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医院开展“质量万里行”是通过对出院患者入户走访、跟踪调查,了解病有及陪护家属在医院期间的亲身感受,广泛收集他们对医务人员的医疗质量、服务质量的反映,力求掌握真实可靠的第一手资料,以便开展有针对性的管理工作,不断提高医疗、服务质量。文章对“医疗服务质量万里行”的目的、方式方法、结果分析和处理3个方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

以"质量万里行"为契机提升医疗服务质量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近日,北京市卫生局开展了"以患者为中心,以提高医疗服务质量为主题"的医疗质量万里行活动,目的是加强医院管理,切实维护患者权益,为患者提供优质、高效、满意、低廉的服务.  相似文献   

浙江省非常重视”医疗质量万里行”活动。2009年以来,该省卫生厅杨敬厅长、马伟杭副厅长等6位厅领导分别带队,由相关处室负责人和医疗、护理、后勤管理专家组成的6个督查组,分别对11个市和省直管医院进行了多次医疗质量安全督导检查,促进了全省各级医院医疗服务质量全面提高。各医院开展”医疗质量万里行”活动方法多样,纷呈异彩。  相似文献   

近年来,聊城市人民医院在上级主管部门的正确领导下,结合深化医药U生体制改革、创先争优、“医疗质量万里行”等活动,突出质量服务,强化内涵建设,扎实开展“三好一满意”活动,取得阶段性成效。 1落实“服务好”要求。医院服务水平不断提升  相似文献   

本期开始医疗质量万里行专栏将对部分省市及医院开展医疗质量万里行活动的工作经验进行系统的介绍,并对活动涌现的质量管理亮点进行述评。以期对广大医政、医院管理工作者,进一步开展医疗质量管理工作有所启迪和帮助。  相似文献   

7月15日,卫生部召开视频会议,全面启动“医疗质量万里行”活动。卫生部副部长马晓伟在会上指出,以“持续改进质量,确保医疗安全”为主题的“医疗质量万里行”活动,就是要强化医疗机构内涵建设和内部管理,提高医疗服务质量,保证人民群众身体健康和生命安全,促进医疗卫生事业健康发展。  相似文献   

通过对出院患者入户调查的“医疗服务质量万里行”活动,加强了医患的进一步沟通,延 伸了医疗服务,获取了患者对医院真实可靠的反馈信息,为持续改进医疗服务质量提供决策依据, 从而培养医院忠实的客户群体,促进医院的作风建设和形象建设,改善医患关系。  相似文献   

8月28日,淮南市第一人民医院召开由全院职工参加的“医疗质量万里行”活动动员大会,标志着国家卫生部开展的“医疗质量万里行”活动在该院正式全面启动。  相似文献   

根据国家卫生健康委《关于开展“优质服务基层行”活动的通知》要求,我院按《乡镇卫生院服务能力标准(2018年版)》《乡镇卫生院服务能力评价指南(2019年版)》认真开展了“优质服务基层行”创建活动,通过加强医院管理、行风建设、急诊急救、服务质量、康复服务等综合工作,不断提升服务水平,持续改进医疗质量,构建和谐医患关系,2019年被评为优质服务基层行“推荐标准”。  相似文献   

为全面贯彻落实卫生部《关于开展“以病人为中心,以提高医疗服务质量为主题”的医院管理年活动的通知》,黑龙江省医院开展“以病人为中心,以提高医疗服务质量为主题”的医院管理活动方案,要求全院各部门要以“医院管理年”为契机,深入开展“管理年”活动,以提高护理管理水平为目标,强化“三基三严”训练,提高护理质量为重点,制订医院管理年活动的实施方案和具体措施,更好地为人民群众健康服务的重大举措。1明确目标,提高认识,积极参与,加强管理。以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,要求全院各科护士长贯彻领会管理年工作目标精神重…  相似文献   

病人满意度的调查与评价   总被引:48,自引:5,他引:43  
对病人满意度调查与评价过程中研究对象的选择、样本容量、问卷设计、调查的实施方法、问卷的评价等方面存在的常见问题进行了综述。  相似文献   

Genetic counseling represents a new and important health service, but little is known about how the clients of genetic clinics actually experience and view the genetic counseling process. This paper reports on the evaluations made by clients of a genetics clinic and their recommendations for ways to improve and expand this service. In their comments, clients stressed the need for more time and individual attention from genetic counsellors, additional follow-up and supportive counselling, and increased efforts to educate the general public about birth defects. Their recommendations are discussed in terms of the implications for developing and improving genetic counselling services.  相似文献   

Although there is a large literature concerning epilepsy and issues such as quality of life, driving, and knowledge and perceptions about epilepsy, there are very few articles that examine client knowledge and implementation of practical ways to minimize the risk of seizure-related injuries during daily living activities (ADL). Using a health promotion framework, the purpose of this study was to examine clients' understanding of their epilepsy, the kinds of accidents they experienced and their knowledge and practices concerning safety during ADL. A questionnaire was completed by 82 people with epilepsy from across the state of Victoria. It was found that respondents' knowledge of seizure-related injury minimization strategies was quite limited, and many respondents reported accidents during ADL, including driving. The majority of respondents requested more information to improve their safety during ADL if they experienced a seizure. The findings indicate that therapists may need to spend more time with their clients who have epilepsy in exploring strategies that promote health and minimize seizure-related accidents during ADL. Occupational therapists may choose to use the ADL safety brochure developed in response to this research to assist with client education.  相似文献   

This study reports from a survey investigating psychiatric occupational therapists' (n=292) use of verbal interaction on a regular basis with their clients. Among predefined areas of verbal interaction, routine occupations, self-image and ego-strengthening interventions were among the most frequently given alternatives. Verbal interaction with clients was more common among occupational therapists in outpatient care than among those in inpatient care. Verbal interaction with clients was also more common among occupational therapists with advanced education in psychodynamically oriented psychotherapy. The respondents' use of theoretical frames of reference was related to the focus of their verbal interaction with clients. Interventions to reach certain goals emerged as the most common category of verbal interactions. It was concluded that verbal interaction with clients is essential to the occupational therapy process. Future research needs to investigate the interplay between verbal and non-verbal components of interaction in occupational therapy and how patients benefit from these elements.  相似文献   

For four groups—patients (N=80), their families or lay caregivers (N=120), hospital workers (N=124), and the public (N=108)—attitudes toward the decision to close the only long-term, urban state hospital are traced over time. Initially, patients were most supportive of the closing decision (65.4%), followed by family members (39.8%), the general public (27.8%), and workers (10.4%). A majority of all groups favored fixing the hospital. Almost half of the clients and more than half of other stakeholders expressed concerns about homelessness. Most attitudes were consistent despite respondents' sociodemographic characteristics. The overall profile of group attitudes remained remarkably stable, although there was a good deal of change in individuals' positions. Public support for fixing the hospital decreased significantly, and differences among stakeholders regarding homelessness disappeared. These findings reinforce the importance of ascertaining different constituencies' positions and recognizing the slowly changing response of stakeholders even under massive and successful policy change.This article was presented at the annual meetings of the American Public Health Association, 1997, Indianapolis, IN.  相似文献   

随着军队医院新农合患者在驻地医疗市场中占有份额的逐渐增长,本文提出要依靠军队医院“姓军为民,服务社会”、“优质、高效、低耗”、思想政治工作和创新机制相结合的独特优势和优良传统,积极寻求军队医院建设发展的途径,阐述了在执行新型农村合作医疗制度中的基本思想,介绍了做好新农合患者医疗服务工作的主要做法。  相似文献   

Rural Balinese conceive of madness as a phenomenon which gives men intimations of another reaility transcending the everyday world, and which reveals the possibility of more direct communication with the divine. European views of madness became gradually secularized over a period of several centuries, and were finally absorbed by the predominantly medical models of modern psychiatry. In Bali, this transformation is occurring within a much shorter time span, under different socioeconomic conditions. In this paper, I examine the ideas which traditional healers in Bali and their clients invoke about madness, and how these ideas are integrated with broader notions about health, human personality and the influence of the supernatural in worldly affairs. I then contrast traditional classifications and treatments of madness with the version of Western psychiatry currently practised in mental hospitals and out-patient clinics on the island. This section of the paper is based on the author's field study of mental health services in Bali, incorporating a survey of mental hospital inpatients and their families. I conclude with a discussion of the genesis, future development and possible effects of the increase in psychiatric facilities on the island.  相似文献   

294名性服务人员的艾滋病知识、行为、HIV感染调查   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
[目的]了解性服务小姐的艾滋病知识、行为、HIV感染状况,更好地开展健康教育、行为干预。[方法]由专业人员制订调查方案并设计调查表,现场问巷同时采集5ml静脉血样。[结果]共查294人,她们对所调查的艾滋病传播途径、预防措施回答正确率均高于75.85%、非传播途径勾45.58%~84.35%、进行商业性行为时每次都使用安全套的人均少于51,30%。最近1次未用主要原因为感观认定客人无病(占33.33%)、客人增加报酬(占29.55%)。HIV抗体均为阴性。[结论]性服务人员大多数已掌握了预防艾滋病的理论知识,在行动中安全套使用率却很低。在开展健康教育、行为干预时,重点应及时纠正其进行商业性行为时错误观念,同时加强对男方艾滋病健康教育、来改变其高危行为。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To explore how youth, parents, and grandparents discuss issues related to eating healthfully and unhealthfully and to identify intergenerational strategies for educators to improve this communication. DESIGN: In three intergenerational focus groups, each with 4-8 families, a trained moderator asked questions about family practices and conversations for eating healthfully and unhealthfully. SETTING: Three focus group sites, each with Pennsylvania Nutrition Education Program sites (PANEP) programs serving low-income populations and multigenerational clientele, based in geographically and culturally diverse communities in Pennsylvania. PARTICIPANTS: Forty-four individuals (21 pre-teens, 16 parents, and 7 grandparents) from 17 families. PHENOMENON OF INTEREST: How youth, parents, and grandparents discuss and influence each other's healthful and unhealthful eating practices. ANALYSIS: "Strength" of evidence determined by repetition of ideas across focus groups and from the respondents' quotes providing in-depth information. RESULTS: Families demonstrated a wide range of ways that family communication is associated with the adoption of healthful and unhealthful patterns of eating. Parents and grandparents expressed anguish over their struggle and inability to help their children eat more healthfully. All three generations enumerated strategies for dealing with disagreement. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: Grandparents, parents and children indicate that they need opportunities to learn together and communicate about ways to improve nutrition behaviors.  相似文献   

中医医院形象设计与管理探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了医院形象设计的概念和重要意义,医院形象设计的内容及组成要素.从中医医院经营理念、行为活动规范、视觉传达设计三方面探讨了中医医院形象管理的实施方法.  相似文献   

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