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Further observations on hippocampal neurons in dispersed cell culture.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The growth of the processes of dissociated hippocampal neurons from 18- to 20-day-old rat fetuses has been studied in vitro using a method that permits cells to be maintained at relatively low plating densities for periods up to three weeks (Banker and Cowan, '77). Most of the cells are spherical or ovoid when they first attach to the substratum (either polylysine or collagen) but within 24 to 48 hours they begin to put out processes, and by the end of the first week in culture a significant proportion (approximately 45%) come to resemble normal pyramidal cells with a more-or-less triangular shaped soma, a single dominant dendrite-like process emerging from the apex of the soma, and several "basal dendrites" arising from the opposite pole of the cell. Comparisons of the lengths of these dendrite-like processes with those of hippocampal cells in the brains of animals sacrificed on the fourth post-natal day and impregnated by a variant of the Golgi-Cox method, indicate that in some cases the rate of process formation in vitro approximates that in vivo and that the general form of the neurons is remarkably like that of immature pyramidal cells. After a week in culture a second type of process can be recognized. These tend to be finer than those we have identified as dendrites; they are relatively uniform in diameter, frequently give off branches at right angles, and in the electron microscope can be seen to form synapses upon the larger processes and cell somata. These axon-like processes differ from the axons of normal pyramidal cells in two important respects: (i) most commonly they arise from one of the dendritic processes, including, on occasion, the putative "apical" dendrites, and only rarely from the base of the perikaryon; (ii) there may be two or more such processes from a single cell. The thicker, tapering processes can be shown (after incubation in 3H-uridine) to contain large amounts of RNA; newly-synthesized RNA does not extend into the finer, axon-like processes.  相似文献   

GABAergic neurons in rat hippocampal culture   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The experiments described here were designed to study biochemical and histological measures of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) uptake and glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) in primary dissociated cell cultures prepared from 17-21-day fetal rat hippocampus. Preparations from all ages of animals, except 21-day fetuses, were enriched in GABAergic neurons, when compared to the adult hippocampus in situ. These cells comprise 30-50% of the large, phase-bright, process-bearing cells in hippocampal cultures as estimated by autoradiography of GABA uptake and GAD immunocytochemistry. Neurons concentrate GABA by a relatively slow but high-affinity process (Km = 2.6 microM) that has considerably higher maximum velocity than glial uptake (Vmax = 479 pmol/mg protein/min for neurons and 31 pmol/mg protein/min for glia). No low-affinity uptake process was noted in neurons or glia. GABA uptake into neurons was competitively inhibited by cis-4-OH-nipecotic acid (Ki = 39 +/- 11 microM). These cultures also possess considerable GAD activity, up to 6 nmol/mg protein/min in one-month-old cultures, which approximates that of the adult hippocampus. Both GABA uptake and GAD activity increased with time in culture. The enrichment of GABAergic markers indicates that this preparation may be useful for the detailed study of hippocampal GABAergic neurons.  相似文献   

Morphological criteria allow several kinds of synapse to be recognized in the vertebrate retina. It is, however, not presently known if, or how, these morphological differences reflect physiological distinctions. Since a proper investigation of synaptic physiology in the intact retina is compromised by technical difficulties, we have examined dispersed cultures to discover if they are likely to provide a more tractable physiological preparation. The chief question addressed here concerns the extent to which normal synaptic development takes place in the impoverished conditions of dispersed cell culture. Cultures were established from embryonic day 8 chick retina and fixed for microscopy on embryonic equivalent (E.E.) days 12, 14, 16, and 18. Neuronal processes appeared shortly after plating and continued to increase in number and extent through E.E. 16. Cone cells were recognizable by virtue of their distinctive oil droplets. Two classes of cone could be distinguished on the basis of the density of their cytoplasmic staining. Presynaptic ribbons could be observed in cone cells on E.E. 12, but characteristic dyad and triad postsynaptic organization was seldom present at this stage nor was it often observed at subsequent times. An increase in the number of ribbon synapses in culture was seen on E.E. 18. These synapses may represent those of bipolar cells. Conventional synapses were found at all times examined but the number of these increased greatly between E.E. 14 and 16. Of these conventional synapses, we found some whose anatomy was characteristic of synapses made by amacrine cells as well as some whose anatomy was characteristic of synapses made by bipolar cells.  相似文献   

The establishment of polarity by hippocampal neurons in culture   总被引:54,自引:0,他引:54  
By the end of the first week in culture, hippocampal neurons have established a single axon and several dendrites. These 2 classes of processes differ in their morphology, in their molecular composition, and in their synaptic polarity (Bartlett and Banker, 1984a, b; Caceres et al., 1984). We examined the events during the first week in culture that lead to the establishment of this characteristic form. Hippocampal cells were obtained from 18 d fetal rats, plated onto polylysine-treated coverslips, and maintained in a serum-free medium. The development of individual cells was followed by sequential photography at daily intervals until both axons and dendrites had been established; identification of the processes was confirmed by immunostaining for MAP2, a dendritic marker. Time-lapse video recording was used to follow the early stages of process formation. Hippocampal neurons acquired their characteristic form by a stereotyped sequence of developmental events. The cells first established several, apparently identical, short processes. After several hours, one of the short processes began to grow very rapidly; it became the axon. The remaining processes began to elongate a few days later and grew at a much slower rate. They became the cell's dendrites. Neurons that arose following mitosis in culture underwent this same sequence of developmental events. In a few instances, 2 processes from a cell exhibited the rapid growth typical of axons, but only one maintained this growth; the other retracted and became a dendrite. Axons branched primarily by the formation of collaterals, not by bifurcation of growth cones. As judged by light microscopy, processes are not specified as axons or dendrites when they arise. The first manifestation of neuronal polarity is the acquisition of axonal characteristics by one of the initial processes; subsequently the remaining processes become dendrites.  相似文献   

Filopodia mediate axon guidance, neurite branching and synapse formation, but the membrane molecules that regulate neuronal filopodia in response to extracellular cues are largely unknown. The transmembrane isoform of the proteoglycan agrin, expressed predominantly in the CNS, may regulate neurite outgrowth, synapse formation and excitatory signaling. Here we demonstrate that agrin positively regulates neuronal filopodia. Over-expression of TM-agrin caused the formation of excess filopodia on neurites of hippocampal neurons cultured 1-6 days. Conversely, suppression of agrin expression by siRNA reduced the number of filopodia. Time lapse analysis indicated that endogenous TM-agrin regulates filopodia by increasing their stability and initiation. The N-terminal half of agrin was necessary for induction of filopodia, and over-expression of TM-agrin in a neuronal cell line increased Cdc42 activation, suggesting a role for Cdc42 downstream of agrin. By positively regulating filopodia in developing neurons, TM-agrin may influence the pattern of neurite outgrowth and synapse formation.  相似文献   

Hypothalamic neurons in dissociated cell culture   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
We have developed a mechanical-enzymatic technique for the isolation and culture of dissociated hypothalamic neurons from both newborn and mature rats. The disaggregated cells were suspended in defined growth medium and plated onto collagen-coated coverslips. The cells derived from newborn animals attached themselves to the substrate more quickly and the cultures ultimately possessed significantly more neurons. Cultures were maintained for periods up to 5 weeks.We suggest that these preparations represent a useful model system for the investigation of a variety of functional studies of hypothalamic tissue. In particular, the possible effects hormonal steroids on monoamine metabolism may be approached using fluorescence microscopy.  相似文献   

The subunit composition of multimeric protein complexes is critical in determining their trafficking and functional properties. Despite there being multiple techniques to investigate the trafficking events of individual subunits there are currently limited means to monitor the trafficking properties of heteromeric protein complexes. Here, we combine surface biotinylation with co-immunoprecipitation to monitor the cell surface expression of native, heteromeric AMPA receptor complexes. Using this method, we demonstrate that the surface levels of GluR1/2 and GluR2/3 complexes are reduced following NMDA-evoked long-term depression (NMDA-LTD) in acute hippocampal slices. Finally, we discuss how this method can be adapted to monitor the cell surface expression of other heteromeric protein complexes.  相似文献   

Rat cortical neurons from 15 day embryos are grown in dissociated cell culture and maintained in vitro for 8--12 weeks. The neurons develop into forms which resemble mature cortical neurons in situ, stain with silver and exhibit passive and active electrophysiological properties similar to those of cortical neurons. Extensive chemical excitatory and inhibitory synapses develop de novo. These cultures can provide a model for future studies of mammalian CNS neuronal physiology, transmitter pharmacology, pathophysiology and mechanisms of drug action.  相似文献   

Won R  Lee KH  Lee BH 《Neuroreport》2011,22(14):721-726
This study investigated the neuroprotective effects of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) against oxidative stress induced by kainic acid (KA) in organotypic hippocampal slice culture of rats. Cultured slices were injured by exposure to 5 μM of KA for 18 h and then treated with different concentrations of CoQ10. Neuronal cell death measured as propidium iodide uptake was reduced at 24 h after treatment with 1 μM of CoQ10. We also observed an increased number of surviving CA3 neurons in 0.1 and 1 μM concentrations of CoQ10-treated groups using cresyl violet staining. CoQ10 (0.01, 0.1, and 1 μM) treatment significantly decreased the 2',7'-dichlorofluorescein fluorescence and the expression of NQO1 in the CoQ10-treated groups was significantly lower than that in the KA-only group. These results suggest that CoQ10 may protect hippocampal neurons against oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Acute exposure to ethanol at 22 and 44 mM concentrations altered several features of the current-evoked voltage responses of cerebellar Purkinje neurons and hippocampal neurons studied in culture model systems. Whole cell current clamp techniques were used. At 22 mM, ethanol depressed current-evoked spiking in the hippocampal neurons but enhanced the current-evoked spiking in the Purkinje neurons. In both neuronal types, 44 mM ethanol depressed spiking, the amplitude of the afterhyperpolarization generated at the termination of a current pulse and the amplitude of the off-response generated at the termination of a hyperpolarizing pulse. Ethanol had little or no effect on resting membrane potential or the passive membrane properties measured near resting level in either neuronal type. Some changes in the current-voltage curves were observed at more depolarized or hyperpolarized potentials in both neuronal types. In the Purkinje neurons, where spontaneous activity was a prominent feature of some recordings, exposure to ethanol reduced the frequency of the spontaneous events. These results indicate that acute exposure to ethanol at intoxicating doses alters the membrane excitability of these two CNS neuronal types. The ethanol induced changes in neuronal excitability presumably contribute to the changes in firing properties observed in extracellular recordings from these neuronal types in vivo and the behavioral effects observed during alcohol intoxication in animal models.  相似文献   

We have detected spontaneous, synchronous calcium oscillations, associated with variations in membrane potential, in hippocampal neurons maintained in primary culture. The oscillatory activity is synaptically driven, as it is blocked by tetrodotoxin, by the glutamate receptor antagonist 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX) and by toxins inhibiting neurotransmitter release from presynaptic nerve endings. Neuronal oscillations do not require for their expression the presence of a polyneuronal network and are not primarily influenced by the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA(A)) receptor antagonist picrotoxin, suggesting that they entirely rely on glutamatergic neurotransmission. Synaptic and intrinsic conductances shape the synchronized oscillations in hippocampal neurons. The concomitant activation of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors and voltage-activated L-type calcium channels allows calcium entering from the extracellular medium and sustaining the long depolarization, which shapes every single calcium wave.  相似文献   

Physiological and morphological properties of cultured hippocampal neurons were measured to investigate whether NMDA receptors play a role in survival and differentiation. Neurons dissociated from mouse embryos with different NMDAR1 genotypes were grown in culture. Electrophysiological analysis verified the absence of NMDA receptor-mediated currents in neurons taken from homozygous mutant (NR1–/–) embryos. The number of surviving hippocampal neurons was 2.5-fold higher in cultures from the NR1–/– embryos compared with wild type (NR1 +/+) and heterozygous (NR1+/–) controls. Despite the lack of NMDA receptor function, NR1–/– neurons formed synapsin I-positive presynaptic boutons associated with MAP2ab-positive dendrites in culture. Confocal microscopic analysis of DiI labelled neurons confirmed the presence of dendritic spines on NR1–/– neurons with 80% of the density found in NR1 +/+ neurons. These results suggest that the NMDA receptor has little effect on general features of neuronal differentiation. In contrast, there is clear effect on neuronal survival. This finding establishes neuron number in standard culture conditions as a measure of NMDA receptor activity.  相似文献   

凝血酶对原代培养海马神经元游离钙浓度的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的研究原代培养的海马神经元内游离Ca2 水平及凝血酶的影响.方法大鼠海马神经元进行体外原代培养,用钙离子指示剂Fura-2双波长法测定海马神经元内游离[Ca2 ]i及不同浓度的凝血酶作用后细胞内[Ca2 ]i.结果原代培养的海马神经元生长旺盛,密度高,符合实验要求.在胞外Ca2 浓度为0.0 mmol/L时,静息状态下海马神经元游离[Ca2 ]i为(79.83±18.78)nmol/L.当胞外Ca2 浓度为1.3 mmol/L时,海马神经元游离[Ca2 ]i为(106.41±22.53)nmo1/L.(1~40)U/ml凝血酶可使海马神经元内游离Ca2 水平显著升高,与对照组相比均有显著性差异(P<0.01).随凝血酶浓度的增加,胞内游离[Ca2 ]i之呈剂量依赖性增加.结论凝血酶可使原代培养的海马神经元内游离Ca2 浓度明显升高.  相似文献   

Electrophysiological experiments were performed on primary cell cultures of retrogradely labelled postnatal rat hippocampal neurons. Rhodamine microspheres injected into the dorsal fornix clearly labelled the pyramidal cell layer of the hippocampus while excluding the other hippocampal layers and the dentate gyrus. In dissociated cell culture, the labelled cells were easily identified by fluorescence microscopy. Anti-neuron-specific enolase and anti-glial fibrillary acidic protein antibody staining confirmed that the labelled cells were neurons. The input resistance decreased from 2 GΩ to 450 MΩ, the input capacitance increased from 25 pF to 75 pF, the percentage of cells showing repetitive action potentials increased from 6% to 30%, and both peak GABA and glutamate responses increased over 100% during the 0 to 10 days time period investigated. This increase in chemosensitivity can be accounted for by an increase in cell size without an increase in the specific amino acid gated channel density. The subset of hippocampal neurons identified by the retrograde tracer technique are similar to non-labelled neurons with respect to the electrophysiological and pharmacological variables investigated. Nevertheless, it is likely that identified neurons may possess unique properties not evident in this study and refinement of the dissociated cell culture system using identified neuronal subpopulations may facilitate investigations looking at neuronal interactions such as synapse formation.  相似文献   

The potential of erythropoietin (EPO) to reduce hypoxia-induced cell death has been investigated in 5-day-old primary cultures of rat postnatal hippocampal neurons. Application of EPO (100 pM) at the start of hypoxia resulted in a significant reduction of neuronal death (33.0 +/- 7.5% in cells incubated with EPO vs 56.75 +/- 7.3% in non-treated cells; n = 4, p < 0.021). Similiar results were obtained upon application of cycloheximide (CHX; 1 microM) simultaneously with hypoxia (34.75 +/- 5.6% vs 56.75 +/- 7.3% with and without CHX, respectively, n = 4, p < 0.035), indicating that hypoxia-induced neuronal death is an active, protein synthesis-dependent process. Both, EPO and EPO receptor (EPOR) were found to be expressed after hypoxia in hippocampal neurons in vitro and in vivo. These results demonstrate for the first time that EPO can reverse hypoxia-induced neuronal death when applied simultaneously with the hypoxic stimulus.  相似文献   

Several calcium-dependent potassium currents can contribute to the electrophysiological properties of neurons. In hippocampal pyramidal cells, 2 afterhyperpolarizations (AHPs) are mediated by different calcium-activated potassium currents. First, a rapidly activated current contributes to action-potential repolarization and the fast AHP following individual action potentials. In addition, a slowly developing current underlies the slow AHP, which occurs after a burst of action potentials and contributes substantially to the spike-frequency accommodation observed in these cells during a prolonged depolarizing current pulse. In order to investigate the single Ca2(+)-dependent channels that might underlie these currents, we performed patch-clamp experiments on hippocampal neurons in primary culture. When excised inside-out patches were exposed to 1 microM Ca2+, 2 types of channel activity were observed. In symmetrical bathing solutions containing 140 mM K+, the channels had conductances of 19 pS and 220 pS, and both were permeable mainly to potassium ions. The properties of these 2 channels differed in a number of ways. At negative membrane potentials, the small-conductance channels were more sensitive to Ca2+ than the large channels. At positive potentials, the small-conductance channels displayed a flickery block by Mg2+ ions on the cytoplasmic face of the membrane. Low concentrations of tetraethylammonium (TEA) on the extracellular face of the membrane specifically caused an apparent reduction of the large-channel conductance. The properties of the large- and small-conductance channels are in accord with those of the fast and slow AHP, respectively.  相似文献   

Pyrethroid insecticides have potent actions on voltage-gated sodium channels (VGSC), inhibiting inactivation and increasing channel open times. These are thought to underlie, at least in part, the clinical symptoms of pyrethroid intoxication. However, disruption of neuronal activity at higher levels of organization is less well understood. In order to characterize pyrethroid effects on neurotransmitter release and neuronal excitability in glutamatergic networks, we examined the effects of deltamethrin (DM) and permethrin (PM) on neuronal activity in hippocampal neuronal cultures using patch-clamp and microelectrode array (MEA) recordings. In the presence of inhibitors of GABA receptors, spontaneous excitatory post-synaptic currents (sEPSCs) and spontaneous spike rates were reduced in a concentration-dependent manner by both DM and PM. IC(50) values were 0.037 and 0.70microM for inhibition of sEPSCs and 0.60 and 21.8microM for inhibition of spontaneous spike rate by DM and PM, respectively. Both compounds altered burst activity by decreasing the number of spikes during spontaneous bursting, the number of sEPSCs within a bursting release event and the duration of sEPSC bursts while increasing both the interspike interval and the time between sEPSCs. Exposure of neurons to the VGSC-specific modulator veratridine had effects similar to both DM and PM, while inhibition of voltage-gated calcium channels had no effect on spontaneous spike rates. In the absence of GABA receptor antagonists, both DM and PM increased spontaneous spike rates. Altogether, these data demonstrate that DM and PM disrupt network activity in vitro, largely via a VGSC-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

As a first step toward elucidating mechanisms involved in the sorting of synaptic vesicle proteins in neurons, we have used immunofluorescence microscopy to determine the distribution of two synaptic vesicle proteins, synapsin I and synaptophysin, in hippocampal neurons developing in culture. In mature cultures, synapsin I and synaptophysin immunoreactivity was concentrated in puncta that were restricted to sites where axons contacted neuronal cell bodies or dendrites. Electron-microscopic immunocytochemistry demonstrated that these puncta corresponded to vesicle-filled axonal varicosities that were exclusively presynaptic. At early stages of development, before cell-cell contact, both synapsin I and synaptophysin were preferentially localized in axons, where they were particularly concentrated in the distal axon and growth cone. In axons that did not contact other cells, immunostaining for these two proteins had a granular appearance, which persisted for at least 7 d, but focal accumulations of vesicles comparable to those seen at sites of synaptic contact were not observed. When neurons contacted one another, numerous puncta of synapsin I and synaptophysin formed within the first week in culture. Double-label immunofluorescence demonstrated that the two vesicle antigens were closely codistributed throughout these stages of development. These observations demonstrate that synaptic vesicle proteins assume a polarized distribution within nerve cells beginning early in development, as soon as the axon can be identified. In contrast, differences in microtubule polarity orientation that distinguish mature axons and dendrites, and that have been proposed to account for the selective sorting of some materials in nerve cells, first appear at a subsequent stage of development. The selective distribution of synaptic vesicle proteins to the axon occurs in isolated cells, independent of interactions with other cells. In contrast, the formation of large clusters of vesicles typical of presynaptic specializations requires contact with an appropriate postsynaptic target. Thus, in cultured hippocampal neurons, the localization of synaptic vesicles in presynaptic specializations is the result of sorting mechanisms intrinsic to individual neurons as well as to mechanisms mediated by cell-cell contact.  相似文献   

Summary Two actions of clinically used antiepileptic drugs have been studied using mouse neurons in primary dissociated cell culture. The antiepileptic drugs phenytoin, carbamazepine and valproic acid were demonstrated to limit sustained high frequency repetitive firing of action potentials at free serum concentratons that are achieved in patients being treated for epilepsy. Furthermore, an active metabolite of carbamazepine also limited sustained high frequency repetitive firing while inactive metabolites of phenytoin and carbamazepine did not limit sustained high frequency repetitive firing. Phenobarbital and clinically used benzodiazepines limited sustained high frequency repetitive firing of action potentials, but only at concentrations achieved during the treatment of generalized tonic-clonic status epilepticus. Ethosuximide did not limit sustained high frequency repetitive firing even at concentrations four times those achieved in the serum of patients treated for generalized absence seizures. Phenobarbital and clinically used benzodiazepines enhanced postsynaptic GABA responses at concentrations achieved free in the serum during treatment of generalized tonic-clonic or generalized absence seizures. However, phenytoin, carbamazepine, valproic acid and ethosuximide did not modify postsynaptic GABA responses at therapeutic free serum concentrations. These results suggest that the ability of antiepileptic drugs to block generalized tonicclonic seizures and generalized tonic-clonic status epilepticus may be related to their ability to block high frequency repetitive firing of neurons. The mechanism underlying blockade of myoclonic seizures may be related to the ability of antiepileptic drugs to enhance GABAergic synaptic transmission. The mechanism underlying management of generalized absence seizures remains unclear.  相似文献   

Adult mammalian CNS neurons appear to be terminally differentiated and postmitotic. However, this conclusion may be due to nonpermissive conditions in the brain or in culture media. If embryonic rat hippocampal neurons are cultured in Neurobasal/B27 with FGF2, nearly all neurons proliferated until a maximum density was reached. Similarly, adult neurons can be cultured that fire action potentials and display immunoreactivity for neurofilament, MAP2, tau, and glutamate. Seventy percent of the 3000 isolated adult cells per milligram of brain tissue began to proliferate after 3 days in culture and incorporated BrdU. By 4 days of regeneration in culture, virtually all neuron-like cells with asymmetric processes were glutamate positive and immunoreactive for neurofilament. Immunoreactivity of the intermediate filament stem cell marker nestin increased in adult cells to levels present in freshly isolated embryonic neurons. These are the first studies to demonstrate that over 50% of adult CNS cells with neuron-like characteristics retain regenerative and proliferative potential.  相似文献   

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