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To investigate the cortical basis of color and form concepts, we examined event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) responses to matched words related to abstract color and form information. Silent word reading elicited activity in left temporal and frontal cortex, where category-specific activity differences were also observed. Whereas color words preferentially activated anterior parahippocampal gyrus, form words evoked category-specific activity in fusiform and middle temporal gyrus as well as premotor and dorsolateral prefrontal areas in inferior and middle frontal gyri. These results demonstrate that word meanings and concepts are not processed by a unique cortical area, but by different sets of areas, each of which may contribute differentially to conceptual semantic processing. We hypothesize that the anterior parahippocampal activation to color words indexes computation of the visual feature conjunctions and disjunctions necessary for classifying visual stimuli under a color concept. The predominant premotor and prefrontal activation to form words suggests action-related information processing and may reflect the involvement of neuronal elements responding in an either-or fashion to mirror neurons related to adumbrating shapes.  相似文献   

Neuroimaging studies have revealed that the functional organization of reading differs between developmentally dyslexic and non-impaired individuals. However, it is not clear how early in the reading process the differences between fluent and dyslexic readers start to emerge. We studied cortical activity of ten dyslexic adults using magnetoencephalography (MEG), as they silently read words or viewed symbol-strings which were clearly visible or degraded with Gaussian noise. This method has previously been used to dissociate between analysis of local features and pre-lexical word processing in fluent adult readers. Signals peaking around 100 ms after stimulus onset and originating in the postero-medial extrastriate cortex were associated with increasing local luminance contrast in the noise patches. These early visual responses were similar in dyslexic and non-impaired readers. In contrast, the letter-string-specific responses peaking around 150 ms predominantly in the left inferior occipito-temporal cortex in fluent readers were undetectable in dyslexic readers. Thus, while the early visual processing seems intact in dyslexic adults, the pattern of cortical activation starts to differ from that of fluent readers at the point where letter-string-specific signals first emerge during reading.  相似文献   

The mismatch negativity response, considered a brain correlate of automatic preattentive auditory processing, is enhanced for word stimuli as compared with acoustically matched pseudowords. This lexical enhancement, taken as a signature of activation of language-specific long-term memory traces, was investigated here using functional magnetic resonance imaging to complement the previous electrophysiological studies. In passive oddball paradigm, word stimuli were randomly presented as rare deviants among frequent pseudowords; the reverse conditions employed infrequent pseudowords among word stimuli. Random-effect analysis indicated clearly distinct patterns for the different lexical types. Whereas the hemodynamic mismatch response was significant for the word deviants, it did not reach significance for the pseudoword conditions. This difference, more pronounced in the left than right hemisphere, was also assessed by analyzing average parameter estimates in regions of interests within both temporal lobes. A significant hemisphere-by-lexicality interaction confirmed stronger blood oxygenation level-dependent mismatch responses to words than pseudowords in the left but not in the right superior temporal cortex. The increased left superior temporal activation and the laterality of cortical sources elicited by spoken words compared with pseudowords may indicate the activation of cortical circuits for lexical material even in passive oddball conditions and suggest involvement of the left superior temporal areas in housing such word-processing neuronal circuits.  相似文献   

Over 90% of people activate the left hemisphere more than the right hemisphere for language processing. Here, we show that the degree to which language is left lateralized is inversely related to the degree to which left frontal regions drive activity in homotopic right frontal regions. Lateralization was assessed in 60 subjects using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) activation for semantic decisions on verbal (written words) and nonverbal (pictures of objects) stimuli. Regional interactions between left and right ventral and dorsal frontal regions were assessed using dynamic causal modeling (DCM), random-effects Bayesian model selection at the family level, and Bayesian model averaging at the connection level. We found that 1) semantic decisions on words and pictures modulated interhemispheric coupling between the left and right dorsal frontal regions, 2) activation was more left lateralized for words than pictures, and 3) for words only, left lateralization was greater when the coupling from the left to right dorsal frontal cortex was reduced. These results have theoretical implications for understanding how left and right hemispheres communicate with one another during the processing of lateralized functions.  相似文献   

Different cortical regions within the ventral occipitotemporal junction have been reported to show preferential responses to particular objects. Thus, it is argued that there is evidence for a left-lateralized visual word form area and a right-lateralized fusiform face area, but the unique specialization of these areas remains controversial. Words are characterized by greater power in the high spatial frequency (SF) range, whereas faces comprise a broader range of high and low frequencies. We investigated how these high-order visual association areas respond to simple sine-wave gratings that varied in SF. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we demonstrated lateralization of activity that was concordant with the low-level visual property of words and faces; left occipitotemporal cortex is more strongly activated by high than by low SF gratings, whereas the right occipitotemporal cortex responded more to low than high spatial frequencies. Therefore, the SF of a visual stimulus may bias the lateralization of processing irrespective of its higher order properties.  相似文献   

A previous positron emission tomography study that investigated the cortical areas involved in directing eye movements during text reading showed two areas of extra-occipital asymmetry: left > right posterior parietal cortex (PPC), and right > left frontal eye-field (FEF). We used the temporal resolution of repetitive TMS (rTMS) to isolate the contributions of the left and right PPC and FEF to the planning and execution of rightward reading saccades. We present eye-movement data collected during text reading, which involves the initiation and maintenance of a series of saccades (scanpath). rTMS over the left but not right PPC slowed reading speeds for the whole array of words, indicating that this area is involved throughout the scanpath. rTMS over the right but not the left FEF slowed the time to make the first saccade, but only when triggered before the stimuli appeared, demonstrating that the role of this region is in the preparation of the scanpath. Our results are compatible with the hypotheses that the left PPC maintains reading saccades along a line of text while the right FEF is involved in the preparation of the motor plan for the scanpath at the start of each new line of text.  相似文献   

Affectively arousing visual stimuli have been suggested to automatically attract attentional resources in order to optimize sensory processing. The present study crosses the factors of spatial selective attention and affective content, and examines the relationship between instructed (spatial) and automatic attention to affective stimuli. In addition to response times and error rate, electroencephalographic data from 129 electrodes were recorded during a covert spatial attention task. This task required silent counting of random-dot targets embedded in a 10 Hz flicker of colored pictures presented to both hemifields. Steady-state visual evoked potentials (ssVEPs) were obtained to determine amplitude and phase of electrocortical responses to pictures. An increase of ssVEP amplitude was observed as an additive function of spatial attention and emotional content. Statistical parametric mapping of this effect indicated occipito-temporal and parietal cortex activation contralateral to the attended visual hemifield in ssVEP amplitude modulation. This difference was most pronounced during selection of the left visual hemifield, at right temporal electrodes. In line with this finding, phase information revealed accelerated processing of aversive arousing, compared to affectively neutral pictures. The data suggest that affective stimulus properties modulate the spatiotemporal process along the ventral stream, encompassing amplitude amplification and timing changes of posterior and temporal cortex.  相似文献   

Shape and motion are complementary visual features and each appears to be processed in unique cortical areas. However, object motion is a powerful cue for the perception of three-dimensional (3-D) shape, implying that the two types of information--motion and form--are well integrated. We conducted a series of fMRI experiments aimed at identifying the brain regions involved in inferring 3-D shape from motion cues. For each subject, we identified regions in occipital-temporal cortex that were activated when perceiving: (i) motion in unstructured random-dot patterns, (ii) 2-D and 3-D line drawing shapes, and (iii) 3-D shapes defined by motion cues (shape-from-motion, SFM). We found closely adjacent areas in the lateral occipital region activated by random motion and line-drawing shapes. In addition, we found that the SFM stimuli produced a greater MRI signal in only one of the areas identified with the random motion and line-drawing stimuli: the superior lateral occipital (SLO) region. High-resolution analysis showed that SFM objects and line drawings were processed in separate but adjacent sub-regions in SLO, suggesting that SLO codes object shape but retains topographic segregation based on shape cues. Expanding the analysis to the entire cortex identified a parietal area that had overlapping activation for both SFM and line drawings and increased MRI signal for 3-D versus 2-D shapes, suggesting this area is important for processing shape information.  相似文献   

According to a simple anatomical and functional model of word reading, letters displayed in one hemifield are first analysed through a cascade of contralateral retinotopic areas, which compute increasingly abstract representations. Eventually, an invariant representation of letter identities is created in the visual word form area (VWFA), reproducibly located within the left occipito-temporal sulcus. The VWFA then projects to structures involved in phonological or lexico-semantic processing. This model yields detailed predictions on the reading impairments that may follow left occipitotemporal lesions. Those predictions were confronted to behavioural, anatomical and functional MRI data gathered in normals and in patients suffering from left posterior cerebral artery infarcts. In normal subjects, alphabetic stimuli activated both the VWFA and the right-hemispheric symmetrical region (R-VWFA) relative to fixation, but only the VWFA showed a preference for alphabetic strings over simple chequerboards. The comparison of normalized brain lesions with reading-induced activations showed that the critical lesion site for the classical syndrome of pure alexia can be tightly localized to the VWFA. Reading impairments resulting from deafferentation of an intact VWFA from right- or left-hemispheric input were dissected using the same methods, shedding light on the connectivity of the VWFA. Finally, the putative role of right-hemispheric processing in the letter-by-letter reading strategy was clarified. In a letter-by-letter reader, the R-VWFA assumed some of the functional properties normally specific to the VWFA. These data corroborate our initial model of normal word perception and underline that an alternative right-hemispheric pathway can underlie functional recovery from alexia.  相似文献   

The computation of speech codes (i.e. phonology) is an important aspect of word reading. Understanding the neural systems and mech- anisms underlying phonological processes provides a foundation for the investigation of language in the brain. We used high-resolution three-dimensional positron emission tomography (PET) to investigate neural systems essential for phonological processes. The burden of neural activities on the computation of speech codes was maximized by three rhyming tasks (rhyming words, pseudowords and words printed in mixed letter cases). Brain activation patterns associated with these tasks were compared with those of two baseline tasks involving visual feature detection. Results suggest strong left lateralized epicenters of neural activity in rhyming irrespective of gender. Word rhyming activated the same brain regions engaged in pseudoword rhyming, suggesting conjoint neural networks for phonological processing of words and pseudowords. However, pseudoword rhyming induced the largest change in cerebral blood flow and activated more voxels in the left posterior prefrontal regions and the left inferior occipital-temporal junction. In addition, pseudoword rhyming activated the left supramarginal gyrus, which was not apparent in word rhyming. These results suggest that rhyming pseudowords requires active participation of extended neural systems and networks not observed for rhyming words. The implications of the results on theories and models of visual word reading and on selective reading dysfunctions after brain lesions are discussed.  相似文献   

In this study of reading development, children (ages 7-10) and adults (ages 18-32) performed overt single-word reading and aural repetition tasks on high-frequency word stimuli during functional magnetic resonance imaging. Most regions showed similar activity across age groups. These widespread regions of similarity indicate that children and adults use largely overlapping mechanisms when processing high-frequency words. Significant task-related differences included greater activity in occipital cortex for the read task, and greater activity in temporal cortex for the repeat task; activity levels in these regions were similar for adults and children. However, age group differences were found in several posterior regions, including a set of regions implicated in adult reading: the left supramarginal gyrus, the left angular gyrus, and bilateral anterior extrastriate cortex. The angular and supramarginal gyrus regions, hypothesized to play a role in phonology, showed decreased activity in adults relative to children for high-frequency words. The extrastriate regions had significant activity for both the visual read task and auditory repeat task in children, but just for the read task in adults, showing significant task and age interactions. These results are consistent with decreasing reliance on phonological processing, and increasing tuning of visual mechanisms, with age.  相似文献   

Lesion evidence indicates that words from different lexical categories, such as nouns and verbs, may have different cortical counterparts. In this study, processing of nouns and verbs was investigated in the intact brain using (i) behavioral measures, (ii) stimulus-triggered event-related potentials and (iii) high-frequency electrocortical responses in the gamma band. Nouns and verbs carefully matched for various variables, including word frequency, length, arousal and valence, were presented in a lexical decision task while electrocortical responses were recorded. In addition, information about cognitive processing of these stimuli was obtained using questionnaires and reaction times. As soon as approximately 200 ms after stimulus onset, event-related potentials disclosed electrocortical differences between nouns and verbs over widespread cortical areas. In a later time window, 500-800 ms after stimulus onset, there was a significant difference between high-frequency responses in the 30 Hz range. Difference maps obtained from both event-related potentials and high-frequency responses revealed strong between-category differences of signals recorded above motor and visual cortices. Behavioral data suggest that these different physiological responses are related to semantic associations (motor or visual) elicited by these word groups. Our results are consistent with a neurobiological model of language representation postulating cell assemblies with distinct cortical topographies as biological counterparts of words. Assemblies representing nouns referring to visually perceived objects may include neurons in visual cortices, and assemblies representing action verbs may include additional neurons in motor, premotor and prefrontal cortices. Event-related potentials and high-frequency responses are proposed to indicate two different functional states of cell assemblies: initial full activation ('ignition') and continuous reverberatory activity.  相似文献   

On the basis of neuropsychological and functional imaging evidence, meaning and grammatical class (particularly the verb-noun distinction) have been proposed as organizational principles of linguistic knowledge in the brain. However, previous studies investigating verb and noun processing have been confounded by the presence of systematic correlations between word meaning and grammatical class. In this positron emission tomography study, we investigated implicit word processing using stimuli that allowed the effects of semantic and grammatical properties to be examined independently, without grammatical-semantic confounds. We found that left hemisphere cortical activation during single-word processing was modulated by word meaning, but not by grammatical class. Motor word processing produced significant activation in left precentral gyrus, whereas sensory word processing produced significant activation in left inferior temporal and inferior frontal regions. In contrast to previous studies, there were no effects of grammatical class in left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG). Instead, we found semantic-based differences within left IFG: anterior, but not posterior, left IFG regions responded preferentially to sensory words. These findings demonstrate that the neural substrates of implicit word processing are determined by semantic rather than grammatical properties and suggest that word comprehension involves the activation of modality-specific representations linked to word meaning.  相似文献   

Neurophysiological measures indicate cortical sensitivity to speech sounds by 150 ms after stimulus onset. In this time window dyslexic subjects start to show abnormal cortical processing. We investigated whether phonetic analysis is reflected in the robust auditory cortical activation at approximately 100 ms (N100m), and whether dyslexic subjects show abnormal N100m responses to speech or nonspeech sounds. We used magnetoencephalography to record auditory responses of 10 normally reading and 10 dyslexic adults. The speech stimuli were synthetic Finnish speech sounds (/a/, /u/, /pa/, /ka/). The nonspeech stimuli were complex nonspeech sounds and simple sine wave tones, composed of the F1+F2+F3 and F2 formant frequencies of the speech sounds, respectively. All sounds evoked a prominent N100m response in the bilateral auditory cortices. The N100m activation was stronger to speech than nonspeech sounds in the left but not in the right auditory cortex, in both subject groups. The leftward shift of hemispheric balance for speech sounds is likely to reflect analysis at the phonetic level. In dyslexic subjects the overall interhemispheric amplitude balance and timing were altered for all sound types alike. Dyslexic individuals thus seem to have an unusual cortical organization of general auditory processing in the time window of speech-sensitive analysis.  相似文献   

Human temporal lobe activation by speech and nonspeech sounds   总被引:27,自引:18,他引:9  
Functional organization of the lateral temporal cortex in humans is not well understood. We recorded blood oxygenation signals from the temporal lobes of normal volunteers using functional magnetic resonance imaging during stimulation with unstructured noise, frequency-modulated (FM) tones, reversed speech, pseudowords and words. For all conditions, subjects performed a material-nonspecific detection response when a train of stimuli began or ceased. Dorsal areas surrounding Heschl's gyrus bilaterally, particularly the planum temporale and dorsolateral superior temporal gyrus, were more strongly activated by FM tones than by noise, suggesting a role in processing simple temporally encoded auditory information. Distinct from these dorsolateral areas, regions centered in the superior temporal sulcus bilaterally were more activated by speech stimuli than by FM tones. Identical results were obtained in this region using words, pseudowords and reversed speech, suggesting that the speech-tones activation difference is due to acoustic rather than linguistic factors. In contrast, previous comparisons between word and nonword speech sounds showed left-lateralized activation differences in more ventral temporal and temporoparietal regions that are likely involved in processing lexical-semantic or syntactic information associated with words. The results indicate functional subdivision of the human lateral temporal cortex and provide a preliminary framework for understanding the cortical processing of speech sounds.  相似文献   

Attention improves visual discrimination and consequently allows to discern stimuli with low signal-to-noise ratios that otherwise would remain undetected. We used magnetoencephalography (MEG) to test whether neuromagnetic responses recorded from occipito-temporal cortex, reflecting the size of visual motion signals embedded in noise (motion coherence), would mirror the perceptual changes induced by attention. Attention directed to a given hemifield increased and decreased the coherence modulation of the MEG response over contralateral and ipsilateral visual cortex, respectively, indicating a change in the neuronal signal-to-noise ratio at the population level.  相似文献   

Perceptual suppression of distractors may depend on both endogenous and exogenous factors, such as attentional load of the current task and sensory competition among simultaneous stimuli, respectively. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to compare these two types of attentional effects and examine how they may interact in the human brain. We varied the attentional load of a visual monitoring task performed on a rapid stream at central fixation without altering the central stimuli themselves, while measuring the impact on fMRI responses to task-irrelevant peripheral checkerboards presented either unilaterally or bilaterally. Activations in visual cortex for irrelevant peripheral stimulation decreased with increasing attentional load at fixation. This relative decrease was present even in V1, but became larger for successive visual areas through to V4. Decreases in activation for contralateral peripheral checkerboards due to higher central load were more pronounced within retinotopic cortex corresponding to 'inner' peripheral locations relatively near the central targets than for more eccentric 'outer' locations, demonstrating a predominant suppression of nearby surround rather than strict 'tunnel vision' during higher task load at central fixation. Contralateral activations for peripheral stimulation in one hemifield were reduced by competition with concurrent stimulation in the other hemifield only in inferior parietal cortex, not in retinotopic areas of occipital visual cortex. In addition, central attentional load interacted with competition due to bilateral versus unilateral peripheral stimuli specifically in posterior parietal and fusiform regions. These results reveal that task-dependent attentional load, and interhemifield stimulus-competition, can produce distinct influences on the neural responses to peripheral visual stimuli within the human visual system. These distinct mechanisms in selective visual processing may be integrated within posterior parietal areas, rather than earlier occipital cortex.  相似文献   

Hemispheric specialization is reliably demonstrated in patients with unilateral lesions or disconnected hemispheres, but is inconsistent in healthy populations. The reason for this paradox is unclear. We propose that functional hemispheric specialization in healthy participants depends upon functional brain states at stimulus arrival (FBS). Brain activity was recorded from 123 surface electrodes while 22 participants (11 women) performed lateralized lexical decisions (left hemisphere processing) on neutral and emotional (right hemisphere processing) words. We determined two classes of stable FBS, one with right anterior-left posterior orientations (RA-LP maps) and one with left anterior-right posterior orientations (LA-RP maps). Results show that functional hemispheric specialization is dependent upon the class of FBS and gender. Of those with LA-RP maps, only men showed a strong emotional word advantage (EWA) after left visual field (right hemisphere) presentation, but no EWA after right visual field (left hemisphere) presentation. Subsequent to all other brain states, there was an almost equal EWA after presentation to either visual field. Only about half of the FBS in men led to the pattern of functional hemispheric specialization. We suggest that 'split-brain' research may be marginally describable by a model, but only in exceptional situations, while in connected brains this functional hemispheric specialization is only one of many dynamic states.  相似文献   

We report a new brain signature of memory trace activation in the human brain revealed by magnetoencephalography and distributed source localization. Spatiotemporal patterns of cortical activation can be picked up in the time course of source images underlying magnetic brain responses to speech and noise stimuli, especially the generators of the magnetic mismatch negativity. We found that acoustic signals perceived as speech elicited a well-defined spatiotemporal pattern of sequential activation of superior-temporal and inferior-frontal cortex, whereas the same identical stimuli, when perceived as noise, did not elicit temporally structured activation. Strength of local sources constituting large-scale spatiotemporal patterns reflected additional lexical and syntactic features of speech. Morphological processing of the critical sound as verb inflection led to particularly pronounced early left inferior-frontal activation, whereas the same sound functioning as inflectional affix of a noun activated superior-temporal cortex more strongly. We conclude that precisely timed spatiotemporal patterns involving specific cortical areas may represent a brain code of memory circuit activation. These spatiotemporal patterns are best explained in terms of synfire mechanisms linking neuronal populations in different cortical areas. The large-scale synfire chains appear to reflect the processing of stimuli together with the context-dependent perceptual and cognitive information bound to them.  相似文献   

We compared cortical reactivity to pattern and luminance stimuli by recording evoked responses and spontaneous brain rhythms from 10 subjects with a whole-scalp neuromagnetometer. Hemifield patterns (black-and-white checkerboards) elicited strong contralateral transient activation of the occipital V1/V2 cortex, maximum at 65-75 ms, followed by sustained activation during the 2 s stimulus. Responses to hemifield luminance stimuli also had an occipital component, but they were dominated by activation of the medial parieto-occipital sulcus (POS) 60- 70 ms later. The POS region was equally well activated by foveal and extrafoveal stimuli. The occipital responses to hemifield luminance stimuli differed from those to pattern stimuli in two main aspects: the sustained activation was significantly weaker, and the responses were almost symmetrical, indicating a surprisingly bilateral occipital activation. These effects were similar with foveal and extrafoveal stimuli. The spontaneous 10 Hz alpha rhythm, originating predominantly in the POS region, was suppressed after both stimulus onsets and offsets, more strongly for luminance than pattern stimuli. Activation of the occipital cortex dominated after pattern stimuli, whereas the effect of luminance stimulation was stronger in the parieto-occipital region. The distinct signal distributions in the occipital and POS regions suggest that the two types of stimuli activate the magno- and parvocellular pathways to a varying degree. These findings are also in line with a stronger attention-catching value of the luminance than pattern stimuli.   相似文献   

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