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The local lymph node assay has recently been accepted by regulatory agencies as a stand-alone alternate method for predicting allergic contact dermatitis. To compare the sensitivity of non-radioisotope methods with that of the standard assay, we determined if these modified methods would affect evaluation of sensitization potency. For this reason, we used 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB) and benzocaine for different sensitizing criteria. Female CBA mice were treated for 3 days with a test compound or vehicle applied to each side of both ears. Bilateral auricular lymph node proliferative activity was assessed by the following endpoints with incorporation of 3H-methyl thymidine (3H-TdR), bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) in vivo, and BrdU ex vivo, IL-2 production, and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) expression. Ear thickness was also tested. The strong sensitizer DNCB was detectable by any of the non-radioisotope endpoints as well as by radioisotope-dependent standard assay. On the other hand, when evaluating the weak sensitizer benzocaine, significant changes were evident in BrdU incorporation ex vivo and in vivo, and IL-2 production. We believe that these non-radioisotope methods can assess allergic contact dermatitis caused by chemicals even in the laboratory, where it can be difficult to handle radioisotopes.  相似文献   

The murine local lymph node assay (LLNA) is a method for the prospective identification of skin sensitizing chemicals. Proliferative responses induced in lymph nodes draining the site of topical application of the test chemical are measured and those chemicals that induce a stimulation index of three or more compared with concurrent vehicle-treated controls are considered to have the potential to cause skin sensitization. Dose-response data from the LLNA may be used to derive an estimate of relative skin sensitizing potency, based upon derivation of the concentration of chemical required to cause a stimulation index of 3 (EC3 value) as calculated by linear interpolation. The purpose of the present investigations was to examine the stability of LLNA responses and the consistency of derived EC3 values induced by the contact allergen paraphenylenediamine (PPD). Analyses were conducted once a month over a 4-month period in each of two independent laboratories. In all assays, and in both laboratories, PPD elicited a positive response. Although some minor differences in responses between and within laboratories were observed, the derived EC3 values were generally very consistent. In Laboratory 1, EC3 values varied between 0.06 and 0.09% PPD, whereas in Laboratory 2 the range was 0.09-0.20%. These EC3 values are consistent with clinical experience of this material insofar as it is a common and relatively potent cause of allergic contact dermatitis in humans. Taken together, these data confirm the stability of LLNA responses both with time and between laboratories and provide additional support for the use of derived EC3 values in the assessment of relative skin sensitizing potency.  相似文献   

Following the formal acceptance of the local lymph node assay (LLNA) as an Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) guideline in April 2002, the UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) informed notifiers that this was now the method of choice for the assessment of skin sensitization potential under the EU notification scheme for new industrial chemicals (NONS). This paper summarizes the experience of the HSE for the 2-year period immediately following the issuing of this statement, during which 48 LLNA study reports were assessed for notification purposes. The issues discussed here include adherence to the OECD guideline, interpretation of results, and classification outcomes. Generally, notifying laboratories followed the OECD guideline successfully, with regard to the sex/ strain/numbers of mice used, the precise process used for measurement of cell proliferation, and the use of recommended vehicles and positive controls. Initially, use of the individual animal approach (measuring the cell proliferation in each animal rather than for a pooled dose group) highlighted problems caused by technical inexperience, but these were overcome by practice. Toxicity or irritation were found to be minor factors in dose selection; more important was the choice of vehicle to correctly maximize the test substance concentration, while maintaining appropriate application properties. Contrary to concerns that the LLNA would prove to be less sensitive or more sensitive than the traditionally used Guinea Pig Maximization Test (GPMT), the proportion of new substances classified as skin sensitizers was within the range observed in previous years. Although the sample size is relatively small, the experience of the HSE indicates that the LLNA is satisfactory for routine regulatory use.  相似文献   

The local lymph node assay (LLNA) assesses the sensitizing activity of chemicals by measurement of primary lymphocyte proliferation in lymph nodes draining the site of application. In this final inter-laboratory study the consistency of LLNA results between laboratories and with guinea pig maximization test (GPMT) data was examined under 'field' conditions. Nine chemicals were evaluated independently by each laboratory according to guidelines for test concentration and vehicle selection developed during previous validation studies to ensure assay optimization. Equivalent predictions of sensitization potential were obtained by all laboratories for eight chemicals. Five of seven chemicals identified as sensitizers in the GPMT were correctly identified in the LLNA--four by all laboratories and 1 (4-chloroaniline) by one laboratory only--although in this latter case, two other laboratories obtained clear dose responses, suggestive of sensitization. The LLNA identified correctly those chemicals predicted to be extreme or strong sensitizers in the GPMT. The remaining two chemicals were non-sensitizers in the guinea pig and failed to elicit positive proliferative responses in the LLNA. These data demonstrate that sensitivity and reliability of the LLNA is retained when chemicals are evaluated independently, and that it provides a reliable pre-screen for the identification of chemicals with significant sensitization potential.  相似文献   

Accurate risk assessment in allergic contact dermatitis is dependent on the successful prospective identification of chemicals which possess the ability to behave as skin sensitisers, followed by appropriate measurement of the relative ability to cause sensitisation; their potency. Tools for hazard identification have been available for many years; more recently, a novel approach to the quantitative assessment of potency--the derivation of EC3 values in the local lymph node assay (LLNA)--has been described. It must be recognised, however, that these evaluations of chemical sensitisers also may be affected by the vehicle matrix in which skin exposure occurs. In this article, our knowledge of this area is reviewed and potential mechanisms through which vehicle effects may occur are detailed. Using the LLNA as an example, it is demonstrated that the vehicle may have little impact on the accuracy of basic hazard identification; the data also therefore support the view that testing ingredients in specific product formulations is not warranted for hazard identification purposes. However, the effect on potency estimations is of greater significance. Although not all chemical allergens are affected similarly, for certain substances a greater than 10-fold vehicle-dependent change in potency is observed. Such data are vital for accurate risk assessment. Unfortunately, it does not at present appear possible to predict notionally the effect of the vehicle matrix on skin sensitising potency without recourse to direct testing, for example by estimation of LLNA EC3 data, which provides a valuable tool for this purpose.  相似文献   

The popliteal lymph node assay (PLNA) derives from the hypothesis that some supposedly immune-mediated adverse effects induced by certain pharmaceuticals involve a mechanism resembling a graft-versus-host reaction. The injection of many but not all of these compounds into the footpad of mice or rats produces an increase in the weight and/or cellularity of the popliteal lymph node in the treated limb (direct PLNA). Some of the compounds known to cause these adverse effects in humans, however, failed to induce a positive PLNA response, leading to refinements of the technique to include pretreatment with enzyme inducers, depletion of CD4(+) T cells or additional endpoints such as histological examination, lymphocyte subset analysis and cytokine fingerprinting. Alternative approaches have been used to improve further the predictability of the assay. In the secondary PLNA, the test compound is injected twice in order to illicit a greater secondary response, thus suggesting a memory-specific T cell response. In the adoptive PLNA, popliteal lymph node cells from treated mice are injected into the footpad of naive mice; a marked response to a subsequent footpad challenge demonstrates the involvement of T cells. Finally, the reporter antigens TNP-Ficoll and TNP-ovalbumin are used to differentiate compounds that induce responses involving neo-antigen help or co-stimulatory signals (modified PLNA). The PLNA is increasingly considered as a tool for detection of the potential to induce both sensitization and autoimmune reactions. A major current limitation is validation. A small inter-laboratory validation study of the direct PLNA found consistent results. No such study has been performed using an alternative protocol. Other issues include selection of the optimal protocol for an improved prediction of sensitization vs autoimmunity, and the elimination of false-positive responses due to primary irritation. Finally, a better understanding of underlying mechanisms is essential to determine the most relevant endpoints. The confusion resulting from use of the PLNA to predict autoimmune-like reactions as well as sensitization should be clarified. Interestingly, most drugs that were positive in the direct PLNA are also known to cause drug hypersensitivity syndrome in treated patients. This observation is expected to open new avenues of research.  相似文献   

Local lymph node assay: 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine-flow cytometry method (LLNA: BrdU-FCM) is a modified non-radioisotopic technique with the additional advantages of accommodating multiple endpoints with the introduction of FCM, and refinement and reduction of animal use by using a sophisticated prescreening scheme. Reliability and accuracy of the LLNA: BrdU-FCM was determined according to OECD Test Guideline (TG) No. 429 (Skin Sensitization: Local Lymph Node Assay) performance standards (PS), with the participation of four laboratories. Transferability was demonstrated through successfully producing stimulation index (SI) values for 25% hexyl cinnamic aldehyde (HCA) consistently greater than 3, a predetermined threshold, by all participating laboratories. Within- and between-laboratory reproducibility was shown using HCA and 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene, in which EC2.7 values (the estimated concentrations eliciting an SI of 2.7, the threshold for LLNA: BrdU-FCM) fell consistently within the acceptance ranges, 0.025–0.1% and 5–20%, respectively. Predictive capacity was tested using the final protocol version 1.3 for the 18 reference chemicals listed in OECD TG 429, of which results showed 84.6% sensitivity, 100% specificity, and 88.9% accuracy compared with the original LLNA. The data presented are considered to meet the performance criteria for the PS, and its predictive capacity was also sufficiently validated.  相似文献   

The murine local lymph node assay (LLNA) is a validated method for identifying skin sensitization hazard. Vehicle choice can influence the sensitization potential of haptens in both the LLNA and in humans, therefore selection of an appropriate vehicle is important. Suggested vehicles for the LLNA include organic solvents and organic-aqueous mixtures. However, due to its high surface tension and poor wetting qualities, water is not recommended and therefore testing aqueous soluble materials can be problematic. The aims of this investigation were to identify a water-based vehicle that possesses better skin wetting properties than water alone, and to assess its performance relative to other solvents in the LLNA using aqueous soluble haptens. The selected wetting agent was the surfactant Pluronic(R) L92 (L92). Concentrations of L92 of up to 50% did not induce positive responses in the LLNA. 1% aqueous L92 was chosen for further examination. Dose-response analyses were performed with dinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (DNBS) and formaldehyde formulated either in water, 1% L92, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) or dimethyl formamide (DMF). Potassium dichromate (PDC) and nickel sulfate were tested in 1% L92, DMSO or DMF. The highest concentration of potassium dichromate was retested in each vehicle and in water to assess the effect of the wetting agent. Estimates of the relative sensitizing potency in each vehicle were determined by calculation of EC3 values (the estimated concentration required to induce a threshold positive response). While DNBS and formaldehyde produced positive responses in all four vehicles, their relative potency varied among the vehicles. The rank ordering of potencies for both materials was, from highest to lowest, DMF > or = DMSO > 1% L92 > water. Compared with water, use of 1% L92 resulted in >2-fold increase in potency for DNBS and >3-fold increase for formaldehyde. PDC was positive in DMF, DMSO and 1% L92. The potency ranking was DMF > or = DMSO > 1% L92. Re-evaluation of 0.5% PDC confirmed that formulations of both DMSO and DMF induced strong proliferative responses, whereas somewhat less proliferation was recorded with the 1% L92 vehicle. PDC in water was without activity. The performance of 1% L92 as a vehicle for nickel sulfate was assessed relative to DMSO and DMF. In DMSO, nickel sulfate produced a stimulation index (SI) >3 at only the highest level. Testing in DMF induced low levels of proliferation, but failed to produce a SI of 3 at any concentration tested. When formulated in 1% L92, nickel sulfate caused a SI of 3 when tested at 2.5%. Based on the results of these experiments, for identification of sensitization hazard of aqueous soluble materials using the LLNA, DMF and DMSO are the preferred vehicles. However, if a test material is not soluble in DMF or DMSO, or if higher test concentrations can be achieved in an aqueous vehicle, then 1% L92 may provide a better alternative to water alone in terms of improved assay performance.  相似文献   

T Maurer  I Kimber 《Toxicology》1991,69(2):209-218
The local lymph node assay in the mouse is a novel predictive test for the identification of contact sensitizing chemicals. The purpose of the studies described was to determine whether a similar local lymph node assay could be performed successfully in guinea pigs; currently the species of choice for assessment of sensitizing potential for regulatory purposes. Ten sensitizing chemicals (oxazolone, picryl chloride, 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene, benzocaine, cinnamic aldehyde, 2,4,-dinitrothiocyanobenzene, p-nitrosodimethylaniline, formaldehyde, p-phenylenediamine and cyanuric chloride) and equal concentrations of sodium lauryl sulphate were examined in a guinea pig local lymph node assay. Animals received three consecutive daily applications of various concentrations of the test chemical on the dorsum of both ears. Control animals were untreated. Five days following the initiation of exposure, draining auricular lymph nodes were excised and weighed. Suspensions of lymph node cells (LNC) were prepared and cultured for 24 or 48 h and proliferation measured by incorporation of [3H]thymidine. Exposure to at least one concentration of all sensitizing chemicals, other than benzocaine, induced proliferation by draining LNC. Responses were higher at 24 h rather than 48 h. Evidence is presented that guinea pig LNC proliferation may be enhanced or maintained by addition to culture of an exogenous source of the T cell growth factor interleukin 2 (IL-2). Draining lymph node weight was increased following exposure to some sensitizing chemicals but, compared with LNC proliferation, provided a less sensitive correlate of lymph node activation. Exposure to sodium lauryl sulphate failed to induce changes in either lymph node weight of LNC proliferation. Data are compared with three-day murine local lymph node assays performed concurrently. The available information indicates that the local lymph node assay may be performed in guinea pigs.  相似文献   

The new OECD guideline 429 (skin sensitization: local lymph node assay) is based upon a protocol, which utilises the incorporation of radioactivity into DNA as a measure for cell proliferation in vivo. The guideline also enables the use of alternative endpoints in order to assess draining lymph node (LN) cell proliferation. Here we describe the first round of an inter-laboratory validation of alternative endpoints in the LLNA conducted in seven laboratories. The validation study was managed and supervised by the Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products, Swissmedic. Statistical analyses of all data were performed by an independent centre at the University of Bern, Department of Statistics. Ear-draining, LN weight and cell count were used to assess proliferation instead of radioactive labeling of lymph node cells. In addition, the acute inflammatory skin reaction was measured by ear swelling and weight of circular biopsies of the ears to identify skin irritating properties of the test items. Hexylcinnamaldehyde (HCA) and three blinded test items were applied to female, 8--10 weeks old NMRI and BALB/c mice. Results were sent via the independent study coordinator to the statistician. The results of this first round showed that the alternative endpoints of the LLNA are sensitive and robust parameters. The use of ear weights added an important parameter assessing the skin irritation potential, which supports the differentiation of pure irritative from contact allergenic potential. There were absolute no discrepancies between the categorisation of the three test substances A--C determined by each single participating laboratories. The results highlighted also that many parameters do have an impact on the strength of the responses. Therefore, such parameters have to be taken into consideration for the categorisation of compounds due to their relative sensitizing potencies.  相似文献   

A murine local lymph node assay (LLNA) has been developed as an alternative to guinea pig models for contact sensitization testing. Although the LLNA appears to be a little less sensitive than the most stringent of guinea pig assays, it provides a rapid, objective, quantitative and cost-effective method for screening strong contact sensitizers and has advantages with respect to animal welfare. However, a potential disadvantage is the need for the use of radioactive material. We have reported previously that an ex vivo assay based on similar principles to the original in vivo LLNA, but using a non-radioactive endopoint, was valid for the prediction of strong sensitizers. This ex vivo assay was not sensitive enough to allow prediction of moderately potent ones. In this study, we propose a new parameter, Corrected IL-2 Index (CII), for the prediction of moderate sensitizers. To obtain CII the IL-2 release in the supernatant of the cell culture is corrected for lymph node weight ratio and ratio of CD4-positive subset. We found that CII predicted the allergenicity of moderate sensitizers, including the ones recommended by the OECD in guideline 406, such as mercaptobenzothiazole and hexyl cinnamic aldehyde. The allergenicity of metal salts, such as potassium dichromate, ammonium tetrachloroplatinate and cobalt chloride, was also predicted by the CII. We conclude that the use of CII as an index significantly increases the sensitivity of the ex vivo method so that moderate sensitizers may also be detected.  相似文献   

The popliteal lymph node assay (PLNA) has been proposed to measure the immunosensitizing potential of chemicals. The direct PLNA detects an immunomodulating effect but does not give insight into the mode of action of the chemical under test. Modifications of this test have been proposed, but they are difficult to perform in routine toxicity testing and require many animals. In the present investigation the direct PLNA was extended with the flow cytometric determinations of: (a) lymphoblasts; (b) the phenotyping of lymphoid subpopulations; (c) the determination of expression of proliferation/activation markers CD25, CD69 and CD62L/CD44 and (d) the analysis of intracellular cytokines interferon gamma, interleukin 2 and interleukin 4. Streptozotocin, hydrazine, HgCl2 and trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid were used as model chemicals. The different mode of action of these substances was well documented by the techniques applied. As the proposed flow cytometric methods can easily be performed and do not require additional test animals this complementation of the direct PLNA seems a promising approach in immunotoxicity testing.  相似文献   

Immune modulation by heavy metals may cause serious adverse health effects in humans, although the mechanisms involved are not well understood. Both cadmium and lead are important environmental and occupational toxins. Therefore, in the current study, the costimulatory/adjuvant effects and the T-cell-activating potential of these metals (i.e., CdCl2 and PbCl2), are examined. These immune-modulating properties are critical in the development of conditions such as allergy, hypersensitivity, and autoimmunity. Using the direct popliteal lymph node assay (PLNA) and reporter antigen-popliteal lymph node assay (RA-PLNA) both metals were examined individually for immunotoxicity. Mercury (i.e., HgCl2) was included for comparative purposes as its effects in the RA-PLNA are well documented. Seven days following a single footpad injection containing metal and/or RA (trinitrophenyl-ovalbumin [TNP-OVA] or TNP-Ficoll), BALB/c mice were sacrificed and the popliteal lymph nodes (PLNs) removed. PLN cellularity, TNP-specific antibody-secreting cells (ASCs), and lymphocyte subsets were assessed. All three metals strongly stimulated T- and B-cell proliferation and ASC production following coinjection with the RA TNP-OVA. In each case, ASC production was skewed towards the IgG1 isotype. In addition, all three metals induced IgG production to TNP-Ficoll (although relatively weakly in the case of Cd). These results show that each of these metals can provide adjuvant signals to promote lymphocyte proliferation and enhance adaptive immune responses to unrelated antigens. Skewing of immune responses towards T helper type 2 responses suggests that each of these metals can enhance allergic and hypersensitivity reactions to environmental antigens. Furthermore, the induction of IgG responses to TNP-Ficoll, a T-cell-independent antigen, indicates that each of these metals can activate neoantigen-specific T cells. T-cell activation by metals can lead to metal hypersensitivity and has been implicated in the development of autoimmunity. This is the first report of immune modulation by CdCl2 and PbCl2 in the RA-PLNA.  相似文献   

Immune-mediated idiosyncratic drug reactions are a major problem for susceptible patients, physicians, and the pharmaceutical industry. Validated screening tools to assess the immunosensitizing capacity of orally or intravenously administered pharmaceuticals are currently not available. To date, the popliteal lymph node assay (PLNA) seems the most promising tool for this purpose. The PLNA has recently been extended with the use of reporter antigens (RA) that are coinjected together with the drug of interest. The measurement of isotypes of RA-specific antibody-secreting cells (ASC) enables the distinction of sensitizing chemicals and (nonsensitizing) irritants without radio-isotopic end points. However, the use of footpad injections raises ethical concerns. Therefore, we examined the use of RA after intradermal injection into the ear of BALB/c mice and measured RA-specific ASC in the draining auricular lymph node (ALN). We show that RA-specific IgG isotype ASC numbers are very useful and sensitive parameters to identify drug-induced hypersensitivity in both PLN and ALN. However, the type 1-associated parameters (CD8(+) cells, macrophages, IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, and IL-1 beta) that are induced in the PLN by streptozotocin were less pronounced in the ALN. Thus, the PLNA may provide more immunologically relevant information on the mechanisms of certain chemical-induced hypersensitivity reactions. The RA-ALN assay may provide an alternative for the RA-PLNA; both assays can be used to distinguish sensitizing compounds from nonsensitizing ones.  相似文献   

腘窝淋巴结试验在药物超敏反应研究中的应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
免疫介导药物超敏反应(IDHR)是一种最常见、也最为复杂的药物不良反应。迄今为止,尚无可靠的动物模型可以有效预测IDHR。已有研究发现,腘窝淋巴结试验(PLNA)操作简单,省时,灵敏,特异性高,可靠性和重复性好,实验动物用量少。尽管其反应机制不清,给药途径为非常规途径,缺乏公认的评价标准,剂量水平、溶媒种类及实验周期的选择等各不一致,但PLNA是一种最有希望可成功预测IDHR的动物模型方法。本文综述了PLNA的原理、分类和应用,并分析了PLNA在成分复杂的中药超敏反应研究方面的应用前景。  相似文献   

We validated a two-tiered murine local lymph node assay (LLNA) with a panel of standard contact (photo)allergens and (photo)irritants with the aim of improving the discrimination between contact (photo) allergenic potential and true skin (photo)irritation potential. We determined ear weights to correlate chemical-induced skin irritation with the ear-draining lymph node (LN) activation potential. During tier I LLNAs, a wide range of concentrations were applied on three consecutive days to the dorsum of both ears. Mice were exposed to UVA light immediately after topical application to determine the photoreactive potential of some test chemicals. Mice were killed 24 h after the last application to determine ear and LN weights and LN cell counts. It was possible to classify the tested chemicals into three groups according to their threshold concentrations for LN activation and skin irritation: (1) chemicals with a low LN activation potential and no or very low skin irritation potential; (2) chemicals with a marked LN activation potential higher than a distinct skin irritation potential; and (3) chemicals with LN activation potential equal to or lower than their skin irritation potential. Group 1 consisted only of contact allergens, indicating that LN activation in the absence of skin irritation points to a contact allergenic activity. Since groups 2 and 3 comprised irritants and contact allergens, a tier II LLNA protocol was used to finally differentiate between true irritants and contact allergens. Briefly, mice were pretreated with mildly to moderately irritating concentrations of the chemical to the shaved back and after 12 days were challenged on the ears as described above in order to elicit a contact allergenic response in the ear skin and the ear-draining LN. With this approach, tier II LLNAs have to be conducted only in cases for which skin irritation potential is in the range of LN activation potential and no structure-activity relationship data indicating a contact allergenic hazard are available.  相似文献   

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