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我国远程继续医学教育经过几年的探索,取得了一定的成绩。适时利用评估这一有力杠杆,对于规范远程医学教育机构办学行为、保证教学质量、加强科学化管理、促进我国远程继续医学教育健康发展,是极为必要的。本文就开展远程继续医学教育评估的有关问题进行了初步探讨,希望能对我国远程医学继续医学教育评估工作的开展有所帮助。  相似文献   

军区总医院科室继续医学教育评估指标体系构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究运用特尔斐法广泛征求各类专家意见,进行指标筛选,采用层次分析法等统计方法确立各指标数权重,建立了一个比较科学、完整、简单易行、可操作性强的军区总医院科室继续医学教育评估指标体系,旨在为医院管理与决策部门提高继续医学教育质量与效果提供科学依据。  相似文献   

继续医学教育项目评估指标体系的构建   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了使继续医学教育管理科学化、规范化,避免更多人为因素的影响,本介绍了继续医学教育项目评估指标体系建立的原则,过程以及该指标体系的主要特点。  相似文献   

军队继续医学教育培训项目评估体系的构建   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
军队继续医学教育培训项目的开展,重在质量和效果。构建军队继续医学教育培训项目的评估体系,可以有效地控制培训质量,评估教学效果,对促进军队继续医学教育的可持续发展具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

国外继续医学教育与评估   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
继续教学教育始于欧美等国,其特点为起步早发展快,理论研究深入,法规制度完善,质量效果显,社会认同度高;其评估工作进行了积极的探索,取得了较好的经验,可供我国借鉴。  相似文献   

浙江省继续医学教育培训班评估指标体系研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
继续教育是随着科技和经济的高速发展而发展起来的一项新兴教育制度.继续医学教育(CME)是医疗卫生系统专业技术人员掌握新理论、新知识、新技术和新方法的终身教育.1998年以来,我省继续医学教育工作蓬勃发展,各级卫生医疗单位以举办继续医学教育培训班的形式开展继续医学教育活动越来越多.继续医学教育学分与卫生专业技术人员晋升、聘任、执业、从业等挂钩后,参加继教医学教育培训班的人也越来越多[1].培训班的质量和效果已成为各方面关注的焦点,它直接关系到CME培训班是否具有生命力和可持续发展的大问题.为此,作者结合实际工作开展了"浙江省继续医学教育培训班评估指标体系"的研究工作.  相似文献   

继续医学教育与评估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
继续医学教育始于欧美等国,20世纪80年代初引入我国,得到迅速发展。作者通过阅览大量文献资料,就国内外继续医学教育与评估的概念、历史与现状、研究与发展等情况进行综述。  相似文献   

国外远程医学教育教学质量评价体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解目前国外远程医学教育教学质量评估的现状与发展趋势,促进我国远程医学教育评估的发展。方法采用文献研究的方法对国外远程医学教育质量评估及发展趋势进行收集、整理、归纳与分析。结果国外远程医学教学评估从规章制度建设、教学资源、师资队伍建设和教学效果四个方面进行评估,对提高教学质量成效显著。结论国外远程医学教学评估体系值得借鉴与学习。  相似文献   

回顾了远程教育的历程 ,分析了远程继续医学教育的现状 ,介绍了云南省第一人民医院引进的“远程可视医疗及实时、交互式远程医学教育系统”的特点 ,功能及开展工作的情况。  相似文献   

我院继续医学教育效果评估和探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为总结我院实施继续医学教育十年来的经验,探讨继续医学教育发展的方向,我们对1996-2000年我院开展继续医学教育的效果进行了调查和评估。结果表明:我市现行的继续医学教育的培训实施细则是可行的,其操作性强,通过率高。但 存在一些问题:一是目前部,省制定的CMEI类学分活动形式少,经费贵。二是现行的CME考核制度对部分卫技人员缺乏约束力。三是CME培训内部陈旧。四是CME尚未与专业技术服务评聘紧密挂钩。就这些问题提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

A new vision for distance learning and continuing medical education   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Increasing demands on continuing medical education (CME) are taking place at a time of significant developments in educational thinking and new learning technologies. Such developments allow today's CME providers to better meet the CRISIS criteria for effective continuing education: convenience, relevance, individualization, self-assessment, independent learning, and a systematic approach. The International Virtual Medical School (IVIMEDS) provides a case study that illustrates how rapid growth of the Internet and e-learning can alter undergraduate education and has the potential to alter the nature of CME. Key components are a bank of reusable learning objects, a virtual practice with virtual patients, a learning-outcomes framework, and self-assessment instruments. Learning is facilitated by a curriculum map, guided-learning resources, "ask-the-expert" opportunities, and collaborative or peer-to-peer learning. The educational philosophy is "just-for-you" learning (learning customized to the content, educational strategy, and distribution needs of the individual physician) and "just-in-time" learning (learning resources available to physicians when they are required). Implications of the new learning technologies are profound. E-learning provides a bridge between the cutting edge of education and training and outdated procedures embedded in institutions and professional organizations. There are important implications, too, for globalization in medical education, for multiprofessional education, and for the continuum of education from undergraduate to postgraduate and continuing education.  相似文献   

The Wellcome Tropical Institute has assisted countries in the tropics to establish viable systems of continuing medical education, particularly for young doctors practising in rural areas. As part of this strategy the Institute has developed material for use in distance learning. The first attempt to apply the problem-based learning approach to written material for use by an individual learner in the absence of a tutor led to a trial in Ghana, Kenya and Pakistan to compare a conventionally designed module with a problem-based learning module on the same topic for their respective acceptability, effectiveness and efficiency. The design, implementation and results of these three comparative trials are presented.  相似文献   

The use of performance-based assessment has been extended to postgraduate education and practising doctors, despite criticism of validity. While differences in expertise at this level are easily reflected in scores on a written test, these differences are relatively small on performance-based tests. However, scores on written tests and performance-based tests of clinical competence generally show moderate correlations. A study was designed to evaluate construct validity of a performance-based test for technical clinical skills in continuing medical education for general practitioners, and to explore the correlation between performance and knowledge of specific skills. A 1-day skills training was given to 71 general practitioners, covering four different technical clinical skills. The effect of the training on performance was measured with a performance-based test using a randomized controlled trial design, while the effect on knowledge was measured with a written test administered 1 month before and directly after the training. A training effect could be shown by the performance-based test for all four clinical skills. The written test also demonstrated a training effect for all but one skill. However, correlations between scores on the written test and on the performance based test were low for all skills. It is concluded that construct validity of a performance-based test for technical clinical skills of general practitioners was demonstrated, while the knowledge test score was shown to be a poor predictor of competence for specific technical skills.  相似文献   

Training of physicians in risk management has become an important task for continuing medical education (CME) directors, particularly in states where risk management education is required for licensure. Physicians in Florida who completed an introductory program in risk management were surveyed to determine future topics for risk management education. Physicians identified desired topics using a five-point Likert-type scaling (5 = high priority; 1 = low priority) and rated 55 topics within 10 major subject areas. The means, standard deviations, and rank order of topics within the subject areas are reported. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) revealed no significant differences between surgeons and non-surgeons with respect to the subject areas. A significant difference, however, was shown, between academic physicians and non-academic (private practice) physicians; non-academic physicians gave significantly higher scores to six subject areas: malpractice, medical records, acts or omissions constituting negligence, negligence/malpractice actions, defenses, and risk management programs. The results suggest that it is not necessary to plan separate risk management education programs for physicians according to their specialty; one should note, however, the higher priorities given by non-academic physicians and consider these differences when planning advanced risk management programs.  相似文献   

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