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In the present study, using Golgi and electron microscopy techniques, experimentally induced epilepsy (kindling and kainate treatment) elicited collateral sprouting of mossy fibers in rat hippocampus. Collateral branches invade the hilus, cross the granule cell layer, and distribute throughout the inner third of the molecular layer. These newly developed collaterals may acquire the typical features of mossy fibers including giant fiber varicosities (mousses), although the mean surface of these mousses was thinner in these collaterals than in terminal branches. Granule cell dendrites may develop giant thorny excrescences, suggesting that the targets of these collaterals are granule cells. Giant synaptic boutons appear in the inner third of molecular layer of epileptic rats. These boutons acquire the morphological features of mossy fiber boutons and made multiple synaptic contacts with dendritic spines. The analysis of the profile types suggests that some of the newly developed collateral mossy fibers made hypotrophic synaptic contacts.  相似文献   

The effect of prenatal protein deprivation on the postnatal development of granule cells in the fascia dentata in the rat was studied at 15, 30, 90, and 220 days of age. The granule cells showed a significant reduction in cell size, decreased number of synaptic spines throughout their dendritic extent, and reduced complexity of dendritic branching in the outer two-thirds of the molecular layer. All of these deficits were present at 15 days and persisted throughout the study (220 days). The least deficits in synaptic spine density occurred at 90 days and in dendritic branching at 30 days. Partial restitution of earlier, more severe deficits was associated primarily with maturational events occurring in the protein deprived rats, whereas later increases in deficits were related primarily to a failure of the protein deprived rats to keep pace with neuronal development occurring in the controls. The present results are similar to those noted in our previous study in this journal of the effect of a low protein diet (8% casein) on these neurons that extended from pregnancy until the time of sacrifice at 30, 90, and 220 days of age (Cintra et al., '90; 532:271-277). Taken together, these two studies suggest that the postnatal adaptation of the granule cells to prenatal protein deprivation is primarily due to events that occur during pregnancy and that the site of predilection for the deficit is their dendrites in the outer two-thirds of the molecular layer of the fascia dentata.  相似文献   

Adrenalectomy (ADX) of normal adult rats causes selective hippocampal dentate granule cell degeneration that is prevented by corticosterone. The ability to destroy this one hippocampal cell type noninvasively made it possible to address the role of the dentate granule cells in learning and memory. Four months after ADX, 31 of 45 rats failed to show obvious granule cell loss and displayed behavior in the Morris water maze that was similar to 16 sham-operated control rats and 16 ADX rats maintained on corticosterone throughout the study. Conversely, 14 of the 45 ADX rats experienced a loss of granule cells that varied from minimal to extensive. Although there were no obvious differences between groups in motoric and motivational characteristics or search strategies, ADX rats with moderate to extensive granule cell loss acquired place learning slightly slower than controls or ADX rats with minimal or no obvious cell loss. Furthermore, the ADX rats with moderate to extensive cell loss were temporarily impaired following alteration of either intramaze or extramaze cues compared to controls. In contrast, the rats with granule cell loss remembered an old place and learned a new place as quickly as controls. These results suggest that a normal complement of dentate granule cells may not be necessary for the acquisition or retention of spatial information in the Morris water maze.  相似文献   

Excess neuronal activity upregulates the expression of two neurotrophins, nerve growth factor (NGF) and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in adult hippocampus. Nerve growth factor has been shown to contribute the induction of aberrant hippocampal mossy fiber sprouting in the inner molecular layer of the dentate gyrus, however the role of prolonged brain-derived neurotrophic factor exposure is uncertain. We examined the distribution and plasticity of mossy fibers in transgenic mice with developmental overexpression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor. Despite 2--3-fold elevated BDNF levels in the hippocampus sufficient to increase the intensity of neuropeptide Y immunoreactivity in interneurons, no visible changes in mossy fiber Timm staining patterns were observed in the inner molecular layer of adult mutant hippocampus compared to wild-type mice. In addition, no changes of the mRNA expression of two growth-associated proteins, GAP-43 and SCG-10 were found. These data suggest that early and persistent elevations of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in granule cells are not sufficient to elicit this pattern of axonal plasticity in the hippocampus.  相似文献   

Mossy fiber boutons are the sites of synaptic signalling between hippocampal granule and pyramidal neurons. We studied the formation and localization of these terminals during development of prenatal hippocampal neurons in primary culture. Using the synaptic vesicle membrane proteins synaptophysin and synaptoporin as markers we observed that both proteins were mainly localized in perikarya and processes of fetal hippocampal neurons during the first days in vitro (DIV). Following DIV 6 synaptophysin was present in small terminals. After DIV 20 in addition large terminals immunoreactive for synaptophysin and synaptoporin were found, which were identified by electron microscopy as mossy fiber boutons impinging on pyramidal neuron dendrites. Synaptic vesicles and endosomes in the mossy fiber boutons were labeled when incubated with exogenous horseradish peroxidase, indicating that they were competent for exo-endocytosis. Taken together, our data show that hippocampal granule neurons grown in dissociated primary cultures form mossy fiber boutons containing synaptophysin and synaptoporin at pyramidal cell dendrites. Since the composition and the characteristic morphology of mossy fiber boutons formed in vitro is the same as observed in vivo we conclude that their development follows an intrinsic program. J. Neurosci. Res. 51:602–611, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Down syndrome (DS) results from trisomy of human chromosome 21. Ts65Dn mice are an established model for DS and show several phenotypes similar to those in people with DS. However, there is little data on the structural plasticity of synapses in the trisynaptic pathway in the hippocampus. Here we investigate 3D ultrastructure of synapses in the hippocampus of age-matched control (2N) and Ts65Dn male mice. Serial ultrathin sections and 3D reconstructions characterize synapses in the middle molecular layer (MML) of dentate gyrus and in thorny excrescences (TEs) in proximal portions of apical dendrites of CA3 pyramidal neurons. 3D analysis of synapses shows phenotypes that distinguish Ts65Dn from 2N mice. For the MML, synapse density was reduced by 15% in Ts65Dn vs. 2N mice (P < 0.05). Comparative 3D analyses demonstrate a significant decrease in the number of thorns per TE in CA3 in Ts65Dn vs. 2N mice (by ≈45%, P = 0.01). Individual thorn volume was 3 times smaller in Ts65Dn vs. 2N mice (P = 0.02). A significant decrease in the number of thorn projections per TE in Ts65Dn vs. 2N mice was accompanied by a decrease of filopodium-like protrusions on the surface of TEs (P = 0.02). However, the volume of postsynaptic densities in CA3 Ts65Dn and 2N mice was unchanged (P = 0.78). Our findings suggest that the high degree of plasticity of CA3 thorns may be connected with their filopodial origin. Alterations of 3D synaptic structure in Ts65Dn mice may further contribute to the diminished plasticity in DS.  相似文献   

Methacrylate-embedded sections and short-survival thymidine radiograms of the hippocampal dentate gyrus were examined in perinatal and postnatal rats in order to trace the site of origin and migration of the precursors of granule cells and study the morphogenesis of the granular layer. The densely packed, spindle-shaped cells of the secondary dentate matrix (a derivative of the primary dentate neuroepithelium) stream in a subpial position towards the granular layer of the internal dentate limb during the perinatal and early postnatal periods. By an accretionary process, the crest of the granular layer forms on day E21 and on the subsequent days the granular layer of the internal dentate limb expands progressively in a lateral direction. Granule cells differentiation, as judged by the transformation of polymorph, darkly staining small cells into rounder, lightly staining larger granule cells, follows the same gradient from the external dentate limb to the internal dentate limb. The secondary dentate matrix is in a process of dissolution by day P5. This matrix is the source of what will later become the outer shell of the granular layer composed of early generated granule cells. The thicker inner shell of the granular layer, formed during the infantile and juvenile periods, derives from an intrinsic, tertiary germinal matrix. On day E22, the dentate migration of the secondary dentate matrix becomes partitioned into two components: a) the subpial component of extradentate origin, referred to in this context as the first dentate migration, and b) the second dentate migration. The latter is distributed in the basal polymorph layer throughout the entire dentate gyrus and is henceforth recognized as the tertiary dentate matrix. The tertiary dentate matrix is prominent between days P3 and P10. It is postulated that the great increase in granule cell population during the infantile period is principally due to cells derived from this intrinsic matrix of the dentate gyrus. Between days P20 and P30 the tertiary dentate matrix disappears in the basal polymorph layer and henceforth proliferative cells become largely confined to the subgranular zone at the base of the granular layer. The subgranular zone is the source of granule cells produced during the juvenile and adult periods.  相似文献   

Dendritic morphology was studied in human hippocampal dentate granule cells (DGCs) by intracellularly-injecting biocytin in slice preparations that were obtained from temporal lobe epilepsy patients who underwent a surgical treatment for medically-intractable seizures. These DGCs had a fan-shaped dendritic domain of 54.1°±4.1 S.E.M. with 13.8±1.1 branch points and an estimated total dendritic length of 11535.6 μm±3045.4. Dendritic spines were counted, and spine density was calculated to be 0.25 spines/μm±0.16 S.E.M.. However, when the cells were categorized into two groups based on the presence or absence of the aberrant mossy fiber collaterals, the number of dendritic branches was significantly lower and spine density was significantly higher in DGCs that had aberrant collaterals. In particular, in the proximal dendrite, the spine density was 5 times higher in DGCs whose own mossy fibers were reorganized sending aberrant collaterals to this dendritic region (0.750 spines/μm±0.203 S.E.M.: P<0.01) than the DGCs without such collaterals (0.082 spines/μm±0.021 S.E.M.). These results suggest that the axonal reorganization may have an effect on the morphology of DGC dendrites directly or indirectly in such a way that dendritic structure and spines could be protected from seizure-induced excitotoxic cell damage.  相似文献   

The postnatal dendritic maturation of small field type 1 (SF1), medium field type 1 (MF1) and type 2 (MF2), and large field type 1 (alpha) ganglion cells in the rabbit retina was compared qualitatively and quantitatively. Dendritic tree structure was revealed by intracellular injection of the fluorescent dye Lucifer yellow, and the stained cells were then morphologically separated on the basis of some area, dendritic field size, total dendritic length, number of nodes, and mean internodal distance. Cells in the visual streak and an area inferior to the streak were sampled from retinae between birth and adulthood. The dendrites of all studied classes of rabbit ganglion cells were extensively covered by short spine-like appendages. As in cat retina, many dendritic spines disappeared by the end of the third postnatal week, at which stage the adult dendritic form could be recognised. However, there was differential loss in the number of spines from the dendrites of the four cell classes. In both the streak and inferior retina, adult SF1 cells had the same number of spines/dendritic unit length throughout postnatal life, whereas MF1 and MF2 ganglion cells lost at least half of their number of spines/unit dendritic length by maturity. Alpha ganglion cells lost virtually all their dendritic spines by adulthood. In both retinal locations, there were small changes in the number of nodes (dendritic branch points) of small field and medium field ganglion cells but alpha cells lost between 70 to 80% of their nodes by adulthood. The dendrites of ganglion cells with contrasting morphology thus undergo differential remodelling during postnatal maturation. The completion of the period of dendritic remodelling coincided with the first appearance of adult receptive field organisation, suggesting that structural remodelling, in particular that involving dendritic spines, may be associated with the development of the cell's synaptic circuitry. The dendrites of neighbouring postnatal ganglion cells in the rabbit retina also grow by different amounts; the increase in dendritic tree area, total dendritic length, and mean internodal distances of alpha cells exceeded that of small field and medium field cells in corresponding retinal positions. This implies that retinal dendrites elongate by active growth rather than by "passive stretching."  相似文献   

By means of Timm's procedure and computer-assisted morphometry, the left and right hippocampi of 69 hybrid guinea pigs from nine age levels (P5, P10, P20, P40, P80, P160, P320, and P610, and P1100) were analyzed for postnatal growth of recurrent hippocampal mossy fiber collaterals (RMFC) terminating below, within, and above the dentate granule cell layer. Postnatal growth of RMFCs showed, in both sexes, a first peak at P40, with stainable mossy fiber boutons covering the cell bodies of large neurones, some of which were reminiscent of basket cells. No significant changes of the density of mossy fiber collaterals were noticed from P40 to P160. At P320 a remarkable expansion of RMFCs was noted in a few animals, and by P610 all animals showed highly proliferated RMFCs which densely covered cell bodies and dendrites of target cells. The oldest group (P1100) showed an equal or slightly lowered density of RMFCs. We conclude that the growth of recurrent mossy fiber collaterals occurs in two spurts. The first completes just before sexual maturity. The second spurt occurs in the mid-life period, between P160 and P610. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Feedforward inhibition (FFI) between the dentate gyrus (DG) and CA3 sparsifies and shapes memory‐ and spatial navigation‐related activities. However, our understanding of this prototypical FFI circuit lacks essential details, as the wiring of FFI is not yet mapped between individual DG granule cells (GCs) and CA3 pyramidal cells (PCs). Importantly, theoretically opposite network contributions are possible depending on whether the directly excited PCs are differently inhibited than the non‐excited PCs. Therefore, to better understand FFI wiring schemes, we compared the prevalence of disynaptic inhibitory postsynaptic events (diIPSCs) between pairs of individually recorded GC axons or somas and PCs, some of which were connected by monosynaptic excitation, while others were not. If FFI wiring is specific, diIPSCs are expected only in connected PCs; whereas diIPSCs should not be present in these PCs if FFI is laterally wired from individual GCs. However, we found single GC‐elicited diIPSCs with similar probabilities irrespective of the presence of monosynaptic excitation. This observation suggests that the wiring of FFI between individual GCs and PCs is independent of the direct excitation. Therefore, the randomly distributed FFI contributes to the hippocampal signal sparsification by setting the general excitability of the CA3 depending on the overall activity of GCs.  相似文献   

Seizures induced by fever (febrile seizures) are the most frequent seizures affecting infants and children; however, their impact on the developing hippocampal formation is not completely understood. Such understanding is highly important because of the potential relationship of prolonged febrile seizures to temporal lobe epilepsy. Using an immature rat model, we have previously demonstrated that prolonged experimental febrile seizures render the hippocampus hyperexcitable throughout life. Here we examined whether (1) neuronal loss, (2) altered neurogenesis, or (3) mossy fiber sprouting, all implicated in epileptogenesis in both animal models and humans, were involved in the generation of a pro-epileptic, hyperexcitable hippocampus by these seizures. The results demonstrated that prolonged experimental febrile seizures did not result in appreciable loss of any vulnerable hippocampal cell population, though causing strikingly enhanced sensitivity to hippocampal excitants later in life. In addition, experimental febrile seizures on postnatal day 10 did not enhance proliferation of granule cells, whereas seizures generated by kainic acid during the same developmental age increased neurogenesis in the immature hippocampus. However, prolonged febrile seizures resulted in long-term axonal reorganization in the immature hippocampal formation: Mossy fiber densities in granule cell- and molecular layers were significantly increased by 3 months (but not 10 days) after the seizures. Thus, the data indicate that prolonged febrile seizures influence connectivity of the immature hippocampus long-term, and this process requires neither significant neuronal loss nor altered neurogenesis. In addition, the temporal course of the augmented mossy fiber invasion of the granule cell and molecular layers suggests that it is a consequence, rather than the cause, of the hyperexcitable hippocampal network resulting from these seizures.  相似文献   

While the morphometry of classical transmitter systems has been extensively studied, relatively little quantitative information is available on the subcellular distribution of peptidergic dense core vesicles (DCVs) within axonal arbors and terminals, and how distribution patterns change in response to neural activity. This study used correlated quantitative light and electron microscopic immunohistochemistry to examine dynorphin B‐like immunoreactivity (dyn B‐LI) in the rat hippocampal mossy fiber pathway before and after seizures. Forty‐eight hours after seizures induced by two pentylenetetrazol injections, light microscopic dyn B‐LI was decreased dorsally and increased ventrally. Ultrastructural examination indicated that, in the hilus of the dentate gyrus, these alterations resulted from changes that were almost entirely restricted to the profiles of the large mossy‐like terminals formed by mossy fiber collaterals (which primarily contact spines), compared to the profiles of the smaller, less‐convoluted terminals found on the same collaterals (which primarily contact aspiny dendritic shafts). Dorsally, mossy terminal profile labeled DCV (lDCV) density dropped substantially, while ventrally, both mossy terminal profile perimeter and lDCV density increased. In all terminal profiles examined, lDCVs also were closely associated with the plasma membrane. Following seizures, there was a reorientation of lDCVs along the inner surface of mossy terminal profile membranes, in relation to the types of profiles adjacent to the membrane: in both the dorsal and ventral hilus, significantly fewer lDCVs were observed at sites apposed to dendrites, and significantly more were observed at sites apposed to spines. Thus, after seizures, changes specific to: (1) the dorsoventral level of the hippocampal formation, (2) the type of terminal, and (3) the type of profile in apposition to the portion of the terminal membrane examined were all observed. An explanation of these complex, interdependent alterations will probably require evoking multiple interrelated mechanisms, including selective prodynorphin synthesis, transport, and release. Hippocampus 1999; 9:255–276. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In patients with temporal lobe epilepsy some dentate granule cells develop basal dendrites. The extent of excitatory synaptic input to basal dendrites is unclear, nor is it known whether basal dendrites receive inhibitory synapses. We used biocytin to intracellularly label individual granule cells with basal dendrites in epileptic pilocarpine-treated rats. An average basal dendrite had 3.9 branches, was 612 microm long, and accounted for 16% of a cell's total dendritic length. In vivo intracellular labeling and postembedding GABA-immunocytochemistry were used to evaluate synapses with basal dendrites reconstructed from serial electron micrographs. An average of 7% of 1,802 putative synapses were formed by GABA-positive axon terminals, indicating synaptogenesis by interneurons. Ninety-three percent of the identified synapses were GABA-negative. Most GABA-negative synapses were with spines, but at least 10% were with dendritic shafts. Multiplying basal dendrite length/cell and synapse density yielded an estimate of 180 inhibitory and 2,140 excitatory synapses per granule cell basal dendrite. Based on previous estimates of synaptic input to granule cells in control rats, these findings suggest an average basal dendrite receives approximately 14% of the total inhibitory and 19% of excitatory synapses of a cell. These findings reveal that basal dendrites are a novel source of inhibitory input, but they primarily receive excitatory synapses.  相似文献   

Mossy cells give rise to the commissural and associational pathway of the dentate gyrus, and receive their major excitatory inputs from the mossy fibers of granule cells. Through these feed-back excitatory connections, mossy cells have been suggested to play important roles in both normal signal processing in learning and memory, as well as in seizure propagation. However, the nature of the activity-dependent modifications of the mossy fiber inputs to mossy hilar cells is not well understood. We studied the long- and short-term plasticity properties of the mossy fiber-mossy cell synapse, using the minimal stimulation technique in slices in whole cell recorded mossy cells retrogradely prelabeled with the fluorescent dye DiO from the contralateral dentate gyrus. Following tetanic stimulation, mossy fiber synapses showed significant NMDA receptor-independent long-term potentiation (LTP), associated with increased excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSC) amplitude and decreased failure rates. Coefficient of variance and failure rate analyses suggested a presynaptic locus of LTP induction. Mossy fiber synapses on mossy cells also showed activity-dependent short-term modification properties, including both frequency-dependent facilitation (stimuli at higher frequencies evoked larger EPSCs with lower failure rates) and burst facilitation (each EPSC in a burst had a larger amplitude and higher probability of occurrence than the preceding EPSCs within the burst). The data show that mossy fiber-mossy cell synapses exhibit both long- and short-term plasticity phenomena that are generally similar to the mossy fiber synapses on CA3 pyramidal cells.  相似文献   

The FGL peptide is a neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) mimetic comprising a 15-amino-acid-long sequence of the FG loop region of the second fibronectin type III module of NCAM. It corresponds to the binding site of NCAM for the fibroblast growth factor receptor 1. FGL improves cognitive function through enhancement of synaptic function. We examined the effect of FGL on synaptic and dendritic structure in the brains of aged (22-month-old) rats that were injected subcutaneously (8 mg/kg) at 2-day intervals until 19 days after the start of the experiment. Animals were perfused with fixative, brains removed and coronal sections cut at 50 µm. The hippocampal volume was measured, tissue embedded and ultrathin sections viewed in a JEOL 1010 electron microscope. Analyses were made of synaptic and dendritic parameters following three-dimensional reconstruction via images from a series of ∼100 serial ultrathin sections. FGL affected neither hippocampal volume nor spine or synaptic density in the middle molecular layer of the dentate gyrus. However, it increased the ratio of mushroom to thin spines, number of multivesicular bodies and also increased the frequency of appearance of coated pits. Three-dimensional analysis showed a significant decrease in both post-synaptic density and apposition zone curvature of mushroom spines following FGL treatment, whereas for thin spines the convexity of the apposition zone increased. These data indicate that FGL induces large changes in the fine structure of synapses and dendritic spines in hippocampus of aged rats, complementing data showing its effect on cognitive processes.  相似文献   

Granule and granule-like neurons were labeled by Golgi and HRP techniques in the dentate area of fetal and neonatal organotypic hippocampal explants after 1 day-8 weeks in vitro. These cells resembled granule cells labeled in situ with similar techniques, although the dendritic pattern and spine development were not as elaborate as observed on granule cells from adult rodents. Many of these neurons retained basilar or multiple dendrites after 8 weeks in culture, a characteristic often associated with immature granule cells, granule cells in the reeler mutant mouse and tissues removed from human epileptic foci.  相似文献   

In complex partial epilepsy and in animal models of epilepsy, hippocampal mossy fibers appear to develop recurrent collaterals, that invade the dentate molecular layer. Mossy fiber collaterals have been proposed to subserve recurrent excitation by forming granule cell-granule cell synapses. This hypothesis was tested by visualizing dentate granule cells and their mossy fibers after terminal uptake and retrograde transport of biocytin. Labeling studies were performed with transverse slices of the caudal rat hippocampal formation prepared 2.6–l70.0 weeks after pilocarpine-induced or kainic acid-induced status epilepticus. Light microscopy demonstrated the progressive growth of recurrent mossy fibers into the molecular layer; the densest innervation was observed in slices from pilocarpine-treated rats that had survived 10 weeks or longer after status epilepticus. Thin mossy fiber collaterals originated predominantly from deep within the hilar region, crossed the granule cell body layer, and formed an axonal plexus oriented parallel to the cell body layer within the inner one-third of the molecular layer. When sprouting was most robust, some recurrent mossy fibers at the apex of the dentate gyrus reached the outer two-thirds of the molecular layer. The distribution and density of mossy fiber-like Timm staining correlated with the biocytin labeling. When viewed with the electron microscope, the inner one-third of the dentate molecular layer contained numerous mossy fiber boutons. In some instances, biocytin-labeled mossy fiber boutons were engaged in synaptic contact with biocytin-labeled granule cell dendrites. Granule cell dendrites did not develop large complex spines (“thorny excrescences”) at the site of synapse formation, and they did not appear to have been permanently damaged by seizure activity. These results establish the validity of Timm staining as a marker for mossy fiber sprouting and support the view that status epilepticus provokes the formation of a novel recurrent excitatory circuit in the dentate gyrus. Retrograde labeling with biocytin showed that the recurrent mossy fiber projection often occupies a considerably greater fraction of the dendritic region than previous studies had suggested. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Dentate granule cells and the hippocampal CA2 region are resistant to cell loss associated with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE). It is known that granule cells undergo mossy fiber sprouting in the dentate gyrus which contributes to a recurrent, proepileptogenic circuitry in the hippocampus. Here it is shown that mossy fiber sprouting also targets CA2 pyramidal cell somata and that the CA2 region undergoes prominent structural reorganization under epileptic conditions. Using the intrahippocampal kainate mouse model for MTLE and the CA2‐specific markers Purkinje cell protein 4 (PCP4) and regulator of G‐Protein signaling 14 (RGS14), it was found that during epileptogenesis CA2 neurons survive and disperse in direction of CA3 and CA1 resulting in a significantly elongated CA2 region. Using transgenic mice that express enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) in granule cells and mossy fibers, we show that the recently described mossy fiber projection to CA2 undergoes sprouting resulting in aberrant large, synaptoporin‐expressing mossy fiber boutons which surround the CA2 pyramidal cell somata. This opens up the potential for altered synaptic transmission that might contribute to epileptic activity in CA2. Indeed, intrahippocampal recordings in freely moving mice revealed that epileptic activity occurs concomitantly in the dentate gyrus and in CA2. Altogether, the results call attention to CA2 as a region affected by MTLE‐associated pathological restructuring. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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