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Spina bifida occulta is one of the major effects of the recessive mutant “snubnose” (symbol sno). Linkage tests have located this mutant in chromosome 4. Defective spinal arch formation typically includes the lumbar and often the posterior thoracic and sacral vertebrae. There is great variation in detail, from nearly normal closure to a trough-like spinal column. Causes of the variation are not understood. Severely affected specimens may also have defective anterior thoracic vertebrae and reduced size of the sacral vertebrae, with kyphosis. The tail is essentially normal. No external lesion or myelomeningocele has been found, but there have been some instances of paralysis of the hind limbs, possibly from injury. The spinal cord seems normal as a rule, and pigmentation is normal. Embryological study has not been attempted, but the condition seems to be primarily osteogenic in origin.  相似文献   

This paper reviews 50 years of progress towards understanding the aetiology and pathogenesis of neural tube defects (NTD) in the curly tail (ct) mutant mouse. More than 45 papers have been published on various aspects of curly tail with the result that it is now the best understood mouse model of NTD pathogenesis. The failure of closure of the spinal neural tube, which leads to spina bifida in this mouse, has been traced back to a tissue-specific defect of cell proliferation in the tail bud of the E9.5 embryo. This cell proliferation defect results in a growth imbalance in the caudal region that generates ventral curvature of the body axis. Neurulation movements are opposed, leading to delayed neuropore closure and spina bifida, or tail defects. It is interesting to reflect that these advances have been achieved in the absence of information on the nature of the ct gene product, which remains unidentified. In addition to the principal ct gene, which maps to distal Chromosome 4, the curly tail phenotype is influenced by several modifier genes and by environmental factors. NTD in curly tail are resistant to folic acid, as is thought to be the case in 30% of human NTD, whereas they can be prevented by myo-inositol. These and other features of NTD in this system bear striking similarities to the situation in humans, making curly tail a model for understanding a sub-type folic acid-resistant human NTD.  相似文献   

Spina bifida aperta (SBA) is an open neural tube defect that occurs during the embryonic period. We created SBA chicks by incising the roof plate of the neural tube in the embryo. The area of the dorsal funiculus was smaller in the SBA chicks than in the normal controls. Additionally, the SBA group had fewer nerve fibres in the dorsal funiculus than the normal controls. The pathway of the ascending sensory nerves was revealed by tracing the degenerated nerve fibres using osmification. We cut the sciatic nerve (L5) of the control and SBA chicks at the central end of the dorsal root ganglion 1 day after hatching and fixed the tissue 3 days later. Degenerated sensory nerve fibres were observed in the ipsilateral dorsal funiculus in the control chicks. In contrast, degenerated sensory nerve fibres were observed in the ipsilateral and contralateral dorsal, ventral and lateral funiculi of the spinal cord in the SBA chicks. Consequently, fewer sensory nerve fibres ascended to the thoracic dorsal funiculus in the SBA chicks than in the normal controls. This is the first report of abnormal changes in the ascending sensory nerve fibres in SBA.  相似文献   

Cranial neural tube defects (NTDs) occur in mice carrying mutant alleles of many different genes, whereas isolated spinal NTDs (spina bifida) occur in fewer models, despite being common human birth defects. Spina bifida occurs at high frequency in the Axial defects (Axd) mouse mutant but the causative gene is not known. In the current study, the Axd mutation was mapped by linkage analysis. Within the critical genomic region, sequencing did not reveal a coding mutation whereas expression analysis demonstrated significant up-regulation of grainyhead-like 2 (Grhl2) in Axd mutant embryos. Expression of other candidate genes did not differ between genotypes. In order to test the hypothesis that over-expression of Grhl2 causes Axd NTDs, we performed a genetic cross to reduce Grhl2 function in Axd heterozygotes. Grhl2 loss of function mutant mice were generated and displayed both cranial and spinal NTDs. Compound heterozygotes carrying both loss (Grhl2 null) and putative gain of function (Axd) alleles exhibited normalization of spinal neural tube closure compared with Axd/+ littermates, which exhibit delayed closure. Grhl2 is expressed in the surface ectoderm and hindgut endoderm in the spinal region, overlapping with grainyhead-like 3 (Grhl3). Axd mutants display delayed eyelid closure, as reported in Grhl3 null embryos. Moreover, Axd mutant embryos exhibited increased ventral curvature of the spinal region and reduced proliferation in the hindgut, reminiscent of curly tail embryos, which carry a hypomorphic allele of Grhl3. Overall, our data suggest that defects in Axd mutant embryos result from over-expression of Grhl2.  相似文献   

Catecholamine metabolite excretion in spina bifida   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The urinary excretion of vanilmandelic acid (VMA), homovanillic acid (HVA), and parahydroxyphenylacetic acid (pHPAA) was measured in 55 children with meningomyelocoele selected at random. In 96% of the children the levels of one or other of these compounds was significantly raised above the normal, usually by a factor of about 3. High VMA levels usually meant high HVA levels but the values for pHPAA appeared to be quite independent of the others. These results suggest a disorder of tyrosine metabolism, and the possible implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Urinary bladder adenocarcinomas are rare malignancies accounting for approximately 2.5% of all urothelial neoplasms. Intestinal metaplasia of the urothelium indicates the presence of intestinal-type goblet cells and was generally observed to coexist with or to precede the diagnosis of bladder adenocarcinomas. Controversy continues of whether intestinal metaplasia is an acquired precancerous lesion, secondary to different insults to the urothelium, or a concomitant lesion in glandular carcinogenesis. Patients with neurogenic bladders are particularly at risk for developing bladder cancer, mostly squamous cell carcinoma and rarely adenocarcinoma. In these patients, chronic irritation of the urothelium as well as long-term indwelling urinary catheters were the most significant risk factors. Spina bifida is a congenital developmental abnormality that may result in neurogenic bladder. There is only one previously reported case of urothelial carcinoma with associated squamous metaplasia of the bladder occurring in a spina bifida patient. We report the first case of bladder adenocarcinoma associated with intestinal metaplasia occurring in a spina bifida occulta patient. The patient had a complicated clinical course and suffered recurrent urinary tract infections, renal calculi, and urinary incontinence and was managed with intermittent as well as indwelling catheterization.  相似文献   

Long-term outcome in open spina bifida.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
BACKGROUND: Doctors need reliable data on outcome in order to help parents faced with difficult decisions about termination of an affected pregnancy or treatment after birth. AIM: To determine survival, health and lifestyle at the mean age of 30 years in a complete cohort of adults born with open spina bifida. DESIGN OF STUDY: Prospective cohort study. PARTICIPANTS: Well-documented cohort of 117 consecutive cases of open spina bifida whose backs were closed non-selectively at birth between 1963 and 1971. METHOD: Survivors (age range = 26 to 33 years) were surveyed by postal questionnaire and telephone interview. The main outcome measures were the health, independence and lifestyle of the survivors in terms of living in the community, driving a car and working in open employment. RESULTS: Ascertainment was 100%. Sixty (51%) had died, mainly the most disabled. Of the 57 survivors, 84% had a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) shunt, 70% had an IQ of 80 or more, 37% lived independently in the community, 39% drove a car, 30% could walk more than 50 metres and 26% were in open employment. However one-third (19) still needed daily care, three were on respiratory support, two were blind, two had diabetes mellitus, and one was on dialysis. Mortality, disability and achievement reflected the neurological deficit that had been recorded in infancy in terms of sensory level. Attainment and independence were reduced in those who had needed revision of CSF shunt. CONCLUSION: The survivors in this unselected cohort showed a wide range of outcome from apparent normality to very severe disability. This reflected both the extent of their original neurological deficit and events in the history of their CSF shunt.  相似文献   

Possible causal heterogeneity in spina bifida cystica   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A study was performed to determine whether causal heterogeneity can be demonstrated among the nonsyndromal spina bifida cysticas based on the vertebral level of the defect. Two groups were compared, probands with defects at or above T 11, likely representing defects of neuralization, and probands with defects at or below T 12, likely defects of canalization. Differences between the two groups were found with respect to reproductive history and occurrence of other malformations. A high degree of concordance for the type of defect among affected sib pairs was also observed. These findings indicate that there is probably heterogeneity within the spina bifida cysticas based on the level of the defect.  相似文献   

Published reports on the sex ratio of spina bifida have been reviewed. With one exception, there seems to be no evidence of variation in the sex ratio of spina bifida. In particular, unlike anencephaly, the sex ratio of spina bifida seems to be unrelated to the prevalence of the malformation: this (M/(M+F)) is of the order of 0.44 in respect of all spina bifida births (liveborn and stillborn). The sex ratio of spina bifida in Negroes does not seem to differ from that in whites (though the data on this point are not numerous). The exception noted above concerns spina bifida occurrring in twins: these cases are disproportionately often female. The point stands in need of explanation.  相似文献   

The dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) enzyme is important for folate availability, folate turnover and DNA synthesis. The 19-bp deletion in intron-1 of DHFR has been associated with the risk of having spina bifida affected offspring, supposedly by changing DHFR gene expression. A 9-bp repeat in exon 1 of the mutS homolog 3 (MSH3) gene was recently demonstrated to be also located in the 5'UTR of DHFR and may possibly affect DHFR gene expression as well. We examined the association between these DHFR variants and spina bifida risk and investigated their effect on DHFR expression. Our study population, consisting of 121 mothers of a spina bifida affected child, 109 spina bifida patients, 292 control women and 234 pediatric controls was screened for the DHFR 19-bp deletion and the DHFR 9-bp repeat. DHFR gene expression was measured in 66 spina bifida patients, using real-time PCR analysis. In this study population, the DHFR 19-bp del/del genotype was not associated with spina bifida risk in mothers and children (OR: 0.8; 95%CI: 0.4-1.5 and OR: 1.2; 95%CI: 0.6-2.2, respectively) and both the WT/del and the del/del genotype did not affect DHFR expression relative to the WT/WT genotype (relative expression=0.89, p=0.46 and relative expression=1.26, p=0.24, respectively). The DHFR 9-bp repeat was not associated with spina bifida risk in mothers and children. DHFR expression of the 6/6 allele was 73% increased compared to the 3/3 allele, although not significantly (relative expression=1.73, p=0.09). We did not find evidence for an effect of the DHFR 19-bp deletion or 9-bp repeat on spina bifida risk in mothers and children. An effect of the 6/6 repeat genotype on DHFR expression cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

Kattan H  Harfi HA  Tipirneni P 《Allergy》1999,54(1):70-73
BACKGROUND: Children with spina bifida (SB) are exposed to latex soon after birth during bladder catheterization, rectal disimpaction, and multiple surgical procedures. IgE-mediated latex-allergic reactions have been reported recently in these children. Our study was designed to assess the prevalence of allergic reactions to latex products in a group of Saudi Arabian children with SB in a tertiary care hospital. METHODS: Fifty-nine patients, aged 1-20 years, with SB were evaluated by a questionnaire on type of latex reactions; family and personal history of other allergic disorders, such as asthma, rhinitis, and urticaria; type and number of surgical procedures; and frequency of bladder catheterization and manipulation with latex materials. Confirmation of latex sensitivity was measured by skin prick test (SPT), CAP test, and latex skin challenge. RESULTS: Allergy to latex was detected in 25% of the study group. There was a significant variation in allergic reaction by sex (males 42%, females 12%) (P<0.01), use of catheters (yes 38%, no 13%) (P<0.05), and urologic surgery (yes 60%, no 18%) (P<0.01). The number of surgical procedures, age of patient, and V-P shunt were not significantly related to allergic reactions. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings support previous studies indicating a high prevalence of latex allergy among SB patients. The CAP test was a more sensitive measure of latex allergy in SB patients than SPT or latex challenge. There was significant correlation with urologic procedures and the use of urethral catheters.  相似文献   

Early cognitive, motor, and language skills were evaluated in 165 children, 91 with Spina Bifida (SB) and 74 developing typically. Assessments were given at 5 time points (6, 12, 18, 24, and 36 months of age). Three latent growth curve models were conducted to evaluate the development of these early skills, with social economic status and etiology as predictors of growth. Lesion level and shunting effects were included for group comparison. Children with SB exhibited lower levels of functioning in all areas, with slower rates of growth in cognition and language, but more acceleration in growth of motor skills. The impact of lesion level and shunting significantly related to growth in cognition and motor skills but not in language.  相似文献   

The study of 86 human embryos and fetuses beginning from 23rdday of development up to 18th week after fecundation has detected 23 cases of pathologic development which correspond to the modern definition of spina bifida (SB). It is shown that the cause of various forms of the anomaly is the disturbance or temporary delay of a movement of caudal neurulation wave forming the spinal cord. The anomaly size and type are determined by the time and duration of a pathogenic action on neurulation. Postnatal or the 1st type of SB develops in neurulation wave disturbance not longer than 4-6 hours. Anomaly consequence may be compensated surgically. The 2nd or fetal type of SB arises when neurulation delay is from 6 to 20 hours. If the delay occurs on the 22-24th day of development, embryos die by the neurulation end. If the delay takes place on the 26-28th day embryos may survive till the late fetal period. In embryonal or type III of SB embryos die by the end of the 8th week and do not enter the medical statistics. Their death is associated with delayed movement of the caudal neurulation wave for 24 hours and longer. This results in a spontaneous abortion.  相似文献   

Inhibition of return (IOR) refers to an increase in time to react to a target in a previously attended location. Children with spina bifida meningomyelocele (SBM) and hydrocephalus have congenital dysmorphology of the midbrain, a brain region associated with the control of covert orienting in general and with IOR in particular. The authors studied exogenously cued covert orienting in 8- to 19-year-old children and adolescents (84 with SBM and 37 age-matched, typically developing controls). The exogenous cue was a luminance change in a peripheral box that was 50% valid for the upcoming target location. Compared with controls, children with SBM showed attenuated IOR in the vertical plane, a deficit that was associated with midbrain dysmorphology in the form of tectal beaking but not with posterior brain volume loss. The data add to the emerging evidence for SBM deficits in attentional orienting to salient information.  相似文献   

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