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In the chestnut-blight fungus Cryphonectria parasitica, a plasmid, pCRY1, occurs in the mitochondria of several strains isolated at various locations in the northeastern United States and Canada. The monomer of this plasmid is a 4.2-kb circular double-stranded DNA that has no detectable sequence homology with the 160–kb mitochondrial DNA of Ep155, a standard virulent laboratory strain of C. parasitica. The circular nature and oligomeric characteristics of the plasmid were deduced from the heterogeneous size of plasmid DNA molecules as detected by one- and two-dimensional gel-electrophoresis, the nature and alignment of restriction fragments, and the lack of detectable termini in the nucleotide sequence. The cytoplasmic location of the plasmid was deduced from its co-purification with mitochondria, uniparental (maternal) transmission in sexual crosses, dissociation from the nuclei of the donor strain during its horizontal transfer between vegetatively compatible strains through hyphal anastomoses, and mitochondrial codon usage (UGA=Try). The pCRY1 plasmid contains a long open reading frame that is transcribed and potentially encodes a unique 1214 amino-acid, B-family DNA polymerase similar to those encoded by the LaBelle and Fiji circular mitochondrial plasmids of Neurospora. In this subgroup of proteins, the DTD motif characteristic of B-family DNA polymerases is replaced by TTD. Amino-acid motifs related to those that are characteristic of the 3′→5′ exonuclease domains of B-family DNA polymerases have been located in the amino-terminal portion of the proteins. A comparison of isogenic plasmid-free and plasmid-containing cultures indicates that pCRY1 is an infectious agent that effects a reduction in the pathogenicity of some, but not all, strains of C. parasitica. Received: 12 August / 9 December 1999  相似文献   

 In the chestnut-blight fungus, Cryphonectria parasitica, a cytoplasmically transmissible (infectious) form of hypovirulence is associated with mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations that cause respiratory deficiencies. To facilitate the characterization of such mutations, a restriction map including the probable location of 13 genes was constructed for a relatively well-characterized virulent strain of the fungus, Ep155. The physical map is based on the order of all fragments generated by cleavage of the mtDNA by the PstI restriction endonuclease and includes some of the cleavage sites for HindIII, EcoRI, and XbaI. It was constructed from hybridization patterns of cloned mtDNA fragments with Southern blots of mtDNA digested with the four restriction enzymes. On this map, the probable locations of genes commonly found in the mitochondrial genomes of ascomycetes were determined by low-stringency hybridization of cloned Neurospora crassa mitochondrial gene probes to Southern blots of C. parasitica mtDNA. The data indicate that the mtDNA of strain Ep155 is a circular molecule of approximately 157 kbp and ranks among the largest mitochondrial chromosomes observed so far in fungi. The mtDNAs of 11 different C. parasitica isolates range in size from 135 to 157 kbp and in relatedness from 68 to 100 percent, as estimated from restriction-fragment polymorphisms. In addition to the typical mtDNA, the mitochondria of some isolates of the fungus contain double-stranded DNA plasmids consisting of nucleotide sequences not represented in the mtDNA of Ep155. Received: 19 September 1995/4 January 1996  相似文献   

We have investigated the horizontal transfer of two mitochondrial plasmids and the Kalilo senescence phenotype in the fungus Neurospora without the use of heterokaryon-forcing markers. The Kalilo senescent state was only transferred between fully-compatible N. crassa strains, but not between strains differing at any of the loci het-c, het-d, het-e or mating-type. However, the linear plasmid kalDNA and the circular plasmid Han-2 were transferred following incompatible vegetative interactions. Our data suggest that vegetative incompatibility due to allelic differences at het-c is more effective in preventing transfer than that due to het-d, het-e or mating-type. Based on these observations we have developed a novel test for assessing vegetative incompatibility between Kalilo and non-Kalilo field isolates of N. intermedia. In this procedure combinations of Kalilo and non-Kalilo field isolates of N. intermedia were grown together and tested for senescence. Compatibility is inferred if the young non-Kalilo strain dies along with the senescent Kalilo strain, whereas incompatibility is inferred when the Kalilo strain dies without imposing its senescent state onto the non-Kalilo strain. Our results suggest that each of the nine Kalilo strains tested is incompatible with each of 20 non-Kalilo isolates from the same N. intermedia population of the Hawaiian island of Kauai. However, the observed incompatibility did not completely prevent cytoplasmic exchange, and in several cases plasmid transfer could be detected.  相似文献   

Summary Heterokaryotic transmission is one of the major techniques for the study of cytoplasmic inheritance and here we have applied it to the senescence-determining plasmids kalilo (Hawaiian) and maranhar (Indian). We have shown that kalilo-based senescence is effectively transmitted by cytoplasmic contact, both in N. crassa and in N. intermedia. In the first place, the heterokaryons themselves are senescent, confirming the suppressivity of the senescence phenotype in mixtures of normal and senescent cytoplasms. Second, senescence is found in new nuclear associations, as shown by analysis of conidial isolates and meiocytes stemming from the heterokaryons. In addition, the free plasmid AR-kalDNA, and its form that is inserted into mtDNA, (mtIS-kalDNA), are both transmitted to new nuclear associations. In a transient fusion between senescent N. intermedia and nonsenescent N. crassa cells, AR-kalDNA was transmitted to N. crassa and mtIS-kalDNA was transmitted to N. crassa mtDNA. A cryptic mitochondrial plasmid, not associated with senescence, was also transmitted very efficiently to N. crassa mitochondria. In mixed kalilo/maranhar fusions, both plasmids coexisted, approximately equally, in the heterokaryons themselves, and in conidial isolates. However, in sexual derivatives, AR-marDNA was in an excess and AR-kalDNA was sometimes absent. The efficient heterokaryotic transmission of these elements suggests that this is one of their natural modes of spread in populations.  相似文献   

A 4238-bp intervening sequence within the highly conserved U11 region of the mitochondrial large subunit ribosomal RNA gene of the fungus Cryphonectria parasitica Ep155 has been sequenced and identified to be a group-I intron. This is the largest group-I intron reported to-date for fungal mitochondrial genomes. The intron contains an 851-codon open reading frame encoding a putative, but complete, small-subunit ribosomal protein of 510 amino acids which is fused at its carboxyl terminus to a 311 amino-acid polypeptide representing a typical maturase-like protein. A short open reading frame of 83 amino acids with some similarity to maturases, but lacking a translation-initiation codon, was also noted at the 3′ end of the intron. The unusual size of the intron and the arrangement of the open and truncated reading frames suggest that this segment of the mtDNA of C. parasitica has arisen by a fusion of components from two or more different introns, possibly involving the re-location of intronic genes. Received: 7 August / 15 December 1998  相似文献   

We analysed the distribution of mitochondrial plasmids among 82 Neurospora intermedia isolates from Hawaii; 74% of the isolates carried the neutral circular plasmid Han-2, whereas 38% contained the linear senescence-causing plasmid kalDNA. The distributions of the two plasmids are independent. There is no significant difference between the Kauaian population of 1972 and that of 1976. To further examine the reasons for this frequency distribution we studied the transmission of both Hawaiian plasmids through the maternal parent in a large series of crosses using non-Kalilo isolates as conidial parents. Plasmids can be lost during the sexual cycle. The Han-2 plasmid is transmitted more efficiently than kalDNA. No clear cases of autonomous or non-autonomous plasmid suppression were observed, so loss can be considered accidental. One Kalilo strain proved to be ineffectual as a maternal parent, and this reduced its ability to transmit kalDNA to the next generation. The dynamic balance of plasmids in natural populations over time is probably a result of the interplay of many forces, including those described in this work and those from several other studies on Neurospora plasmids.  相似文献   

In order to understand the transmission of mitochondrial mutations in sexual crosses of Podospora, we attempted to create compatible strains with defined mitochondrial mutations. A previously characterized mutant, Mn19, with a bipartite mitochondrial genome, served as the fertilizing parent in a cross with a mitochondrial deletion mutant, αΔ5. Characterization of the deletion mutant is reported here. All six of the monokaryotic progeny isolated had neither parental defect but instead appeared to have inherited wild-type mitochondrial DNA. One of the progeny had a mitochondrial plasmid derived from intramolecular recombination between an 11-bp repeated mitochondrial sequence. Subsequent analysis using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) identified rare undeleted wild-type mtDNA sequences in the maternal parent. The uniform inheritance of wild-type mitochondrial DNA suggests either an aggressive repair mechanism or else selective amplification and transmission of rare wild-type mtDNA molecules. Received: 12 December 1995 / 6 May 1996  相似文献   

Summary The 1.413 circular supercoiled mitochondrial DNA plasmid P 1 from a fertile sunflower line was sequenced, and a series of 160 by tandemly repeated sequences was observed. The P1 plasmid was detected in both fertile and cytoplasmic male-sterile (CMS) lines, but in different quantities. Two other circular plasmids, P2 and P3, each 1.8 kbp in length, were shown to share common sequences with Pl. The mitochondrial plasmid P1 detected homologous sequences in the nuclear DNA of sunflower, but not in chloroplast DNA nor in main band mitochondrial DNA. RNA molecules of about 680 and 550 nucleotides were detected that were complementary to mt plasmid P1.  相似文献   

The unavoidable senescence process that limits the vegetative growth of Podospora anserina is always associated with an accumulation of various classes of circular, tandemly arranged, defective mitochondrial DNA molecules (senDNAs). The monomers of the senDNAs belonging to the so-called β class share a common core, but differ in both their length and termini. To understand the mechanism leading to their formation, we have determined the junction sequence of 36 senDNA β monomers present in various senescent cultures. In most cases, we observe that: (1) short direct repeats precisely bound the senDNA β termini and (2) one copy of the repeats is retained in the senDNA sequence. Moreover, PCR analysis of the mitochondrial DNA of some of the senescent cultures, has allowed us to detect another genome which is exactly lacking the sequence of the senDNA β found in the culture. These results demonstrate that an intramolecular unequal cross-over occurring between short direct repeats can generate deleted mtDNA molecules in P. anserina. In addition, the polymorphism displayed by one pair of repeats allows us to establish that this cross-over may be associated with a short conversion tract spanning a few (about 15) nucleotides. Received: 16 May / 11 November 1996  相似文献   

Hypovirulent strain NB58 of Cryphonectria parasitica contains a dsRNA virus with a genome size of approximately 12.5 kb. Although NB58 is very stable in culture, a phenotypically-distinct sector arose which was found to be dsRNA-free. Attempts to infect the mutant strain, termed NB58F, by pairing with the parent strain (NB58) or other conversion-compatible, virus-containing strains have been unsuccessful. DNA fingerprint analysis showed that NB58, NB58F, and a representative dsRNA-free single-conidial isolate of NB58 termed NB58-19, were isogenic. The mutant culture was phenotypically stable, and all single-conidial progeny had the NB58F morphology. NB58F was intermediate between NB58 and NB58-19 in laccase production and virulence. Pigmentation and sporulation of NB58F, however, were reduced to near the level of NB58. In mating studies, NB58F functioned only as the male in sexual crosses. The mutant phenotype (F) predominated by a ratio of 5:2 among the ascospore progeny of F-type x wild-type crosses. These data suggest the lesion is nuclear and may be associated with a chromosomal abnormality. Attempts to infect the NB58F-type ascospore progeny failed, whereas the wild-type progeny were successfully infected with strains compatible with one or the other parent at a frequency of about 34%. Hyphal anastomosis and movement of cytoplasmic material occurred when NB58F was paired with a compatible strain, suggesting that the lesion is involved in viral maintenance as opposed to initial virus infection. NB58F represents the first virus-resistant isolate of C. parasitica to be described.  相似文献   

Summary A mitochondrial plasmid was isolated from Physarum polycephalum and characterized by restriction mapping. Cloned fragments of the plasmid were assembled and used to construct a restriction map. This plasmid was a linear molecule with telomeric structures at each end. Southern hybridization with the ends of the plasmid as probes revealed that the plasmid included repeating units at both ends, with each unit being approximately 125 bp in length. The most extensive array of repeats consisted of at least 17 repetitions of the 125-bp unit. The sensitivity of these repeats to Bal31 exonuclease confirmed that they were at, or very near to, the ends of the plasmid. From the extent of the repetitions, the size of the plasmid was estimated to vary from 13.3 kbp to more than 18.3 kbp.  相似文献   

Summary The nucleotide sequence of maranhar, a senescence-inducing linear mitochondrial plasmid of Neurospora crassa, was determined. The termini of the 7-kb plasmid are 349-bp inverted repeats (TIRs). Each DNA strand contains a long open reading frame (ORF) which begins within the TIR and extends toward the centre of the plasmid. ORF-1 codes for a single-subunit RNA polymerase that is not closely related to that encoded by another Neurospora plasmid, kalilo. The ORF-2 product may be a B-type DNA polymerase resembling those encoded by terminal protein-linked linear genetic elements, including linear mitochondrial plasmids and linear bacteriophages. A separate coding sequence for the terminal protein could not be identified; however, the DNA polymerase of maranhar has an amino-terminal extension with features that are also present in the terminal proteins of linear bacteriophages. The N-terminal extensions of the DNA polymerases of other linear mitochondrial plasmids contain similar features, suggesting that the terminal proteins of linear plasmids may be comprised, at least in part, of these cryptic domains. The terminal protein-DNA bond of maranhar is resistant to mild alkaline hydrolysis, indicating that it might involve a tyrosine or a lysine residue. Although maranhar and the senescence-inducing kalilo plasmid of N. intermedia are structurally similar, and integrate into mitochondrial DNA by a mechanism thus far unique to these two plasmids, they are not closely related to each other and they do not have any nucleotide sequence features, or ORFs, that distinguish them clearly from mitochondrial plasmids which are not associated with senescence and most of which are apparently non-integrative.  相似文献   

InPodospora anserina the longevity inducing linear plasmid pAL2-1 was transferred from the extrachromosomal long-lived mutant AL2 to the shor-tlived wild-type strain A. The resulting strain, AL2-IV, exhibited the long-lived phenotype. In the short-lived progeny of crosses between this strain and wild-type strain A, the plasmid was absent. In contrast, all long-lived progeny contained both the autonomous plasmid as well as copies of it integrated in the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Molecular analysis revealed that the integrated plasmid copies most likely resulted from ade novo integration of the autonomous element and the generation of AT-linker sequences at the integration site. We conclude that once the plasmid is present in mitochondria of a particular genetic background, it is able to integrate into the mtDNA and to induce longevity.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of ethidium bromide (EB) which is known to be able to rejuvenate senescent mycelia in Podospora anserina, has been investigated at the level of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) by restriction analysis and molecular hybridization. While senescent mycelia display a very low growth ability and gross mtDNA modifications (tandem amplification of short sequences and disorganization of the mitochondrial chromosome: deletion of large sequences), the rejuvenated mycelia display a normal life span and contain a mtDNA in all respects identical to that of wild type mycelium (neither circular molecules nor amplified fragments could be detected). These results demonstrate a strict correlation between the senescent state and the presence of amplified mtDNA and suggest that EB rejuvenation could proceed by an efficient selection of intact mitochondrial chromosomes still present in senescent cultures.  相似文献   

Genetic and molecular analyses of the phenomenon of senescence—i.e., irreversible loss of growth and reproductive potential upon subculturing—in Neurospora intermedia strain M1991-60A, collected from Maddur in southern India, showed the presence of plasmid pMaddur1, which is homologous to the senescence-inducing circular mitochondrial plasmid, pVarkud. Maternal inheritance of senescence in M1991-60A correlated to the formation of variant pMaddur1, its subsequent insertion into mitochondrial (mt)DNA and the accumulation of defective mtDNA with the pMaddur1insert. PCR-based analyses for similar plasmids in 147 natural isolates of Neurospora from Maddur showed that nearly 40% of the strains had pMaddur1 or pMaddur2 that shared 97–98% sequence homology with pVarkud and pMauriceville. Nearly 50% of the strains that harbored either pMaddur1 or pMaddur2, also contained a circular Varkud satellite plasmid (pVS). Size polymorphism maps to the cluster of PstI sites in the non-coding region. Whereas senescence of nearly 40% of N. intermedia strains may be due to pMaddur, the presence in seven strains of pVS but not pMaddur and the absence of either of these two plasmids in other senescence-prone isolates suggests yet undiscovered mechanisms of senescence in the Maddur strains.  相似文献   

Age-related changes in the structure and replication of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) were investigated in different organs from young adult (9–10 months' old) and senescent (28–29 months' old) BALB/c mice and Fischer 344 rats. Total mtDNA from brain, heart, kidney and liver was isolated by centrifugation in ethidium bromide—CsCl gradient and examined for the occurrence of complex forms and replicative intermediates by electron microscopy. The frequency of catenated mtDNA (interlinked molecules containing two or more circular units) varied from about 2.5% to 5% in adult tissues and showed a small increase in the majority of senescent organs. The frequency of double-sized circular molecules, or circular dimers, was very low in adult tissues, with an average of about 0.04% in mice and 0.1% in rats. The frequency of circular dimers increased with aging to 1.9% in mouse brain and 1.5% in rat kidney, with smaller increases (0.4% and 0.7%) in heart mtDNA from both species; there was no significant increase in the other organs. It is suggested that the increase in the frequency of circular dimer mtDNA reflects an overall deterioration of tissue physiology rather than intrinsic senescent changes in the mitochondria. The frequencies and types of the various replicative forms of mtDNA varied significantly according to tissue but not according to species or donor age. The only exception was a significant increase in the frequency of larger replicative forms in senescent mouse liver, to about 20% compared with 12% in adult liver, suggesting an age-related change in the rate of mtDNA replication and/or turnover in this organ.  相似文献   

Summary An efficient DNA-mediated transformation system for the pathogen of chestnut, Cryphonectria parasitica, is reported. Ten vectors, each containing a promoter from Cochliobolus heterostrophus, Aspergillus nidulans, Ustilago maydis, Cephalosporium acremonium, Neurospora crassa or cauliflower mosaic virus, were creened for their ability to confer resistance to hygromycin B, benomyl or G418 sulfate. Transformants were obtained with all vectors screened and, in each case, transformation occurred by integration of the foreign DNA into the host genome. The initial transformation efficiency ranged from approximately 1–60 transformants/g circular DNA. Under optimized transformation conditions, the transformation rate of the vector pDH25, which contains the trpC promoter and terminator of A. nidulans, exceeded 105 transformants/g DNA. The ease with which C. parasitica is transformed should greatly facilitate the genetic manipulation of this fungal plant pathogen.  相似文献   

Summary Several field-collected strains of Neurospora crassa from the vicinity or Aarey, Bombay, India, are prone to precocious senescence and death. Analysis of one strain, Aarely-1e, demonstrated that the genetic determinants for the predisposition to senescence are maternally inherited. The senescence-prone strains contain a 7-kb, linear, mitochondrial DNA plasmid, maranhar, which is not present in long-lived isolates from the same geographical location. The maranhar plasmid has inverted terminal repeats with protein covalently bound at the 5 termini. Molecular hybridization experiments have demonstrated no substantial DNA sequence homology between the plasmid and the normal mitochondrial (mtDNA) and nuclear genomes of long-lived strains of N. crassa. Integrated maranhar sequences were detected in the mtDNAs of two cultures derived from Aarey-1e, and mtDNAs with the insertion sequences accumulated during subculturing. Nucleotide sequence analysis of cloned fragments of the two insertion sequences demonstrates that that they are flanked by long inverted repeats of mtDNA. The senescence syndrome of the maranhar strains, and the mode of integration of the plasmid, are reminiscent of those seen in the kalilo strains of N. intermedia. Nonetheless, there is no detectable nucleotide sequence homology between the maranhar and kalilo plasmids.  相似文献   

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