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The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence, distribution and intensity of dental caries as well as tooth wear in Neolithic population of northern China to increase our knowledge about the type of food, dietary habit and social stratification in this Neolithic population.

Materials and methods

The samples analysed were dental remains of 1007 permanent teeth from 79 adult individuals, who were excavated from three Yangshao archaeological sites in the Xi’an district and adjacent Counties (northern China). The sex and the age-at-death of the samples were estimated.


The frequency of antemortem tooth loss in the samples was 1.6%. The proportion of individuals with at least one carious tooth reached 41.8%, and the frequency of carious lesion was 5.7%. The most frequent carious lesions were occlusal lesions (4.4%), followed by interproximal (1.4%) and buccal/lingual lesions (0.4%). All 79 individuals were affected by attrition (100%) with various degrees of dental wear observed. The anterior teeth were much more worn than the posterior ones. The frequency of caries in men (3.9%) was significantly lower than that in women (8.1%), but the prevalence of tooth wear in men (99.0%) was significantly higher than that in women (95.2%).


These findings indicate that both caries and tooth wear may be related to the subsistence and diet of this Neolithic population.  相似文献   

Fluoride exposure in early life has an effect on dental caries experience, but does it affect tooth wear in later life? Ninety-six South East Queensland subjects were studied. Their histories revealed three groups; a fluoride (F-) in water supply, a F- by supplement, and a non-fluoridated (non F-) group. Significantly higher caries experience was found in the non-F- group compared with F- in water group and the F- supplement group. No statistically significant difference in caries experience was found between the F- in water and F- supplement groups. Overall, tooth wear affected more sextants of the dentitions of non-fluoridated, high-caries subjects than of fluoridated low-caries subjects. Comparisons of wear patterns on sextants of the dentitions, between the fluoridated and nonfluoridated groups, revealed that in sextants where attrition was present no marked differences were discernible between the two groups. However, in most sextants where incisal, palatal, occlusal or non-occlusal erosion was found, this type of wear was commoner in non-fluoridated subjects. The exceptions were the mandibular molar sextants, where prior fluoride-exposure did not appear to protect against occlusal erosion patterns. This study showed that fluoride exposure during the first 12 years of life, which reduced dental caries in this population, may also protect teeth from wear to some extent.  相似文献   

BackgroundChild's dental fear has been reported as one of the reasons that increase, aggravate dental diseases and facilitate other oral diseases. This study is aimed to describe the type and prevalence of dental fear and to assess the relationship between cavities of primary teeth and dental fear in 7-year-old children at Phulam Primary School, Hanoi.MethodsThe sample comprised of 132 children aged 7 years. The questionnaire examined the profile of participants and assessed their dental fear using the Children's Fear Survey Schedule-Dental Subscale (CFSS-DS). Children have “dental fear” when the total CFSS-DS score is greater than or equal to 38. By contrast, those without dental fear gain the total point which is less than 38. After completing the questionnaire, a dental examination was undertaken according to the International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS).ResultsThe prevalence of dental fear was 34.85%. Fear scores were highest for “Dentist drilling” (2.92 ± 1.47) and “Injections” (2.87 ± 1.53). In the univariate analysis, the odds of girls having dental fear were approximately equal to boys (OR = 0.98, 95% CI = ?0.75-0.70). The odds of only children having dental fear were 1.6 times higher than others, but there were not significant. Dental fear was found to be no associated to sex, birth order and primary dental caries (p > 0.05).ConclusionOur findings demonstrated the status of 7-year-old children's dental fear at Phulam primary school, and found that primary dental caries had no correlation with child dental fear score.  相似文献   

目的 从临床和实验研究两方面探讨乳牙釉质混浊对龋齿的易感性。方法 选择176名3-8岁的低出生体重儿和早产儿,分析乳牙釉质混浊与龋齿的相关性;将5颗自然脱落的釉质混浊乳前牙用于偏光显微镜的研究,发现其组织学特点,并探讨乳牙釉质混浊的发生机制。结果 临床研究发现乳牙釉质混浊与龋齿的发生显著相关;进一步的偏光显微镜研究的发现乳牙釉质混浊为表层下矿化缺陷,且矿化缺陷区域釉柱横纹加重。结论 乳牙釉质混浊因其表层下矿化缺陷增加了牙齿对龋的易感性,乳牙釉质混浊其发生为在牙齿矿化阶段的第三矿化期的中晚期出现全身或局紊乱所致。  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe aim of this study was a comprehensive macro- and microanalysis of dental wear observed in the populations inhabiting the Syrian lower Euphrates valley. We may assume that social changes have had an important impact on the dietetic and hygienic habits of the local population.Materials and methodsSix periods were chosen: Early Bronze (2650–2350 BC), Middle Bronze (2200–1700 BC), Neo-Assyrian (900–700 BC), late Roman (AD 200–400), Islamic (AD 600–1200), and modern Islamic (AD 1850–1950). The dental remains belong to 196 individuals, with a total of 3292 teeth. Mechanical dental wear was evaluated according to Smith’s and Shykoluk & Lovell’s scale. Also, SEM technique was used to select teeth.ResultsIndividuals from both Bronze Ages were characterized by a large percentage of severe dental wear, contrary to the younger chronological periods. The rate of dental wear slowed down from the Middle Bronze Age. The frequency of deep scratches, punctures, and pits successively decreased with younger periods, while striae became more frequent. The highest number of teeth diagnosed with erosive loss was from the Neo-Assyrian period.DiscussionIn the Early and Middle Bronze Ages the diet was rather hard and more contaminated. The diet in the Neo-Assyrian period was rich in products lowering the pH in the oral cavity. The frequency of dental erosion in two consecutive periods – Islamic and late Roman – took place at a similar level. Thus similar alimentary habits in these periods can be suggested.  相似文献   

Abstract – The prevalence of dental caries and gingivitis was assessed in schoolchildren of the Tlalpan region in Mexico City. A total of 700 children (age range: 11–17 yr) of both sexes were examined. The sample population included children attending the Middle-School System, where two shifts are run (A.M. and P.M.). Decayed, missing and filled surfaces (DMFS), and Gingival Index (GI) were recorded for all existing teeth. Analysis of the data showed that mean DMFS scores increased with chronological age in both genders, were higher in the P.M. session, and more elevated in females. Similarly the mean GI scores also increased with age, and were higher in the P.M. session. In contrast to the DMFS scores, males presented higher GI scores than females at all age intervals. The results of our study indicated a distinctively high prevalence of caries and gingivitis in Mexican schoolchildren.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the cares status of Sri-Lankan Veddha children in relation to the traditional risk factors. Prevalence of dental caries is still high in certain populations, studies of which may shed additional light on the complex aetiology of caries. METHODS: Using the NIDR criteria for caries diagnosis, the Strip Mutans technique (Dentocult SM), and a questionnaire administered by a native speaker, 39 children between the ages of 2-17 years were examined in a cross-sectional study. RESULTS: Of the 2-9-year-olds, 33% were caries free in the primary dentition and 72% of 5-17-year-olds were caries free in the permanent dentition (mean dft = 2.7; SE = 0.61 and mean DMFT = 0.9; SE = 0.41). There was no correlation between caries and mutans streptococci levels. Excessive consumption of sugar or honey was significantly correlated with the mean dft levels (P = 0.007). The mother was the primary caregiver for all but two children and the children were breast-fed for an average of 2.8 years (SD = 0.82). The duration of breast-feeding was not correlated with the caries experience. CONCLUSION: Lack of professional and home care and unfavourable dietary practices may be related to the high prevalence of caries observed in this population.  相似文献   

目的:调查3~6岁儿童乳牙龋病的流行情况,研究龋活跃性与患龋严重程度的关系。方法:纳入南京市6所幼儿园1 375名3~6岁儿童进行口腔检查和龋活跃性试验。结果:3~6岁儿童平均患龋率和龋均分别为50.48%和2.13,龋齿充填率6.93%,其中5岁年龄组患龋率和龋均分别为61.42%和2.92。龋活跃性各分值之间的患龋率及龋均差异显著(P<0.01)。龋活跃性与患龋率及龋均呈高度正相关(P<0.01)。结论:3~6岁年龄段儿童的患龋情况严重,且治疗率十分低,应加强口腔健康教育,开展多种防龋措施。龋活跃性检测结果能够真实反映患龋现状,有助于筛选龋易感者。  相似文献   

龋病是发生于牙体硬组织的慢性感染性疾病,是加重或诱发全身疾病的主要口腔疾病之一。近年来随着高通量多组学技术、疾病动物模型与临床队列研究的进步,以及新型口腔材料与数字化、微创技术的发展,龋病的病因学研究与临床诊疗等方面均取得了较快的发展,全生命周期龋病管理理念更将龋病纳入全身慢性病防治体系,为不同年龄段龋病的群体管理和不同风险因素的个体化防治指明了方向。应进一步加强龋病的基础与临床研究,加快龋病防治新技术、新材料和新器械的临床验证,为龋病的早期诊断、综合预防以及功能与美学并重的微创诊疗提供有力手段,推动我国龋病研究水平的整体提升。  相似文献   

Background: Dental caries in preschool children remains a major dental public health problem and affects significant numbers of children in developed and developing countries. The incidence is increasing in developing countries, such as Sudan, because of lifestyle changes, absence of oral health-preventive services and inadequate access to oral health care. Objectives: This study assessed the prevalence of dental caries and toothbrushing habits among 3- to 5-year-old preschool children in Khartoum State, Sudan, and described the correlation between the mean decayed, missing and filled tooth (dmft) score for primary teeth with toothbrushing and sugar consumption. Materials and Methods: The subjects were 553 preschool children with their mothers/guardians, selected by random sampling from the kindergartens of the seven localities of Khartoum State, Sudan. Data were obtained through clinical examination using a modified World Health Organization (WHO) examination data-capture sheet and through structured administered interviews with mothers/guardians. Results: The prevalence of dental caries was 52.4%, with a mean dmft score of 2.3. There was an increase in the dmft scores with increasing age. The frequency of children who brushed their teeth regularly at least once a day was high (83.4%), lower dmft scores were associated with starting toothbrushing earlier in life and with increased frequency of brushing per day. Eating sugar-containing food was significantly associated with dmft score. Conclusions: The prevalence of dental caries was found to be high among 3- to 5-year-old preschool children, and caries experience increased with age. This was mostly associated with sugar consumption and therefore calls for educational interventions to control sugar intake. The toothbrushing habit is well established in Khartoum State, Sudan, as a large number of children were found to be brushing their teeth regularly. No significant association was found between feeding habits and dmft score.Key words: Dental caries, preschool children, dmft, toothbrushing  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify, in a group of 6-8-year-old schoolchildren, risk factors for dental caries increment in permanent dentition. METHODS: Two hundred and six children from three different schools in Piracicaba, Brazil, were examined at baseline and after 7 years by the same two calibrated dentists. Data on dental caries (dmfs, DMFS, presence of initial lesions), fluorosis, oral hygiene and presence of sealant were collected at the clinical examination that was performed in an outdoor setting, under natural light, using a dental mirror and probe following the WHO recommendations. Information on socioeconomic level, fluoride usage, dental service utilization, dietary and oral hygiene habits was also obtained at baseline in a semi-structured questionnaire sent to the parents. The dependent variable was the 7-year DMFS increment. A univariate analysis was performed to test the association of independent variables in caries increment. Then a logistic regression model was used to estimate the adjusted Odds Ratio for caries increment. RESULTS: Clinical (dmfs, DMFS) and non-clinical variables (daily toothbrushing, use of preventive topical methods, parents' educational level) were entered in the multiple logistic regression analysis. The prediction model included the clinical and socioeconomic variables, DMFS, dmfs and mother's educational level. The best caries predictor was the dmfs variable. CONCLUSION: Caries experience and mother's educational level were predictors of caries increment in permanent dentition.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine the pattern of caries experience across teeth and surfaces in an adult population depending on age and exposure to water fluoridation. METHODS: Between November 2002 and March 2003 a total of 973 subjects aged 17-51 years had a clinical examination using visual and tactile criteria. Subsequent to this examination, bitewing radiographs were taken and viewed separately. Approximal and occlusal surfaces of molars and premolars were examined on the radiographs. RESULTS: Caries experience was relatively low, with mean DMFS scores of 3.21, 5.12, 9.61, 13.04 and 24.35 for subjects aged 17-20, 21-25, 26-30, 31-35 and 36-51 years respectively. The first molar teeth had the greatest caries experience, and occlusal surfaces had more caries experience than approximal surfaces. Subjects with a lifetime exposure to fluoridated drinking water had significantly lower caries experience than those who had no exposure to fluoridated drinking water. CONCLUSION: This study showed that caries prevalence, although relatively low in the study population, was found predominantly in occlusal surfaces, with an increasing prevalence in approximal surfaces of posterior teeth in older subjects. Subjects with a lifetime exposure to fluoridated drinking water had a lower level of caries experience than those with no exposure to fluoridated drinking water, and this was more noticeable in approximal surfaces than occlusal surfaces.  相似文献   

瓦努阿图儿童乳牙龋病发病情况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解瓦努阿图桑托岛居住的3~6岁儿童乳牙龋齿患病情况,为该地区制定学龄前儿童龋病防治措施提供基线资料。方法505名该地区居住的儿童,在室外条件下检查乳牙患龋情况,并记录dmft值,经统计学分析各年龄组之间及各牙位之间的患龋情况。结果儿童乳牙的患病率为35.7%~48.4%,龋均0.57~1.66。各年龄组和性别间乳牙的患龋率和龋均没有显著性差异。患龋最多的为上颌乳切牙,其次为下颌乳磨牙和上颌乳磨牙。发病率最低的是下颌乳切牙、下颌乳尖牙及上颌乳尖牙。乳牙龋坏充填率0.6%。结论瓦努阿图桑托岛居住的儿童乳牙龋齿的患病率较低,可能与当地的生活习惯有关。龋齿充填率很低,应当加大口腔保健的服务力度。  相似文献   

Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of dental caries in an adult population using four different cross-sectional studies over a 30-year period and to assess its possible associations with socio-economic and socio-behavioural factors.

Materials and methods: Four cross-sectional epidemiological studies were performed in the county of Dalarna, Sweden, in 1983, 2003, 2008 and 2013. Random samples of 1012–2244 individuals, aged 20–85 years, who answered a questionnaire about socio-economic and socio-behavioural factors, were radiographically and clinically examined.

Results: The proportion of individuals with at least one decayed surface (DS) was 58% in 1983 and significantly lower, 34% in 2008 (p?p?Conclusion: The declining trend in the prevalence of manifest caries seems to be broken. In the oldest age group mean number of DS was higher in 2013 compared with 2008, indicating a possible beginning of an increase. This needs special attention as this group increases in the population, retaining natural teeth high up in age. Manifest caries was found to be associated with socio-economic and socio-behavioural factors.  相似文献   

1.23%氟化泡沫预防儿童乳牙龋的两年临床观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:评价专业应用氟化泡沫预防儿童乳牙龋的作用。方法:应用双盲、群组随机、安慰剂对照的临床试验方法,对来自15个班的392名3~4岁儿童以班为单位按随机数字表法分为两组,试验组(8个班)的学生每半年应用1次氟化泡沫,对照组(7个班)应用安慰剂,观察2年。使用聚类统计分析模式评价研究的主要结果,采用独立样本的t检验比较两组间基线和2年后新龋增加量的差异。结果:2年后试验组所有牙面新生龋面均是3.8,对照组是5.0,龋齿降低率为24.2%,两组相比差异有统计学意义(P〈O.05);与对照组相比,试验组邻面龋齿降低率为37.6%(P〈0.01)。虽然试验组在颊舌面新生龋面均低于对照组,但是两组相比差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。在[牙合]面,两组新生龋面均差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论:每半年专业应用1次1.23%氟化泡沫可有效预防儿童乳牙龋的发生。  相似文献   

The objectives of this longitudinal study were to assess children's caries risk and mean number of decayed teeth and determine their life style factors that influence their caries activity. A total of 283 children were selected based on the following criteria: they had 1.5, 2.5, and 3.5-year-old oral examinations, participated in Cariostat microbial sampling and the mother of a child filled out the questionnaires. Caries experiences of children were 2.1% for the 1.5-year-old, 8.1% for the 2.5-year-old, and 14.8% for 3.5-year-old period, respectively. Caries risk at the 1.5-year-old period showed significant differences (P<0.001) for mean number of decayed teeth when children were at the 2.5-, and 3.5-year-old period. A significant difference (P<0.01) was also seen for caries risk at the 2.5-year-old period. Regarding children's lifestyle factors at the 1.5-year-old period, pre-chewing food and breastfeeding produced significant caries susceptibility in both 2.5- and 3.5-year-old period. Additionally, children's life styles were analyzed to have an impact on caries only at the 2.5-year-old period. For children's life style at the 2.5-year-old period, increased frequency of snack, irregular snack time, and brushing without assistance by the mother put 3.5-year-old children at high risk of developing caries. A caries activity test could predict 2.5-, and 3.5-year-old children's caries risk based on the 1.5-year-old test result. Some children's life styles at an early age showed a higher risk of developing caries at a later age.  相似文献   

《Pediatric Dental Journal》2020,30(3):161-166
Objectivesto investigate the association between dental caries, developmental defects of enamel (DDE) and genetic polymorphisms in vitamin D receptor (VDR) in Brazilian children.MethodsChildren examination to access the DMFT index was performed according to the World Health Organization's recommendations and the children were classified according their caries experience into ‘No caries experience’ (DMFT = 0), and ‘Caries experience’ (DMFT ≤1), and ‘Low caries experience’ (DMFT ≤3) or ‘High caries experience’ (DMFT≥4) groups. DDE were diagnosed using the modified DDE index based on the Federation Dentaire Internationale (FDI) recommendation. Children were included in the DDE group when presented at least one tooth with a DDE. Genomic DNA was extracted and genetic polymorphisms (rs2228570 and rs739837) were genotyped by TaqMan chemistry and end-point analysis. Chi-square or Fisher exact tests were used to compare genotype and allele distribution among the groups. Epi Info 7 was used to analyze data. The established alpha of this study was 5%.ResultsAmong 157 included children, 19 children (12.1%) were caries free and were in the ‘No caries experience’ group, while 138 children (87.9%) were in the ‘Caries experience’ group. Sixty-seven children (42.7%) were in the ‘Low caries experience’ group while 90 children (57.3%) were in the ‘High caries experience’ group. Five children presented primary dentition, 29 presented mixed dentition and 123 presented permanent dentition. Forty-one (26.1%) children presented at least one tooth with DDE. Caries experience was not associated with DDE (p = 0.71). The polymorphisms rs2228570 and rs739837 were not associated with dental caries, neither DDE (p > 0.05). Allele distributions were also not associated with dental caries, neither DDE (p > 0.05).ConclusionsThe genetic polymorphisms rs2228570 and rs739837 were not associated with dental caries and developmental defects of enamel in Brazilian children.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to analyze the prevalence of dental caries and the possible influence of extraoral factors in a group of adults with a mild to moderate degree of developmental delay. A total of 166 subjects ranging in age from 20 to 40 years were examined. All subjects were institutionalized, and 70.4% (n = 117) participated in a preventive program designed by the educators of the center. This consisted of weekly fluoride mouthrinses (0.2%) and control of dental plaque by toothbrushing with a fluoride toothpaste. The mean DMFT index for the whole sample was 5.97. Subjects in the oldest age group had the highest DMFT index and the lowest filled component. There were no significant differences in the DMFT index and its components between the subjects who received a weekly fluoride mouthrinse (n = 117) and those who did not (n = 49). Comparison of subjects who had cerebral palsy, Down Syndrome, and idiopathic developmental delay (n = 157) found a significantly lower DMFT index (p < 0.05) in the persons with Down Syndrome compared with the other special-needs groups. Other factors which could influence the results—such as fluoride use, oral hygiene, and administration of benzodiazepines—were also analyzed. An analysis of the results revealed a moderately high prevalence of caries in the whole sample that was lower than that in a national survey. This could be attributed to strict dietary control of sugar in the study population.  相似文献   

目的研究先心病儿童龋病患病情况并分析其影响因素。方法选取北京安贞医院小儿心脏病房100例2~15岁先心病儿童进行患龋状况调查并对其进行问卷调查,收回有效问卷100份,统计分析龋齿与其影响因素间的关系。结果先心病儿童乳牙列及混合牙列期龋患率为57.6%和54.2%,5岁组龋均为3.94,非青紫型儿童龋失补牙数大于青紫型儿童(P=0.014)。结论与第三次全国口腔健康流行病学调查结果相比,先心病儿童乳牙列及混合牙列期龋患率高,龋齿充填率低。进食含糖类食品频率低的儿童龋齿发病率低,受教育水平高的父母孩子口内的龋齿少。  相似文献   

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