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Carcinoma cell invasion is traditionally studied in three-dimensional organotypic models composed of type I collagen and fibroblasts. However, carcinoma cell behavior is affected by the various cell types and the extracellular matrix (ECM) in the tumor microenvironment. In this study, a novel organotypic model based on human uterine leiomyoma tissue was established and characterized to create a more authentic environment for carcinoma cells. Human tongue squamous cell carcinoma cells (HSC-3) were cultured on top of either collagen or myoma. Organotypic sections were examined by immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization. The maximal invasion depth of HSC-3 cells was markedly increased in myomas compared with collagen. In myomas, various cell types and ECM components were present, and the HSC-3 cells only expressed ECM molecules in the myoma model. Organotypic media were analyzed by radioimmunoassay, zymography, or Western blotting. During carcinoma cell invasion, matrix metalloprotease-9 production and collagen degradation were enhanced particularly in the myoma model. To evaluate the general applicability of the myoma model, several oral carcinoma, breast carcinoma, and melanoma cell lines were cultured on myomas and found to invade in highly distinct patterns. We conclude that myoma tissue mimics the native tumor microenvironment better than previous organotypic models and possibly enhances epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. Thus, the myoma model provides a promising tool for analyzing the behavior of carcinoma cells.Tumor growth and invasion are not just determined by the malignant tumor cells, but instead various cell types and the extracellular matrix (ECM) of the tumor microenvironment affect the outcome.1 Particularly, fibroblasts have many prominent roles in the cancer progression. In fact, in many carcinomas, the majority of the stromal cells are fibroblasts that possess myofibroblastic characteristics and are called cancer-associated fibroblasts. They produce ECM molecules, proteases, growth factors, and chemokines that crucially affect the carcinoma cell behavior.2,3 In this context, the organotypic three-dimensional skin model developed by Fusenig et al4 replicates the in vivo situation more closely in vitro than the two-dimensional cell culture experiments. The model allows studying of carcinoma cell invasion in three-dimensional collagen gel embedded with fibroblasts. The degree of invasion can also be quantitatively analyzed.5,6 However, this kind of organotypic model remains somewhat artificial due to the lack of other cell types besides fibroblasts and ECM components that are present in vivo. In addition to the carcinoma cells and fibroblasts, endothelial and inflammatory cells, as well as several ECM molecules, are known to contribute to the tumor growth. The induction of angiogenesis, recruitment of inflammatory cells, and increased turnover of ECM components result in tumor progression.7,8 Therefore, we wished to determine whether real human tissue can be used in the organotypic method to provide a more natural stroma-like environment for studying carcinoma cell invasion. We used uterine leiomyoma tissue, which mainly consists of smooth muscle actin (SMA)-positive cells and collagens.9 The existence of various additional cell types and proteins in the myoma tissue was characterized, and the invasiveness of malignant human tongue squamous cell carcinoma cells (HSC-3) into this novel myoma organotypic culture was measured by different methods and compared with the traditional collagen organotypic model. To test the general applicability of the myoma model, the invasion patterns of various cell lines were examined in myoma and collagen organotypic cultures.  相似文献   

Adamantinomatous craniopharyngiomas (adaCP) cause hypothalamic pituitary dysfunction. Elucidation of pathomechanisms underlying tumor progression is essential for the development of targeted chemotherapeutic treatment options. In order to study the mechanisms of tumor outgrowth, we implanted human primary adaCP tissue from three different surgical specimens stereotactically into the brain of immunodeficient mice (n = 20). Three months after tumor inoculation, magnetic resonance imaging and histology confirmed tumor engraftment in all 20 mice (100%) that obtained tissue transplants. The lesions invaded adjoining brain tissue with micro finger‐shaped protrusions. Immunohistochemical comparison of the primary tumor and xenotransplants revealed a similar amount of proliferation (Mib‐1) and cytokeratin expression pattern (KL‐1). Whole tumor reconstruction using serial sections confirmed whirl‐like cell clusters with nuclear β‐catenin accumulations at the tumor brain border. These whirls were surrounded by a belt of Claudin‐1 expressing cells, showed an activated epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and distinct CD133 as well as p21WAF1/Cip1 positivity, indicating a tumor stem cell phenotype. Consistent with our previous in vitro studies, intracranial xenotransplants of adaCP confirmed cells with nuclear β‐catenin and activated EGFR being the driving force of tumor outgrowth. This model provides the possibility to study in vivo tumor cell migration and to test novel treatment regimens targeting this tumor stem cell niche.  相似文献   



Based on a previous gene expression study in a mouse model of asthma, we selected 60 candidate genes and investigated their possible roles in human asthma.


In these candidate genes, 90 SNPs were genotyped using MassARRAY technology from 311 asthmatic children and 360 healthy controls of the Hungarian (Caucasian) population. Moreover, gene expression levels were measured by RT PCR in the induced sputum of 13 asthmatics and 10 control individuals. t-tests, chi-square tests, and logistic regression were carried out in order to assess associations of SNP frequency and expression level with asthma. Permutation tests were performed to account for multiple hypothesis testing.


The frequency of 4 SNPs in 2 genes differed significantly between asthmatic and control subjects: SNPs rs2240572, rs2240571, rs3735222 in gene SCIN, and rs32588 in gene PPARGC1B. Carriers of the minor alleles had reduced risk of asthma with an odds ratio of 0.64 (0.51-0.80; P=7×10-5) in SCIN and 0.56 (0.42-0.76; P=1.2×10-4) in PPARGC1B. The expression levels of SCIN, PPARGC1B and ITLN1 genes were significantly lower in the sputum of asthmatics.


Three potentially novel asthma-associated genes were identified based on mouse experiments and human studies.  相似文献   

Recent microbiome studies have implicated a role for Filifactor alocis in periodontal disease. In this study, we investigated the colonization and survival properties of F. alocis in a mouse subcutaneous chamber model of infection and characterized host innate immune responses. An infection of 109 F. alocis successfully colonized all chambers; however, the infection was cleared after 72 h. F. alocis elicited a local inflammatory response with neutrophils recruited into the chambers at 2 h postinfection along with an increase in levels of the proinflammatory cytokines interleukin 1β (IL-1β), IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF). F. alocis also induced apoptosis in chamber epithelial cells and neutrophils. Consistent with resolution of infection, neutrophil numbers and cytokine levels returned to baseline by 72 h. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) and quantitative PCR demonstrated that F. alocis exited the chambers and spread to the spleen, liver, lung, and kidney. Massive neutrophil infiltration was observed in the spleen and lungs, and the recruited neutrophils were in close proximity to the infecting bacteria. Significant epithelial injury was observed in the kidneys. Infection of all tissues was resolved after 7 days. This first in vivo study of the pathogenicity of F. alocis shows that in the chamber model the organism can establish a proinflammatory, proapoptotic local infection which is rapidly resolved by the host concordant with neutrophil influx. Moreover, F. alocis can spread to, and transiently infect, remote tissues where neutrophils can also be recruited.  相似文献   

Nowadays, calprotectin, a cytoplasmatic protein, released by activated neutrophilic polymorphonuclear cells (PMN) and/or monocytes-macrophages (MØ), is considered a good indicator of inflammation in several diseases. Accordingly, fecal calprotectin represents a good predictor of clinical relapse in ulcerative colitis (UC) patients, whereas conflicting results have been reported in Crohn's disease (CD) patients. In our study, in 76 IBD patients (29 CD and 47 UC) fecal calprotectin has been evaluated by a commercial ELISA kit. Results demonstrate that levels of this protein in the stool are significantly more elevated in active CD and UC patients than in normal volunteers. In quiescent CD and UC a trend to higher levels of calprotectin than in the normal counterpart is, however, evident. These data suggest that a low-grade inflammation of the intestinal wall is always present in CD and UC patients, which may predict a clinical relapse risk. In the same group of patients calprotectin levels also were analyzed according to sex and age. A trend to higher values of calprotectin was present in male patients with active or quiescent CD than in their female counterparts. Only in UC patients in remission a trend to calprotectin increase was more marked in the male group than in the female counterpart. When CD and UC patients were divided up according to age, calprotectin positivity peaked between 30–39 years in active CD patients, while in quiescent CD maximum positivity was between 40 and 49 years. However, in both active and quiescent UC patients, calprotectin positivity increased with age. The more precocious detectability of fecal calprotectin in CD patients, as a marker of intestinal mucosa inflammation, may be related to the different histopathology of the two diseases (CD versus UC). However, reduced PMN and/or MØ trafficking from peripheral blood to intestinal mucosa with age by effects of chronic treatment should not be ignored in CD patients.  相似文献   

The endometrium is the inner lining of the uterus. Following specific cyclic hormonal stimulation, endometrial stromal fibroblasts (stroma) and vascular endothelial cells exhibit morphological and biochemical changes to support embryo implantation and regulate vascular function, respectively. Herein, we integrated a resin-based porous membrane in a dual chamber microfluidic device in polydimethylsiloxane that allows long term in vitro co-culture of human endometrial stromal and endothelial cells. This transparent, 2-μm porous membrane separates the two chambers, allows for the diffusion of small molecules and enables high resolution bright field and fluorescent imaging. Within our primary human co-culture model of stromal and endothelial cells, we simulated the temporal hormone changes occurring during an idealized 28-day menstrual cycle. We observed the successful differentiation of stroma into functional decidual cells, determined by morphology as well as biochemically as measured by increased production of prolactin. By controlling the microfluidic properties of the device, we additionally found that shear stress forces promoted cytoskeleton alignment and tight junction formation in the endothelial layer. Finally, we demonstrated that the endometrial perivascular stroma model was sustainable for up to 4 weeks, remained sensitive to steroids and is suitable for quantitative biochemical analysis. Future utilization of this device will allow the direct evaluation of paracrine and endocrine crosstalk between these two cell types as well as studies of immunological events associated with normal vs. disease-related endometrial microenvironments.  相似文献   

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The treatment of autoimmune diseases remains a serious problem. Current therapies can lead to adverse effects in patients. One of the most vulnerable patient groups is pregnant women. It has been reported that different autoimmune diseases have a certain trend during pregnancy and after delivery which could be explained by maternal immune responses. Better management of pregnant women with autoimmune diseases or inflammatory disorders could be achieved by linking such alterations in immune responses and governed immune responses in different autoimmune disorders while considering various reports of autoimmune conditions during pregnancy. This study considers changing the T helper cells (Th1) and Th2 balance and suggests some new approaches for the better management of autoimmune diseases in pregnant women based on immune responses. Additionally, the possible role of Th17, alterations in some selected autoimmune diseases including rheumatoid arthritis (RA), multiple sclerosis (MS), psoriasis, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), atopic dermatitis (AD), asthma and pemphigus during pregnancy, and possible associated mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   

This study aims to develop new monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against mouse and human podoplanin. Rats were immunized with synthetic peptides, corresponding to amino acids 38–51 of mouse podoplanin or human podoplanin which is 100% homologous to the same site of monkey podoplanin; anti-mouse podoplanin mAb PMab-1 (IgG2a) and anti-human mAb NZ-1.2 (IgG2a) were established. In immunocytochemistry, the mouse melanoma B16-F10 and mouse podoplanin (mPDPN)-expressed CHO transfectant were stained by PMab-1; human lymphatic endothelial cells (LEC) and human podoplanin (hPDPN)-expressed squamous cell carcinoma HSC3 transfectant, were stained by NZ-1.2. Western-blot analysis detected an about 40-kDa protein in CHO-mPDPN and B16-F10 by PMab-1, and in HSC3-hPDPN and LEC by NZ-1.2. In frozen sections, PMab-1 reacted with mouse kidney, pulmonary alveoli, pulmonary pleura, and salivary gland myoepithelial cells while NZ-1.2 reacted to the human salivary gland myoepithelial cells. The immunostaining of paraffin-embedded sections also showed the reaction of PMab-1 or NZ-1.2 to the mouse or monkey kidney glomerulus, pulmonary alveoli, and lung lymphatic vessels. These results indicate that the two novel rat mAbs to the mouse and human/monkey podoplanin are useful for Western-blot and immunostaining of somatic tissues on paraffin-embedded sections as well as frozen sections.  相似文献   

We have extensively analyzed the biochemical and histochemical profiles of the tau protein from the rTg4510 transgenic mouse model in which the animals uniquely develop forebrain tau pathologies similar to those found in human tauopathies. Levels of several soluble phosphorylated tau species were highest at 1 month relative to later time points, suggesting that certain tau hyperphosphorylation events were insufficient to drive tangle formation in young mice. Despite a robust, pre-tangle-like accumulation of phospho-tau in 1-month-old mice, this material was cleared by 3 months, indicating that the young mouse brain either fails to facilitate tau insolubility or possesses an enhanced ability to clear tau relative to the adult. We also found that while heat shock protein expression increased with normal aging, this process was accelerated in rTg4510 mice. Moreover, by exploiting an exon 10 (−) specific antibody, we demonstrated that endogenous mouse tau turnover was slowed in response to human tau over-expression, and that this endogenous tau adopted disease-related properties. These data suggest that a younger brain fails to develop lasting tau pathology despite elevated levels of phosphorylated tau, perhaps because of reduced expression of stress-related proteins. Moreover, we show that the active production of small amounts of abnormal tau protein facilitates dysfunction and accumulation of otherwise normal tau, a significant implication for the pathogenesis of patients with Alzheimer’s disease.  相似文献   

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