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Global trade and health: key linkages and future challenges   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Globalization of trade, marketing and investment has important implications for public health, both negative and positive. This article considers the implications of the single package of World Trade Organization (WTO) agreements for public health research and policy, focusing on three themes: commodities, intellectual property rights, and health services. The main aims of the analysis are as follows: to identify how trade issues are associated with the transnationalization of health risks and possible benefits; to identify key areas of research; and to suggest policy-relevant advice and interventions on trade and health issues. The next wave of international trade law will need to take more account of global public health issues. However, to become more engaged in global trade debates, the public health community must gain an understanding of the health effects of global trade agreements. It must also ensure that its own facts are correct, so that public health is not blindly used for political ends, such as justifying unwarranted economic protectionism. "Healthy trade" policies, based on firm empirical evidence and designed to improve health status, are an important step towards reaching a more sustainable form of trade liberalization.  相似文献   

Gonorrhea occurs at high incidence throughout the world and significantly impacts reproductive health and the spread of human immunodeficiency virus. Current control measures are inadequate and seriously threatened by the rapid emergence of antibiotic resistance. Progress on gonorrhea vaccines has been slow; however, recent advances justify significant effort in this area. Conserved vaccine antigens have been identified that elicit bactericidal antibodies and, or play key roles in pathogenesis that could be targeted by a vaccine-induced response. A murine genital tract infection model is available for systematic testing of antigens, immunization routes and adjuvants, and transgenic mice exist to relieve some host restrictions. Furthermore, mechanisms by which Neisseria gonorrhoeae avoids inducing a protective adaptive response are being elucidated using human cells and the mouse model. Induction of a Th1 response in mice clears infection and induces a memory response, which suggests Th1-inducing adjuvants may be key in vaccine-induced protection. Continued research in this area should include human testing and clinical studies to confirm or negate findings from experimental systems and to define protective host factors.  相似文献   

Since its passage in April 2006, the Massachusetts health reform law (Chapter 58) has expanded affordable insurance coverage to 355,000 people. Major milestones have been achieved, including establishment of new coverage programs, merger of small-group and nongroup insurance markets, creation of an insurance "Connector," determination of affordability and penalty standards for an individual mandate, and launch of employer responsibility requirements. Key challenges remain, including full implementation of the individual mandate, cost control, and securing of long-term financing. Massachusetts health reform is offering valuable and important lessons for the nation.  相似文献   

Over the last 15 years, a growing body of Australian and international evidence has demonstrated that urban design attributes are associated with a range of health outcomes. For example, the location of employment, shops and services, provision of public and active transport infrastructure and access to open space and recreational opportunities are associated with chronic disease risk factors such as physical activity levels, access to healthy food, social connectedness, and air quality. Despite the growing knowledge base, this evidence is not being consistently translated into urban planning policy and practice in Australia. Low‐density neighbourhoods with poor access to public transport, shops and services continue to be developed at a rapid rate in the sprawling outer suburbs of Australian cities. This paper provides an overview of the evidence of the association between the built environment and chronic diseases, highlighting progress and future challenges for health promotion. It argues that health promotion practitioners and researchers need to more closely engage with urban planning practitioners, policymakers and researchers to encourage the creation of healthy urban environments through integrated transport, land use and infrastructure planning. There is also a need for innovative research to evaluate the effectiveness of policy options. This would help evidence to be more effectively translated into policy and practice, making Australia a leader in planning healthy communities.  相似文献   

Data were obtained from a random sample of 87 secondary schoolsin Wales (UK) about the organization and provision of healtheducation teaching, the implementation of health related policies,and the involvement of outside agencies and professionals inthe planning and delivery of health education programmes. Theresults suggest that schools have made progress in curriculumdevelopment. However, if the concept of the health promotingschool is to be translated into practice, greater attentionwill need to be given us the development of broadly based policiesfor health covering both pupils and staff and the better integrationof school programmes with community resources. Greater understandingof the health promoting school concept by teaching staff andthe development of examples of good practice in embedding healtheducation into national curriculum subjects, are also advocated.  相似文献   

Human beings have benefited from vaccines for more than two centuries. Yet the pathway to effective vaccines has been neither neat nor direct. This paper explores the history of vaccines and immunization, beginning with Edward Jenner's creation of the world's first vaccine for smallpox in the 1790s. We then demonstrate that many of the issues salient in Jenner's era-such as the need for secure funding mechanisms, streamlined manufacturing and safety concerns, and deep-seated public fears of inoculating agents-have frequently reappeared and have often dominated vaccine policies. We suggest that historical awareness can help inform viable long-term solutions to contemporary problems with vaccine research, production, and supply.  相似文献   

Philanthropy has invested millions of dollars to reduce disparities in health care and improve minority health. Grants to strengthen providers' cultural competence, diversify health professions, and collect data have improved understanding of and spurred action on disparities. The persistence of disparities in spite of these advances has shifted philanthropic attention toward strategies to change social, economic, and environmental conditions. We argue that these evolving perspectives, along with earlier groundwork, present new opportunities for funders, especially in combination with progress toward universal health coverage. This article looks at how philanthropy has addressed health disparities over the past decade, with a focus on accomplishments, the work remaining to be done, and how funders can help advance the disparities agenda.  相似文献   

Every two years, the Global Vaccine and Immunization Research Forum takes stock of global research in vaccines and immunization. As in prior years, the 2018 meeting addressed vaccine discovery, development, decision-making, and deployment. This time, however, it also featured two overarching themes: “Innovating for Equity” and “End-to-End Integration.” Significant advances have been made in the last two years, but participants noted that some important goals of the Global Vaccine Action Plan are not being met and called urgently for innovation in improving access to vaccines. Two factors were highlighted as crucial to improving coverage: a focus on equity and sustainability throughout the immunization ecosystem, and an enabling political environment that prioritizes health and immunization.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to reflect on the organization and development of nursing research in Brazil, pointing out some knowledge advances and limits until the moment, as well as indicating some of the challenges for the research in nursing. One of these challenges would be establishing the relation between nursing and care.  相似文献   

The accelerating progress in reducing measles incidence and mortality in many parts of the world has led to calls for its global eradication during the next 10-15 years. Three regions have established goals of elimination of indigenous transmission of measles. The strategy used in the Americas of a mass 'catchup' campaign of children 9 months to 15 years of age, high coverage through routine vaccination of infants, intensive surveillance and follow-up campaigns to prevent excessive build-up of susceptibles has had great success in reducing measles transmission close to zero. However, while these developments are impressive, much remains to be done to reduce measles-associated mortality in western and central Africa, where less than half of children are currently receiving measles vaccine and half a million children die from measles each year. The obstacles to global measles eradication are perceived to be predominantly political and financial. There are also technical questions, however. These include the refinement of measles elimination strategies in the light of recent outbreaks in the Americas; the implications of the HIV epidemic for measles elimination, issues around injection safety, and concerns about the possibility that secondary vaccine failures will contribute in sustaining transmission in highly vaccinated populations. The global priorities are to improve measles control in low income countries, increase awareness among industrialized countries of the importance of measles, and conduct studies to answer the technical questions about measles elimination strategies.  相似文献   

Japanese encephalitis (JE), once a major public health problem in South Korea, has declined since the 1980s, as a result of improved living conditions, a mosquito eradication program, and a national JE vaccination program, which includes annual booster vaccine for all children less than or equal to 15 years of age. Increased immunity has greatly reduced illness and death; however, vaccine adverse effects are increasing, and a National Compensation Program for Vaccine Injury was begun in 1995. This article reviews past successes, current problems, and future direction of the JE vaccination program in South Korea.  相似文献   

Ergonomics has come a long way since the birth of the subject some 50 years ago. It now has an established research base and an appropriate portfolio of methodologies. A brief overview of the subject's development will be presented, with a particular focus on the contribution of ergonomics to our understanding of work related musculoskeletal disorders. Future challenges are also considered in this area, with particular emphasis on the need for a multidisciplinary approach to many industrial problems where the ergonomist, occupational physician and other professionals are needed to tackle existing and future work problems. Additionally, the importance of participatory ergonomics is considered, with respect to understanding and advancing solutions in this area. The issues of the ageing workforce and the challenges that must be met are also outlined. This area again emphasizes the need for a multidisciplinary team approach that is proactive and designed to maximize the health and wellbeing of workers at all ages, whilst also ensuring a full and productive life.  相似文献   

The year 2005 marks the beginning of the "International Decade for Action: Water for Life" and renewed effort to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGS) to reduce by half the proportion of the world's population without sustainable access to safe drinking water and sanitation by 2015. Currently, UNICEF and WHO estimate that 1.1 billion people lack access to improved water supplies and 2.6 billion people lack adequate sanitation. Providing safe water and basic sanitation to meet the MDGs will require substantial economic resources, sustainable technological solutions and courageous political will. We review five major challenges to providing safe water and sanitation on a global basis: (1) contamination of water in distribution systems, (2) growing water scarcity and the potential for water reuse and conservation, (3) implementing innovative low-cost sanitation systems, (4) providing sustainable water supplies and sanitation for megacities, and (5) reducing global and regional disparities in access to water and sanitation and developing financially sustainable water and sanitation services.  相似文献   

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