions of this type of afferents.  相似文献   

The ability of hair bundles to signal head movements and sounds depends significantly on their structure, but a quantitative picture of bundle structure has proved elusive. The problem is acute for vestibular organs because their hair bundles exhibit complex morphologies that vary with endorgan, hair cell type, and epithelial locus. Here we use autocorrelation analysis to quantify stereociliary arrays (the number, spacing, and distribution of stereocilia) on hair cells of the turtle utricle. Our first goal was to characterize zonal variation across the macula, from medial extrastriola, through striola, to lateral extrastriola. This is important because it may help explain zonal variation in response dynamics of utricular hair cells and afferents. We also use known differences in type I and II bundles to estimate array characteristics of these two hair cell types. Our second goal was to quantify variation in array orientation at single macular loci and use this to estimate directional tuning in utricular afferents. Our major findings are that, of the features measured, array width is the most distinctive feature of striolar bundles, and within the striola there are significant, negatively correlated gradients in stereocilia number and spacing that parallel gradients in bundle heights. Together with previous results on stereocilia number and bundle heights, our results support the hypothesis that striolar hair cells are specialized to signal high-frequency/acceleration head movements. Finally, there is substantial variation in bundle orientation at single macular loci that may help explain why utricular afferents respond to stimuli orthogonal to their preferred directions.  相似文献   

1. Afferent fibers supplying the horizontal and superior semicircular canals of the chinchilla were labeled by extracellular injections of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) into the vestibular nerve. The arborizations of labeled fibers within the sensory epithelium were reconstructed from serial sections of the crista. 2. The sensory epithelium of the crista can be divided into central, intermediate, and peripheral zones of approximately equal areas. The three zones can be distinguished in normal material by the density of hair cells and by the morphology of calyx endings. 3. Labeled fibers supply either the canalicular or the utricular side of the crista. Axons seldom bifurcate below the basement membrane and they begin dividing into their terminal arborizations almost immediately upon entering the sensory epithelium. The arborizations are compact, seldom extending more than 50 micron from the parent axon. 4. Both calyx and bouton endings were labeled. Calyces can be simple or complex. Simple calyces innervate individual hair cells, whereas complex calyces supply two to three adjacent hair cells. Complex calyces are commonly found only in the central zone. Simple calyces and boutons are located in all regions of the epithelium. Calyces emerge from the parent axon or one of its thick branches. Boutons, whether en passant or terminal, are always located on thin processes. 5. Fibers were classified as calyx, bouton, or dimorphic. The first type only has calyx endings, the second only has bouton endings, and the third has both kinds of endings. Dimorphic units make up some 70% of the labeled fibers, bouton units some 20%, and calyx units some 10%. The three fiber types differ in the diameters of their parent axons and in the regions of the crista they supply. Axon diameters are largest for calyx units and smallest for bouton units. Calyx units are concentrated in the central zone of the crista, whereas bouton units are largely confined to the peripheral zone. Dimorphic units are seen throughout the sensory epithelium. 6. Calyx units are almost always unbranched and end as simple calyces or, less often, as complex calyces. The terminal arbors of bouton units consist of fine processes containing 15-80 endings. Dimorphic units vary in complexity from fibers with a single calyx and a few boutons to those with one to four calyces and more than 50 boutons. 7. The results emphasize the importance of dimorphic units, which were the most numerous type of afferent fiber labeled in this study and were the only units found to innervate all regions of the sensory epithelium.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary The guanine nucleotide binding protein G0 alpha was immunolocalized in the guinea-pig vestibular system by confocal and electron microscopy. The vestibular sensory epithelia consist of the macula utriculi, macula sacculi and cristae ampullaris of the semicircular canals. Two types of hair cells are present in these epithelia. Type I hair cells are surrounded by an afferent nerve calyx that receives efferent innervation and type II hair cells are innervated directly by the afferent and efferent nerves. G0 alpha protein was observed on the inner face of the afferent calyceal membrane surrounding type I hair cells and in nerve endings in contact with type II hair cells. No labelling was found in the stereocilia and cuticular plate of type I and type II hair cells whereas the cytoplasmic matrix displayed a diffuse labelling. The plasma membrane of the supporting cells showed discreet labelling in the confocal microscope that are still confirmed by electron microscopy. A positive reaction was also observed along the plasma membrane of the vestibular ganglion neurons. Immunoblotting with affinity-purified polyclonal rabbit antibodies selective for the 39 kDa alpha subunit of G0 indicated that G0 alpha protein was present in both the vestibular ganglion. That G0 alpha labelling was observed in the cytoplasm of vestibular hair cells and in nerve endings contacting hair cells suggests that G0 may be involved in the modulation of vestibular neurotransmission.  相似文献   

Calyx afferents, a group of morphologically and physiologically distinct afferent fibers innervating the striolar region of vestibular sensory epithelia, are selectively labeled by antibodies to the calcium-binding protein calretinin. In this study, the population of calretinin-stained calyx afferents was used to delineate and quantify the striolar region in six rodent species: mouse, rat, gerbil, guinea pig, chinchilla, and tree squirrel. Morphometric studies and hair cell and calyx afferent counts were done. Numbers of hair cells, area, length, and width of the sensory epithelium increase from mouse to tree squirrel. In the mouse and rat, calretinin is found in 5-9% of all type I hair cells, 20-40% of striolar type II hair cells, and 70-80% of extrastriolar type II hair cells. Numbers of calyx afferents increase from mouse to squirrel, with more complex calyx afferents in larger species. About 10% of calyx afferents are branched. Based on our counts of total numbers of calyx afferents in chinchilla maculae and in comparison to fiber counts in the literature, the proportion of calyx afferents is greater than previously described, constituting nearly 20% of the total. Because morphometric measures increase with body weight, we obtained additional data on vestibular end organ surface areas from the literature and used this to construct a power law function describing this relationship. The function holds for species with body weights less than approximately 4 kg. Greater than 4 kg, the surface area of the sensory epithelia remains constant even with increasing body weight.  相似文献   

Gentamicin is toxic to vestibular hair cells, but its effects on vestibular afferents have not been defined. We treated anesthetized chinchillas with one injection of gentamicin (26.7 mg/ml) into the middle ear and made extracellular recordings from afferents after 5-25 (early) or 90-115 days (late). The relative proportions of regular, intermediate, and irregular afferents did not change after treatment. The spontaneous firing rate of regular afferents was lower (P < 0.001) on the treated side (early: 44.3 +/- 16.3; late: 33.9 +/- 13.2 spikes x s(-1)) than on the untreated side (54.9 +/- 16.8 spikes x s(-1)). Spontaneous rates of irregular and intermediate afferents did not change. The majority of treated afferents did not measurably respond to tilt or rotation (82% in the early group, 76% in the late group). Those that did respond had abnormally low sensitivities (P < 0.001). Treated canal units that responded to rotation had mean sensitivities only 5-7% of the values for untreated canal afferents. Treated otolith afferents had mean sensitivities 23-28% of the values for untreated otolith units. Sensitivity to externally applied galvanic currents was unaffected for all afferents. Intratympanic gentamicin treatment reduced the histological density of all hair cells by 57% (P = 0.04). The density of hair cells with calyx endings was reduced by 99% (P = 0.03), although some remaining hair cells had other features suggestive of type I morphology. Type II hair cell density was not significantly reduced. These findings suggest that a single intratympanic gentamicin injection causes partial damage and loss of vestibular hair cells, particularly type I hair cells or their calyceal afferent endings, does not damage the afferent spike initiation zones, and preserves enough hair cell synaptic activity to drive the spontaneous activity of vestibular afferents.  相似文献   

1. We used the intraaxonal labeling technique to study correlations between the terminal dendritic morphology of horizontal semicircular canal primary afferents and their response dynamics to sinusoidal head rotation and combined electrical stimulation of central efferent vestibular neurons. Thirty-eight canal afferents were identified by their sensitivity and phase of response to rotation between 0.1 and 1.0 Hz (+/- 10 degrees/s) and were subsequently labeled with horseradish peroxidase or biocytin. The afferent's dendritic field and synaptic specializations in the neuroepithelium of the crista were examined under light microscopy. 2. Rate and regularity of background discharge of the afferent were not correlated with its axon diameter or relative location of its dendritic field in the crista. 3. Response sensitivity of the afferent to rotation was correlated both with the relative location of its dendritic field in the crista and with the number of terminal endings it possesses. Afferents having low sensitivities, slow dynamics, and few terminal endings supply the peripheral portions of the crista; afferents with higher sensitivities, faster dynamics, and greater number of terminal endings supply the more central portions. It is suggested that the differences in sensitivity among the afferents reflect principally the variations in both the cupular dynamics along the crista and the number of possible hair cell contact sites in the neuroepithelium. 4. Response phase of the afferent was correlated only with the extent of its dendritic processes along the transverse axis of the crista. Afferents having transversely oriented dendritic fields had less phase lags relative to acceleration than did those having a more longitudinally oriented dendritic field. 5. Efferent stimulation produced a change in both the afferent's discharge rate and its response sensitivity to rotation. Afferents discharge rate and its response sensitivity to rotation. Afferents having a centrally located dendritic field and acceleration afferents, defined by their response to rotation, were the most affected by efferent stimulation. These results suggest that efferent innervation is either directed toward, or most efficacious in, the central regions of the crista and that it may select specific hair cell-afferent complexes.  相似文献   

We made flattened neuroepithelial preparations of horizontal and vertical (anterior and posterior) cristae from mouse, rat, gerbil, guinea pig, chinchilla, and tree squirrel. Calretinin immunohistochemistry was used to label the calyx class of afferents. Because these afferents are restricted to the central zone of the crista, their distribution allowed us to delineate this zone. In addition to calyx afferents, calretinin also labels approximately 5% of type I hair cells and 20% of type II hair cells throughout the mouse and rat crista epithelium. Measurements of the dimensions of the cristae and counts of hair cells and calyx afferents were determined on all species. Numbers of calyx afferents, hair cells, area, length, and width of the sensory epithelium increase from mouse to tree squirrel. As in the companion paper, we obtained additional data on vestibular end organ dimensions from the literature to construct a power law function describing the relationship between crista surface area and body weight. The vertical cristae of the mouse, rat, and gerbil have an eminentia cruciatum, a region located transversely along the midpoint of the sensory organ and consisting of nonsensory cells. Apart from this eminentia cruciatum, there are no statistical differences between horizontal and vertical cristae with regard to area, width, length, the number and type of hair cells, and number of calretinin-labeled calyx afferents.  相似文献   

1. The relation between the response properties of semicircular canal afferents and their peripheral innervation patterns was studied by the use of intra-axonal labeling techniques. Fifty physiologically characterized units were injected with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) or Lucifer yellow CH (LY) and their processes were traced to the crista. The resting discharge, discharge regularity, and responses to both externally applied galvanic currents and sinusoidal head rotations were determined for most neurons. Terminal fields were reconstructed and, as in the preceding paper, the fibers were classified as calyx, bouton, or dimorphic units. 2. To determine if the intra-axonal sample was representative, the physiological properties of the labeled units were compared with those of a sample of extracellularly recorded units. A comparison was also made between the morphology of the intra-axonal units and those labeled by extracellular injection of HRP into the vestibular nerve Most of the discrepancies between the intra-axonal and the two extracellular samples can be explained by assuming that small-diameter fibers are underrepresented in the former sample. 3. A normalized coefficient of variation (CV*), independent of discharge rate, was used to classify units as regular, intermediate, or irregular. The CV* ranged from 0.020 to 0.60. Regular units (CV* less than or equal to 0.10) outnumbered irregular units (CV* greater than or equal to 0.20) by an approximately 3:1 ratio and had higher resting discharges. 4. Calyx units were invariably irregular. The one recovered bouton unit was regular. The discharge regularity of dimorphic units was related to their epithelial location, with those found in the periphery of the crista having a more regular discharge than those located more centrally. Dimorphic units, even those with quite similar morphology, can differ in their discharge regularity. Calyx and dimorphic units, which differ in their morphology, can both be irregular. These observations imply that discharge regularity is not determined by the branching pattern of a fiber or the number and types of hair cells it contacts. 5. The galvanic sensitivity (beta*) of an afferent, irrespective of its peripheral innervation pattern, was strongly correlated with CV*. This is consistent with the notion that discharge regularity and galvanic sensitivity are causally related, both being determined by postspike recovery mechanisms of the afferent nerve terminal.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The turtle posterior crista is made up of two hemicristae, each consisting of a central zone containing type I and type II hair cells and a surrounding peripheral zone containing only type II hair cells and extending from the planum semilunatum to the nonsensory torus. Afferents from various regions of a hemicrista differ in their discharge properties. To see if afferent diversity is related to the basolateral currents of the hair cells innervated, we selectively harvested type I and II hair cells from the central zone and type II hair cells from two parts of the peripheral zone, one near the planum and the other near the torus. Voltage-dependent currents were studied with the whole cell, ruptured-patch method and characterized in voltage-clamp mode. We found regional differences in both outwardly and inwardly rectifying voltage-sensitive currents. As in birds and mammals, type I hair cells have a distinctive outwardly rectifying current (I(K,L)), which begins activating at more hyperpolarized voltages than do the outward currents of type II hair cells. Activation of I(K,L) is slow and sigmoidal. Maximal outward conductances are large. Outward currents in type II cells vary in their activation kinetics. Cells with fast kinetics are associated with small conductances and with partial inactivation during 200-ms depolarizing voltage steps. Almost all type II cells in the peripheral zone and many in the central zone have fast kinetics. Some type II cells in the central zone have large outward currents with slow kinetics and little inactivation. Although these currents resemble I(K,L), they can be distinguished from the latter both electrophysiologically and pharmacologically. There are two varieties of inwardly rectifying currents in type II hair cells: activation of I(K1) is rapid and monoexponential, whereas that of I(h) is slow and sigmoidal. Many type II cells either have both inward currents or only have I(K1); very few cells only have I(h). Inward currents are less conspicuous in type I cells. Type II cells near the torus have smaller outwardly rectifying currents and larger inwardly rectifying currents than those near the planum, but the differences are too small to account for variations in discharge properties of bouton afferents innervating the two regions of the peripheral zone. The large outward conductances seen in central cells, by lowering impedances, may contribute to the low rotational gains of some central-zone afferents.  相似文献   

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