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目的 回顾性分析海南省2021年出生的新生儿听力筛查结果及听力损失高危因素,为临床早期发现、诊断和干预提供指导。方法 对正常新生儿94 118例采用OAE进行听力初筛,初筛未通过者用OAE+AABR进行复筛,复筛仍未通过者采用OAE、ABR、声导抗进行听力诊断。高危儿组2 356例先采用OAE进行初筛,通过者采用AABR进行复筛,未通过者采用OAE+AABR进行复筛,复筛未通过者进行听力学诊断。结果 正常新生儿组94 118例中,初筛未通过率为7.74%(7 284/94 118);复筛率为54.00%(3 933/7 284),复筛未通过率为27.28%(1 073/3 933),确诊听力障碍383例,检出率为0.41%(383/94 118)。高危儿组2 536例中,初筛未通过率为13.76%(349/2 536),复筛率为31.07%(788/2 536),复筛未通过率为16.12%(127/788),确诊听力障碍42例,检出率为1.66%。新生儿听力障碍由高到低的危险因素为存在颅面形态畸形者(包括耳廓、外耳道畸形)、有儿童期永久性耳聋家族史、极低出生体重、高胆红素血症达到换血指...  相似文献   

目的:分析7840例新生儿听力筛查结果,探讨听力损失高危因素与听力损失的关系。方法采用畸变产物耳声发射(DPOAE)对2013年4月~2015年3月清远市出生3~5天的7840例新生儿进行听力筛查,其中正常新生儿7216例,有听力损失高危因素新生儿624例;分析家族史、孕期、分娩情况和围产期情况等与新生儿听力损失的关系。对初筛未通过者于出生30~42天采用DPOAE和自动听性脑干反应(AABR)联合复筛,复筛仍未通过者于3月龄进行听力学诊断,对结果进行统计分析。结果①7840例新生儿听力初筛通过率为92.60%(7260/7840),复筛通过率为85.17%(494/580),听力损失检出率为0.32%(25/7840)。②不同分娩方式、不同性别新生儿间听力初筛、复筛通过率和听力损失检出率比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);早产、过期妊娠和高龄产妇的新生儿听力初筛、复筛通过率和听力损失检出率高于足月儿及适龄产妇(P<0.01)。③有听力损失高危因素新生儿初筛、复筛通过率明显低于正常新生儿( P<0.01),听力损失检出率(3.04%,19/624)高于正常新生儿(0.08%,6/7216)( P<0.01);④新生儿先天性听力损失检出率由高到低排序的高危因素依次为:有听力障碍家族史、有2种及以上高危因素、IC U住院≥24 h、高胆红素血症、重度窒息、宫内感染、早产儿、低体重。结论本组新生儿听力损失检出率为0.32%,有听力损失高危因素的新生儿先天性听力损失的检出率较高。  相似文献   

目的分析6 681例新生儿听力筛查结果。方法对2008年3月~2010年3月出生的无高危因素新生儿4 454例(正常儿组)、高危因素新生儿2 227例(高危儿组)在出生后3~5天用DPOAE进行听力初筛,对未通过者42天时利用DPOAE+AABR进行复筛,复筛仍未通过者3月龄时借助耳内镜+声导抗(1 000 Hz)+ABR+DPOAE+CT进行初步诊断,对ABR波Ⅴ反应阈值大于35 dB nHL者于6月龄利用耳内镜+声导抗(1 000 Hz)+ABR+DPOAE+ASSR+CT或MRI进行确诊。确诊为听功能异常者8月龄时进行医学干预。结果正常儿组初筛未通过133例,未通过率2.99%(133/4 454),高危儿组初筛未通过416例,未通过率18.68%(416/2 227);正常儿组复筛未通过6例,未通过率4.51%(6/133);高危儿组复筛未通过142例,未通过率34.13%(142/416)。高危儿组6月龄行听力学确诊异常者37例,占1.66%(37/2 227),其中,CT示内耳畸形3例,包括大前庭水管综合征1例,Mondini畸形1例,Michel畸形1例;听功能损伤家族史组、母孕期宫内感染组、颅面畸形组、低体重组、高胆红素血症组、母孕期应用耳毒性药物组、新生儿细菌性脑膜炎组、出生时的Apgar评分异常组、机械通气过长组、新生儿NICU≥48小时组、早产儿组听功能异常率分别为4.76%、10.08%、7.89%、1.23%、1.84%、2.00%、1.45%、1.12%、1.09%、0.75%、0.61%。无高危因素新生儿听力异常4例,占0.09%(4/4 454)。结论高危新生儿听功能异常率明显高于正常儿,有高危因素的新生儿应列为新生儿听力筛查的重点监控对象。  相似文献   

目的分析2011~2018年台州市新生儿听力筛查结果,探讨该市免费及自费新生儿听力筛查率及耳聋检出率。方法对台州市2010年10月~2018年9月出生的新生儿于出生后48小时后至出院前进行筛查型畸变产物耳声发射(DPOAE)或自动听性脑干反应(AABR)听力筛查(2011~2012年为自费,2013~2018年为免费),初筛未通过者30~42天左右复筛,复筛未通过者3月龄进行听性脑干反应(ABR)、DPOAE、声导抗、听性稳态反应(ASSR)等测试进行听力诊断。结果 2010年10月~2018年9月台州市共出生新生儿621 032例,其中610 007例新生儿进行了听力筛查,筛查率98.22%,共有53 959例未通过初筛,初筛未通过率为8.85%;完成复筛47 794例,复筛率为88.57%;复筛未通过8 051例,复筛未通过率为16.85%,其中6 869例进行了听力学诊断,诊断率为85.32%;共确诊听力障碍患儿979例,听力损失检出率为1.58‰(979/621 032)。采用DPOAE筛查的447 489例中确诊听力障碍患儿728例(1.63%),采用AABR筛查的162 518例中确诊听力障碍患儿251例(1.54%),两种方法听力障碍检出率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),但两种方法初筛未通过率(10.17%和5.21%)、复筛未通过率(16.28%和19.86%)差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。2011~2012年为自费组,共有活产新生儿170 806例,有164 894例进行听力初筛,筛查率96.54%;初筛未通过17 822例,其中14 498例进行了复筛,复筛率81.35%;复筛未通过2 948例,其中2 060例进行了听力学诊断,诊断率69.88%;共确诊听力障碍患儿223例,检出率为1.31‰(223/170 806)。2013~2018年度为免费组,共有活产新生儿450 226例,有445 113例进行听力初筛,筛查率98.86%,初筛未通过36 137例,其中33 296例进行了复筛,复筛率92.14%,复筛未通过5 103例,其中4 809例进行了听力学诊断,诊断率94.20%,共确诊听力障碍患儿756,听力损失检出率为1.68‰(756/450 226);自费组和免费组初筛率、复筛率、诊断率、听力损失检出率差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论由政府出资免费的新生儿听力筛查可以明显提高听力筛查率和耳聋检出率,早期筛查、诊断、康复干预是减少听力障碍所致残疾的关键。  相似文献   

目的初步了解韶关市新生儿先天性听力损失发病情况,探讨如何提高新生儿听力筛查率。方法 2007年4月至2009年9月在粤北人民医院出生的2354例新生儿,采用畸变产物耳声发射(DPOAE)筛查仪进行听力初筛,初筛未通过者在42天复筛,复筛仍未通过者,于生后3个月进行诊断性DPOAE、声导抗、听性脑干反应(ABR)检查,进行确诊。结果同期出生新生儿3017人,筛查率78.02%(2354/3017),初筛通过率为90.02%(2119/2354),需42天复筛235人,实际复筛138人,复筛率58.72%(138/235),复筛通过率为73.19%(101/138)。新生儿先天性听力损失的检出率为2.12‰(5/2354),其中正常足月儿1例,高危因素儿(早产儿、窒息缺氧、高胆红素症、先天性畸形)4例。结论本组新生儿听力初、复筛率偏低,听力高危因素儿的先天性听力损失发生率明显高于正常足月儿;如何提高筛查率和复筛率是目前亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

目的了解新生儿听力损失的发病情况。方法回顾性分析了2013年至2014年在我院出生的3592例新生儿听力筛查的结果,其中包括正常足月儿2891例,早产儿166例,低体重儿61例,轻中度窒息儿69例,以及宫内窘迫儿405例,采用瞬态诱发性耳声发射筛查仪进行初复筛。对于复筛仍未通过者,再行耳声发射、声导抗、听性脑干反应(ABR)检查,进行听力学综合评估后确诊。结果出生后48~72小时接受初筛3592例,初筛率达到99.42%。初筛未通过人数457例,其中单侧未通过299例,双侧未通过158例,初筛未通过率平均13.26%。产后42 d应复筛人数为457例,实际复筛人数360例,实际复筛率78.77%,复筛未通过人数79例,复筛未通过率21.94%,正常足月儿听力初筛通过率为90.10%(2601/2891),早产儿为72.8%(121/166),低体重儿为75.4%(46/61),轻、中度窒息儿为69.5%(48/69),宫内窘迫儿为83.9%(340/405)。确诊听力损失的患儿15例,正常足月儿共5例,占这类新生儿的0.17%,听力障碍高危因素儿(早产儿、低体重儿及轻、中度窒息儿、宫内窘迫儿)10例,占该类新生儿的1.43%。结论早产儿、低体重儿及轻、中度窒息儿、宫内窘迫儿听力初筛的通过率明显低于正常足月儿,且确诊为听力损失的患儿所占比例显著高于正常新生儿。  相似文献   

目的 早期发现新生儿听力损失,以便进行诊断和干预.方法应用GS170自动耳声发射听力筛查仪,应用畸变产物耳声发射(distortion product otoacoustic emissions,DPOAE)对2006年6月1日~2007年3月31日在广州市天河区中医院出生的388例活产婴儿进行听力初筛,未通过者42天内进行复筛,复筛未通过者行听性脑干反应(ABR)检测进一步确诊.结果 388例新生儿中有387例例接受听力初筛,初筛率99.74%,357例通过初筛,初筛通过率92.25%;复筛19例,复筛率63.33%,复筛通过率100%.结论 DPOAE听力筛查未通过的新生儿应于出生后42天内行ABR检查,进一步确诊.  相似文献   

兰州地区新生儿听力筛查初步分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解兰州地区新生儿听损伤的发病情况及新生儿听力筛查的部分影响因素.方法 自2006年4月至2006年12月应用瞬态诱发耳声发射(transient evoked otoacoustic emission,TEOAE)对兰州地区四家医院产科出生的1 728例新生儿进行听力筛查,于出生后3~7天初筛,初筛未通过者于生后42天行复筛,复筛仍未通过者于生后3个月时行听性脑干反应(auditory brainstem response,ABR)检查进行诊断.结果 初筛通过率为92.8%(1 604/1 728),初筛未通过率7.2%(124/1 728),复筛率59.7%(74/124),复筛通过率83.8%(62/74),复筛未通过率16.2%(12/74).最后经ABR诊断为听损伤者3例.结论 耳声发射是有效的新生儿听力筛查工具,在兰州地区进行新生儿听力筛查势在必行.复筛率低是本次筛查的突出问题,需采取切实可行的措施提高复筛率.  相似文献   

2173例新生儿听力筛查结果分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解新生儿听力损失的发病情况。方法回顾性分析2005年7月~2008年8月在北京电力医院出生的2173例新生儿听力筛查的结果,其中正常足月儿1534例,早产儿100例,低体重儿36例,轻、中度窒息儿44例(轻度窒息31例,中度窒息13例),宫内窘迫儿459例。采用畸变产物耳声发射(DPOAE)筛查仪进行初、复筛。对复筛仍未通过者,再行诊断性DPOAE、声导抗、听性脑干反应(ABR)和/或听性稳态反应(ASSR)检查,进行听力学综合评估后确诊。结果正常足月儿听力初筛的通过率为85.46%(1311/1534),早产儿为72.00%(72/100),低体重儿为75.00%(27/36),轻、中度窒息儿为72.73%(32/44),宫内窘迫儿为83.01%(381/459)。确诊为听力损失的患儿11例,其中正常足月儿和宫内窘迫儿共6例,占这类新生儿的0.30%(6/1993),听力障碍高危因素儿(早产儿、低体重儿及轻、中度窒息儿)5例,占该类新生儿的2.78%(5/180)。结论早产儿、低体重儿、轻、中度窒息儿听力初筛的通过率明显低于正常足月儿,且确诊为听力损失的患儿所占比例显著高于正常新生儿。  相似文献   

窒息新生儿与正常新生儿听力筛查结果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 应用畸变产物耳声发射(DPOAE)对窒息新生儿与正常新生儿进行听力筛查,比较其听力损失的发生率.方法 使用MAICO ERO SCAN新生儿筛查型耳声发射仪对195例窒息新生儿和3 002例正常新生儿进行DPOAE听力筛查.根据1分钟Apgar评分,将195例窒息新生儿分为轻度(177例)和重度(18例)窒息.窒息新生儿初筛在病情稳定后进行,正常新生儿在出生后1~5天进行,窒息新生儿通过及未通过者均于出生后1、3、6、12个月分别再测试,监测有无迟发性耳聋的发生;正常新生儿未通过者在出生后42天进行复筛,两组两次检测仍未通过者在出生后3个月时用听性脑于反应(ABR)、40 Hz-AERP和声导抗进行诊断性听力评估.采用SPSS10.0软件进行统计学分析.结果 195例窒息新生儿,初筛通过148例,初筛通过率为75.90%(148/195),未通过47例,未通过率为24.10%(47/195);3 002例正常新生儿,初筛通过2 504例,初筛通过率为86.41%(2 504/3 002),正常新生儿初筛通过率显著高于窒息新生儿(P<0.01).轻度窒息新生儿177例,初筛通过138例,初筛通过率77.97%(138/177),重度窒息新生儿18例,初筛通过10例,初筛通过率55.56%(10/18),轻度窒息新生儿初筛通过率高于重度窒息新生儿(P<0.05).窒息新生儿复筛通过率为92.59%(25/27),正常新生儿复筛通过率为97.49%,两者差异无统计学意义(X2=0.916,P>0.05).确诊窒息新生儿听力损伤1例,听力损失检出率5.13‰(1/195);正常新生儿听力损失6例,听力损伤检出率为2.00‰(6/3 002),两者差异无统计学意义(X2=0.574,P>0.05).结论 正常新生儿听力初筛通过率显著高于窒息新生儿,复筛通过率两组元差异,窒息新生儿与正常新生儿听力损失检出率无显著性差异,DPOAE可作为窒息新生儿与正常新生儿听力筛查的一种有效方法.  相似文献   

Prospective screening of an extremely high risk group of 137 infants cared for in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit of the James Whitcomb Riley Hospital for Children was undertaken during 1983. Auditory brain stem responses (ABR) were obtained utilizing a clinical evoked potential system (Madsen 2250). Patients were selected for screening prior to discharge or transfer to the referring hospital on the basis of one or more of the following criteria: birth weight less than 1250 grams; birth weight less than 1500 grams and ventilatory support; significant depression at birth (Apgars less than 3 and 6 at 1 and 5 minutes, respectively); seizures, meningitis, and/or sepsis. Of the original 137 infants tested, 82 passed the initial ABR, 22 conditionally passed, and 34 failed. Eighty-two infants had follow-up behavioral and audiometric testing while 20 infants died and 35 were lost to follow-up. Four infants had severe sensorineural hearing loss, each of whom had failed the initial ABR. None of the infants who initially passed or conditionally passed the ABR had sensorineural hearing loss on follow-up testing. High risk factors for sensorineural hearing loss in the neonatal period included: intraventricular/periventricular hemorrhage, apnea, family history, major malformations of the head and neck, and possibly hyperbilirubinemia and congenital infection. No relationship of sensorineural hearing loss with very low birth weight, hyponatremia, infection, seizures, or medications was found. On the basis of these data, it is suggested that electrophysiologic hearing screening of a high risk population may be delayed until 3 to 6 months of age to improve specificity of testing.  相似文献   

Gentamicin is a potentially ototoxic drug routinely used for treatment of life-threatening infectious diseases in neonatology. In study 1, of 8,333 children examined for hearing disorders, 134 (1.6%) had received previous treatment with gentamicin. Only eight (6.0%) suffered from various extents of sensorineural hearing impairment, and all eight had a history of other risk factors of hearing loss (e.g., perinatal asphyxia, acidosis, icterus gravis, or meningitis). In study 2, 30 children (mean age, 13.2 months) with normal hearing had received gentamicin during the newborn phase, and 30 healthy children of similar age without previous gentamicin treatment were examined for vestibular function. Neither in the number of spontaneous eye movements nor in the means of the nystagmus parameters of the rotatory test did the data show any significant difference between the groups. The results indicate that gentamicin in controlled therapeutic doses has a less ototoxic and vestibulotoxic effect in newborns than it does in older children or in adults.  相似文献   

Distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOEs) and click-evoked otoacoustic emissions (CEOEs) characteristics of the normal newborn population have been previously reported in the literature. There is little information about DPOE evaluations in the newborn population at risk for hearing loss. The authors now report the DPOE and/or CEOE data from six full-term subjects at risk for hearing loss or with highly suspected hearing loss. These subjects were less than 1 year of age and at risk for hearing loss secondary to a history of hereditary hearing loss, meningitis, hyperbilirubinemia, and ototoxic drug exposure. Audiometric evaluation included auditory brainstem responses (ABR), behavioral observation audiometry, and tympanometry. The CEOEs and DPOEs were found to be decreased or absent in the subjects with suspected hearing loss secondary to cochlear pathology; they were found to be normal in a subject with a suspected central hearing loss. This study's data suggest that otoacoustic emissions when combined with ABR can provide a frequency-specific evaluation of cochlear function and help determine the anatomic site of a pathologic lesion.  相似文献   

《Auris, nasus, larynx》1998,25(2):143-148
Auditory brainstem responses (ABR) were studied in 52 children upto the age of 3 months, suffering from neonatal jaundice, prematurity, pyogenic meningitis and septicemia. Absolute latency of wave I and interpeak latency I–V were found to be significantly delayed in cases of jaundice and absolute latency of wave V and interpeak latency I–V were prolonged in cases with prematurity. In cases following pyogenic meningitis absolute latency of wave V and interpeak latency of I–III, I–V were significantly delayed compared to septicemia where absolute latency I,V and interpeak latency I–V were significantly delayed (P<0.05). Maximum auditory insult was seen in cases with neonatal jaundice where 30.77% each had severe SN deafness and 30.77% had moderate degree of deafness compared to prematurity, meningitis and septicemia where 14.28, 7.69 and 25% were found to have severe SN deafness and 7.14, 38.46 and 25% had moderate deafness. Overall incidence of deafness of any kind in these factors was 44.23%.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the diagnostic effectiveness of Automated Auditory Brainstem Responses (MB11 technique) with that of standard Auditory Brainstem Responses (ABR) in a sample of newborns evaluated after the second month of life. METHODS: From October 2002 to February 2005, audiologic evaluations were performed in full-term newborns who presented altered otoacoustic emissions and in newborns considered at audiologic risk admitted to the ENT (Ear Nose Throat) Unit of Giannina Gaslini Institute, Genoa, Italy. Our sample included 201 children (104 males and 97 females) who underwent on the same day an audiologic test using MB11 BERAphone Maico and standard ABR test. RESULTS: Out of the 388 ears examined, 378 (97.4%) showed agreement between the two techniques, whereas in 10 (2.6%) there was no agreement. Interobserver agreement was excellent (kappa=0.92+/-0.02 S.E., p=0.0001). The MB11 test yielded no false negatives and 10 false positives which resulted normal at ABR. The MB11 test showed very good specificity 96.8% (95% CI 94.8-98.7%) and sensitivity 100% (95% CI 93.9-100%), positive predictive value 88.2% (95% CI 79-93.9%) and negative predictive value 100% (95% CI 98.4-100%) for diagnosis of hearing loss. CONCLUSIONS: The results obtained confirm the absolute validity of MB11 screening test in subjects at audiologic risk. Furthermore, the test can be used to esclude normal hearing subjects (threshold 40 dB HL) and to refer hearing loss subjects to subsequent ABR for diagnosis.  相似文献   

The Crib-o-gram neonatal hearing screening project has detected 42 babies with handicapping degrees of hearing loss, mainly sensorineural. In apparently normal newborns the incidence is 1:1000 births. For graduates of the sick baby (intensive care) nursery, it is 1:52. Intrauterine and neonatal anoxia occurred in 73% of the latter group and was clearly the most common risk factor. Aminoglycosides had no obvious effect. The correlation between specific items in the medical histories and threshold pure tone audiograms was poor and unpredictable for any individual child. In general, anoxia tends to be associated with increased high-frequency hearing loss. Hearing losses were asymmetrical in 43% and probably progressive in 32% (average increase, 33 db). Only one child may have developed the hearing loss after hospital discharge, thus indicating that most, if not all, early childhood deafness is present in the neonatal period.  相似文献   

This study evaluated auditory processing in a group of 59 infants at risk for subsequent hearing and language disorders due to low birthweight and/or perinatal asphyxia. Auditory system integrity was evaluated electrophysiologically by recording the auditory brainstem response (ABR), middle latency response (MLR) and the cortical auditory evoked potential (CAEP). 63% of the babies had normal peripheral function or slight unilateral impairment; 84% had normal brainstem auditory system function; 82% showed normal MLRs; and 81% showed normal CAEPs. Fifty-three percent of the babies were normal on all tests and only 3% were deviant on all tests. The remaining infants showed diverse patterns of peripheral, brainstem and cortical abnormalities.  相似文献   

3143例新生儿听力筛查的结果分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨新生儿听力筛查的流程及听力损伤发生率。方法对3143例新生儿作听力筛查测试。初筛时间在出生后1~5天,未通过者42天后复查,仍未通过者在出生后3个月时做诊断性检查评估听力水平。结果3143例新生儿听力筛查,初筛通过2594例,初筛通过率为82.53%,未通过549例,未通过率为17.47%。初筛假阳性率为17.10%。正常新生儿听力损伤6例,正常新生儿听力损伤发生率为2.00‰;高危儿听力损伤1例,高危儿听力损伤发生率为7.09‰。总计3143例新生儿听力损伤发生率为2.23‰。结论通过新生儿听力筛查可以早期发现新生儿的听力损伤,及早提出医学建议,早期进行干预治疗。尽量减少失访和假阳性的出现,使新生儿听力筛查工作更完善。  相似文献   

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