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水中硝基苯的气相色谱测定方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水中硝基苯的气相色谱测定方法胡金轩,阎江虹硝基苯污染水源,常引起水质感官性状的长期恶化。由于此种水质色度深、干扰因素多,尚无满意的化学测定方法。我们用气相色谱法对水中硝基苯的测定进行了实验研究,结果较为满意,现报告如下。一、测定方法1.原理:水中硝基...  相似文献   

水的味和嗅已作为污染对人类生活存在潜在危害的指标,1971年世界卫生组织的饮水国际标准已订有水质的感官性状指标。早在50年代,苏联学者已对六价铬化合物对水的感官性状影响进行研究,水中六价铬浓度大于1毫克/升出现涩味,颜色阈浓度为0.1mg/升;水中浓度高达50毫克/升仍无嗅。为了进一步确定六价铬化合物在水中对味和嗅觉的影  相似文献   

企业自备水源擅自连接管网水,造成管网水水质污染,所放自来水感官性状较差.水质浑浊,色着较深,并有异味。影响人民的正常生活秩序。同时对污染水管的居民区(2个点)进行水质采样检测,检测结果,感官指标及微生物指标超标严重,不符合国家《生活饮用水卫生标准》。说明企业自备水源擅自连接自来水管.造成居民生活饮用水严重污染。针对水质污染情况,采取有力措施,切断连接水源管,加大自来水压力,冲洗排放管网管道污水,对企业所有管道重新布局安装。经过两天两夜排放,现场观察:水质清晰,感官性状良好,无异臭异味,经采样检验.结果均符合《生活饮用水卫生标准》。  相似文献   

企业自备水源擅自连接管网水,造成管网水水质污染,所放自来水感官性状较差。水质浑浊,色着较深。并有异味。影响人民的正常生活秩序。同时对污染水管的居民区(2个点)进行水质采样检测,检测结果,感官指标及微生物指标超标严重,不符合国家《生活饮用水卫生标准》。说明企业自备水源擅自连接自来水管,造成居民生活饮用水严重污染。针对水质污染情况,采取有力措施,切断连接水源管,加大自来水压力,冲洗排放管网管道污水,对企业所有管道重新布局安装。经过两天两夜排放,现场观察:水质清晰,感官性状良好,无异臭异味,经采样检验,结果均符合《生活饮用水卫生标准》。  相似文献   

舰船所携淡水多为自来水,除含有氯臭味外,还会因装载和长期航行而导致细菌污染,因此,对现有水质进行深度洁治处理是必要的。本研究所研制的净水器的处理系统由初滤、净化再生装置和灭菌器组成,净化材料主要为蜂房式管状滤芯和粒状活性炭等。为了观察净水器的实际作用,曾先后进行了水中感官性状指标的处理,水中余氯的脱除试验和水中有机物的去除效果观察以及粒状活性炭对菌水的净化效果试验等。此外,还进行了净化器的实船试验,观察了装置在实船条件下的净化效果和技术性能考核等。  相似文献   

北京市生活饮用水和源水中总有机碳(TOC)调查与水质评估   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本研究通过测定北京市生活饮用水及其水源水中总有机碳(TOC),在国内首次系统地监测与评价本市饮水有机物污染综合状况,以高灵敏度TOC分析仪获取可靠数据,填补国内生活饮用水监测项目中有机物污染综合指标空白,为保护水源,控制污染及改善水质提供科学依据。并通过测试本市高层建筑二次供水水箱水TOC水平,为防止二次污染,控制潜在污染源,确保人民饮水健康提供科学依据。  相似文献   

目的了解2013年襄州区农村集中式供水工程水质卫生状况。方法对2013年襄州区农村集中式供水工程水厂枯水期和丰水期共112份水样进行微生物指标4项、毒理指标11项、感官性状和一般化学指标18项共33项指标的检测和统计,对饮用水中主要污染指标进行初步分析。结果共检测水样112份(丰水期和枯水期各56份),合格率为49.11%,其中丰水期合格率为44.64%,枯水期合格率为53.57%;水样的主要污染指标为微生物污染,感官性状和一般化学指标基本合格,毒理指标均达标。结论襄州区农村饮用水的卫生状况不够理想,主要来自于微生物污染。  相似文献   

游泳池水中的氯仿主要是加氯消毒时消毒剂中的次氯酸和次氯酸根(OCl~-)与水中有机物反应的产物之一,对池水水质造成二次污染。为了解本市游泳池水中氯仿污染情况,探讨氯仿的产生及其影响因素,我们于1990年6~8月对本市8家营业性游泳池的水质进行了每周一次的定期监测。  相似文献   

通过对全区近年来饮水卫生情况进行综合分析。指出当前饮水的主要卫生问题是细菌指标普遍超标,感官性状差,某些毒理学指标超标等,并分析了造成水质卫生问题的主要原因是水源卫生状况差,水质不消毒,生活污水和工业废水对水质的污染等,针对存在的问题提出了相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

生化需氧量(BOD),是指在有氧条件下,水中微生物分解有机物的生物化学过程中所需溶解氧的质量浓度,在20℃培育5d所消耗氧量称为BOD5,以O2mg/L表示。水中有机物含量多,消耗的溶解氧就多,生化需氧量也高。它是间接表示有机物污染程度及衡量生化处理过程中净化效率的综合指标。  相似文献   

不同水质处理器净水效果的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的观察各类水质处理器的净水效果,筛选安全可靠净水材料.方法选择各类水质处理器,按统一的条件,连续进行0,15,30,60 d的加标水样实验研究.结果活性炭的有效过滤水量时间较长,铜锌合金(KDF)次之,分子筛最短.分子筛对无机物质有一定净化功能;KDF对重金属过滤效果较好,但FDK的本身物质锌溶出量高;活性炭在有效净水量时对挥发性有机物和耗氧量吸附效果好.中空纤维对细菌和浊度过滤效果好,对重金属和小分子有机物与聚丙烯棉芯(PP)过滤率相近;PP对大颗粒物有较好净化功能.活性炭与中空纤维过滤吸附功能较好,能滤除大部分微生物、挥发性有机物、悬浮物;反渗透对各种物质均有较高滤除功能;活性炭与微孔膜过滤水量较多,净化率较低.结论不同净水材料的有效净水量不同,吸附过滤情况不同,活性炭与膜过滤器组合式水质处理器净水效果较好.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Particulate Matter pollution in urban areas is due to different sources and varies in composition, where the carbonaceous fraction is of particularly importance due to its effects on human health and the climate. OBJECTIVES: to study the contribution of the carbonaceous fraction in PM10 pollution in the urban area of Rome and identify the composition of its organic fraction. METHODS: Separation of Elemental Carbon (EC) from Organic Carbon (OC) was carried out by means of a 5400 Ambient Carbon Particulate Monitor 5400 based on a two-step combustion procedure. RESULTS: The carbonaceous fraction in central Rome accounted for 30-40% of PM10 at ground level and consisted of 60-70% Elemental Carbon and 30-40% Organic Carbon. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, n-Alkanes and n-Alkanoic acids were identified among the constituents of the OC fraction, sulphates, nitrate and ammonia in the hydrosoluble inorganic fraction and heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Fe, Ni, Pb, V, Zn) in the non-hydrosoluble inorganic fraction. PM10 temporal trends were interpreted using measurement of the natural radioactivity (radon and its short-lived decay products) as tracer of the dynamic properties of the atmospheric boundary layer. CONCLUSIONS: Carbonaceous particulate matter is a fundamental parameter to evaluate atmospheric pollution due to combustion processes and can be considered as a specific index of motor vehicle traffic pollution. Its separation into elemental carbon, of primary origin, and organic carbon, of both primary and secondary origin, is toxicologically signficant and in order to study the formation mechanisms of photochemical pollution.  相似文献   

The river Meuse, located in western Europe, is contaminated by different pollutants, of both organic and inorganic nature. The predominant sources of Meuse contamination in The Netherlands are agricultural activities and pollution derived from urban areas. Crayfish, water, and sediment samples were collected at four different locations of the river Meuse, in order to cover a large part of the catchment area of this river in The Netherlands. Crayfish may be very useful in biomonitoring studies, since they can integrate body load by pollutants over time in an area-bound manner. In these crayfish, levels of aromatic DNA adducts, heavy metal residues, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and organochlorine pesticides were determined in hepatopancreatic tissue. Also analyzed were water and sediment samples derived from the same locations, for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), heavy metals, and organochlorine compounds. In sediments from the four different sampling sites, no clear differences were observed in PCB levels. Organochlorine pesticide concentrations were highest at location A, the most upstream sampling site, whereas a general decrease was observed following the river Meuse downstream. A similar pattern was observed for the metal compounds. For PAH sediment levels no consistent tendency could be observed. Highest values were detected at site B, followed by, respectively, locations A, D, and C. In water samples, a different pattern was observed. The highest metal concentration was observed at location D, whereas the total organochlorine level was higher at sites B and D, compared to the two other sampling sites. Differences in pollution levels in crayfish between sampling sites were evident. Site D, the most downstream-situated site examined, appeared to be the most polluted site with respect to PCBs, DDT, DDE, and Cu in crayfish. Moreover, DNA adduct levels, which may serve as a dosimeter for the internal dose of aromatic compounds such as PAHs and PCBs, were also significantly higher in hepatopancreatic tissue of crayfish captured at site D, compared to the three other sampling sites. Moreover, significant correlations were observed between DNA adduct levels and the lower chlorinated PCB congeners (PCB 28-PCB 101). By correlating the different pollutants in water and/or sediment with xenobiotic levels in crayfish, no consistency could be observed, indicating that monitoring aquatic species may provide specific information on the presence of surface water pollutants. These results indicate that crayfish can be used as biological indicators of exposure to both organic and inorganic pollution in aquatic systems.  相似文献   

In the environment, the formation of organic and inorganic silver complexes can decrease Ag bioavailability (toxicity) to aquatic organisms. However, current water quality regulations do not consider the protective effects of water quality parameters such as dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration. To determine the effect of DOC concentration and source on silver toxicity, nine different natural organic matter isolates were used in 96-h static-renewal toxicity tests with fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas). The 96-h dissolved silver median lethal concentrations (LC50) among different sources of dissolved organic matter varied by up to fivefold (4.5-23.3 microg/L). Further, toxicity tests with organic matter from the site with the lowest 96-h LC50 value suggested only limited additional attenuation of silver toxicity when DOC concentration was increased from 5.1 to 14.0 mg/L. With this site excluded, we found little more than a twofold difference among 96-h dissolved Ag LC50s for the remaining sources (10.1-23.3 microg/L). However, significant toxicological differences among sites remained. It was apparent that organic matter from different sources varied both chemically and toxicologically, but no conclusions could be drawn that related compositional variation to observed Ag toxicity for these isolates.  相似文献   

While over seven million organic and inorganic compounds that have been indexed by the American Chemical Society's Chemical Abstracts Service in their CAS Registry are commercially available, most pollution monitoring programs focus only on those chemical stressors for which regulatory benchmarks exist, and have been traditionally considered responsible for the most significant human and environmental health risks. Until the late 1990s, the San Francisco Estuary Regional Monitoring Program was no exception in that regard. After a thorough external review, the monitoring program responded to the need for developing a pro-active surveillance approach for emerging pollutants in recognition of the fact that the potential for the growing list of widely used chemical compounds to alter the integrity of water is high. We describe (1) the scientific and analytical bases underlying a new surveillance monitoring approach; (2) summarize approaches used and results obtained from a forensic retrospective; (3) present the growing data set on emerging pollutants from surveillance monitoring and related efforts in the San Francisco Bay Area to characterize newly targeted compounds in wastewater streams, sediment, storm water runoff, and biota; and (4) suggest next steps in monitoring program development and applied research that could move beyond traditional approaches of pollutant characterization. Based on the forensic analysis of archived chromatograms and chemical and toxicological properties of candidate compounds, we quantified a variety of synthetic organic compounds which had previously not been targeted for analysis. Flame retardant compounds, pesticides and insecticide synergists, insect repellents, pharmaceuticals, personal care product ingredients, plasticizers, non-ionic surfactants, and other manufacturing ingredients were detected in water, sediment, and/or biological tissue samples. Several of these compounds, especially polybrominated diphenyl ether flame retardants, exhibited concentrations of environmental concern. We also describe environmental management challenges associated with emerging pollutants and how pro-active surveillance monitoring might assist in implementing a more holistic approach to pollution prevention and control before emerging pollutants become a burden on future generations.  相似文献   

影响阳电荷粒状滤材吸附水中E.coli噬菌体f2因素的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍自制阳电荷粒状滤材对水中病毒的吸附和回收试验,均达到较好的效果,并对滤材柱的高度和不同流速等条件试验,以及水的温度、混浊度、pH和有机物等因素对吸附水中E.coli噬菌体f_2效果进行了观察。  相似文献   

采集了广西盘阳河巴马瑶族自治县甲篆乡段水样,经过微孔滤膜过滤后,采用离子色谱法(IC)测定了其中F^-、Cl^-、NO2^-、Br^-、NO3^-、PO4^3-和SO4^2-等7种无机阴离子的含量,采用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(ICP—OES)测定了其中Al、B、Ba、Ca、Cd、Cr、Cu、Fe、K、Mg、Mn、Na、Ni、Pb、Rb、Si、Sr和Zn等18种矿质元素的含量,并用环境标准样品GSB07—1381—2001和GSBZ5009—88评价分析了方法的准确度。结果表明:广西盘阳河水中NO2^-、Br^-和PO4^3- 3种无机阴离子的含量均低于分析方法的检测限,而F^-、Cl^-和SO4^2- 3种无机阴离子的含量亦相对较低;广西盘阳河水中Ca、Mn、Si、Zn含量相对较高,而Na和一些重金属含量相对较低。从总体上判断,广西盘阳河水为一优质的饮用及农业灌溉水源。  相似文献   

戴猛 《职业与健康》2013,(19):2479-2480,2483
目的建立直接进样离子色谱法测定游泳池水中无机消毒副产物的方法。方法采用万通MIC离子色谱仪,进行简单样品前处理,检测游泳池水中无机消毒副产物含量。结果游泳池水中无机消毒副产物(DBP)的方法检出限为1.4~1.8μg/L,方法线性范围在0—200.0μg/L,精密度RSD小于4.1%,样品加标回收率为97.2%~100.6%。结论该方法灵敏度、准确度高,操作简便,具有较低的检出限,干扰少,可以满足游泳池水中无机消毒副产物(DBP)检测要求。  相似文献   

目的:了解某区水厂污染状况,为某区城镇居民饮水安全提供可行的解决方案。方法:对某区各水厂针对性采取不同监测方案,将所得数据进行分析。结果:水源水总体较好,出厂水基本上都含有汞,某些时段的出厂水汞含量超出限值;对某厂的非常规监测中发现,沉淀剂和使用后滤砂中均检出汞,疑为厂内蓄积和器壁吸附造成的出厂水污染。结论:某区水厂均存在厂内污染和蓄积问题,严重影响出厂水质量;因此,改进水处理工艺;定期清洗和更换厂内耗材;建立和完善相关法律法规,加强对地表水的保护,保证城镇居民的用水安全。  相似文献   

对2005年11月12日中石油吉林石化分公司双苯厂发生爆炸事故所引起的松花江沿岸某城市浅层地下水污染状况进行了调查研究。结果表明,研究区浅层地下水中,除1,2-二氯丙烷、氯苯、苯和乙苯浓度在个别采样井点检出超过《地下水质量标准》三类水质标准外,其它各有机污染物浓度都普遍较低;城区浅层地下水有机污染程度远远重于城郊,且分布在城区东部化工厂一带的工业区,个别地段地下水有机污染程度不容乐观。因此,松花江水与地下水的积极交替带仅限于几百米,研究区内浅层地下水的有机污染是历史因素和人为活动共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

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