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适应国际化趋势的护理专业本科培养目标研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨在21世纪护理国际化的趋势下,所培养的护理本科人才需具备的知识、能力和态度,并构建一套科学、实用的培养目标指标体系,为制定更适应国际化发展趋势的培养方案提供科学依据。方法运用德尔菲法向港、澳、台、内地的两岸四地护理相关领域的权威专家进行了两轮咨询。结果经科学论证,构建出由职业价值和态度、基础知识、相关专业能力3项一级指标、26项二级指标、64项三级指标构成的培养目标指标体系,并确定了各指标的权重。结论构建的培养目标指标体系有较高的可靠性,且可操作性更强,内容更合理。  相似文献   

适应国际化的护理专业本科培养目标研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨在21世纪护理国际化的趋势下,所培养的护理本科人才需具备的知识、能力和态度,并构建一套科学、实用的培养目标指标体系,为制定更适应国际化发展趋势的培养方案提供科学依据。方法采用Delphi法对备选指标进行2轮专家函询。本研究所选专家由港、澳、台及内地护理相关领域的30名权威专家组成。结果经2轮函询后最后确定了一级指标3个,二级指标26个,三级指标64个。职业价值和态度、基础知识和专业相关能力3个。一级指标的权重分别为0.4638、0.3261、0.2101。结论应用Delphi法构建的培养目标指标体系是可靠的、适应国际化趋势的。  相似文献   

中美护理本科教育专业培养目标比较   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
目的探讨适应社会需求、反映护理特性、与国际接轨的护理本科专业培养目标.方法比较分析中国和美国护理本科教育专业培养目标的异同.结果中国护理本科教育的培养目标重视基础医学知识和基本护理技能的培养,对护生的职业情感、态度及综合素质的培养认识不足.美国重视护理相关的伦理、多元文化及健康促进等知识,重视对护生职业情感和态度的培养.在对护理主要概念的理解和体现程度及培养目标的细致性和可操作性上,中国与美国相比有一定的差距,有待进一步提高.结论建议我国在设立专业培养目标时,加强对护生职业情感和综合素质的培养,全面理解护理理念,设立清晰、具体、具有较强可操作性的培养目标.  相似文献   

21世纪护理专业本科人才培养目标探讨   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
目的探讨21世纪护理专业本科人才培养目标。方法通过对护理人才培养背景进行详细分析,在此基础上提出确立护理本科专业人才培养目标应遵循的基本原则及应把握的基本方法,并从教育学原理出发,构建完整的护理本科人才培养目标体系。结果对护理本科人才培养从知识、能力、素质诸方面所要达到的目标标准做出定性和定量描述。结论培养适应21世纪社会发展和卫生服务需要、具有开放胸怀、国际视野、国际竞争力,通晓国际交往准则、交往技能和科学与人文精神交融,善于与人、自然、社会和谐相处的高级护理人才应成为护理本科教育人才培养目标的必然选择。  相似文献   

护理专业本科教学计划分析   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20  
为了分析我国高等护理教育教学计划的优缺点,为教学改革提供基础依据,笔者对北京医科大学、天津医科大学、中国医科大学等19所医学院校护理本科专业教学计划中开设课程门数、课时数及课程结构进行统计分析。显示:我国护理本科专业教学计划平均开设课程39门,教学总时数3638.4学时,其中公共课和医学基础课占总时数的54.35%,护理学专业课程总计不足20%。讲习比例为1.61:1,理论课所占比例明显偏大,和临床医学本科相比教学任务偏重。有多数院校没有涉及到护理科研教学.建议按照突出护理、注重整体、加强人文、体现社区的原则修订护理本科专业的教学计划.使其更能体现护理专业的特点。  相似文献   

我国本科护理教育培养目标的调查   总被引:114,自引:7,他引:114  
本研究采用问卷的方法,调查了全国1987年以前成立的十一所医学院校护理系教师对本科护理教育应达到的具体目标的意见,以便使总的培养目标更加具体和可操作。调查结果显示,本科护生应具备的能力是:临床护理,护理科研,护理教育;应争取具备的能力是护理管理和社区护理。在具体分解的101项能力中有34项被70%以上的护理教师认为是本科生毕业时必须具备的能力,应作为本科护理教育的最基本目标。另外有33项能力是50%~70%的被调查的教师认为学生毕业前应争取达到的,可以作为较高层次的教育目标。根据此次调查结果,归纳提出了我国本科护理教育应达到的12项专业培养目标  相似文献   

刘丹丹  张云美 《全科护理》2014,12(4):294-296
通过对国外护理专业学位研究生培养目标的认识,探讨我国护理专业学位研究生培养目标现存的不足之处,结合实际提出有效的整改对策。认为应多借鉴发达国家的先进经验,结合我国研究生的生源特点、能力现状、导师队伍等具体国情,不断实践和摸索,探索出真正有效促进我国护理专业发展的专业学位研究生培养道路,高校要根据社会对护理高层次人才的需求调整和改进培养目标。  相似文献   

护理学专业本科培养目标的研究现状和发展趋势   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
随着医学模式的转变、健康观念的更新、疾病谱的变化以及卫生保健体制的改革,特别是经济全球化进程的推动,现代护理专业人才功能角色日趋丰富,这对护理人才培养的质量提出了更高的要求.为顺应这些变化,使培养对象进一步满足社会需求,近年来国内外护理教育界都把研究和修订培养目标作为护理本科教育改革的一项重要内容,开展了一系列的研究和实践工作,现综述如下.  相似文献   

介绍跨文化护理的概念和文化能力教育的理论基础,分析国外跨文化护理教育发展情况,探讨了我国跨文化护理教育目前存在的问题和需求,认为无论是国际护理人才培养还是本土护理人才流动需求,高等院校都应从理念引导和课程设置方面加强培养学生的跨文化护理能力,为学生提供境外交换学习机会,搭建网络平台共享跨文化护理学习资源,以增强学生在国际护理领域的竞争力。  相似文献   

论高等护理教育的国际化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
护理教育的国际化是高等护理教育发展的必然趋势。提出护理院校迈向国际化进程的重要举措:转变办学观念;尊重知识,尊重人才,使护理教师享有充分的自主权;合理配置师资;综合调整课程设置,渗透护理教育国际化内容;扩大护理教育的国际交流与合作。  相似文献   

To guide the development of entry-level nursing education, the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) published the Essentials document in 2021 with a broadened scope of competencies. Community, population, and public health (CPPH) nurse educators use a number of foundational documents to crosswalk for gaps in the AACN principles, highlighting the need of including these contemporary documents within the baccalaureate CPPH nursing curriculum. In this crosswalk, the authors highlight important capabilities and knowledge exclusive to these fundamental documents and tools, as well as the relevance of these competencies and knowledge to CPPH baccalaureate nursing education.  相似文献   

Adherence to an exercise regimen is challenging. Motivation is an important factor that can enhance exercise adherence. A key component of motivation is the setting and accomplishment of specified goals. Therefore, it is important to understand the relationship between patients' motivation and goals. Motivation and goal orientation in 14 participants with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease were assessed. Participants were also interviewed to explore their exercise and activity goals. Motivation was significantly associated with goal orientation. In addition, participants reported many explicit activity goals, but few participants had set specific exercise goals. The inconsistency between activity and exercise goals has not been reported previously. Findings from this preliminary study provide novel and relevant information that may help care providers understand factors that may influence exercise adherence in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.  相似文献   

Purpose: To classify the self-identified goals of individuals post-stroke with chronic upper extremity (UE) paresis, and determine if age, UE functional capacity and pre-stroke hand dominance influence overall goal selection. Method: Sixty-five subjects participated. Using the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM) to establish treatment goals, the top five goals were categorized using the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework into five categories: activities of daily living (ADLs), instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs), leisure, work and general UE movement. A Chi-square analysis determined if age, UE functional capacity (measured by the Action Research Arm Test) and UE hand dominance influenced individual goal selection. Results: The majority of goals were in the ADL (37%) and IADL (40%) categories. A small percentage (12%) was related to general UE movement. Individuals with moderate UE functional capacity identified more ADL goals than those with higher UE functional capacity. There was not a difference between age and UE dominance across all five goal areas. Conclusions: Individuals with chronic UE paresis had specific goals that were not influenced by age or hand dominance, but partially influenced by severity. General UE movement goals were identified less than goals related to specific activities.
  • Implications for Rehabilitation
  • Considering the specificity of individual goals following stroke, it is recommended that clinicians regularly utilize a goal setting tool to help establish client goals.

  • It is recommended that clinicians further inquire about general goals in order to link upper extremity deficits to functional activity limitations.

  • Age, upper extremity functional capacity and hand dominance have little influence on the rehabilitation goals for individuals with chronic paresis after stroke.


Background This study focuses on the support of persons with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities (PIMD) by analysing the number and content of formulated goals in the educational programmes. Methods The programmes of 145 persons with PIMD were analysed. The number of long‐ and short‐term goals as well as the number of goals reached was determined. To clarify the content of given support, goals were categorized into different domains. Results In total, 220 long‐term goals were formulated (mean: 2; SD: 0.88; range: 1–4), of which 14% were reached. Of the 1624 short‐term goals (mean: 11; SD: 10.07; range: 0–51) formulated, 52% were reached. Further detailed analyses show that although the number of goals was not dependent on age, the number of long‐term goals reached was significantly higher in children; 52% of the 220 long‐term goals focused on ‘interaction and social’ roles and 68% of the 1624 short‐term goals focused on ‘gathering knowledge about the client’. Conclusions Results indicate that support to persons with PIMD especially focuses on ‘interaction and social roles’. Especially, health issues seem to be under‐represented. Short‐term goals mainly focus on gathering knowledge. Further studies are needed to clarify if professionals indeed lack detailed information about their clients or if available knowledge (e.g. in files) is not transferred into day‐to‐day practice.  相似文献   

葛炜  李伟东  刘桂娟  吴珊珊 《全科护理》2013,(36):3442-3444
根据新形势下涉外护理人才培养面临的机遇和挑战,结合国际护士执业水平考试(ISPN)的特点和要求,探索能够胜任工作岗位的涉外护理人才的培养模式.  相似文献   

The Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 was developed with the participation of patients and carers. This Act is fundamentally different from all previous versions of the Mental Health Acts in the UK because it is based on Millan's 10 principles. Its objective is to ensure that people with mental disorder receive effective care and treatment. It is crucial that all staff who deal with persons with mental disorder are familiar with the Act and incorporate it into practice. This depends on the effectiveness of educational resources in supporting staff to develop their practice. The project presented here was commissioned by the National Health Service Education for Scotland (NES) to evaluate the accessibility and use of the educational resources produced for all frontline staff in Scotland. The aim was to evaluate the educational resources produced by NES to prepare the frontline staff in relation to the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003. Evaluation was conducted through a questionnaire survey, focus groups and individual interviews. The NES educational resource was effective in assisting professionals in implementing the complex and progressive requirements of the new Mental Health Act. The three formats reached a wide audience, and are an effective model for future initiatives.  相似文献   

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