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Using a shock-avoidance procedure, large discriminated increases and decreases in mean heart rate (HR) were conditioned respectively in two groups of free-moving rats. Accompanying the conditioned HR responses were equally significant variations in Oxygen Consumption and Ambulation indicating a nonspecific effect of the experimental contingencies. Ambulation and Oxygen Consumption were found to be correlated in some but not all experimental conditions. Thus, partial indices of somatomotor activity may not provide an adequate reflection of variations in general activity (energy consumption) and therefore may not be employed to draw meaningful conclusions regarding the integration of cardiac and somatomotor processes. Discriminated HR responses were acquired more rapidly by subjects in the Increase condition than by subjects in the Decrease condition. However, the latencies of the discriminated HR changes were considerably longer for the Increase than for the Decrease subjects. An unexpected result was that 5 of the 6 Decrease subjects developed profound bradycardic arrhythmias. These arrhythmias were under strong stimulus control and were exhibited only during a stimulus (SD) signalling that the reinforcement contingencies were in effect.  相似文献   

目的了解大学生在非典隔离期间对生活压力和社会支持的态度。方法非典前和非期期间用同一组问卷对同一个群体575名大学生进行调查。结果在良好的社会支持下,隔离在校园中的女大学生比男大学生和非典前社会支持利用度显著提高;与非典前相比,大学生对各种社会支持的态度、感受和行为方式更积极,学生生活压力显著降低。结论有效而有力的社会支持对改善大学生对生活压力和社会支持的态度有积极的作用。  相似文献   

目的探讨职业压力,社会支持与高中教师职业倦怠的典型相关关系。方法以97名高中教师为研究对象,选择职业压力量表、职业倦怠量表与社会支持量表为评定工具。结果两列变量发现的两对典型相关系数都达到显著水平,高职业压力将导致更高的职业倦怠水平,高社会支持水平降低倦怠水平。结论社会支持水平在职业压力与职业倦怠之间可能具有中介调节作用。  相似文献   

社会支持和应对方式与军人心理应激的相关性研究   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
目的 了解军人的社会支持和应对方式与心理应激的相关程度。方法 应用心理学量表对 1 3 5 7名现役军人进行心理测评、分析。结果 入伍新兵组与其它受试组比较 ,积极应对、消极应对、主观支持及支持利用度评分存在显著性差异 ,基层军官组积极应对分显著高于士兵组 ;军人应对方式和社会支持各维度分与 SCL-90各因子分呈高度相关。结论 军人的社会支持和应对方式与其心理应激反应有密切关系。  相似文献   


Although the Social Readjustment Rating Scale has been a useful stimulant to the study of life change and illness, it has important limitations. The existing scale cannot be used to determine the role of varying types of life changes (e.g., favorable or adverse) in the occurrence of illness. Other problems discussed are ambiguity of items, the confounding of independent and dependent variables, and lack of item specification. Suggestions are made for improved measurement of life change and for more effective study of life change and illness.  相似文献   

目的为缓解深圳市社区护士的工作压力,降低其职业倦怠程度提供依据。方法以问卷调查的方式,采用护士工作压力源量表及社会支持评定量表,对深圳市50家社康中心的298名社区护士进行问卷调查。结果深圳市社区护士工作压力总得分为85.17,工作压力主要来源于工作量及时间分配、工作环境及资源、管理及人际关系;不同职称(F=8.63,P<0.01)、受教育程度(F=5.24,P<0.01)、受聘形式(t=4.96,P<0.01)的社区护士工作压力有显著差异;深圳市社区护士社会支持水平较低,社会支持评定总得分为37.16;除主观支持与工作环境及资源无明显相关外,社会支持其他各维度与工作压力都呈显著负相关(P<0.01)。结论深圳市社区护士工作压力大,社会支持水平低。  相似文献   

目的 探讨广州地区医科大学生心理压力与社会支持和自我效能感之间的关系.方法 以广州地区3所医科大学在校932名本科生为研究对象,采用张林等编制的大学生心理压力量表、肖水源的大学生社会支持量表、张建新的大学生自我效能感量表(GSES)进行团体测试.结果 ①心理压力与社会支持、自我效能感有不同程度的显著性负相关关系(r=-0.177,-0.366;P<0.01),社会支持与自我效能感有不同程度的显著性正相关关系(r=0.269,P<0.05);②心理压力中的身体状况、人际关系、恋爱情感、经济压力因子与社会支持在统计学上差异有显著性(t=2.735,-7.941,-3.014,1.948;P<0.05或P<0.01);心理压力中的学习、父母期望、理想前途因子与自我效能感在统计学上差异有显著性(t =-4.644,-4.098,2.135;P<0.05或P<0.01);③社会支持在心理压力中的人际关系、恋爱关系、父母期望因子以及自我效能感之间有中介作用(c'/b=-0.389,-0.302,-0.390;P<0.01).结论 可通过提高医学生的社会支持程度,提高自我效能感从而降低心理压力,促进心理健康.  相似文献   

大学生的压力感与抑郁、焦虑的关系:社会支持的作用   总被引:38,自引:9,他引:38  
目的:考察大学生的压力感与抑郁、焦虑情绪的关系,进一步探讨社会支持的作用。方法:采用问卷法,对394名大学生进行压力感问卷、抑郁问卷、焦虑问卷和社会支持感受问卷的测查。结果:(1)压力感与抑郁、焦虑显著正相关;(2)社会支持感受与压力感显著负相关;(3)不论压力高或低,社会支持良好的大学生比社会支持不良大学生的抑郁、焦虑显著较少;即使压力感较低,如果社会支持不良,大学生抑郁、焦虑也相对较多;(4)高压力低社会支持大学生的抑郁、焦虑情绪相对最多。结论:生活中的压力事件是抑郁、焦虑的重要相关因素,而社会支持能够在一定程度上缓解心理压力,减少压力带来的不良情绪体验,从而提高个体心理健康水平。  相似文献   

目的探讨辅导员应对方式、社会支持与工作压力的关系。方法采用抽样调查方式对安徽省5所大学113名辅导员的工作压力及其相关因素进行了调查。结果在总体工作压力方面,已婚辅导员工作压力显著高于未婚辅导员;积极的应对方式和社会支持与辅导员工作压力呈显著负相关,对辅导员工作压力有预测作用。结论加强对辅导员的积极应对指导,并提供足够的社会支持,有利于缓解辅导员的工作压力。  相似文献   

A single social defeat by a dominant conspecific induces long-term changes in several physiological and behavioral parameters in rats. These changes may represent an increased vulnerability to subsequent stress and stress-related pathology. Environmental factors, in particular possibilities for social interactions, could modulate these effects. Therefore, we assessed the influence of social environment on susceptibility for the long-term effects of social defeat. Socially housed males of an unselected strain of wild-type rats were equipped with radio-telemetry transmitters that recorded heart rate, temperature and activity. They were individually subjected to defeat and subsequently either housed alone or returned to their group. Behavioral and physiological responses to various novelty stressors were determined during a three-week period after the social defeat. Furthermore, changes in baseline behavior and physiology following defeat were studied in the rat's homecage. The results show a complex interaction between defeat and housing conditions. Depending on the parameters measured, effects were caused by both isolation alone, defeat alone or a combination of both defeat and isolation. Individual housing alone caused a characteristic hyperactive response to novelty stress. Though defeat did not affect behavioral responses, it amplified the physiological response to novelty and social housing did not attenuate this effect. However, social housing did reduce the effects of defeat on heart rate, temperature and activity in the home cage and completely prevented defeat-induced weight loss. Together these results indicate that social housing may indeed positively affect the animal's capacity to cope with stressors.  相似文献   

目的探讨潜艇艇员心理应激与个性特征、应对方式及社会支持的关系。方法对460名游艇艇员进行量表测评,包括心理社会应激调查表(PSSG)、卡特尔16种人格因素问卷(16PF)、特质应对问卷(TCSQ)和领悟社会支持量表(PSSS),数据采用SPSS15.0和Amos7.0进行统计分析。结果①潜艇艇员不同衔级组间心理应激水平存在高度显著性差异(F=12.12,P〈0.01),其中高级士官及军官组(51.46±25.19)心理应激水平最高,而义务兵组(35.63士16.94)最低;②潜艇艇员心理应激水平与适应与焦虑型(0.68)和消极应对(0.63)等呈高度显著性正相关,与内向与外向型(-0.41)、社会支持(-0.33)、积极应对(-0.32)和感情与安详型(-0.30)等呈高度显著性负相关;③多元逐步回归分析标准回归系数排在前3位的变量依次为:适应与焦虑型、消极应对、社会支持(标准回归系数依次为0.441、0.300、-0.107);④路径分析显示适应与焦虑型对潜艇艇员心理应激既有直接效应又有间接效应,且以直接效应为主(总效应0.682,直接效应0.441);消极应对和社会支持对心理应激具有直接效应(分别为0.300和-0.107);积极应对和内向与外向型对心理应激具有间接效应(分别为-0.027和-0.005)。结论潜艇艇员心理应激水平受个性特征、应对方式及社会支持的影响。  相似文献   

目的 探讨认知评价、心理控制源、社会支持与大学生就业压力关系.方法 采用问卷法,随机选取某高校400名毕业生为被试,研究认知评价、心理控制源、社会支持与大学生就业压力关系.结果 ①积极认知评价、心理控制源和社会支持与大学生就业压力有显著负相关,而消极认知评价、心理控制源和社会支持与就业压力有显著的正相关.②消极认知评价、心理控制源和社会支持对就业压力有直接影响;而积极的认知评价通过心理控制源和社会支持间接影响大学生就业压力.③通过调查,在社会支持方面,女生对社会支持的寻求显著高于男生,男女生在情感表现上有明显的差异.结论 认知评价、心理控制源、社会支持与大学生就业压力关系呈显著相关.  相似文献   

Psychological stress plays an important role in psychopathologies. Laboratory methods have been designed to study stress responses in health and disease. The Trier Social Stress Test is a procedure designed to induce psychosocial stress, but the method is costly in terms of time and personnel requirements. We investigated whether conducting the task with multiple participants influenced cortisol, heart rate, and subjective responses and improved efficiency. Healthy male and female volunteers (N = 32) performed the task individually or in groups. Salivary cortisol, anxiety, and jitteriness increased and calmness decreased similarly in both conditions. Grouped participants exhibited greater peak increases in heart rate than those who performed individually. The findings suggest that the TSST may be conducted with multiple participants without significantly affecting subjective and cortisol responses to the task.  相似文献   

目的:了解舟曲泥石流5年后受灾居民创伤后应激障碍状况与社会支持、心理弹性的关系,为灾后的远期心理援助工作提供参考依据。方法:采用创伤后应激障碍检查量表平民版(PCL-C)、社会支持评定量、心理弹性量表对舟曲244名受灾居民进行调查。结果:泥石流5年后受灾居民创伤后应激障碍阳性者有82例(33.61%),女性显著高于男性(χ2=21.049,P0.001);PTSD阳性者社会支持与心理弹性得分均低于PTSD阴性者,且有显著性差异(P0.05)。PTSD与社会支持、心理弹性总分呈负相关(r=-0.423,P=0.000;r=-0.158,P=0.014)。结论:泥石流给受灾居民的心理健康造成持续影响,创伤后应激障碍与社会支持、心理弹性有着密切的联系,应重视居民远期心理援助。  相似文献   

This study explores the relation between variations in the serotonin transporter gene (5-HTTLPR; long vs. short allele), the child's attachment representation (assessed with the Attachment Story Completion Task, reflecting the security of the parent-child relationship), and electrodermal reactivity during a public speaking task, the Trier Social Stress Test for Children (TSST-C) in a sample of 92 7-year-old. Electrodermal reactivity during the TSST-C was not directly associated with variations in 5-HTT. However, there was a significant gene-environment interaction effect of 5-HTT and attachment security on electrodermal reactivity. Results are interpreted in terms of cumulative protection: Children with a secure attachment representation as well as long 5-HTT alleles appeared to be less stressed during the TSST-C.  相似文献   

Psychogenic stress in rabbits (fixation to a frame) was accompanied by the inhibition of contractile activity of the gastric antrum and pylorus. These changes persisted during blockade of muscarinic receptors, nicotinic receptors, α2-adrenoceptors, and β12 adrenoceptors. A stress-induced decrease in gastric motor activity was mediated by the nonadrenergic noncholinergic mechanism. It resulted from the influence of a hormonal stress factor on the stomach, which was probably realized through nonadrenergic inhibitory neurons of the enteric nervous system. Translated from Byulleten’ Eksperimental’noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 147, No. 3, pp. 267–271, March, 2009  相似文献   

The characteristics of the responses of the hypothalamo-hypophyseal-adrenal system to restriction stress and administration of lipopolysaccharide and interleukin-2 were studied in gray rats selected for the maintenance and absence of aggressive behavior in relation to humans. These experiments demonstrated decreased levels of corticosterone and ACTH in the plasma of tame rats in restriction stress and after administration of lipopolysaccharide as compared with non-tame rats. After administration of interleukin-2, the corticosterone level was identical in both groups of animals, though it reached the basal level in tame rats more quickly than in rats selected for maintaining aggressive behavior. Thus, selection of gray rats for tame behavior induces not only decreases in the responses of the hypophyseal-adrenal system to restriction stress, but also changes its response to immune stimuli and also, perhaps, its interaction with the immune system.  相似文献   

Two rat lines, one tame, the other aggressive, differing by many behavioral features and stress reactivity were developed by long-term selection of wild gray rats for elimination and enhancement of aggressiveness towards humans. The aim of this work was to study the role of the maternal environment in the expression of these differences between the two rat lines using the cross-fostering paradigm. Fostering of tame rats of both sexes by aggressive mothers and aggressive females by tame mothers was without effect on behavior score towards humans, but the cross-fostered aggressive males had a small, yet significant, increase in aggressiveness score. Cross-fostering revealed that exploratory behavior in the hole-board test and the acoustic startle amplitude were weakly affected by maternal interactions, although there was an effect on body weight and on the stress corticosterone response. Body weight was decreased in tame males fostered by aggressive mothers only and it was increased in cross-fostered aggressive rats of both sexes. Fostering of tame males and females by an aggressive mother enhanced almost twofold the corticosterone response immediately after stress, while fostering of aggressive ratlings of both sexes by a tame mother was without effect. The current results demonstrated that the maternal postnatal environment had no substantial effect on the behavioral responses of both tame and aggressive rats, but it possibly contributed to the development of the corticosterone response to restraint stress in the tame, and not the aggressive rats, i.e. these effects of cross-fostering were dependent on ratling genotype. Edited by Tamara Phillips.  相似文献   

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