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Seasonal neuroendocrine cycles that govern annual changes in reproductive activity, energy metabolism and hair growth are almost ubiquitous in mammals that have evolved at temperate and polar latitudes. Changes in nocturnal melatonin secretion regulating gene expression in the pars tuberalis (PT) of the pituitary stalk are a critical common feature in seasonal mammals. The PT sends signal(s) to the pars distalis of the pituitary to regulate prolactin secretion and thus the annual moult cycle. The PT also signals in a retrograde manner via thyroid‐stimulating hormone to tanycytes, which line the ventral wall of the third ventricle in the hypothalamus. Tanycytes show seasonal plasticity in gene expression and play a pivotal role in regulating local thyroid hormone (TH) availability. Within the mediobasal hypothalamus, the cellular and molecular targets of TH remain elusive. However, two populations of hypothalamic neurones, which produce the RF‐amide neuropeptides kisspeptin and RFRP3 (RF‐amide related peptide 3), are plausible relays between TH and the gonadotrophin‐releasing hormone‐pituitary‐gonadal axis. By contrast, the ways by which TH also impinges on hypothalamic systems regulating energy intake and expenditure remain unknown. Here, we review the neuroendocrine underpinnings of seasonality and identify several areas that warrant further research.  相似文献   

In mammals, the pineal hormone melatonin is secreted nocturnally and acts in the pars tuberalis (PT) of the anterior pituitary to control seasonal neuroendocrine function. Melatonin signals through the type 1 Gi-protein coupled melatonin receptor (MT1), inhibiting adenylate cyclase (AC) activity and thereby reducing intracellular concentrations of the second messenger, cAMP. Because melatonin action ceases by the end of the night, this allows a daily rise in cAMP levels, which plays a key part in the photoperiodic response mechanism in the PT. In addition, melatonin receptor desensitisation and sensitisation of AC by melatonin itself appear to fine-tune this process. Opposing the actions of melatonin, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), produced by PT cells, signals through its cognate Gs-protein coupled receptor (TSH-R), leading to increased cAMP production. This effect may contribute to increased TSH production by the PT during spring and summer, and is of considerable interest because TSH plays a pivotal role in seasonal neuroendocrine function. Because cAMP stands at the crossroads between melatonin and TSH signalling pathways, any protein modulating cAMP production has the potential to impact on photoperiodic readout. In the present study, we show that the regulator of G-protein signalling RGS4 is a melatonin-responsive gene, whose expression in the PT increases some 2.5-fold after melatonin treatment. Correspondingly, RGS4 expression is acutely sensitive to changing day length. In sheep acclimated to short days (SP, 8 h light/day), RGS4 expression increases sharply following dark onset, peaking in the middle of the night before declining to basal levels by dawn. Extending the day length to 16 h (LP) by an acute 8-h delay in lights off causes a corresponding delay in the evening rise of RGS4 expression, and the return to basal levels is delayed some 4 h into the next morning. To test the hypothesis that RGS4 expression modulates interactions between melatonin- and TSH-dependent cAMP signalling pathways, we used transient transfections of MT1, TSH-R and RGS4 in COS7 cells along with a cAMP-response element luciferase reporter (CRE-luc). RGS4 attenuated MT1-mediated inhibition of TSH-stimulated CRE-luc activation. We propose that RGS4 contributes to photoperiodic sensitivity in the morning induction of cAMP-dependent gene expression in the PT.  相似文献   

Seasonal cycles of fattening and body weight reflecting changes in both food intake and energy expenditure are a core aspect of the biology of mammals that have evolved in temperate and arctic latitudes. Identifying the neuroendocrine mechanisms that underlie these cycles has provided new insights into the hypothalamic control of appetite and fuel oxidation. Surprisingly, seasonal cycles do not result from changes in the leptin-responsive and homeostatic pathways located in the mediobasal and lateral hypothalamus that regulate meal timing and compensatory responses to starvation or caloric restriction. Rather, they result from changes in tanycyte function, which locally regulates transport and metabolism of thyroid hormone and retinoic acid. These signals are crucial for the initial development of the brain, so it is hypothesized that seasonal neuroendocrine cycles reflect developmental mechanisms in the adult hypothalamus, manifest as changes in neurogenesis and plasticity of connections.  相似文献   

Seasonal rhythms of body weight, reflecting altered food intake, energy storage and expenditure, are a common feature of mammals inhabiting temperate and arctic latitudes. They have evolved so that predictable annual changes in the external environment can be anticipated and animals can adjust their physiology and behaviour in preparation for the changing demands of the seasons. These long-term changes in energy balance are not simply effected by the brain centres and peptidergic pathways known to underlie short-term homeostatic regulation. Screens of altered gene expression in Siberian hamsters comparing the anabolic summer state in long photoperiods and the catabolic 'winter' state in short photoperiods have identified differential gene expression in the hypothalamus. The majority of gene expression changes are confined to two restricted areas: the dorsomedial posterior arcuate nucleus, and the ventral ependymal layer of the third ventricle. Functions encoded by these 'seasonal' genes include thyroid hormone metabolism, retinoic acid and histaminergic signalling, and VGF and secretogranin production. The changes in thyroid hormone availability that are brought about by differential activity of deiodinase enzymes are of particular importance because experimental manipulation of central thyroid levels can prevent seasonal cyclicity. Given the importance of thyroid hormone in the initial development of the brain, we hypothesise that thyroid hormone-dependent plasticity of hypothalamic connections and neurogenesis underlie seasonal cycles of food intake and body weight.  相似文献   

Using quantitative autoradiography, we have studied the seasonal changes of high affinity melatonin receptor density in both the SCN and PT of the hedgehog, a seasonal breeder and an hibernator. Animals in 3 different physiological states were studied: sexually active animals, and sexually inactive animals during the hibernation period, being then either euthermic or hypothermic. In sexually active animals, Bmaax were 75.8 ± 7.1 fmol/mg protein in PT and 9.1 ± 0.5 fmol/mg protein in SCN; and Kd values were: 94 ± 22 pM in the PT and 101 ± 15 pM in the SCN. This specific binding was strongly decreased in the PT of sexually inactive animals. Moreover, this decrease was significantly stronger in hypothermic than in euthermic hedgehogs. Saturation studies and Scatchard analysis revealed that the observed decrease in the PT resulted from change in the Bmax but not in the Kd, Bmax values being respectively 56.4 ± 5.9 and 29.5 ± 1.9 fmol/mg protein in euthermic and hypothermic sexually at rest animals. In none of the different physiological states, did the density of melatonin receptors of the SCN show any changes, Bmaax values being respectively 9.8 ± 0.5 and 9.8 ± 0.4 fmol/mg protein in euthermic and hypothermic sexually at rest animals. This shows for the first time a tissue-specific regulation of melatonin receptor density occurring in the PT but not in the SCN. Furthermore, this decrease of binding in the PT is correlated with both sexual inactivity and hibernation period. This strongly suggests that the mediation of the photoperiodic effect on seasonal functions like seasonal hypothermia and reproduction involves an effect of melatonin on the PT rather than on the SCN.  相似文献   

Djungarian hamsters are able to reduce their body weight by more than 30% in anticipation of the winter season. This particular adaptation to extreme environmental conditions is primarily driven by a natural reduction in day length and conserved under laboratory conditions. We used this animal model to investigate hypothalamic gene expression linked to body weight regulation behind this physiological phenomenon. After an initial collective short photoperiod (SP) adaptation for 14 weeks from a preceding long photoperiod (LP), hamsters were re‐exposed to LP for either 6 or 14 weeks, followed by a second re‐exposure to SP for 8 weeks. Our data showed that re‐exposure to LP led to an increase in body weight. In the hypothalamus Dio2, Vimentin, Crbp1 and Grp50 expression increased, whereas expression of Dio3, Mct8 and Srif decreased. The changes in body weight and gene expression were reversible in most hamsters after a further re‐exposure to SP following 6 or 14 weeks in LP. Interestingly, after 14 weeks in LP, body weight loss was pronounced in six hamsters re‐exposed to SP, but five hamsters did not respond. In nonresponding hamsters, a different gene expression pattern was manifested, with the exception of Dio2, which was reduced not only in SP re‐exposed hamsters, but also in hamsters maintained in LP. Taken together, these data suggest that body weight regulation appears to be tightly linked to a co‐ordinated regulation of several genes in the hypothalamus, including those involved in thyroid hormone metabolism.  相似文献   

Estrogen is a fundamental regulator of the metabolic system of the female brain and body. Within the brain, estrogen regulates glucose transport, aerobic glycolysis, and mitochondrial function to generate ATP. In the body, estrogen protects against adiposity, insulin resistance, and type II diabetes, and regulates energy intake and expenditure. During menopause, decline in circulating estrogen is coincident with decline in brain bioenergetics and shift towards a metabolically compromised phenotype. Compensatory bioenergetic adaptations, or lack thereof, to estrogen loss could determine risk of late-onset Alzheimer’s disease. Estrogen coordinates brain and body metabolism, such that peripheral metabolic state can indicate bioenergetic status of the brain. By generating biomarker profiles that encompass peripheral metabolic changes occurring with menopause, individual risk profiles for decreased brain bioenergetics and cognitive decline can be created. Biomarker profiles could identify women at risk while also serving as indicators of efficacy of hormone therapy or other preventative interventions.  相似文献   

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