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Murine thymus-derived lymphocytes can be sensitized in vitro to trinitrophenyl (TNP)-modified autologous spleen cells (1, 2). Cytotoxic effector cells were generated which were specific for TNP-modified target cells expressing the same H-2K and H-2D serological regions as the modified stimulator cells (3, 7). Spleen cells from two C57BL/10 congenic strains of mice sharing common I-C, S, and D regions, but differing at K, I-A, and I-B regions, generated different levels of lytic responses to the shared modified H-2Dd products upon sensitization with auto logous TNP-modified cells. Lymphocytes from an F1 between responder and nonresponder strain generated a level of cytolysis toward the H-2Dd modified specificity which was of the same order of magnitude as that obtained with the high responder, irrespective of whether F 1 or either parental strain of modified stimulator cell was used. These results suggest that the modification of H-2Dd products resulted in formation of new antigenic determinants in both parental strains. However, the difference observed in responsiveness appeared to be due to a gene or genes mapping in the K, I-A, or I-B region which influenced the ability of the responding lymphocytes to react to these modified H-2Dd products. Responsiveness was expressed as a dominant trait in the F1.  相似文献   

Splenic lymphocytes from four C57BL/10 congenic resistant mouse strains were sensitized in vitro with trinitrophenyl (TNP)-modified autologous spleen cellsmthe effector cells generated were incubated with 51-Cr-labeled unmodified or TNP-modified spleen or tumor target cells, and the percentage of specific lympholysis determined. The results obtained using syngeneic-, congenic-, recombinante, and allogeneic-modified target cells indicated that TNP modification of the target cells was a necessary but insufficient requirement for lympholysis. Intra-H-2 homology either between modified stimulating cells and modified target cells or between responding lymphocytes and modified target cells was also important in the specificity for lysis. Homology at the K serological region or at K plus I-A in the B10.A and B10BR strains, and at either the D serological region or at some other region (possibly K) in the B10.D2 and C57BL/10 strains were shown to be necessary in order to detect lympholysis. Experiments using (B10itimes C57BL/10)F1 responding lymphocytes sensitized and assayed with TNP-modified parental cells indicated that the homology required for lympholysis was between modified stimulating and modified target cellsmthe possibility is raised that histocompatibility antigens may serve in the autologous system as cell surface components which are modified by viruses or autoimmune complexes to form cell-bound modified-self antigens, which are particularly suited for cell-mediated immune reactions. Evidence is presented suggesting that H-2-linked Ir genes are expressed in the TNP-modified autologous cytotoxic system. These findings imply that the major histocompatibility complex can be functionally involved both in the response potential to and in the formation of new antigenic determinants involving modified-self components.  相似文献   

One of the more recent associations of the murine H-2 major histocompatibility complex (MHC) with immune function has been the finding that cytotoxic T-effector cells generated by sensitization with viral-infected (1-6), chemically modified (7-9), or weak transplantation antigen-associated (10,11) syngeneic cells can efficiently lyse target cells which express the same viral, chemical, or weak antigenic agent, and which share the H-2K and/or H-2D regions of the MHC with the responding and/or stimulating cells. Furthermore, an additional contribution of a gene(s) within the H-2 complex has been demonstrated which controls immune response potential (Ir genes) in the generation of cytotoxic effector cells to trinitrophenyl (TNP)-modified self components (12,13). In such studies it was found that certain B10 congenic strains generated good cytotoxic responses to both TNP- modified H-2K and H-2D region products, whereas other B10 congenic strains exhibited preferential or exclusive reactivity against TNP-modified H-2K region products. Some of these recombinant strains differing in response potential to TNP- modified H-2D products expressed the same haplotype at the D end, but differed at the K end of H-2. The low responsiveness observed in the B10.A strain to TNP-modified H-2D(d) when compared to B10.D2 and (B10.A x B10.D2)F(1) for the same specificity, suggested a role of dominant Ir genes which map in K, I-A, I-B, I-J, and/or I-E (12, 14). In the present report an attemnpt was made to further map within the MHC the Ir gene(s) controlling cell-mediated lympholysis (CML) to TNP-modified H-2D(d), by using recombinant mouse strains on the A and B10 backgrounds. Irrespective of the genetic background, the s and k haplotypes at the K end generated high and low cytotoxic responses, respectively, to H-2D(d)-TNP. The intermediate responder and low responder status of the A.TL and A.AL strains, respectively, indicated that a gene mapping in the K region of H-2 influences response potential. Furthermore, the differences in the levels of cytotoxicity detected in the A.TH and A.TL strains suggested an additional I region influence. Taken together these findings raise the possibility that multiple genes mapping within different regions of the MHC control the level of T-cell-mediated cytotoxicity to chemically modified autologous cells.  相似文献   

Spleen cells from B10.BR and C57BL/10 (B10) mice were compared for their ability to generate primary in vitro cytotoxic responses to syngeneic cells modified with different concentrations (from 10 to 0.031 mM) of trinitrobenzene sulfonate (TNBS) (TNP-self). Although both strains generated effector cells to TNP-self in the range of 10-0.25 mM TNBS modification, effector activity of B10 cells was weaker than that of B10.BR cells. B10 spleen cells did not respond to syngeneic stimulating cells modified at 0.1 mM or lower, whereas B10.BR cells generated effector activity even when stimulated by TNP-self modified with as low as 0.031 mM TNBS. Fluorescence analysis of the modified cells using the FACS II indicated that equivalent quantities of TNP were conjugated to the surfaces of B10.BR and B10 spleen cells for any given concentration of TNBS modification. Similar strain-dependent differences were observed when the TNP was diluted out in the cultures by reducing the number of stimulating cells modified with 10 mM TNBS. These response patterns were verified by stimulating cultures of B10.BR and B10 spleen cells either with TNP conjugated to bovine serum albumin or bovine gamma globulin (B10.BR but not B10 cells responded to TNP-conjugated proteins) or with TNBS-modified glass-adherent spleen cells. The strain-dependent differences could also be detected at the effector phase, because optimally stimulated B10.BR, but not B10 effector cells, could lyse 0.1 mM TNBS-modified syngeneic target cells. The genetic parameters associated with the response and nonresponse patterns of B10.BR and B10 mice were further investigated by comparing the cytotoxic responses to low doses of TNP-self of spleen cells from the following strains: (a) C3H/HeJ (H-2k) and C3H.SW (H-2b); (b) BALB.K (H-2k) and BALb.b (h-2b); and (c) B10.A (H-2a) and B10.D2 (H-2d). The H-2k and H-2a, but not the H-2b and H-2d, strains generated cytotoxic responses to TNP-self when the syngeneic stimulators were modified with 0.1 mM TNBS. Further studies using (B10 X B10.BR)F1 responding cells and parental or F1-modified stimulating cells, indicated that the F1 cells generated cytotoxic activity to low doses of TNP in association with H-2k but not in association with H-2b self products. The results of this study indicate that H-2-linked genetic factors, expressed in the target as well as in the responding and/or stimulating cell populations, control the ability of inbred mouse strains to generate cytotoxic effector cells to low doses of TNP-self. Such dose-dependent genetic effects may be important in the regulation of immune responses activated in vivo by chronic exposure to infectious agents.  相似文献   

Splenic lymphocytes from four C57BL/10 congenic mouse strains were sensitized in vitro to N(-3-nitro-4-hydroxy-5-iodophenylacetyl)-beta-alanylglycylglycyl-(N) modified autologous lymphocytes. The effector cells generated after 5 days of culture were assayed on a series of either N-modified phytohemagglutinin-stimulated spleen cells or N-modified tumor cells. The results indicated in all cases that both N modification of the targets and H-2 homology between the modified stimulating and target cells are required for lysis to occur. In each case the effector cells were found to lyse N-modified target cells only when there was homology at either or both ends of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) between the stimulator and target cells. B10.BR lysed targets sharing alleles at K (or K plus I-A) and/or at D. B10.A effector cell specificity was mapped to K (or K plus I-A) and/or the D half of the MHC (D or D plus I-C and/or S). The two regions of specificity determined for B10.D2 effector cells were D (or D plus S plus I-C) and a region not including D of the MHC. C57BL/10 effector cells lysed N-modified targets only if there was target cell H-2 homology at K, I-A, and I-B or at the D serological region. As in the trinitrophenyl (TNP) system (6) B10.BR and B10.A effector cells lysed targets sharing K end H-2 serological regions greater than target cells sharing D-end serological regions. The C57BL/10 effector cells were shown to react to the K end greater than the D end, which differed from the equal reactivity seen in the TNP system for this strain. The data are consistent with the hypothesis that the antigen recognized by the effector cell includes an altered H-2 serological cell surface product. That the reaction is not "hapten specific" and the H-2 homology is required only for effector:target cell interaction was excluded by the use of two F1 combinations in which lysis of only N-modified target cells sharing the H-2 haplotype with the stimulating parental strain was obtained. Finally, it was demonstrated that N and TNP modification create distinct new antigenic determinants, since an effector cell sensitized to one modifying agent will lyse only H-2 matched target modified with that same modifying agent.  相似文献   

The specificity of C57BL/10 cytotoxic effector cells generated by in vitro sensitization with autologous spleen cells modified with a series of related nitrophenyl compounds was investigated. The failure of trinitrophenyl (TNP)-sensitized effector cells to lyse TNP-beta-alanylglycylglycyl(AGG)-modified target cells is presented as evidence contradicting the intimacy or dual receptor model or T-cell recognition in its simplest form. Data are also shown indicating that sensitization with N-(3-nitro-4-hydroxy-5-iodophenylacetyl)-AGG-modified stimulating cells generates noncross-reacting clones of cytotoxic effector cells.  相似文献   

Trinitrophenylated syngeneic spleen cells (TNP-SC) are potent tolerogens of the anti-TNP plaque-forming cell (PFC) response in vivo and in vitro. This unresponsive state requires T cells for both its induction and maintenance. Because H-2K/D-restricted cytotoxic T cells are also induced by exposure to TNP-SC, we determined the role(s) of histocompatibility antigens (K, I, and D) in the suppression of the PFC response by TNP-SC. We treated syngeneic TNP-modified stimulator cells with antiserum directed at K-, I-, or D-region determinants and found that blocking of H-2K or D antigens on TNP-SC transformed these tolerogens into immunogens capable of eliciting an anti-TNP PFC response in the absence of extrinsic immunogens like TNP-polymerized flagellin. In H-2k or H-2a(k/d) mice, only H-2Kk needs to be blocked on the stimulator cells, whereas H-2K or D recognition was apparent in B10.A(4R) mice. These observations indicate that suppression of the PFC response by TNP-SC shows the same restriction in recognition as does the cytotoxic T-cell response. Furthermore, our results suggest that TNP-I-A is recognized by the helper cells in this system as the intrinsic antigen. When both TNP-K and TNP-I-A are present and available on the same stimulator cell, suppression (via modified K recognition) is dominant over help.  相似文献   

Cell-mediated lympholysis (CML) to trinitrophenyl (TNP)-modified autologous splenic lymphocytes has been recently reported in the mouse (1). Both the sensitization and effector phases of this phenomenon were shown to be T-cell mediated. Effector cell specificity studies indicated that modification of the target cells is a necessary but insufficient requirement for cytolysis, and suggested that altered cell surface components controlled by genes mapping in the mouse major histocompatibility H-2 complex (MHC) are important in the specificity of the cytotoxic reaction (1). In allogeneic models the generation of cytotoxic effector cells has been shown to be preceded or accompanied by immunogen- induced proliferation of responding lymphocytes, i.e. a mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR) (2-5), although the generation of effectors may not necessarily always be the consequence of extensive cell proliferation (5). If the induction of cytotoxic effector lymphocytes by modified syngeneic spleen cells is characteristic of sensitization with cellular alloantigens, one would expect to find that sensitization with TNP-modified autologous cells would also induce thymidine incorporation by the responding cells in the culture. The present report demonstrates that both stimulation of thymidine incorporation and generation of cytotoxic effector cells are part of the in vitro response to TNP-modified autologous lymphocytes. However, the MLR to TNP- modified autologous cells consistently appeared to be less pronounced when compared with an allogeneic MLR, whereas the cytotoxic activity of the effector cells generated by sensitization against TNP-modified autologous cells was frequently as high as that detected against H-2 alloantigens. These two components of reactivity to “modified self” are verified in several C57BL/10 congenic and B10.A recombinant mouse strains.  相似文献   

Nude (athymic) or anti-lymphocyte serum-treated mice have absent delayed graft rejection due to impaired T-cell responses. Nonetheless, these mice can reject skin grafts, acutely, when treated with anti-H-2 antibody and additional complement. Resolution of the components in the H-2 antisera, by either absorption or by selective production of antisera of restricted specificity has demonstrated that anti-H-2K or H-2D antiser are graft destructive, and as shown elsewhere, are nonenhancing. By contrast, anti-Ia sera are not capable of causing allograft destruction even when used in extremely high doses and were previously noted to be enhancing. The mechanism of such differential effects is not apparent, but the findings are clearly of importance to transplantation in man, where sera reacting specifically with B cells may also be enhancing and nondestructive.  相似文献   

By using a culture system that allows the segregation of individual precursors of cytotoxic lymphocytes, the number of clones generated by cells from different combinations of congenic mice have been measured. It has been found that 0.3% of the total anti-H2d clones are generated by stimulators which differ predominantly at the H-2 locus. The contribution of non-H-2 antigens to anti-H-2 responses is discussed.  相似文献   

The in vitro T-cell proliferation induced by penicilloylated bovine IgG (BPO-BGG) in sensitized strain 2 guinea pigs could be specifically blocked by the serum of guinea pig (*305) which had been repeatedly immunized with BPO-BGG over a period of 9 mo. The antibodies which appeared in the serum of this animal (*305) were functionally similar to the strain 2 anti-idiotypic antibodies (a strain 2 BPO-BGG) raised by immunizing strain 2 guinea pigs with immuno-adsorbent column-purified BPO-BGG. Animal *305 had no detectable antibodies to BPO-BGG and failed to give a delayed hypersensitivity skin response when challenged with BPO-BGG.  相似文献   

The in vitro T-cell proliferation induced by penicilloylated bovine IgG (BPO-BGG) in sensitized strain 2 and strain 13 guinea pigs could be specifically blocked by strain-specific antisera presumably directed against cell membrane-associated immunoglobulin idiotypes. The anti-idiotypic antisera were prepared in strain 2 and strain 13 guinea pigs against immunoadsorbent purified anti-BPO-BGG antibodies which had been raised in strain 2 and strain 13 animals. Strain 13 antistrain 13 anti-BPO-BGG (a strain 13 BPO-BGG) suppressed the in vitro BPO-BGG response of cells from immunized strain 13 animals but did not inhibit the response of cells from immune strain 2 animals. Conversely, the corresponding antiserum raised in a strain 2 combination (a strain 2 BPO-BGG) only inhibited the in vitro BPO-BGG response of strain 2 cells. Furthermore, the inhibitory activity of the antisera could only be absorbed by immune cells from the syngeneic strain. The activity of the a strain 13 BPO-BGG serum was highly specific; the inhibitory activity could only be absorbed by BPO-BGG-sensitive strain 13 cells. The inhibitory activity of the anti-idiotypic sera was predominantly associated with the 19S fraction. The data suggest that immune cells and in particular T lymphocytes from strain 2 and strain 13 guinea pigs possess strain-specific recognition structures from BPO-BGG with the same idiotypes as the corresponding strain-specific immunoglobulins. Furthermore, the production of such inhibitory anti-idiotypic sera was restricted to syngeneic combinations, which suggests a potential role of autoanti-idiotypic antibodies in the regulation of the immune response. The anti-idiotypic antisera used here are apparently directed against gene products not associated with the strain 2 or strain 13 major histocompatibility complex.  相似文献   

An H-2K/IA recombinant mouse strain was used to map the genes within the H-2 complex which determine the ability to respond in cell-mediated lympholysis (CML) to low doses of trinitrophenyl-self (TNP-self). It was found that gene(s) which map to the K region are involved in regulation of CML response to low-dose TNP-self. It was also found that CML response to TNP recognized in association with H-2Dq was not detectable in this recombinant. These findings are discussed with respect to the involvement of the H-2K and H-2D regions by structural and/or regulator gene functions.  相似文献   

Skin grafts were reciprocally exchanged in pairs of congenic lines identical in all genes except those located in the central portion of the H-2 complex. Seven such lines were tested: 6R, B10.AQR, A.TL, A.TH, 7R, 9R, and B10.HTT. In all donor-recipient combinations at least some grafts were rejected. In combinations differing at the IA subregion (and other central H-2 regions or subregions), all first-set grafts were rejected within 3 wk after transplantation, and all second-set grafts were rejected within 10 days. In combinations differing at the IC subregion (and other central regions, but not at the IA subregion) between 60 and 100% of first-set grafts were rejected, but some grafts survived for over 100 days. Most of the second-set grafts were rejected within 1 mo after grafting. This behavior of skin grafts indicated the presence of two histocompatibility loci in the I region, a strong one and a weak one. This conclusion was confirmed by genetic mapping which placed the strong locus in the IA subregion and the weak locus in the IC subregion. We designate the former locus H-2A and the latter H-2C. The same strain combinations used for the skin grafting were also used for determination of the capacity of I-region antigens to function as targets in the in vitro cell-mediated lymphocytotoxicity (CML) assay. Spleen cells from mice presensitized in vivo by skin grafting were restimulated in vitro and tested against 51Cr-labeled concanavalin A or lipopolysaccharide blasts. The testing revealed the presence in the I region of two loci coding for CML-target antigens. The two loci comapped with the H-2A and H-2C loci and were most likely identical to them. As in the skin grafting test, in the CML test, the H-2A antigens evoked stronger response than the H-2C antigens. Rejection of skin grafts across the H-2A and H-2C loci was accompanied by the production of Ia antibodies. Direct cytotoxic and absorption tests with Ia antibodies directed against antigens coded for by the IC subregion revealed the presence of IaC antigens on epidermal cells. We suggest that the products of Ia loci might function as transplantation antigens.  相似文献   

The relative proportions of antibodies of different specificities within antisera raised to native staphylococcal nuclease have been studied in several strains of mice in which the antibody response has been shown to be under H-2-linked Ir-gene control. A method was developed in which binding to different radiolabeled fragments of nuclease was titrated against increasing fragment concentration until the binding capacity of the antiserum for that fragment was saturated. In comparing the low responder (H-2b) strain C57BL/10 with its congenic high responder counterpart B10.A (H-2a), it was found that the two strains made markedly and reproducibly different proportions of antibodies to different determinants on native nuclease. Since these two strains differ only at H-2, and therefore have identical immunoglobulin structural gene repertoires, we conclude that H-2-linked Ir genes can control the response to different determinants on the same antigen molecule independently of one another. This result suggests a possible role of H-2-linked genes in the selection of specific B cells.  相似文献   

Treatment of BALB/c mice with purified pig antiidiotype to 11-4.1 (anti- H-2Kk) monoclonal antibody has been found previously to induce the appearance of idiotype-bearing molecules (Id') in the serum of these mice, in the absence of detectable antigen-binding activity. In the present study we examined the effect of subsequent immunization of such antiidiotype-primed mice with the original H-2Kk antigen. Skin grafting of virgin BALB/c mice with BALB.K skin did not generate any detectable Id' antibodies when tested by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). In contrast, grafting of antiidiotype-primed mice with BALB.K skin specifically boosted ther serum level of Id' molecules. Challenge of antiidiotype-primed mice with either B10.D2 or rat skin had no effect on the production of such Id' molecules. Absorption studies demonstrated that the majority of Id' molecules induced by H-2Kk antigenic stimulus and detected in ELISA are antigen-nonbinding molecules, thus indicating specific restimulation by the original H-2Kk antigen of nonbinding idiotype-positive B cell clones. The relevance of these findings to the existence of network interactions in the immune response to H-2 antigens is discussed.  相似文献   

The relative immunogenicity of the H-7.1 alloantigen has been shown in a previous communication to be regulated by a gene in the D region of the mouse major histocompatibility (H-2) complex. The level of relative immunogenicity was inferred from survival times of H-7.1-incompatible skin grafts donated by donors with different H-2 haplotype origins of H-2D region genes. In this communication we report the results of an extension of these previous investigations into the possible role of H-2D region genes in controlling the capacity of H-7.1-incompatible lymphocytes to stimulate H-7.1-speciflc mixed lymphocyte culture proliferation and generation of cytotoxic effector cells. The results reported herein demonstrate that the H-2D genotype of H-7.1-incompatible stimulator cells determines the relative H-7.1-specific capacity of those lymphocytes to stimulate H-7.1-specific proliferation of in vivo primed responder T cells in secondary mixed lymphocyte culture. H-2D(b)-bearing, H-7.l-incompatible stimulators were significantly more effective in stimulating H-7.1-specific proliferation than H-2D(d)-bearing stimulators. As expected, H-2D(b), H-7.1-in-compatible stimulators were also more effective than H-2D(d) a stimulators in generating H-7.1- specific cytotoxic effector cells. Further, the susceptibility of (51)Cr- labeled, H-7.1-incompatible lymphoblast targets to H-7.1-specific lysis was similarly regulated by an H-2D gene. Reciprocal H-2 restriction (F(1) cells are capable of killing only the cells bearing the immunizing cell parental H-2 haplotype) observed by other investigators for cytolysis of non-H-2-incompatible targets was not observed. H-2D a-bearing, H-7.1- incompatible stimulators stimulated generation of cytotoxic effectors capable of detectably lysing H-2D(b) but not H-2D(a)-bearing, H-7.1- incompatible targets. The impact of these observations on the proposed models for H-2 restriction of non-H-2 histocompatibility antigen-specific cytolysis is discussed.  相似文献   

We have constructed a new series of hybrid genes among the H-2Kd,-Kk, and -Kb. The site of recombination occurs in the third exon, encoding the alpha 2 domain, and divides this domain into two parts, alpha 2A and alpha 2B. The novel genes differ only in the COOH-terminal half of the alpha 2 domain, i.e., the alpha 2B region. This region, comprising residues 142-182, contains a limited number of amino acid differences between the three alleles. The hybrid genes have been introduced into 1T 22-6 cells (H-2q), and cell surface expression of hybrid antigens was verified. Cells expressing different types of hybrid antigens have been examined for their susceptibility to lysis by cytotoxic T lymphocytes directed either against the H-2Kd antigen or the H-2Kk antigen. Our results show that the alpha 1 and alpha 2A domains of the H-2Kk antigen can constitute target molecules for alloimmune anti-Kk T cells, whereas the alpha 2B region, when exchanged for Kd or Kb sequences, plays only a limited role. In contrast, the alpha 1 and alpha 2A domains of Kd are not sufficient to be recognized by alloimmune anti-Kd T cells. In this instance, the alpha 2B domain seems to play an essential role. This region has undergone several amino acid substitutions involving charged residues.  相似文献   

Genes in the H-2 complex regulate the relative immunogenicity of the H-7.1 histocompatibility alloantigen, as measured by survival times of H-7.1-incompatible skin grafts in vivo. The gene controlling relative rejectability of H-7.1-incompatible grafts has been mapped to the H-2D region. H-7.1-incompatible skin grafts donated by H-2Db donors were rejected significantly more rapidly by H-2a/H-2b heterozygous recipients than similar H-7.1-incompatible grafts donated by H-2Dd donors. Further, there was absolutely no evidence of H-2 restriction in cytotoxic effector activity. In vivo cross-priming, as indicated by accelerated secondary graft rejection, was extensive. The efficiency of cross-priming was dependent upon the primary and secondary graft donor H-2 haplotypes.  相似文献   

Lactoperoxidase-catalyzed cell surface radioiodination and incorporation of [3H]-leucine were employed to radiolabel H-2K and H-2D antigens of murine spleen cells. The fate of H-2 antigens was monitored by in vitro culture of labeled cells and isolation of labeled antigens from detergent lysates of the cells and culture supernates obtained at different times during culture. H-2Kk antigens were found to be rapidly turned over and shed by CBA/J cells, whereas the turnover of H-2Dk antigens was extremely slow. Analysis of the membrane residence times of surface-labeled H-2K and H-2D antigens on spleen cells from various H-2-congenic and -recombinant strains demonstrated variations in the shedding rates of H-2K and H-2D antigens, which were controlled by genes mapping in the major histocompatibility complex. These variations show a striking correlation with published, genetically controlled quantitative variations in the cytotoxic response of T lymphocytes to chemically modified or virus-infected syngeneic cells.  相似文献   

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