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The properties of utricular (UT)-activated vestibular neurons that send axons to the contralateral vestibular nuclei (commissural neurons) were investigated intracellularly or extracellularly in decerebrate cats. A total of 27 vestibular neurons were orthodromically activated by stimulation of UT nerves and antidromically activated by stimulation of the contralateral vestibular nuclei. All neurons tested were classified as vestibulospinal (VS), vestibulooculospinal (VOS), vestibuloocular (VO), and unidentified vestibular neurons (V) after antidromic stimulation of the spinal cord and oculomotor/trochlear nuclei. Most UT-activated commissural neurons (20/27) received monosynaptic inputs. Twelve of 27 commissural neurons were located in the medial vestibular nucleus, 5 were in the lateral vestibular nucleus, 10 were in the descending vestibular nucleus, and no commissural neurons were recorded in the superior vestibular nucleus. Seven of 27 neurons were commissural VS neurons, 9 of 27 were commissural VOS neurons, and 11 of 27 were commissural V neurons. No commissural VO neurons were found. All VOS neurons and 3 VS neurons issued descending axons via the medial vestibulospinal tract. We also studied convergent inputs from the posterior semicircular canal (PC) nerve onto UT-activated commissural neurons. Five of 27 UT-activated commissural neurons received converging inputs from the PC nerves. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Saccular and utricular organs are essential for postural stability and gaze control. Although saccular and utricular inputs are known to terminate on vestibular neurons, few previous studies have precisely elucidated the origin of these inputs. We investigated the saccular and utricular inputs to single vestibular neurons in whole vestibular nuclei of decerebrated cats. Postsynaptic potentials were recorded from vestibular neurons after electrical stimulation of the saccular and utricular nerves. Ascending and descending axonal projections were examined by stimulating the oculomotor/trochlear nuclei and the cervical segment of the spinal cord, respectively. After each experiment, locations of recorded neurons were identified. The recorded neurons (140) were classified into vestibulo-spinal (79), vestibulo-oculo-spinal (9), and vestibulo-ocular (3) neurons based on antidromic responses; 49 other vestibular neurons were unidentified. The majority of recorded neurons were mainly located in the lateral vestibular nucleus. Most of the otolith-activated vestibular nuclei neurons seemed to participate in vestibulospinal reflexes. Of the total 140 neurons recorded, approximately one third (51) received saccular and utricular inputs (convergent neurons). The properties of these 51 convergent neurons were further investigated. Most (33/51) received excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) after saccular and utricular nerve stimulation. These results implied that most of the convergent neurons in this study additively coded mixed information for vertical and horizontal linear acceleration. Based on the latencies of convergent neurons, we found that an early integration process for vertical and horizontal linear acceleration existed at the second-order level.  相似文献   

The axonal pathway, conduction velocities, and locations of the cell bodies of utricular nerve-activated vestibulospinal neurons were studied in decerebrated or anesthetized cats using the collision test of orthodromic and antidromic spikes. For orthodromic stimulation, bipolar tungsten electrodes were placed on the utricular nerve and the other vestibular nerve branches were transected. Monopolar tungsten electrodes were positioned on both sides of the upper cervical segments (C2–4), caudal end of the cervical enlargement (C7-T1), and from the lower thoracic to the upper lumbar segments (T12-L3) and were used for antidromic stimulation of the spinal cord. Another monopolar electrode was also placed in the oculomotor nucleus to study whether utricular nerve-activated vestibulospinal neurons have ascending branches to the oculomotor nucleus. Of the 173 vestibular neurons orthodromically activated by the stimulation of the utricular nerve, 46 were second-order vestibulospinal neurons and 5 were third-order neurons. The majority of the utricular nerve-activated vestibulospinal neurons were located in the rostral part of the descending vestibular nucleus and the caudal part of the ventral lateral nucleus. Seventy-three percent of the utricular nerve-activated vestibulospinal neurons descended through the ipsilateral lateral vestibulospinal tract. Approximately 80% of these neurons reached the cervicothoracic junction, but a few reached the upper lumbar spinal cord. Twenty-seven percent of the utricular nerve-activated vestibulospinal neurons descended through the medial vestibulospinal tract or the contralateral vestibulospinal tracts. Those axons terminated mainly in the upper cervical segments. Almost none of the utricular nerve-activated vestibular neurons had ascending branches to the oculomotor nucleus.  相似文献   

The components of the vestibular ascending pathway that transmit otolith information to the thalamus were studied electrophysiologically in anesthetized cats. Thalamic-projecting vestibular neurons (confirmed antidromically) were recorded extracellularly in the various vestibular nuclei. Otolith inputs to these neurons were examined with selective stimulation of the utricular (UT) or the saccular (SAC) nerves. Vestibular nerve branches other than the tested nerve were transected. Of 40 UT-activated vestibulothalamic neurons, 40% (16/40) were activated by UT nerve stimulation with latencies ranging between 0.9-1.4 ms, suggesting they were second-order neurons from the UT nerve. UT-activated vestibulothalamic neurons were recorded in the medial vestibular nucleus (MVN; 24/40), the lateral vestibular nucleus (LVN; 9/40), the descending vestibular nucleus (DVN; 6/40), and the superior vestibular nucleus (SVN; 1/40). Most of the neurons (38/40) were antidromically activated by focal stimulation of the ventral part of the ipsilateral thalamus. Antidromic stimulation of the pontine area revealed that trajectories of the ascending axons (14 of 38 neurons) to the ipsilateral thalamus passed through the pontine reticular formation, ventral to the ascending tract of Deiters (ATD) and the medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF). Only three SAC-activated vestibulothalamic neurons were encountered in the LVN. All these neurons were second-order neurons from the SAC nerve and were antidromically activated by stimulation of the contralateral thalamus, in marked contrast to the UT-activated vestibulothalamic neurons. Only three UT-activated and two SAC-activated neurons sent descending collaterals to the spinal cord.  相似文献   

Properties of otolith inputs to vestibulocerebellar neurons were investigated in 14 adult cats. In the vestibular nuclei, we recorded single-unit activities that responded orthodromically after stimulation of the utricular and/or saccular nerves and antidromically after stimulation of the cerebellum (uvula-nodulus and anterior vermis). Descending axonal projections to the spinal cord were also examined by antidromic stimulation of the caudal end of the C1 segment. Forty-seven otolith-activated neurons that projected to the uvula-nodulus were recorded. Thirteen (28%) of the 47 neurons received convergent inputs from the utriculus and sacculus. The remaining 34 (72%) vestibular neurons were non-convergent neurons: 18 (38%) received utricular input alone, and 16 (34%) received saccular input alone. Most (35/47) vestibulocerebellar neurons were located in the descending vestibular nucleus and only one of these projected to the spinal cord. Seven of the 47 vestibulocerebellar neurons were located in the lateral vestibular nucleus and most of these neurons projected to the spinal cord. The remaining neurons were located in group X (two neurons) and the superior vestibular nucleus (three neurons). In a different series of experiments, 37 otolith-activated vestibular neurons were tested to determine whether they projected to the uvula-nodulus and/or the anterior vermis. Nineteen of the 37 neurons projected to the anterior vermis, 13/37 projected to the uvula-nodulus, and 5/37 projected to both. The utricular and/or saccular nerve-activated vestibulocerebellar neurons projected to not only the uvulanodulus, but also to the anterior vermis. In summary, the results of this study showed that vestibular neurons receiving inputs from the utriculus and/or sacculus projected to the cerebellar cortex. This indirect otolith-cerebellar pathway terminated both in the anterior lobe and in the uvula/nodulus.  相似文献   

Activation maps of pre- and postsynaptic field potential components evoked by separate electrical stimulation of utricular, lagenar, and saccular nerve branches in the isolated frog hindbrain were recorded within a stereotactic outline of the vestibular nuclei. Utricular and lagenar nerve-evoked activation maps overlapped strongly in the lateral and descending vestibular nuclei, whereas lagenar amplitudes were greater in the superior vestibular nucleus. In contrast, the saccular nerve-evoked activation map coincided largely with the dorsal nucleus and the adjacent dorsal part of the lateral vestibular nucleus, corroborating a major auditory and lesser vestibular function of the frog saccule. The stereotactic position of individual second-order otolith neurons matched the distribution of the corresponding otolith nerve-evoked activation maps. Furthermore, particular types of second-order utricular and lagenar neurons were clustered with particular types of second-order canal neurons in a topology that anatomically mirrored the preferred convergence pattern of afferent otolith and canal signals in second-order vestibular neurons. Similarities in the spatial organization of functionally equivalent types of second-order otolith and canal neurons between frog and other vertebrates indicated conservation of a common topographical organization principle. However, the absence of a precise afferent sensory topography combined with the presence of spatially segregated groups of particular second-order vestibular neurons suggests that the vestibular circuitry is organized as a premotor map rather than an organotypical sensory map. Moreover, the conserved segmental location of individual vestibular neuronal phenotypes shows linkage of individual components of vestibulomotor pathways with the underlying genetically specified rhombomeric framework.  相似文献   

Commissural inputs of identified second-order semicircular canal neurons were studied by separate stimulation of each of the three canal nerves on either side in the vitro frog brains. The spatial pattern of these inputs was further investigated in those second-order canal neurons that received a monosynaptic input from only one ipsilateral canal nerve (91%). Since similar results were obtained in the presence as in the absence of the cerebellum, commissural inputs must have been relayed via fibers crossing in the brainstem. Following stimulation of individual semicircular canal nerves, commissural inputs were either inhibitory or excitatory. A commissural inhibition was evoked in the majority of the recorded neurons (79%) by stimulation of the coplanar semicircular canal nerve on the contralateral side. In the remaining neurons, a commissural excitatory input was evoked. A commissural excitation, originating from the two noncoplanar semicircular canals, predominated in most (68%) of the recorded neurons and was independent of the type of second-order canal neuron. The onset latency of the canal plane-specific commissural inhibitory potentials was di- or trisynaptic. Stimulation of the contralateral VIIIth nerve evoked excitatory commissural responses. The canal plane-specific commissural inhibition therefore might have been masked by commissural excitatory responses as in earlier studies. The similar organization of the canal plane-specific commissural inhibition in frog and cat corroborates the notion of a phylogenetically conservative, basic vestibular organization. The presence of a canal plane-unspecific commissural excitation, however, appears to be a feature that is specific to frogs. The functional implications of these similarities and differences are discussed.  相似文献   

Axonal pathways, projection levels, conduction velocities, and locations of the cell bodies of saccular nerve-activated vestibulospinal neurons were studied in decerebrated cats and anesthetized cats, using a collision test of orthodromic and antidromic spikes. The saccular nerve was selectively stimulated by bipolar tungsten electrodes. Three monopolar electrodes were inserted into the left and right lateral vestibulospinal tract (LVST) and medial vestibulospinal tract (MVST) of the C1 segment, to determine the pathway of axons. Three pairs of similar electrodes were positioned bilaterally in the C3–4, T1, and L3 segments to examine projection levels. Another monopolar electrode was placed in the oculomotor nucleus to determine whether saccular nerve-activated vestibulospinal neurons have branches ascending to the oculomotor nucleus. Of 145 vestibular neurons orthodromically activated by stimulation of the saccular nerve, 46 were activated from the C1 segment antidromically. Forty-three were second-order vestibulospinal neurons and 3 were third-order vestibulospinal neurons. Four saccular nerve-activated vestibulospinal neurons were also antidromically activated from the oculomotor nucleus. Sixty-three percent of the saccular nerve-activated vestibulospinal neurons descended through the MVST; one-third of these terminated in the upper cervical segments, one-third reached the lower cervical segments and the remaining one-third reached the upper thoracic segments. Thirty percent of the saccular nerve-activated vestibulospinal neurons descended through the ipsilateral LVST; most of these reached the upper thoracic segments. Seven percent of the saccular nerve-activated vestibulospinal neurons descended through the contralateral vestibulospinal tracts terminating in the upper cervical segments. Most of the saccular nerve-activated vestibulospinal neurons originated in the caudal part of the lateral nucleus and rostral part of the descending nucleus. Received: 8 July 1996 / Accepted: 21 April 1997  相似文献   

The commissural inhibition on secondary vestibulo-ocular neurons (VOns) from the contralateral (c-) vertical canal system in the same geometric plane was studied in the anesthetized cat. The secondary VOns were identified by their orthodromic responses to stimulation of the ampullary nerves of the anterior (ACN) or posterior (PCN) semicircular canals and also by their antidromic responses to stimulation of the IIIrd and IVth nuclei. The majority of ACN-activated excitatory VOns in the descending and medial nuclei (32/36, 89%) and in the superior nucleus (20/23, 87%), received commissural inhibition from the c-PCN, while only few ACN-activated inhibitory VOns (3/35, 9%) in the superior nucleus received commissural inhibition from the c-PCN. On the other hand, all of the PCN-activated excitatory (50/50) and inhibitory (30/30) VOns in the vestibular nuclei received commissural inhibition following c-ACN stimulation.  相似文献   

Postlesional reorganization of vestibular afferent and commissural inputs onto second-order vestibular neurons was studied in the isolated brain after unilateral section of the N.VIII, of the ramus anterior (RA) of N.VIII, of the utricular (UT) or of the anterior vertical and horizontal canal nerves in combination. RA nerve section eliminated the inputs from utricular, anterior vertical and horizontal canal organs. In the first set of experiments we recorded field potentials on the operated side of the vestibular nuclei 2 months after RA nerve section. These responses were evoked by electrical stimulation of the RA nerve or of the posterior vertical canal nerve on the operated or on the intact side. The amplitudes of afferent field potentials evoked by stimulation of the spared posterior vertical canal nerve were increased. The amplitudes of afferent field potentials evoked by stimulation of the axotomized RA nerve remained unaltered. After N.VIII section the commissural, but not the afferent, field potentials increased significantly on the operated side following stimulation of N.VIII on the intact and on the operated side, respectively. After UT nerve section no change in commissural but an increase in the amplitude of afferent field potentials from each of the three intact canal nerves was observed on the operated side. In the context of earlier results these findings imply that second-order vestibular neurons, disfacilitated due to afferent nerve section, became receptive to additional, excitatory synaptic inputs, preferentially from intact vestibular nerve afferent fibers. The reduced excitation via afferent nerve inputs was thereby replaced by other afferent nerve inputs from spatially inadequate vestibular end-organs. The synaptic terminals of inactivated afferent nerve fibers were maintained and not repressed. The process of central reorganization after vestibular nerve lesion was activity related, the expansion of signals restricted to inputs from intact fibers, its extent graded and its onset delayed with respect to the onset of corresponding spinal changes and to the onset of postural recovery after the same type of nerve lesion. After the section of RA nerve or of an individual nerve branch the labyrinthine end-organs remained intact and were not removed as after unilateral labyrinthectomy (UL). Peripheral reinnervation of the end-organs was thus excluded after UL, but expected after one of the former types of lesion. Functional reinnervation of the utricular macula was mirrored behaviorally by the reappearance of severe postural deficits following a second RA nerve section. These lesion-induced postural deficits began to reappear if the repeated RA nerve section was delayed with respect to the first by about 3 months. We therefore studied postlesional reorganization in the brainstem 3 months after the first RA nerve section. Reinnervation of the utricular macula was accompanied by a rapid decline of the increased amplitudes of afferent and commissural vestibular field potentials towards control values, suggesting the reversibility of the lesion-induced central reorganization. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Nerve injury induces a reorganization of subcortical and cortical sensory or motor maps in mammals. A similar process, vestibular plasticity 2 mo after unilateral section of the ramus anterior of N. VIII was examined in this study in adult frogs. The brain was isolated with the branches of both N. VIII attached. Monosynaptic afferent responses were recorded in the vestibular nuclei on the operated side following ipsilateral electric stimulation either of the sectioned ramus anterior of N. VIII or of the intact posterior vertical canal nerve. Excitatory and inhibitory commissural responses were evoked by separate stimulation of each of the contralateral canal nerves in second-order vestibular neurons. The afferent and commissural responses of posterior vertical canal neurons recorded on the operated side were not altered. However, posterior canal-related afferent inputs had expanded onto part of the deprived ramus anterior neurons. Inhibitory commissural responses evoked from canal nerves on the intact side were detected in significantly fewer deprived ramus anterior neurons than in controls, but excitatory commissural inputs from the three contralateral canal nerves had expanded. This reactivation might facilitate the survival of deprived neurons and reduce the asymmetry in bilateral resting activities but implies a deterioration of the original spatial response tuning. Extensive similarities at the synaptic and network level were noted between this vestibular reorganization and the postlesional cortical and subcortical reorganization of sensory representations in mammals. We therefore suggest that nerve injury activates a fundamental neural reaction pattern that is common between sensory modalities and vertebrate species.  相似文献   

Convergence between posterior canal (PC) and saccular (SAC) inputs in single vestibular nuclei neurons was investigated in decerebrated cats. Postsynaptic potentials were recorded intracellularly after selective stimulation of the SAC and PC nerves. Stimulation of either the SAC or PC nerve orthodromically activated 143 vestibular nuclei neurons. Of these, 61 (43%) were antidromically activated by stimulation of the C1-C2 junction, 14 (10%) were antidromically activated by stimulation of the oculomotor or trochlear nucleus, and 14 (10%) were antidromically activated by stimulation of both the oculomotor or trochlear nucleus and the spinal cord. Fifty-four (38%) neurons were not activated by stimulation of either or both. We named these neurons vestibulospinal (VS), vestibulo-ocular (VO), vestibulooculo-spinal (VOS) and vestibular (V) neurons, respectively. Both PC and SAC inputs converged in 47 vestibular nuclei neurons (26 VS, 2 VO, 6 VOS and 13 V neurons). Of these, 19 received monosynaptic excitatory inputs from both nerves. This input pattern was frequently seen in VS neurons. Approximately half of the convergent VS neurons descended to the spinal cord through the lateral vestibulospinal tract. The remaining half and all the convergent VOS neurons descended to the spinal cord through the medial vestibulospinal tract. Most of the convergent neurons were located in the lateral nucleus or descending nucleus.  相似文献   

Summary In decerebrate, unanesthetized cats, the brain stem was longitudinally cut at the midline from its dorsal to ventral surface with the cerebellum kept intact, eliminating neural interactions between the bilateral vestibular nuclei through the brain stem.Extracellular spike potentials of vestibular type I neurons identified by horizontal rotation were distinctly inhibited by contralateral vestibular nerve stimulation. This crossed inhibition was abolished by removal of the medial part of the cerebellum, indicating that the inhibition was mediated through the cerebellum. Neither aspiration of the flocculus on the recording side nor intravenous administration of picrotoxin eliminated transcerebellar crossed inhibition, suggesting that it is mediated through the cerebellar nuclei. When the fastigial, interposite and dentate nuclei were stimulated, inhibition of vestibular type I neurons was produced only from the contralateral fastigial nucleus. Cerebellocortical stimulation which inhibited fastigial type I neurons suppressed transcerebellar crossed inhibition. Effective sites for suppression of transcerebellar crossed inhibition were localized to lobules VI and VIIa in the vermal cortex on the side of labyrinthine stimulation.Intracellular recordings were made from type I neurons in the medial vestibular nucleus. Stimulation of the contralateral vestibular nerve and the contralateral fastigial nucleus produced IPSPs in these neurons with the shortest latency of 3.8 msec and 1.8 msec, respectively. The difference between these two latency values approximates the shortest latency of spike initiation of fastigial type I neurons in response to vestibular nerve stimulation. It is postulated that transcerebellar crossed inhibition is mediated through the fastigial nucleus on the side of labyrinthine stimulation.  相似文献   

To clarify the role of the interstitial nucleus of Cajal (INC) in the control of vertical eye movements, projections of burst-tonic and tonic neurons in and around the INC were studied. This paper describes neurons with downward ON directions. We examined, by antidromic activation, whether these down INC (d-INC) neurons contribute to two pathways: a commissural pathway to the contralateral (c-) INC and a descending pathway to the ipsilateral vestibular nucleus (i-VN). Stimulation of the two pathways showed that as many as 74% of neurons were activated antidromically from one of the pathways. Of 113 d-INC neurons tested, 44 were activated from the commissural pathway and 40 from the descending pathway. No neurons were activated from both pathways. We concluded that commissural and descending pathways from the INC originate from two separate groups of neurons. Tracking of antidromic microstimulation in the two nuclei revealed multiple low-threshold sites and varied latencies; this was interpreted as a sign of existence of axonal arborization. Neurons with commissural projections tended to be located more dorsally than those with descending projections. Neurons with descending projections had significantly greater eye-position sensitivity and smaller saccadic sensitivity than neurons with commissural projections. The two groups of INC neurons increased their firing rate in nose-up head rotations and responded best to the rotation in the plane of contralateral posterior/ipsilateral anterior canal pair. Neurons with commissural projections showed a larger phase lag of response to sinusoidal rotation (54.6 +/- 7.6 degrees ) than neurons with descending projections (45.0 +/- 5.5 degrees ). Most neurons with descending projections received disynaptic excitation from the contralateral vestibular nerve. Neurons with commissural projections rarely received such disynaptic input. We suggest that downward-position-vestibular (DPV) neurons in the VN and VN-projecting d-INC neurons form a loop, together with possible commissural loops linking the bilateral VNs and the bilateral INCs. By comparing the quantitative measures of d-INC neurons with those of DPV neurons, we further suggest that integration of head velocity signals proceeds from DPV neurons to d-INC neurons with descending projections and then to d-INC neurons with commissural projections, whereas saccadic velocity signals are processed in the reverse order.  相似文献   

Summary Extracellular spikes were recorded from secondary vestibular neurons in the cat medial vestibular nucleus (MVN) and were identified as type I or II neurons by horizontal rotation. Type I neurons were further classified as excitatory or inhibitory premotor neurons on the basis of their axonal termination in the contralateral or ipsilateral abducens nucleus, demonstrated by spike-triggered averaging of abducens nerve discharges, or by antidromic activation using systematic microstimulation within the abducens nucleus.Both excitatory and inhibitory premotor type I MVN neurons exhibited a rhythmic modulation of their firing rate in association with nystagmus elicited by rotation or electrical stimulation of the vestibular nerve. Their tonic activity during the slow phase was suppressed at the quick phase directed to the ipsilateral side.Excitatory type I MVN neurons terminating in the contralateral abducens nucleus sent collateral axons to the contralateral MVN. These commissural neurons also showed a nystagmus-related discharge pattern.Type II MVN neurons activated at short latency by stimulation of the contralateral vestibular nerve exhibited burst discharges when the activity of ipsilateral type I neurons was suppressed at the quick phase. These type II neurons made monosynaptic inhibitory connections with type I neurons as shown by the post-spike average of the membrane potential of secondary MVN neurons triggered from spikes of single type II neurons. Thus, the inhibitory action originating from burst activity of type II MVN neurons contributes to suppression of type I premotor MVN neurons during fast eye movements.Supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research No. 248106 from Japan Ministry of Education, Science and Culture. Dr. Schor was supported by the Research Fellowship of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)  相似文献   

Summary Field and intracellular potentials were recorded at the level of the trochlear nucleus (TN) following stimulation of the ipsi- or contralateral vestibular nerve (Vi, Vc) or the cerebellar flocculus (Floc). Vi and Vc stimulation produced clear presynaptic field potentials in the TN as the vestibulo-trochlear volleys ascending from the vestibular nucleus reached the trochlear motoneurons (TMns). Paired Vi-Vi or Vc-Vc stimulation at different intervals demonstrated a clear depression of the second of the two presynaptic potentials in the TN. A similar finding was obtained intracellularly from TMns. These results indicate a marked reduction in the excitability of the vestibular neurons following the conditioning stimulus. This period of subnormality may last for as long as 40 msec.Electrical stimulation of Vi and Vc generated an IPSP and EPSP respectively in TMns. In most instances these synaptic potentials occurred in a repetitive fashion after a single stimulation to either nerve. This reverberatory-like tendency of the vestibulo-trochlear pathways was absent in decerebellate animals, implying a cerebellar modulatory mechanism on vestibulo-trochlear transmission.Floccular stimulation produced a strong monosynaptic depression of the field and intracellular potentials evoked in the TN by Vi activation. In chronic experiments where the vestibular nerve had been transected, Floc stimulation generated a disinhibition of TMns through its suppression of the ipsilateral inhibitory vestibular neurons which project to the TN. Contralateral Floc stimulation produced a clear disfacilitation of TMns by the inhibition of contralateral excitatory vestibular neurons. Direct evidence was obtained for commissural inhibition acting on both the inhibitory and excitatory vestibular neurons projecting to the TN. The functional implications of the interaction between ipsi- and contralateral vestibular nuclei and the cerebellum and vestibular nuclei are considered in the Discussion.  相似文献   

In two alert cats, single-unit activity of neurons related to vertical eye movement was recorded in and around the interstitial nucleus of Cajal (INC), and their projections to the ipsilateral vestibular nucleus and response to stimulation of the contralateral vestibular nerve were examined. Of 62 neurons that discharged in relation to vertical eye movement, 41 increased their firing rate for downward positions and 21 for upward positions. About one third of downward-on neurons was antidromically activated by stimulation of the ipsilateral vestibular nucleus with thresholds of 36-220 microA. None of the upward-on neurons were antidromically activated. About 60% of INC neurons (22/36) responded orthodromically to stimulation of the contralateral vestibular nerve. In particular, all the downward-on neurons that projected to the ipsilateral vestibular nucleus exhibited orthodromic responses at disynaptic latencies. The results, together with our previous finding that excitatory secondary vestibular neurons carrying vertical position signals project contralaterally to the INC, suggest that downward-on INC neurons receive direct connection from these secondary vestibular neurons and send the signals back to the ipsilateral vestibular nucleus. Interstitio-vestibular interactions through these pathways may be important in the generation of vertical eye position signals.  相似文献   

Summary Field and intracellular potentials were recorded in the vestibular nuclei of the lizard following stimulation of the ipsi-and contralateral vestibular nerves. The field potentials induced by ipsilateral VIIIth nerve stimulation consisted of an early negative or positive-negative wave (presynaptic component) followed by a slow negativity (transsynaptic component). The spatial distribution of the field potential complex closely paralleled the extension of the vestibular nuclei. Mono- and polysynaptic EPSPs were recorded from vestibular neurons after ipsilateral VIIIth nerve stimulation. In some neurons early depolarizations preceded the EPSPs. These potentials may be elicited by electrical transmission. Often spikelike partial responses were superimposed on the EPSPs. It is assumed that these potentials represent dendritic spikes.Contralateral VIIIth nerve stimulation generated disynaptic and polysynaptic IPSPs in some neurons and EPSPs in others. The possible role of commissural inhibition in phylogeny is discussed.In a group of vestibular neurons stimulation of the ipsilateral VIIIth nerve evoked full action potentials with latencies ranging from 0.25–1.1 msec. These potentials are caused by antidromic activation of neurons which send their axons to the labyrinth.  相似文献   

In this review, based primarily on work from our laboratory, but related to previous studies, we summarize what is known about the convergence of vestibular afferent inputs onto single vestibular neurons activated by selective stimulation of individual vestibular nerve branches. Horizontal semicircular canal (HC), anterior semicircular canal (AC), posterior semicircular canal (PC), utricular (UT), and saccular (SAC) nerves were selectively stimulated in decerebrate cats. All recorded neurons were classified as either projection neurons, which consisted of vestibulospinal (VS), vestibulo-oculospinal (VOS), vestibulo-ocular (VO) neurons, or non-projection neurons, which we simply term vestibular (V) neurons. The first three types could be successfully activated antidromically from oculomotor/trochlear nuclei and/or spinal cord, and the last type could not be activated antidromically from either site. A total of 1228 neurons were activated by stimulation of various nerve pair combinations. Convergent neurons were located in the caudoventral part of the lateral, the rostral part of the descending, and the medial vestibular nuclei. Otolith-activated vestibular neurons in the superior vestibular nucleus were extremely rare. A high percentage of neurons received excitatory inputs from two nerve pairs, a small percentage received reciprocal convergent inputs and even fewer received inhibitory inputs from both nerves. More than 30% of vestibular neurons received convergent inputs from vertical semicircular canal/otolith nerve pairs. In contrast, only half as many received convergent inputs from HC/otolith-nerve pairs, implying that convergent input from vertical semicircular canal and otolith-nerve pairs may play a more important role than that played by inputs from horizontal semicircular canal and otolith-nerve pairs. Convergent VS neurons projected through the ipsilateral lateral vestibulospinal tract (i-LVST) and the medial vestibulospinal tract (MVST). Almost all the VOS neurons projected through the MVST. Convergent neurons projecting to the oculomotor/trochlear nuclei were much fewer in number than those projecting to the spinal cord. Some of the convergent neurons that receive both canal and otolith input may contribute to the short-latency pathway of the vestibulocollic reflex. The functional significance of these convergences is discussed.  相似文献   

The convergence of the posterior semicircular canal (PC) and utricular (UT) inputs in single vestibular nuclei neurons was studied intracellularly in decerebrate cats. A total of 160 vestibular neurons were orthodromically activated by selective stimulation of the PC and the UT nerve and classified according to whether or not they were antidromically activated from the spinal cord and oculomotor nuclei into vestibulospinal (VS), vestibulooculospinal (VOS), vestibuloocular (VO), and unidentified vestibular neurons. Fifty-three (33%) of 160 vestibular neurons received convergent inputs from both the PC and UT nerves. Seventy-nine (49%) vestibular neurons responded to PC inputs alone, and 28 (18%) neurons received inputs only from the UT nerve. Of 53 convergent neurons, 8 (15%) were monosynaptically excited from both nerves. Thirty-five (66%) received monosynaptic excitatory inputs from the PC nerve and polysynaptic excitatory or inhibitory inputs from the UT nerve, or vice versa. Approximately one-third of VS and VOS neurons received convergent inputs. A majority of the VS neurons descended to the spinal cord through the lateral vestibulospinal tract, while almost all the VOS neurons descended to the spinal cord through the medial vestibulospinal tract. The convergent neurons were found in all vestibular nuclei but more in the lateral nucleus and descending nucleus. The VS neurons were more numerous than VO neurons or VOS neurons.  相似文献   

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