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Summary DSA ranks among the modern imaging procedures which owe their development to the advances made in computer technology. Thanks to i.v. contrast injection, it has become possible to evaluate a lesion in the cervical vessels in at least 80% of cases and in 60% of cases when intracranial vessels are concerned. Intra-arterial contrast injection renders the diagnostic yield of DSA equal to that of conventional angiography with the benefit that the required contrast volumes are low and that the catheter need not always be placed selectively. Intravenous contrast injection is required with patients advanced in age, when critical cardiovascular conditions prevail, when the arterial access routes are completely occluded or in the case of postoperative checks of the cervical vessels. Although its field of application remains restricted, particularly in the case of intravenous contrast injection, the clinical application of DSA appears well established and its advantages are undisputed. Examples are given to demonstrate the clinical boundaries set to this new imaging procedure based on i.v. and intra-arterial contrast injection.  相似文献   

子宫输卵管造影的DSA、X线对比研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的比较DSA、胃肠机下X线摄影,在子宫输卵管造影检查中的影像学表现,探讨DSA在子宫输卵管造影中的优越性和价值。方法随机将470例输卵管造影患者分为二组:研究组行DSA、对照组行胃肠机下X线摄影。应用对比剂为76%泛影葡胺或欧乃派克300。研究组,采集40~120幅DSA图像,选取12幅图像保留在1张胶片上。对照组,在胃肠机电视透视下,选择实时拍摄4~5张照片。结果两组在子宫腔、宫腔周围静脉显影及输卵管间质部梗阻、峡部梗阻的显示方面无显著性差异。而在输卵管间质部狭窄,壶腹部梗阻和狭窄、憩室,伞部梗阻等显示方面,研究组明显优于对照组。尤为重要的是,DSA比胃肠机的X线辐射量更小。结论子宫输卵管造影,应用DSA比胃肠机X线摄影显示图像更具有优越性,对医生、患者更安全。  相似文献   

A new technique for percutaneous nephrostomy needle guidance is presented. It was applied in a patient with a solitary pelvic kidney, where ultrasound guidance was not feasible because of a very narrow puncture window. Typical intravenous urography was not useful, owing to poor opacification of the collecting system. We describe how the use of digital subtraction imaging eventually permitted us to establish a percutaneous nephrostomy tube safely, avoiding the intestine and blood vessels.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to review the contribution of DSA to neurosurgical practice and to outline its advantages and limitations compared to conventional film-screen angiography. DSA is a technique whereby electronic subtraction allows the near instantaneous demonstration of vascular anatomy essentially free of bony detail. Because DSA possesses a high degree of contrast sensitivity, arterial images can be produced after an intravenous injection of contrast medium as well as by selective arterial catheterisation.  相似文献   

Dynamic computed tomography (CT) and digital subtraction angiography were used for postoperative evaluation of the hemodynamic changes in five patients with giant or large intracranial aneurysms. The lesions in four of these cases were giant or large aneurysms of the internal carotid artery, and were treated by occlusion of the cervical internal carotid artery and superficial temporal-middle cerebral artery anastomosis. The lesion in the fifth case was a giant aneurysm of the right vertebral artery, which was treated by proximal clipping of the vertebral artery. Preoperative digital subtraction angiography revealed aneurysmal staining, and dynamic CT scanning indicated the rapid transit of contrast medium in the dome of the aneurysm. Dynamic CT scanning immediately after operation indicated a low flow state in all of the aneurysms, suggesting that they were thrombosed. Although within a few months the peripheral edges of the aneurysms became enhanced, dynamic CT scanning revealed a slower transit of contrast medium through the centers of the aneurysms than in the basilar artery, and digital subtraction angiography failed to demonstrate aneurysmal staining, suggesting that the aneurysms remained thrombosed. The present data indicate that dynamic CT scanning and digital subtraction angiography may be useful for relatively noninvasive evaluation of the hemodynamic changes in patients with giant intracranial aneurysms.  相似文献   

腹腔镜联合动脉区域灌注治疗重症急性胰腺炎   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨腹腔镜联合动脉区域灌注治疗重症急性胰腺炎(severe acute pancreatitis,SAP)的效果。方法将75例SAP患者随机分为常规治疗组(35例)和联合治疗组(40例)。常规组进行常规的内科治疗,联合组在常规内科治疗的基础上附加动脉区域灌注及腹腔镜胆囊造瘘和引流。对比两组的有关临床指标和治疗效果。结果联合治疗组慢性健康状况评分Ⅱ评分明显降低(P〈0.05),肝、肾功能明显改善(P〈0.05),胰腺损害的CT评分显著降低(P〈0.05),炎性因子、肿瘤坏死因子α及IL-1β明显减少,IL-10明显增多(P〈0.05),器官衰竭发生率明显下降(P〈0.05),器官衰竭治疗成功率明显升高(P〈0.05),病死率明显降低(P〈0.05)。结论在常规治疗基础上附加动脉区域灌注及腹腔镜胆囊造瘘和引流,能有效提高SAP的治疗效果,降低病死率。  相似文献   

目的通过对股骨头供血动脉行超选择性数字减影血管造影(DSA)探导股骨头缺血性坏死(ANFH)的血流动力学改变及其意义。方法对171例(228髋)ANFH及正常对照10例(10髋)作了股骨头供血动脉超选择性血管造影。ARCO分期:Ⅰ期,12髋;Ⅱ期,101髋;Ⅲ期,108髋;Ⅳ期,7髋。经患髋对侧股动脉穿刺插入4~5 F Cobra导管,越过髂总动脉分叉,插至患侧股骨头供血动脉。造影条件为碘必乐(300 mgI/ml)每秒1.5 ml,3幅/s,总量8~10 ml。结果228髋中有223髋有异常血管造影表现,占98%。ANFH的血管造影表现:Ⅰ型,动脉端闭塞,118髋(52%),其中Ⅰa型,动脉主干闭塞,68髋(30%),Ⅰb型,动脉分支闭塞,50髋(22%);Ⅱ型,毛细血管闭塞,21髋(9%);Ⅲ型,静脉端闭塞,19髋(8%);Ⅳ型,混合型,65髋(29%)。结论ANFH股骨头血流动力学改变是复杂的,其发病机制不可能用单一原因,如股骨头供血障碍,微循环的淤滞或静脉流出道阻塞加以解释,可能是多种因素,多阶段发生的疾病。  相似文献   

钱惠农  曹音 《医师进修杂志》2005,28(8):20-21,26
目的 探讨经颅多普勒超声(TCD)诊断脑血管痉挛的可靠性。方法 对50例蛛网膜下腔出血患者同时行TCD和数字减影血管造影(DSA)检查。结果 DSA发现大脑中动脉(MCA)26条痉挛,其中TCD检出21条,DSA未证实有痉挛的MCA中,TCD检出4条痉挛,TCD诊断MCA痉挛的敏感性为80.8%,特异性为94.6%,MCA痉挛程度越重,TCD敏感性越高。DSA发现基底动脉(BA)18条痉挛,其中经TCD检出13条,DSA未证实有痉挛的BA中,TCD检出4条痉挛,TCD诊断BA痉挛的敏感性为72.2%,特异性为87.5%。DSA发现椎动脉(VA)28条痉挛,其中经TCD检出20条,DSA未证实有痉挛的VA中,TCD检出6条痉挛,TCD诊断VA痉挛的敏感性为71.4%,特异性为91.7%。结论 TCD诊断MCA、VA、BA痉挛有较高的可靠性。  相似文献   

目的 总结不同侵袭危险程度小肠间质瘤的数字减影血管造影(DSA)表现.方法 回顾性分析2008年9月至2010年6月四川大学华西医院收治的以消化道出血为首发症状、经病理学检查证实的15例小肠间质瘤患者的临床资料,总结其不同侵袭危险程度的DSA征象.结果 15例患者中1例极低度侵袭危险程度的肿瘤DSA检查示动脉期见引流静脉,边缘清晰,肿瘤染色均匀;4例低度侵袭危险程度的肿瘤DSA检查示供血动脉增粗、边缘清晰,肿瘤染色均匀;4例中度侵袭危险程度的肿瘤DSA检查示动脉增粗紊乱,形态不规则,其中3例肿瘤染色不均匀;6例高度侵袭危险程度的肿瘤DSA检查见肿瘤血管明显增粗紊乱、边缘模糊,肿瘤染色不均匀.结论 小肠间质瘤侵袭危险程度越高,DSA检查示肿瘤血管越不规则、紊乱;而侵袭危险程度越低肿瘤血管越规则、整齐.  相似文献   

介入法治疗股骨头坏死的血管造影术观察   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 观察和分析89例(142髋)治疗前后的股骨头坏死的数字剪影血管造影(DSA)的影像学表现。方法 旋股内动脉插管造影和灌注尿激酶、丹参和川芎嗪的基础上将骨髓基质干细胞灌注。结果①根据Atsumi,T股骨头坏死分期与血管造影上干骺动脉分型关系:股骨头坏死0期、1期和2期表现为股骨头内Ⅱ型血管为主,Ⅳ型和Ⅴ型血管较少;3期则Ⅱ型血管减少,而Ⅳ型和Ⅴ型血管增多;②股头坏死治疗前后与血管造影上干骺动脉分型关系:治疗前Ⅱ型血管占21.8%,治疗后Ⅱ型血管占9.1%且Ⅳ、Ⅴ血管明显增多;③股骨头坏死治疗前后与旋股内动脉/旋股外动脉的血管管径比为0.60± 0.14,经治疗后旋股内动脉增粗,旋股内动脉/旋股外动脉的血管管径比增大为0.89± 0.21。结论股骨头坏死的发生、发展与股骨头骨循环、股骨头骨血管变化有很大的关系,血管融通术加骨髓基质干细胞灌注治疗股骨头坏死值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

股骨头坏死及融通术后数字减影血管造影的初步观察   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 观察和分析了 39例 (6 4髋 )治疗前后的股骨头坏死的数字减影血管造影 (DSA)的影像学表现。方法 对不同病因、不同分期的股骨头坏死行旋股内动脉插管造影和灌注尿激酶、丹参和川芎嗪。结果 ①股骨头坏死分期与血管造影上下骺动脉分型关系 :股骨头坏死 0期、Ⅰ期和Ⅱ期表现为股骨头内Ⅱ型血管为主 ,Ⅳ型和Ⅴ型血管较少 ;Ⅲ期则Ⅱ型血管减少 ,而Ⅳ型和Ⅴ型血管增多 ;②股骨头坏死不同病因与血管造影上干骺动脉分型关系 :股骨头坏死诱因不同 ,其股骨头内的血管分型也不同 ,创伤性股骨头坏死以Ⅳ型和Ⅴ型为多 ,激素性和酒精性股骨头坏死以Ⅱ型和Ⅲ型为多 ;③股骨头坏死治疗前后与血管造影上干骺动脉分型关系 :治疗前Ⅱ型血管占 2 2 % ,治疗后Ⅱ型血管占 8% ,且Ⅳ、Ⅴ型血管明显增多 ;④股骨头坏死治疗前后与旋股内动脉 /旋股外动脉的血管管径比关系 :股骨头坏死者旋股内动脉扭曲、变细 ,旋股内动脉 /旋股外动脉的血管管径比为 0 6 0± 0 14,经治疗后旋股内动脉增粗 ,旋股内动脉 /旋股外动脉的血管管径比增大为 0 89± 0 2 1。结论 股骨头坏死的发生、发展和股骨头血循环、股骨头骨血管变化有很大的关系 ,血管融通术治疗股骨头坏死值得进一步研究  相似文献   

目的探讨数字减影血管造影(DSA)诊断与介入治疗在胃肠道动脉性出血中的应用价值。方法回顾性总结78例消化道动脉性出血患者的DSA表现和动脉栓塞、药物灌注的治疗经验。结果本组患者十二指肠溃疡15例,胃溃疡5例,胃癌2例,Dieulafoy病1例,血管畸形和发育不良9例,胃肠术后吻合口出血8例,肝胆疾患术后肝动脉破裂出血10例,Crohn病5例、肠道憩室出血6例、小肠炎或溃疡6例,小肠息肉3例,小肠中度恶性间质瘤1例,小肠高分化平滑肌肉瘤2例。直结肠癌5例。74%(58/78)的患者DSA造影阳性,造影剂外溢直接征象者33%(26/78)。术后吻合口出血直接征象者83%(15/18)。介入治疗的病例中动脉药物灌注15例,技术成功率60%(9/15),临床成功率40%(6/15);栓塞36例,技术成功率86%(31/36),临床成功率72%(26/36);介入治疗后再出血率16%(8/51)。其中1例栓塞后再呕血经胃镜治疗无效死亡。DSA造影和介入治疗后手术者27例。造影与术后病理诊断的符合率为78%(21/27)。随访时间2个月至3年,未发生胃肠道缺血坏死等并发症。结论DSA对消化道动脉性出血的定位、定性有着重要价值,选择性动脉栓塞及药物灌注止血安全有效,有助于择期手术和并发症处理。  相似文献   

目的 比较分析X线、螺旋CT及低剂量数字减影血管造影技术三维重建在30例骨关节骨折中的应用,探讨低剂量数字减影血管造影技术三维重建在骨关节骨折中的应用价值.方法 回顾性分析2010年2月-2011年3月广州开发区医院放射科收治经X线、螺旋CT和数字减影血管造影技术三维重建证实的30例骨关节骨折患者的病例资料,比较分析30例骨关节骨折的数字减影血管造影技术和三维重建表现及X线片表现.采用SPSS 11.0统计软软件包.用Spearman相关性分析检验,对不同方法采用单因素方差分析及各指标间的独立样本t检验;对各种方法的准确率评估采用卡方精确检验,P <0.05为差异有统计学意义.结果 本组30例中显示骨折线,明确骨折线的走行,骨折片的数目,来源及分离移位情况,数字减影血管造影技术三维重建30例均能清晰显示;螺旋CT 20例能清晰显示,10例不能清晰显示;X线平片10例能清晰显示,20例未见显示.螺旋CT关节囊和软组织显示清晰.结论 低剂量数字减影血管造影技术三维重建比螺旋CT及X线平片更能清楚显示骨折,明确骨折线的走行和骨折片的数目、来源及分离移位情况,为治疗方案的选择和预后的估计提供帮助.  相似文献   

目的 观察冠状动脉支架植入术后患者320排减影冠状动脉CT血管造影(Sub-CCTA)图像质量的影响因素。方法 前瞻性纳入40例冠状动脉支架植入术后冠心病患者,获取320排冠状动脉血管造影(CCTA)及Sub-CCTA,评估图像质量;观察患者基本信息、心率、心脏解剖结构参数和支架情况与Sub-CCTA图像质量的相关性,分析其影响因素。结果 Sub-CCTA图像质量评分与患者性别(r=-0.326,P<0.01)、平均心率(r=-0.328,P<0.01)、心脏左横径(r=0.319,P<0.01)及支架位置(r=0.410,P<0.01)相关。将上述因素纳入logistic分析,结果显示平均心率、心脏左横径及支架位置为Sub-CCTA图像质量的影响因素;基于上述各项建立的模型评估Sub-CCTA图像质量的敏感度、特异度、阳性预测值及阴性预测值分别为89.21%、63.34%、76.73%及81.00%。结论 冠状动脉支架植入术后患者平均心率、心脏左横径及支架位置为其Sub-CCTA图像质量的影响因素。  相似文献   

目的探讨计算机断层扫描血管造影(CTA)和数字减影血管造影(DSA)在主动脉夹层(AD)的诊断及术前评估的作用及一致性。方法回顾性分析60例AD患者的临床资料,比较CTA及DSA两种检查方法显示的AD破口近侧锚定区的距离、左锁骨下动脉左侧平面胸主动脉直径、主动脉夹层累及的范围及主动脉主要分支血管的累及情况。结果 60例患者均同期行CTA、DSA检查,CTA、DSA检查破口近端锚定区的距离大于或等于15mm者分别为44例(44/51,86.2%)、46例(46/56,82.1%);小于15mm者分别为7例(7/51,13.7%)、10例(10/56,17.8%),两种方法比较差异无统计学意义。CTA发现夹层累及左髂动脉(LIA)36例(36/60,60.0%)、累及右髂动脉(RIA)28例(28/60,46.7%),DSA仅发现夹层累及LIA14例(14/60,23.0%)、累及RIA13例(13/60,21.7%),两种方法比较差异有统计学意义(P=0.012,P=0.022);CTA、DSA在显示左锁骨下动脉左侧胸主动脉直径及内脏动脉受累情况比较差异无统计学意义。结论 CTA、DSA两种检查方法有较好的一致性,CTA因其无创性在EVAR术前评估中有重要价值。  相似文献   

目的探讨代谢综合征(MS)患者中肾动脉狭窄的发生率及无创性筛检的必要性与可靠性。方法45例MS患者预行肾动脉螺旋CT血管造影(SCTA),对所检出的14例肾动脉狭窄者行肾动脉数字减影血管造影(DSA)对照,并对SCTA及DSA结果进行对比分析。结果45例MS患者中SCTA显示肾动脉正常31例,其余14例患者存在单侧或双侧肾动脉狭窄,DSA对照显示肾动脉正常6条,肾动脉狭窄22条,与SCTA显示的情况基本符合。结论MS患者中肾动脉狭窄的发生率约31.1%,对可疑患者应常规予以肾动脉SCTA检查。  相似文献   

The intravenous injection of contrast medium for angiography is a relatively new means of studying the arteries of the head and neck. Digital subtraction angiography allows the evaluation of patients with suspected vascular disease without the risk of arterial catheterization.  相似文献   

Objective: The aim of the present study was to review the efficacy of 16‐row multislice computerized tomography angiography (CTA) in ruptured cerebral aneurysm surgery by comparison with conventional digital subtraction angiography (DSA). Methods: A systemic review of patients suffering from ruptured cerebral aneurysm was performed. We report the results obtained during the 19‐month period from April 2003 to October 2004. In total, 32 patients had undergone aneurysm surgeries, in which 11 patients had both DSA and CTA performed. Results: Among the 11 patients with both DSA and CTA performed, two aneurysms were missed in DSA in two patients. The sensitivity and specificity of CTA were 100%. The correlation of CTA with DSA in operative findings was 100%. Our CTA could detect the aneurysm size down to 2 mm in diameter. Conclusion: The diagnostic accuracy of 16‐row multislice CTA is promising and it compares well with DSA for detection and evaluation of ruptured cerebral aneurysms. It is safe and effective to establish treatment decision on the basis of CTA alone in the majority of cases.  相似文献   

Fourteen pigs with an average weight of 17 kg were used in this study. Under general anesthesia and magnification 1–3 ccm/kg of carbon dioxide were administered in the lymph vessels of the front and rear legs. Imaging of the peripheral lymph vessels, lymph nodes and the thoracic duct was achieved with digital subtraction angiography. The quality of lymphangiography was satisfactory and comparable with that of the standard non-ionic contrast agent. It is anticipated that further technical evolution will permit the application of CO2/DSA lymphangiography to man. Carbon dioxide is non-nephrotoxic and is non-allergic; it is inexpensive, can be administered in unlimited quantity and is quickly eliminated via the pulmonary system.  相似文献   

The authors are reporting their experience with arterial digital subtraction angiography to monitor particular intravascular embolization in hypervascular tumors and malformations and angioplasty. Arterial digital subtraction angiography may reduce the time of waiting for regular film developing and subtraction. The smaller amount of contrast material being used in arterial digital subtraction angiography minimizes the discomfort to the patients. It also prevents further renal damage in those patients with poor renal function. The arterial digital subtraction angiography may detect the early warning signs of embolotherapy. From the past experience, the authors have found that arterial digital subtraction angiography should be considered as a better alternative way to performing the particulate embolization and angioplasty than being monitored by conventional angiography.  相似文献   

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