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Iron deficiency is the most common micronutrient deficiency worldwide. Iron is essential for the development of multiple organ systems, most especially the developing brain. Iron deficiency, particularly during sensitive periods of brain development, such as in early childhood, is associated with long‐lasting adverse consequences for cognition, motor function and behaviour. Little consideration has been given to iron deficiency in newborn infants and its potential health consequences. Fetal iron accretion is compromised by pregnancy complications such as pre‐term birth and gestational diabetes mellitus, and our work has identified an increased risk of low iron stores at birth from maternal lifestyle factors such as smoking and obesity. Early‐life events, including Caesarean section delivery, further add to the cumulative risk of neonatal iron deficiency, which can persist throughout infancy into early childhood. While investigations into the long‐term neurological consequences of neonatal iron deficiency are limited, there is evidence of poorer memory, motor function and language ability in children born iron deficient. Recently, we also identified significant behavioural consequences of neonatal deficiency persisting from 2 to 5 years of age, with effects particularly apparent in ‘high‐risk’ children born to obese or smoking mothers or delivered by Caesarean section. Interventions targeting the fetal/neonatal period could therefore represent a key opportunity for the prevention of iron deficiency and its associated long‐term health consequences. A dual approach is required, comprising public health strategies targeting prevention, to improve health in women of reproductive age, and the development of screening strategies for the early detection of iron deficiency in newborn infants.  相似文献   

At present, dyslipidemia is most commonly treated with drug therapy. However, because safety concerns regarding the use of pharmaceutical agents have arisen, a need for alternative nonpharmacological therapies has become increasingly apparent. The National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Adult Treatment Panel III (ATP III) recommends lifestyle therapies, which include a combination of diet and exercise modifications, in place of drug treatment for patients who fall into an intermediate range of coronary heart disease (CHD) risk. This review examined the cholesterol lowering efficacy of the following 2 NCEP-recommended combination therapies: 1) low saturated fat diets combined with exercise, and 2) nutritional supplementation, i.e., fish oil, oat bran, or plant sterol supplementation, combined with exercise, in the treatment of dyslipidemia. Combination therapies are particularly advantageous because diet and exercise elicit complementary effects on lipid profiles. More specifically, diet therapies, with some exceptions, lower total (TC) and LDL cholesterol (LDL-C) concentrations, whereas exercise interventions increase HDL cholesterol (HDL-C) while decreasing triglyceride (TG) levels. With respect to specific interventions, low saturated fat diets combined with exercise lowered TC, LDL-C, and TG concentrations by 7-18, 7-15, and 4-18%, respectively, while increasing HDL-C levels by 5-14%. Alternatively, nutritional supplements combined with exercise, decreased TC, LDL-C, and TG concentrations by 8-26, 8-30, and 12-39%, respectively, while increasing HDL-C levels by 2-8%. These findings suggest that combination lifestyle therapies are an efficacious, preliminary means of improving cholesterol levels in those diagnosed with dyslipidemia, and should be implemented in place of drug therapy when cholesterol levels fall just above the normal range.  相似文献   

Until the late 1980s community care was traditionally the preserve of the health and social care agencies that dominated the planning and provision of care. Since then it has increasingly been recognized that housing should also play a major role in community care. This has been apparent in official guidance and statements, in some of the more innovative forms of community care provision, and in some of the academic literature. Yet the advancement of the housing dimension of community care in the 1980s has arguably become as much of a bland truism as the idea of community care itself has always been. What has remained largely absent from the debate is a considered and critical view of the meaning and potential role of housing in community care, or - more specifically - an agreed vision of the benefits a housing orientation can bring to the quality of community care. This article draws together many strands of the argument. It critically examines the emergence and development of the idea of housing as a 'key' component - even the 'foundation' - of community care, identifying some of the reasons why the housing dimension has risen from a seriously marginalized position to the central role which it is now often suggested it should occupy. The authors conclude by arguing that, whilst some progress has been made, a fundamental shift in thinking is still required at many levels. They suggest that community care users have consistently claimed that housing is the first essential component of effective community care. What is needed is for other participants in the community care process to endorse and develop an ordinary housing approach to community care, in which housing is genuinely accepted as the vital component and which can be translated into practice. This fuller recognition of the housing contribution must embrace meanings which can be agreed, understood and operationalized by the main participants in community care.  相似文献   



In recent years, the field of vaccines for diseases such as Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) which take a heavy toll in developing countries has faced major failures. This has led to a call for more basic science research, and development as well as evaluation of new vaccine candidates. Human-animal chimeras, developed with a 'humanized' immune system could be useful to study infectious diseases, including many neglected diseases. These would also serve as an important tool for the efficient testing of new vaccine candidates to streamline promising candidates for further trials in humans. However, developing human-animal chimeras has proved to be controversial.  相似文献   

This paper presents an argument for the existence of "regret' influencing the valuation of alternative outcomes when making treatment decisions in healthcare. It is argued that valuation techniques as currently formulated rely upon the axioms of Expected Utility Theory (transitivity and independence). This potentially leads to a misrepresentation of the respondents true preferences over treatment alternatives, and thus results in the potential for "irrational' decisions being observed. A modified version of Regret Theory is outlined, and the results of a tentative empirical analysis provided to illustrate the importance of accounting for regret in the valuation of health states. It is concluded that regret is an important element in individual valuation and decision making in health care.  相似文献   

Immunotherapy has a great potential of becoming a new therapeutic strategy in the treatment of addiction to psychoactive drugs. It may be used to treat addiction but also to prevent neurotoxic complications of drug overdose. In preclinical studies two immunological methods have been tested; active immunization, which relies on the administration of vaccines and passive immunization, which relies on the administration of monoclonal antibodies. Until now researchers have succeeded in developing vaccines and/or antibodies against addiction to heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, nicotine and phencyclidine. Their effectiveness has been confirmed in preclinical studies. At present, clinical studies are being conducted for vaccines against nicotine and cocaine and also anti-methamphetamine monoclonal antibody. These preclinical and clinical studies suggest that immunotherapy may be useful in the treatment of addiction and drug overdose. However, there are a few problems to be solved. One of them is controlling the level of antibodies due to variability between subjects. But even obtaining a suitable antibody titer does not guarantee the effectiveness of the vaccine. Additionally, there is a risk of intentional or unintentional overdose. As vaccines prevent passing of drugs through the blood/brain barrier and thereby prevent their positive reinforcement, some addicted patients may erroneously seek higher doses of psychoactive substances to get “high”. Consequently, vaccination should be targeted at persons who have a strong motivation to free themselves from drug dependency. It seems that immunotherapy may be an opportunity for effective treatment of drug addiction if directed to adequate candidates for treatment. For other addicts, immunotherapy may be a very important element supporting psycho- and pharmacotherapy.  相似文献   

We examined the relationship of "coronary" risk factors to clinical gallbladder disease prevalence in a cross-sectional survey. Persons with hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, or low high-density-lipoprotein cholesterol levels had elevated risks for clinical gallbladder disease. Smokers of 20 pack-years or more and infrequent users of alcohol had increased risks, as did persons with hypertension or diabetes mellitus. After adjusting for age, body mass index, ethnicity, and the coronary variables, relationships persisted for diabetes in women (OR = 1.8) and frequent alcohol use in men (OR = 0.3). The proportion of gallbladder disease related to all coronary risk factors was estimated to be 52 per cent.  相似文献   

Public health interventions have unique characteristics compared to health technologies, which present additional challenges for economic evaluation (EE). High quality EEs that are able to address the particular methodological challenges are important for public health decision-makers. In England, they are even more pertinent given the transition of public health responsibilities in 2013 from the National Health Service to local government authorities where new agents are shaping policy decisions.Addressing alcohol misuse is a globally prioritised public health issue. This article provides a systematic review of EE and priority-setting studies for interventions to prevent and reduce alcohol misuse published internationally over the past decade (2006–2016). This review appraises the EE and priority-setting evidence to establish whether it is sufficient to meet the informational needs of public health decision-makers.619 studies were identified via database searches. 7 additional studies were identified via hand searching journals, grey literature and reference lists. 27 met inclusion criteria. Methods identified included cost-utility analysis (18), cost-effectiveness analysis (6), cost-benefit analysis (CBA) (1), cost-consequence analysis (CCA) (1) and return-on-investment (1). The review identified a lack of consideration of methodological challenges associated with evaluating public health interventions and limited use of methods such as CBA and CCA which have been recommended as potentially useful for EE in public health. No studies using other specific priority-setting tools were identified.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the effects of housing and neighborhood features on residential instability and the costs of mental health services for individuals with chronic mental illness (CMI). DATA SOURCES: Medicaid and service provider data on the mental health service utilization of 670 individuals with CMI between 1988 and 1993 were combined with primary data on housing attributes and costs, as well as census data on neighborhood characteristics. Study participants were living in independent housing units developed under the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Program on Chronic Mental Illness in four of nine demonstration cities between 1988 and 1993. STUDY DESIGN: Participants were assigned on a first-come, first-served basis to housing units as they became available for occupancy after renovation by the housing providers. Multivariate statistical models are used to examine the relationship between features of the residential environment and three outcomes that were measured during the participant's occupancy in a study property: residential instability, community-based service costs, and hospital-based service costs. To assess cost-effectiveness, the mental health care cost savings associated with some residential features are compared with the cost of providing housing with these features. DATA COLLECTION/EXTRACTION METHODS: Health service utilization data were obtained from Medicaid and from state and local departments of mental health. Non-mental-health services, substance abuse services, and pharmaceuticals were screened out. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Study participants living in newer and properly maintained buildings had lower mental health care costs and residential instability. Buildings with a richer set of amenity features, neighborhoods with no outward signs of physical deterioration, and neighborhoods with newer housing stock were also associated with reduced mental health care costs. Study participants were more residentially stable in buildings with fewer units and where a greater proportion of tenants were other individuals with CMI. Mental health care costs and residential instability tend to be reduced in neighborhoods with many nonresidential land uses and a higher proportion of renters. Mixed-race neighborhoods are associated with reduced probability of mental health hospitalization, but they also are associated with much higher hospitalization costs if hospitalized. The degree of income mixing in the neighborhood has no effect. CONCLUSIONS: Several of the key findings are consistent with theoretical expectations that higher-quality housing and neighborhoods lead to better mental health outcomes among individuals with CMI. The mental health care cost savings associated with these favorable features far outweigh the costs of developing and operating properties with them. Support for the hypothesis that "diverse-disorganized" neighborhoods are more accepting of individuals with CMI and, hence, associated with better mental health outcomes, is mixed.  相似文献   

Health policies on disease prevention differ widely between countries. Studies suggest that different countries have much to learn from each other and that significant health gains could be achieved if all countries followed best practice. This paper describes the policy development and planning process relating to prevention activities in Italy, through a critical appraisal of Regional Prevention Plans (RPPs) drafted for the period 2010–2012. The analysis was performed using a specific evaluation tool developed by a Scientific Committee appointed by the Italian Ministry of Health. We appraised nineteen RPPs, comprising a total of 702 projects, most of them in the areas of universal prevention (62.9%) and prevention in high risk groups (27.0%). Italian Regions established prevention activities using an innovative combination of population and high-risk individuals approaches. However, some issues, such as the need to reduce health inequalities, were poorly addressed. The technical drafting of RPPs required some improvement; e.g. the evidence of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the health interventions proposed was seldom reported. There were significant geographical differences across the Regions in the appraisal of RPPs. Our research suggests that continuous assessment of the planning process of prevention may become a very useful tool for monitoring, and ultimately strengthening, public health capacity in the field of prevention. Further research is needed to analyze determinants of regional variation.  相似文献   

Community-based childhood injury prevention interventions: what works?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Unintentional injury, with its broad range of injury types, possible countermeasures, and great number of agencies involved in its prevention, lends itself to community-based approaches. In this paper we examine 10 community-based injury prevention programmes that have targeted childhood injury prevention and have been evaluated using some measure of outcome. We investigate the nature of the intervention, targeting, the length of programmes and multi-agency involvement. We also consider how the programmes have been evaluated, and what outcome, impact and process measures have been used. The information on the intervention and how it was evaluated, how effective the programme was, and the strength of the evidence, is summarized in tabular form. There is increasing evidence emerging about the effectiveness of community-based approaches in injury prevention. Important elements of such approaches are long-term strategy, effective focused leadership, multi-agency collaboration, tailoring to the needs of the local community, the use of local injury surveillance, and time to coordinate existing and develop new local networks. We recommend that there is a need to develop indicators to assess and monitor a culture of safety, programme sustainability and long-term community involvement.  相似文献   

Since the publication of randomised trials showing firm evidence of prevention of neural tube defects with periconceptional folic acid, there have been population health promotion programmes to encourage women to take folic acid supplements, and the introduction of voluntary fortification of some foods with folic acid in Australia. In order to evaluate these two strategies, we collected data by self-administered questionnaire from a random sample of recently pregnant women in Western Australia between September 1997 and March 2000. Response to health promotion was measured in three ways: (1) knowledge of the association between periconceptional folate and prevention of spina bifida (the 'correct message'); (2) use of periconceptional vitamin supplements of folic acid daily in the periconceptional period; and (3) daily folate intake from fortified foods in the 6 months before pregnancy. We examined the relationship of maternal demographic and behavioural characteristics with these three measures. Overall, 62.3% of women were aware of the correct message before pregnancy, 28.5% reported taking 200 microg or more of folic acid from supplements daily in the periconceptional period and 56.6% of women obtained 100 microg or more of folic acid from fortified foods. Women who first became aware of the correct message during pregnancy or who were unaware of the correct message before or during pregnancy were more likely than women aware before pregnancy to be younger, having their first pregnancy, be single or in a de facto relationship, have no tertiary education, and be a public patient. Similar associations were seen for women taking either no folic acid or < 200 microg of folic acid in supplements daily in the periconceptional period. There were no significant associations between these demographic variables and amount of folate obtained from fortified foods. Women who were unaware of the correct message and did not take folic acid supplements were more likely to have smoked, not to have engaged in exercise, and not to have planned their pregnancy, whereas there was no association with these behavioural characteristics and intake of folate from fortified foods. These results indicate that health promotion strategies have not reached all segments of the target population equally, but there is no such disparity with folate-fortified foods, and they suggest that mandatory fortification of a staple food is likely to reach all women regardless of demographic and behavioural characteristics, and hence provide improved opportunity for prevention of neural tube defects in Australia.  相似文献   

This article provides a rationale for interventions aimed at the prevention of eating disorders and obesity, an overview of some of the questions and controversies currently facing the fields of eating disorder and obesity prevention, and a discussion of the potential for integrated prevention approaches that address the broad spectrum of weight-related disorders. A rationale for utilizing an integrated approach, the challenges inherent to developing such an approach, and suggestions for working toward integrated approaches aimed at preventing the broad spectrum of weight-related disorders are discussed.  相似文献   



In South Africa, HIV prevalence among youth aged 15-24 is among the world's highest. Given the urgent need to identify effective HIV prevention approaches, this review assesses the evidence base for youth HIV prevention in South Africa.  相似文献   

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