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IntroductionIncreasing demand for interprofessional collaboration in health care settings has led to a greater focus on how conditions influence the success of interprofessional collaboration, but little is known about the magnitude of the interactions between different conditions. This paper aims to examine the relationships of intervention conditions and context conditions at the professional and organisational level and examine how they influence the staff’s perceived success of the interprofessional collaboration.MethodsThe study was conducted as a multilevel cross-sectional survey in March of 2019 in the second largest municipality in Denmark, Aarhus. The study population was all frontline-staff members and managers in nursing homes, home care units and health care units. The final sample consisted of 498 staff members and 27 managers. Confirmatory path analysis was used to analyse the data.ResultsThe results indicate that context conditions greatly influence intervention conditions at the professional and organisational level and that the professional and organisational levels moderately co-variate. Professional level context conditions have the biggest influence on staff’s perceived success, partly because its influence is confounded by intervention conditions.ConclusionPractice and research in health care settings should re-focus their attention from a broad understanding of context as unchangeable and inconsequential, to understanding context as an important condition type for interprofessional collaboration that needs to be further understood and researched.  相似文献   



Human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccination in Nigeria will require substantial financing due to high cost of HPV vaccine and inexistence of structures to support adolescent vaccination. Alternative sources are needed to sustain the government funded HPV vaccination programme. This study assessed Nigerian mothers’ willingness-to-pay (WTP) for HPV vaccine. We also compared the difference between the average WTP and estimated costs of vaccinating a pre-adolescent girl (CVG).


We conducted a quantitative, cross-sectional, survey-based study in which 50 questionnaires were distributed to each of 10 secondary schools located in two rural and one urban city in Anambra state. The questionnaires were then randomly distributed to girls aged 9–12 years of age to give to their mothers. Contingent valuation approach using the payment card technique was used to estimate the average maximum WTP among the survey participants. Correlates of WTP for HPV vaccination were obtained using multivariate logistic regression. Estimated CVG was obtained by adapting cost of HPV vaccine delivery in Tanzania to the Nigerian setting.


A total of 438 questionnaires (88 %) were returned. The average WTP was US$ 11.68. This is opposed to estimated delivery cost of US$ 18.16 and US$ 19.26 for urban and rural populations respectively at vaccine price offered by the Vaccine Alliance (Gavi) and US$ 35.16 and US$ 36.26 for urban and rural populations respectively at the lowest obtainable public sector vaccine price. Demand for HPV vaccine was deemed high (91.6 %) and was significantly associated with respondents previously diagnosed of HPV infection.


Demand for HPV vaccine was high although short of estimated CVG. High demand for vaccine should be capitalized upon to increase vaccine uptake. Education on cervical cancer and provider-initiated vaccination should be promoted to increase vaccine uptake. Co-payment could be a feasible financing strategy in the event of national HPV vaccination.

Home blood transfusion may be an interesting alternative to hospital transfusion, especially when given with curative or palliative intent or for terminal care in advanced-stage cancer patients. However, there is limited information about patients’ attitude toward this type of care. The purpose of this study was to measure French cancer patients’ willingness to pay (WTP) for home blood transfusion and to analyze determinants of their choice. A contingent valuation survey was administered to 139 patients receiving transfusions in the framework of a regional home care network or in the hospital outpatient department. Participation was high (90%). Most patients (65%) had received home care, including 43% blood transfusions. Just under half of the patients gave a zero WTP, among which we identified 8 protest bidders. The median WTP for home blood transfusion was 26.5 € per patient. In multivariate analysis, long home–hospital distance, poor quality of life, and previous experience of home care were identified as important factors in determining how much more patients would be willing to pay for transfusion at home. These results demonstrate the benefits of developing domiciliary services to improve patient well-being, notably for the weakest among them. The significant impact of previous home care experience on WTP is probably related to the strong involvement of physicians from the blood center and to their active contribution to a high-level homecare network. Some of our findings could be useful for policy decision-making regarding home care.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study assessed which demographic groups were most likely to consume alcohol excessively, and which groups had received inquiries and discussion about alcohol use from their physicians compared with discussions about other health risks. STUDY DESIGN: This was a cross-sectional study using data from the Centers for Disease Control Behavioral Risk Factors Surveillance System 1997 data set that represents a stratified random sample in the United States. POPULATION: We selected 23,349 adults who reported a routine physical examination within the last 3 years. OUTCOMES MEASURED: The main variables involved responses to questions about alcohol intake and whether the respondent's physician had initiated discussions about drinking. RESULTS: Physicians spoke to patients about alcohol use much less frequently than about other health-related behaviors. Discussions were roughly targeted to groups with the largest intake. However, physicians were least likely to speak with white patients, women, and widows who drank significantly. CONCLUSIONS: Regularly asking patients about alcohol use could substantially reduce the under-recognition of alcoholism. Since brief counseling is effective, negative consequences of excessive alcohol intake may be avoided.  相似文献   



To investigate patients’ experiences of health services, and how these related to what they had expected to receive, and satisfaction with their care.


Surveys of patients before and after their consultations in general practice and hospital outpatients departments.


Greater London and Essex


In total, 833 patients attending 21 hospitals (434 patients; 52%) and 22 general practices (399 patients; 49%) across Greater London and Essex sampled in clinics and a population survey.

Main outcome measures

Patient expectations of care, patient satisfaction.


Compared with younger people, and those in black and ethnic minority groups, older people (aged 65+) and White British people had significantly higher overall realistic expectations of their care (pre-visit realistic expectations score: age 60+: mean 53.26 [standard deviation 13.73]; age <60: 56.20 [15.17]; White British: 54.41 [13.50]; Black and other ethnic groups: 56.90 [16.15]) and greater satisfaction post-consultation (satisfaction score age 60+: 1.71 [0.80]; age <60: 1.97 [0.97]; White British: 1.79 [0.89]; Black and other ethnic groups: 2.01 [0.95]). Pre-visit ideal and realistic expectations of care was not significantly associated with patient satisfaction, although met expectations (post-visit experiences) were. Elements of these which was predictive of satisfaction were communication with the doctor, information conveyed and clinical outcomes. Factors associated with satisfaction included having a sense of control over one''s life, being older, female, White British and attending general practice, compared with hospital outpatient clinics.


It is the ability of the system to meet patients’ expectations in respect of the emotional and human features of the consultation, and the clinical outcomes, that matter most to people. This research also questions prevailing stereotypes of older age: it is not the case that older patients are more satisfied with their care because their expectations are lower. In fact, they are higher, but they believe that they are being met.  相似文献   

In the more than 1 billion primary-care visits each year in the United States, the majority of patients bring more than one distinct concern, yet many leave with “unmet” concerns (i.e., ones not addressed during visits). Unmet concerns have potentially negative consequences for patients’ health, and may pose utilization-based financial burdens to health care systems if patients return to deal with such concerns. One solution to the problem of unmet concerns is the communication skill known as up-front agenda setting, where physicians (after soliciting patients’ chief concerns) continue to solicit patients’ concerns to “exhaustion” with questions such as “Are there some other issues you’d like to address?” Although this skill is trainable and efficacious, it is not yet a panacea. This article uses conversation analysis to demonstrate that patients understand up-front agenda-setting questions in ways that hamper their effectiveness. Specifically, we demonstrate that up-front agenda-setting questions are understood as making relevant “new problems” (i.e., concerns that are either totally new or “new since last visit,” and in need of diagnosis), and consequently bias answers away from “non-new problems” (i.e., issues related to previously diagnosed concerns, including much of chronic care). Suggestions are made for why this might be so, and for improving up-front agenda setting. Data are 144 videotapes of community-based, acute, primary-care, outpatient visits collected in the United States between adult patients and 20 family-practice physicians.  相似文献   

We describe a willingness to pay (WTP) survey in which values were elicited from the public for three disparate health care programmes. Previous applications of WTP in this context have revealed a high proportion of preference reversals between WTP values and ordinal ranking of the programmes. In view of the doubts these findings raise over the use of WTP in this context, our aim was to develop a method of eliciting WTP values which we considered would improve consistency between respondents' explicit ranking of the programmes and their WTP values. Compared to the standard approach, the structure of the new design (the marginal approach) reduced the number of possible preference reversals, thus encouraging a degree of consistency among respondents. Despite this, the marginal approach did not result in fewer preference reversal being observed in actuality, thus casting doubt on the application of WTP in this context.  相似文献   


The COVID-19 pandemic highlights the need for effective infectious disease outbreak prevention. This could entail installing an integrated, international early warning system, aiming to contain and mitigate infectious diseases outbreaks. The amount of resources governments should spend on such preventive measures can be informed by the value citizens attach to such a system. This was already recognized in 2018, when a contingent valuation willingness to pay (WTP) experiment was fielded, eliciting the WTP for such a system in six European countries. We replicated that experiment in the spring of 2020 to test whether and how WTP had changed during an actual pandemic (COVID-19), taking into account differences in infection rates and stringency of measures by government between countries. Overall, we found significant increases in WTP between the two time points, with mean WTP for an early warning system increasing by about 50% (median 30%), from around €20 to €30 per month. However, there were marked differences between countries and subpopulations, and changes were only partially explained by COVID-19 burden. We discuss possible explanations for and implication of our findings.


General practitioners are often exhorted to routinely counsel patients who smoke about quitting in light of current evidence-based medicine (EBM) guidelines suggesting that such brief interventions provide an easy and effective way of increasing quit rates. Drawing on semi-structured interviews conducted with 25 smokers and 10 general practitioners (GPs) in British Columbia, Canada, this article explores smokers’ and GPs’ perspectives on smoking cessation interventions in primary care settings. Study findings indicate that both patients and GPs believe smoking is best broached when it is patient-initiated or raised in the context of smoking-related health issues, and there was a broader consensus that the role of doctors is to provide education and information rather than coercing smokers to quit. However, smokers wanted further recognition of the difficulties of quitting smoking and many questioned the competence of GPs to deal with addiction-related issues. Similar barriers to smoking cessation were raised by smokers and GPs – primarily inadequate time and resources. Based on these findings, we argue that the assumption that primary care consultations provide an important venue for encouraging smokers to quit deserves reconsideration based on the complexity of this issue, the circumstances in which most GPs practice, and the danger of alienating smokers. Questions are raised about whether current EBM guidelines are an adequate tool for guiding individual clinical interactions between GPs and smokers.  相似文献   

Outcome-based performance measurement and prospective payment are common features of the current managed care environment. Increasingly, primary care clinicians and health care organizations are being asked to assume financial risk for enrolled patients based on negotiated capitation rates. Therefore, the need for methods to account for differences in risk among patients enrolled in primary care organizations has become critical. Although current risk-adjustment measures represent significant advances in the measurement of morbidity in primary care populations, they may not adequately capture all the dimensions of patient risk relevant to primary care. We propose a risk-adjustment framework for primary care that incorporates clinical features related to patients' health status and nonclinical factors related to patients' health behaviors, psychosocial factors, and social environment. Without this broad perspective, clinicians with more unhealthy and more challenging populations are at risk of being inadequately compensated and inequitably compared with peers. The risk-adjustment framework should also be of use to health care organizations that have been mandated to deliver high-quality primary care but are lacking the necessary tools.  相似文献   

Over the past three decades, diagnosis related groups (DRG) have revolutionized hospital funding by successfully focusing hospitals attention on the 'production' process. However, using DRG for funding acute hospitals does little to create incentives outside of the hospital, or coordinate health care across providers and settings. With many health care quality and efficiency issues stemming from failures at the 'seams' in the system, there is increasing interest in creating new 'bundles' of care which includes acute and post-acute care services that align economic incentives for care coordination. Analysis of Ontario (Canada) datasets demonstrates that linking existing sources of clinical, administrative and cost data to create 'bundles' is technically feasible. However, key implementation challenges need to be addressed, such as administrative and contractual arrangements across multiple provider organizations, pricing and relations with physicians. Nonetheless, this analysis of Ontario data demonstrates that bundles provide an alternative policy option to DRG's in Canada's move toward activity-based funding.  相似文献   

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