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目的系统评价持续正压通气(CPAP)治疗早产儿失败的危险因素及其对早产儿结局的影响。方法检索PubMed、Embase、Cochrane图书馆、中国生物医学、中国知网、万方数据库、维普中文科技期刊数据库,检索起止时间均从建库起至2019年4月1日。纳入CPAP治疗早产儿失败的原因分析及CPAP治疗失败后对早产儿结局影响的病例对照和队列研究的文献。采用NOS量表对纳入文献质量进行评价。采用Rev Man 5.3对CPAP治疗失败的危险因素及CPAP治疗失败对早产儿结局的影响进行统计分析。计数资料选取两个率的比值比(OR)及其95%CI表示,计量资料选取标准均数差(SMD)及95%CI表示。结果共纳入10篇文献13 075例早产儿。治疗失败危险因素:胎龄、出生体重、产前激素、多胎、男性、CPAP初始PEEP、初始FiO2、重度RDS的OR/SMD及95%CI分别为:-0.83(-1.10~-0.55)、-0.97(-1.39~-0.55)、0.83(0.76~0.90)、0.88(0.79~0.98)、1.29(1.19~1.40)、0.96(0.54~1.38)、7.6(3.93~11.26)、5.94(3.55~9.94),P均<0.05;母并发症、剖宫产、胎膜早破、1 min Apgar、5 min Apgar评分对CPAP治疗失败没有影响,P均>0.05。结局指标中:CPAP治疗失败对早产儿病死率、支气管肺发育不良(BPD)、气胸、重度早产儿视网膜病(ROP)、坏死性小肠结肠炎(NEC)、颅内出血(IVH)发生率的OR(95%CI)分别为5.07(3.66~7.01)、3.99(3.50~4.55)、11.32(1.74~73.69)、2.25(1.54~3.27)、2.42(1.78~3.29)、3.64(2.58~5.15),P均<0.05。结论低胎龄、低出生体重、多胎、男性、高CPAP初始PEEP及FiO2、RDS是CPAP治疗失败的危险因素,产前激素是CPAP失败保护因素。CPAP治疗失败会造成早产儿病死率、BPD、气胸、ROP、NEC、IVH发生率的增加。  相似文献   

目的 采用Meta分析的方法评价双水平正压通气(BiPAP)和经鼻持续气道正压通气(NCPAP)治疗早产儿呼吸窘迫综合征(RDS)的疗效和安全性。方法 计算机检索PubMed、Sciverse、Cochrane图书馆、中国知网、中国生物医学文献数据库、维普数据库及万方数据库,收集BiPAP和NCPAP治疗早产儿RDS的RCT文献。2名研究者根据纳入和排除标准独立筛选文献,应用RevMan 5.2软件进行Meta分析,比较BiPAP和NCPAP的治疗失败率、氧合情况和并发症发生率。结果 9篇RCT文献进入Meta分析,共纳入571例患儿,BiPAP 组289例,NCPAP组282例。Meta分析结果提示,BiPAP组治疗失败率低于NCPAP组,OR=0.42 (95%CI:0.20~0.89),按出生体重行亚组分析,极低出生体重儿(出生体重<1 500 g)的1篇文献两组治疗失败率差异无统计学意义,OR=1.49(95%CI:0.51~4.33);BiPAP组较NCPAP组显著提高呼吸支持后12 h和24 h PaO2 ,MD分别为6.88 mmHg(95%CI:4.38~9.38)和6.36 mmHg(95%CI:4.80~7.92);显著降低呼吸支持后12 h和24 h PaCO2,MD分别为-5.00 mmHg(95%CI:-5.75~-4.25)和-5.39 mmHg (95%CI:-6.18~-4.61);两组病死率差异无统计学意义,OR=0.76(95%CI:0.34~1.69)。支气管肺发育不良、新生儿坏死性小肠结肠炎、脑室内出血、气胸、早产儿视网膜病变等并发症发生率BiPAP和NCPAP组差异均无统计学意义。结论 BiPAP治疗早产儿RDS疗效优于NCPAP,且并发症发生率与NCPAP相当,但BiPAP治疗极低出生体重儿的疗效仍需积累更多证据。  相似文献   

目的 探讨持续正压通气(CPAP)治疗婴儿毛细支气管炎失败的预测因素。方法 回顾性分析310例1~12月龄使用CPAP治疗的毛细支气管炎住院患儿的临床资料,比较CPAP治疗成功组(270例)和失败组(40例)临床特征的差异,并采用多因素logistic回归分析探讨CPAP治疗失败的预测因素。结果 多因素logistic回归分析显示,第3代小儿死亡危险评分(PRISM Ⅲ)≥ 10分(OR=13.905)、并发肺不张(OR=12.080)、合并心功能不全(OR=7.741)及CPAP治疗2 h后氧合指数(动脉氧分压PaO2/吸入氧浓度FiO2,P/F)无显著改善(OR=34.084)是CPAP治疗毛细支气管炎失败的预测因素(P < 0.05)。CPAP治疗2 h后P/F无改善预测治疗失败的受试者工作特性曲线下面积为0.793,灵敏度和特异度分别为70.3%和82.4%(截断值为203)。结论 CPAP治疗2 h后P/F无显著改善、PRISM Ⅲ评分≥ 10分、并发肺不张、合并心功能不全可作为CPAP治疗婴儿毛细支气管炎失败的预测因素。  相似文献   

目的综合评价早产儿视网膜病(ROP)发生的危险因素,以进行有效的早期筛查。方法检索Cochrane图书馆、Pub Med、MEDLINE、万方数据库、中国学术期刊全文数据库、重庆维普中文科技期刊全文数据库。文献检索起止时间均从建库至2015年10月。统计学分析采用Cochrane协作网提供的Rev Man5.3软件。结果共纳入10篇文献,Meta分析结果显示:胎龄过小[加权均数差(WMD)-1.76;95%CI:-1.98~1.54,P0.01]、输血(OR:3.44;95%CI:2.41~4.90,P0.01)、败血症(OR:2.37;95%CI:1.57~3.57,P0.01)、坏死性小肠结肠炎(NEC)(OR:6.65;95%CI:3.46~12.78,P0.01)、动脉导管未闭(PDA)(OR:2.39;95%CI:1.74~3.29,P0.01)、支气管肺发育不良(BPD)(OR:4.75;95%CI:3.44~6.56,P0.01)、氧疗(OR:2.72;95%CI:1.83~4.05,P0.01)、呼吸窘迫综合征(RDS)(OR:2.53;95%CI:1.70~3.79,P0.01)、窒息(OR:2.99;95%CI:1.72~5.19,P0.01)、低出生体重(WMD-238.19;95%CI:-320.93~155.44,P0.01)有统计学意义。结论胎龄过小、输血、败血症、NEC、BPD、PDA、氧疗、RDS、窒息、低出生体重为ROP发生的危险因素。  相似文献   

Objective To agsess the efficacy of nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV)in treatment of respiratory distress syndrome(RDS) in premature infants.Methods According to the requirements of Cochrane systematic review,a thorough literature search was performed among PubMed(1977-2008),Embase(1989-2008),OVID,Cochrane(2008),Chinese Digtal Hospital Library (www.chkd.cnki.net) and Chinese Biomedical Literature Disk Database(CBMdisc).Quality assessments of clinical trials were carried out Randomized controHed trials(RCTs)with NIPPV and RDS were enrolledand ReVnlan 4.2 software was used for meta-analysis.The trials were analyzed using relatire risk(RR) for dichotomous data,weighted mean difference(WMD) were used for continuous data,both kind of data were expressed by 95% confidence intervals(95%CI).For homogenous data(P≥0.10),fixed effects model was calculated,for heterogeneity data(P<0.10),random effects model was calculated.Results Five RCTs involving 284 premature infants diagnosed as respiratory distress syndrome(RDS) were included.Three studies comparing NIPPV with nasal continuous positive airway pressure(NCPAP) in the postextubation period,tHe extabation failure rate was 8.34%vs 40.79% in NIPPV group and NCPAP group,the NIPPV group had significantly lower extubation failure rates[RR 0.21(95%CI:0.10-0.45;P<0.001)].Two of the above.mentioned three studies analyzed bronchopulmonary dysplasia(BPD)rates,the incidence of BPD was 39.34%vs 54.39%in NIPPV group and NCPAP group,the NIPPV group had a trend towards lower BPD rates,but this did not reach statistical significance[RR 0.73(95%CI:0.49-1.07;P=0.11)].NIPPV was used as primary mode in two studies,one compared with conventional ventilation(CV),which detected that the NIPPV group had significantly lower BPD rates(10% vs.33.33%,P:0.04);the other compared with NCPAP,which also showed that NIPPV group had significantly lower BPD rates(2.33% vs.17.07%,P=0.03).Conclusion The primary mode NIPPV was found to be feasible as a method of ventilation in preterm infants with RDS,and Was associated with a decreased incidenee of BPD.In the postextubation period,NIPPV is more effective in preventing failure of extubation than NCPAP.  相似文献   

Objective To agsess the efficacy of nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV)in treatment of respiratory distress syndrome(RDS) in premature infants.Methods According to the requirements of Cochrane systematic review,a thorough literature search was performed among PubMed(1977-2008),Embase(1989-2008),OVID,Cochrane(2008),Chinese Digtal Hospital Library (www.chkd.cnki.net) and Chinese Biomedical Literature Disk Database(CBMdisc).Quality assessments of clinical trials were carried out Randomized controHed trials(RCTs)with NIPPV and RDS were enrolledand ReVnlan 4.2 software was used for meta-analysis.The trials were analyzed using relatire risk(RR) for dichotomous data,weighted mean difference(WMD) were used for continuous data,both kind of data were expressed by 95% confidence intervals(95%CI).For homogenous data(P≥0.10),fixed effects model was calculated,for heterogeneity data(P<0.10),random effects model was calculated.Results Five RCTs involving 284 premature infants diagnosed as respiratory distress syndrome(RDS) were included.Three studies comparing NIPPV with nasal continuous positive airway pressure(NCPAP) in the postextubation period,tHe extabation failure rate was 8.34%vs 40.79% in NIPPV group and NCPAP group,the NIPPV group had significantly lower extubation failure rates[RR 0.21(95%CI:0.10-0.45;P<0.001)].Two of the above.mentioned three studies analyzed bronchopulmonary dysplasia(BPD)rates,the incidence of BPD was 39.34%vs 54.39%in NIPPV group and NCPAP group,the NIPPV group had a trend towards lower BPD rates,but this did not reach statistical significance[RR 0.73(95%CI:0.49-1.07;P=0.11)].NIPPV was used as primary mode in two studies,one compared with conventional ventilation(CV),which detected that the NIPPV group had significantly lower BPD rates(10% vs.33.33%,P:0.04);the other compared with NCPAP,which also showed that NIPPV group had significantly lower BPD rates(2.33% vs.17.07%,P=0.03).Conclusion The primary mode NIPPV was found to be feasible as a method of ventilation in preterm infants with RDS,and Was associated with a decreased incidenee of BPD.In the postextubation period,NIPPV is more effective in preventing failure of extubation than NCPAP.  相似文献   

Objective To agsess the efficacy of nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV)in treatment of respiratory distress syndrome(RDS) in premature infants.Methods According to the requirements of Cochrane systematic review,a thorough literature search was performed among PubMed(1977-2008),Embase(1989-2008),OVID,Cochrane(2008),Chinese Digtal Hospital Library (www.chkd.cnki.net) and Chinese Biomedical Literature Disk Database(CBMdisc).Quality assessments of clinical trials were carried out Randomized controHed trials(RCTs)with NIPPV and RDS were enrolledand ReVnlan 4.2 software was used for meta-analysis.The trials were analyzed using relatire risk(RR) for dichotomous data,weighted mean difference(WMD) were used for continuous data,both kind of data were expressed by 95% confidence intervals(95%CI).For homogenous data(P≥0.10),fixed effects model was calculated,for heterogeneity data(P<0.10),random effects model was calculated.Results Five RCTs involving 284 premature infants diagnosed as respiratory distress syndrome(RDS) were included.Three studies comparing NIPPV with nasal continuous positive airway pressure(NCPAP) in the postextubation period,tHe extabation failure rate was 8.34%vs 40.79% in NIPPV group and NCPAP group,the NIPPV group had significantly lower extubation failure rates[RR 0.21(95%CI:0.10-0.45;P<0.001)].Two of the above.mentioned three studies analyzed bronchopulmonary dysplasia(BPD)rates,the incidence of BPD was 39.34%vs 54.39%in NIPPV group and NCPAP group,the NIPPV group had a trend towards lower BPD rates,but this did not reach statistical significance[RR 0.73(95%CI:0.49-1.07;P=0.11)].NIPPV was used as primary mode in two studies,one compared with conventional ventilation(CV),which detected that the NIPPV group had significantly lower BPD rates(10% vs.33.33%,P:0.04);the other compared with NCPAP,which also showed that NIPPV group had significantly lower BPD rates(2.33% vs.17.07%,P=0.03).Conclusion The primary mode NIPPV was found to be feasible as a method of ventilation in preterm infants with RDS,and Was associated with a decreased incidenee of BPD.In the postextubation period,NIPPV is more effective in preventing failure of extubation than NCPAP.  相似文献   

Objective To agsess the efficacy of nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV)in treatment of respiratory distress syndrome(RDS) in premature infants.Methods According to the requirements of Cochrane systematic review,a thorough literature search was performed among PubMed(1977-2008),Embase(1989-2008),OVID,Cochrane(2008),Chinese Digtal Hospital Library (www.chkd.cnki.net) and Chinese Biomedical Literature Disk Database(CBMdisc).Quality assessments of clinical trials were carried out Randomized controHed trials(RCTs)with NIPPV and RDS were enrolledand ReVnlan 4.2 software was used for meta-analysis.The trials were analyzed using relatire risk(RR) for dichotomous data,weighted mean difference(WMD) were used for continuous data,both kind of data were expressed by 95% confidence intervals(95%CI).For homogenous data(P≥0.10),fixed effects model was calculated,for heterogeneity data(P<0.10),random effects model was calculated.Results Five RCTs involving 284 premature infants diagnosed as respiratory distress syndrome(RDS) were included.Three studies comparing NIPPV with nasal continuous positive airway pressure(NCPAP) in the postextubation period,tHe extabation failure rate was 8.34%vs 40.79% in NIPPV group and NCPAP group,the NIPPV group had significantly lower extubation failure rates[RR 0.21(95%CI:0.10-0.45;P<0.001)].Two of the above.mentioned three studies analyzed bronchopulmonary dysplasia(BPD)rates,the incidence of BPD was 39.34%vs 54.39%in NIPPV group and NCPAP group,the NIPPV group had a trend towards lower BPD rates,but this did not reach statistical significance[RR 0.73(95%CI:0.49-1.07;P=0.11)].NIPPV was used as primary mode in two studies,one compared with conventional ventilation(CV),which detected that the NIPPV group had significantly lower BPD rates(10% vs.33.33%,P:0.04);the other compared with NCPAP,which also showed that NIPPV group had significantly lower BPD rates(2.33% vs.17.07%,P=0.03).Conclusion The primary mode NIPPV was found to be feasible as a method of ventilation in preterm infants with RDS,and Was associated with a decreased incidenee of BPD.In the postextubation period,NIPPV is more effective in preventing failure of extubation than NCPAP.  相似文献   

Objective To agsess the efficacy of nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV)in treatment of respiratory distress syndrome(RDS) in premature infants.Methods According to the requirements of Cochrane systematic review,a thorough literature search was performed among PubMed(1977-2008),Embase(1989-2008),OVID,Cochrane(2008),Chinese Digtal Hospital Library (www.chkd.cnki.net) and Chinese Biomedical Literature Disk Database(CBMdisc).Quality assessments of clinical trials were carried out Randomized controHed trials(RCTs)with NIPPV and RDS were enrolledand ReVnlan 4.2 software was used for meta-analysis.The trials were analyzed using relatire risk(RR) for dichotomous data,weighted mean difference(WMD) were used for continuous data,both kind of data were expressed by 95% confidence intervals(95%CI).For homogenous data(P≥0.10),fixed effects model was calculated,for heterogeneity data(P<0.10),random effects model was calculated.Results Five RCTs involving 284 premature infants diagnosed as respiratory distress syndrome(RDS) were included.Three studies comparing NIPPV with nasal continuous positive airway pressure(NCPAP) in the postextubation period,tHe extabation failure rate was 8.34%vs 40.79% in NIPPV group and NCPAP group,the NIPPV group had significantly lower extubation failure rates[RR 0.21(95%CI:0.10-0.45;P<0.001)].Two of the above.mentioned three studies analyzed bronchopulmonary dysplasia(BPD)rates,the incidence of BPD was 39.34%vs 54.39%in NIPPV group and NCPAP group,the NIPPV group had a trend towards lower BPD rates,but this did not reach statistical significance[RR 0.73(95%CI:0.49-1.07;P=0.11)].NIPPV was used as primary mode in two studies,one compared with conventional ventilation(CV),which detected that the NIPPV group had significantly lower BPD rates(10% vs.33.33%,P:0.04);the other compared with NCPAP,which also showed that NIPPV group had significantly lower BPD rates(2.33% vs.17.07%,P=0.03).Conclusion The primary mode NIPPV was found to be feasible as a method of ventilation in preterm infants with RDS,and Was associated with a decreased incidenee of BPD.In the postextubation period,NIPPV is more effective in preventing failure of extubation than NCPAP.  相似文献   

Objective To agsess the efficacy of nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV)in treatment of respiratory distress syndrome(RDS) in premature infants.Methods According to the requirements of Cochrane systematic review,a thorough literature search was performed among PubMed(1977-2008),Embase(1989-2008),OVID,Cochrane(2008),Chinese Digtal Hospital Library (www.chkd.cnki.net) and Chinese Biomedical Literature Disk Database(CBMdisc).Quality assessments of clinical trials were carried out Randomized controHed trials(RCTs)with NIPPV and RDS were enrolledand ReVnlan 4.2 software was used for meta-analysis.The trials were analyzed using relatire risk(RR) for dichotomous data,weighted mean difference(WMD) were used for continuous data,both kind of data were expressed by 95% confidence intervals(95%CI).For homogenous data(P≥0.10),fixed effects model was calculated,for heterogeneity data(P<0.10),random effects model was calculated.Results Five RCTs involving 284 premature infants diagnosed as respiratory distress syndrome(RDS) were included.Three studies comparing NIPPV with nasal continuous positive airway pressure(NCPAP) in the postextubation period,tHe extabation failure rate was 8.34%vs 40.79% in NIPPV group and NCPAP group,the NIPPV group had significantly lower extubation failure rates[RR 0.21(95%CI:0.10-0.45;P<0.001)].Two of the above.mentioned three studies analyzed bronchopulmonary dysplasia(BPD)rates,the incidence of BPD was 39.34%vs 54.39%in NIPPV group and NCPAP group,the NIPPV group had a trend towards lower BPD rates,but this did not reach statistical significance[RR 0.73(95%CI:0.49-1.07;P=0.11)].NIPPV was used as primary mode in two studies,one compared with conventional ventilation(CV),which detected that the NIPPV group had significantly lower BPD rates(10% vs.33.33%,P:0.04);the other compared with NCPAP,which also showed that NIPPV group had significantly lower BPD rates(2.33% vs.17.07%,P=0.03).Conclusion The primary mode NIPPV was found to be feasible as a method of ventilation in preterm infants with RDS,and Was associated with a decreased incidenee of BPD.In the postextubation period,NIPPV is more effective in preventing failure of extubation than NCPAP.  相似文献   

Aim: To determine whether nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV) is more effective in preterm infants than nasal continuous positive airway pressure (NCPAP) in reducing the rate of extubation failure following mechanical ventilation, and reducing the frequency of apnoea of prematurity and subsequent need for endotracheal intubation. Methods: Randomized trials of NIPPV versus NCPAP were sought and their data extracted and analysed independently by the authors using the methodology of the Cochrane Collaboration. The analysis used relative risk (RR), risk difference (RD) and number needed to treat (NNT) with 95% confidence intervals. Results: The three studies identified, comparing NIPPV with NCPAP in the postextubation period, all used synchronized NIPPV (SNIPPV), which was more effective than NCPAP in preventing failure of extubation [RR 0.21 (0.10, 0.45), RD 30.32 (30.45, 30.20), NNT 3 (2, 5)]. Two studies compared NIPPV versus NCPAP for the treatment of apnoea of prematurity. Although meta-analysis was not possible one trial showed a reduction in apnoea frequency with NIPPV and the other a trend favouring NIPPV. Conclusion: SNIPPV is an effective method of augmenting the beneficial effects of NCPAP in preterm infants in the postextubation period. Further research is required to delineate the role of NIPPV in the management of apnoea of prematurity.  相似文献   



To compare the efficacy and safety of Nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV) and Nasal continuous positive airway pressure (nCPAP) in neonates.


Standard search strategy for the Cochrane Neonatal Review Group was performed. The participants were both preterm and term infants suffering from neonatal respiratory distress syndrome or experiencing apnea of prematurity.


14 eligible andomized controlled trials involving 1052 newborn infants were included. The study quality and evidence validity was defined as moderate. As compared with nCPAP, NIPPV significantly reduced the incidence of endotracheal ventilation (OR=0.44, 95%CI:0.31–0.63), increased the successful rate of extubation (OR=0.15, 95%CI:0.08–0.31), and had a better outcome indicated by decreased death and/or bronchopulmonary dysplasia (OR=0.57, 95%CI:0.37–0.88). Moreover, NIPPV decreased the number of apneic episodes of prematurity (WMD=?0.48, 95%CI:?0.58–0.37), and marginally decreased the incidence of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (OR=0.63, 95%CI:0.39–1.00). No side effects specifically associated with NIPPV were reported.


NIPPV could be used to reduce endotracheal ventilation, increase successful extubation, decrease the rate of apnea of prematurity, and have better outcome indicated by fewer death and/or bronchopulmonary dysplasia in preterm and term newborn infants.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine whether management with nasal continuous positive airway pressure (NCPAP) in preterm infants having their endotracheal tube removed following a period of intermittent positive pressure ventilation (IPPV), leads to an increased proportion remaining free of additional ventilatory support, compared to extubation directly to headbox oxygen. METHODOLOGY: Search Strategy - Searches were made of the Oxford Database of Perinatal Trials, Medline, abstracts of conferences and symposia proceedings, expert informants, journal hand searching mainly in the English language and expert informant searches in the Japanese language. Selection criteria - All trials utilising random or quasi-random patient allocation, in which NCPAP (delivered by any method) was compared with headbox oxygen for postextubation care were included. Methodological quality was assessed independently by the two authors. Data collection and analysis - Data were extracted independently by the two authors. Meta-analysis using event rate ratios (ERRs) and event rate differences (ERDs) was performed using Revman 3.0 statistical software. Prespecified subgroup analysis to determine the impact of different levels of NCPAP and use of aminophylline were also performed using the same package. Similar analysis to investigate the effect of postnatal age on outcomes of interest was also undertaken. RESULTS: Nasal CPAP, when applied to preterm infants being extubated following IPPV, reduces the incidence of adverse clinical events (apnoea, respiratory acidosis and increased oxygen requirements) indicating the need for additional ventilatory support. This result is both statistically significant and clinically important; ERR, 0.62 (0.49, 0.79) and ERD, - 0.175 (- 0.256, - 0.095). A trend towards reduction in the incidence of oxygen dependency at 28 days of age is also seen in the group extubated to NCPAP; ERR, 0.86 (0.67, 1.10) and ERD, - 0.069 (- 0.177, 0.039). CONCLUSION: Nasal CPAP is effective in preventing failure of extubation in preterm infants following a period of endotracheal intubation and IPPV. Further definition of the patient gestational age and weight groups to whom these results apply is required. Optimal levels of NCPAP as well as methods of administration remain to be determined.  相似文献   

In certain settings of conventional continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) application, the ventilator may not be able to detect dislodgement of the prongs. This occurs especially in settings with high flow and small prongs. We investigated the relation between ventilator flows, size of the nasal prongs, and pressure generated within the ventilator circuit due to the flow resistance of the prongs. We studied a Baby-flow® CPAP connected to a Babylog 8000plus® ventilator. Five prongs of increasing size (x-small, small, medium, large, x-large) and one nose mask were connected to the CPAP in turn. Starting at 30 lpm, the flow was reduced in 2 lpm steps. The dynamic pressure caused by the flow resistance of the prongs within the ventilator circuit was recorded. For all devices, we observed a correlation between the reduction of the flow and the reduction in pressure within the ventilator circuit. However, the flow resistance of the x-small prongs generated the highest dynamic pressure (30 mbar at 22 lpm) within the ventilator circuit while the mask gave rise to the lowest pressure (9 mbar at 30 lpm). The pressure value generated with x-small prongs at low flow rate was observed at high flow rate with x-large prongs or with a mask. We conclude that in settings with high flow rates, low CPAP levels, and small prongs, the resistance of the prongs will create enough dynamic pressure within the ventilator circuit to permit the ventilator to compensate a large leakage flow by closing the expiratory valve. Thus, in case of dislodgement of the prongs, the pressure within the ventilator circuit will not decrease below the alarm level, and the machine will not be able to generate an alarm.  相似文献   

This study’s aim was to assess neurodevelopmental and growth outcome until the age of 4 years of premature infants placed on early nCPAP, in the setting of the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and follow-up program of the Division of Neonatology of the Department of Pediatrics of the University Hospital, Lausanne, Switzerland. All consecutive inborn infants weighing <1500 g or <32 weeks of gestational age admitted to the NICU during two periods of 12 months—7.1996–6.1997 and 7.1998–6.1999—were compared before and after the systematic application of early nCPAP. Of 172 infants admitted to the NICU, 150 (87%) survived. 126 (84%) were tested at 6 months’ corrected age, 121 (81%) at 18 months’ corrected age, and 117 (78%) at the age of 4 years. Detailed perinatal data were collected. Follow-up included neurological examination, developmental testing and measurement of growth parameters. Statistical analyses were performed. Early application of nCPAP and avoidance of mechanical ventilation showed no adverse effects on neurodevelopment and growth. A significantly higher developmental quotient was found in the nCPAP group at 18 months’ corrected age. Several trends were also noted in the nCPAP group with a decrease of intraventricular hemorrhage and in “abnormal neurodevelopment” at 6 months corrected age, a bigger head circumference at all different tested ages and a greater height at 6 and 18 months corrected ages. In conclusion, our study of developmental outcome documents the absence of any harmful effect of early application of nCPAP to treat respiratory failure in very low birthweight infants.  相似文献   

Pharyngeal pressures in 11 preterm infants, receiving binasal Hudson prong continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) pressurised by bubbling bottles, were measured. The mean (95% confidence interval) pressure drop from the prongs to the pharynx was 3.2 (2.6 to 3.7) cm H(2)O with mouths open and 2.2 (1.6 to 2.8) cm H(2)O with mouths closed. Mouth closure augments CPAP transmission.  相似文献   

Nasal continuous positive airway pressure and outcomes of preterm infants   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
OBJECTIVES: To document the effects of changing to a primarily nasal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)-based system of respiratory support on respiratory and non-respiratory outcomes in preterm infants. METHODOLOGY: Outcomes in two groups of preterm infants with a birthweight of 1000-1499 g were compared retrospectively over a 5-year period before (period I; n = 57) and after (period II; n = 59) the introduction of a primarily nasal CPAP-based approach to respiratory support, modelled closely on that used at the New York Presbyterian Hospital (Columbia University), formally known as the Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center, in New York. RESULTS: From period I to period II, there was a decline in the number of infants ventilated (65 vs 14%, respectively) and receiving surfactant (40 vs 12%, respectively) and in the median days of ventilation (6 vs 2, respectively) and oxygen (4 vs 2, respectively). There were decreases in chronic lung disease (CLD) at 28 days (11 vs 0%, respectively), death or CLD at 28 days (16 vs 3%, respectively), the use of pressor support (34 vs 7%, respectively), the incidence of necrotizing enterocolitis (11 vs 0%, respectively), time to reach full oral feeds (17.3 vs 13.2 days, respectively), discharge weight (2569 vs 2314 g, respectively) and average length of stay (61 vs 52.9 days, respectively). There were no differences in neurosonographic or other morbidity outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: A CPAP-based approach to respiratory support of the preterm infant may decrease the invasiveness and duration of respiratory support and may decrease respiratory and some non-respiratory adverse outcomes without an associated increase in neurosonographic or other morbidity outcomes. Further prospective trials are warranted.  相似文献   

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