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The giant egg (Ge) locus is a Z‐linked mutation that leads to the production of large eggs. Cytological observations suggest that an unusual translocation of a large fragment of the W chromosome bearing a putative egg size‐determining gene, Esd, gave rise to giant egg mutants. However, there is currently no molecular evidence confirming either a W–Z translocation or the presence of Esd on the W chromosome. To elucidate the origin of giant egg mutants, we performed positional cloning. We observed that the Bombyx mori. orthologue of the human Phytanoyl‐CoA dioxygenase domain containing 1 gene (PHYHD1) is disrupted in giant egg mutants. PHYHD1 is highly conserved in eukaryotes and is predicted to be a Fe(II) and 2‐oxoglutarate‐dependent oxygenase. Exon skipping in one of the two available Ge mutants is probably caused by the insertion of a non‐long terminal repeat transposon into intron 4 in the vicinity of the 5′ splice site. Segmental duplication in Ge2, an independent allele, was caused by unequal recombination between short interspersed elements inserted into introns 3 and 5. Our results indicate that (1) Bombyx PHYHD1 is responsible for the Ge mutants and that (2) the Ge locus is unrelated to the W‐linked putative Esd. To our knowledge, this is the first report describing the phenotypic defects caused by mutations in PHYHD1 orthologues.  相似文献   

Aim of investigation: Recent research indicated wide variability regarding pain-related cognitive/affective and behavioral responses to pain, showing that fear-avoidance responses (FAR) and endurance-responses (ER) play a prominent role in the maintenance of low back pain (LBP). Until now, there is a lack of reliable and valid instruments covering FAR and ER.MethodsA pool of 60 items, derived from the Kiel Pain Inventory was answered by 191 LBP patients. Principle components analyses (PCA) was used to explore the factor structure creating the Avoidance-Endurance Questionnaire (AEQ). Validity was calculated using the criteria variables pain intensity, disability, chronic pain grades (CPG) and number of sick days, further self-report measures (Fear-Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire FABQ, Pain Anxiety Symptoms Scale PASS, Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia TSK and Beck Depression Inventory BDI) evaluating construct validity.ResultsPCA revealed five AEQ–FAR scales with anxiety/depression, catastrophizing, help-/hopelessness, avoidance of social activities, avoidance of physical activities, and four AEQ–ER scales with positive mood, thought suppression, pain persistence behavior and humor/distraction. All scales revealed high internal consistency. As expected, FAR scales showed positive associations with pain, disability and other FAR variables (correlations between r = .26 and r = .58), whereas ER scales showed negative associations (between r = ?.19 and ?.48). The only exception referred to positive correlations between both, FAR and ER and pain intensity.ConclusionsThe AEQ has shown as a reliable and valid measure to assess pattern of fear-avoidance and endurance-related responses to pain. Both aspects seem to play a role in the maintenance of LBP.  相似文献   

The brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys, is a devastating invasive species in the USA. Similar to other insects, olfaction plays an important role in its survival and reproduction. As odorant‐binding proteins (OBPs) are involved in the initial semiochemical recognition steps, we used RNA‐Sequencing (RNA‐Seq) to identify OBPs in its antennae, and studied their expression pattern in different body parts under semiochemical stimulation by either aggregation or alarm pheromone or food odorants. Thirty full‐length putative HhalOBPs were identified, corresponding to 22 ‘classic’ OBPs and eight ‘Plus‐C’ OBPs. The similarity amongst them ranged from 4.95–70.92%, and with another 325 hemipteran OBPs similarity ranged from 1.94–91.51%, the highest levels being with other stink bug OBPs. Phylogenetic analysis confirmed the monophyly of seven groups of stink bug and other hemipteran OBPs. All 30 HhalOBPs were expressed and about 2/3 were expressed primarily in antennae. The expression of 21 HhalOBPs was higher in the antennae under alarm pheromone stimulus, indicating that multiple OBPs may be responding to this pheromone. Two were highest in antennae under aggregation pheromone stimulus. These findings should provide a basis for understanding the physiological functions of HhalOBPs and the chemosensory perception of this pest, which may help to uncover new control targets for behavioural interference.  相似文献   

Seven cuticle chitin‐binding proteins (Ld‐CP1v1 to 7) were deduced from antenna cDNAs of adult Colorado potato beetles, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), based on their consensus sequences. The mature proteins consisted of 87–188 residues. Ld‐CP1v1 formed a distinct orthologous protein cluster (OP1) along with four proteins from other insect species in a neighbor‐joining phylogenetic tree. These proteins also contained a proline glutamine‐rich (PQ‐rich) region and a highly conserved C‐terminal motif (Phr). Their consensus region lacked the defined aromatic triad. Ld‐CP2 to 6 clustered with those bearing RR‐1 consensus and Ld‐CP7 with RR‐2 consensus. Ld‐CP1v1 to 4 were expressed at the post‐ecdysial period in all the developmental stages whereas Ld‐CP5 to 7 were expressed mainly in adults.  相似文献   

Thioester‐containing proteins (TEPs) are conserved proteins with a role in innate immune immunity. In the current study, we characterized the TEP family in the genome of six tsetse fly species (Glossina spp.). Tsetse flies are the biological vectors of several African trypanosomes, which cause sleeping sickness in humans or nagana in livestock. The analysis of the tsetse TEP sequences revealed information about their structure, evolutionary relationships and expression profiles under both normal and trypanosome infection conditions. Phylogenetic analysis of the family showed that tsetse flies harbour a genomic expansion of specific TEPs that are not found in other dipterans. We found a general expression of all TEP genes in the alimentary tract, mouthparts and salivary glands. Glossina morsitans and Glossina palpalis TEP genes display a tissue‐specific expression pattern with some that are markedly up‐regulated when the fly is infected with the trypanosome parasite. A different TEP response was observed to infection with Trypanosoma brucei compared to Trypanosoma congolense, indicating that the tsetse TEP response is trypanosome‐specific. These findings are suggestive for the involvement of the TEP family in tsetse innate immunity, with a possible role in the control of the trypanosome parasite.  相似文献   

Aims and objectives. To explore the development over time of beliefs about health, illness and health care in migrant women with gestational diabetes mellitus born in the Middle East and living in Sweden and to study the influence on self‐care and care seeking. Background. With today’s extensive global migration, contact with the new society/health care confronts the migrant’s culture of origin with the culture of the host country. The question is whether immigrants’ patterns of beliefs about health, illness and health‐related behaviour change over time, as no previous studies have been found on this topic. Design. A qualitative prospective exploratory study. Methods. Semi‐structured interviews, with 14 women (28–44 years), on three occasions: during pregnancy in gestational weeks 34–38 and three and 14 months after delivery. Results. There was a U‐shaped development of beliefs, from focusing on worries about the baby’s health during pregnancy and trying to comply with advice from health professionals, particularly a healthy diet, through regression to dietary habits (more sugar, less fibre) and lifestyle held before being diagnosed with gestational diabetes mellitus three months after delivery, back to a healthy diet/lifestyle and worries 14 months after delivery but then focusing on their own risk, as mothers, of developing type 2 diabetes and being unable to care for the child. Over time, the number of persons perceiving gestational diabetes mellitus as a transient condition decreased. Respondents lacked information about gestational diabetes mellitus, diet and follow‐ups. Conclusion. Beliefs changed over time and influenced health‐related behaviour. Beliefs about the seriousness of gestational diabetes mellitus among healthcare staff/care organisation influence the development of patients’ beliefs and need to be considered in planning care. Relevance to clinical practice. Pregnancy should be used as an opportunity to provide complete information about gestational diabetes mellitus and future health risks. This should continue after delivery and wishes for regular follow‐ups should be met.  相似文献   

Defensins are a class of small and diverse cysteine‐rich proteins which have broad‐spectrum antimicrobial activities. We identified and characterized a full‐length cDNA encoding a putative defensin‐like peptide from the whitefly Bemisia tabaci by RACE and quantitative real‐time (qRT)‐PCR. The full‐length cDNA, named Btdef, was 388 bp long and contained an open reading frame of 228 bp. The putative mature Btdef had 46 amino acids with a molecular weight of 5.06 kDa. The deduced amino acid sequence showed significant homology with insect defensins from Heliothis virescens (76%) and Galleria mellonella (75%). The predicted mature form of Btdef was expressed as a recombinant peptide in Escherichia coli. Antimicrobial assays of the purified product indicated that Btdef was most active against fungi. qRT‐PCR analyses indicated that Btdef mRNA was constitutively expressed in different tissues of B. tabaci, including fat body, midgut, ovaries and salivary gland, and was induced by fungal infection. Btdef mRNA expression was also significantly altered after feeding on different host plants, indicating that diet affects immune defences in B. tabaci. These results describe for the first time the basic properties of a defensin‐like peptide from B. tabaci that probably plays an important role in the immune response against pathogens.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To describe the cross‐cultural adaptation of the Quality of Diagnoses, Interventions and Outcomes instrument into Brazilian Portuguese. METHOD: This process entailed translation, synthesis, back‐translation, expert committee review, and pretesting. FINDINGS: Six items were altered in the Brazilian version, and the scoring system was changed from a five‐point to a three‐point Likert‐type scale. Pretesting was conducted on a sample of 40 randomly selected nursing records. Overall reliability as measured by Cronbach's alpha was 0.96. CONCLUSIONS: Adaptation resulted in a preliminary version of the instrument. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE: Assessment of the psychometric properties of the instrument in a larger sample of nursing records is required, and such a study is underway.  相似文献   

Artificial Chrysopa pallens release is a well‐known method for suppressing aphids, but it is difficult to establish lacewing populations in the field. Understanding the functions of C. pallens odorant‐binding proteins (CpalOBPs) and behavioural responses of C. pallens to plant volatiles and aphid alarm pheromone (E)‐ß‐farnesene has important implications for population establishment after lacewing release. Based on our previous study, five antennae‐enriched CpalOBPs were selected. Sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis revealed that these five CpalOBPs were Classic OBPs and separated into different clades. Of them, CpalOBP10 clustered in the same clade with aphid OBP7, which mediates the perception of green leaf volatiles and (E)‐ß‐farnesene. Ligand‐binding assays showed 31 compounds, including plant‐derived compounds, pest‐induced volatiles and (E)‐ß‐farnesene, had high binding affinities for at least one of these five CpalOBPs. Of the 31 compounds, the pest‐induced volatiles (Z)?3‐hexenyl hexanoate and 2‐hexyl‐1‐decanol, used in host location by the black bean aphid, elicited significant attractive behavioural responses from C. pallens. Conversely, (E)‐ß‐farnesene elicited strongly repellent behavioural responses. It is conceivable that C. pallens utilizes plant‐derived compounds, pest‐induced volatiles and (E)‐ß‐farnesene as foraging cues. Our studies provide new insights into the interrelationships amongst C. pallens, its prey and the host plants. Compounds that elicited significant behavioural responses from C. pallens were also identified.  相似文献   

Challenging behaviour may not be part of the diagnostic criteria for Autistic Disorder but they are frequently exhibited by children and adults with this condition. Levels of challenging behaviours are highest in individuals with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and co‐occurring intellectual disability (ID). The sample for this study consisted of 57 institutionalized adults with ID who either did or did not meet criteria for an ASD on a screening instrument [Autism Spectrum Disorders‐Diagnosis for Intellectually Disabled Adults (ASD‐DA)]. These two groups were compared on two parallel measures of challenging behaviour commonly used with this population: the Behavior Problems Inventory‐01 (BPI‐01) and Autism Spectrum Disorders‐Behavior Problems for Intellectually Disabled Adults (ASD‐BPA). Consistent with previous research, individuals with ASD demonstrated higher levels of overall challenging behaviour and especially with regard to self‐injurious and stereotypical behaviours. The convergent validity of these two scales was also demonstrated for the entire sample and by group.  相似文献   

Background: Ibuprofen and other nonsteroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs are widely used to block pain and inflammation in a variety of settings. Contrarily, opioid analgesia does not block the inflammatory component of pain and the use of these agents can be accompanied by serious side effects. We conducted a multicenter, randomized, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled trial to evaluate the safety and efficacy of intravenous ibuprofen (IV‐ibuprofen) as a postoperative analgesic. Methods: A total of 319 patients were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to receive 800 IV‐ibuprofen or placebo every 6 hours; in addition patients had access to morphine at a dose of 1–2 mg every 5 minutes. The primary outcome measure was median morphine consumption within the first 24 hours following surgery. Results: During the first 24 hours of treatment, the median morphine requirement was reduced by 19% (P ≤ 0.001) and resulted in a significant reduction in pain at rest (AUC, 6 to 24 hours and 12 to 24 hours, P < 0.001) and pain with movement (AUC, 6 to 24 hours, P = 0.010 and 12 to 24 hours, P ≤ 0.001) as measured by the visual analog scale (VAS) in patients receiving 800 mg IV‐ibuprofen compared to placebo. Time to ambulation was significantly faster (P = 0.018) in the IV‐ibuprofen treated group, as well. Similar treatment‐emergent adverse events occurred across both study groups and there was no difference in the overall incidence of these events. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that IV‐ibuprofen is an effective analgesic medication that is safe and well tolerated when administered as an 800 mg dose every 6 hours in patients undergoing total abdominal hysterectomy surgery.  相似文献   



In response for the need of a freely available, stand‐alone, validated outcome measure for use within musculoskeletal (MSK) physiotherapy practice, sensitive enough to measure clinical effectiveness, we developed an MSK patient reported outcome measure.


This study examined the validity and reliability of the newly developed Brighton musculoskeletal Patient‐Reported Outcome Measure (BmPROM) within physiotherapy outpatient settings.


Two hundred twenty‐four patients attending physiotherapy outpatient departments in South East England with an MSK condition participated in this study. The BmPROM was assessed for user friendliness (rated feedback, N = 224), reliability (internal consistency and test–retest reliability, n = 42), validity (internal and external construct validity, N = 224), and responsiveness (internal, n = 25).


Exploratory factor analysis indicated that a two‐factor model provides a good fit to the data. Factors were representative of “Functionality” and “Wellbeing”. Correlations observed between the BmPROM and SF‐36 domains provided evidence of convergent validity. Reliability results indicated that both subscales were internally consistent with alphas above the acceptable limits for both “Functionality” (α = .85, 95% CI [.81, .88]) and ‘Wellbeing’ (α = .80, 95% CI [.75, .84]). Test–retest analyses (n = 42) demonstrated a high degree of reliability between “Functionality” (ICC = .84; 95% CI [.72, .91]) and “Wellbeing” scores (ICC = .84; 95% CI [.72, .91]). Further examination of test–retest reliability through the Bland–Altman analysis demonstrated that the difference between “Functionality” and “Wellbeing” test scores did not vary as a function of absolute test score. Large treatment effect sizes were found for both subscales (Functionality d = 1.10; Wellbeing 1.03).


The BmPROM is a reliable and valid outcome measure for use in evaluating physiotherapy treatment of MSK conditions.  相似文献   

Rationale, aims and objectives Self‐care agency is a fundamental concept in nursing and health care research. Having self‐care agency enhances an individual's health‐promoting behaviours and/or specific capabilities for chronic disease self‐management. The purpose of this study was to continue the development and psychometric testing of the Appraisal of Self‐Care Agency – Revised (ASAS‐R). Methods A cross‐sectional methodological design was used to examine the reliability, validity and factor structure of the ASAS‐R among individuals from the general population. The sample consisted of 629 adults who were randomly selected to conduct an exploratory factor analysis (EFA; n = 240) and a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA; n = 389) of the scale. A demographic questionnaire, the ASAS‐R and the Health‐Promoting Lifestyle Profile (HPLP‐II) were the measures used to collect the data. Results The final 15‐item three‐factor ASAS‐R had an overall Cronbach's alpha (α) of 0.89. The three factors extracted, rotated and scored in this study were labelled: having power for self‐care, developing power for self‐care and lacking power for self‐care. All inter‐items and item‐to‐total correlations met recommended criteria of r = 0.30 to r = 0.70, except for one of the items that had an item‐to‐total correlation of 0.71, slightly exceeding the maximum recommended item‐to‐total correlation. The three factors had Cronbach's alphas of 0.86, 0.83 and 0.79, respectively. The three factors together explained 61.7% of the scale items variance. Each item of the scale had a strong factor loading ranging from 0.52 to 0.81. All measures of model fit exceeded the recommended criteria, indicating that the 15‐item ASAS‐R had a very good fit (χ2/d.f. = 1.97, GFI = 0.94, AGFI = 0.92, CFI = 0.96, TLI = 0.95, RMSEA = 0.05, RMR = 0.05 and the PCLOSE = 0.48). Conclusions The 15‐item three‐factor ASAS‐R is a short, reliable and valid instrument to measure self‐care agency among individuals from the general population, but further psychometric evaluation is needed among individuals with chronic diseases, especially those with diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

Insulin‐like peptides (ILPs) including insulin, insulin‐like growth factor (IGF) and relaxin are evolutionarily conserved hormones in metazoans, and they are involved in diverse physiological processes. The migratory brown planthopper (BPH), Nilaparvata lugens, encodes four ILP genes (Nlilp1, Nlilp2, Nlilp3 and Nlilp4) but their physiological roles are largely unknown. Sequence analysis showed that NlILP1 contained a relaxin‐specific G protein‐coupled receptor‐binding motif and a variant motif of cysteine residues, and NlILP2 and NlILP4 resembled vertebrate IGFs. RNA interference (RNAi)‐mediated gene silencing showed that depletion of each of Nlilp1, 2 and 3 significantly delayed the developmental duration of nymphs, and this effect could be exacerbated by double or triple gene depletion. Depletion of Nlilp1, Nlilp2 or Nlilp3 induces the accumulation of glucose, trehalose and glycogen, which is contradictory to depletion of the insulin receptor (NlInR1) in the BPH. Depletion of Nlilp1 significantly enhanced starvation resistance in both females and males although its extent was smaller than NlInR1 depletion. A parental RNAi assay showed that depletion of each of Nlilp1–4 dramatically impaired female fecundity. These findings indicate that NlILP1–4 have redundant and distinct roles in physiological processes in the BPH, thereby enhancing our understanding of the contribution of each NlILP to the ecological success of this species in natural habitats.  相似文献   

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