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第四军医大学西京医院皮肤科定于2011年10月13—29日举办第六期皮肤病理学习班(初级班,国家级继续教育项目)和第七期皮肤病理学习班(高级班,国家级继续教育项目)。学习班授课教师有西京医院皮肤科高天文教授、廖文俊教授等,同时邀请国内知名皮肤病理学专家孙建方教授、涂平教授、杨蓉娅教授等授课。每期学习班注册费1500元,  相似文献   

第四军医大学两京医院皮肤科定于2011年10月13—29日举办第六期皮肤病理学习班(初级班,国家级继续教育项目)和第七期皮肤病理学习班(高级班,困家级继续教育项目)。学习班授课教师有西京医院皮肤科高天文教授、廖文俊教授等,同时邀请国内知名皮肤病理学专家孙建方教授、涂平教授、杨蓉娅教授等授课。  相似文献   

正为提高广大皮肤科医生的中西医结合诊疗水平,广东省皮肤病医院拟于2014年8月下旬在广州举办"皮肤病中西医结合诊疗新进展学习班"[2014-05-011(Ⅱ)]。凡参加学习班并考试合格者,均可授予省级继续教育Ⅱ类学分5分。届时学习班将邀请国内著名中、西医皮肤科专家授课,并提供中医皮肤外治疗法的实际操作观摩与交流机会。欢迎踊跃报名。联系人:刘守刚;联系电话:13533106349;邮箱:gdssxwz@163.com。  相似文献   

<正>经中华医学会继续教育部批准,西京医院皮肤科将于2010年10月8~17日举办第五期全国皮肤组织病理学习班,该项目为国家级继续教育项目(编号2010-04-1-2-050),授予国家级继续教育I类学分10分。学习内容包括常见炎症性皮肤病和皮肤  相似文献   

目的研究基础教学法(team-based learning, TBL)和临床病理讨论(clinical pathologicalconference,CPC)贯续联合教学法对青年皮肤科医师继续教育培训的影响。方法通过回顾医院87例青年皮肤科医师继续教育培训的资料和调查问卷,比较TBL和CPC贯续联合教学方法和单纯TBL教学方法的优劣。结果与单纯TBL授课相比,TBL和CPC贯续联合授课能够明显提高学生的考试成绩、学习积极性和主动性、分析解决问题能力、自学能力和临床诊疗水平及技能。结论 TBL和CPC贯续联合教学方式有利于提高青年皮肤科医师的继续教育水平,是值得推广的教学方法。  相似文献   

<正> 本文从临床、科研与教学三方面叙述。一、八十年代前期国内皮肤科的水平。我国幅员辽阔,各地情况不一,因此皮肤科的水平也不一致,在农村和中小城市,由于专业人员少,设备简陋,水平较差,在大城市,特别在医学院校的附属医院和皮肤  相似文献   

第四军医大学西京医院皮肤科定于2010年10月14—23日举办第五期全国皮肤组织病理学习班(国家级继续教育项目)暨皮肤科主任高级论坛。学习班授课教师包括高天文教授以及及国内知名专家孙建方、涂平、杨蓉娅等教授。皮肤科主任论坛将邀请国内知名专家针对科室管理、经营、撰写科研基金标书、撰写SCI论文等进行专题研讨。举办地点:西安第四军医大学继续教育大楼。  相似文献   

为了提高进修医生培训质量,培养一批高水平的皮肤科临床骨干,第四军医大学西京皮肤医院从2013年起举办"皮肤科主治医师高级进修班"。高级进修班采取导师制培养模式,以皮肤科临床能力的培养为主,在常见及疑难皮肤病诊疗、皮肤病理、皮肤外科、皮肤美容等多个方面进行全面提高,同时还将兼顾科研和教学方面的基本训练,并可免费参加西京皮肤  相似文献   

<正>1.《中国皮肤科学史》于2014年出版发行。该书由陈洪铎、廖万清、张学军策划,马振友、张建中、郑怀林主编,国内外200余名知名专家共同编辑完成,图文并茂,史料翔实,是达到国际水平的大型皮肤科史书,现已开始征订。2.筹建集皮肤科史、科研、教学、书库于一体的"中国皮肤科博物馆",是一项功在当代、利在千秋的系统工程,是兴利天下、留名万世的宏图伟业。为抢救、保护濒临灭绝的中国皮肤科珍贵文物,特向全国征集皮肤科文献、仪器、器械、教具、蜡模、影像等文物,对捐献、联展的人士将赠送《中国皮肤科学史》,对重大贡献者勒石记功。3.邮购马振友《皮肤美容化妆品制剂手册》,每册50元。面向皮肤、美容、化妆品、药剂人员举办全国皮肤美容化妆品制剂班。  相似文献   

《实用美容皮肤外科技术》出版由解放军454医院皮肤科主任杨海平博士主编的《实用美容皮肤外科技术》于2006年4月由第二军医大学出版社正式出版。全书共30章,68余万字,近百幅图表,从皮肤生物学、解剖学、生理学和病理生理学的角度,叙述美容皮肤外科技术的设计、操作与应用。本书是为适应美容皮肤外科技术日益发展的需要而编著的,其内容新颖、文字简练,具有较强的实用性和专业性,可作为皮肤科中高级人员的教学、科研及医疗用书和继续教育用书。另杨海平博士主编的《肉毒毒素与美容应用》尚有少量余书。有需购买者请与南京市解放军454医院皮肤美容科王玲医师联系,电话:025-80865102邮编:210002。  相似文献   

Background Teledermatology utilizes telecommunication technologies for the exchange of dermatologic information across distances. In 2000, we developed the Virtual Grand Rounds in Dermatology (VGRD) as a free, user‐friendly platform for dermatologists to present complex dermatologic cases to the international community for clinical feedback, consultation, and continuing education. Methods VGRD was designed using simple graphics to facilitate access in remote and developing geographic regions. Members present their case according to a recommended template and are encouraged to provide clinical and histopathologic photographs. Viewers’ comments are posted on the site within 24–48 h following receipt. Results VGRD's low‐cost store‐and‐forward system allows easy accessibility to expertise for colleagues around the world. VGRD currently comprises a community of 344 clinicians across all dermatologic subspecialties, and links users to cases as well as a recent interactive addition for more urgent feedback: VGRD Blog. The Maine Virtual Skin Clinic is another sister site developed as an educational tool for physicians and residents in primary care. VGRD can be found at http://www.vgrd.org . Conclusions With its easy‐to‐use platform for teleconsultation services, VGRD has the potential to enhance clinical outcomes and education. In the next few years, we hope to continue to expand VGRD, including launching a comprehensive search engine in VGRD to provide users with a “one‐stop resource.” With the growth of teledermatology, we will combine web consultations with web‐based education into a single resource for dermatologists interested in new possibilities in clinical practice, patient care, and continuing education.  相似文献   

Medical students and residents often have little experience in placing or responding to dermatologic consults in the inpatient setting when they first begin training. Trainees often learn what and how to communicate through observation or trial and error. We propose that dermatologists can play an active role in facilitating interspecialty education and improving patient outcomes by teaching in a systematic fashion.  相似文献   

《Clinics in Dermatology》2020,38(5):541-546
National experience demonstrates that most physicians will undergo a job change within the first few years of practice. Due to shifting payment models, personal preferences, and financial burden, among other factors, job transitions between private practice and academic medicine are expected. With the rising shortage of dermatologists and an increase in demand for dermatologic services, this particular topic is salient due to the impact on patient care, graduate medical education, and advances in research and medicine. The balance between these elements is fundamental for the future of dermatologic education and care. We address the challenges faced by dermatologists in both the academic and private practice settings, while offering insight into the motivations and barriers in the transition between the two.  相似文献   

Abstract: To determine the frequency and types of pediatric dermatologic problems encountered by primary care physicians, dermatologists, and other physicians, we examined data from the 1990 National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, a continuing study of physician practice in the United States. In 1990, 163·3 million physician office visits were made by patients 18 years of age or younger for all diagnoses; of these, 126·2 million were to primary care physicians. Among visits to these providers, a primary, secondary, or tertiary cutaneous concern or diagnosis was recorded in 12·3 million visits (9·7%). Of these patients with a primary cutaneous concern, 68% of visits were made to primary care physicians, 21% to dermatologists, and 10% to other physicians. For encounters in which primary care physicians reported a primary dermatologic diagnosis (9·6 million visits, 7·6%), the majority of diagnoses (86–93%) were in one of five categories: skin Infections, dermatitis, parasitic infestations, acne, or urticaria. This analysis demonstrates the great frequency with which cutaneous disease occurs in ambulatory medicine, and reinforces the Importance of dermatologic education in the training of primary care physicians.  相似文献   

Dermatology faces an uncertain future because of changes in the mechanisms of health care delivery. The Westwood-Squibb Center for Dermatology Research was created to foster the care of patients through research and education that supports the delivery of optimal dermatologic health care. The center performs health care research to effect policy decisions that impact dermatologic health care delivery. Results from a broad range of these studies clearly demonstrate the value of dermatologists as primary care providers for patients with skin disease. Future studies at the Westwood-Squibb Center for Dermatology Research expand on these findings, demonstrate the cost-effectiveness of care by a dermatologist, and address the expertise of dermatologists at management of surgical problems of the skin.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Demand for pediatric dermatologic care far exceeds the supply of pediatric dermatologists. Teledermatology has been proposed as a solution to improve access to care, however, data regarding teledermatology use for pediatric patients are lacking. Surveys assessing use and experience with teledermatology were administered to pediatric dermatologists attending the 2006 Society for Pediatric Dermatology Annual Meeting and to programs offering teledermatology identified in the American Telemedicine Association's 2003 Teledermatology Survey. Over half of the 76 pediatric dermatologists responding to the survey had previous experience with teledermatology and nearly half currently use some form of teledermatology. For most, this represents nonreimbursed, store-and-forward consultations. Respondents noted that teledermatology allows more accurate triage of dermatology patients, decreases travel and outpatient clinic visits, and provides an avenue for ongoing support and education for primary care physicians. While difficulties exist, overcoming obstacles to the use of pediatric teledermatology and reimbursement for such services could improve access to expert pediatric dermatologic care.  相似文献   

The Internet is increasingly important for doctors in all branches of medicine, but to what extent it is used by dermatologists is not known. In May 2001, we sent a questionnaire by post to 1,291 members of the dermatological societies of the United Kingdom, Sweden, and Norway. Six hundred fifty-three (51%) responded. Excluding those from retired doctors and non-dermatologists, 522 questionnaires were available for analysis. Ninety-five percent of the respondents had access to the Internet, at work (77%) and/or at home (83%). Seventy-nine percent used the world wide web for medical updating and other professional purposes. In a multivariate logistic regression analysis, age and private practice were negative predictors for Internet use (p<0.001). Sixty-two percent found medical databases on the Internet and 25% believed the Internet version of medical journals to be important for their continuing medical education. This may be compared to those who found medical journals on paper(83%), medical meetings(81%), and various forms of contact with peers and colleagues(62-66%) to be so. This study shows that a large proportion of dermatologists, especially younger doctors, use the Internet for medical and educational purposes, but Internet use has not yet replaced traditional ways of obtaining continuing medical education.  相似文献   

Murrell DF  Handog EB 《Dermatologic Clinics》2008,26(2):203-19, v-vi
Little has been written about the various types and availability of international exchange programs in dermatology. These opportunities comprise medical student electives, mentorships for dermatology residents, international residencies, and clinical and research fellowships. For qualified dermatologists, there are opportunities for teaching and volunteering in emerging countries and career-development visiting fellowships to academic centers and private practices to learn specific techniques or to focus on particular areas. Exchange programs in dermatology, although minimal now, soon may be accessible to most dermatologists worldwide, thereby promoting the advancement of scientific and clinical dermatologic information. The tables summarize funding sources for these exchanges.  相似文献   

Support from industry has become an important factor in the growth of the dermatologic profession. However, the relationship creates inevitable conflicts of interest. This article explores these potential conflicts, including (1) giving and receiving of gifts, (2) conduct of clinical trials, (3) appearance of advertisements in professional journals, (4) continuing medical education programs and educational grants to societies and departments, and (5) drug sampling.  相似文献   

The Support Scheme for Rural Specialists project is a federally funded initiative aimed at reducing professional isolation among rural medical specialists. The Australasian College of Dermatologists became involved in this project in July 2003. We report the results of a survey designed to collect demographic data and establish a technology option for remote delivery of metropolitan clinical meetings. These are a major component of continuing professional development activity among metropolitan colleagues. An interactive compact disk format was developed, containing recorded footage and presentation slides from meetings, which replicated attendance as closely as possible. Following distribution to rural dermatologists, continuing professional development points were awarded for viewing and appraising the 'virtual' meeting on compact disk. Evaluation of the technology found a statistically significant increase in continuing professional development involvement. The success of this project has led to its expansion, refinement and continuation in 2004.  相似文献   

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